programming with teenage British Intelligence recruits. The basic drill was that
they made the recruit look into a full size oval mirror, but the recruit wasn't
allowed to see their own reflection. Princess Anne stood in such a way, that the
recruit could only see her reflection in the glass. The recruit then had the
'crown' put on their head i.e. a thin, metal band and given a severe electric
shock. This was to lock-in mind control programming into the subconscious.
Consciously, you had no memory of what had happened, but your subconscious mind had
registered that your reflection was that of Princess Anne. This meant that she had
claimed a part of your 'identity', you subconsciously saw her in the mirror
afterwards. It is all about 'ownership' of your own mind. Mirrorwork was designed
to make sure that the programmer had planted their own image over your own - which
meant that you would then follow their commands far more compliantly. This type of
training was done to hundreds of recruits - however it specifically targetted those
termed 'oranges' i.e. descendents from the House of Orange, who had a better claim
to the British Throne than the so-called Windsors did. Those unfortunate women
termed 'orange' rarely lived past 30 years old - most were murdered beforehand.
They were bred like pedigree dogs by Princess Anne and their zygotes were used in
genetic experimentation. These women were kept in the dark as to their true genetic
heritage and under mind control, had no hope of either finding out the truth, or
escaping the system.
That is the BIG point about all of them. They are all in abused child alters and
for most of the time. The murder of Lady Diana. The Asian Tsunami (Bomb under
seabed. Shell Oil did the drilling.) The 7/7 bombing. ALL planned and executed by
MI6 and on Royal command.
Underneath the Royal Observatory upon Greenwich Hill there is a large military
base, accessible by a trapdoor within the Observatory or the Queen Anne's colonaded
house next door to Queen Anne's garden. People have been abducted, tortured and
murdered down there for many decades now and upon Prince Philip's orders. Not to
mention the child sacrifice that goes on down there. It is however primarily a
military base and as such is mainly used as an arsenal, even a couple of nuclear
torpedoes in storage down there.
One of the top three Illuminati is a certain Senator Roberts who is currently the
mind control programmer of George Bush. He is known as the 'lean spectre' or 'thin
ghost' by the UK Illuminati - they do love their nicknames. This is in effect a
reference to his status as the demonic 'holy ghost' of the Satanic Illuminati
Trinity. Stephenson is one of the big 3.
KATSAV - CATS EYES - the usual mind control programming image, used to protect the
top master programmers. The SAATCHIS AND LOWRYS used this to hide behind.
Illuminati programming is going strong in Shanghai. The British council there has
an underground room where there was a 'Chinese-style' (complete with bamboo poles)
MI6 CAROUSEL upon which to torture victims until they disassociate, within the
What I do not get most of all is the mentality of the slave-driving families. Who
in their right mind would want to reduce the vast majority of the human population
to mind control slaves - when the geniuses of this world come from this population.
This population are not the sad, sick money-grubbing obsessives of this world -
like the Illuminati. This population however, will devolve because of mind control
and will stop producing 'brilliant people' because of degenerative brain damage
which will eventually enter the genetic chain and be passed down generationally. I
suppose if one saw it all through the eyes of a member of the royal family - they
rather like the idea of this massive slave-class because it makes them feel more
'secure' and assuages their extreme paranoia that someone, somewhere may stage a
rebellion against them, take away their money/possessions and leave them destitute.
I do not suppose that many people would want to live in illuminati society because
of the company that they would be forced to keep. Can you imagine having to live
24/7 with the royal family? What a dull, sordid business. Yet if you were a member
of the royal family then you wouldn't find this sort of millieu and company - dull,
stupid, sick, sordid etc...because it would be the only thing that you knew and
therefore the only society that you felt 'comfortable' within. I suppose that is
why the slave-driving families continue to push for a world of microchipped slaves.
Firstly they do not mind each other's company and secondly they have a desperate
need to create 'security' around themselves to prevent anyone from deposing them.
Mark Rockefeller had wanted to create a world full of microchipped mind control
slaves - his argument being that human beings were so unruly and aggressive,
selfish and greedy - that they would all fight otherwise and eventually destroy the
human race. He also advocated mind control for young children in order to prepare
them for life in a hive. That meant anal rape, electrocution, torture and drugging
in order to 'groom' them for their role as a microchipped slave.
We went high up into the Swiss mountains - two CIA guys, Richard Tomlinson and
myself - to a large concrete plateau/platform with pillars. It looked like an old
WWII base of sorts, sticking out of the mountain but at the same time, relatively
hidden from view, from down below. You could drive up there. Nothing to see until
you unlocked the main door. The 'ambassador' had given them the key and directions.
The two CIA guys gasped in astonishment and uttered many expletives, once they had
seen what was inside this 'bunker'. They then asked me if I had ever been there
before - but at the time, I had no memories. However it has all come back now. We
had all been taken up to this bunker in 1980 - to view the Templar gold. It was an
incredible treasure trove of golden coins, candelabras, chairs, even
clothes...anything and everything you could imagine but it was all made of solid
gold. I remember how Rimington and Tomlinson had stood by the doorway and searched
each and everyone of us, before we were allowed to leave this massive bunker. We
had been allowed in to 'touch' the gold...told we could pick things up but mustn't
attempt to steal anything. The girls didn't bother to attempt to do so but the boys
nearly all tried to secrete a coin or two, away in a pocket or sock...and all were
found out. Apart from Daldry and another guy who had managed to swallow one but as
they later said - they hadn't managed to find it in their crap, afterwards, for
some reason. I remember ETI standing in line to go out - he was
uncharacteristically silent and Scarlett began to giggle - Rimington had been about
to let him pass after searching him - Scarlett then told him to open his mouth and
there was a large golden coin in it - Rimington shrieked with laughter and said
'you dirty little boy' as she gingerly took this spittle-covered coin out of his
mouth...and began to wipe it upon her skirt. None of the above came back whilst I
was looking at this 'ALADDIN'S CAVE' in 2004. After deciding what to do, the CIA
made a call for help - and eventually 3 massive, white freight trucks could be
seen, winding their way across the valley below. I have to say that even though the
golden coins were REAL - they didn't look that tarnished at all - it all looked
relatively modern. In fact, most things looked relatively modern and I can see why
now...this wasn't Templar gold...this was nazi gold. Maybe there were ancient
things towards the back of the bunker...but the Nazis had covered them up with more
recent 'acquisitions' i.e. what they had stolen from the people they had murdered
in WWII, museums they had plundered. I didn't stay to find out.
I can now see why I thought it so odd that SPRINGMEIER'S account of the MKULTRA
PROGRAM lacked any mention of Son of God programming. The Americans obviously
hadn't done this to their experimental mind control slaves - whereas the British
had. Therefore one can say that the Americans didn't really know the full story in
relation to colonial 'son of God' programming at all. Neither did the CIA know
about the nazi gold treasure trove in the Swiss mountains. They were probably
unaware of the Templar cult behind it. They might have been specialists in the 'new
and improved' computerised MKULTRA Illuminati program, but they didn't know the
full 'ins and outs' of what the British got up to, whilst programming their own
mind control slaves. However, Mark and his Rockefeller family did know - but Mark
had decided not to tell the CIA (for whom he was working) the whole story.
MARK'S idea of a 'perfect world' was populated with Christian mind control slaves -
the Muslims would have been wiped out by that point - the Jews would have converted
to Christianity (or died along with the Muslims) and anybody who wasn't
microchipped and under control, would be put to death instantly. I have nothing
against Christianity per se but I have EVERYTHING against the S/M brand of 'Son of
God' programming that Mark had come to love. He was quite happy to claim to be a
Christian to me, whilst raping, torturing and murdering adults and children - at
the Templar Castle in 2001. His 'brand' of Christianity.Okay, PRINCE PHILIP and his
TEMPLARS had an even worse idea - that of 'genocide' against women and girls, in
general. Their plan was the old 'pregnant men' one i.e. procreation conducted in a
sort of BRAVE NEW WORLD way via 'zygote/human eggs banks'. A world populated by
only men. However, Mark Rockefeller's idea was frankly, just as insane and that is
why I am now also 'outing' everything that he has done.
Want to know the basic numerical 'compartments' of mind control programming used by
British Intelligence (in Harwich for example)? Check out the beach huts. The
procedure was as follows: take a victim of the Illuminati cult to a particular
number of beach hut - torture them within it, show them their programming objects
and tell them the Illuminati cult meaning/associations - then ECT the nape of their
neck, to lock in the memory. The victim is then unable to retrieve/ access the
memory consciously (for two hours before and after this profound shock to the
system) - the memory therefore stays in the subconscious mind. Finally, to 'lock
in' programming and to CODE IT, the two programmers (usually) then took their
victim out of the hut and showed them the colour of the 'box' i.e. hut (many
different shades) and the particular types of LOCK used to lock the hut up again.
This was to SEAL in the compartmentalised memory (programming). Upon Dovercourt bay
- walk to your left and see the huts that the British Military used to program
their personnel. Walk to the right and you will see many more huts - numbered 1-
259, which were used to program Illuminati victims as Illuminati Royal slaves,
being groomed for high office in British Politics and Society. These people went
through far more severe mind control programming than that of the military per se.
Everyone went through it - from Gordon Brown to David Cameron - to British stars of
the screen and stage.
Mornington Crescent - that London Underground Tube station which has been closed
since whenever, contains the entrances to British Intelligence's tunnels to
Illuminati 'HQ'. This is where they all go to perform their Satanic rites (not just
old WWII secret bunkers). There is also a tunnel under the Thames from MI6 to the
Houses of Parliament. A whole underground network that not too many people know
Sure, they practise Satanic rites, but the esoteric shit is just a cover for a
massive mind control slave market, zygote market and child trafficking ring. Stella
Rimington ran the lot along with Hilary Swanson who was in charge of the Royal
Genome Project. They all 'fed' into each other. The whole Cold War thing was a hoax
in the main. A front for this appalling slave trade.
If you resisted this programming and rebelled against what the Illuminati call the
SC i.e. Satanic Catholics but in reality - it didn't matter if you were a
Jew/Muslim/Protestant - you all were forced into demonic Catholic Illuminati cult
ceremonies 'on the other side of the mirror' - the code applied to you was: S C G A
B D H S. It simply meant that you were denied a job in the country and would be
treated as 'prey' abroad i.e. British Intelligence then declared 'open season' upon
you and hunted you down, if you dared to leave the country. If you would like to
see a programming book used to issue this dire threat - look at Page 23 (23 is a
death threat - burnt to death) of: "DARK KNIGHTS AND DINGY CASTLES" (HORRIBLE
HISTORIES), SCHOLASTIC, by Terry Deary. There is a list of KNIGHTLY RULES upon this
page but if one reads the simple code used by the TEMPLARS in the huge amount of
publishing firms/materials that they own, control and produce (including the BBC's
publications) - the initial letter code of each RULE is: S C G A B D H S. This code
is programmed into all Royal mind control slaves: You GAB about the demonic and
Satanic ceremonies of the Royal Family - it is the DHS for you and for the rest of
your life. The locks of these beach huts are interesting too. Some are ancient.
Some beach huts have their old locks on as well as relatively new locks put on.
Why? Because every person was under the control of a different elite Illuminati
family/business/multinational - the Royal Family had sold us all off and divvied us
up as mind control slaves to various factions of the hierarchy. For example you
have the MR MOON locks which are on the TOP MASON'S beach hut in Harwich. He owns
the WARDEN'S HUT. You can generally see him around with a walkie-talkie. The REV.
SUN MYUNG MOON is a programmed son of God. Ever wondered why he claims to be akin
to Jesus Christ and that he urges his followers to worship the CROWN rather than
the CROSS? Well, now you know. REV MOON funds a lot of George Bush's activities. He
is an evil influence everywhere upon this planet. However, he is also a mind
control slave of the ROYAL FAMILY. The ROYAL FAMILY send groups of young people to
be programmed by him every year. REV MOON is the head of COSMOS programming and all
slaves are programmed to see this man as THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE STARS. I was one
of the victims of this type of programming - forced to go to NORTH KOREA on a
British military plane with about 30 other young people, in order to be mind
control programmed by REV MOON. He owned a white colonial house upon the top of a
hill, overlooking the poverty-stricken shanty towns of Korea. It was hideous. REV
MOON advocates the idea of 'arranged marriages' - this is precisely what the ROYAL
GENOME PROJECT IS ALL ABOUT. Making sure that nobody procreates without
'permission' amongst the Illuminati's elite 'slave class'. Look at the other locks
and colours of the beach huts to find out what happened to you - if you are over 40
years old - the memories should come back far more quickly than younger people.
Nobody was taken to ALL of the huts - MOST victim were groomed in different ways
and for different FUNCTIONS (and only taken to a couple of the huts) and people are
taken back to these huts for 're-programming' every 5 years or so. Additionally,
children are taken to different huts - according to their age group and what the
Illuminati want to program them with, a certain age. Harwich isn't the only place
in the world where this goes on. Nor are 'beach huts' the only place where this
sort of programming takes place. Any structure without windows or blinds
permanently down - is a likely programming site. MARK ROCKEFELLER/RICHENBACH didn't
want anybody to know what was beyond hut 255 programming.
The TEMPLARS are all as bad as each other and all completely under mind control -
extremely brain-damaged by Illuminati culture/abuse. David Cameron was no different
from Gordon Brown in the last RITE OF CAIN conducted by the Templars at the Templar
Castle near Mons in 2001. He was murdering small children, with the rest of them.
The ROYAL GENOME PROJECT relates to the Royal Templar idyll of a world full of men
(pregnant men) having eliminated all female members of the human race - that must
be worthy of some consideration. What about the plans discussed for a NWO with
Islam as a 'front' for their Luciferianism?
"Do you think that MI6 simply sits around and eats digestive biscuits over cups of
tea, in a civilised way, in boardrooms, in MI6 buildings? Are you all stupid? Of
course they are out there murdering, drugging people, running mafia rings etc. That
is what all intelligence agencies do. If you want to be 007 - then you have to wake
up fast, to the reality of mind control and the fact that you will be abused under
it, as much as any of your victims - you simply 'race' to stay alive and stay on
top for as long as you can but eventually you lose - nobody gets out of here
alive." That is what the SAS Captain had said to me in 1980 and when I said that I
would get out - he laughed his head off - nobody got out of the Illuminati cult -
apart from feet first.
MARK ROCKEFELLER had had access to all of LOEHRMANN'S documents since 1995.
RIMINGTON had always kept my PSI ability well clear of MI6 - told me to lie about
it in tests at FORT MONCKTON or they would destroy my mind and body, via
experimentation. I am sure she was right. On the other hand, she then wanted to use
me for her own gain. Just like she was doing to TOMLINSON. She obviously let MARK
ROCKEFELLER in on the picture - he knew about TOMLINSON and myself as having very
high PSI ability. He used both of us to get a good idea of the future and I
suppose, anything else that we could tell him. In synopsis, the ROCKEFELLERS had
had access to all of the mind control slaves run by US Intelligence, globally -
since 1995 - after having kidnapped and interrogated LOEHRMANN. They could run any
of these slaves, including LOEHRMANN - who was HEAD of this department that was in
charge of 'mind control' (including experimental drugs) in the FBI. Every mind
control slave was also microchipped in the back of the neck. Apparently it is like
a bit of shrapnel in your spine - put there as a child and it is now almost
impossible to extract - the bone developed and grew around it. JOANNE COLLIE told
me that one at the Templar castle (whilst in a quandry about what to do - she was
almost snarling with rage - back against the wall - but knew that she had to do it
to save herself - give out information - get MR ICKE out there as a 'frontman' -
all of the plans were made 'on the hoof' to avoid being seen or heard by the
TEMPLARS or the CCTV - nobody watched that all the time). I have no idea if it is
true about the microchip at the back of the neck (just above the neck - where
cranium meets spinal cord) but figure that COLLIE must have been telling the truth
- I know that a NEODYMIUM MAGNET knocks it out - wipes the chip.
The big CON of the SAINT JOHN cult was that 'cannibalism' worked. It made you more
'powerful'. It doesn't - it gives you DISORDERS OF THE BLOOD which can be terminal.
The second biggest con of the SAINT JOHN cult was that paedophilia was 'beneficial'
to children - in that it opened up their minds and abilities to a much higher PSI
(electric shocks to the brain via the coccyx i.e. anal rape - resulted in 'remote-
viewing' alters). What the SAINT JOHN cult rarely added, was that this was also a
way to make a brain-dead mind control slave. The third biggest con of the SAINT
JOHN cult was completely hidden from even MASONIC view...and that was the simple
fact that they were after the 'golden energy'...that 'spark of God' in your pineal
gland. A vast amount of mind control programming in 1980 (and also today, in
recently released children's books - by MI8) was all about the piercing of your
pineal gland (a needle through the eye) and the forcing of the 'dragon' (brain) to
give up its most valuable treasure. Every human being's most valuable treasure -
contained in the pineal gland. Your 'golden energy'. We all had our 'gold'. So many
of us were cheated out of it. The 'healing energy' which we all possess in our
pineal gland, was generally 'seen' by those with a high PSI ability as of a 'gold
ethereal nature'...and equated to the 'spark of God' in various fine art paintings.
God's gift to us all - which the Illuminati then proceeded to steal.
I began to read Cathy O'Brien's book, not having read it word for word at the
beginning, too much concentrated information and I only wanted the gist, but
looking through it now, the WORDPLAY and PUNS upon words were exactly how the UK
programmers had acted in 1980 and were to continue to act whilst reprogramming me.
I gawped at PIERRE TRUDEAU of Canada...and his his password with
CATHY...then was reminded of the MARQUIS D'EAU...which I already knew to be ANDREW
MARR...his pseudonym at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...and then thought back to his poem:
EVERYONE'S A FRUIT AND NUT CAKE. It was then that I saw this line: "The pecan was
Ivan the Terrible's aunt, the raisin was the Lamb of God. The formidable former
yelled YOU'RE APPALLING and the little latter moaned M-M-M-M-M-MEM-EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-
EH-EH-EH-EH-AAAAAIR!" So here we have a deliberate stab at MARTIN AYRE/EYRE'S
surname - AIR. The 'nut' was the rebellious person and the 'fruit' was their
remember now - something about how this man was called Lyndsey de Paul as a 'joke'
on his name). RAY PAULLIN.
It isn't just BRITISH INTELLIGENCE who are programming people...since 1995, the
ROCKEFELLERS had learnt pretty much all there was to know about mind control
programming and were now programming outside of 'intelligence agencies' - within
the Public Sector. For example, RIMINGTON was running mind control courses at MARKS
& SPENCERS (as 'graduate' courses) which were nothing to do with British
Intelligence and everything to do with the Illuminati slave market of 'office
managerial types'. Additionally, there were the MASONIC groups who were all also
mind-control programming. For example, THE SHRINERS. STEPHEN DALDRY had only just
become aware of them in the USA in 2001, and had immediately set up meetings with
them, in the hope of getting them to join the TEMPLARS and their NWO crusade. I
have no idea whether he was successful in this, or not.
One of the Ashkenaton rites was held at the Redoubt Fort in Harwich. Part of the
worship of Anahid - goddess of volcanoes. The victim was strung upside down from
the lamp-post in the middle - over the ancient well in the centre. He/she was then
beaten and branded with a hot iron. As far as I know, MI6 and MI5 are still
practicing this disgusting perversion of a rite with their new recruits. The name
of this victim was 'Erica Chambers' - or rather her codename. Why was she
subjugated to this hideous ritual? Was it the Ashkenazim who were behind it? Or was
it Eliza Manningham-Buller who harboured the usual aristocratic hatred of Jews,
Zionism etc? Stella Rimington and John Scarlett presided over the 'procedure'
whilst the other recruits were forced to watch from inside the Fort museum. Was it
simply the fact that the graduate trainees (Andrew Marr, Stephen Daldry and Richard
Tomlinson) were sick with disgust that they hadn't the bravery or guts to do what
Chambers had done? Is this why they agreed to torture and brand her in this obscene
fashion? If so, they were correct. They were all snivelling, spineless, whining
dogs and they knew it. Not one of them could bear a woman to upstage them. They
were the ones who beat her until her arms hung useless by her sides and then Marr
branded her with an iron. Chambers was in so much agony that she almost broke her
ankles in trying to get free and Daldry couldn't work the pulley to get her down
until she had lost consciousness. Tomlinson was trying to hold her still whilst all
three of them were panicking wildly. Even tied up and upside down, Chambers was too
much for any of those sick dogs to handle. British Intelligence at its best - a
sick pack of snarling, cowardly dogs.
Stella Rimington was recruited by the KGB in 1961. Peter Wright and all of his
mates in MI5 didn't 'notice' the naked typist in the boss' office - didn't imagine
that she could be the mole. Rimington's codename was NORTHSTAR. STELLAR
RIMMING...was her new ID. The demonic Masonic St John cult's worship of the
northern star on the horizon - otherwise known as the planet VENUS. Richard
Tomlinson mentions NORTHSTAR and OVATION in his autobiography 'The Biggest Breach'.
For my money, the biggest breach of the lot was letting Rimington get to the top of
MI5 and Tomlinson outed her to the entire spying world. MI5 then allowed
Manningham-Buller, Rimington's accessory and partner in crime, to then take over
years later. Rimington's codename still is NORTHSTAR according to the British Royal
Family's Illuminati cult. They have now taken back the reins of power from
Tomlinson's erstwhile mob 'The Golden Chain'. Rimington is still their 'Pistis
Sophie' - she hasn't given up the mantle yet despite being a two-bit actress with
an interest in Hammer Horror S/M fest rituals. There was never anything 'magical'
or 'spiritual' about Rimington. She should have been registered in an Amateur
Dramatics society for the chemically-challenged rather than get a job with British
Intelligence. Cocaine psychosis was her downfall and she is still falling. Daldry
and Manningham-Buller's codenames are: TELSTAR. They are Rimington's acolytes in
this sick St John saga. Tomlinson blew them all out of the water in The Big Breach.
Rimington was chosen as the demonic Pistis Sophia - Illuminati priestess of the St
John Masonic Order. Bluntly, she used to murder people at their rites - sacrifice
them to the planet Venus. Everyone knew Rimington was off her head but no one quite
dared say it - not unless they wanted to lose their own head. Wasn't she
responsible for the murders of those SOE veterans who had rumbled the St John
brigade in MI5? I heard they buried the bodies just outside Thorpe-le-Soken in
Has anyone mentioned 'red purse' programming by Rimington yet? This is based on the
ghost story of 'The Woman in Black' by Susan Hill. Stella Rimington used to take
young women to Mary Howarth's cottage in Sudbury, Suffolk. In the tangled mess of
the walled back garden is a small red, iron carriage with enough space to fit two
people in. Rimington would abhort the young mind control slave within this chamber,
whilst rocking it. Her mother was a midwife, remember? Rimington claims that the
original Mary Howarth was her first programmer and inductor into the Illuminati
cult. However, she is lying - Howarth was a Victorian. Rimington would then eat
various parts of the relatively unformed foetus which she would refer to as the
young woman' 'little rat'. She would then wrap the remains of the foetus in
newspaper and burn it in an incinerator - the type normally used for leaves. The
victim of this horror would be completely disassociative by this point. Not being
able to 'connect anything with anything' which made it so much easier for
Rimington, Richard Tomlinson, Stephen Daldry, Andrew Marr and the like - to abuse
that woman for her human eggs/zygotes. She would disassociate immediately and NOT
remember anything afterwards - after any of their attacks. The eggs/zygotes would
then be sold on the Illuminati market. Anyone mentioned 'Goblin' programming yet?
Tomlinson was programmed as a Goblin. This is a 'black magic' ritual which involves
drinking the aborted menstrual blood of a female slave with the zygote included of
impregnated woman, to gain 'psychic' power over that woman. In effect, it did no
such thing but what it did do was to terrorise the young woman into complete
disassociation. She would be unable even to go near the memory in her head, never
mind talk about it. Any top Illuminati mind control programmer will be aware of a
what a LIZARD programmer constitutes. The LIZARD programmers are the low-level
element of the mind control programmers of the Illuminati cult - they do the 'dirty
business'. Rimington was and still is one of these. She is currently the 'hands-on'
Manageress of the Illuminati human zygote/egg/sperm mafia trade - run for and by
the Royal Family to further their Genome Project. Rimington reports to Eliza
Manningham-Buller, who is the Royal overseer of this filthy trade. The owner of it,
is Sir Phillip Green. The top LIZARD programmer is labelled 'The King of the
Goblins'. This 'Goblin King' is currently Andrew LLoyd Webber. Any young woman
programmed as a 'zygote slave' by the Illuminati cult - will have been taken to
Mary Howarth's cottage in Suffolk. The walled garden behind is a 'programming
centre' for 'red purse' mind control programming. In short, Rimington takes young
women out into the garden and puts them into a smallish, old and rusty red carriage
- which is to the back of this 'wilderness' garden. Rimington, who trained as a
midwife originially (like her mother) then aborts the young woman in this container
and then begins to eat parts of what she terms the 'delicacy' i.e. the foetus. The
traumatised young victim is always already under mind control and therefore
disassociates almost immediately. Rimington terms the unborn child 'a little rat'
to her face and then wraps the remains in newspaper. She then takes it to the
incinerator at the back of the garden and burns it, in front of the young woman's
eyes. Why is this sick and evil 'esoteric' practice carried out? To obsfucate the
real reason as to why it is being done. Afterwards, the 'red purse' programming is
indelibly marked onto the subconscious mind of the young victim - who will
immediately disassociate as soon as she hears the words 'red purse' making
subsequent forced abortions easy to carry out by GOBLIN programmers. The whole
process is part of ALICE IN WONDERLAND mind control programming. For further
details - read the metaphorical account of the lizard being forced down the
'chimney' of the house in which 'little foetus' Alice is entrapped. Rimington was
insane - a psychotic - but even she disassociated to an extent in relation to her
role as a LIZARD programmer. She therefore used to tell her colleauges in British
Intelligence that she was an 'interdimensional space lizard' who 'couldn't be
destroyed by fire because we are like salamanders'. This is the current state of
British Intelligence today.
Stella Rimgton was the PASSAGE as in PAS – SAGE. The ‘herb green’ demonic Stella
Maris of the Illuminati cult. Rimington and her ilk were all about 'smuggling for
the Crown' or for herself and her programmers. Rimington was the STELLA MARIS, and
as such was given the colour code of 'HERB GREEN' which is part of the ORO/Moloch
cult coding of the highest echelons of this paedophile/drug cult of 'Illuminati'.
It was all about smuggling and nothing much else. I personally don't give a damn
about what people stuff up their noses but Rimington was trafficking children.
There was a microchip that was fixed to the pineal gland of UK Illuminati
slaves...and that means most of the government apart from anybody else. The coding
was shown to me (by default) by Rimington who was trying to re-programme me again
in 2003. There is a fascimile of the colour-coded factors of the chip i.e. their
EMF frequencies upon the spines of the Penguin book series: GREAT LOVES. What the
Illuminati were doing to their slaves every 5 years - was to scoop a bit more out
of the pineal gland and 'stun' it by what they called 'a needle through the eye'.
This served a dual purpose: To prevent the slave from recovering any memories of
the horrific sexual and psychological abuse during 'programming'. To sell minute
quantities of human pineal gland on the Royal Illuminati market.
Richard Tomlinson was privy to a human zygote deal circa 2003 between the Royal
Family and the Saudis. The Saudis wanted what they termed 'white, elite bloodline
human eggs' for what Tomlinson described in somewhat fanciful terms as: a recipe
for the elixir of life. Good news for those of us with mixed genes then. We will
not be used as surrogate zygote/human eggs slaves under mind control. However,
those like David Cameron's wife should be very worried indeed. (If you are married
to a Templar, it is more than likely that you will be targetted.) Those of us who
understand 'Alice in Wonderland' mind control will know that these women all have
'child alters' which will have been taught to respond to certain programming
commands from especially designed programming texts. The latest off the MI6/Royal
production line is from ORCHARD BOOKS: THE POPPY AND MAX SERIES. If you know how to
analyse these text, then the programming cues are obvious. Those in charge of this
revolting 'literary project' are Dr Joanne Collie and her associates at MI6.
(Collie currently poses as a 'Dr' at Susan Bassnett's research Centre at the
University of Warwick. Give her a call.) I suppose they all get a 'cut in the deal'
somewhere along the line and the Royal Family are about to make an almost
inestimable amount of money from it. Those directly reponsible for the production
of these despicable books are: Sally Grindley - author. Lindsey Gardiner -
illustrator. Reading Consultant: Prue Goodwin, lecturer in Education at the
University of Reading. In brief, the books contain all of the codes for the covert
practice of aborting girls as young as 11 years old and 'teaching' them to 'see'
their eggs and their womb as something completely different e.g. 'everyday objects'
like a huge oval bar of pink soap in the bath (the aborted foetus). Those of us
used to this type of horror in terms of mind control and hypnotism - know that the
girl/young woman will be traumatised beyond description - will not be able to
remember what happened until their early 40s when the memories begin to come back.
The main programming command to abort is SNAP. The main torture used to make the
girl/young woman disassociate is dislocation of the knee. Just to show that she
isn't discriminatory in any way, Rimington (via Collie) has dedicated one of the
books to her step-daughter Nicola, whom Rimington has been running as a surrogate
zygote slave for her entire life. See POPPY AND MAX AND RIVER PICNIC (about
'twins'). That is how sick and twisted, these people are. In addition, the graphic
designer Gardiner has dedicated POPPY AND MAX AND THE LOST PUPPY (about a young
girl having a baby and being made to give it up for adoption) to Richard Tomlinson.
His 'pet name' is DARCY. Tomlinson always liked to pretend he was some tall, dark
hero - his fantasy IDs have included BYRON and DRACULA (he has started a whole new
mind control series of alters around vampires.) Tomlison aka Rory Macklin has been
well-known in the zygote/child trafficking mafias and for most of his life - even
before working as an MI6 officer. Check out the children's book HUNGRY! HUNGRY!
HUNGRY! which contains the 'midwife' Illuminati alter used to abort women.
Tomlinson was originally programmed in his child alter to carry out these obscene
and barbaric acts via this programming script (peas are zygotes). The Illuminati
belief is that if a 'master' eats the 'peas' of a slave that he will gain greater
control over her. This is pure Satanism i.e. pure insanity.
Do Comic Relief know about what Rimington was up to? They supported FAIRTRADE and
DIVINE CHOCOLATE. "We decided to follow Stella Rimington (first female boss of MI5)
into the Ashanti Villages of Ghana to see how this latest project was
developing...' Did Rimington use the 'invisibility material' to make it look even
more spooky? Does GEORGE BUSH still go by the name of the LIZARD OF AHS? (What
happened to the WIZARD OF OZ?) Does Rimington still think that she is an
'interdimensional space lizard' courtesy of the Wizard of Ahs mind control
programming? Or has she now come down to Earth with a bump - to realise that she
was only ever a dirty, little backstreet abortionist and sperm-stealer.
The above is Rimington’s site where one can read about the mysterious ‘golden
stool’ that she lifts up in her ‘invisibility material’ cloak to astound the
Would anybody like to know where ALL of the codes are for the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT?
Try your local hardware store which has an ICI PAINT MACHINE. You know the ones -
where the assistants can mix up virtually ANY colour/shade/tone of paint. There is
a massive swatch of colours that fan out to include every single colour-code for
EVERY ILLUMINATI SLAVE. Check out the ones which begin YR and look up your own age
e.g. if you are 44 years old - then you may well have been programmed with YR44 and
ORANGE. Not a good sign - these slaves are generally run as 'State terrorists'.
Check out the ones that begin with IV for all of the IVF coding and multiple
experimentation upon that score. Finally check out the GREEN coding for the
'rulers' of this Illuminati GENOME CULT / Nazi Eugenics project. The whole paint
machine is a metaphor, for this type of experimentation, but the CODES are real.
Also check out the RA pink sheets as these contain the coding for all Royal Arch
Freemasonry slaves.
Would anyone like to try analysing a PRIVATE EYE CYCLOPS CROSSWORD? An ex-
Illuminati mind control slave told me all about it: "I remember Rimington telling
us that this was how spies on trains, could and would communicate to each other by
asking each other to solve supposed crossword was also a way to activate
somebody’s programming by simply asking a businessman mind control slave on a train
‘Can you help me with 2 Across?’ Then the man would open his briefcase and she
would put whatever she wanted into it - these businessmen were used as unwitting
smugglers to get things in and out of high-security buildings - drugs mainly."
Also, this crossword refers to CONSCIOUS - ACROSS: above ground/high-security
building and SUBCONSCIOUS - DOWN: below ground - Templar subterranean tunnels,
chambers and halls used for human sacrifice - programming of mind control slaves.
The crossword itself refers to the 'cyclops' of British Intelligence who operate
only upon their 'instinctual' side of the brain where the abused child alters are
housed. It is also a 'map' of a particular office building set-up. For example, the
27th June edition of PRIVATE EYE had a plan of the SHELL BUILDING by Waterloo
Bridge. Note the many 'swastikas' within this architectural design. There is an
underground Illuminati tunnel network under this building. If anybody is interested
- the cream 'Queen Anne' fortress building by the hill overlooking Wimbledon is
also an access point to Illuminati tunnels which run under this hill. All of the
seeded tennis players have to kneel to the Royal Family in a demonic rite - in a
large hall under this hill. There is also a 'passing out' ceremony which used to
make Rimington laugh a lot and for obvious reasons - they were all electrocuted to
take away their memories and pass out after the ceremony - where the winner of the
men's and women's singles are forced to have sex with one another, in front of
their contemporaries of the tennis world AND the Royal Family always attend with
their Illuminati notaries. This is an exercise in humiliation. The tennis players
are being taught that they might feel magnificent after having won Wimbledon but
they are only mind control slaves of the Crown. If you would like to visit other
tunnels and underground chambers - why not try the Queen Anne style colonnaded
house near to Queen Anne's garden in Greenwich. There is a tunnel entrance from
this house which takes you right under the Royal Observatory.
MI5 handlers still trawl 'Juvie' today to spot other young people with serious
mental problems and psychotic proclivity in order to train them up as assassins.
20th Century FOX (AKA a 'subsid' FBI company) produced THE SIMPSONS as a skit upon
the UK Illuminati cult. THE SIMPSONS BELLY BUSTER cartoon book contains the Templar
Castle 2002 horror story in hilarious detail. Brief resume of character list:
BULLER. Mr Burns is PRINCE PHILIP. Smithers is PRINCE WILLIAM. Rimington is
SIDESHOW MEL. Jonathan Evans is CHIEF WIGGUM. To name but a few...this is the
cheapest way to have a laugh at all of your favourite characters. The Templar
Castle VIDEO 2001 is far too expensive for most aficionados of this particular
Want to know the primary symbol for DELTA mind control slave programming? A NIKE
RED 'TIC'. If you would like to see an HUGE example of this programming in situ,
visit the Dovercourt SPORTS SHOP by the Library, enter the shop, walk nearly to the
end and then turn around and you will see the UNHOLY TRINTY of three posters of RED
NIKE TICS up on high and behind you. Note also that the WICKER BLINDS used to
signify cannibal and paedophile activities within the area, are also present behind
the NIKE TICS. NIKE is also known as Artemis and seen as the 'huntress'.
Illuminati slaves are hideously abused and tortured into fight/flight syndrome -
this memory is then frozen in time, into their cellular memory/muscles - to be
accessed only by a programmer. It is mainly Military programming but has also been
used in various Sports.
Natalie Saatchi of Saatchi & Saatchi fame? Her ISIS pendant symbolised by the ARK
OF COVENANT - part of Illuminati slave programming - their 'soul/lifeforce' energy
was supposed to be in this sepulchre. Natalie would drape herself over it to
personify the two cherubim who guarded this 'treasure' i.e. kept the energy of the
slave from him/her and more prosaicly, had control of their mind control commands
and microchips. Natalie's pendant symbolises the two hemispheres of the brain
working in tandem i.e. that she has not been mind-split and made into an Illuminati
slave. All of the Illuminati slaves that she controlled had been mind-split and
were to varying degrees, bipolar.
The world's Intelligence agencies are infiltrated and controlled by "Royal Arch"
Freemasons who owe their loyalty not to the State but to Illuminati (Masonic)
bankers, posing as the "Crown" or "Monarchy." Most agents are tortured, i.e. trauma
brainwashed and mind controlled using trigger words from texts like "Alice in
William engages in a certain rather disgusting practice, with members of the Royal
Military. I have no idea of the Masonic 'esoteric' meaning behind any of it but
basically, they get naked, cut themselves in various places and then lick the blood
off each other. Only for those seriously into S/M closet gay behaviour.
GOBLIN Satanic programming and the mind control command: "Hungry, hungry, hungry".
The use and abuse of female mind control slaves for their menstrual fluid and
zygote. The programmer is also a mind control slave, who has been programmed to be
'hungry' i.e. to follow a Pavlovian dog mind control command, in order to satisfy
his 'hunger'.
The Royal Family were known to base their entire Illuminati cult upon the demonic
TAU as in the OTO cult. Prince Philip used to be 'affectionately' called WIDOW
TWANKEY when he dressed up in his regal Chinese Emperor robes and had everyone bow
to the floor before him. Prince Charles has been named as the overseer of horrific
tortures, beatings and beheadings in a 'secret' closed square in Tangiers -
punishment for the 'camels' who had caused 'spills' on the Royal drug/contraband
routes. The slaves who survived this horror - were suitably traumatised into
silence - which was basically the whole point of them being kidnapped and forced to
witness such acts of barbarity.
Years ago - in 1997, to be precise. I began to research eugenics by default and one
phrase had stuck out in my mind - from one of the AIDS activists, it ran something
like this: 'If you give Nazis the chance to interfere with the amniotic fluid and
the placenta, as well as stem cell research -they will try to eradicate not only
what they think is the 'gay' gene...they will begin to eradicate group after
group...'blacks', 'coloureds', 'left-handers'...not just those who are deemed too
'weak' to survive...i.e. those with heredity genetic diseases...' One can see that
there is another terrible facet to what the Illuminati have already been
experimenting with in terms of stem cell research - cloning their own kind. This is
the height of arrogance and makes me feel sick to the pit of my stomach. I could
name the people that I know are 'clones' of certain members of British Intelligence
(some of whom are now retired) but this would only harm the innocent. Remember the
Spielberg film which deals with the spiritual aspects of this issue (the one about
the 'boy' Nexus 6 type robot)? The message or subtext is that 'yes' these robots
are equal to human beings and that god has blessed them also. This was perhaps an
oblique way of saying that the Illuminati do not control everything, including the
spiritual world as they would like to believe. Many of the British Intelligence
Illuminati are convinced that they were Nazi officers in a past life. Stephen
Daldry was convinced of this and I can name others. These people were all picked to
be 'leaders' in the Illuminati cult and wherever they were subsequently placed in
society. Did they really have Nazi souls? Could it be possible that the Illuminati
had really found a way to 'bring back' the souls of their Nazi dead? This is almost
laughable. If so, then maybe they think that they can reincarnate 'Hebrew' souls in
order to use them again. This is too obscene even to think about and I will have to
stop here. I remember that Richard Tomlinson was convinced that he was an
Genetic research in the UK began far earlier than the mainstream historians would
like to suggest. It began in the 1830s. In 1980, British Intelligence were
experimenting with far more sophisticated equipment than that poor fool of a Took
has managed to 'invent' at the University of Warwick. They had already perfected
techniques by which one could move objects around a screen simply by 'thought' i.e.
brainwaves and electrodes. This knowledge, is only being leaked to UK universities
now and on a small drip feed. Let us cast our minds back to the 1800s and look at
which groups of people were being targeted for genetic experimentation. The British
Monarchy and their associates, conformed to the societal prejudice and stereotyping
that Jews were genetically more intelligent than the rest of us. Untrue. One could
argue that it is Jewish culture which has done much to promote education in a
similar way to that of eastern cultures but one also has to say that the original
Hebrew genes had already been diluted within Europe to the point of almost complete
assimiliation into the gentile population - despite Jewish groups maintaining their
bloodlines. Nowadays, roughly a third of European, gentile males carry what has
been identified as the 'Jewish' gene. The Monarchists believed that the Jews were a
cut above the rest in terms of intellectual capacity for knowledge and
understanding i.e. they had 'superior' genes in this respect. The Jews were also
seen as an extremely dangerous threat to those in aristocratic circles. Why? They
were 'too clever' by half and the aristocracy knew only too well, their own genetic
inferiority, not just in respect to the Jews but to the rest of society in general.
The two main factors in this arena: brains versus Old Money. By the end of the 19th
century, the Jews had made a large amount of money out of banking. Why banking?
They had been denied any other profession, having even been de-barred from trades
and crafts guilds in Europe. The only 'profession' open to them in European
society, had been money-lending. This made the Jewish people of Europe, doubly
dangerous to the Monarchies and aristocracies: brains and money. To make matters
worse, the Jews were then rallied by Theodore Herzl to petition for their ancient
homeland: Israel. The homeland they had been praying for, for over a millenium.
They now had the money and general clout to do so in European society. This was to
constitute an incredibly serious threat to the powers that be and they decided to
'indoctrinate' Herzl and use him as a puppet. They then sent him back to his people
with the offer of a homeland in Uganda. Now, if you were Jewish, would you really
accept such an offer? The Jews rejected the offer. Things began to look very
difficult indeed for the European Monarchists. They had been used to kicking the
Jews out of their countries, then stealing their money, possessions, land by
pogroms and genocide, wiping out whole Jewish communities, villages and towns. The
Jews now had too much money and power in European society for them to even attempt
such a thing. Therefore the more 'intelligent' members of the Monarchies and
aristocracies, had to think up a new plan. Give them Israel but control it via
British administration and authority over immigration and citizenship. Then take
their money (in payment for this huge condescension) and their land. The money they
were allowed to take with them to this newly created British-run State would then
be supervised and controlled by the Monarchists. Good idea so far. It worked.
Allenby was sent in to do exactly that. British Officers then ordered the Jews who
were escaping the gas chambers of Europe to form military units and forced them to
serve under their authority. These people who were arriving on the refugee ships
were barely capable of refusing and in the main, they didn't. The British Officers
supplied the Jews with armaments, then organised and ordered them to attack the
indigenous Arab populations in Israel, to force them off their land. The Jews were
put into the most terrible dilemma: behave in the same way as their Nazi oppressors
in Europe, by attacking indigenous populations and throwing them off their land -
or face certain death at the hands of the British. A choice that we all know about
- having served in military intelligence. Disobey or question orders and you face
death. The biggest question of all is: would the Jews have done this if they had
been given a choice in the matter? Would they have willingly entered into such
violent and bloody skirmishes with the Arab (and other) indigenous populations on
the land at that time? Or would they have made peace with their neighbours and
assimilated into their societies as they had done so in ancient times, before and
after the Roman colonisation of Jerusalem (and also in Spain later on)? Or would
they have attacked the Arabs and other populations anyway? How could they have
done, arriving off ships, half-dead and despairing - without guns. It was the
British who supplied them with armaments and made them fight. They were too weak to
resist the British and their plans for the region. The British Monarchy. The Royal
Satanic Battleship had gone into overdrive. They had decided upon a plan and that
was to create their own Satanic version of Zion and at whatever cost, they would
control the whole operation. Most people only understand the word 'Zion' as being
Jewish, yet the Christians have talked about 'Sion' for centuries. The French set
up Priories of Sion, all over the world. The Royal Arch Freemasons had their own
brand of 'Zionism' and at that point, they had more money and power than any other
group. What is Royal Arch Freemasonry Zionsim? The worship of Lucifer the Light-
How did it all begin? Well, the British Monarchy and the aristocracy knew full well
what was going on in the colonies of the British Empire but they were quite happy
to keep their coffers filled with the taxes levied from the middle-classes. They
knew about the millions of slaves who were being worked to death on the
plantations. In some colonies, the slaves were not even given food and water, women
gave birth in the fields and then died along with their offspring. Auschwitz was
similar. What was the response to this of the British Monarchy and aristocracy? It
is fascinating to look at what depths, guilt can drive a person to, what lengths he
or she will go to in order to try and expiate their burden of shame. The insane
beliefs created by deluded minds, intent on saving their souls from damnation. The
British Monarchy and aristocracy decided to try and keep their souls immortal -
this quest was driven by their very real fear of hell and damnation when they died.
Hence the insane experiments in mind-splitting to create 'sons of god' who would
descend into hell and rescue their evil souls. Laughable but unfortunately true.
Alters are the product of mind-splitting. They are the fragmented soul of 'I' of a
person. During torture, a person can OBE (out of body experience) because the NDE
(near death experience) ensures this. The mistaken belief of the Monarchists was
that they could mind-split and trap their 'alters' into rocks, flasks, bottles (any
sort of container really) - rather like the old magicians of folkloric legends i.e.
Arabian Nights...or the many magi in the bible/Torah. Read the Book of Daniel for a
blow-by-blow account of how the King of Babylon created 'sons of god' and remote
viewers from his Hebrew slaves. These trapped alters were then put into a
fertilised human egg and implanted into one of their chosen 'mothers of darkness'
i.e. who would bear the next Queen or King incumbent. The idea being that the dead
Monarch or member of the aristocracy, would then reincarnate! The Monarchists also
decided to implant their 'royal' DNA outside the Royal nest i.e. as 'cuckoos' in
other nests. Why? So that they could then use these blood relatives to govern
society in all its aspects. The chosen mothers had no idea that they were being
used as 'brood mares' and tend to refer to themselves as the 'goose who lays the
golden eggs'. The Monarchists then kept records of where their DNA had been
implanted outside of the Royal lineage. Eggs with their DNA strands were implanted
into women chosen for their 'superior genes', who had been put under mind control.
A clue to an 'Illuminati' mother is that she will tend to refer to her child as a
'starfish' - the five-pointed star. The Duchess calls her baby a 'starfish' in
Alice in Wonderland programming. (Alice later discards the poor child, referring to
it as as a 'pig'). Hence the huge amount of 'bastard' children, who were then
picked to be the next leaders, politicians, writers, artists of the next
generation. This was to be an almost entirely successful operation in my generation
but judging by the general mediocrity of UK society in terms of philosophical
thought, literature, arts and science, maybe not such a good idea! These 'bastards'
were supposed to not only have a few of the 'royal' DNA strands, some of them were
also supposed to have super-human abilities which had been put in via British
Intelligence training i.e. alters with photographic memories, abnormal strength
etc. However these 'alters' cannot be accessed by anyone apart from the Illuminati
programmer i.e. controller at British Intelligence. In general, the Royal Arch
Freemasonry Satanic cult was divided into those who carried the 'Egyptian' genes
i.e. the royal circles and those who had the genes of the slave class i.e. 'Hebrew'
genes. This follows on from the tremendous fear that the British royal circles had
of Hebrew intelligence and the need to suppress and control it. The British royal
circles were aiming for immortality i.e. the symbol of this is their Masonic wavy
sword - one can see the blue/green wavy flame in one of the underground caverns in
Jerusalem. They believed their souls to be damned and these two techniques were
ways in which to cheat hell and damnation. Did either of the two techniques
actually work though? The transferral of a soul from one body to a fertilised egg
and the idea that one could actually create a 'son of god' who could descend into
the underworld and free their souls. No, on both accounts. What is interesting
about the entire, sordid and despicable enterprise is that the Intelligence
Services started to graft the DNA of their own heroes and heroines from the SOE, in
order to create 'elite' agents. They also used the DNA of SS Nazi officers to breed
their own new officer class. The Hebrew DNA recruits were told that they would not
live past 30 years old and would then be 'thrown off the freedom train'. This is
how dangerous 'Hebrew' DNA was perceived to be, by the ruling classes. The project
failed. However, it did leave a large amount of their bemused recruits with the
vague notion that they had had a past life as either an SS officer, as one of the
SOE or as a Jewish person from the holocaust. The grafted-on DNA had memories at a
cellular level and these were communicated through dreams and flashbacks. People
who have had transplants sometimes complain of having 'picked up' the habits of the
donor - a scientific mystery at the time of writing but one that will be doubtless
be explained in the fullness of time.
'Royal Arch' Freemasonry of the British Illuminati: The 'Humpty Dumpty' cult,
otherwise known as the 'Dark Lily' brotherhood. Currently run by John Scarlett -
Head of MI6. In layperson's terms, this secret society is an 'esoteric' front for
the Royal Genome project. Briefly, this cult was begun, in order to ensure the
survival of the decrepit genes of the European Monarchies by infusing them with new
'blood' - more specifically, new DNA. Women were secretly selected, according to
their gene pool and put under MI6 Illuminati mind control via the programme 'Alice
in Wonderland'.
During the 1980's and 1990's, the selected, female British Intelligence recruits
were taken to see the 'arum' lily. A plant which stinks of rotting human flesh.
This was to reveal to them the 'mysteries' of the cult i.e. that they would be used
for their zygotes (fertilised eggs) in order to continue the research of the Royal
cult i.e. the Nazi, eugenics project. The Royal Family and their associates, didn't
simply want to have 'above average' intelligence, looks, talents etc - they wanted
to be the 'superior race' in every way. They were continuing the Nazi agenda.
Nazism never went away and it is being perpetuated via pawns like Scarlett, who is
part of the 'fifth column' in British society. 'Ar-rum' shouts the character in
'Alice in Wonderland' as Alice tries to break out of the symbolic womb of the house
she has grown too big for...'Ar-rum'...the lizard is held up by the two guineapigs
(penis and balls) after his attempt to 'get down the chimney' (vagina). This is the
real meaning behind the sick parable of the British Illuminati, as explained to
their new Royal Arch Freemasonry recruits...too sick to go into details but needs
must. This has all got to be exposed. The women who have been chosen, have no
choice as to whom they copulate with. They are raped by members of the Illuminati,
having been forbidden to have sexual relations with any other man. They are not
allowed to choose their own partner and not allowed to get married, have children
or any sort of normal life. They are the 'sacred prostitutes'. After fertilisation,
they are then forced through the most terrible and traumatic abortions.
For the unenlightened, I am talking about the Royal Genome Project. The use and
abuse of women as enslaved zygote-donors, facilitated and implemented by MI6.
Read Humpty Dumpty's 'poetry' to find out exactly what happens to these poor women
(the 'little fishes'):
The kettle was the boiling water, used to induce an abortion after breaking into
the woman's accommodation - nowadays they use a stun gun to make the womb spasm.
The 'corkscrew' was the implement used to break the waters in Victorian times.
Until recently, a coat-hanger was used. The White Queen then gives 'Alice' (the
female pawn in the British Monarchy's sick game) an extra clue to her fate:
The above verses basically describe the process of repeated rape, fertilisation and
then the subsequent kidnap, and enforced abortion. The 'dish' is the womb and the
'fish' inside is the foetus/fertilised egg - depending upon what type of
experimentation, British Intelligence wished to do i.e. on a living child or the
zygote. Why has no woman spoken out about this before? The women are put through
'Alice in Wonderland' mind control programming i.e. abused and tortured to the
extent that they are too frightened to speak out. In addition, if they do remember
these tragic events: the traumatic assaults and attacks (most are programmed to
have no memory of the events but tend to remember later on, normally in their
forties when they are no longer useful to the cult) - they know that they could
easily trigger 'suicide programming' and lose their lives. If they do start talking
about it - they tend to be 'detained on Her Majesty's Service' i.e. sent to asylums
and drugged into oblivion.
Notes upon the general trajectory of the Royal Illuminati cult: I might add here
that the concept of memes are being used as a way to lie and cover up the truth
concerning the Royal Genome Project - thought up by the illuminati who wish to
continue their paedophile cult. Most people on the 1980 MI-6 training course didn't
want to rape/abuse others, nor did the men want to become closet gay/bisexual
paedophiles - who would? Yet they were being enforcibly 'trained' to become them. A
meme is handed down generationally and culturally. Closet gay/bisexual paedophilia
was NOT handed down generationally and culturally, it was put in as enforced
brainwashing. You might have a handful of men on British Intelligence courses
really were closet gay/bisexual paedophiles but the numbers would have been few.
Most of those men were enforcibly brainwashed to become that. The idea behind this
was to create men who were - the point here is that they were NOT born that as the
idea of a meme would suggest. The illuminati were trying to make those men
gay/bisexual paedophiles with the aim of this type of behaviour, entering the
genetic chain but it did NOT do so in my generation. All you got was a number of
men who resisted and either died in the attempt or got brainwashed out of their
minds. It was NOT in their genes or hotwired into their brains as 'normal
behaviour' and I very much doubt that it is today, in the youth being currently
programmed. It is too 'evil', too much of a 'death wish' for the human organism to
tolerate. It goes against all survival instincts of the species. One can see that
those who wished to make all other men into closet gay/bisexual paedophiles, were
extreme cowards, they wanted everyone to be the same as them so that there was
'safety' in numbers. In addition, there is a 'gay' homosocial thread here: that of
gay men wanting to get rid of women altogether - their rivals - and creating the
most sick and evil dream of all: PREGNANT MEN. Richard Tomlinson told me quite
extensively about his dream of an 'ideal all-male society'. However, his Master was
Prince Philip and the Royal Family, so one can say that this particular 'dream'
originated in this sickest of all families. The Royal Family, all the men were gay,
within it – Randy Andy was the most gay apparently, which was why they had to marry
him off to a lesbian and use a 'turkey baster' can begin to see what was
going on in that family. Prince Philip had such a small dick that it was almost
impossible to fertilise a woman anyway. Hence a 'turkey baster' had been used on
Queen Elizabeth II (and also those Royals before - had also used it - this was a
'norm' in Royal procedure, as far as producing heirs was concerned.) Randy Andy was
the most gay and not Prince Edward surprisingly, but it had been covered up by the
media. The incredibly sick and hetero-hostile Sat B'hai Illuminati cult and the
Royal Family have already started to create prototypes within the current UK
population. Tomlinson was of the opinion that eventually the illuminati cult would
create a society of men who had wombs, to run their ideal 'Lord of the Flies'
warrior cult society of the Templars. Women would have already been eliminated.
They didn't have the technology to actually create female human eggs from scratch
(they had tried but failed), but could easily clone the large banks of female eggs
at their disposal - therefore, this wasn't a problem. They now had enough eggs and
enough technology to keep on cloning these eggs, to be then transplanted to the
male womb. For some reason, the illuminati scientists had found that it was far
better for the child to grow in a manufactured male womb than from a test-tube
basis, and they had managed to genetically engineer men with these wombs but not
vaginas...hence the need for Caesarians. What is worse, is that Tomlinson then
admitted that his own erstwhile son - Orlando Bloom - actually has one of these
wombs - one of the earliest prototypes that was successful - whether the guy knows
it 'consciously' or not - I am sure that this is true. Tomlinson was matter-of-fact
about it all - only a matter of time before they would take over. The whole project
was already underway. Why is the UK Royal Illuminati cult so obsessed with the
anus? Why do they all (men and women) hate female wombs? Why are they fascinated by
the 'breast' to the point where this is the number one image of a male or female
programmer? If you really want to understand the warped psychology of the
illuminati cult - then I would suggest that you start here - with basic sexual
The snake-lines represent the 'Hebrew' or should one say 'Semitic genes'...the
unfortunate people who carry the 'knowledge' and ability to 'time travel' and who
have been used and abused by this cult.
A cult based on the debasement and slavery of human beings. A cult which has been
trying to destroy the whole world, led by deluded fools who think that they have
found a way to escape the wrath and punishment of God, for their sins and crimes
against his creation. Their 'get out of jail free' card? Remember that? The
creation of mind control 'sons of god'. They thought that they had found a way to
create Christ-like human beings who could then, under mind control, descend into
hell in order to release the evil souls of their brethren. Those who would then
reincarnate and do the same for them when the time came. (P2 British Intelligence
members also get the local bishop/archbishop to give them 'unconditional pardons'
as part of their last rites. Check out Dennis Wheatley's family friends!) How
insane is that? How desperate were these people to try and find a way to cheat
their way out of hell and damnation for running the slave-trade and other terrible
I was unfortunate enough to attend the IHS (Jesuit) Templar Castle rite in 2002.
Amongst the people in attendence were: J. K. Rowling. Gordon Brown. David Miliband.
Stephen Daldry. Stella Rimington (she was the Dr Mengele of the organisation,
organising the torture and murder of kidnapped children). Dr Joanne Collie. Andrew
Marr (he spent most of the time naked and screaming - off his head on some form of
narcotic). John Scarlett (he was so drunk/drugged up that he had very little idea
of what was going on around him). The Templars had captured a large amount of
people whom they called the 'snakes' i.e. slaves in a large dungeon underneath the
castle. One brave person managed to set them free and the result in the
neighbouring village of Mons and other places nearby, ensured that the British Army
had to move in. Thus began the most incredible cover-up in recent European history.
It was like WACO, Guyana. The British Army ordered those in the Castle to come out.
They then sent a tank in to bulldoze the walls. Prince Philip and Prince William
were in that Castle. Both of them had murdered countless tiny children in their
rites. The British Army assembled watched as both walked out with large, dark,
woven potato sacks over their heads. They were then bundled into a van and driven
away. The British Army present at the time - may or may not have had any idea who
they were but the SIS general there, certainly did. They might have managed to
cover it up regarding the ordinary soldiers there but the videotapes are now on
sale worldwide. The whole event had been closely monitored for blackmail purposes
Mons, the village just above Cagnes-Sur-Mer in Provence. Richard Tomlinson used to
live in Cagnes-Sur-Mer and his friends used to joke that he was now a 'James
Cagney' rather than a James Bond. He was British Intelligence's 'ferryman' who used
to bring the kidnapped children in for their Illuminati rites. Rimington devised
games along MKULTRA lines e.g. the assorted children at the Templar Castle were
given the most evil-minded torture games to play, imaginable. Many were murdered in
front of the other children to set an example: you must never ever talk about this
cult or what we do or you will be murdered in a similar way. The parents who
brought their own children with them (Richard and Judy were present) were
terrorised into obedience. They had no choice. The McCanns were also present. This
is why the wife knew immediately that Madelaine had been abducted by paedophiles.
She could name them all too and has been paid hush money by them. J. K. Rowling is
an actress. She never wrote the Harry Potter books. She has seen very little of the
money made from either the books or merchandising. She was made to pay the McCanns
hush money. Sir Philip Green was also compelled to do so. The last and most
terrible blackmailer in this scenario was the Raven King of this Templar cult.
Ratzinger. Ratzinger was present at the rites, wearing his 'raven' robes. He is
currently head of the St John cult - a denomination of OTO -internationally.
The name SPUDNIKS was coined because Prince Philip and Prince William had to exit
the castle with potato sacks pulled down over their heads and bodies - so far in
fact, that they couldn't move their arms and had to stumble across the uneven grass
- towards the waiting British Army who had been called in by the French Police who
were currently investigating reports of WACO in the South of France. The Royal
Templars had already murdered two French policemen who had been sent in to
investigate. Prince Philip and Prince William tried to hide their 'dignity' in
potato sacks. Other present - None other than David Cameron. The sickbay was full
of young men who had been butchered by the sadistic Templars - off their heads
during their 'summer solstice rites'. They were refusing to eat the bread that had
been baked for them by Cameron because he had peppered it with human bone ashes. It
was of a speckled grey colour. The Templars had been incinerating babies in an
oven, constructed to look like those from Auschwitz as well as burning 'traitors'
upon their bonfires. What about Eliza Manningham-Buller? She was busy 'breaking
plates' most nights - Templar-speak for reading the entrails of live human beings.
She was completely out of it on a cocktail of designer drugs but mainly cocaine -
that is the Templar mainstay - cocaine psychosis - and was digging around in the
bellies and wombs of women who were still alive, with a lighted torch. Manningham-
Buller normally only does this with her llamas on ordinary rites but this was the
Summer Solstice 'special'. It is all about EXCESS gone mad...extreme power, extreme
S/M...extreme drug taking...extreme everything and they end up damaged out of their
minds. And nobody tells them no. Why not? Because ostensibly, they look like
adults, grown men and women who are now culturally allowed to pursue Satanism
and/or Luciferianism as a bona fide religion. The fact is that they are NOT adults
in their own minds. They are abused, crazed, tiny children - a product of mind-
splitting and Illuminati mind control programming. It also doesn't help that these
people are at the top of the Masonic system worldwide and control freemasonry
globally, via mind control. If I were to take the piss out of them - then one needs
look no further than American McGee's Alice (a pisstake itself, upon Alice in
Wonderland mind control programming) for the right type of images e.g. where one
sees those little children with epilepsy headgear on - beating themselves,
giggling, laughing, moaning, crying - unable to transform the prisons of their own
minds and to recover from such abuse.
I keep on dipping back into the Mark Philips/Cathy O'Brien book (because I skimmed
it the first time), and each time I read another chapter I read something that
coincides with what I experienced, and also enlarges my understanding of what was
going on in 1980 and subsequently. The two authors state that illuminati mind
control programming was mainly Christian based, or rather the Catholic Church was
doing most of it, and that the 'top brass' illuminati hated the Jews. What
fascinates me is that the CIA appeared to believe that they were 'untouched' i.e.
that they were not put through the same hideous mind control programming regime,
and that even those like Cheney believed that illuminati programming was reserved
for those from families, where incestuous multigenerational abuse had occurred, but
from my experience, none of this was true. They had all been abused and programmed
in the same way, yet those groomed for high office were made to believe that they
hadn't been put through the same program. Looking at the whole book I was struck by
how everybody in it, from Reagan/Bush downwards, were all behaving like mobsters.
Whether they thought themselves to be a 'white rabbit' or 'the wizard of oz', they
were all just mobsters. It was also odd to read that they were nearly ALL
paedophiles - and in terms of a clinical profile of this particular sector of
society - I wouldn't have thought that such a high incidence of paedophilia would
be seen as 'normal' - or indeed, in any given group. Personally, I would see this
high incidence level of paedophilia as mind control programming. They had all been
highly programmed but didn't know it. They ignorantly abused 'slaves' like Cathy,
unaware that they were also slaves. Alternatively, one can say that they had all
come from incestuous, multigenerational abuse families but had severely repressed
all memories. I also find it odd that Cathy's experience of a purely Jesuitical
form of mind control programming (until the military got hold of her) does NOT
appear to include SON OF GOD programming...why would that be? Was this because it
was simply a European/British Empire form of mind control? The odd thing here, is
that I relate SON OF GOD programming to the Ashkenazim, or to the Jews turned
Satanists, in general. They were the main top programmers. Looking at her book
again, I began to realise that the whole 'gang' at top of the White House
administration e.g. Reagan/Cheney/Bush/Clinton were a bunch of sodomised,
brutalised 'little boys' who were self-medicating i.e. by extreme drug abuse, to
get rid of the nightmares. Just like Richard Tomlinson. Additionally, the
illuminati consciously program all of their slaves with 'addictions' carefully
selected for them, in order to control them. I bet they were all also put through
SON OF GOD programming but didn't know it. That's why TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA
reads like such a nightmare. How could such 'out-of-control', violent and unstable
personalities be running the most powerful country in the world? The answer is
ILLUMINATI PROGRAMMING, but these men had been told that it 'hadn't been done to
them - only to those assigned to be slaves'. This is obviously, patently untrue.
Even if George Bush sees himself as having reached the top of OZ/ALICE hierarchy,
he is NOT free. He was programmed like the graduates, to be a drug-addicted, out-
of-control, violent paedophile. They are ALL programmed to be that at the top of
the US and UK tree. George Bush would have gone on the same 'whistle-stop' tour
around the world at some point in his teens (probably whilst he was 'avoiding'
military service), and he would have been programmed in the same way, as a 'puppet
politician' like Tony Blair, Putin, Gordon Brown. So many of us who were seen as
'possibles' to be 'puppets' in powerful positions.
HUMPTY DUMPTY'S evil speech to ALICE about how she can remain at her age - just
under 8 years old forever...'two can'...this is TOUCAN programming which ANTONY
RADCLIFFE speciallised in - the creation of 'child alters' frozen in time, through
extreme torture. "One can't, perhaps,' said Humpty Dumpty; 'but two can. With the
proper assistance you might have left off (growing up) at seven.'
Richard Tomlinson and other Templars, had all been put through Mummy programming
i.e. the golden mask of Tutankhamen. This was part and parcel of the demonic
Babylonian rite of Marduk, who supposedly wore a 'golden mask' and armour. They
were then forced to worship Akhenaton, who was in fact Mr Lowry. The book used for
470 06544 0 51999 9 780470 065440. It had been used at the Templar castle to
program new slaves into 'Tutankhamen' alters (who then worshipped their father
'Akhenaton'). I was programmed as a 'Nefertiti'. Drugged and tortured, the
programmers told you that you were now 'dead' and would be embalmed, they then
strung you up from the ceiling of a dungeon and in the darkness held up human
organs to your face, telling you that they had just cut them out of your abdomen
etc. I saw this happen to Stephen Daldry and Andrew Marr in 1980. I remember new
male recruits being put through this programming to become TUTANKHAMENS. They were
studying this very book and those lists, making up little 'mantras' in their heads,
in order to remember the first letter codes...oblivious to the fact that these
codes were to contact the DOS computer of their mind and nothing to do with lists
concerning 'what the Egyptians ate', or 'what the Egyptians fought with' etc.
The NAZIS were creating aircraft that looked like flying saucers. Secondly, that if
any retired CIA official decided to talk about all of this - after the documents
had been declassified 'memory modification' would kick in i.e. the unwitting mind
control victim would add fanciful stuff about the 'alien agenda' to confuse the
issue. I know that there were ILL/NAZI designs of aircraft, of the 'flying saucer'
variety - but they were not built or flown by 'aliens'.
I know that the CIA employees were programmed to believe in such alien forces in
order to mask their uber programmers - these operatives were indoctrinated - made
to foster this 'alien agenda' belief system and to pass it on.
What about COLLIE and her insistence upon the 'fact' that interdimensional space
lizards are real - whilst helping ICKE to put his book together? COLLIE - who had
handed out the 'alien lizard masks' to BRITISH INTELLIGENCE programmers at FORT
MONCKTON in 1980. What about the GREYS? JOHN SCARLETT used to be a GREY - that is a
British Intelligence-trained 'carrier pigeon'. JOANNE COLLIE and MI6 were using
ALIEN LIZARD masks for their programmers - to programme their operatives into
believing that their uber-programmers were aliens. The CIA (until recently) were
using children's RED DEVIL masks to programme their operatives into believing
pretty much the same old story i.e. 'alien devils' but with a 'twist' i.e. they are
really 'good guys' (see Arthur C Clarke story used as programming script - from
previous notes). Not to mention 'god' programming as used by MI6/MI5/Russian
Intelligence and the MOSSAD (from my experience). The Head of the MOSSAD used to
program himself in as 'god'.
The majority of those 'Muslim terrorist cells' in the UK are exactly like those of
us on the MI5 Russian course, in the 1980s and 1990s. We were agents of chaos and
anarchy - programmed to provoke civil unrest and the need for greater State
security measures. The Russians were the big threat to the UK then and we provided
that threat, under mind control. The Islamic world are now the big threat to the UK
and these new, Muslim mind control slaves are providing the same sort of threat and
with far worse consequences i.e. even greater State surveillance and control of the
UK population, not to mention the possibility of WWIII. We were programmed to start
the ball rolling and we did. They are now programmed to run with it. When Eliza
Manningham-Buller talks of those huge numbers of 'terrorist cells', I wonder how
she can be so accurate. Are MI5 surveillance teams really that good nowadays? Hi-
tech facilities do not mean better brains and British Intelligence recruits on the
'X' factor, not intelligence. I find it very hard to believe that MI5 is
'powerless' to stop these cells, despite being armed with the full knowledge of who
they are and where they are, and so we have the 7/7 tragedy on our doorstep. MI5
then feed the police entirely erroneous information about a Muslim family in London
who are 'potentially terrorists' in order to terrorise the Islamic UK population.
Manningham-Buller knows full well who those 'Islamic terrorist cells' are because
she and her officers had put them under mind control, in order to start up those
cells. MI5 can now 'activate' those cells any time they choose. In effect, MI5 is
holding the country to ransome. Manningham-Buller was always a bully
(understatement of the century) and this is coming out more and more in her public
speeches. What can any of us do now but speak out about it and try to free others
from mind control. Until British Intelligence Services stop activating Muslim mind
control victims of their disgusting Illuminati program - no one has a hope of peace
in this world. Many Imams have said that suicide bombing or martyrdom is not part
of Islamic culture and never has been. This is entirely true and the biggest
mistake on the part of SIS. Martyrdom belongs essentially to Christian culture and
primarily to Catholicism. Guess who was behind the idea of suicide bombers, then?
SIS made the most glaring mistakes. Martyrdom is part of their culture - the using
and abusing of mind control slaves as 'sacrificial lambs'. This has nothing to do
with Islam. Manningham-Buller and her Royal associates are still going to holding
the country to ransome. The ransome note runs something like this: 'If you do not
agree to a Nazi-controlled, totalitarian State then we will continue to terrorise
and bomb this country until you do.'
All I knew was that British Intelligence had been told to murder Diana, and that it
went all the way up to the top, to the crown. Naturally, one assumed that meant
Prince Philip. The top Illuminati at the Templar castle all worked for British
Intelligence. Richard Tomlinson had actually been at the scene of the crime - upon
his big black motorbike and he knew who was in the ambulance to take her away i.e.
if Diana didn't die on impact...there was a British Intelligence operative
(Tomlinson said John Scarlett) in the ambulance, who was there to 'manage' Diana
until they got to the Versailles gardens. Tomlinson took a photograph of this man,
for blackmail purposes i.e. if the Illuminati tried to pin her murder upon him as a
'dissident MI6 officer' living in France. Tomlinson had chipped Henri Paul before
the event.
Tomlinson was under mind control and under orders to give Henri Paul Ipsodal and he
did. Ipsodal acts upon the neurological pathways of the brain – it affects the
platelets and it is possible to create strokes, heart-attacks with this type of
biological implant. Don’t look for it on the internet because you won’t find it as
a ‘drug’. Who gave Tomlinson the order? Scarlett. Who gave Scarlett the order? The
Crown. Manningham-Buller knew about it. Now, do either of you know about the ‘red
and the black’? I am assuming that you do. The British Intelligence game were the
P2 ‘red’ Catholic team had joined up with the ‘blacks’ i.e. the Monarchy (who you
MUST know used to be ‘white’). Daldry was planning the funeral with his mates,
months beforehand. Tomlinson knew who the MI6 operatives were in France. He knew
that Henri Paul was one of them. Who was a prime target and suspect for ‘control’
of Henri Paul from the very beginning then Tomlinson. Why did he invent this cock
and bull story about the Fiat Uno and a laser beam of light? Because he was still
working for P2 and was primarily under Manningham-Buller’s orders in France. I know
this – I met him there in 2002. Tomlinson couldn’t say to the press: ‘I know who
did it because I did it…’ He could however threaten British Intelligence, who were
about to throw him to the fishes if the whole thing turned into a murder
investigation – he was a prime suspect…a traitor to Crown and Country in the Public
Eye…What was the easiest thing to do? Create a diversion which is what he did. The
poor man was under mind control and under orders. I personally do not hold him
responsible for the crime. Do you? The truth is that all British Intelligence
operatives are chipped and Tomlinson told me that Henri Paul had been chipped with
Ipsodal. This can be triggered to create seizures, fits, strokes and heart-attacks.
Remember what happened to Robin Cook up that mountain? The point I am trying to
make about Tomlinson is that he HAS been severely brain-washed and was NOT in his
right mind whilst administering Ipsodal to Paul. He was under orders. Don’t kill
the messenger or mind control slave. The ones who made the plans and gave the
orders, are the ones who should be exposed and brought to trial.
33rd degree Royal Arch Freemasonry has the grand title in Hebrew of ‘learner
camel’…you become a beast of burden.
...if you know anything that is, about RA Freemasonry and what British Intelligence
get up to…i.e. the prostitution rackets, people-trafficking, paedophile rings,
zygote black market, money-laundering, smuggling…ad infinitum really – they have
broken every law and ruling in the lawbooks
Do you remember that Birmingham pop group – Duran Duran and their number 1 hit in
1980/1 which had the line ‘calling Planet Earth’…I loved it at 17 years old…it was
called ‘Planet Earth’ and the idea was that they were calling back from outer space
– rather like David Bowie and his Spiders from Mars and The Man Who Fell to Earth
(poor man really believed he was an alien – something went wrong with his
programming then because of the drugs or some twisted programmer figured it might
be a laugh…)…well, one can say that they were all under MI6 COSMOS programming
‘Tip toe through the tulips’ programming was put in to make you feel that you had
no right to stand on this earth…you owned nothing…not even the right to walk around
unless the programmer said you could…which is why there are so many ‘tulips’ in the
odd assortments of programming symbols around Harwich…a fundamental symbol of the
fact that they had attempted to steal the ground from under your feet…and made you
feel nervous and guilty for walking on it…
The MI6/Illuminati demonic rites are all about solar eclipses and sunspots and in
connection with the planet Saturn…the Royal planet…the Roman Saturnalia god. You
have to ‘see through the moon’ in Delta programming i.e. ‘go to the centre of the
earth’ in a visualisation…and end up on the ‘dark side of the moon’, courtesy of
MI6 cosmos programming. In short, MI6 were experimenting with what the mind could
do – i.e. remote-view and ‘time-travel’ and they created people who could do both.
Manningham-Buller’s lot were gleefully destroying the infra-structure of British
Society via cultural theory, politics, fashion, trends…in short, they were
attacking education and youth culture, trying to dumb down Britain into mindless
morons. Programmed slaves who didn’t deserve any real knowledge or education to
carry out their functions. Instead of creating an island (properly, islands) of
mind control slaves, what if they didn’t realise that what they were actually doing
was attacking the foundations of the country, to the point that it would collapse.
Everything has been attacked in this country, the politicians are under mind
control, the NHS is still continuing with the Royal Genome Project, the media is
fully under mind control gatekeepers, and it is all sinking fast…The 'Battleship
Brittanica’ as that film-maker, what was his name? Made a film about the
destruction of Britain as we know it, by Thatcherism ostensibly...the Illuminati
loved Thatcher...Rimington, Daldry... but it isn’t Conservative politics which are
destroying this country, it is mind control and a mockery of a ‘freedom of
information’ act.
You have no idea of the abuse, torture and general hell that constitutes putting
Intelligence Officers and agents under mind control. Read up about the Monarch mind
control project on the net. That should give you a basic idea of what these
services do.
Monkeys in the MI6 mind control program are children who have been deemed resistant
to programming. One of the first experiments which is done to the child, is to put
it into a pen with a small animal – normally a squirrel with a pile of nuts. If the
child manages to steal some of the nuts without getting harmed i.e. scatched or
bitten – then it is deemed a ‘monkey’. Why is this? Read up on the Monarch program.
The ‘nuts’ are the different sub-personalities or ‘alter’s programmed into an
intelligence agent and if the child is to be programmed correctly, it will not
tamper with the ‘nuts’ of programming. Our friend obviously did and managed to
unscrew his different ‘nuts’ by merging them into his original personality by
recovering his memories of how he had been run as an agent.
‘Little screws in space’ This is also about MI6 COSMOS mind control programming.
They use artificial reality to make a recruit believe that they are really
weightless and in the depths of outer space – rather like those water tanks used
for therapy. The ‘screws’ or ‘nuts’ are then put in i.e. the programming commands
and ‘alters’ whilst the recruit is in an altered state of reality i.e. using
different brainwave patterns.
‘Sooty and Sweep’ was the worst in my book. ‘Sue’ the panda, was an early learner
stage for zygote-donor training. Remember how everyone had to guess how long her
‘bun in the oven’ would take? Sweep the dog, would take a broom to her and beat her
if she ‘over-cooked’ it.
Personally I make a date to watch The Simpsons which rips the piss out of MI6 and
their mind control programming in just about every episode. Very refreshing. Nota
bene: Halloween V and the ‘Stone-Cutters’ episodes. Ever wondered why Mr Burns
looks and talks like Prince Charles?
Re: Harry and the Ipsodal Chip. There is no way that British Intelligence could
activate this type of chip in a car. In a public place certainly, but not in a
closed and fast-moving space. So whether one of the motorcyclists or a satellite
was used in an attempt to do so, is not an issue here. If Tomlinson had told you
that he had Ipsodal-chipped Henri Paul, that is entirely believable if he were
still working for British Intelligence and in France at the time. Why not? He would
have been an excellent double-agent. He says himself on this blog, that he is
sometimes approached by other services to provide information. Who better to turn
to, in order to chip Henri Paul? However (and this is your stated aim), by blaming
Tomlinson for chipping Henri Paul, you are in deed, getting him off the hook,
rather than on to it. This looks to me as if British Intelligence were following
standard procedure here by putting the blame onto one of their own operatives under
mind control: Forcing the operative in question to believe that they actually
committed the crime. Pushing them forward as a prime suspect. Tomlinson probably
told you about the Ipsodal chipping, whilst in this guilt-ridden state of mind.
Afterwards, he began to work it out in relation to the reports of a white flash in
the tunnel, having remembered that this type of beam was to be used in a project
relating to the assassination of Milosevic. If a ‘white flash’ was indeed used,
then this means that the whole car and everyone in it, was electrocuted which would
go some way to explaining why the bodyguard had no memories of it afterwards. A
massive electric shock takes hours off both sides of a person’s memory, before and
after the event. I do not think that a trained bodyguard would have been
traumatised to such degree, by a car accident (he himself, couldn’t understand it)
and electrocution sounds much more likely. It really all rests upon whether the
reports of a ‘white flash’ are true or not. Additionally, if Tomlinson said that he
was under orders from Scarlett and the Crown then I have no reason to disbelieve
this. If the cap fits wear it. With all due respect to Mr Tomlinson – whom I am
sure will not comment upon any of the above on the internet – the fact that all
British Intelligence officers and agents are Ipsodal-chipped is not something which
he should stand trial for, on this blogspot or elsewhere.
For anyone forced to attend the Templar Castle 2001 - you will have been
reprogrammed with the rooms of the castle (as compartmentalised 'blocks' within
your mind). The ILL programmers also put in the MI6 'carousel' visualisation
beneath this and in addition, 6 large cans (rather like TUNA CANS but in fact more
like FILM CANNISTERS)...AND underneath that, you will find the CATS EYES IN THE
DARKNESS which hide the faces of the top Illuminati programmers e.g. the LOWRIES
AND SAATCHIS of this world.
I think that we have all had a bit too much sun, in terms of Royal Arch Freemasonry
RA SUN worship in our time, one of the many downsides of the job, working for
British Intelligence and ISIS (SIS). RA Freemasonry is basically based on Arab
Freemasonry which is what makes it so ironic – that they are now attacking the
Muslim/Arabic world. Shadow-punching is the most appropriate term to describe this
punch-drunk fighter attitude. NIt IS all about the subjugation of women and the use
and abuse of their reproductive systems and it has to stop NOW. No more Masonic
markets for human zygotes, the sex-trade or paedophile rings advertising their
wares. British Intelligence has to stop running and facilitating them NOW. As far
as red lettuce is concerned – let me explain it for the layperson. One of the mind
control scripts used for programming young children was all about Mr MacGregor who
had a garden with green lettuces which the rabbits (white Wonderland rabbits =
British Intelligence) used to pinch. Green lettuces = greenbacks = $$$$.
Tomlinson was Putin's 'boy' for a while. Daldry had a good time buggering him on
training and he developed a taste for it. Putin's mother was Jewish but converted
to Russian Orthodoxy. In Poland, he decided to go back to his roots, and because
his mother was Jewish he didn't have to go through a full conversion. He went
through 'brit milah'. They put him on a throne and cut it off! Apparently he
enjoyed the whole thing enormously. Takes all sorts.
I watched the 1989 MI6 video of Putin and his mates about to go out on the town
(Berlin), courtesy of Johnnie boy. The three of them were in the basement of that
old KGB building and coming out of a white door, to climb the stairs. Putin was
dressed in a very fetching number. A scarlett satin, dropped-waist dress (1920's
style) and high-heels. All very tasteful - not so with his darker, more hirsute and
hefty communist buddies - what can I say? Straight off Monty Python and looking
rather uncomfortable with it. Anyway, Putin decided to turn circus acrobat in his
heels and began to climb the stairs on the other side of the bannister, before
reaching the stairwell where he whipped his dress up and hoicked a rather shapely
leg over the rail. Scarlett thought it all hilarious - joy of joys - a man after
his own heart. The main point of showing me this video was to give me an idea of
what Putin looked like. Hardly the best example to give but you probably know
Penelope Pitstop as well as I do.
Tomlinson joined the P2 mafia years ago and has been helping Rimington, Daldry,
Marr and Co. What is his job? Why do you think he has a 'boat'? He is the
'ferryman'. They are still running the child-trafficking trade down from Amsterdam
to Cannes - to Cagnes Sur Mer. He has to work to live and only P2 (which
incidentally, Putin thinks he runs) would give him a job. His old 'mates' picked
him up and got him back under mind control. P2 headquarters? The Eastern Catholic
Church in St Petersburg. The 'Vatican' are their puppets. I guess the re-
appellation of this organisation as the 'Russian Orthodox church', must have
confused quite a few people. They run the Vatican - look how friendly Mr Putin is
with the Italians. They are as thick as thieves.
'Rocking Horse people'. This is mind control programming where the victim is
drugged and then given the auto-suggestion that they are a 'rocking horse person'
i.e. that they cannot move their arms or legs and can therefore only 'rock'. This
'alter' is created and then used if a British Intelligence operative has shown
signs of disobedience or trying to escape. Remember the old joke: what do you call
a leggless, armless man in a pile of leaves? Russell. Toby Macklin is an
MI6/Illuminati operative who has recently produced a new children's programming
book, especially for this purpose and on this topic of mind control programming.
His location? Northern Cyprus.
Toby Macklin, John Scarlett and Richard Tomlinson were all Royal Arch Freemasons.
Macklin was the one who shopped Tomlinson to MI6 (HQ, London) late 1994, on grossly
unfounded and frankly laughable charges in order to get a promotion. Macklin
supplied a passport photograph of one of Scarlett's and Tomlinson's agents in
eastern Europe (none other than 'Erica Chambers') claiming that the Tomlinson and
Chambers were double-agents and working for the Russians. They were all certainly
working with the Russians but not for them. Scarlett was working hand-in-hand with
Putin, as were Tomlinson and Chambers - did that make him a 'double-agent' too?
'Chambers' wasn't working for the Russians, but she was helping the CIA. If MI6 had
bothered to contact the CIA, this could have been verified but they didn't. Why
not?Why was Chambers helping the CIA? She had just been put through a traumatic
abortion to obtain her fertilised egg for experimentation - she had been sleeping
with Putin. I guess she didn't have much faith in British Intelligence after that -
nor did Putin after he found out MI5 were planning to murder him. Macklin was duly
rewarded for his 'services to the Crown' in shopping Tomlinson and was subsequently
given the title 'knight of the realm' by the bigwigs in Royal Arch Freemasonry.
John Scarlett (Head of Moscow MI6 station) was livid with Tomlinson for losing the
contraband i.e. diamonds (which Tomlinson couldn't touch, according to his 'smelly
cheeses' programming and had left on the dead agent). Macklin was one of the
stupidest and laziest MI6 operatives out. The Russians nicked his Illuminati mind
control laptop in 1995 - as easily as taking candy from a baby. Did Macklin get
punished for this? No. He got promoted. Go figure it out - Looking Glass World.
Macklin was 'introduced' into the Service by one of his old school chums (St
Paul's, London). The Cadogans are a well-known Illuminati family. Macklin is one of
the most idle and hopeless characters going and yet he managed to get rid of one of
the most talented and intelligent officers that MI6 has ever managed to recruit.
Tomlinson is a paedophile (raped one tiny girl to death at their last P2 rite) and
gets paid as the 'ferryman', running the Crown paedophile racket from Amsterdam to
Cagnes Sur Mer. Want to know what Tomlinson was programmed with apart from 'smelly
cheeses'?Watch 'Tiger Bay' to see the prototype role of a SIS officer - which is
implanted into their subconscious during training. A sailor/smuggler role on the
'snake-lines'. The SIS officer is allowed to murder the SKTS SIS agent if she
refuses to obey orders. SKTS are programmed as 'zebra' - look out for the large
ornamental zebra behind this woman as she is murdered. In addition, ask any film
lecturer to analyse the paedophilic overtones in this film and see what you get.
The 'love' relationship between the 8-year old girl and the sailorboy in his
twenties. Want to know what happens to an SIS officer after he retires? Watch 'The
Night Porter' for a metaphorical and allegorical account of a SIS (SS) officer who
meets up with an old victim of his (SIS agent) and embarks on a sado-masochistic
affair with her (they are re-enacting what happened during SIS training). However,
the programming of the pair begins to unravel i.e. they start remembering training
and try to escape. They are subsequently shot whilst trying to escape over a
metaphorical suspension bridge (rabbit pons - i.e. trying to take control of their
own minds). The SIS moral of this little gem? No one ever escapes Alice in
Wonderland programming.
Tomlinson has been working for Scarlett since he was apparently 'sacked' from MI6
in 1995. He has been paid into an account at the Leumi bank which quite
unbelievably went under the name of 'Jowell'. He tended to withdraw cash from a
cashpoint in Cagnes Sur Mer. Until recently. What happened? Guess. Tomlinson
recently launched an attack on MI6 and Scarlett in particular in various blogspots
- he must be feeling very let down. The easy money is no longer gushing through the
system.Tomlinson has been trafficking children down the coast from Amsterdam to
Cannes and Cagnes Sur Mer for Rimington's Ring - now run by Manningham-Buller.
There is a Templar castle just outside of Cagnes Sur Mer (take the main road out,
turn right and right again and keep going until you get to a large iron gate). The
number pad to let you in was: 1461 although Tomlinson used to add 5 to this number
- maybe this was his specific code number. The code is based on a Templar battle
fought in this year, in the area. The castle was completed 30 years later in 1491.
Stephen Daldry and Andrew Marr are frequent visitors to this castle and have
organised as well as participated in the Templar rites. They have tortured and
murdered women and children in the castle and grounds. The rites are atrocities,
pure and simple.
Another important detail is that the French locals know nothing of the castle. It
was restored by craftspeople who were brought in from the outside. It can be seen
aerially though. Try Google Earth. Also, the castle belongs to the British
aristocracy and the Ring refer to the Lord who owns it as 'Blueberry' or
'Bluebeard'. Remember the Arturian legend of the Fisher King? King Pelles of
Corbinec Castle? It is a 'magical' one which moves around alot. This is no 'magical
castle' - it is British Intelligence's Azakaban where they torture and murder
innocents in the main, according to their ORDO/OTO rites. The Fisher King is
interesting - the last Templar King on Malta was called: Hompesche - homme + peche.
The Illuminati cult began in ancient times as primarily a 'fishing cult'. The fear
of volcanoes erupting and the idea that the fish in the rivers, streams and lakes
might dry up - not to mention the seas. The 'warrior code' developed once naval
forces began in the West...and this primitive fishing cult developed into something
far more sinister. A cult which involved human torture and sacrifice. MI6 has its
roots in naval intelligence and they also inherited the most terrible blood-lust
S/M Masonic cult from it. They still worship underground springs and ancient wells.
Why hasn't anyone talked about the psychotronic warfare which has been in
development since Kruschchev? The 'teardrop explodes' - anyone remember that? The
lachrymose glands produce proportionally exact, minute amounts of what used to be
seen in many cultures as 'magical tears' which can produce miracles. Bizarrely
enough, British Intelligence used to collect the tears of their experimental
guineapigs in phials, for the psychotronic experiments. Operation TEARDROP was all
about nuclear fission though, the ability of remote-viewers to cause explosions.
The shape of a teardrop, try watching a tap drip and work it out. The Chinese knew
about this 3000 years ago. The Daoists monks were the first real scientists on this
planet. The Russians were gassing their remote-viewers, changing the plasma of
their blood in order to change the magnetic polarities of the positive and negative
ions, in order to get people to levitate and do far more extraordinary things. The
Russians now have the ability to explode British nuclear plants through
psychotronics and British Intelligence haven't worked out how to do this one yet.
On verra.
Royal family codes for Putin are: Narcissus 4321. Dingobat 4321. Crusador 4321. FBI
codes are: IPSSISSIMUS 41371
For the record: Tomlinson's real name is Rory Macklin. Rory Macklin is back working
at MI6 - the whole sacking was a set-up to get him abroad and working for the
Golden Chain again aka Rimington's paramilitary mafia ring, after she had been
forced out of office. Yes, his brother did have a hand in his sacking but they have
made it up since. Both Macklins were last seen in their father's old flat in
London. Rory was recently ordered to deliver documents in Thailand - ostensibly as
a representative, attending conference, in which he was to hand over the papers to
a marine biologist. The papers were to do with Royal Illuminati plans for more
terrorist attacks in the UK.
The 'NEPHILIM WATCHERS' explained: The Illuminati cult had decided to create
'unfallen' creatures...those angels of ancient times...those referred to as the
'two-backed beast'...the male and the female incorporated into one being - before
they were split apart, put into the garden of Eden...and then came the FALL OF MAN.
How did they do it? They experimented with the chromosones, using firstly 2X
1Y...which didn't work...then finally using 4X 2Y which did work - resulting in
'higher consciousness' with the associated 'psychic gifts' of telepathy and the
ability to see past, present and future altogether. There were many 'failures' in
this genetic experiment but some successes. In addition: A man with 4X and 2Y will
have 3X and 1Y dormant - so as to appear a 'normal male'. A woman with 4X and 2Y
will have only 2X active and so also appear to be a 'normal female'.
MI6 like to mind control program their slaves with the RaW Library QUICK READS
selection too - look at either the ISBN numbers or programming numbers in the front
to work out the general Illuminati lessons within each book - very few books have
no programming numbers, a refreshing oddity to find one which doesn't.
For those who are new to Illuminati mind control programming, the first book you
should look at is: "FROG "- BARRIE WADE and BARRIE WATTS, FRANKLIN WATTS 2003. This
tells the evil little tale told to Illuminati boys at a very young age, is all
about how one's memories of cult abuse are synonymous with the TAIL of a TADPOLE.
As you get older, survive the various brainwashings (that invariably involve
drownings and OBES/NDES), you develop 'lungs', come up for air and your TAIL drops
off. The Crossword Fiends at MI6 love this one - YOUR TALE/TAIL drops off i.e. your
memories of ILL cult abuse are no more. They simply don't exist. Such is the
brainwashing power of the Illuminati cult. Those of you who are more advanced in
this subject - here are some more notes on FROG: This is a RECOUNT TEXT in that it
is used for programming reinforcement upon abused child alters of grown men: "This
is how you were born, little a large test tube with a whole load more
sperm which had been 'doctored' by were just a BLACK SPOT in jelly...and
you grew and grew until one day: "Now, after twelve weeks, I am a frog. BOING!"
BOING in Illuminati cult-speak means total disassociation through anal rape and/or
extreme torture. This is often experienced as an NDE/OBE where the person's 'I'
floats free of their body. This 'I' can then be trained to remote-view for military
HILARY MINNS), FRANKLIN WATTS 2007. ISBN 978 0 7496 7297 3 9 780749 672973. Yet
another book that I have already seen - at the Templar Castle 2001 (British
Intelligence had all of the new literary programming materials for children and
adults available - to be released as a later date)..anyway, this one is an
oddity...because of the word BEST denoting CIA in the title...and also the SALMON
PINK colour upon the back of the book which means SACRIFICIAL SLAVE. The two main
IMAGES within this book: A 'DIRTY' DOG who needs a good 'WASH' because he is
'SMELLY'. Roughly translated ('smelly cheeses' = Royal contraband) so this dog is a
CROWN smuggler who needs to have the goods taken off him and then brainwashed i.e.
memory modification to take away his memories. Second image: TWO GARDENS with a
GARDEN FENCE inbetween and a hole through which SMELLY DOG can escape through. Why
does DOG want to escape into the other garden? Because he prefers the style of
'washing' by that OTHER FAMILY next door. This is basically 'reprogramming' by the
ROYALS/TEMPLARS for CIA members. Do not give up the booty to the USA...give it to
us and we will wipe your memory clean afterwards. The image of the two halves of
the brain also came to mind in relation to this two could also be
pertinent here. An MI6 ORANGE TOMCAT sits upon the FENCE and watches the whole
proceedings as SMELLY DOG makes a run for it through the hole in the fence and gets
washed by the neighbouring family, with a hose in their garden. I met PETER COTRILL
the graphic designer, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - he has this to say about himself in
the front of the book: "I'm a bit of an old dog myself. I like a tasty biscuit, a
good walk, a long sleep and someone to tell me 'who's a clever boy, then?" That
tells me more than enough about how COTTRILL has been programmed.
44388 0 9 780099 443889. A really sick book, this time starring Rimington as
Illuminati 'granny'. I remember Tomlinson pointing her out as such, in this very
book. This is a truly disgusting book. The Illuminati subtext symbolic code is all
about rape and abortions - zygote slaves (young girls)...and 'granny' is
responsible for the lot...and she gets to eat her BRUISED mile-high apple
pie...think Rimington delicately feasting upon a human foetus and you have the
whole of this book in a is incredibly sick...this 'granny' refers to
her grand-daughter as 'MY APPLE-CHEEKED BRUISE GIRL'...the images upon every single
page and the text combined...a truly revolting spectacle...the BLACK AND WHITE CAT
called PRINCESS PEPPER (PP)...THE LEAVES ON THE TREES (with writing upon
as she holds onto her 'grand-child'...granny only grows SWEET PEAS (she gets her
'grandchild' pregnant)...the little girl has a HAIRSLIDE by her TEMPLE (already had
a syringe full of DNA Silicon into her skull)...she mustn't try to get rid of the
BRUISED bits of the apple (APPLE = BRAIN)...because granny likes eating them...they
are the 'sweetest part of the apple'...the PANDA DOLL on the little girl's
bed...the RED SHOES...her 'party' where she has 6 small EASTER EGGS in her
hair...granny's picture of her FERRYMAN'S BOATHOUSE on her wall...too many
disgusting images to talk about really...enough said.
Remember the code for the Jesuits of the Illuminati cult? PP. The PP are controlled
by Prince Philip by the numbers below. So if you are a Catholic and do not want to
attend another Illuminati cult day (see book title below), then read the ISBN
programming numbers very carefully indeed: "POSTMAN PAT - A DIFFICULT DAY", HIPPO -
SCHOLASTIC BOOKS, New Ed edition (15 Mar 1996). ISBN-10: 0590134353. ISBN-13: 978-
0590134354. This book is all about how Catholics are made into what the Illuminati
call 'unicyclists' i.e. only operating on their instinctual side of the brain -
where the biddable child alters exist. They will have no memories of the abuse that
they witnessed or were made to commit at this Illuminati rites (unless their
programming has begun to unravel). The red postbox on the front symbolises the 10
tribes (NUMBER 10).
If you want the codes to run the mind control slaves being used in the UK for the
Royal Family/Saudi zygote, human eggs and sperm deal: Look no further than the
latest releases from FRANKLIN WATTS series for 'early learners'. Anne Adeney as an
author of these books, is a particular laugh - he/she is an old paedophile
transvestite. Read up on the ISBN numbers - they will give you any and every code
you might need. Usual MI6/SIS shit.
4 9 780141 320984. Anybody, want to know what the Illuminati agenda is for the
Templar cult? Try reading this book and making an extra-special note of all of the
words in italics. They are your programming commands as TEMPLAR TOMCATS. They
control your 'night-time' alters and can be used to make you continue what the
Saatchis call their DAIRY FARMING i.e. the use and abuse of male/female Illuminati
slaves for babies, foetuses, zygotes as well as human eggs and sperm. The Saatchis
are doing this for the BRITSH CROWN deal with the SAUDIS. That's not all - have you
checked out the CONTENTS PAGE? Run your eye down the first letters of each chapter
to obtain this Iluminati code: NWO AA LC BRA. I suppose most of you already know
that AA is shorthand for SAATCHI and that a BRA relates to 'TIT programmers' and
the insane ABRACADABRA command used upon Templars to turn them into 'child alters'
who believe that they are 'great magicians' in HARRY POTTER terms. I am not sure
about the LC though. What could it mean? I am getting LC as in ELSIE TANNER here.
What do you think? Rimington was well-known at MI5 and MI6 as 'Hilda Ogden'.
However it is Eliza Manningham-Buller who is in charge of the whole DAIRY FARMING
PROJECT for the ROYALS - Rimington is merely her second-in-command.
Here are the mind control codes for the Templars of Prince Philip's Illuminati
cult. They 'run' an 8 year-old boy alter who believes himself to be a young Arabic
Prince of ancient times: TUTANKHAMEN. You can find all the codes as ISBN numbers
(what else, with MI6?) in the following book: "THE DANGER ZONE: AVOID BEING
TUTANKHAMUN!", David Stewart (Illustrated by David Antran). 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2.
THE SALARIYA BOOK COMPANY LTD. There are a huge amount of ISBN numbers so I will
start with the 4 at the front and then go on to the barcode on the back: HB ISBN-
10: 1-905638-04-3. PB ISBN-10: 1-905638-05-1. HB ISBN-13: 978-1-905638-04-8. PB
ISBN-13: 978-905638-05-5. The back cover bar code: ISBN 978-1-905638-05-5 9 781905
638055. This is an 'elite group' of the Golden Chain at work - in short, it is
Prince Charle's Templar group who have been given separate codes, to work against
his father's men who are still trying to put Princess Anne onto the throne, after
his mother. You can hardly believe the insanity or petty power struggles
internally, of this family. The 'Egyptian Pyramid' book is relatively the same old
shit pictorially, about how to create a 'mummy alter' slave in the same sort of way
as before but this time the coding given, is different. So this is the elite and
MOST recent code for COBRA slaves aka TUTANKHAMEN slave: 978 0 7496 7916 3. There
is no point in saying that I have 'transgressed any security laws' here because in
fact, I am pointing out that if Israeli Intelligence knows, then quite a few other
agencies fighting the Illuminati, will also know i.e most of the rest of the world
and so I am doing the Illuminati a favour by blatantly pointing this one out. I
will also point out the other books in this series and their codes: They all follow
the generic beginning of: 978 0 7496 7916. And then have one last digit which is
MEDIEVAL CASTLE: 6. ROMAN VILLA: 7. INDUS VALLEY CITY : 9. There appears to b no
chronological order how were these subjects chosen from 1-9? The 'devil'
at number 9 is the INDUS VALLEY CITY - this isn't about the Aztecs again, is it? I
haven't come across a 0 level before...the 'carousel' is 1...and so 0 might be
their front alter...their 'puppet politician' or 'theatre
director'. 'THE WORLD IS A STAGE AND WE ARE ALL PLAYERS' as Shakespeare once said.
Let me set out what I can see as the NWO agenda: Create an international NWO
Islamic State to be run as a front by the Illuminati. Maintain the SIGNALS shipping
lines base, in Ghana. Try to landgrab 'oil fields' from all countries/States (R & D
projects include Tibet/borderlands of China and Iran). Drill for oil up at the
North Pole (get rid of the obstructive ice). Maintain the Royal Genome Project and
extend databases (which means far more 'dairy farming' slavery than ever before).
The Final Solution: elimination of all human females. (Additional terrorist bombing
attacks where necessary to cause instability, anarchy and the need for oppressive
'national security' legislation.)
Why has nobody mentioned the most terrible Templar rite of all? The one which
Tomlinson described as the 'whirling dervishes' rite but was in fact based on an
old ETONIAN PISS-UP whereby the older boys beat up the younger boys with their
canes. However, the Templars have now enshrined this pathetic little bully-boy game
into something far worse. They now call it the RITE OF CAIN and beat the children
to death in a frenzy. I saw Gordon Brown - out of his face - beating a small girl's
head in - he was completely emotionless as he did it - almost zombified and in a
world of his own. That is how they get after taking so many drugs. Thankfully, she
lost consciousness almost immediately and died shortly afterwards. There was
nothing any of us could do to stop them.All Illuminati slaves are told NOT to touch
the GREEN. Every wondered why Illuminati kids won't eat vegetables for love or
money? They have been terrorised into 'NOT touching the GREEN'. What does the GREEN
constitute in real terms? None other than Sir PHILIP GREEN and his mates. Most of
them are also under mind control. However, somebody that ISN'T under mind control
is CHARLES SAATCHI. A quick trip around this Satanist: He is NOT Jewish and his
family never has been either. They hail from Iran and currently own properties in
Israel near to the GOLAN HEIGHTS. They also control a border crossing there for
smuggling operations - and you wondered how Palestinian/Arab mind control slaves
get smuggled into Israel to commit atrocities, like the 'yellow bulldozer'?
Saatchi's family are NAZI WAR CRIMINALS who escaped to the UK on FALSE JEWISH ID.
The BRITISH CROWN arranged it all. The Illuminati cult HATES true Jews and the
Saatchis have no claim to be Jewish whatsoever. The Saatchi's currently run the
MOLOCH CULT in the UK - in modern terms, the paedophile trade. Their ancestors
sacrified children on the GOLAN HEIGHTS.
THE AGE OF THE TEMPLARS is now over. They represented the 'warrior' cult - the
'fishing King Fisher cult' - the Naval/nautical cult of those who sailed overseas
to war. Look at the story of Esau and Isaac. The civilised world depends upon
'farming' communities to civilise it and NOT warrior cults - such as the mythical
Atlanteans, opposed to the Lemurians. The Illuminati cult is an Atlantean Templar
cult. It will destroy the world if higher consciousness is not reached. Islam and
Christianity hid the fact that at their heart, was the secret knowledge of mind
control. The Templars hid this successfully for centuries - whilst experimenting
with creating 'sons of God' i.e. the Nephilim. The Templars teach that both Jesus
and Mohammed were Nephilim. Christianity and Islam have a close correllation to
slavery historically. They spread their religions all over the globe and wherever
they exported these religions - slavery followed in different ways. That is because
the heart of these religions hides the fact of mind control. Theta brainwave level
is the lowest level of human consciousness which the Templars use to create mind
control slaves. They implant their sea god and goddess visualisations into the
minds of their slaves, at this level (as well as the 'figure of 8' the Octopus of
the MI6 carousel programming to defend these evil idols of the cult). Everyone who
has been programmed by them has to wipe this level clean or else they can be run as
mind control slaves of the Illuminati cult. MARY AND JESUS...MER - sea. MERE -
mother. Mary is neither an Arabic or Hebraic name - it was a name made up by the
Templars. This is all about the worship of the mother sea goddess and little else
in Templar terms. Jesus is the same - the Hebraic name is Yeshuah.
Alexandra House, Dovercourt - rest home for the naval elite. The adjoining Pink
House is where the most diabolical Illuminati mind control medical procedures take
place - check out FLAT 1. Rimington has left her dog-toothed coat in this
particular Illuminati flat. You can see it through the window. 'Toad of Toad Hall'
programming. Join the dots. Minatour in the Labyrinth programming in the Jerusalem
tunnels to protect the Crown Jewels. The 'Ruby' of the Crown was India, where
colonial mind control programming began 'mass production'. Read E M Forster's
account from his 'mother of darkness' contact 'Mrs Moore' in 'Passage to India'.
The Ruby or jewel in the forehead of the toad in Hans Christian Andersen
programming. No jewel - just a bloody hole. The crimson mess left after the 'needle
through the eye' which all Illuminati slaves were put through. Why? To extract most
of the pineal gland. The PG...pearly gates...the 'pearl' or 'soul' of a victim. The
pineal gland grows back eventually and this is why those in their 40s begin to
regain their memories. If this is found out - you pay another trip to 'Flat 1'.
The Crown was extracting the 'pearl' or Pineal Gland from their slaves. If you want
a visual image of this in esoteric terms - check out the album cover 'weak from
kissing' by Al Gromer Khan. You can see the 6 pointed turquoise star (symbolic of
an Illuminati slave). The crimson red triangle (extraction of pineal gland). The
horizontal crescent white moon (next stage in the process of the removal of almost
all of the pineal gland). The 'full moon' to the right which denotes the 'soul' or
pearl of the mind, extracted. The crimson triangle is often called 'The Bermuda
triangle' by mind control programmers, where all memories of Illuminati programming
(torture and abuse) are lost. The orange sign of Uranus refers to the 'lock' put
over this type of programming i.e. repeated anal rape which makes the Illuminati
slave disassociate if they even go near what has happened to them in their heads.
Has any one mentioned the abbreviations for the computer codes that 'run' the
computer of an Illuminati slave's mind? The system works in this way: It is a
series of computer commands and quite lengthy ones which neither the programmer or
slave can necessarily remember unless in a deep state of consciousness and so an
abbreviation is used. Every command begins with two letters. The very worst
commands being with 'Z'. They then go through the whole gamut of the alphabet:
ZA:....and a string of computer code...ZB: ....ZC: ....AD: ....AE: .......and so on
until you get the final and most deadly command ZZ: .... Naturally the first and
most innocuous codes begin: AA: ... AB: ... As I went through the Z series in my
mind...immediate words and images that had been used as a 'reminder' of each
string, came up...and I realised that none of these were now effective upon me, at
all. The last ZZ command is up to the Illuminati programmer in question but ZZ TOP
is often used as an innocuous reference in general conversation to that 'joke pop
group' or perhaps in less public surroundings - a reference to the demon PAZUZAZ.
The top Illuminati Templar Castle is in the South-West of Ireland. Don't take a
trip or book into Tinakilly Hotel either on is owned by Eliza
Manningham-Buller's family and is used for 'church of the poisoned mind'
programming i.e. Satanic Catholicism.
It is quite amusing really, the Catholics were right all along about their theory
of transubstantiation (i.e. we are really eating the body of Christ and drinking
his blood) and the Protestants were entirely wrong in their theory of
consubstantiation (we only do this symbolically at a metaphorical level). During
Satanic Catholic Illuminati programming, you are taught to be a cannibal - to drink
the blood of others and to eat their flesh in those evil atrocities that the Royal
Family and British Intelligence call 'rites'. What is more - they all believe that
this is what the original disciples of Christ really did. So the Catholics have
been upfront about it all along and everyone turned a blind eye. It is an ancient
belief, according to the Illuminati - that everyone has to eat a piece of the old
'magus' in order to gain his powers. They figure that Jesus was one of those - as
was the 13th Tibetan Lama Rinpoche - they did the same to his body. The Illuminati
tend to think in 13s and Jesus was the 13th one of his group. In spiritual terms,
what these cannibals are really doing, is opening themselves up to possession. It
is now widely taken as a given that if you have a transplant of another human
being's organ - that you may easily develop some characteristics of that person.
This isn't esoteric nonsense - simply what 'dominant genes' do within the body -
they tend to take over. From my experience, 99% of the Illuminati that I have met,
are weak-minded fools. By eating other people they simply open themselves up to be
taken over by those with more dominant genes.
Let us look at the 'naval intelligence' HH codes which are being used to run
'clinical coding' at the NHS. The Templars are an extension of this 'fishing cult'
as are MI6 (who evolved from Naval Intelligence - currently run by the sickly
Prince Philip.) For an example of how high up this coding of data goes: check out
your European Health Insurance card. All Illuminati slaves will have a long first
number for 8: identification number of the card and the last two digits represent
their 'expiry date' or 'shelf-life expiry date' or their planned 'death date' if
you prefer. In addition, number 6 Personal Identification Number gives you your
'self-destruct' code. Remember that, if your programmer gives it to you in general
conversation as a 'telephone number'.
This is all about the Jesuits isn't it? AND the Chinese knew that from way
back...when they sent me those Jesuitical texts...because they had researched their
own history and found out how interested the Jesuits were during the late 19th and
early 20th century ( as far as I can remember in terms of those texts) about the
helical risings of Venus in ancient Chinese, why would the Jesuits be
so interested in finding documentation about those heliacal risings? I asked
Israeli Intelligence about all of this and they said - get it down quickly - August
8th 2008 - the Illuminati cult had tried to draw down what they see as demonic
energy from Venus in 2001 but messed it up and now the new date for this is August
8th 2008 - NASA is involved and various other space stations...they have now put up
a rocket which is planned to explode - part of making contact with the 'devil
energy' which they think that they can make contact with from some interaction with
Venus... we are all working against this happening...if the rocket does explode
then it could create a cataclysmic chain of cosmic reactions...not just involving
this planet...all about nuclear explosions in space...I contacted them again for
more information...cannot give anymore away than that but everyone must expose the
ILL as much as they can in general...because they are insane...their whole cult has
now gone completely crazy...If one cuts out all of the insane demonism surrounding
the occultist view of the 'pink planet'...then what we are left with is simply
'nuclear-testing' in Space...and in a 'vacuum' idea what effects that might
have but can clearly see that this isn't a good idea -not 'containable'at all...and
obviously the repercussions of this, could be massive...I 'sense' that the insanity
of those who believe that they are 'space lizards' (like George Bush) is so great,
that they could be thinking in military terms...about protecting themselves from
REAL aliens from other planets...hence testing nuclear missiles in Space...
The OZ (or should one say FBI) top programmers, put in two safety valves to 'switch
off' and also to 'set free' an Illuminati slave. The first, has been most often
used by Christian preachers - i.e. pushing a person backwards by their forehead.
The second is not so well-known (Rimington certainly wasn't aware of it), but
highly effective in setting onself free. It is also designed to get rid of any
demonic 'posession' implanted into the mind of an Illuminati slave. Remember the
'Elves and the Shoemaker' programming? Where your soul is synonymous with the sole
of your shoe. In order to set oneself free from a programmer, one has to throw
one's shoe at him/her. If one's 'demonic alter' was programmed into the left brain
of a righthander - then one would throw the left shoe. Vice versa for a left-hander
and both shoes should be thrown if one is ambidextrous - although it is best to
throw both if you cannot remember precisely which sides of the brain were
programmed with what. A member of the House of Lords once did this to his
programmer within the House - but was mobbed by the Illuminati later because he had
set himself free. This has to be done collectively - if it is to be done at all or
the Illuminati will indulge in one of their favourite sports: mobbing.
Overall, I can see that two things need immediate attention: The exposure of the
'Lizard of Ahs' and all that this entails. The exposure of those Illuminati Medical
Records. The first would put a stop to the 'lizard programmers' in general and stop
the Royal Family/Saudi deal for zygotes as well as the whole 'dairy' trade
worldwide. The second would provide indefatigable proof that Illuminati programming
goes on and then NHS doctors would be able to spot it, report it and put a stop to
it - with other governmental agencies. They would also be able to research 'cures'
for these victims. I have no idea about other more sprawling subjects like: how do
you stop major religions from being turned against one another and fighting to the
death...but that is something that those religious leaders have to deal with...and
so they all need to try to put a stop to mind control within their own
communities...or else they are all 'easy pawns' within the Illumimati game.
Let us talk about what GCHQ get up to now. You have to have a physics degree with a
specialisation in Quantum Physics, in order to qualify for a job in the decoding
department, nowadays. Why, when Illuminati coding is all about 'literary puns' and
'graphic design symbolism'? I suppose this 'electronic circuitry' applied Quantum
Physics business is simply about RUNNING HIVES OR ANTHILLS as in the electronic
microchips and enforced, programmed 'pathways' of the brains of Illuminati slaves,
in Western Society. What a nightmare...but hey, by KNOWING the above, that makes me
NOT an ANT or a BEE. However, then it hits me...what was the VERY first book that
my mother ever read to my brother or to myself as a young child? What was our very
first picture book? ANT AND BEE. Two 'HIVE SOCIETIES' of two basic character types
designed be competitive with each other. Ant is the 'naughty one' and Bee is the
'sensible' one. Ant is the DELTA WARRIOR ROBOT and Bee is the one to be 'juiced'
for sperm, human eggs and foetuses. You can hardly get ANT AND BEE books for love
or money nowadays. They were BANNED for a while - then Heinemanns came out in 1994
and published the entire collection. WHY? These books are highly dangerous - they
constitute programming material for Illuminati mind control - to brain-damage
toddlers. This was the original MKULTRA Nazi ideal: Western countries as HIVE
SOCIETIES run by the sickest, stupidest and most deluded people on the planet i.e.
all of those 'inbreds' like the Royal Family (UK), the Rockefellers (USA), the
Katsavs (Israel) and so on - those descended from slave-driving families who have
kept the evil torch of SLAVERY in this world alive today.
Has anybody noted the MICROSOFT OFFICE cartoon assistants yet and how they are used
to ‘guide’ Intelligence operatives? Try one out yourself. You have a choice of
several cartoon characters – they all do coded actions to either programme the mind
control slave subliminally or consciously. Right-click on the cartoon icon and go
down the list to ANIMATE! You can then keep clicking through all of the ‘party
tricks’ of this animal/object/person. The ‘cat’ is particularly nasty in that at
some point it changes into a whizzing computer base inside its outline i.e.
computerised mind control slave. Try the DOG who will guide you through various
deprogramming techniques. His name is ROCKY. Try the CAT which directs the mind
control slave, subliminally i.e. all creative ideas are put in the YELLOW folder
for the programmer to use as his/her own. Try MERLIN who taps the screen with his
RIGHT hand –a programmer command. Try the WORLD which freezes into a crystal –
FREEZER programming. Try the DIAMOND JIGSAW which activates different compartments
of the brain. Try the ROBOT BUG which automatically prints off data for a
programmer. Try the RED BALL which turns itself into a SAFE with one eye i.e.
CYCLOPS programming – a mind control slave operating upon one side of the brain.
Try the PAPERCLIP – remember OPERATION PAPERCLIP? PEARL Y GATES. This was the basic
elite at FORT MONCKTON in 1980 - the ROYALS and MICROSOFT who were both involved in
'Son of God' programming.
I have to add that the biggest joke of all is that they will all 'reveal'
themselves from behind the blue/green Microsoft curtain as the NWO - when the time
is right. Look at the tail 'feathers' of light that are joining up at the bottom
left of the picture - these represent the different Illuminati groups joining up
all over the world after the military juntas have been imposed.
CIA programming consisted of LOBSTER programming – as small children they were put
through similar to what had happened to those on BRITISH INTELLIGENCE mind control
programming courses to create a ‘rubber duck’ alter. We all had boiling oil thrown
over us and were then quickly immersed in a cold bath. The CIA were plunged into
boiling water, as children – much the same thing.
At any rate, one can see that the slavery trade was going on in Constantinople
before even the Romans got going. This was the nexus of the first big trading
centre upon the globe and according to the illuminati like Richard Tomlinson, it
never went away. The Royal Arch (RA) cult evolved over the centuries as a 'secret
smugglers society' who became very skillful at mind control in order to create
human 'mules'.
I know this sounds really silly...because I know that the Illuminati are simply a
bunch of cannibals (from centuries back and the formation of the ST. JOHN cult),
but I am beginning to think. Are they really insane human beings or some alien
species? Simply because their behaviour is so ‘anti-human’. I have previously
rebuffed this line of thought because those like RIMINGTON who thought she was an
‘interdimensional space lizard’ which was ‘indestructible’, were so easy to outwit
and overpower (and they are easy to kill too). Yet I wonder about what is
controlling the brains of these mind control slaves. I have posited that it is only
their ‘lizard brain’ DNA which has been activated – therefore they simply act like
‘lizards’ but have been told that they are ‘alien’ and ‘indestructible’. Is that
all there is to it or in terms of experimentation with ‘anti-matter’ – is it
possible that some terrible ‘force’ came in from another ‘dimension’ and entered
the brains of these people? It is a moot point – I cannot dismiss it but think it
highly unlikely. All I can say is that stupid people with too much money, who fund
the type of ‘research’ which resulted in the above – have to be stopped immediately
i.e. in governmental PSI/GENOME projects. How? I do not know. That is a political
and legal matter and best left to intelligent/skilled people within those fields,
who know how to stop it. One can see that this will result in a battle between the
LEGAL/POLITICAL field - against those that the ILL control i.e. the most powerful
The latter are but a ‘puppet’ of the former. The former in their ‘lesser’ roles of
power (like my mother as a DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH) are simply mind control
slaves.However, one can see the potential play-off: illuminati scientific/medical
slaves and ‘Intelligence Agencies’ - against the Political and Legal profession. It
worries me that MARK RICKENBACH was also a mind control slave. He had tried to get
free. He had tried to work the whole 13th ONE game out – having been a victim of
this ‘most dangerous game’ times 100. Cathy O’ Brien talks about a bog-standard
‘the most dangerous game’ as run by GEORGE BUSH and his associates...but the
EUROPEAN game is so intricate and sick, as to defy belief. MARK had then ‘realised’
that he couldn’t keep his money without kow-towing to the illuminati system. He
therefore kept in with this system and learnt their ‘secret’ codes and bases. He
had always been ‘one of the lucky ones’, in terms of coming from a family which had
meant that he would always be a MASTER and not a SLAVE...yet he wasn’t quite as
insane as the rest of them. However, he had still been indoctrinated by his family
into the idea that this world has to be run as a ‘slave’ one. He was a ‘master’ but
he wanted to see himself as a ‘fair’ and ‘just’ one - Son of God programming
obviously had a lot to do with that one. The fact that he laughed his head off with
excitement, to NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH, once he had learnt that I was a 13th ONE in 1994,
meant that he knew the ‘whole game’ and he wanted to have ‘fun’ with it. I presume
at the expense of the ROYAL FAMILY. However, the ‘game’ changed as to who was being
victimised/harassed/hunted. MARK didn’t know what my ‘final square’ upon the ALICE
BOARD would be but advised me ‘whatever it is, do not do it’. Advice that I
simultaneously ‘took to heart’ and yet also ignored. Why not push it as far as it
goes? I have the attention of the world. That was the whole point. To get it out to
the general public – to expose it and stop it. I ‘passed the last square’ in the
‘game’ a long time ago...and the illuminati are desperately trying to make up new
ones for me. That is the way that it is in ALICE/OZ programming. You are never
allowed to be ‘free’. Not even that poor old WIZARD OF OZ. Even if GEORGE BUSH now
believes he is the LIZARD OF AHS, he is just another mind control victim.
Read this stanza, used by GEORGE BUSH upon CATHY O’ BRIEN to programme her: “I am a
true patriot, living an American dream, I will become my role when you pull my
string. I will become my part, so I can ‘be all I can be’. Cause just like the Vice
President, I am what I read.” Firstly, I had been programmed since birth by
Illuminati books...later on, the above became more transparent e.g. DALDRY turning
up at ESSEX UNIVERSITY and handing me the CONRAD novel SECRET AGENT, and attempting
me to program me with it, 'you are what you read’. He failed to do so. I never read
the book – he tried to ‘test’ my knowledge upon it later – I hadn’t a clue what it
was about and so he gave up. I had pleaded amnesia, whilst maintaining that I had
read it. Secondly and more importantly, GEORGE BUSH was the vice president at that
point and this stanza makes it clear that he was also heavily under mind control –
he was also under the spell of ‘I am what I read’. He was also, living ‘AN American
dream’ but not THE American Dream. The use of the definite and indefinite article
‘a’ and ‘the’ - is an important distinction here.
Templar Castle 2001, near Mons, South of France: ATROCITIES committed, the like
that the world has never seen or heard of before. ROYALS and TEMPLARS are then
presented with the 'blackmail tapes'. A few months later in 2001 - 9-11. Asian
Tsunami - at the end of 2004. One can see that a covert war had been declared
between the UK and the US although one has to say that apart from 7/7, there has
been no direct attack on the ROYALS and their TEMPLARs. Then Prince Philip's plan
to nuclear sub attack Israel - a year ago 2007. However, last year - the US basic
plan was to destroy the UK and then put the ROYALs and TEMPLARs upon some
'Guantanemo Bay' island and slowly torture them to death. THAT is how angry the
PENTAGON was and still is. Forget the war in Iraq - that is just an international
'oil grab' operation - the real Illuminati WAR, which may easily lead to WWIII, is
the one being waged between the ROYALS/TEMPLARS and the US Military. Most people
nowadays have heard something about mind control slavery and if they have, tend to
blame the CIA for the MKULTRA program and for starting the whole thing. It started
during the BRITISH EMPIRE as the Royal Arch Freemasonry 'mind control slave camel'
The ROYAL FAMILY were not aware until recently, that they were no longer in control
of this ILLuminati mind control RA cult. After 2001, they were left in no doubt at
all - they were no longer the rulers of it. Hence the insane and criminal lashbacks
which threaten everybody's safety and security upon this planet. They cannot come
clean about it because they cannot admit blame for anything - particularly not for
the BRITISH MONARCHY having been the main culprits of this RA cult, to begin with.
They also figure that they might have a chance of winning against the US and get
the ILLuminati cult back under their control again.
Who do the Royal family rely upon most to do their mind control programming?
Historically, it has been these Illuminati family surnames: SPITALL. BUCKET.
Checking out MR ICKE'S site again...he normally comes down upon the ROTHSCHILD
family being the main Illuminati family who control the globe...and yet this
family...according to my father's own experience during WWII of the 'Bauers'...was
NOT that of a high-up Illuminati family who was of equal 'power and status' as say,
the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY. Okay, the ROTHSCHILDs might have more money that the
'electricity' or rather the ENERGY of the SOUL was something that the ILL didn't
understand...they had found out that they could force it out of the body and then
'trap' it but they had no intrinsic idea of what it constituted. In 'rabbinical' or
'kabbalistic' terms - this 'it' was known as the spark of God. The 'spark' that is
in every human being. The ILL thought that this 'spark' was contained in the pineal
gland and could be 'extracted'. They were therefore attempting to 'imprison God' or
rather His sparks. In KABBALAH, (in the beginning - metaphorically the BIG BANG) a
pot is shattered...a pot full of light...and then the shards of this light, descend
into matter...and thus, human beings each have a 'bright spark' within their 'dark
matter' of density...and this 'bright spark' is commonly called the 'soul' (despite
our bodies being dull, earthenware 'pots' - fashioned of clay - as in the bible -
GENESIS) - BUT this gift from God is of a supra or preter-natural energy - this
'spark' we all have...a gift from the Creator...which the ILL were trying to steal
from us all. Our souls (and not as the ILL at the Templar Castle were trying to
make everybody believe as a religion: 'ar-seholes' – not 'our souls' but
phonetically 'ar-sehouls'...)MI6 - the AZTECH company. Their 'hidden hand' being
the 'A-Z OF US' i.e. their American puppet-masters.COLLIE was obviously worried
that things had got out of hand at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...because the TEMPLARS had
strung her up in a tree to reprogramme her as an OWL...I have no idea what else
they had done to her...but one can see from my experience, that RIMINGTON and
TOMLINSON thought that bringing you near to death whilst being severely
abused...and then 'rescuing you' - to then treat you like a newborn baby...i.e.
some sort of horrific 'regression'...was the KEY to reprogramming you. It didn't
work on me. Did it work on COLLIE?In synopsis, the ROCKEFELLERS had had access to
all of the mind control slaves run by US Intelligence, globally - since 1995 -
after having kidnapped and interrogated LOEHRMANN. They could run any of these
slaves, including LOEHRMANN - who was HEAD of this department that was in charge of
'mind control' (including experimental drugs) in the FBI.Every mind control slave
was also microchipped in the back of the neck. Apparently it is like a bit of
shrapnel in your spine - put there as a child and it is now almost impossible to
extract - the bone developed and grew around it. I have no idea if it is true about
the microchip at the back of the neck (just above the neck - where cranium meets
spinal cord) but figure that COLLIE must have been telling the truth - I know that
a NEODYMIUM MAGNET knocks it out - wipes the chip.
British Masonic Zionism took off in the 1920s. Hence the reference to the sculpture
on Mt Herzl. I was on the P2 'Russian' British Intelligence course too, you know!
The heart of darkness within British Freemasonry: specifically Royal Arch
Freemasonry. They used the Egyptians and their ancient rites to explore research
into time and space travel according to their ancient texts. They used the Jews for
their understanding of the Kabbalah and the creation of 'golems'. The Royal Satanic
Family. Everyone else was a slave. They were the ones who were 'born to rule'. The
'true' Egyptian Pharoahs, the 'true' descendents of Abraham and Moses...their
pomposity and stupidity knew no bounds. The twist in the tail rests in the fact
that the European Monarchists had a massive amount of cash but were not that
bright. They wanted to be the Lords and Masters of the Universe and the FBI tricked
them with the most elaborate package. The 'Illuminati' program. The FBI 'ran' their
research via their 'royal' lapdogs in Europe. I would laugh if it weren't for the
extreme abuse that I have been put through and for most of my life. The cult of the
'snake-lines' was born in the 1920s and began the steady decline of the British
Empire as the FBI started to take over their networks.Unfortunately the idea of the
Annunaki is not something I would subscribe to because I had been FBI-programmed as
a 'WATCHER' and that means 'Annunaki' in biblical terms. In reality, it simply
meant that I had been taught to think outside the 'perimeter' (the 'saucer') and
had created my own 'language' which could not be decoded - in order to 'watch' the
world at large and to record it i.e. to act like a database of information (a
safeguard against 'scanning' by other telepaths or 'infection' by other programs -
my information had to be kept safe). Most, if not all of the children who were
brought up on DR SEUSS books will have had this type of programming. We are not
'annunaki' or 'angels'. We are simply intelligence operatives who were taught from
early childhood to develop strategies to think beyond the traps and snares of the
'linguistic maze' of the ILL.
Have you seen Siloam's (Sultan's) Pool outside of the Jerusalem city walls? There
is a massive concrete crocodile plaza there, complete with iron-railing teeth -
view it from above to get the best picture. This is where the British Intelligence
recruits were taken to be inducted into the Masonic 'mysteries' of mind control
i.e. all of the hocus pocus they whitewashed it with, in terms of Egyptian myth
about the 'crocodiles' tried to eat your soul on its passage through the next
world. What they were really talking about was their disgusting Royal Genome
project. The 'crocodile' eats the 'little fishes' i.e. he takes their zygotes
through traumatic abortions.
Another important point which has not been detailed here is that of the repeated
rape of a female British Intelligence agent. The women to be used for their
'zygotes' were called MI6 'bees'. In Alice mind control programming, they were to
be used for their 'honey' (see the insect who accosts Alice in the wood, to ask her
if she has any honey). One of the 'esoteric' practices of MI6 was to have this
woman repeatedly raped by the chosen sperm donor in order to get her pregnant.
After a short amount of time (enough to check that she had been 'fertilised'), they
would then break into her living quarters and force her to abort.
Also, MI6 male officers and agents are trained to rape their female agents into
obedience. This is to do with the effect on the brain. Repeated rape has a very
damaging effect on the spinal cord and brain - the 'alarm signal' up the nervous
system to the brain eventually cuts it out. It is based on the 'black arts' -
controlling another person by their 'kundalin' i.e. their basic life-force. This
practice was used if an agent had begun to question or disobey orders. It was not
limited to female agents either. If a male British Intelligence operative stepped
out of line - the same would be done to him - this is probably even more harmful as
the rectum is nearer to the spinal cord.
SIS keeps a tight control on all of its experimental rejects from mind control
programming. There are a fair sprinkling of their operatives (mainly from the
sister service - MI5) acting as gatekeepers in institutions such as Acorn Villages,
MIND (let us namecheck 'Brenda' and 'Bob' at the Ipswich branch). These people are
put in place, to make sure no investigation of SIS mind control programming crimes,
is possible. Crisis' also have what they call mental health workers to keep an eye
on ex-servicemen and women who have gone AWOL and who SIS/MI5 do not want to go
missing. They would prefer to check up on them and preferably in institutions where
they can safely 'disappear' eventually. Unfortunately for SIS, NHS mental health
facilities are now so overcrowded that this is not possible and therefore they now
have a big problem on their hands - it is all getting out of control and the
information is leaking out.
Funny how many 'deluded' people they are around, nowadays. People who misguidedly
think that they once worked for SIS/MI5 as agents. One of the 'grinds' of the job
that Tomlinson most hated at MI6, was the ever-increasing quotient of agents that
SIS wanted trained up. Expansion was the name of the game in the 1990s. 'Trained
up' meant put under mind control. These people were then used without their
conscious knowledge. They were not paid to do the jobs they did. This wasn't cheap
labour - it was slave labour. When these victims of Alice in Wonderland mind
control, began to wake up (remember what they had been ordered to do in dreams and
then flashbacks), they were labelled as 'deluded' and SIS/MI5 denied any knowledge
of having recruited or trained them.
Anyone who wishes to do some valuable research into SIS mind control, need only be
'down and out' in London for a week, to pick up on the accounts and stories. George
Orwell wrote 'Down and Out in London and Paris' from his own experience before
writing '1984', and what a prescient novel that was to become. MI5 got Orwell in
the end but not before he managed to get published. Nowadays, it would be better to
take Tomlinson's route and publish abroad. SIS now controls most UK publishing
houses as 'fronts'. Hence the plethora of trash in our bookshops. So much 'choice'
but no real choice. The USA, Russia and China are the best bets to find a
Has anyone read Andrew Marr's appallingly bad novel 'Jonathan Strange...'? It was
co-written with his wife. Her photograph (taken about 30 years ago) is on the
flyleaf of the hardback. They chose the pseudonym 'Susannah Clarke' to publish
under. Read this novel to find out how deluded and downright insane some agents
become. Marr really thinks that he is a 'magician' - no joke. He has been working
for P2 for years. The high-level Satanic branch of the Masonic Illuminati, which is
incidentally no longer under SIS control. Guess who runs it now?
Ely? One of the Royal lackeys. You think that the Royals themselves didn't get
their hands dirty? Visit Princess Anne's house at 18-19 Marine Parade, Dovercourt,
Harwich. She was programming new Intelligence recruits there, during the 1980s.
Those of you familiar with Alice in Wonderland will know what I mean when I say
that she was programming new recruits with 'mirror-work' in this house - an MI5
officer facilitated this procedure normally, along with an MI6 counterpart. The
basic mind control programming process used the usual methods - 'wearing the crown'
i.e. metal band to give an electric shock before and after the programming (to
implant it into the subconscious) which consisted of positioning a recruit near to
a long mirror but so they could not see their own reflection. Then telling the
recruit that they did not exist, that they had no identity other than as a slave to
the Monarchy. Princess Anne then stood in front of the mirror to show the recruit
that the programmer in their subconscious (on the 'other side of the mirror' i.e.
double-life of a mind control slave) was in control of their life from that point
The 'tower room' in the Tower Hotel, Dovercourt, Harwich. Eliza Manningham-Buller
and her Royal companion watched as the male intelligence recruits were drilled in
how to carry out the ZCHTZ abortion procedure. The young woman had been scalded in
the bath and was now tied to the bed. The windows were open and she was naked,
rapidly going blue with cold and shaking so much she almost got free of the
restraints. Under mind control, she had been ordered to keep silent. ZCHTZ victims
had been put through so much torture beforehand, that they knew that if they made a
sound, they would be tortured even more than they already had been. Like Pavlovian
dogs, their minds and bodies knew how to keep silent, even through the most
disgusting and obscene ordeals inflicted upon them. The 'extraction' commenced. The
young men were told by the Royal, that the young woman was only an 'animal - just a
frightened animal'. Their response to their orders was directed in those terms. The
women are then instructed to remember the horror as a 'bad dream' and invariably
they do. The nuns in the Russian compound in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem were instructed
to view the entire process from forced impregnation to abortion in biblical terms
i.e. a night-time 'visitation' followed by a 'demonic attack'. Welcome to 'the
other side of the mirror', in Alice in Wonderland mind control programming.
Programming hotels in the area? Why not check into: The Crown, Manningtree. You can
spot every SIS/MI6 banking fraud going, by simply following the gaze of the golden
Egyptian pharoah perched above the bar to the rafter opposite, upon which is pinned
every single grubby note. The first one is a British pound from the Cayman Islands.
Remember that scam? Rimington was supposed to have exposed it. MI6 weren't just
liars, cheats and thieves - they were also number fraudsters, murderers and
paedophiles in their ranks. All part of the Illuminati game. What a sick game.
Anyone interested in Illuminati programming sites should check out: The Continental
Hotel. The Pier Hotel. The Cliff Hotel. Easy - they are all in Harwich. While you
are at it, why not check out beach-hut Number 11: the Soldier's Retreat, near to
the Low Lighthouse (another programming site which is now behind barbed wire and
bars - wonder why?). Having done that, you might like to walk left along the front
until you get to beach-hut Number 208 in Dovercourt. Far enough away from
'civilization' for the wind to carry off any screaming or moaning...In addition,
check out the 'white diamonds' on certain huts - only for the brave.
Check out the islands off Harwich and The Naze. A lot of history was covered up
here in WWII. Churchill had to get the locals to get rid of the dead bodies of
German soldiers who had managed to land. It is all coming out now. The 'Harwich
Force' was under Royal Arch Masonic control and NOT governmental. Harwich was the
most suitable port to be used for the Royal Navy. It was the one closest to the
German coastline. The Harwich Force was supposed to be 'responsible for preventing
enemy vessels from passing unobserved or unmolested in the area of the North sea
bounded by the English, Netherlands and German coastlines.' (According to the Low
Lighthouse Martime museum, which was a SIS programming site but is now behind
barbed wire and bars.) How many did they let pass 'unmolested'? This was a Royal
'rat-line' for their Nazi counterparts in Europe.
The Continental Hotel has an interesting painting in the bar. A night-time scene of
a coastal town on a peninsular. A satanic mill overshadows a pub which is named:
'The Crucfied Gnome'. The crucified genome of the Royal Genome Illuminati project.
The 'sons of God' genome which SIS was trying to perfect for their Royal slave-
drivers. The Satanic Mills? The windmill has long been a symbol of the British
Illuminati. It is a substitute Swastika. A few examples from mind control
programming scripts and artefacts used by SIS include: 1. Don Quixote, who fights
the windmill sails (Swastika/fascism) because he is 'insane' but then recovers his
'sanity' to go off travelling around the world as a pirate/ name
it...MI6 officer training prototype role. 2. Note the Swastika SS (lightning)
insignia on the Montefiore windmill in Jerusalem. No accident - Rimington pointed
it out to our team on the Royal Arch Freemasonry course there. 3. Check out the
scary 'Teletubbies' toy windmill which begins to whirr in the programme...along
with the nautical tannoy which surveys and then orders them around. Most SIS
programming sites have a windmill artefact somewhere around because it is one of
the most potent, subliminal images of the Swastika. Why don't they just use a real
Swastika? That's the whole point of mind control - it is subliminal and reinforced
by seemingly innocuous imagery i.e. the WINDMILL.
Ever seen CBBC's children's programme: 'The Best of Friends'? In the last episode,
a team of five girls were given a choice between the 'red and the blue'
(tongues)...this is SIS 'hot and cold' programming. They were then given a choice
between 'trick or treat' (SIS 'halloween' programming). Finally, the two unlucky
ones were made to clean up and change the lightbulb in Lowestoft Lighthouse. The
LIGHTBULB and the LIGHTHOUSE - two more potent symbols of SIS mind control
programming. The LIGHTBULB = ECT to lock in programming. The LIGHTHOUSE is a
programming centre. Each mind control slave has what is called MI6 'beast computer'
programming put inside their heads. In order to de-programme, one has to unscrew
the lightbulb because this is what 'powers the system up'. These girls were being
asked to change the lightbulb and then turn the Lighthouse bulb on i.e. activate
Another programme directly after this was 'MI-High'. A group of schoolchildren are
apparently working for British Intelligence in this programme. Their goal is to
defeat the 'Grand Master' who appears hidden on camera, with an upper-class British
accent, stroking a white rabbit called 'Flopsy'. The white rabbit? Alice in
Wonderland mind control programming. The 'white rabbit' is a mind control
programmer. The 'Grand Master' = the Masonic Lodge Master. The joke in MI-High, is
that the kids are actually being instructed to fight MI6 mind control programming
whilst being told that they are working for British Intelligence. How
oxymoronic/paradoxical is that? Just like the MI5 Russian teams who were told by
Manningham-Buller that they were all communists fighting for the New World Order,
whilst the rest of the world thought that MI5 was supposed to be fighting the KGB
in the cold war.
SIS/MI5 have been using children's programmes to train them up young since 'The
Flowerpot Men'. (The sunflower is the highest esoteric symbol of SIS). The Magic
Roundabout (SIS carousel programming.) Yellow Submarine (The Beatles were the first
SIS experimental 'boy-band' under mind control.) Teletubbies and any other
programme by Ragdoll Productions (note the symbols used in programming on their
heads.) Noddy ('red and blue' car/body programming i.e. Pavlovian dog responses.)
Remember how the French threw out 'The Magic Roundabout' and 'Teletubbies'? Didn't
want us programming their children. Quite right too. (The Japanese loved
Teletubbies). You only need to trace the path of Teletubbies as an export around
the world to see how far the long arm of SIS mind control reaches. It has to be
stopped now. ADD, autism and epilepsy are now reaching alarming levels amongst the
younger generations. The results of SIS experimentation will eventually enter the
genetic chain and then we will all be done for. The Royal Genome project and SIS
mind control experimentation has to stop NOW.
Andrew Marr has helped to torture, abuse and rape - not only women but their
children as well. He is part of the 'Humpty Dumpty' cult, otherwise known as the
'Dark Lily' cult or the St John 'sign of five' MI5 Freemasonry cult. Marr is part
of the P2 paedophile ring which is currently operating in Europe. He has forcibly
impregnated women under mind control and then put them through the most terrible
abortions, threatening them afterwards with more torture and certain death if they
speak out. Marr takes his children on holiday abroad to initiate them into the
Illuminati rites i.e. he has shown them other children being raped and murdered in
front of their very eyes, in order to indoctrinate them into the value of 'silence'
and what will happen to them if they speak out about the horrific crimes of this
The Masonic cult of St John ('sign of five') in British Intelligence: The esoteric
'mystery' of this cult was shown to the new British Intelligence recruits by the
cutting open of a heavily pregnant sow. Her babies were torn from her womb and
dismembered. Where did this cult originate from and why? The Johannites worship St
John and in their early churches, they idolised the Magdalene and not Christ. The
symbol of this cult is 'X' in the 'de Molay' system. It doesn't just mean FUCK
(fornication under consent of the King), it is emblematic of birth, life and death.
It also represents the tearing out of unborn children from a mother's womb. How
else would the early 'scientists' (e.g. Leonardo Da Vinci's drawings) have worked
out the mystery of conception, child-bearing and birth? This cult has been
experimenting with women and their unborn children for centuries and at every stage
in process from conception to giving birth. In the 20th century, the St John cult
continued its diabolical practices because of the shortage of human zygotes. The
Royal Arch Freemasonry Genome Project. They elevated their obscene procedures with
rites and rituals. Instead of paying women to be surrogate mothers on the black
market (where at least they might have been given an anaesthetic and hygienic
conditions), the Royal Arch Freemasons and the cult of St John (part and parcel of
the same Masonic order) decided to 'do it on the cheap'. These barbarians selected
women according to their DNA and then used and abused them in the most obscene ways
imaginable. Their rites and rituals could be construed as 'high-level Satanism' but
that is peripheral. The main point is that this was the Royal Arch Genome Project
which was authorised by the British Monarchy and carried out by SIS. This
disgusting project is still in operation today.
The 'de Molay' 20th Century additional meaning, added on to the 'X' symbol. It now
signifies the 'X' chromosone in British Freemasonry. The female chromosone which
carries most of the 'intelligence' and 'memory' of DNA coding. The 'Y' chromosone
represents the crucifed Christ and as such, no big deal - it doesn't carry so much
information. Why was this 'X' a big joke amongst Royal Arch Freemasonry? It
symbolised a woman tied to a bed in an 'X' shape as they sadistically tore her
living foetus from her womb. I talk from experience - I was forced to watch one of
their 'rites'. People have to start exposing them for this because if this isn't
done, then they will continue under a blanket of secrecy. Marr was and is one of
the main perpetrators of this cult.
The Naze. The tower built circa 1721 at the end of the peninsula. A shameful and
horrifying history: The early British Masonic slave-traders used this landmark for
their Ashkenaton (Egyptian Pharoah) rites which involved the sacrifice of black
slaves. They then made totem-poles out of their heads. The Jewish converts from
Aram (Armenia) and the surrounding regions, brought the worship of the primitive
goddess Ashken to the attention of the British. Ashken was the goddess of
underground springs and the earliest known deity in the area. 'She' also demanded
human sacrifice. A new rite was created which incorporated the male and female
deity: Ashkenaton and Ashken. Ashken on The Naze. ASHKENAZI. The term was used in
the early 18th century by this Masonic cult of slave-drivers. Later on in the
century, it became a specialised term for the Jewish converts who had settled in
Germany and the surrounding areas. I pity the Ashkenazim who are not part of this
cult and are 'true' Jews who practice the real Judaism because this word has such
terrible historical associations.
What is the agenda? If the Crown cannot control Israel, they want to destroy it. PP
promised it to Charlie-boy when he was born. Crazy, isn't it? They lost control
years ago and the wound still smarts. PP wants to start WWIII. He's 90-odd and
doesn't give a fuck. Unfortunately, he has the Masonic clout to do it. The Royal
Family has controlled the Navy since whenever. MI6 began here, an offshoot of Naval
Anyway, the Ashkenaton cult worships a female deity which someone refers to as
'Ashken'. Is this an amalgam of Ashteroth and Anahid? The earliest pagan goddesses
to whom child/human sacrifices were made, as well as bloody sex rites. Anahid was
the goddess of the Ashkenazim who had lost their faith in Judaism. They then
decided to worship this primitive goddess of volcanoes. She is the earliest known
Babylonian goddess (Armenia). The Ashkenaton cult also worship the Egyptian
deities: 1. the 'Ram' god which was the earliest Egyptian idol. 2. ISIS - which is
the revered goddess of SIS i.e. MI6. 3. Ashteroth - the earliest Semitic fertility
goddess. The Ashkenaton cult's aim is to destroy Israel and put in their satanic
'Messiah'. This person is 'hidden' in one of the Jewish Rabbinical schools in
Jerusalem but will reveal himself when the time is nigh. Not so hidden. His real
name is Josef Katsav - bastard son of President Katsav. Now, I have heard about
Jewish mothers who pray that their son will be the Messiah but I have never heard
of a Jewish father orchestrating this via the Freemasons! Katsav - didn't he
engineer this through Shin Beit? He used to be an officer for them in the 1980s.
Katsav's son no longer goes under the name of Josef Katsav. He is currently
'hidden' in one of the three Sephardim schools in Jerusalem. He goes by the name of
'Sharon' or 'Aviv' depending upon who strikes up a conversation with him. His false
police ID card from his youth, gives the name 'Aviv Yichzak' (not sure about
translation of surname but something similar). He is a nice, kind and intelligent
man. He has also had a lobotomy. Note the small scar on his scalp on the lefthand
side of his head. He claims to be in his early thirties but is in fact, around 41
years of age. Josef has no idea of what is planned for him. He is under mind
control and doesn't appear to know a thing about his programming.
The Magdalene's story: I was recruited into British Intelligence in 1979. I was
then used and abused as 'zygote' from that point on. I was also programmed by this
Masonic cult to annoint the anti-Christ and then Messiah. The Royal Arch Freemasons
have a very eclectic view of world religions, picking and mixing the very worst and
most barbaric rites to suit their obscene tastes i.e. ritual murder and S/M torture
- not to mention paedophilia and child sacrifice. They chose their 'anti-Christ' in
1979. A young Russian officer from the KGB called Mr Putin. He was 'annointed' in
1993 and rapidly rose up the ranks of the KGB to become spy chief. Later on to
become acting Prime Minister of Russia and finally the President. Mr Putin was
programmed as the 'anti-Christ' to attack Israel in the Ashkenaton cult's endgame.
(They have been planning this for so many years.) Luckily, Mr Putin broke free from
the Royal Arch Freemasons in 1994.
The Ashkenaton rite in 1980 on The Naze. Let us look at this in more detail:
Stephen Daldry castrated a black man and then helped Andrew Marr and Richard
Tomlinson to behead other victims of the cult, on this island. How and why? They
were supervised by Stella Rimington, John Scarlett and Eliza Manningham-Buller who
had an SAS guard with them. The young British Intelligence recruits who were forced
to attend this night-time ritual were told that if they tried to swim for safety
that the currents would take them out to sea. One young man tried and was never
seen again by the other recruits. The others were forced to watch this insane and
diabolical rite. It was based on 'Peter Pan' mind control programming and those
named were playing the 'lost boys' - a sort of Lord of the Flies enactment. The
victims were illegal immigrants who had been captured by the Royal Navy, trying to
enter the UK via the East Anglian coast. Daldry, Marr, Tomlinson and the SAS,
disposed of the bodies by throwing them out to sea. However the SAS thought that
the severed heads might float back onto the beaches and therefore buried them. They
had been made into a 'totem-pole' by Stephen Daldry.
The same people also murdered veteran members of the SOE. Why? These brave people
had discovered the existence of the Ashkenaton cult after meeting one of the young
British Intelligence recruits at one of their annual gatherings. The recruits had
been sent in as a training task, to mingle and identify who George Millar was,
without attracting attention. The young woman who found him, got rather drunk and
told him that they were being drugged and put under mind control. She was tortured
afterwards because of her 'indiscretion'. She and her peer group were then forced
to watch the murder of individuals from this group who had voiced their concern to
SIS over the training of young recruits. The SOE veterans hadn't quite worked it
out. SIS/MI6 had been their enemy from day one. They contained the fifth column of
UK Nazis who had never disappeared but continued to proliferate. The SOE had been
assimilated into SIS/MI6 after WWII and the SAS was born. Safely under the control
of MI6. No more independent 'armies' to fight the Nazis. Where did the Ashkenaton
bury the bodies of their victims? Take the B1414 out of Thorpe-le-Soken and turn
right just before the cottage which sells old-fashioned ornaments. Go past a huge
manure stack on your right and continue straight on until you come to a ditch. The
wood beyond is MI5/MI6's 'potter's field' as they call it. The graveyard for
traitors to the Ashkenaton cult. They are still using it to bury people today. The
manure heap was used as a temporary place to keep the bodies before being
transferred for burial. They were put under a tarpaulin. The thinking behind this
was that the incredible stink of the heap would put anyone off discovering them.
Guess where Plan B 'Royal Bunker' is? Located 6 miles off the east coast of Britain
in the North sea. It only appears when the tide goes out and you can see the Royal
Navy around there from time to time.
Isn't Blair the new priest Melchizedek of the P2 Satanic Catholic division of Royal
Arch Freemasonry? Now, why would the Ashkenaton cult revere this priest in the
bible? Easy. He came before the Law i.e. the 10 commandments were given to Moses.
British Intelligence have always taught their recruits that they are above the Law
and so it kind of makes sense to worship a priest like Melchizedek, doesn't it? I
mean, if you have either broken all of the 10 commandments or intend to - what is
the point of Moses and the Law? Far better to chose a priest who has no connection
to any such drawbacks or liabilities. In addition, Melchizedek is described as
being like a son of God. Jesus Christ is described as belonging to the order of
Melchizedek and not a descendent of the first priest Aaron - to whom Moses gave the
10 commandments from God. What does that tell us about sons of God? Melchizedek
gives Abraham bread and wine as a gift. Jesus tells his followers that after his
sacrifice, that they should eat and drink bread and wine to remember him. The
earliest priest/kings of the sacred groves were murdered/sacrificed in fertility
rites and a new one was then chosen. The main point must be that the Royal Arch
Freemasons and British Intelligence decided that Melchizedek was a suitable role
model for those who had no interest whatsoever in obeying the laws of this country
and it shows.
Re: 'Sharon' or 'Aviv': The name he goes under nowadays (may even have been his
'cuckoo' cover name since 1980) is: Yitsach (You can translate it from the Hebrew
as Yitsak.) The British Intelligence bastards used to call him: 'tic tac'.
Tomlinson, Daldry and Marr all dressed up as Chassidim with 'tic tac' to do quite a
bit of mind control programming in Israel 1980, concerning the 'end of days'
scenario i.e Armageddon. MI6 were programming people with 'cosmos' and 'prophet'
mind control programs in order to literally control the future of the world. They
have failed. 'Tic tac' fed them a whole load of gobbledy gook concerning mystical
Kabbalah and they all learnt it by rote, thinking that they were being initiated
into the higher mysteries. They weren't. The basic idea behind the 'yellow' team
(British Russian Jews) involvement with the Royal Arch Freemasonry satanists was
that they would pull out at the last minute (when they had become powerful enough)
and worship God rather than the devil. Putting a stop to the sick Royalist plans,
commandeered by the St John cult within British Intelligence i.e. to implement St
John's Revelation.
MI6? Smuggling, Zygote experimentation and the slave-trade. That is all MI6 has
ever been about, from its inception. The trust people put into an institution which
did not tell anyone what they were really up to - no controls, not answerable to
government and we let them get away with it for years.
The 'northern swans' are a teutonic knight brigade who believe in a mixture of
Satanic beliefs stemming from Atlantean, Arturian and Armenian sources. The St John
cult at large. They worship the Armenian goddess Anahid. The goddess of underground
springs and volcanoes. They are a paedophilic bloodlust cult who practice human
sacrifice. People programmed into this cult are indoctrinated with the nordic
warrior code. The berserker Vikings and their Satanic beliefs.
Check out the FBI records on Scarlett: What was his original HOOK that got him so
deeply embedded into UK Illuminati culture? He murdered the nanny of Lord Lucan in
the 1970's. Lucan wasn't actually involved. Scarlett got it wrong. He was under
mind control at the time. How we all laughed on his training sessions when we heard
that one. Not funny, really. We were all in the same boat. Each had something
terrible attached to us, in our past. That is all part and parcel of the Illuminati
contract. Young people forced under mind control to commit murder when young and
then later on, picked up by British Intelligence to be used and abused as they
wished - as loyal servants of the British Crown. One can only hope that by exposing
these HOOKS, that some sort of amnesty can prevail. If these people are freed from
the demonic Illuminati contract by exposing their HOOKS - one can only hope that
they will come forward as a sizeable and influential body of political and public
figures, in order to put an end to it. Here's hoping. Check out Rimington's hook to
see what sort of mind ran MI5 for so long. It's a game called 'mafia' and it is ALL
about blackmail.
David Miliband, Gordon Brown, Prince Philip and Prince William all attended the
Templar Castle rite. In their abused child alters - they enacted Lord of the Flies
and murdered countless children. When will SIS stop this obscenity of a cult?
Dr. Joanne Collie is David Icke's programmer. She is the main UK Nazi behind the
Illuminati cult who has decided the Royal Family are a public embarrassment to the
cult and have to be removed. Ever wondered why Mr Icke is so well-informed AND
deadly accurate in most of his information? It has all come from British
Intelligence archives and files. However he is NOT correct on Judaism or Israeli
Intelligence Services in general. Collie's agenda is an Islamo-fascist one. She is
insanely anti-Semitic. Islam is currently being used as a front for the NWO.
Islamic leaders have been promised world domination if they continue to obey the
Nazi cult. In the main, they have all agreed. If you sup with the devil, you need
to use a long spoon - as the Jews found out when they made a deal to get their
homeland back. The Islamic peoples will find out the same thing. The NWO won't
profit them at all - quite the reverse.
This is all about 'computerised' mind control and just how far it has got a grip
upon our 'modern world'. BARCODES/ISBN numbers are not made up at random and 'out
of the blue' - nor do they follow a normal sequential or chronological sequence in
order to keep track of things. Everything is now 'coded' and 'branded' - as well as
human beings.
Look at someone like DR MANDERS at ARDLEIGH SURGERY - he now runs the place. It is
quite obvious to the other doctors there (who have remarked upon it) that this man
doesn't know much about MEDICINE at all - but he has the 'qualifications' and so
nobody questions it. Look at J K Rowling - her interviews and 'workshops' made most
other authors doubt her authenticity but she looks the 'part' and so why not? This
is how the ILL subsystem works. No wonder MAX and LARA called the UK a 'circus' -
full of 'performers'. It is all on 'appearance' and not upon 'content'. Even the
GEORGE SMILEY books referred to MI6 as the CIRCUS.I remember in 1980 on the
'British Intelligence' course - at the deserted Harwich Primary School - various
naval Masons were invited to rape the new 'recruits' under mind control - whilst
RIMINGTON telling the MASONS that these people would be their new leaders,
politicians, 'stars of the system' and therefore this was a chance for the Masons
to 'get them back' beforehand i.e. for any injustices they might perceive from
these people, later on in their lives i.e. to 'get one over them' beforehand. Not
so much 'stars' as 'abused beyond belief' mind control slaves, who were then to be
used as PUPPETS by the ILL - who could then pull the strings of those in Parliament
- and also make sure that no popstar or entertainer got too 'mouthy' with the media
- given their subsequent fan base and started to talk about the Illuminati system
in the UK.
Ever wanted to know how one becomes a 33rd degree Mason within British
Intelligence? I had first-hand experience of the rites and rituals as well as the
tortuous procedure involved, in order to become one, until I decided to speak their
'holy name' and get out. I am now 'unattached'. My protest was staged against their
most unholy practices which are virtually unspeakable but I have now found the
courage to speak out about them. Let me explain: 'Water' torture - the programmers
in British Intelligence bring you to a near-death experience in order to make you
OBE. Some people never come back. This is the birth, death and resurrection
process. The stages of the Cross - most initiates are then taken to Jerusalem to
walk the Via Dolorosa in order to reinforce this programming i.e that they have
become 'Christ-like'. The programmers torture the initiate repeatedly, in order to
break their spirit. An initiate is worthless to them if they are capable of
disobeying orders from above. Once a recruit has become what the programmers term
as a 'son of god' (remember Antony Blunt and his 'apostles'?), they are fully under
mind control. The photographs above depict the symbols involved in this programming
procedure. I will not elaborate upon what each symbol means in detail (check the
price tags - together they add up to 330). However, I will say that these
photographs are of a cabinet-case used by the British Illuminati to test their
initiates in terms of how well they know their own mind control programming. Each
initatiate has to go up to the case with a 'master' and interpret the symbols and
their meanings. The Rabbi blowing the ram's horn? British Satanic Zionism - nothing
to do with the Jewish faith. Everything to do with the worship of 'Ra' or rather
'Amen Ra' - the Egyptian sun god. The 'hubbly-bubbly'? Nothing to do with Islam, it
is Alice in Wonderland programming - think the 'caterpillar' and his 'hooker'. The
DNA candlesticks, the owl (who is a 'doctor' in the upper case) and the owl (who is
a mechanic in the lower case)...the upper level is the mind of the initiate as
controlled by the higher Masons...the lower level is the body of the initiate which
can be controlled and run like a car. The 'masters' can borrow the 'car' of the
initiate and use it any time they wish i.e. to run errands, messages under mind
You can do a lot to fuck up a person's mind, with an implanted radio chip. In fact,
it is quite 'low-tech' wizardry in its way - my guess is the Illuminati have been
experimenting with radio-chips, at least, since WWII. I suppose this type of
experimentation would have started off in respect to war campaigns and military
battlefields - if the soldier loses his radio - his 'controllers' can still keep in
touch. Additionally, each soldier will have been chipped in order for a radar to
pick up where they are upon the battlefield - as we were chipped in our middle
molars, on the British Intelligence course in 1980 and not told that we had been
(just another 'medical check' i.e. trip to the dentist - who used gas on us all) -
then given the horrific task of trying to hide for 2 weeks whilst being hunted down
by our controllers - as I have previously related in other notes. This was not to
'test' the equipment which they already knew worked - it was to prove to us 'there
is nowhere you can run and nowhere you can hide'. As the SAS Captain at Fort
Monckton, was to say to me: 'You can never retire. Nobody gets out of here alive.'
One wonders now about the distinct lack of Army radios - stated as a formal
complaint, by the British Army to the MOD - in Iraq. I suppose nobody wants to
admit that many of the military will have been radio-chipped but without their
knowledge - and that therefore, the radios given out, are mainly 'for show'. This
has all been a massive cover-up and for so many years - leaving the Illuminati free
to continue with their 'experimentation' and to degenerate into playing sick games
with their 'micro-chipped slaves'. I pity those who framed this horrible experience
of 'waking up' as something 'going wrong with their minds' or put it into some
horrible 'esoteric' context. I pity those who went to their doctors to get un-
necessary heavy-duty pharmaceutical drugs upon prescription. Those like Shana
Lewis, even admitted that the 'drugs do not work'. Nobody in their right mind would
take them, but Illuminati victims are in the hands of their abusers who will not
admit to the radio-chipping (leaving their victims distraught, alienated and 'in
the dark') and have therefore taken no steps to take these radio-chips out. I was
even told by Joanne Collie that the one put into the spinal cord of Illuminati
children - is not possible to be taken out, because the spinal column had then
grown around it. I can understand why such an operation would be too dangerous to
perform. MI6 has radio-control centres which use the British Telecom phone masts to
continue this sick practice. The Illuminati of this country would prefer that these
people, went crazy, took un-necessary drugs which damaged their livers and
shortened their lives, committed suicide or ended up in jail...rather than admit to
their hideous malpractices. To make matters worse - as I have already outlined -
these military 'secrets' regarding mind control were stolen and sold to
multinationals, who are now in the business of creating their own 'mind control
slave' bases/hives. This practice has been spear-headed by the Illuminati elite
families and in particular the Rockefeller family. British Intelligence do most of
their computer mind control programming upon their victims - butchering their minds
into what they term 'computer-brains' through the use of drugging and mind-
Regarding David Icke - we were all put under mind control. Mr. Icke has fought
valiantly to get free and has been being fed information directly from British
Intelligence files to expose a lot of what has been going on by Dr. Joanne Collie
(who was originally in charge of the mind control experiments at Fort Monckton for
MI6). However, Joanne Collie is one of the Queen's women. That makes it a little
more complicated. She had formed a group around the Queen because of the increasing
insanity of the Templar cult, run by Prince Philip. Collie knew that the Templar
cult had been hijacked but didn't know by who - or what organisation. She wanted to
find out and therefore employed David Icke as a 'worthy' and 'trusted' spokesperson
who knew how to handle the media and had great experience in that area - having
been a very popular BBC sports commentator. However, why Collie would want to push
'space lizards' through Mr Icke is still a mystery. She would have known, as much
as anybody else, that mind control programmers at Fort Monckton, used to dress up
in lizard masks in order to terrorise British Intelligence recruits (who had been
drugged) into believing that they were run by alien 'masters'. Why would they want
to do anything as crazy as that? Go ask the Marines. A lot of what happened during
those early years of mind control experimentation was pure insanity, but perhaps it
was because they didn't want anyone to believe (on the other side of the mirror)
that their Master mind control programmer was a human being and was therefore far
more vulnerable to confrontation and exposure (as well as being made accountable
for their actions), than a 'space lizard'. Collie was 'triggered' to make a deal
with Mr. Icke in order to bring down the Royals i.e. paint them all as 'alien space
lizards', which Icke agreed to at the time (I was also in the room and also agreed
at the time - any rebellion was a good thing, as far as I was concerned)...and
Collie then fed him with a massive amount of information from MI6 files, regarding
mind control programming and the whole NWO project...but with added 'disinformation
distractors' like 'alien lizards'. It was at the Templar Castle near Mons that this
Collie/Icke deal was struck in relation to bringing down the Monarchy by this
propaganda - which like all good propaganda - had a large amount of truth to it,
but I have always questioned 'why the alien lizard' bit...and never found a
satisfactory answer...that meant that those programmed like Eliza Manningham-
Buller, Stella Rimington, George Bush (who think that they are descendents of
'alien lizard gods' who came down to Earth in Aztec times and intermarried with
human beings), were kept hidden...and the whole Royal Genome Project wasn't fully
exposed for its mafia trade in human eggs/sperm. Perhaps that is why Mr. Icke is so
popular - and why British Intelligence are continuing to run/use him (I saw the Los
Angeles photograph of his 'lizard' projection in a large theatre there) create
'awareness' that there are those like Stella Rimington ('space lizard'
abortionists/'lizard programmers' who believe that they are a 'lizard' that eats
human eggs and foetuses) amongst us and that they have to be stopped.
Templar Castle near Mons, France in 2001 - the French police know all about it -
why not ask them? Eliza Manningham-Buller keeps lamas because, like George Bush,
she thinks that she is a descendent of the 'space lizards' who came down to Earth
and intermarried with human beings. The 'spaceship' of her ancestors landed in the
Aztec world. Manningham-Buller reads the entrails of her lamas in her spare time -
dresses up in that 'sun god' costume that Aleister Crowley was infamous for using
in his black magic PANTOMIME charade. However, even he didn't go as far as the
insane Manningham-Buller. Her friends describe what she does at these rituals
euphemistically as 'BREAKING PLATES'. She cuts open the stomach of a live woman and
then fishes around in their entrails (whilst they are in agony upon the ground)
with a large lit torch. Something more horrific or gut-churning, you could not
imagine - I saw it in person but was powerless to stop her - I was one of the
'slaves' taken at that castle but subsequently freed by the British Army (who also
know what happened - a MASSIVE cover-up) Womb envy. Mixed with insanity - resulting
from Illuminati programming.
J.K. Rowling is an Illuminati Monarch slave - she is an actress who has hardly put
pen to paper regarding the Harry Potter books. The original author of the first
four books hasn't seen a penny from it. Rowling was only ever a puppet actress to
dupe the media, and wasn't allowed to keep 99% of the money generated from this
massive industry. The book CELEBRITY CAT was used to program Rowling as the
'actress author' of Harry Potter. I was backstage at the Templar Castle at the
time, as they led her on stage to be humiliated. She was only wearing a 'cat
collar' with a bell. I didn't see what they actually did to her, on stage. She was
also programmed as a PUFFIN because the graduates thought she looked like one. The
real author of Harry Potter created the hellish prison 'Azkaban', including ‘the
dementors’, after horrific OIL CULT mind control programming. It was based on her
experience in Azerbaijan. Another note, Rowling was also present at the Templar
rite in which Madeleine McCann died - hence her offer of a reward in public, was
all the more sickening.
What have the Harry Potter books got to do with all of this? They are a thinly
disguised allegory for the Illuminati PSI projects run by British Intelligence and
immortalised in fiction. All of the torture and abuse prettified into a fairytale.
Rowling was on one of the courses but is still under mind control and being used to
write it all up for future generations as programming scripts. See Alice in
Wonderland, Three Men in a Boat…
My aim is to expose the reality upon which this mythical and ‘magical’ story is
based. The reality was the MI6 Illuminati mind control program, not located at
‘Hogwarts’ but Fort Monckton. The Harry Potter books are all about re-writing the
most hideous torture and abuse which went on during the Illuminati mind control
AMADEUS had taken the 'NY crazy company' underground to see where the ROYAL FAMILY
had housed their massive ship. This was to be their ARK. The ARISTOCRACY was
included within this 'passenger list'.
HITLER believed that UFOS were flying in and out of the NORTH POLE. Until recently,
so did MR PUTIN. The UFOS were the 'ferengi's/Rothschild's' satellites. PRINCE
PHILIP obviously didn't know enough about the whole situation - and had probably
been programmed to sail his 'ship of fools' into the waters of 'certain death' like
the leaping salmon against the ILL of HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN's doors in the
NORTH...What had he wanted to see there? He had probably been convinced that he
would meet the 'devi'/dark lord/lucifer/satan himself and be shown UFOS and OTHER
DIMENSIONS..who knows? It is all too insane for words but the ARK was built and it
is real...and underground...waiting to be used...which still leaves the problem of
the ROTHSCHILD BASE at the NORTH POLE (or thereabouts) and the deliberate melting
of the ice-cap.
I then thought about how HITLER had intimations that UFOS were coming in and out of
the Arctic pole…and then thought about the FERENGI and his SATELLITES…they weren’t
going to the ‘centre of the Earth’…they were going to the uppermost reaches of the
atmosphere of this planet…HITLER must have confused things…during ILL programming
when they say ‘go to the Centre of the Earth’ it is the lowest level of
consciousness…and then you can remote-view…it is an NDE experience…and then your
soul rises up out of your body and can fly out from this Earth and reach the
PLANETS…So the FERENGI must have had a massive base up at the NORTH POLE…and yes,
the satellites must have been flying in and out from there…but the real reason for
being up there must have been twofold…firstly it is the most secretive place on
Earth…secondly that there are OILFIELDS below…and recently RUSSIA got interested in
the whole thing, didn’t She? SCARLETT had told me that MR PUTIN was of a similar
opinion to HITLER…that UFOS were coming in and out of the NORTH POLE…but now that
the FERENGI has been ‘found out’ - I do not suppose that he still holds that view…
So what can I assume here - the ILL CULT are flying their satellites much lower in
the atmosphere - so as not to be attacked by PENTAGON GODDESS 401? I suppose that
they would have to fly much lower in order not to be hit…and then the ILL would try
to pass them off as UFOS…because they can now be seen…Remember the US NAVY in WWII?
Consider it a field day…shoot ‘em down…They are actually quite difficult to hit but
you can ‘scare’ them away by just shooting at them - they are not programmed to
shoot back at the EARTH (only OUTER SPACE and possible alien attack)…you need to
know where the ‘battery pack’ is symbolically speaking…and that will be either
inside or outside…they were all PODS but there were different places to hit them in
terms of disabling them.
The LOO are an ILL sect who are primarily of ARYAN/GAELIC/IRISH origins. ABBA was
given a song to sing about them: WATERLOO (and how they were beaten as individuals
and then surrendered). Surrender to the beat…forcibly given POPPERS to the point
where you heart stops and surrender to the LOO…yes, ABBA is high-camp nowadays but
in the 1970s…it was all about ILL programming. I still love ABBA tunes…they reached
beyond ILL programming (to the parts that it couldn’t reach).
Harry Potter PATRONUS…which is the STAG…and this is the SACHS element (GOLDMAN
SACHS, JONATHAN SACHS, BEIT DIN RABBI etc)…so many SACHS around…the protectors of
the STAG mythology of the GAELIC/IRISH element of the ILL cult and NOT ‘jooish’ in
the slightest within their DRUID beliefs…Real JOOS beware of these people…unless
you would personally like to identify with and be part of a primitive cannibalistic
sect of Europe…or maybe BABYLON was more to your tastes, in terms of the above…if
so try the BAGDHAD JOOS and the SEPHARDIM although they won’t take you unless you
have dark hair/eyes etc.
What else did I find out about the PRINCES? They have a pack of cards with all of
their slaves upon them - and they exchange them like cigarette cards. KATE
MIDDLETON is on one of them and they call her XENA PRINCESS WARRIOR because she has
the attributes of a QUEEN and she is a lesbian. WILLIAM gave HARRY her card, for
him to protect her…and they get on very well. HARRY had sold WILLIAM my card which
was number 43 for some reason - as MACDONALD was to tell me, later. As far as I can
see…most of the top ILLuminati tend to be closet gay/lesbian in general - and I
would guess that this is because of the extreme sexual abuse that they had all
suffered - at the hands of the opposite sex, during childhood.
ILL CULT slaves are seen as ‘computer brains’…ILL CULT slaves are taught to believe
that their brains are computers…which are controlled by their MASTERS. See previous
notes upon TOMLINSON in the CIA lab - telling me to see my reflection in the
computer monitor as well as what was going on, on the screen of the computer…and to
visualise this as going on in my head - my ‘computer brain’ - that is how we were
all programmed - it simply depended upon how much you believed the above…as to how
taken in, you were by it all. You were supposed to identify as a ‘computer brain’
and monitor.
PRINCE PHILIP had funded the major part of research into PSI WARFARE (see previous
notes about NAZI SCIENTISTS that he had ‘repatriated’ in the USA after WWII, in
various paramilitary and military establishments).
I also remember being ECT’d out of my mind by the PRINCES in an insane rage to get
the ‘future’ out of me…and the fools didn’t get it at all…ECT makes you forget
EVERYTHING…it doesn’t help you to remember…they were SHOUTING and SCREAMING at me
like mad things…hitting me, abusing me, throwing me against a wall and SCREAMING…
yet after every single electrocution…I could remember less and less…
Paul Burrell was one of the 'Jesuits' who conducted a 'sting operation' against
Jonathan Evans. All ILL slaves are told the nature of their deaths - it is part of
programming. One of the first things that I was asked by the CIA in 2003. Lady
Diana had been programmed to believe that she would be murdered by British
Intelligence in a road accident. Paul Burrell let that out to the public at large.
Tell me again, why did John Scarlett have to carry the can in court concerning
David Kelly - instead of the MI5 boss (surely MI5 territory)? Anyway, Paul Burrell
is alive and well - and so is his family - apparently all now living in the USA. So
one thing is for certain - the power of the ILL has dwindled remarkably, over the
past few years - in the USA as well as the UK. I suppose the ILL didn't really want
to tangle too much with the power of the Jesuits and the Catholic Church (not
forgetting the Queen's pardon).
For the record, I remember MADONNA at the Templar Castle 2001 - dressed up as a
NAZI OFFICER along with several other people. The 'slaves' had to troupe in front
of them and I remember looking at her thinking 'why the hell are you here' and she
saw me look at her. Tomlinson then told me that I had to apologise and I wouldn't
and replied 'a cat can look at a queen'...and so I was punished. MADONNA has
certainly been linked to ILL Ashkenazim 'kabbalah' groups and therefore to the ILL
part of the Mossad.Because the whole OZ thing - to my mind - appeared to be a
'construct' of the FBI and from a long time ago - in order to fool the ROCKEFELLERS
and the EUROPEAN ROYALTY who ran the Illuminati cult into giving up the reins of
power - by a complex and psychological manouevre - based upon forged artifacts
which pandered to their belief systems...and their wish to be 'magicians' and
'gods'...Even the highly clever 'lizard god' construct which was especially
designed to fool those who were what the Americans call 'lizard brains' as slang/a
joke i.e. those who operate upon the very basic and cold-blooded instincts of the
primitive LIZARD BRAIN which is near to the nucleus of every human brain...just a
stage in our evolution into walking, talking primates...Odd, how the British do not
have such a 'slang' description in the English dialect...but it should be put to
good use cut anyone down who is acting in an AB-human and 'lizard-like'
way. The FBI had caught the ROCKEFELLERS by the short and curlies, with that
one...and those like RIMINGTON who even believed that they were SPACE LIZARDS...not
withstanding those like GEORGE BUSH who began to believe that they were descendents
of 'alien lizard gods' who had interbred with mortals...
MARK told me that the project was based upon the BELL experiments of the NAZIS. I
have no idea about the ‘science’ of it all but know that this simply meant using
negative human brain electricity, culled from ILL microchipped slaves – who were
generating this negative energy. This ‘energy’ was then going to be used, in order
to ‘break on through to the other side’ whatever that was…and I know that this was
something to do with timetravel. Anyway, the publicity about CERN is a complete
lie. They had activated that generator years ago and were experimenting with it -
but then, that is the normal ILL way of doing things...they never normally let the
public know until they have done whatever it is. Firstly I remembered that I had
been in CERN before and had been shown the tunnel by fact (and this is
really sick)...they had been putting ILL slaves upon a platform constructed before
the 'train' (installed upon the 'buffers' as it were) and then sending them through
the tunnel - they did this to me - you disassociate almost immediately because of
the speed. I have no idea why they were doing this. MARK had told me not to worry -
because he would be coming the other way...I had no idea what he meant but this was
apparently said to reassure me that the whole process was 'safe'. One could see the
enormous black hole that Mark was trying to generate from the radio transmissions
from ILL cult slaves as being culturally akin to calling up the 'devil'. The 'eye
of the devil' - a powerfully negative vortex which he figured that he could leap
into and become a god...I suppose it is the old Satanic idea that there is this
'DEVIL'S EYE' which can be the bottom of the ocean...or something like is in Hans Christian image that Tolkien used in THE LORD OF
THE RINGS and was imaged brilliantly in the recent films. This is metaphorically
what they were trying to do - open this 'demonic eye' in the Universe. I suppose if
they then attempted to 'go through' this eye and into the vortex - they imagined
that this would truly give them access into a supernatural power, in order to
control it - something beyond good and evil perhaps - just pure energy - pure power
- the mind of God or the mind of the Devil, through the EYE - although it is quite
obvious that they saw this as the mind of the Devil behind the EYE - pure
Luciferianism. This all rather reminds me of the prophetic novel THAT HIDEOUS
STRENGTH by C S LEWIS who had written of just such a company...forget what it was
called now but the same sort of principle - hi-tech wizardry linked to primitive
magic...the lowest and most destructive instincts of the human brain...RAW mental produced by 'computer brains', microchipped and upon a massive
network - the 'dark alters' of the ILL slaves. The type of energy that the ILL were
attempting to control and use in DELTA slaves for example who are capable of almost
superhuman feats, whilst in that state. This type of energy, is what the ILL were
trying to radio transmit to CERN laboratories.
APOSTLE programming by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE which had begun even before the
official 'birth' of organisations like MI6/MI5 etc...the COLONIAL CHRISTIAN MARTYRS
of the BRITISH EMPIRE...those respectable 'Christian' Army Generals abroad, who
kept a stiff upper lip and so on...
I can still hardly get over any of was one thing to be taken to 'meet'
the 13th DALAI LAMA in Switzerland as a '13th ONE' in this sick game...and to find
this greedy, stupid 'little boy' obsessed with his 'money' in the Stocks and Shares
upon his laptop and BBC WORLD NEWS on the TV...but then to be taken to meet OSAMA
BIN LADEN - the world's most wanted TERRORIST...who was another 'sad little
boy'...who wanted to write his autobiography...who did he get on the wrong side of
in Saudi Arabia then? Which top mind control programmer did he annoy? But then this
was CUCKOOLAND...clockwork Switzerland...on the other side of the mirror...the
perfect TRUEMAN SHOW world, that MARK RICKENBACH had wanted to create...The
For those of you who are interested in Bohemian Grove and the current list upon the
Internet of those poor unsuspecting 'invitees' who will be pressganged into going
(and subsequently blackmailed out of their minds afterwards, by the Illuminati) -
here is an account of what others have witnessed in previous years. CIA/FBI have
video footage of the following: Prince Philip and Prince Charles in a brightly lit
changing room - painting themselves with body paint - in black and white stripes.
Prince Philip and Prince Charles 'in tent' or rather in a shaman's hut (heavily in
disguise) in a secluded part of the forest. The hut is based on Ashanti design.
From the video it isn't clear in the darkness, who the two skinny, gaunt figures in
'skeleton' body paint are but having seen the previous video, one is left in no
doubt. The entrapment going on at BOHEMIAN GROVE is of an avaricious and esoteric
nature - in relation to all of those unlucky 'invitees' who want to join this
'prestigious club' but then get videoed doing things that they wouldn't want anyone
to know about - 'guests' who are then subsequently blackmailed out of their
brains...and for the rest of their lives. But then that was what the Illuminati
cult and their SAT B'HAI contract has always been about...promising that you would
get everything for nothing (if you agreed to be unquestioningly obedient to the
CROWN) and that you would now be part of an 'esoteric' prestigious Satanic club.
The 1980 course run by British Intelligence at Powergen. Why has nobody mentioned
the Royal Arch Freemasonry training in how to be a mind control slave smuggler for
the British Crown? What about the trip to Israel and the occultic OTO ceremony
under Temple Mount in 'Herod's Temple'? What about the short trip to Tibet in order
for the Tibetan monks to ascertain whether or not our minds (and souls) had been
entirely wiped out - that we were now just 'automatons'. What about the trip to
Jamaica where we met Prince Phillip, Princess Anne (at her most deranged - whipping
the Royal Illuminati slaves) who watched us go through various tortures in an
ancient Roman arena. What about the visit to an outpost town near Luxor - where we
were all trained to smuggle parcels over the border by Arab Intelligence?
DRINK ME - early ALICE childhood programming. The syrup upon the spoon tasted of
ANISEED and I wouldn't play the game, as a toddler and pretend that it tasted of
'delicious things'. Is ANISEED important to the ILL as a 'taste'? I have hated it
all of my life as a consequence - particularly PERNOD.
RAILWAY NETWORK. RIMINGTON's family were part of THE RAILWAY PEOPLE - the business
people who owned the railways in colonial times and this business culture of many
contacts, all over the world - had decided upon the above metaphor, for their
SIGNALS network. THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE was developed, as a ILL children's
programming book. Almost every little boy in the UK, had a favourite 'engine' with
which he identified. Nobody really liked the FAT CONTROLLER because he was 'fat'
and a 'businessman'. Apart from a few - like one of my brothers i.e. 'control
freaks' and the 'ambitious' - those who had been chosen to go high up in the ILL
CULT. They identified with the FAT CONTROLLER. Most kids simply wanted to be the
'engines' because they were 'good characters', in the main. (The ILL have even
introduced a female engine now, called EMILY - who is supposed to help GORDON to
bring the trucks back into line.) Anyway, think back to HENRI PEULEVE and GEORGE
MILLAR of the SOE. How did they stop the NAZIS - literally, in their 'tracks'? They
blew up the railways. They blew up the tracks - they blew up bridges, they blew up
engines, they blew up trucks. Anything they could, to stop the URANIUM from getting
through - from Africa - up Spain and then France and then to ARNHEIM. Today we have
a similar battle upon our hands - how history repeats itself - again we have the
old RAILWAY metaphor. This time however, the SIGNALS MASTERS are those who direct
the microchipped ILL slaves who are running like ENGINES and TRUCKS according to
the signals sent out, along the ILL SMUGGLING lines. The FAT CONTROLLER is at the
top of every ILL 'railway network' and as such, controls the 'memory' FAT of each
'human computer'.
The ARMY knows the phenomenal 'effect' of STELLA ARTOIS as a beer, upon their
troops. It has become a cliche to find out that the guy who got arrested on a
'night-out' for brawling/street-fighting - had been on the 'STELLA' at the time. It
is known as 'fighting juice'. Why? It is no different from any other beer - apart
from a small alcohol content difference to the less potent supermarket brands. The
reason is that the ILL used it to call out the 'fighting' DELTA alter in slaves. It
is a highly potent symbol.
Does anybody remember IVAN P.? Why was IVAN P. called THE PEA? He was one of the
main controllers of the human zygote/eggs ILL trade. IVAN was an erstwhile PRINCE
of BAVARIA and on very good terms with the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY. PRINCESS ANNE was
another controller of the human zygote/eggs ILL trade and was known as the PRINCESS
AND THE PEA. IVAN P. is now dead. Israeli Intelligence tipped off the mafia and
they got him in Perugia - or was it Argentina - no matter, they got him.
The 'cabal' that had met in TANGIERS - headed up by MARK, then PUTIN, TOMLINSON,
MILIBAND, BROWN...these were members of the ORANGE team...and they were
laughing...the comment about me was 'she will never guess it was us'...Anyway,
immediately everything fell into place. CHINA 2003: the ORANGE team of PUTIN,
TOMLINSON and MILIBAND turned up, pretending to be worried about my 'safety'. I was
carrying 3 messages - all of which were true: ASIAN TSUNAMI - from the ROYAL FAMILY
away, in order to bring down the ILL CULT. MI6/THE ROYAL FAMILY had sent the first
message. They had also sent in their two top '007s' aka MILIBAND and TOMLINSON.
These two were supposed to meet up with PRESIDENT PUTIN - ex-head of the KGB/FSB
and no doubt, still controller of it. I wonder - did MI6 have any idea that all of
these people were on the ORANGE team and most probably all MOSSAD agents? MI6 aka
COLLIE - had thought that I was either working for SHIN BEIT/MOSSAD and had
threatened my life because of it in 1997. Yet in point of fact, I was NOT working
for them - I was carrying the MOSHE DAYAN rebel group's blueprints - a different
agenda altogether. It almost makes me laugh - what can I deduce, apart from the
idea that the higher up you go - the more likely you will be working for some form
TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 was like cutting the top of the ants' nest and the ROYAL FAMILY
tapes. They were under threat. A NUCLEAR SUBMARINE attack was planned against
ISRAEL which could have started WWIII. The ASIAN TSUNAMI was planned by BRITISH
INTELLIGENCE to knock out, amongst other things - a certain island with a top ILL
CULT 'magician' called AARON. As far as I know - all parties concerned (including
the CIA and Chinese Intelligence) let this one go ahead. By 2003 - things had come
to a head and the 'MOSHE DAYAN'S group' had decided that now was the time to ditch
the blueprints - to give them to the 'goys' as it were...because the ILL CULT was
going to destroy the world if they didn't - the top echelons must have gone
completely crazy. PUTIN'S group...the ORANGE team were trying to get me to go back
to RUSSIA with them - I do not know if they knew what I was carrying but they
obviously suspected that it was very important. In the event, I didn't go - PUTIN
and TOMLINSON told me that I could now expose the lot on the INTERNET in the UK but
that 'they' would probably murder me for it i.e. the ROYAL FAMILY/BRITISH
INTELLIGENCE. If I survived - I should head for REJKYAVIK (where presumably Putin's
operatives would murder me there but they didn't tell me that bit).
RIMINGTON was obsessed with the 'MARY AND CHRIST CHILD' story and for obvious
reasons - she loved the Satanic element of abusing a pregnant woman, aborting her
child and then 'cannibalism' because of Rimington's Porphyria.
MARK wanted to be JESUS CHRIST along with his APOSTLES...and they would number his
RICKSON...TOMLINSON loved the idea of being a TURKISH 'JEWISH MUSLIM' - hence his
idolisation of SABBATEI TSVI. Tsvi was thought of as 'demonic' even in Jewish
history and so NOT A good role model. So let me now pin the evidence I have found,
around the world together: Firstly DALDRY had coached CHRISTINE DARG and her
'EXPLOITS MINISTRY' in Jerusalem. This group were all waiting for JESUS to come
back and even had an WEBCAM trained upon ZION GATE for this 'staged comeback'.
Secondly, MARK relished the UK ISLAMIC NWO plan - why? PRINCE CHARLES was going to
be the new 'Mohammed'. What would happen then? WWIII would result with MARK
emerging the victor - with the US tanks and missiles behind him. CIA - are you
proud of your operatives? 'Mohammed' and the UK would disappear under the waves.
SABBATEI TSVI would come out as a JEW and have to go on bended knee to the 'reborn'
MESSIAH and so on...I am not sure how RIMINGTON would have written herself into
this insane script but I would bet that she married 'TSVI' with a blood-marital
price, in there, somewhere. This is no joke - the higher echelons of the ILL had
enough money to pull this sort of stunt off and enough mind control slaves to do
it. Guess why the MOSHE DAYAN rebel group had to act quickly. The entire 'world'
was a playground to the ILL - they could stage their sick dramas, wherever they
felt like it.
I remember the programmer whom I only know as 'john waters' - instructing myself,
as a toddler, how to remote-view from a great height. It was so easy for me to OBE
out of my body and from such a young age - because of the hideous abuse I had
already been put through. I simply rose higher and higher - into the earth's
atmosphere - 'john' was worried about me going too high as an 'eye in the sky' -
because after a certain point - 'they don't come back'.
The FBI were programming extremely abused kids (part of the 'training') to become
'human satellites' in the sky. The Royal Arch Freemasons weren't interested in that
- they were simply interested in getting rid of the 'eye' out of your head i.e.
separating your 'I' or 'soul' from the body so that it didn't 'come back' and using
the bodies as 'human automatons' or robots for their slave markets/hives.
THE SMILE CHANNEL - coming to a dental surgery near you. Get your teeth fixed -
into an unnatural set of 'pearly white'. The Americans love this sort of stuff -
they pride themselves upon their 'false' smiles and deride the Brits for their
'terrible teeth'. Get real. This is all a nefarious cover-up of what has happened
to so many children. Growing up in the 1960s and 70s, I was struck by how many UK
kids of my age - had 'yellow tombstones' for teeth. This was seen as 'ordinary' and
not uncommon. Yet a quick 'audit' of my schoolfriends reveals that the abused kids
from ILL families, were the ones with the yellow teeth and those who had been left
untouched by the ILL CULT - had white teeth. How could this be? Put simply:
TETRACYCLINE/ANTIBIOTICS given to young children after ILL rape/abuse - in order to
stop infection. These drugs are well-known to cause 'yellow teeth' in young
children - especially when they are abused. The SMILE CHANNEL cleans up - hides
this type of abuse. RIMINGTON laughed to the MASONS in 1980 - after they had been
allowed to rape young men and women upon the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE course, on
mattresses in a disused school: 'Don't worry, you won't get an infection off any of
them. We give them horseshots of antibiotics afterwards.' She also added that these
people would be the 'stars' of the future i.e. the Prime Minister and government -
she therefore advised the MASONS to 'get your own back now'.
LORD OF THE RINGS. RIMINGTON had a 'ring of power'. It sent her insane. Her 'ring'
was a paedophile and Cocaine one. The ELFS? Electro-magnetic frequencies...those
who can 'surf' them. The ALL-SEEING EYE? PSI military R&D warfare.
MI6 and their ISBN numbers - their insane demonic occultic societies - 'you are
what you read' as in: 'you are programmed by the books we give you to read'.
The CIA apparently think that TOMLINSON has been holed up upon a game reserve in
JOHANNESBURG - hence the jokey article in the DAILY MAIL today about 'THE KINGDOM
OF WHITE LION' - so has this become a 'big game hunt' for the 'man-eating tiger-
programmed MI6 operative'? The photographs from 'getty images' recently released -
were taken by the woman Australian journalist who interviewed him during his 'great
escape' around the world before MI6 sent him undercover in the south of France (to
run the 'ferryman/paedophile' ring). This woman has since learnt that the
photographs of Tomlinson 'blushing' - she thought he was just 'shy' were charming -
were not quite what they seemed. Having now realised what great danger she had been
in - sitting alone with TOMLINSON in a hotel room, as he 'switched' into his
psychotic 'abused child alter' and turned blood red - she has decided to release
the photographs.
The public UK LIBRARY is one of the biggest bases for ILL programming - no wonder
MI6 was well-known to use bookshops/publishers as 'fronts' for their activities.
The question though is: how come the VATICAN knew this ISBN coding system inside
out, in the first place?
A few more minutes and so I might as well note that RIMINGTON'S programming number
for me in terms of trying to get me pregnant and then aborting my child for the ILL
to eat...was a LIGHT BLUE colour. The LIGHT BLUE of the gown of the MARY - mother
of Jesus. The 'washing of hands' after the abortion. The easiest way to get a
handle upon the ILL CULT and how they program - is to look at the COLOURS.
I was the 'free radical' who was 'awake' and walking through a nightmare - of ILL
slaves who were not. They belonged to different slave-driving factions e.g.
I remember MARK laughing in his MINISTRY OF JUSTICE office about making 'trains
crash'. He showed me. Two SENIOR CIVIL SERVICE operatives, having a massive
argument. This to MARK, was the result of two 'trains crashing' i.e. given
conflicting mind control commands.
These people are all being used by some massive computer program...I know this
sounds like DR WHO...but I know that this is also true...the ISBN numbers are
linked into massive databases...Additionally, just before I left the CIA in BERNE
2003 - the head guy told me that I had to be good at giving accurate transmissions
of ISBN numbers...he had previously instructed me upon the find the
books and to relay on, the ISBN codes...or rather the barcoding, to save time (but
both if possible) i.e. the barcodes of the books that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had
been using as programming objects.
The BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY had been in talks with their extremely 'influential' and
wealthy friends, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001. Apart from their 'banker' friends,
the ROYALS were particularly interested in discussing plans for the ASIAN TSUNAMI
with Eliza Manningham-Buller, representatives of Royal Dutch Shell and 'Pete' of
ADIDAS fame. What I do not understand is PETE's involvement in this criminal
action. Why was ADIDAS involved or was the company, purely incidental? Royal Dutch
Shell were to drill the hole for the nuclear bomb but what input did ADIDAS have?
Did they simply fund the whole terrorist exercise?
NATASHA RICHARDSON: Her death was caused by her microchip being activated. The
Press reported this as an 'accidental death'. Apparently she had had a 'fall' which
resulted in epidural haematoma - a leak of blood between the brain and skull. This
'leak' had occurred because of the microchip exploding in her skull - she then fell
over. NATASHA RICHARDSON and her family are widely hated in the theatre world -
perhaps that is because of her mother's mafia connections and VANESSA REDGRAVE's
former role as 'concubine' to PRINCE PHILIP. MARK RICKENBACH's group were
responsible for the death of NATASHA via the activation of her microchip. As far as
the removal of these microchips is concerned - it should be relatively easy because
they were injected into the remains of the umbilical cord - a simple operation.
Who was behind 9-11? The TEMPLARS/ROYALS and US BANKERS. MI5/MI6 knew all about the
plan - many years before. I found out that they knew, in 1997. The CIA didn't know
- even after the event. Who was behind the ASIAN TSUNAMI? - pretty much the same
'cabal'- facilitated by MI5 but with important additional players: Royal Dutch
Shell and Adidas. Who was behind 7/7? Again the same cabal but solely carried out
by MI5.
What about that incredibly foolish TEMPLAR stunt during 9-11 by the BBC? ANDREW
MARR in a perspex box overlooking the LABOUR CONFERENCE at Blackpool - pretending
to NOT know that 9-11 was happening - whilst the 'action' was being played out in
REAL TIME behind him - broadcast from another TV station. Firstly the anomaly of
the BBC and their 'flagship' LABOUR CONFERENCE coverage - with their BBC political
editor ANDREW MARR - standing in front of another TV station (as far as I can
remember it was CNN) whilst doing a BBC broadcast. How 'peculiar' is that? Do the
BBC normally have a monitor showing CNN/ITV etc news behind their BBC broadcasters?
Surely the TEMPLARS were over-egging the whole 'we do not know a thing and are
certainly not responsible for anything to do with 9-11'? Having that Templar,
ANDREW MARR standing there and trying to feign innocence, in front of that non-BBC
monitor...a big mistake. At the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001, PRINCE PHILIP read out a list
of their 'companies' to the assembled TEMPLARS - in order to inform them about how
well all of their companies were doing. The BBC was top of the list.
The TURQUOISE BOX related to the very worst memories of ILL abuse. So many ILL
SLAVES are in denial - in relation to what had been done to them, by the ILL. I
remember DAVID MILIBAND in that SHANGHAI HOTEL room - 2003. MILIBAND woke up but
didn't open his eyes and sleepily told me that he 'packed everything away in boxes'
before he went to sleep. This is ILL 'PETER PAN' programming - where the child is
taught to pack the memories of the day, away into different coloured boxes, in
their mind. They are NOT allowed to access boxes which contain ILL
ABUSE/PROGRAMMERS etc unless given a mind control command to do so. In the novel
PETER PAN - there is a passage relating to this hideous S/M practice of doctoring a
child's memory - teaching the child to 'clean up' his/her memories to hide ILL
JONATHAN EVANS - would you like to know your 'cat's eye' mind control command? You
know the one - your programmer stood before you (MARK) and just before your heart
gave out on the CROSS - you were told: MAG - NOLI - A. Why the name of a flower? It
was an ILL PUN. One of your most favourite movies is STEEL MAGNOLIAS. (You always
had such a fetish for Dolly Parton). TANGERE NOLI or rather NOLI ME TANGERE -
remember the Latin inscription beneath the CRUCIXION of CHRIST? 'Do not touch me' -
from CHRIST to MARY MAGDALENE. 'Tangerine Dreams'. Courtesy of the ORANGE TEAM.
The CIA would like you to KNOW that the 'BUGS BUNNY' "what's up DOC?" which
appeared on your ILL screens and prevented you from accessing any RA CULT data -
was a 'present' from them. I had offered up the idea of BUGS BUNNY in Switzerland
2004 - because I was (and still am) FURIOUS about having been nicknamed a BUNNY
RABBIT by the ILL. This was their sick way of describing the torture that I had
been put through since childhood and also my subsequent slavery as a ZYGOTE slave.
BUN (in the oven) KNEE (damaged knees through sexual abuse as a child) RAB (RA
CULT) IT ('computerised' i.e. butchered brain - into 'compartments' of memory). BUN
KNEE RAB IT. PRINCE WILLIAM had referred to me as the BUNNY RABBIT out of the staff
at the British Council Prague DTO in 1994. Anyway, it was with great joy, that I
viewed RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON on CCTV - unable to access their files after the
cartoon of WHAT'S UP DOC? had appeared on their screens. TOMLINSON was eventually
forced to tear the plug out of the wall. The American CIA guys loved the idea
because the cartoon character was 1) American 2) 'masculine' 3) a suitable emblem
for their CIA 'operation'.
A note to the MASONS who gave me a 'death threat' in 2004 - concerning the DARK
TURQUOISE BOX which used to be RIMINGTON's...these sick fools considered it an
'object of great power'. NO, IT IS NOT. Try learning up about how VOODOO works.
That is all it is. The box had NO intrinsic power. RIMINGTON had tortured people
into the ground - then shown them the box and supplied a mind control command - she
had then had her victim electrocuted with a stun gun. That is NOT 'magical' - that
is MIND CONTROL. She could have picked up a child's DINKY TOY and used that as the
programming object instead.
My guess here is that the CIA engineering divsion - couldn't work out how the damn
thing could fly under 'normal conditions' i.e. using mathematics derived from the
theory of relativity and so put it into the catch-all net of 'alien intelligence'
at work. But it wasn't 'alien intelligence' - it was HUMAN intelligence which had
created that aircraft but by using different theories of time/space/physics. I know
this because I am beginning to remember what the BLUEPRINTS were all about - only
images so far - and one was of a sort of 'flying saucer' - the prototype NAZI
The ELASTIC BAND was one of the first symbols shown to us at POWERGEN. We were all
told that we would be stretched until we broke.
In brief, the MICHELIN NORTH WALES 'MINIGUIDE' is the major book to all ILL
practices within the UK - it has been thoroughly coded by them. Look at the ORANGE
first letters of each chapter - MARK R had pointed these out to me - they spell out
what the ILL are up to and where in WALES - all coded references. He didn't tell me
that the ILL had been thrown out of the UK/Scotland but it looks likely - for
whatever reason - this ORANGE team had moved its HQ to NORTH WALES. Their main HQ
is POWIS CASTLE. THE PRINCE OF WALES is top of this ILL GROUP. It would take too
long to recite the reasons why I began to realise this but suffice to say - it is
all in my notes concerning the TEMPLAR CASTLE - PRINCE CHARLES was higher up the
ILL scale, than the rest of his family. He ran the CATS EYE programmers. I saw the
CCTV with MARK R - of PRINCE CHARLES admitting to his sons that he had murdered
DIANA. I also saw his CATS EYE programmers attempted to murder the QUEEN and upon
Electric cables. ECT. The most effective form of mind control. The one thing a
slave is most terrified of, regarding punishment. TWO WIRES up the nose - an ILL
lobotomy to take away the memories of their slaves - the single most effective way
that the ILL could maintain power over their slave base. DR BETTLE is 'controlled'
by MANDERS - MANDERS now operates more as the 'office manager' but still does the
TWO WIRES up the nose 'lobotomies' to ILL SLAVES. He recently performed one upon my
father (a few years ago). MANDERS was and is a PRINCE CHARLES 'cats eye'
programmer. PRINCE CHARLES is obviously the PATRON SAINT of the MARY cult. He has
been behind all of those rapes, abortions and murders of innocent women - aided and
Ever wondered why JAMES BOND was called 'James BOND'? Why the surname BOND? Let me
take you back to 1980 - towards the end of programming by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE for
the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY: Quite a few of the course were presented with BONDS -
GOVERNMENTAL BONDS. Each GOVERNMENTAL BOND contained their encoded mind control
strings. I was given something different - not a GOVERNMENTAL BOND. RIMINGTON
crowed with delight: "You are only worth a GIRO - get it?" She presented me with a
piece of paper which looked like a BOND - about A5 size and of cream colour - with
a silvery emblem embossed at the top of it. However, it was a BENEFITS cheque for
the sum of £803.97. I didn't get it. RIMINGTON slowly enunciated the word: "GI -
RO. ROE - get it?" I was a 'human egg' slave a ZYGOTE SLAVE - one of the 'little
fishes' who laid 'roe' for the ILL. I still didn't get it because at that point - I
had little or no memories of what had been done to me that year. I was almost a
complete blank. I stared at her. This insane woman shrieking with laughter at her
own inane jokes. The ILL system of GOVERNMENTAL BONDS is ludicrously simple.
Everybody thinks that they are just about investments/money but they also contain
the coded information and mind control codes of every ROYAL SLAVE. In short, these
'dual system' in operation here: 1. MONEY 2. HUMAN BONDAGE/SLAVERY.
'THE WONDERFUL 'O'. Remember the book by JAMES THURBER? Remember how it was
dedicated to the people who had freed him from 'wicked wizards and witches' i.e.
mind control programmers? Remember how the PIRATES end up DEAD? ILL SIGNAL boxes
are quite easy to scramble once you realise that all ILL slaves are so easily
governed by colour: e.g. take away a RED ANTS 'RED' folder in the office and
replace it with a YELLOW one and their 'red ant' alters are left clueless. DARK
TURQUOISE is the colour of PURE EVIL. ORANGE is the colour of BOMBS.
REMEMBER 'PO' out of the TELETUBBIES with his 'O' on top of his head? Now would one
call that a microchipped 'O' slave? If so - are we saying that RED/ORANGE have the
same sort of effect? The ROYAL PURPLE hook of ROYALTY upon the biggest TELETUBBIE'S
head. The HOOK to hang you upon - or also used in ILL abortions. The SKEWED SAFETY
PIN upon the head of the YELLOW 'DIXIE' teletubbie. The BRITISH ASHKENAZIM colour -
they were the ones mainly responsible for 'a needle through the eye'. However, this
group now appears to be in revolt against the ROYAL ILL...on verra. The URANUS
GREEN SPIKE upon the head of the URANUS GREEN teletubbie - signifies what TOMLINSON
loved to do most - anally rape little boys - although this also covers girls and
also the hideous ROYAL torture of putting slaves upon an electrified spike up the
anus - to make them disassociate completely - to make them OBE out of their heads.
Perhaps even more effective than the MI6 CAROUSEL.
"Suspense" by Charles Burton Barber. The ILL used this 'innocuous' painting of a
girl praying in front of her boiled egg - to program girls into being 'zygote'
slaves. The two programmers tell the child that they are the 'cat' and the 'dog'
who look on in 'suspense'.
THE ALLENBY KEY: Sir Edmund Allenby entered Jerusalem 1917 - and then stayed at
what is now Mr D'Ajani's Modern Imperial hotel (although I think that they have now
changed the name) in the 'snake' bedroom i.e. the one with huge green snakes,
patterned in circles, upon the tiles of this once magnificent bedroom. You can also
see the design upon the dining room floor (partially hidden by the carpets).
Anyway, to cut a long story short - this ALLENBY KEY is the mind control code to
access the 'internal thermometer' of a mind control slave (in Allenby's time, these
'slaves of the Empire - were called 'sons of God' and 'Christian Zionist martyrs'
to the British Empire cause). I have seen ILL slaves go into HYPOTHERMIA once this
mind control command has triggered them. Despite the fact that they are in a warm
room and adequately clothed. It is frightening to watch. The body carries the
memory of this state and re-enacts it - and to all intents and purposes, the
hypothermia is real - their extremities drain of blood and their hands, feet and
faces feel like ice. They began to shudder all over.
FAITH 'OPE 'N' CHAS' TITTY (faith hope and chastity) Let me give you a clue: Who
was the main top programmer of PRINCE CHARLES? The top TIT programmer? Come on down
The 'KING STAN' with his demonic/Satanic ROUND TABLE. The 'KING' runs his 'domain'
through 'intelligence'. Look at what has happened in the UK since WWII. THE BRITISH
ROYAL FAMILY 'ran' society and politics through SIS/MI6/MI5 and associated
'intelligence services'. They programmed the MASONS as their lap dogs.
'Intelligence' runs the whole of a 'hive' i.e. the politics and society of a
country. The UK would have been run as an 'Islamic hive'. You have a simple system
of control: 1. MONARCH 2. 'INTELLIGENCE' 3. RELIGION. Those in tier 3 are most
likely to be completely unaware of those in tier 2 and certainly not at all aware
of those in tier 1.
What did the ROYALS and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE think of the MASONS?Answer: Not much.
They were all quite happy to put each other under mind control (as well as their
wives, families etc) – and were easily controllable, as a consequence. If you would
like to see an image of the MASONS coded into an ILL film – look no further than
MEN IN BLACK. Think of the silly, tiny ‘aliens’ in the locker and you’ve got it.
The MEN IN BLACK can feed them any old rubbish and they worship it. The movie MEN
IN BLACK was actually used as a programming script for British Intelligence
operatives in 1980 – however we were given the roles of full-scale aliens – one
favourite was the ‘OUD’ prototype – the guy with tentacles coming out of his mouth.
In relation to the MASONS, RIMINGTON was fond of quoting her favourite maxim: “The
magic within everyday things.” Most people tend to regard the MASONS as men who
have a silly gestures code e.g. handshakes and gesticulations – in order to
identify each other and to then get each other off the hook. However, RA
FREEMASONRY was a lot more complicated than that. Almost EVERY single everyday
object was coded and re-encoded as the ILL thought up more and more silly ways of
punning with objects and words. I do not know the precise meanings of all of the
objects that were used to program ILL SLAVES but I do know that every possible
household article, was used. For example – those bred to be RED ANTS were forced,
as young children to spend the night in a cupboard used to store POTS and PANS.
They were then programmed with a pan, sieve, or pot on their heads as a helmet and
then taught to march around like MILITARY ANTS. The most common phrase associated
with that one was ‘talk about the POT calling the KETTLE black’, meaning that each
ILL SLAVE had been caught on camera and from an early age – doing something
terrible – as RIMINGTON was fond of saying ‘we are all as bad as each other and all
in it together.’ Hardly. As a ZYGOTE SLAVE, my life was punctuated by ILL SLAVES
coming up to me and saying things along the line of ‘it’s OVA’ – rather than ‘it’s
over’. Somebody did this to me the other day ‘the daffodils are OVA’. She shouted
‘OVA’ in my face, as she had been instructed to do. I was constantly reminded of
‘the other side of the mirror’ where I was simply a slave, bred for my EGGS. As a
young teenager, I was told to write as many adjectives into my work, starting with
the letter P as possible. One of the key programming words that I was given was
PURPOSIVELY. PURR-PO-SIEVE-LI. PURR = cat alter. PO = microchipped. SIEVE = every
memory of the ‘other side of the mirror’ disappears through the sieve. LI –
according to MARK R – this was a reference to the last letters of a given
nationality and in my case he thought ISRAE-LI. However, as far as I can remember
this referred to the LEE ILLuminati family of China. The ‘dragon’ cult of OTO –
which PRINCE PHILIP also ran.
The FISH AND CHIP SHOP is highly symbolic – FISSION CHIPS = microchipped slaves.
The ROYAL FAMILY knew those who controlled the ‘hokkaido’ base – they were good
friends with these people. The MOON base was the main nexus of ILL control in this
world. The main reason for basing it upon a Japanese island was ‘nobody will ever
nuke a Japanese island again’.PRINCE PHILIP had personally organised the ratlines
for his NAZI pals to escape EUROPE during the last years of WWII. Of particular
interest, were the NAZI scientists whom he arranged ‘safe passage’ for, to the USA.
I would also like to add that ROBERTO CIPOLLA telephoned his ‘Vatican’ contact for
help, whilst in the TEMPLAR CASTLE grounds. He was being driven out of the grounds
with a group of other people who had been forced to attend the annual ILL rites –
in a black four-wheel drive. The group told the driver that he had to stop, whilst
in the forest – because they wanted a pee. They then went into the woods – they had
their belongings with them – ROBERTO then used his mobile to call for help. Outside
of the TEMPLAR CASTLE gates – it would have been too late – once through them –
everybody was programmed to forget everything that had happened within PORPHYRIA
The BEES (top ILL CULT programmers) collect the POLLEN (stolen goods) from the
FLOWERS (slaves) for the QUEEN BEE (those like Eliza Manningham-buller, Princess
Beatrice etc). However, the BEE-KEEPER then comes along (MI6/Royal Military elite)
to steal the honey from the BEES for the ROYAL TABLE.
The ILL do not only work through 'intelligence agencies'. I noted some time ago how
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL had suddenly taken up the cause of a CHINESE province
bordering upon TIBET. AMNESTY was calling for 'independence' for this province.
Why? It was rather like EAST ANGLIA calling for independence from ENGLAND. The ILL
had found massive oilfields there - which continue into TIBET.
I forgot to mention something that happened in 1980 - Israel. SONIA and MARK had
been through the same thing: CHROMAKEY PROGRAMMING. I told them about the
'blueprints' of MOSHE DAYAN. They replied that it was just another way of mind
control programming. I went back to that time to review what had happened. MOSHE
DAYAN had indeed got the 1930s plans of NAZI aircraft - as 'blue transparencies'
and he was using them to program the 1980 course. Basically, what happened was
this: I was led into an 'army barracks' room where SCARLETT and TOMLINSON were also
present. I was told to sit upon a chair in front of a monitor. MOSHE DAYAN then
showed me the blue prints and upon the first one, he showed me the 'spaceship' but
told me that it wasn't a 'spaceship' although it looked like one - it was a real
aircraft (very old-fashioned). He then told me to watch a particular HOLLYWOOD
movie upon the screen of the monitor. I forget the name of it but it was about a
couple who rent a HAUNTED HOUSE and the two comic ghosts then try to get them out -
one of them was called Beetlejuice. Anyway, he froze a scene in the interior of the
'haunted house' and asked me what I could see in the top right hand corner - he was
holding up the blueprint with the 'SPACESHIP' over this particular area. This area
was TRANSPARENT. His semitic-looking assistant then electrocuted the nape of my
neck. I was shown different images - through the blueprints, going through the same
process, above. Anyway, what can I deduce from the above? MOSHE DAYAN was in his
ILL role at this point -working for the ILL US bankers etc. In 1979 - it had been a
very different kettle of fish and I had been given information to gain access to
the ILL computer network - a lot of 'downloads' i.e. memorisation of information -
I had no idea what I was viewing or why. Anyway, the ILL were obviously programming
their slaves to 'read' messages' or symbols in HOLLYWOOD movies and by the use of
CHROMAKEY. CHROMAKEY is used in film to blot out all unnecessary areas of the film.
For example - if you want a 'disembodied' head to fly around the room - you take
the film of somebody walking into a room and then blot out everything except for
their then superimpose this film, upon another one.
The most 'secret name' of Royal Arch Freemasonry was JAHBULON. This manufactured
name was a mixture of the different gods that they worshipped. The unholy trinity
and worship of Satan. They had used Jewish/Arabic mysticism to research mind
control. See Egyptian Book of the Dead - also the Lesser Key of Solomon, although
this book is a fake in terms of 'magic'. It was produced solely as a mind control
manual and not for any other purpose i.e. the symbols are used to call up different
'alters' of mind control slaves. They also experimented with 'time travel' i.e. the
disembodied mind can be released from the constraints of time and space, under
certain terrible conditions, to produce remote viewers. What is the new 'name' of
Royal Arch Freemasonry? ALRAHYAH. Why have they changed it? The first one got outed
on the net years ago. It had been used to mainly recruit and train Judaeo-Christian
mind control slaves. The second one is specifically tailored to recruit and train
Muslim mind control slaves. Therefore, appropriately enough, it begins with 'AL'.
Have you seen the a new collection of paintings on show in the British Intelligence
Masonic Lodge: The first one was the painting that I had been shown as a teenager,
of a sad looking woman in a headscarf. Rimington and Scarlett had told me that it
was of me. I remember that other women on that course were also told that it was of
them. In addition, there were three smaller framed reproductions placed above this
painting. In front of it - the children's programming toys (fan, electric wire game
with coloured balls on it) and a new addition: a dark green/turquiose night candle
which had had a incense stick burning beside it, in the plate. The candle does not
appear to have been lit yet. What can one say? I can analyse this 'portrait' quite
accurately now although as a teenager, it was quite difficult to understand what it
was all about. There are six seeds emanating from the woman, ranging from black to
red in colour. There are the buttocks of a baby, stained red, coming from beneath
her and a pool of blood. I don't think that I need to spell out what this painting
is about. It is sick beyond words. The filthy minds which conceived this are not
worth commenting upon either. The 'seeds'...rather like the rhyzome seeds that we
were shown to make the link although as is normal in Masonic rituals, it is never
made clear. How could anyone guess what was in their deranged minds? We were being
'juiced' for our 'seeds' i.e put through the most hideous and forced abortions. No
doubt, sooner or later I may bump into some 27 year old (or younger) who was given
some of my DNA in the womb and bears an uncanny resemblance to me. It depends upon
what strands of the DNA they were using from us all. We were the 'elite'
guineapigs. The MI6 'bees'. In addition, the three framed reproductions above are
as follows: Bernd Zimmer: Nr. 130 'Feuer' - Fire. Mimmo Paladino: 'Ohne Titel' -
Without Title. Alexi von Jawlensky: Johannes der Taufer. The first painting looks,
at first glance to be an abstract of the sea...but the red seam tells you that it
is 'fire'. Rimington told me that it represented 'fire on the mountain' i.e. the
Illuminati cult of the 'volcano'. The second painting is of a christ-like figure.
It is deeply disturbing and macabre. An 'artistic' portrayal of mind-splitting.
Those ugly, sick minds which thought up this process - the stupid, ignorant ones
who believed in it and followed it as 'tradition'. Behind this figure in a dark
study, is what appears to be the body of the person which has been tortured into an
NDE with the subsequent OBE. The central figure has two heads. One appears to be
the soul OBEing to the right. The other, to the left, appears to be some sort of
mask which is discarded. The mask has a black hole for the right eye. The painting
appears to be depicting one of the Illuminati's 'Sons of God' who has woken up to
the memories of torture and abuse - regaining the use of his/her right brain
hemisphere in conjunction with the left brain. The last painting is of a portrait
of a face. Again a Christ-like, deeply sad expression. It is painted in muted, dull
colours. The damaged right hemisphere (right temple and forehead) is partly painted
in dark ochre red and green - the green extends right down the nose. Red = dried
blood and the green = abuse of the nasal cavities i.e. breathing. The face has
large, cavernous black eyes. It also has a yellow mouth. This is now the highest
colour of the Illuminati. Why yellow? Those sick and insane people thought that
because they had lived pampered lives with a silver spoon in their mouths that this
was not the best way to gain knowledge...and decided that for the 'benefit' of
humanity in the Western world...that they should induce suffering and torture in
their recruits in order to 'enlighten' them. Note that these filthy, sick minds
didn't do it to themselves. They wanted to torture others and used this sick and
insane reason to justify their actions. This is my own version of the summary that
Rimington and Scarlett gave me concerning the prolonged and extreme abuse of their
victims in Royal Arch Freemasonry. They were doing for 'humanity' and to further
'human knowledge'.
The British ran the slave-trade from the beginning and they have never stopped.
Daldry and Scarlett are still following on from what their predecessors had done
and with the help of certain Arabic factions - as they had done at the inception of
this obscene trade. They are still trafficking women and children from all over the
world. This is the British trade - their share of the Illuminati pie. Cheap labour,
workers, slaves, prostititutes of either sex and any age.
Do you remember how Robert Maxwell pulled in all his chips and laundered the money
in Czechoslovakia? MI6 then bankrupted him. The Czechs then sent the money to
Israel in order to buy munitions to defend the country against an all-out 'Arab'
attack, in 1967. The British were running all guns against Israel, at that point.
They could no longer control the country and therefore were going to give it back
to the Arabs (whom they thought they still controlled). The entire Czechoslovakian
parliament then 'defenestrated' themselves. The great British press blamed it by
inference, upon the USSR. Very little mention was made of Maxwell's State funeral
as an honorary hero of Israel. He fell off the back of a yacht and this caused much
mirth in the blinkered British press and not much else.
The British Masonic Satanic Star of David which they had appropriated to use in
their cult of Lucifer the light-bringer. The Star of David is not 'Jewish' to them
- it has a very different, demonic meaning. For example, the anti-nuclear symbol
has also been used by Satanists. They 'take over' symbols and use them as their
own, imbuing them with new and terrible meanings.
You know that the 'Peter Pans' were not allowed to remember and that the 'Wendys'
had to tell them stories, to enable them to regain their memories. The dresses of
the 'mothers of darkness' - Modern Imperial Hotel (you could also visit the 'Peace'
Hotel in Shanghai - one of the British Empire's snake routes - the Sephardim or
should one say Baghdad Jews, ran the opium trade there for them.) Mind control
'tree programming' - remember the pine tree mountain forest in Ein Kerem? You were
not allowed to climb over a fallen tree trunk and therefore you never completed the
task. The P2 Jesuitical St John in the Desert Monastery where we were tricked into
our first 'taste' of cannibalism. The High Priests of Rome (pagans with Babylonian
roots) usurped the burgeoning early Christian/Catholic faith and instituted
themselves as rulers of this new world religion. The 'Illuminati' isle (that was
'Palau' wasn't it?) The roots of the various branches are planted in this soil.
Remember the beach, turtles, parthenon building where they worshipped? The 'dunking
pool' (Priory of Sion - Ein Kerem): remember the 'washing' i.e. water torture? The
'Gihon Spring' which was called 'riding the snake'...through Hezekiah's tunnel?
Remember the 'rabbit hole' you had to climb down to get there? Charles Warren (a
venerable Englishman dug it and Lewis Carroll immortalised his find in fiction)
built it. The worship of the volcano and the underground water springs - the
Illuminati pagan belief system, rooted in human sacrifice and something even more
terrrible than that...the creation of 'golems' and not ordinary 'robotic creatures'
but 'super-golems'...'Sons of God'. Water torture to the point of death forces most
people to OBE...this 'splits' the mind...if done repeatedly - hence the more modern
form of this procedure i.e. MI6 carousel - you are put in an electric chair on a
carousel which spins until the mind cannot focus...then electrocuted. Easiest way
to make a person OBE. Ever seen the early Churches in Jerusalem? Many of them e.g.
the Holy Sepulchre, have ancient torture chambers - miniature churches. Easily
recognisable by their domes, under which a person is tortured upon a stone slab to
OBE into another 'dimension'. If they survive, they 'come back' with heightened
PSI. This was then manipulated by British Intelligence, who used their unwitting
victims/recruits to experiment with time and space travel. British Intelligence
claimed that St John was the true 'magus' who used water torture on Jesus, his best
recruit, to create an early 'superman'. I kid you not. This is what we were taught
in Jerusalem.