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This study aims to investigate the problem-solving behaviors of a teacher and his students based on a cognitive–
metacognitive framework. The problem-solving behaviors of 6–8th-grade students and a mathematics teacher
were recorded and encoded during task-based interview sessions about solving problems, and semi-structured
interviews were used to obtain information regarding the mathematics teacher’s perceptions of mathematical
problem-solving processes. They solved the problems in a learning environment, and their problem-solving
processes were investigated using the think-aloud method. The results indicated that the students and the
teacher followed a similar path involving reading, understanding, exploring, planning, and implementing.
Furthermore, not all episodes occurred in each problem-solving task and the behaviors that represented given
episodes changed according to the participants. Students with different problem-solving skill levels were found
to exhibit different frequencies of cognitive and metacognitive behaviors while solving problems. The problem-
solving behaviors of the teacher and the students revealed information related to metacognitive behaviors that
are to be developed in further studies.
metacognitive behaviors, cognitive behaviors, mathematics education, problem-solving
The concept of metacognition came to light by the end of the 1970s with
studies on the constructs of problem-solving rules, the structure of memory,
and knowledge of representations within the “architecture of cognition”
(Schoenfeld, 1992). The procedure of metacognitive thinking has become
the primary focus of many researchers (Artz & Armour-Thomas, 1992, 2001;
Flavell, 1976; Garofalo & Lester, 1985; Hartman & Sternberg, 1993). Flavell
defined metacognition as “one’s knowledge concerning one’s own cognitive
processes and products or anything related to them” (Flavell, 1976, p. 232),
and this definition became the origin of further studies about metacognition.
Table 1
Problem-solving processes
Cognitive Metacognitive
Exploring Understanding
Reading Implementing
Figure 1
Episodes and levels of problem-solving behaviors (Artzt & Armour-Thomas, 1992)
Table 2
Description of cognitive and metacognitive behaviors by a problem solver
Problem Statement and Research Questions
In line with the review by Desoete and De Crane (2019), there is a relationship
between metacognition and mathematical performance and good problem
solvers are expected to use metacognitive knowledge, skills, and strategies in
an effective way ( Jonassen, 2000; Schoenfeld, 1992). Students’ mathematical
performance can be improved by developing metacognition using strategies
that target individual users and approaches that draw on teachers’ impetus
(see Baten et al., 2017; Curwen, Miller, White-Smith, & Calfee, 2010; Desoete,
2007; Özsoy, 2007; Pugalee, 2004). Preservice mathematics teacher training
programs offer knowledge and skills for problem-solving and its components
as an independent course or part of a pedagogical content course for teacher
candidates hoping to develop their future students’ problem-solving skills.
Teachers who have taken part in such training can be assumed to transfer
some of their problem-solving behaviors to their students. Similarly, the
literature has suggested that not only mathematical achievement, but also
other individual issues such as motivation might be involved in the problem-
solving process (Desoete & De Crane, 2019; Jonassen, 2000; Mayer, 1998).
Therefore, it may be important to study different groups of students.
Through this case study, we hope to shed light on the issue of teacher and
student problem-solving behaviors in a classroom where the teacher had
metacognitive knowledge related to problem-solving heuristics. Therefore,
the present study aimed to investigate the problem-solving behaviors of
a teacher and his students within mathematical problem-solving cases by
determining the contribution of the teacher’s practices to the promotion
R1. What are the similarities and differences between the cognitive and
metacognitive problem-solving behaviors of the different student groups?
– What are the similarities and differences between the cognitive and
metacognitive problem-solving behaviors of the teacher-selected group
and the mathematical achievement group?
– What are the similarities and differences between the cognitive and
metacognitive problem-solving behaviors of the different student levels?
R2. What are the similarities and differences between the cognitive and
metacognitive problem-solving behaviors of the teacher and the students?
Compulsory education in the Turkish education system starts at 1st grade
(age 6) and ends with 8th grade (age 14) and is divided into two levels: primary
(1st–4th grade) and middle school (5th–8th grade). Pupils in each level have
five hours of mathematics per week. Elementary mathematics teachers are
responsible for the middle-school level. There are more public schools than
private schools in Turkey. The classrooms are heterogeneous in regard to
students’ cognitive, affective, and motor skills.
The teacher was selected from among graduate students who had graduated
from elementary mathematics education, attended a graduate course related
to advance problem-solving, and worked for at least five years as an in-service
teacher. He knew the problem-solving process and self-reported that he
was using this problem-solving process while solving problems, which
might influence the cognitive and metacognitive behavior of the students.
The students were purposefully selected from the 8th-grade (13–14-year-olds).
The teacher had been teaching these students for three years (six semesters),
which is the maximum amount of time that a teacher spends with a given
group of students at the middle-school level. Therefore, it was assumed that
the students had benefited from having the highest problem-solving practices
with the same teacher for three years.
Based on these criteria, we reached out to one teacher and he voluntarily
participated in the study. We selected 6 of the teacher’s 38 8th-grade students.
These students were selected based on the criteria given in Table 3.
Table 3
Student selection criteria
In order to achieve maximum variation in the data and investigate the first
research question, students were selected based on two criteria. For the first
criterion, three of the six students were selected by the teacher according to
his understanding of a successful, an average, and a poor student at problem-
solving (the teacher-selected group; TEACH). This criterion was the result
of consideration related to critics of standardized tests, who discuss whether
standardized tests measure problem-solving skills (Latterell, 2003).
Furthermore, some studies have considered teachers’ judgments as trustworthy
in assessing student achievement (Desoete, 2007). Therefore, we used the
teacher’s experience with the students related to their problem-solving to
gather varied data. The teacher described his reasons for defining the levels
of the students and teacher. There was no time limitation for solving the
tasks. Students could keep working until they were satisfied with their answers.
Therefore, the tasks lasted between 5 and 30 minutes.
A semi-structured interview was used to obtain information regarding
the mathematics teacher’s perceptions of mathematical problem-solving
processes; his previous experiences with mathematical problem-solving at
university, high school, secondary school, and elementary school; the methods
he uses; the types of problems he solves; and the criteria he used in selecting
the students according to their mathematical problem-solving abilities and
to produce some memos related to his problem-solving background. In the
interview, the teacher was also asked to share his understanding of a successful
problem solver and how he selected the students. This interview was required
to select the teacher.
Data Analysis
Video and audio records of the students’ work and teacher interviews were
made. Before coding, a brief description of the students’ behaviors was created
(see Table 5). While analyzing the data, these transcriptions were encoded
based on the cognitive and metacognitive framework of Artzt and Armour-
Thomas (1992). They explicated each episode with examples in their study.
These examples and definitions for each episode were considered in the
analysis and encoding of the transcripts. The framework was adapted to the
individual problem-solving process for this study. Watch-and-listen episodes
were not evaluated because students worked on their problems individually.
Table 4 breifly presents the episodes, cognitive levels, and codes. In the analysis
of the task transcriptions, episodes were identified first and their codes were
matched, as described briefly in Table 4. Based on the results of the matching,
the cognitive level of the episodes was identified. Abbreviations for the
cognitive levels were defined by the researchers with a capital letter representing
the episode and a lowercase letter the cognitive level, such as Rc for reading
(R) as a cognitive behavior (c).
Table 4
Sample codes used for data analysis for the cognitive and metacognitive framework
The researchers worked on solving the problems, and they coded the heuristic
episode and cognitive level representing the observed behavior of the
participants. The warm-up problem was not evaluated. The coded behaviors
were added and can be found as episodes in the Results section.
Table 5
Successful (S1) Average (A1) Poor (P1) Successful (S2) Average (A2) Poor (P2)
Question 1 Read the problem,
Read the
(charts): Read the problem Read the problem investigated the Read the problem Read the problem
problem, no
Interpret a bar aloud aloud graph, no further aloud aloud
further step
chart and step
estimate the Reread the problem
number of CDs Decided
Found the group and marked the given Found the group
sold in the future to investigate
in the graph months Spinach in the table
assuming the the graph first
(February and June)
linear trend will Found the Kicking Showed the
continue (data Decided to determine Saw there was a
Kangaroos on the graph decrease in the
and uncertainty) what is asked for decrease between
(chose an incorrect bar, sales and compared
(average) months
the light gray one) other groups
Saw the increase month Estimated the
Estimated the numbers Decided the
over month and decrease in July
that matched to the number of the
estimated this increase as approximately
sales of CDs by the decrease was 250
as 200 by calculating 500 by looking
Kicking Kangaroos and said at last 250
700 − 500 = 200 at the graph
Reread the problem
Summed the total CD statement (emphasizing
sales over 6 months the decrease) and said,
“But it increases”
Divided the result by Concluded the answer
6 to find the average was 1,100
Concluded the answer
was 1,325
The results are presented according to the research questions, with the
differences and similarities between the two student groups discussed first
in terms of their cognitive and metacognitive behaviors, and the similarities
and differences between the teacher and the students discussed as the next
research question.
R1: The Students’ Problem-Solving Behaviors
The students’ problem-solving behaviors varied between cognitive and
metacognitive steps. There were two distinct groups in the study. The
frequency of their coded behaviors revealed some trends. The successful
student in the TEACH group had 55% cognitive and 45% metacognitive
behavior, while the successful student in the MATCH group had 62%
cognitive and 38% metacognitive behavior. There was no difference between
the metacognitive behaviors of the successful students in two groups, but
they had different cognitive behaviors in terms of frequency. The frequency
of metacognitive behavior for the average student in the TEACH group
was 30% and for the average student in the MATCH group it was 14%.
The average student in the TEACH group showed fewer metacognitive
understanding behaviors, while the average student in the MATCH group
showed some behaviors related to taking notes, underlining the values given
in the problem. The poor students did not display any metacognitive behaviors
and only read the given problem in a period of time they decided. The
successful students showed most metacognitive behaviors in their groups.
All of the students started solving the problems by reading. In both groups,
the students with poor problem-solving skills utilized as solving processes
just reading and rereading and did not pass beyond reading the problem.
Although it was beyond the scope of this study, the students were observed
to have problems in reading. They tended to repeat written words and did
not make any inference from the problem statements. These students did
not elaborate on problems, but just read and did not interact with the
information given within the problem context. Within the context of this
study, the poor students did not underline the problem, did not rephrase the
given problem, did not show any understanding stage of the problem.
Therefore, they exhibited only reading as a cognitive behavior. On the other
hand, the average and successful students in both groups were engaged
with the problem, showed signs of understanding the problem, and finished
the tasks with both cognitive and metacognitive behaviors (Table 6). The
average problem solver in the TEACH group was relatively successful and
exhibited more self-adjustment and monitoring episodes than his counterpart
in the MATCH group. Moreover, the successful problem solvers in both groups
demonstrated and successfully applied nearly every step in the problem-solving
Table 6
The teacher and the students’ problem-solving episodes
Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3
Successful Rc Um Rc Um Ic Rc Em Um Ic Rc Um
MATCH Average Rc Um Ec Ic Rc E c Rc Um Em Ic
Poor Rc Rc Rc
Successful Rc Um Ic Rc Um Pm Ic Rc Um Ic Rc Um Vc
TEACH Average Rc Um Ic Rc E c Rc Ic
Poor Rc Rc Rc
Teacher Rc Um Pm Ic Rc Um Pm Im Rc Um Rc Um Pm Im
The students read the problems, which was a cognitive behavior. Observed
reading behaviors involved looking at the diagrams and pictures in the
problem. The successful students returned to reading when they got stuck
solving the problem. However, the average students stayed engaged in the
last episodes they were in to come up with a result. Students in both groups
displayed understanding metacognitive behavior such as paraphrasing the
problems; underlining significant information in the problems; taking notes
on this information; using the information given; showing the information
on the table, graph, or picture; and clarifying the meaning of the problem.
The students explored the problem using trial and error (cognitive) and
implemented a strategy as they explored (cognitive). The students executed
a strategy that grew out of their understanding and/or planned their decisions.
Some of the students skipped planning and so implementation and were thus
unsuccessful problem solvers since they read the problem aloud and
investigated the figures and graphs, but showed no further step. They tended
to conclude the solving process and write an answer without giving reasons
after reading the problem aloud. Exploration (cognitive) was the behavior
displayed when they did not understand the problem. “What if I did it like
this?” was the characteristic differentiation between metacognitive exploration
and cognitive exploration. If they found enough evidence (showing numbers
or diagrams or drawing diagrams) that they understood the problem,
they jumped into the implementation (cognitive) by calculating the numbers
and finished the problem-solving when they found a result.
Table 6
An example of the teacher’s behaviors for understanding, planning, and implementing.
Planning the problem Now, to find the result, it was given as 10 meters.
(metacognitive) We need to find the distance between M and P.
The results indicated that the students and the teacher followed a path
involving reading, understanding, exploring, planning, and implementing,
which was consistent with the literature (Artzt and Armour-Thomas, 1992;
Erbas & Okur, 2012; Kuzle, 2013). Furthermore, not all episodes occurred
in each problem-solving task and the behaviors that represented the episodes
changed according to the participants. It is not new to say that problem-solving
episodes are task- and individual-dependent (Erbas & Okur, 2012; Kuzle,
Just as Schoenfeld (1981) claimed that, in contrast to average problem-
solvers, whose sequence of heuristics was only reading and exploring, expert
problem solvers return several times to different heuristic steps, the average
participants in this study also displayed this kind of behavior. Each participant
started to solve the problem by reading as a habit, but rereading emerged
in this study based on a specific focus on solving the problem such as to
clarify what was given or to see the problem statement, which might mean
self-evaluating understanding. Although Artzt and Armour-Thomas (1992)
considered reading as a cognitive process, there should be a differentiation
between reading and rereading in terms of cognitive levels.
This study was limited to seven participants with six students and a mathematics
teacher from the 8th grade. Therefore, it constitutes a pilot study for further
studies that will consider teacher–student interactions in terms of cognitive
and metacognitive behaviors. Similar studies may be conducted with other
education levels and their results may be compared and contrasted to
strengthen or refute the argumentation provided in this study. Another
limitation was that this study relied on self-reporting by the teacher and a
non-routine problem-solving process by the students. There was no classroom
observation and the selection of the TEACH group relied on the teacher’s
definition of successful, average, and poor students.
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Corresponding authors
Sinem Sozen-Ozdoğan
Department of Elementary Education, Faculty of Education, TED University, Ankara, Turkey
Email: [email protected]
Bilal Ozçakır
Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education, Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat
University, Antalya, Turkey
E-mail: [email protected]
Burcu Orhan
Center for Evaluation, Selection and Placement, Ankara, Turkey
E-mail: [email protected]