Electric Flux Problems With Solutions For AP Physics

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Electric flux: Problems with Solutions for AP

Electric flux problems with detailed solutions are provided for uniform and non-uniform
electric fields. Each solution is a self-tutorial so that the definition of electric flux and its
formula are explained. All these problems are for the AP Physics C exam and college

The electric flux of uniform electric fields:

Problem (1): A uniform electric field with a magnitude of E = 400 N/C incident on a
plane with a surface of area A = 10 m2 and makes an angle of θ = 30∘ with it. Find
the electric flux through this surface.

How to solve electric force problem…

Solution: electric flux is defined as the amount of electric field passing through a surface of
area A with formula

Φe = E ⋅ A = E A cos θ

where dot (⋅) is the dot product between electric field and area vector and θ is the angle
between E and the normal vector (a vector of magnitude one and perpendicular to the
surface) to the plane.

In this problem, the angle between the electric field and the normal to the plane is 30∘ so
we get
Φe = EA cos θ
= 400 × 10 × cos 30∘

= 2000 3 N ⋅ m2 /C

Problem (2): Find the electric flux through the surface with sides of 15 cm × 15 cm
positioned in a uniform electric field of E = 150 N/C as shown in the figure below.

Solution: First, find the angle between the electric field and the vector perpendicular to the
^ . The normal vector to the plane is shown as upward. 
plane (the normal vector) n

In this problem, the electric field makes an angle of 30∘ with the plane. In this case, we can
^ is 90∘ − 30∘ = 60∘ . Because the electric
not simply say that the angle between E and n
field vector points into the surface and the normal vector is directed out of the plane. 
In such cases, to find the angle with the unit vector perpendicular to the surface (or normal
vector), first, coincide the tails of two vectors and then determine the required angle which
is θ = 90∘ + 30∘ = 120∘ . A side view of the angle between the electric field and the
normal vector to the surface is shown in the figure below.

Next, using the definition of electric flux, Φe = EA cos θ , we get

Φe = EA cos θ
= 150 × (0.15)2 × cos 120∘
= −1.125 N ⋅ m2 /C

The minus sign of the electric flux indicates that the electric field lines are going into the

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Problem (3): A square surface with sides of 1m × 1m located over the xy -plane,
where a constant electric field with a magnitude of 200 N ⋅ m2 /C presents. The
direction of the electric field vector is depicted in the figure. What is the total electric
flux through the open surface?
Solution: Since the electric field is constant and the surface is flat so we can use the
electric flux formula Φe = EA cos θ . Note that the given angle is not the angle we want to
^ is 180∘ − 72∘ (see the
put into the flux formula. The correct angle between E and n
previous problem), so the electric flux through the surface is

ΦE = E A cos θ
= 200 × (1)2 × cos(180∘ − 72∘ )
= −61.8 N ⋅ m2 /C

the negative electric flux indicates that E and the normal vector are in the opposite
directions. The following figure shows how to calculate the angle between a vector
perpendicular to the surface (normal vector) and the electric field vector. 

Problem (4): In the figure below, a flat surface of sides 10 cm × 50 cm is positioned
in the presence of a uniform electric field of unknown strength. The electric flux
through this surface is 250 N ⋅ m2 /C. What is the strength of the electric field? 

Solution: The area of the rectangular surface is calculated as

A = 0.1 × 0.5 = 0.05 m2

^ is 37∘ . The magnitude

The angle between E and the perpendicular vector to the surface n
of the flux is also given ΦE = 250 N ⋅ m2 /C. Substitute these numerical values into the
electric flux formula and solve for the unknown field strength E

Φ = EA cos θ
ΦE = EA cos θ

250 = E(0.05)cos 37∘


⇒ E=
0.05 × 0.8

⇒ E = 6250 N/C

Thus, the electric field strength is 6.25 × 103 N/C in scientific notation. 




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Problem (5): What is the magnitude of the electric flux of a constant electric field of
4 N/C in the z -direction through a rectangle with a surface area of 4 m2 in the xy -

Solution: To calculate the electric flux, we need the magnitude of the electric field, the area
of some surface, the angle between E , and the normal vector to the surface. Here, E =
4 k^ N/C and area A = 4 m2 are given explicitly, but the angle isn't. 

Once a flat surface is spanned over xy -plane, the vector perpendicular to it points in the
positive or negative z -direction. We were told here, that the electric field points in the
positive z -direction, but it is not said anything about the direction of the normal vector. In
this case, to find the electric flux, we choose one of the above directions, say up. Thus, the
^ is θ = 0 and the flux is found as
angle between E and n

Φe = EA cos θ
= 4 × 4 × cos 0∘
= 16 N ⋅ m /C

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Problem (6): At the center of a sphere of radius 0.5 m a point charge of 2 µC is

placed. What electric flux is passing through the sphere? 
Solution: Electric flux is defined as the product of E⊥ and the area surface A

ΦE = E⊥ A

where E⊥ is the component of E perpendicular to the surface. 

In this problem, we must first calculate the magnitude of the electric field created by the
point charge at the location of the given surface with radius r = 0.5 m.


2 × 10−6
= (8.99 × 10 )

= 71920 N/C

These field lines points radially outward and are everywhere perpendicular to the sphere
surface. Another important point is that the magnitude of the electric field obtained is the
same throughout the surface of the sphere. 
Now substituting the numerical values into the electric flux formula, we have

ΦE = EA = E(4πr2 )
= (71920) × 4π(0.5)2
= 2.26 × 105 N ⋅ m2 /C

where A = 4πr 2 is the area surface of the sphere of radius r . Consequently, roughly
226000 field lines are penetrating the surface of this sphere. 

we can see this question from the point of view of Gauss's law problem
(https://physexams.com/lesson/gauss-law-problems-and-solutions_27). Gauss's law and
the electric field are closely related together. According to this law, we have

flux = EA cos θ =

where Qinside is the net charge inside a closed surface and ϵ0 = 8.85 ×
10−12 C2 /N ⋅ m2 . 

In this case, substituting the numerical values into the above formula, we will have

flux =

2 × 10−6
8.85 × 10−12

= 226000 N ⋅ m2 /C

It's worth noting that Gauss's law is applicable when we want to calculate the flux through a
closed surface. 

Problem (7): A 2 cm × 2 cm square lies in the xy -plane. Find the electric flux
through the square for each of the following electric field vectors.
(a) E = (50 ^i + 20 ^
j ) N/C
^ + 20 ^j ) N/C
(b) E = (50 k

Solution: In this electric flux problem, we want to use the concept of the scalar product to
find the magnitude of the flux. According to this concept, the electric flux of a uniform
electric field through a flat surface is defined as the scalar product of electric field E and
the area vector A = A n
^ , where n
^ is a vector perpendicular to the surface (the normal
vector) and points outward. 

Here, the surface through which we want to find the flux lies in the xy -plane. The normal
^ = (x =
vector to a surface on the xy -plane is parallel to z -axis which is shown as n
0, y = 0, z = 1 k^ ).

Recall that the scalar product of two vectors A = Ax^i + Ay ^

j and B = Bx^i + By ^j is
given as A ⋅ B = Ax Bx + Ay By .
(a) Therefore, the electric flux through a flat surface on the xy -plane is

Φe = E ⋅ A
= (50 ^i + 20 ^j ) ⋅ (+k^ )
= 50 ^i ⋅ k^ + 20 ^j ⋅ k^
0 0

(b) Again, we have

Φe = E ⋅ A
= (50 k^ + 20 ^j ) ⋅ (+k^ )
= 50 k^ ⋅ k^ + 20 ^j ⋅ k^
1 0
= 50 N.m /C

^ ^ ^ ^
To find out how to compute ^i ⋅ ^
j = 0 or ^i ⋅ ^i = 1 and so on, refer to the page of unit vector
problems (https://physexams.com/lesson/unit-vector-practice-problems-and-formula_40). 

Problem (8): A circle of radius 3 m lies in the yz -plane in presence of a uniform

j − 50k^ ) N/C. Find the electric flux through this
electric field of E = (100^i + 200^

Solution: A vector perpendicular to a flat object, say in this case a circle, in the yz -plane
and either in outward or inward direction points to the x-axis and is shown by n
(1, 0, 0) (in the +x-direction) or n^′ = (−1, 0, 0) (in the −x-direction). Since only the
magnitude of the electric flux is important, not its sign, we can choose the area vector as
^ where A = πr2 is the area of the circle. 
A = An

Note: the normal vector on an open surface can point in either direction. In this case, we
must choose one of them.  
By definition of electric flux as the dot product of E and the area vector A, we will have

Φe = E ⋅ A
= (100 ^i + 200 ^j − 50 k^ ) ⋅ (A ^i)
= 100 A (^i ⋅ ^i ) + 200 A (^j ⋅ ^i ) − 50 A (k^ ⋅ ^i)
1 0 0
= 100 A
= 100 π (3)2
= 2827.5 N ⋅ m2 /C

In above the area of the circle is found as A = πr 2 = π × 32 . 


Problem (9): A flat surface with an area of 20 squared meters lies in the xz -plane
j + 5k^ exists. Find the electric flux
where a uniform electric field of E = 5^i + 4^
through this surface.

Solution: Again the surface through which the flux is calculated lies in the xz -plane. A unit
vector perpendicular (normal vector) to the xz -plane is parallel to the y -axis, so we can
^ = (0, 1, 0). The definition of electric flux says that
choose, say the positive y -direction, n
the scalar product of electric field E and the area vector A = An
^ gives the number of
electric field lines passing through a surface, therefore we have
Φe = E ⋅ A
= (5 ^i + 4 ^j + 5k^ ) ⋅ (A ^j )
= 4A
= 4(20) = 80 N.m2 /C

Problem (10): The electric field intensity at all points in space is given by E =

3i^ − ^j (m
). A square frame of side 1 meter is shown in the figure. Point N lies
in the x − y -plane. The initial angle between line ON and the x-axis is 60∘ . Find the
magnitude of the electric flux through the area enclosed in the square frame LMNO.

Solution: This electric flux question is a little more difficult and is designed for the AP
Physics C exam. First, determine the normal vector to the given surface LMNO as shown
in the top view of the figure below. As you can see, the perpendicular vector is n
sin θ(−^i) + cos θ(+^j ) where θ is shown in the figure. 

Now using the definition of electric flux, Φe = E ⋅ A where A = A n

^ is the area vector,
we will have

Φe = E ⋅ A
= ( 3i^ − ^j ) ⋅ (A sin θ(−^i) + A cos θ(+^j ))
= −A 3 sin 60∘ (^i ⋅ ^i ) − A cos 60∘ (^j ⋅ ^j )
1 1
3 1
= −A 3  −A
2 2
= −2A
= −2(1 × 1)
= −2 N ⋅ m2 /C

where A is the area of a square of edge 1 meter. The negative value of electric flux
indicates that the electric field and the normal vector are in the opposite direction or the
field lines are going into the given surface.

The electric flux of non-uniform electric fields: 

Problem (11): A non-uniform electric field is given by the expression

E = ay^i + bz^j + cxk^

^^ ^
j , k^ are unit vectors in the x, y, z directions,
Where a, b, c are constants, ^i, ^
respectively. Determine the electric flux through a rectangular surface in the xy-
plane, extending from x = 0 to x = w and from y = 0 to y = h.

Solution: The electric flux of a non-uniform electric field through any surface is defined to
be in integral form as  

Φe = ∮ E ⋅ n
^ dA

^ is the unit vector normal to the

Where S stands for the surface we are integrating over, n
surface and E is the electric field over the surface.
^ = k^
In this case, since the surface lies in the xy-plane, so unit vector normal to it is n

Φe = ∮ E ⋅ n
^ dA

= ∫ (ay^i + bz^j + cxk^ ) ⋅ (dx dy k^ )

1 2 w
= ch( x )
2 0
= chw2

Problem (12): The cubical surface of side length L = 12 cm is positioned into an

electric field of E = (950 y ^i + 650 z k

^ )  V/m. Find the electric flux through the

top face of the cube.

Solution: By definition, the electric flux passing through any surface A is the number of
field lines penetrating it. In the mathematical form

Φe = ∫ E ⋅ n
^ dA

^ is the unit vector normal to the surface A.

Where n

^ = k^ . So 
In this problem, the normal vector is parallel to the z-axis that is n

Φe = ∫ (950 y ^i + 650 z k^ ) ⋅ k^  dA

= ∫ (950 y (^i ⋅ k^ ) + 650 z k^ ⋅ k^ )) (dx dy )

0 1 dA

= 650 (0.12) ∫ dxdy

Where the last integral is the area of the surface which is integrated over. Thus the total
flux through the given surface is 

Φe = 650(0.12)L2
= 650 × (0.12)3
= 1.1232 N.m2 /C

Problem (13): A hemispherical shell of radius R is placed in an electric field E which

is parallel to its axis. What is the flux ΦE of the electric field through the shell?

Solution: By definition, the electric flux passing through any surface with area element dA
is the integral of the scalar product of the normal component of the electric field and area of
the given surface that is

Φe = ∫ E ⋅ n
^ dA
^ is the unit vector normal to the surface and S is the surface over which the
Where n
integral is evaluated. 

^ = r^. Since E
In the case of hemisphere or sphere, the unit vector is along the radius i.e. n
is perpendicular to the plane of the great circle of the hemisphere so the scalar product of
E and r^ is Ecos θ . The range of polar angle is from θ = 0 to θ = π/2 . Therefore,

Φe = ∫
E ⋅ r^dA
2π π

=∫ dϕ ∫
E cos θ  R2 sin θ dθ
0 0

= 2πER ∫
sin θ cos θ dθ
0 1 sin  2θ 
2 1 1
= 2πER ( ) (− cos  2θ )

2 2 0
1 π
= − πER2 (cos  2   − cos  0 )
2 2
= πER

In above, dA = R2 sin θ dθdϕ is the area element of the sphere. 

Alternate Solution: All of the electric field lines through the circle at the bottom of the
hemisphere pass through the area of the hemisphere as well. So by calculating the flux
through the circle, one can find the flux through the hemisphere but the important thing to
remember is that, by convention, the flux through the circle is incoming and negative of the
outgoing flux through the hemisphere that is Φe (circle) = −Φe (hemisphere). 

Therefore, by definition of the electric flux through a surface, we get

Φe (circle) = E ⋅ n
= E (+k^ ) ⋅ (−k^ ) (πR2 )
= −πER2

^ is defined always in the outward direction of the surface. 

Note: the normal vector n

Problem (14): A rectangular flat surface is placed on the xy -plane. In this region of
^ , where E0 is a constant.
space, there is a non-uniform electric field of E = E0 x2 k
What is the electric flux through the rectangular surface? 

Solution: Since the electric field is not constant over the surface so the integral definition
of electric flux must be used. To use this method, we must first construct an area element
such that the electric field is constant across it. In this problem, along the y-direction, E is
constant so we choose a strip with an area of dA = a dx.
Thus we get the net electric flux through this open surface as below

Φe = ∫ E ⋅ n
^ dA
= ∫ (E0 x2 k^ ) ⋅ k^ (a dx)
= E0 a ∫ x2 dx
1 b
= aE0 ( x3 )
3 0
= aE0 b3

Problem (15): An square of side L lies in the xy -plane. The electric field crosses the
^ . What is the electric flux through the surface
square in the z -direction as E = a0 y k
as shown in the figure?

Solution: remember that the electric flux is a surface integral. Take an infinitesimal strip of
width dy and length L so that the electric field over it is constant. Consequently, the area
^ . Therefore, the integral form of definition of electric flux gets
vector becomes dA = a dy k

Φe = ∫ E ⋅ n
^ dA
E0 ^
=∫ ( y k ) ⋅ (a dy k^ )
= a ∫ y dy
a 0
E0 1 2 a
= a( y )
a 2 0
= E0 a2

Note: for a non-uniform electric field, the integral definition of electric flux must be used. 

All of the above electric flux problems are suitable for high schools and colleges. In all
these problems, we used the direct definition of flux to compute it. 

Author: Dr. Ali Nemati (mailto:[email protected])
Date Created: 10/24/2020
Last Update: 2/10/2022

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