1987 - 900 Saab

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Headlight, parking light switch Main instrument panel Windshield washer stalk Cabin fan Air temperature control

Air distribution control

Driver 's seat heater
rheostat (900S, Turbo)

Fog light switch


TWll signal/high Recirculation swilch

beam stalk

Haza rd warning

Rear lVindow defogger

HCJrn contacts Ignition key on floor
a t shift console

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Introduction 1

OWner's Manual
Saab 900 - 1987

Instruments and controls 3

Interior equipment 13
Doors, locks and luggage compartment 23
Starting and driving 29
Technical description 41
Car care and scheduled maintenance 49
Specifications 81
Index 90

©Saab-Scania AB 1986
Production: Technical Publications, Saab-Scania, Trollhattan, Sweden

, \

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2 Introduction

formance character, front wheel drive, and various systems is given in a special section.
Introduction safety features. The main automobile pro- The m~nual also describes the most impor-
Your Saab is a product ofSaab-Scania AB, duction plant is in Trollhattan, Sweden tant dIfferences between model versions.
leaders in specialized transport technology. (near Gothenburg), where design, develop- Read through the manual before taking the
We develop and produce aircraft, satellites, ment and testing facilities are also located. car out for the first time then keep it in the
passenger cars, trucks and buses which are Saabs are also assembled in Ar16v, Sweden, car for future reference.
among the most modern available in the and Uusikaupunki, Finland. A modern, A list of contents is provided for each sec-
world. highly automated central spare parts ware- tion ofthe manual and there is also a com-
Saab-Scania's automotive origins date back house serving Saab distributors worldwide prehensive index at the back.
to 1897 when the first Swedish factory-built is located in Nyk6ping (near Stockholm). Also supplied with the car are a Warranty/
passenger car was produced by the com- Importation and distribution of Saab Service Record Booklet, Audio System man-
pany which was later to become the current automobiles, spare parts and accessories in ual and a tire warranty folder with which
Scania Division. In addition to its present the Unites States are handled exclusively by you should also become familiar. A conver-
mainstay, truck and bus production, the Saab-Scania of America, Inc., headquar- tible supplement is supplied for those cars.
Scania Division is responsible for the manu- tered in Orange, Connecticut. The company
facture of the Saab 2.0 liter OHC four cylin- also produces a North American version of Since the policy at Saab-Scania is one ofcon-
der engine which powers Saab 900 and the Scania transit bus in Connecticut and tinual improvement, we retain the right to
have begun importing Scania Class 8 incorporate modifications and alter specifi-
9000 models.
cati.ons during production without prior
Manufacture of cars under the Saab name trucks. notIce.
commenced in 1949 with the introduction This manual for the Saab 900 provides
of the Saab 92, the first in a succession of some practical advice on driving and caring Best Wishes,
innovative models renowned for their per- for your car. A technical description of the Saab-Scania AB
Saab Car Division

Note: The radio shown in some of the photographs in this

manual differs from that which is standard equipment on U.S .
models. A separate audio ·m anual is provided.

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Instruments and controls 3

and controls
Warning and indicator lights 5
Combination instrument . 6
Lighting switches . . . . . 7
Wiper and washer controls 9
Climate control system 9

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4 Instruments and controls

1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 789 10 11 1


18 19 13 22 23 2425

1 Fresh air vent 13 Switch for adjusting external rear- view 24 Switch, AC compressor
2 Switch, parking lights and headlights mirrors (900S, Turbo) 25 Switch, air recirculation
3 Clock and tachometer 14 Switch, optional fog lights 26 Gear (selector) lever
4 Warning lights 15 Control for high/low beam, turn signals and 27 Coin tray
5 Turn signal indicator lamp cruise control (900S, Turbo) 28 Switch, interior lighting
6 Speedometer, odometer and trip meter 15A Rheostat, control illumination 29 Handbrake
7 Combination instrument: fuel gauge, 16 Horn control 30 Ignition switch and gear lever lock
temperature gauge and pressure gauge 17 Clock adjustment knob 31 Switch, electrically driven sun roof (Turbo)
(Turbo) 18 Reset button for trip meter 32 Switches, front power windows (900S,
8 Seat belt reminder light 19 Rheostat, instrument panel lighting Turbo)
9 Switch, ventilation fan speed 20 Control for wipers and washers .33 Lockout switch, rear door window switches
10 Temperature control 21 Switch, electric rear window defroster 34 Switches, rear power windows (900S, Turbo
11 Air distribution controls 22 Switch, hazard warning flashers sedans)
12 Seat heater rheostat (900S, Turbo) 23 Cigarette lighter

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Instruments and controls 5

Warning and indicator

c<;tn get better fuel economy by shifting to a
lights PARK
BRAKE hIgher gear. See page 33.
Some of the warning lights will come on
when the ignition is switched on before Handbrake indicator light , CHECK
starting. This serves as a bulb function i ENGINE
This light will glow when the handbrake is
check. These should go out once the engine applied. Fuel control system warning light (16
is running.
valve engines only)
This light will come on ifthere is an electri-
cal malfunction in the fuel injection system.
Charge warning light A back up system in the control unit will
This light will come on when the battery is take over, enabling the car to continue its
High beam indicator light not being charged. If the light comes on journey with somewhat diminished perfor-
This light will glow when the headlights are while you are driving, stop at the earliest mance. This light also indicates a fault in
switched to high beam. convenience, switch off the engine and the ignition system ofthe 900S.
check the tension of the alternator drive Should faults occur in either system please
belt. have it checked by your Saab dealer.
fiJ , EXH
Brake warning light (footbrake) Exhaust Emission System maintenance
Indicator light, electric rear window
This light will come on if the level in the light (8 valve engines only)
brake fluid reservoir drops too low. If the This. light comes on every 30,000 miles as a
light comes on while you are driving, stop This lamp will glow when the rear window
defroster is switched on. The light will au- remmder that components in the emission
the car immediately and check the brake control system need maintenance. (This
fluid level. tomatically extinguish after about 7-12 mi-
nutes to prevent unnecessary temperature light does not indicate a failure.) Your
Note: The fluid level gradually lowers as the dealer will reset the light when service has
loading of the rear glass.
brake pads wear. Blinking ofthe light may been performed.
indicate that the pads are due for replace-
- ,
Shift indicator light Oil pressure warning light (engine oil)
This light is fitted to cars with manual This light will come on if the engine oil
transmission . The light tells you when you pressure drops too low. If the light blinks or

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6 Instruments and controls

comes on while you are driving, stop the car engine coolant. If the needle enters the red Pressure gauge, Turbo
immediately, switch off the engine and zone repeatedly, stop as soon as possible The pressure gauge indicates the charging
check the oil level. Ifthe oil light stays on,do and check the level ofthe coolant. pressure in the inlet manifold. At low
not drive the vehicle, as severe engine dam- engine loads and during engine decelera-
age can result. tion, a vacuum will be present in the mani-
WARNING! . fold. In such cases, movement ofthe needle
Do not operate the engine at full throttle will be within the white zone. At increased
until the needle on the temperature loads or engine speeds, the turbo compres-
gauge has entered the green zone. sor will increase the charging pressure in
Low fuel warning light the inlet manifold. In this case, the needle
This lamp will glow continuously when the will move into the orange zone. The char-
quantity of gasoline in the fuel tank is less ging pressure will not normally be high
than approximately 1.8 U.S. gallons. Refuel Speedometer, odometer and trip meter enough to cause the needle to enter the red
at your next oppurtunity. The odometer records the distance in miles, zone, since the engine is equipped with a
and the trip meter in miles and tenths. charging pressure regulator (wastegate).
The reset button for the trip meter is loca- However, under full load and with suffi-
Combination instrument ted in the lower section of the meter. Push ciently high fuel octane, the needle may
Fuel gauge to reset. briefly enter the red zone. There is also an
This gauge accurately measures the quan- overpressure safety switch to protect aga-
tity of fuel remaining in the tank. inst excessive pressure which could damage
the engine.
Temperature gauge
This indicates the temperature of the

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Instruments and controls 7

Tachometer and clock Lighting switches Headlight dimmer, high beam flasher,
and turn signal con troT
The tachometer indicates the speed of the The headlight switch has three positions:
engine in thousands of revolutions per The spring loaded lever is moved towards
minute. The RPM range for economical the steering wheel to switch from high
operation is indicated on the tachometer. beam or vice versa. The same action provi-
Driving within this range aids in achieving D The lighting is off. des a warning high beam flash when the
best possible fuel economy. The needle headlights are switched off. A blue indica-
should only be allowed to enter the broken tor light glows whenever the high beams
red zone for brief periods. It must never are on. The turn signals and cornering
enter the red zone. A safety device, which [~oo:: ' lights are operated by moving the lever in
- - Parking lights.
interrupts current to the fuel pump at 6000 the direction in which the steering wheel is
rpm, is installed on the Turbo. turned. "Lane change" detents are provi-
L=D i Headlights and parking lights. 1-Flash headlight, high beams
2-Left turn signal
3-Right turn signal

NOTE! The headlights and parking

lights are automatically turned offifthe
ignition key is turned to the L position.
The parking lights can be operated alo-
ne, if the switch is moved to the inter-
mediate position even ifthe key is remo-
ved from the ignition.

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8 Instruments and controls

push in the fog light switch. The fog light tion switch. The switch on the console be-
will not be illuminated when the high tween the front seats has three positions:
beams are switched on. Push and release forward/on, middle/off, rear/on with open
the fog light switch and/or rotate the head- doors.
lamp switch to the off position to turn off 9GGS and Turbo models are equipped with
the fog lights. a time delay shut-off for the interior lights.
Use only H-3 bulbs as replacements. Do not The lights will remain on for about 15
touch the bulbs. The fog light circuit is pro- seconds after the doors have been closed or
tected by a 15 amp fuse in the main until the ignition key is turned on, which
fusebox. ever occurs first.

NOTE! Be certain that the interior lights

are switched offwhen parking the car.
Hazard warning
When the switch is pushed on, all direction
indicator lights flash simultaneously. The
warning system should only be used if the Electrically heated rear window
Seat heater rheostat (driver's side) car is in a position where it is liable to en- The rear window defroster grid is control-
The temperature regulation of the driver's danger or obstruct other vehicles as a result led by means of a push switch near the
seat heater on 9GGS and Turbo models is of an accident, breakdown, etc. The switch center of the instrument panel. An indi-
controlled or switched offby means ofthe flashes red when in use. cator light glows when the heating is on.
rheostat located below the headlight The defroster switch automatically turns
switch. Instrument panel lighting
off 7-12 minutes after it is pushed on or
The instrument panel lighting is switched
on and off with the ignition key. Separate
rheostat controls are supplied for the in-
strument lighting and the controls. Do not
Fog lights (optional) use the instrument lighting as a gauge as to
The fog lights are located u~der the fr~nt whether or not the headlights are on. Al-
bumper and are provided WIth protectl:re ways check the h eadlight switch position if
covers. Keep the lights covered when not In in doubt.
The fog lights switch is located belo,:" the Interior illumination
headlight switch. To turn on the fog lIghts, The interior illumination comprises three
rotate the headlight switch to either the lights located: above the front seats, behind
S G 209
parking light or headlight position and the rear view mirror, and beside the igni-

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Instruments and controls 9

when the ignition is switched off, is particularly useful in light drizzle, Ifthe washer jets are blocked, the holes can
whichever occurs first. Do not switch on the etc. be carefully cleaned and adjusted with a pin
window heating before starting the engine. 2 Windshield wipers, low speed or small tool. If the jets are out of align-
Damage to the unit may result ifit is oper- ment, the adjustable ball nozzles can be
3 Windshield wipers, high speed turned to the desired position. The driver's
ated for a long period oftime on a dry rear
window. Do not use abrasive cleansers on 4 Windshield washer: The windshield side jet is equipped with two ball nozzles
the inside of the rear window which may washer will operate as long as the lever while the passenger side has one ball nozz-
damage the electrical continuity ofthe unit. is held toward the steering wheel. Ifthe le.
Avoid placing heavy objects on the parcel lever is pulled when in the "wipers-off"
shelf as the heating wires may easily be position, the wipers will automatically
damaged. make a few sweeps.

Climate control system

Ventilation system
The Saab 900 has a sophisticated flow
through ventilation system . Air enters at
the right h ood louver and exits at the rear
quarter panel grilles anclJor behind the rear
bumper. All incoming air passes trough the
AC evaporator, and except for air channe-
led to the center panel vent, then passes
through the heater core. All system controls
are located in the center of the instrument
panel. The three panel vents are adjustable
directionally and have individual thumb
",is" wheel shut off switches (0 = Off).

Windshield wiper and washer care

Wiper and washer controls Inspect and clean the rubber b lades of the Air Conditioning
The control lever for the windshield wipers windshield wipers at regular intervals. If Saab air conditioning is standard on all 900
and washer has the following positions: they show signs of wear, they should be models. Vehicles equipped with AC have an
replaced. Soap and water is recommended AC onloffswitch and a recirculation switch
o Off position for cleaning. on the instrument panel, an auxiliary elect-
1 Windshield wiper, intermittent opera- Use clean fluid for the washer and make ric radiator cooling fan, a wide-open
tion. The wipers will make a sweep at sure that the container is free from dirt. Use throttle AC cut out switch and a high coo-
intervals ofa few seconds. This function suitable washer antifreeze in cold weather. lant temperature cut-out.

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10 Instruments and controls

Models with mechanical fuel injection are Controls and outlets

equipped with an idle compensation valve The locations ofthe controls and outlets of
which activates when the AC cycles on. the climate control system are shown on the
Models with electronic fuel injection have illustration below:
an Automatic Idle Control system which
automatically adjusts the idle regardless of
the engine load. The compressor is a cycling
clutch type.
Run the air conditioner a few minutes occa-
sionally during the winter to ensure proper 6 6 1 238 6 6
compressor seal lubrication.

The AC system contains freon gas under
pressure. Do not loosen or undo the AC
system hoses. Escaping gas may cause

1 Fan switch 7 Floor outlets

2 Temperature control 8 Center panel vent (unheated air only)
3 Air distribution control 9 Outer panel vents
4 AC on/off switch
5 Recirculation switch
6 Defroster outlets

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Instruments and controls 11

Control functions Climate system tips

See the chart on the following page for 4. AC On/Off switch Defogging windows - Switching on the
recommended climate control settings. AC compressor in combination with turn-
Push in to engage AC compressor. Com-
ing up the temperature control will acceler-
pressor will not switch on below 38° F.
1. Fan switch ate defogging. The recirculation switch
NOTE! Starting ofthe air conditioner com- should be off.
The fan is off when the air distribution pressor is delayed by about 10 seconds
selector is in the 0 position. It automatically when the engine is started, in order to avoid Defrosting windshield - For maximum
runs in its fourth speed in the Max Vent applying additional load onto the engine. effect, turn the temperature control fully
position. In all other positions the rotary fan This delay will be operative only if the AC clockwise and the air distribution control to
switch has positions for the first through switch has been pressed before the ignition tweleve o'clock. Increase the fan speed as
third speeds. has been switched on. the air begins to warm up.
r 0, Heat plus fresh air - On a long winter
2. Temperature control
5. Recirculation switch ~1 drive, cool air directed toward the face can
help fight drowsiness. Select the nine
All incoming air except that channeled to o'clock position on the air distribution con-
the center panel vent passes through the The recirculation switch closes the fresh air
intake and opens the recirculation flap to trol and adjust the center panel vent to suit.
heater core. The temperature control regu-
lates the amount of heat added to the air by recirculate the air inside the car. This fea- AC modulation - For maximum cool-
controlling the flow of heated engine coo- ture is intended for use when maximum down, engage the AC switch and select the
lant through the core. Turning the rotary cooling is required or to avoid exhaust seven o'clock position on the air distribu-
knob clockwise increases the temperature. fumes being drawn into the ventilation sys- tion control (temperature control fully
The 6 o'clock position (blue spot) is "off'. tem when the car is in slow moving traffic. counter clockwise to blue spot). As the de-
Recirculation is automatically provided in sired comfort level is reached, switch the air
the Max Vent position ofthe air distribution distribution to eight o'clock and adjust fan
3. Air distribution selector selector. speed to suit. To maintain comfort on
The rotary switch controls distribution of moderate days , add heat to the outer vents
the incoming air. Clockwise from 6 o'clock by turning up the temperature control part
the positions are: "Off' (fresh air intake clo- NOTE! Do not use recirculalion in cold way. Direct the fully cold air from the
sed, fan of£), Max Vent (automatic recircu- weather as this may cause ice or mist to center vent toward the rear, between the
lation, fan on fourth speed), Panel Vent, form on the windshield and side win- front seats, or close it with the thumb wheel
Floor & Vent, Floor, Bi-Level and Defrost. dows.
switch on the vent itself.

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12 Instruments and controls

The fan is off. No fresh a ir entering the car. Maximum a I·r flo W "lor rapI·d coolmg·
. All I
vents fully open. Th IS. posItIOn
. . . aticall
autom pane
: ngages fourth fan speed and closes the fresh .Y
mtake. aIr

All panel vents fully open.

Floor vents open. Floor vents and central panel vents fully open.

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Interior equipment 13

Seats . . . . . . . . 14
Seat belts . . . . . . 16
Interior aIllenities 19
Sunroof . . . . . . 20
Rear view mirrors 20
Power windows . . 21
Audio equipment . 21

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14 Interior equipment

The backrest and cushion of the front seats
have thermostat-controlled electric heating Legroom adjustment Backrest angle acijustment
elements that warm up automatically Release the lever and slide the seat to the desired The backrest angle can be infinitely adjusted
when the ignition is switched on. The ther- position. between driving and resting position by rotating
mostat ensures that the heaters are the knob.
switched offwhen the temperature exceeds
The driver's seat heater on 90DS and Turbo
models can be controlled or switched off to
suit the driver's preference by means of a
rheostat on the instrument panel (see In-
struments and Controls.
Both front seats are adjustable as to leg-
room, and the driver's seat can also be ad-
justed for height. The backrest angle is con-
tinuously adjustable from upright to reclin-
Ensure that the seat rails are securly latched
after each legroom adjustment.

Driver's seat adjustments should be
made before driving off. Disengaging the
legroom adjustment lever while driving Vertical adjustment Moving the backrest forward (except 4- door
allows the seat to move in such a way as The cushion ofthe driver's seat can be raised and models)
to possibly affect vehicle control. lowered and also tilted to the front or rear. As the Depress the lever and tilt the backrest forward.
illustration shows, there are four possible posi- Rear seat passengers can tilt the backrest for-
tions. ward if they lift the lever at the lower rear edge
Adjustments are made with the handle (see illu- ofthe front seat.
stration) at the forward edge of the seat. Release
the latch by pushing on the handle and moving it
to the intermediate position.

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Interior equipment 15

Headrest cushions
900S and Turbo models have removable
rear headrest cushions a s standard equip-
m ent. Rear cushions h a ve a mounting post
which fits into a bracket a tta ched to the
back of the rear seat b ackrest, when so
equipped. The rear h eadrest cushions must
b e pulled out when the seat is to be folded
Front seat head restra ints ha ve a vertical
a djustment range ofa pproximately 31/2 in-
ches. To raise, grasp both sides ofthe cush-
ion and pull upwards. To lower, press
Seat aqjustment (passive belt system) down on the top center of the cushion. A
system of detents will secure the cushion at
1 Lift the bar and slide the seat to the desired
the desired height.
2 Pull forward the telescopic lever and raise or For the best protection, front seat occu-
lower it to obtain the desired height. p a nts should adjust the cushion on a level
3 Turn the wheel until the backrest is in the de- with the head.
sired position.
4 Lift the lever to tilt the backrest forward.

To avoid the risk of injury, keep hands
well clear of the locking mechanism on
both sides a t the base of the backrest
when moving the backrest to the up-
1 Raised seat. Move the handle back without
right position.
pressing down on the seat.
2 Lowered seat. Move the handle forward, pres-
sing down on the seat.
3 Seat tilted back. Move the handle back, pres-
sing down on the seat.
4 Seat tilted forward. Move the handle forward
without pressing down on the seat.

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16 Interior equipment

Using manual lap and shoulder belts motion and/or sudden vehicle deceleration.
Seat belt restraint system The belts will lock during hard braking or
Each lap and shoulder (three point) re-
straint consists of a continuous belt, a latch when the vehicle is climbing or descending -
NOTE! Seat belts, properly worn, re- stalk, and a locking retractor mechanism steep grades.
duce the risk of serious occupant injury which allows passenger movement under
in an accident or emergency maneuver. normal circumstances and locks the belt in
Belt type restraints are provided at all emergency situations. WARNING!
seating positions. Use them for your To put the belt on, first grasp it near the 1 No alterations or additions should be
comfort and protection. made to this belt system.
shoulder belt guide loop and pull out a suf-
ficient length of belt to reach the latch 2 The webbing must not be bleached or
Inertia reel-type three point manual belts mechanism between the front seats. One redyed.
are provided at the front and out~oard rear section ofthe belt should now be lying low 3 Each belt is meant for one person only.
seating positions. A manually adJust~~ lap over the hips and the other over the shoul- The belts at outboard seating positions
belt is provided for the center rear posItIon. der nearest the guide loop. Position the must be used as a lap/shoulder restraint
latch tongue on the belt so that it can be in- only.
serted into the latch stalk.
4 Holding your small child is not safe.
Pull up on the upper portion of the belt to Children under 5 years old and weigh-
take up any slack in the lap portion. The re- ing less than 40 lbs, should be re-
tractor mechanism will automatically ad- strained in a suitable safety seat/re-
Seat belt, front seat just the shoulder portion. The belt is re- straint designed for that purpose. Fol-
1. Latch tongue leased by pressing the red button. The re- low seat manufacturer's instructions
2. Latch stalk tractor will return the belt to its stored posi- which are based on the size and weight
tion. ofthe child. If the child safety seat is de-
signed to be restrained by a lap belt, use
NOTE! Pregnant women should use the it in the center rear seating position. Re-
belt as described above paying special straining a child safety seat with a 3-
attention to applying the lap portion of point belt may require a special clip
the belt as low and snug over the hips as (contact the seat manufacturer) to re-
possible. strict belt movement and prevent the
seat from tipping over. Refer to the in-
structions to determine clip necessity
When the belts are in use the retractor mec- and availability. For further informa-
hanism is normally unlocked. This allows tion on child restraint systems for your
freedom of movement for the restrained car write to: U.S. Dept. of Transporta-
occupant automatically The belt locking tion, Washington, D.C. 20590.
mechanism is activated by rapid belt

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Interior equipment 17

Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208, Occu- passenger side, the belt can be "parked" in
5 Fully reclining the seat back increases pant Crash Protection. The purpose of this the rear position, ifthe passenger gets out of
the risk of sliding under the seat belts in standard is to reduce the number and seve- the car and shuts the door while the ignition
the event of a frontal collision. ri ty of traffic accident injuries by promoting switch is on. In this case, the belt will move
6 If in doubt on any matter concerning re- increased usage of seat belt systems. The to the forward position when the door on
straints or their use, please consult your vehicle may be started whether or not the the passenger side is reopened. For best pro-
dealer. seat belts are fastened. The reminder light tection always fasten the lap belt after the
7 After an accident the seat belts should on the instrument panel will glow for about automatic shoulder belt is in place.
be inspected and if necessary, be re- 8 seconds. The audible buzzer will sound
placed if the car is to be put back in ser- until this light goes out or the driver's seat
vice. Ensure that the retractor locks belt is fastened, whichever occurs first.
when the belt webbing is pulled and the
belt retracts smoothly when released. If
the webbing won't retract fully and Passive seat belt system
hangs from the guide ring, the retractor
may be damaged or the webbing Passive seat belt system (some 900S)
stretched in the accident. If so, replace The front seats of some Saab 900 variants
the belt assembly. are equipped with a passive seat belt sys-
tem. The system consists of a two-point,
Seat belt reminder system motor-driven diagonal strap and a
This vehicle is equipped with a seat belt manually fastened lap strap.
reminder system as required by Federal The automatic portion ofthis seat belt sys-
tem is controlled by the position of the
doors and the ignition switch.
Using the passive belts
WARNING! 1 When the ignition switch is turned on,
the belt moves to the rear position .
• The front seat passive belts are not Simultaneously, a warning lamp in the
designed to hold a child safety seat. right-hand indicator lamp panel ofthe
• To avoid injury, keep hands well clear combined instrument blinks and a buz-
of the guide rail when operating the zer sounds.
passive seat belts.

When someone gets into the car, the upper h PARK ~ BRAKE EXH
belt mounting is in the forward position,

next to the windshield. However, on the SG 677

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18 Interior equipment

When the belt is locked into the rear 3 When the ignition is shut off or when
position, the warning lamp and buzzer the driver's door is opened, the driver's
will shut off. seat belt will return to the forward
2 Fasten the lap belt after the automa- position.
tic shoulder belt is in place. However, if the gear selector lever is in
If the lap strap has not been fastened, the reverse position and the ignition is
the buzzer will sound for a few more on, the belt will not return to the for-
seconds. The seat belt warning lamp on ward position, thus allowing the driver
the dashboard (under the fan switch) to open the door for better visibility
will light up for around 8 seconds as a while backing up.
reminder to fasten the lap strap. The belt on the passenger side will start
moving towards the forward position as
soon as the passenger door is opened.
1 Fasten the locking tongue (1) and make
sure it is held in place by the latch (2) on
System malfUnction the upper side (to release the locking
In case of a malfunction in the passive seat tongue, the latch must first be moved to
belt system: the side).
Check the two 20A fuses under the back 2 Remove the seat belt at the upper
seat on the left-hand side. See page 26 to mounting point by pressing the red but-
raise the rear seat. The electrical distribu- ton marked "PRESS".
tion box in the engine compartment con-
tains spare fuses. Ifthe fuses are intact, you
can still use the seat belts manually with
extra locking tongues. You'll find them in
the tool kit located in the trunk. The locking
tongues are different for the right-hand and
left-hand sides.
If the warning lamp in the combined
instrument starts blinking when the car
is in motion, the passive seat belt sys-
tem is defective. Drive to an authorized
Saab service workshop immediately.

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Interior equipment 19

3 Fasten the seat belt in the extra locking Interior amenities NOTE! Do not exert excessive down-
tongue. Make sure the belt is not ward force on the front ashtray when it
twisted. Ashtrays
is in the open position. Clean trays re-
If the diagonal belt is rolled up on the Two ashtrays are provided in the car. Both gularlyand do not deposit flammable
retractor instead of being fastened, the are located centrally, one below the instru- materials in them. Ensure that smoking
warning lamp in the combined instru- ment panel and the other in the rear ofthe materials are completely extinguished.
ment will light up with a steady glow. center console.
4 When you get out of the car, press the The ashtrays can be removed from the
red button marked "PRESS" to release holders for emptying. To remove the front Cigarette lighter
the belt from the extra locking tongue. tray on models without the forward acces- To use the cigarette lighter, push it into the
sory console, grasp it at the two orange holder. It will spring back as soon as it is
In case of a defect in the passive seat belt squares and pull upward. When refitting,
system, get in touch with an authorized hot. Do not touch a hot element.
ensure that the tray clicks securely into
Saab service workshop immediately. position. To remove the other ashtrays, in- Use care when operating extra electrical de-
cluding the front tray on Turbos and other vices that utilize the lighter socket as a
models with optional accessory console, de- power source. Hard use may damage the
press the metal tang. When the front tray is socket.
NOTE! The retractor on the automatic reinserted in the console be sure the sliding
shoulder belt may lock if the car under- surfaces engage properly. Glove compartment
goes an abrupt motion when parking or To open the glove compartment door,
is parked on a steep incline. This would squeeze the catches on the lock. To lock,
cause the belt to stall when it should go turn the key clockwise and withdraw it. To
forward to permit exit. Ifthis happens, unlock the compartment, turn the key
switch the ignition key on or release the counter-clockwise. The key is the same as
belt at the emergency latch. To prevent that for the other car locks.
this under the circumstances, check
that the belt moves freely before switch-
Magazine pockets (900S, Turbo)
ing the ignition off (or opening the
door, passenger side). On the back of each deep contour type front
seat is a large pocket which is a convenient
place for rear seat passengers to stow
magazines or papers.

Sun visors/vanity mirror

Padded sun visors are provided above the
windshield to the left and right ofthe rear
view mirror. The visors may be folded

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20 Interior equipment

down to prevent direct sunlight or un- opened either partially or completely. Once
latched and swung away to shield the oc- the handle is released, it will spring back to
cupant from sunlight from the side. its central position Clocking position). To
The right sun visor has a vanity mirror close the roof, push the handle forward
which may be exposed by folding down the until the panel locks in the closed position.

Leather upholstery (Turbo option)

The seating surfaces of the deep contour
seats and the headrest cushions are up-
holstered in a soft, supple leather supplied
by Bridge ofWeir, Scotland. Refer to the sec-
tion "Car care and scheduled maintenance" .
S G 08p
for care instructions, p.68.
The drive motor and emergency crank are
located under the right rear part of the
Electrically driven sunroof (Turbo)
Sunroof The control switch for the electrically dri-
trunk sill. To use the crank, lift the tool well
cover, unclip the crank and push it onto the
Manual sunroof (900S) ven sunroof is located on the forward con- motor shaft. Cranking counterclockwise
The sunroof is opened and closed by sliding sole ahead of the gear selector lever. De- will close the roof.
the handle at the front of the panel either press the switch as indicated by the arrows
backwards or forwards. The roof can be to open or close the roof.

Rear view mirrors

The interior rear view mirror can be de-
flected to avoid glare by operation of the
control button underneath it. The exterior
view mirrors are either manually or electri-
cally adjustable from inside the car. The
manual adjuster is a lever inside the door
that is directly connected to the mirror.
The electrical adjustment is done by means
offour way toggle controls located on each
side of steering wheel (See diagram of con-

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Interior equipment 21

NOTE! The righthand exterior mirror Audio equipment

has a convex glass. Objects seen in the All Saab 900 models are equipped with a
mirror are closer than they appear to be. four-speaker stereo sound system featuring
a Saab/Clarion electronic AMlFM Stereo Re-
ceiver/Cassette player and an automatic re-
Power windows tracting antenna. The 900 has a 20 watt-
Rocker-type switches for the electrically rated unit with integral amplifier. The 900S
operated window regulators on 900S and and Turbo models have an 80 watt-rated
Turbo models are located on the center con- unit with a multi-function touch plate con-
sole next to the hand brake. On sedans there trol panel and remote mounted amplifier
also are switches on the rear doors near the (behind the center console). In addition,
door handles. The ribbed switches on the Turbo models have a 7 band graphic
console are for the front door windows. The equalizer mounted in the center console.
window on the driver's side can be lowered All radios feature a slide-out bracket per-
Interior rear view mirror fully without the need for keeping the mitting the radio to be easily removed and
l.Normal position switch depressed. Press the button past the installed as a theft preventative measure. In
2.Anti-dazzle position spring-loaded stop position and release it addition, 900S and Turbo radios are pro-
after pressing it to the end position. On tected when removed by an Electronic
troIs and instruments). Exterior mirrors are sedans an additional switch is provided on Lock-Out feature which renders the radio
anti-glare coated. To prevent scratching of the console to lock out the function of the useless without a 6 digit access code. This
this coating do not clean mirrors with sharp switches on the rear doors, useful, for must be entered whenever power is discon-
objects or abrasives. example, when children are riding in the nected from the radio such as removing the
rear seat. radio or disconnecting the battery. A fea-
ture of the casette player is that the player
head retracts from the tape when the unit is
switched off or the ignition key is turned
completely off. It is not necessary for the
tape to be ejected or eject itself Refer to the
separate operating instruction manual for
complete information about features, con-
trols and use. The radio is protected by a 10
amp and a 3 amp fuse located at the back of
the amplifier. The equalizer/amplifier
must be removed before the fuse may be
S G 237

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22 Interior equipment

Electric antenna conditions. In extremely cold weather re-

An electric antenna is standard. The an- frain from playing a cassette until the in-
tenna will rise/retract when the radio is terior reaches a comfortable temperature.
turned on/off and the key is switched on. Clean the cassette player with an approved
head!capstand cleaner regularly.
NOTE! Be sure the antenna is retracted
when driving in areas with low over- FM Radio tips
head clearance or when entering a car FM and FM/Stereo reception is limited to
wash. 25-40 miles. Hills, signal reflections from
tall buildings, and broadcasting towers
Cassette tapes may produce temporary interference. Ifre-
Follow the radio/cassette player manufac- c~ption. is ,,:,eak, or hissing, popping or sta-
turer's recommendations about maximum hon sWItchmg occurs, fine-tuning may help
tape length for your type of equipment. Do correct these conditions.
not leave cassettes in direct sunlight or store
them in the car under hot or extreme cold

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Doors, locks and luggage compartment 23

Doors, locks
and luggage
Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 24
Trunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25
Cargo space expansion. . . . . .. 26
Hood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26
Saab-Guard alarm . . . . . . . .. 27

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24 Doors, locks and luggage compartment

Both front side doors have lockable outside Child safety locks
Doors handles. These are locked and unlocked as The rear doors of the 4-door models are
Two keys are supplied with the car. Both fit follows:
the ignition switch and all locks. The serial provided with safety locks to prevent the
number of the key will be found engraved To lock: Give the key a quarter turn rear- doors from being unintentionally opened
on a small plastic lug on the key ring. Keep ward and let it spring back to the from the inside by children. When the lever
the lug and make a note ofthe serial num- vertical position. is in the lower position (A), the doors can be
ber in case the key is lost. To unlock: Give the key a quarter turn for- opened from both inside and out, but when
ward and let it spring back to the lever is in the upper position (B), the
the vertical position. door can only be opened from the outside.


All side doors are fitted with safety lock but-

tons with which they can be locked from Door lock, left hand door
the inside when closed. Lock button on the 1. Unlock
drivers door cannot be pushed down when Driving with the lock buttons down is not
2. Lock
the door is open. recommended. In the event of an acci-
dent this may impede exiting the vehicle
or rescue from outside. Also, remember
that when the child safety locks are set
(position B) the rear doors can only be
opened from outside.

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Doors, locks and luggage compartment 25

Central locking system The tool kit, spare tire and jack are stowed
Trunk under the luggage compartment floor in
All door locks and trunk lock will be locked The sedan trunk lid is unlatched by pressing the tool well.
or unlocked when the driver's door is locked the release lever rearward. The key lock is
The tool well cover can also be removed via
or unlocked. Passenger doors may be locked located in the lid face directly above the
or unlocked independently using the key release lever. the rubber hinge straps which snap over
(front door) or the inside knob. buttons on the underside ofthe cover.
The hatchback rear lid is unlatched by pres-
sing the release lever upward. The lid is
Sedan locked or unlocked with the key lock on the
The trunk lid (sedans) can be unlocked right. An inside hand grip is provided to
separately by inserting the key in the lock assist closing.
and turning it clockwise until it stops (ap- On hatchback models the parcel shelf can
proximately 2 o'clock position). With the be removed and placed on the floor in the
key in this position press the release lever to luggage compartment. The luggage com-
unlatch the lid. Return the key to the 12 partment door is equipped with a catch to
o'clock position and remove it from the hold the raised position to facilitate
lock. The lid will be automatically locked loading.
when closed. When the driver's door is
unlocked the trunk lid may be unlocked by
turning the key 1!4 turn counter clockwise
(9 o'clock position).

The rear lid of the hatchback models may
also be locked or unlocked independently of
the central locking. To unlock the rear lid
turn the key in the lock clockwise to the 3
o'clock position. Turning the key counter- Trunk lighting
clockwise to the 10 o'clock position will lock Trunk lighting is provided for all models
the rear lid. and is controlled by a combination light!
switch situated on the left inner trunk well.
By means of the switch, you may shut the
light off permanently (middle position) or
allow it to be operated by the automatic
shut-off device built into the rear hatch!
trunk lid mechanism.
Catch, parcel shelF

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26 Doors, locks and luggage compartment

Cargo space expansion Hood

When desired, the rear seat can be conver- 3. Release the backrest and drop it by pul- The hood release handle is located under
ted to extend the luggage/cargo compart- ling the handle at either upper corner. the instrument panel next to the inner left
ment. When returning the seat to its normal wheel housing.
To fold the rear seat: position ensure that the cushion and To open the hood:
1. Pull the loop strap at the back ofthe seat backrest are securely latched and the 1. Pull the release handle under the instru-
cushion diagonally upward and forward seat belts are orderly. Reinstall headrest ment panel. The hood will then open to
to unlatch the cushion. Tip it on edge cushions, ifremoved. the half-locked position, retained by a
behind the front seats. spfety latch at the leading edge (to the
right of center when facing the car).
2. Press the leading edge ofthe hood down
slightly and pull the safety catch. The
hood will then spring up and can be til-
ted forward without effort.

To close the hood:

1. Tilt hood rearward and down until the
WARNING! run~rs make contact with the rear
Unsecured cargo or luggage may pre- hood guides.
sent a safety hazard in a collision. Al- 2. Slowly push hood rearward (with a
2. Firmly lift the headrest cushions out of ways take this into account when load-
the brackets on the backrest (900S, slight upward motion) until the safety
ing the car, especially with the rear seat catch engages. Note: push at the center
Turbo models). folded down or the parcel . shelf re- of the forward edge of the hood in order
moved. In addition, do not obstruct to engage the runners at the rear corners
outward vision or the ability to exit the in their locking guides in the fenders.
vehicle. Never allow passengers to ride
in the cargo area. 3. Press down firmly until the main lock
engages securely.

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Doors, locks and luggage compartment 27

SAAB-Guard alarm Saab technician to switch your alarm from shock detector using the switch provided.
a 45-60 second arming cycle down to a 10- In 900 models the switch is mounted on the
(optional) 25 second arming cycle. hand brake center console.
With the shorter 10-25 second arming cycle
The SAAB-Guard electronic vehicle alarm you will have three additional features: Disarming upon re-entry
system is available as a dealer installed op- 1 The siren will chirp at the beginning The system will delay 10 seconds when a
tion, but is standard on Convertible models. and the end ofthe arming cycle signal- side door is opened to allow time for the
SAAB-Guard is completely self contained ling that the alarm has been 'Frmed. driver to deactive the alarm by turning the
and features a unique shock detector sys- ignition key to the "ON" position. Ifthe sys-
2 If the car has been disturbed, and the
tem. tem is not deactivated within this period,
alarm has sounded, and then reset it-
A paging device and a remote disarm op- the siren will sound. If you desire, a longer
self, upon opening the door the alarm
tion are available to be added at the instal- 20 seconds delay can be selected by your
will chirp once notifYing the owner that
lation or at a later time. Saab technician. There is also a zero (0) se-
the car has been tampered with.
cond entry delay which may be desirable
3 The red light emitting diode (LED) for higher crime areas when used in con-
Alarm activation mounted in the left front speaker grille junction with the optional remote disarm.
SAAB-GUARD automatically arms 45-60 will flash approximately every 4 se-
seconds after the ignition has been conds telling would-be thieves your car Alarm duration
switched off and the last door is closed. is alarmed. The L.E.D. will also double
(The arming cycle does not begin until the as an indicator to tell you when you An electronic siren/warbler is used as the
15 second courtesy light timer has shut oft). have deactivated your alarm with the alerting device. Once triggered, the alarm
If a door is opened within the 45-60 second optional remote disarm. sounds for three minutes after which the
period the arming cycle will restart when unit automatically and immediately resets
the door is closed. The siren will chirp when to detect further disturbance. If you desire,
the door is closed and the courtesy light a shorter one minute alarm can be selected
goes out to signal the start of the arming by your Saab technician.
cycle. If this chirp is not desirable, your
Saab technician can switch it off. Ifthe en- Shock detector Temporary alarm disabling
gine has not been run the alarm can be acti- SAAB-GUARD sounds an instant alarm for The system can be indefinitely electroni-
vated by turning the ignition key to the any entry to the hood or trunk, or any sud- cally deactiva ted by turning the ignition key
"ON" position for at least 5 seconds and the den shock or vibration to the car body or to the "ON" position for 2-3 seconds and the
off. The siren will chirp after the door is glass. The sensitivity ofthe shock detector is off again. The system can be mechanically
opened and closed, and the alarm will be adjustable by your Saab technician. If the disconnected while the car is being serviced
activated 45-60 seconds after the chirp. If car is to be parked in areas where a sudden by unplugging the siren/warbler under the
your Saab will be parked in areas with shock or vibration might normally occur, hood. Remember to reconnect the siren for
higher theft rates, it is also possible for your such as airports, the owner can shut off the normal use.

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28 Doors, locks and luggage compartment

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Starting and driving 29

Starting and
Ignition and gear selector lock 30
Starting the engine . 30
Special instructions -
Turbo models . . . 31
Gear selector lever 32
Gear changing 33
Cruise control 34
Steering characteristics 35
Running in 36
Braking . . . . . . . . . 36
Parking . . . . . . . . . 36
Catalytic converter precautions 37
Economical driving 37
Winter driving . . . . . . 37
Driving with the luggage
compartment lid open 38
Driving with a trailer 38
Towing . . . . . . . . 39

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30 Starting and driving

position before the starter can again be

Ignition and gear actuated. On autOlnatic transmission cars
selector lock the starter motor can be operated only
when the gear selector lever is in the N or P
The ignition and gear lock key also fits a!l positions.
other locks in the car. The key number IS
stamped into the plastic lug on the key ring. NOTE! To ensure that the car is not left
Detach and keep the lug so that the serial unlocked, a buzzer is activated ifthe left
number is available if the key should be Park position. All lights and radio can be front door is opened with the key in the
lost. operated. Make sure that the ignition ignition lock.
The ignition and gear lever lock has four switch is in the "p " or "L" position when the
positions: engine is not running. Otherwise the igni-
tion coil may be damaged.
Starting the engine
Do not operate the starter for more than 10-
15 seconds at a stretch; wait 20-30 seconds
to let the battery recover before attempting
to start the engine again. Avoid warming
the engine by idling at a standstill. Start dri-
Lock position. The gear ~~lector lever ving as soon as the oil pressure light has
must be placed in reverse pOSItI?~ (manual Running position. The entire electrical gone out to heat the engine up to its proper
transmission) or park (P) posItIon (auto- system, including ignition, is operative. working temperature as quickly as possi-
matic transmission) before the key can be ble.
turned into the L position. In this way both
the ignition and gear selector are locked WARNING!
simultaneously. Parking and hazard war-
Do not start or let the engine run in a clo-
ning lamps may be activated. sed area. Exhaust gases contain carbon
monoxide which may be fatal ifinhaled.

Starting the engine

The engine has an automatic cold starting
Starting position. The switch is spring enrichment system. Start as follows:
loaded to return to Running position when 1 Apply the handbrake and put the gear
key is released. Should the engine stall or lever in neutral (manual transmission)
fail to start the key must be turned to the P or select P or N (automatic transmis-

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Starting and driving 31

sion). Cars with automatic transmis- The impeller shaft bearings actually floats
NOTE! Saab 900 Turbo:
sions can only be started when the gear on a thin film of engine oil circulated
selector lever is in P or N. STARTING-Don't rev the engine imme- through the turbocharger housing by the
diately after starting or permanent engine oil pump. The turbocharger will last
2 Fully depress the clutch pedal (manual
transmission) . damage to the turbocharger will result. the life ofthe car provided that it is not run
STOPPING-Let the engine idle 20-30 without oil pressure at the bearing, the
3 Turn the key to the start position and let seconds before switching it off after dri- engine oil and filter change requirements
it spring back as soon as the engine has ving to allow time for the turbocharger to are fulfilled, and no foreign objects pass
started. Allow the engine to idle for coast down from high rpm before oil through either the turbine or compressor
about 10 seconds before touching the pressure at the bearing is depleted. For side. The unit is sealed and should never be
accelerator. Do not depress the ac- the same reason, don't rev the engine disassembled or cleaned internally.
celerator for full throttle until the en- immediately before switching ifoff. Per-
gine has run for at least 2-3 minutes. manent turbocharger damage will
Ifthe engine stalls immediately after start- result.
ing in cold weather, keep the accelerator APe system benefits
depressed while at the same time running After hard driving let the engine idle about The APC System detects the onset of engine
the starter for a few seconds, to ensure that a minute to let the oil cool the turbocharger knock and adjusts the charging pressure of
the fuel/air mixture is not too rich. bearings somewhat. This will also help pre- the turbocharged engine accordingly. With
vent breakdown of the oil. If the engine is the engine thus protected from excessive
very hot, the radiator fan may cut in and and potentially harmful knock, the com-
continue to run for a while after the engine pression ratio was able to be increased to
has been switched off. improve overall fuel efficiency.
NOTE! 16 valve engines have hydraulic The capability of the APC system to con-
valve lifters which require no service. The stantly adjust maximum charging pressure
clearances are pre-set when the engine is for variance of fuel octane and engine ope-
assembled and no adjustments are Special instructions - rating conditions allows optimum perfor-
necessary. Some valve lifter noise may be mance to be obtained relative to the fuel
heard for a few seconds after the engine
Turbo models quality chosen. Using 92 octane (pump
has been started, and this should be con- General information, turbochargers rating) fuel, little or no knocking will be
sidered normal. The valve noise will The turbocharger is what really makes the heard and maximum performance will be
disappear once the engine oil has reac- Saab Turbo special, being the component available. On 87 octane, audible knock will
hed normal working pressure. that harnesses what is normally wasted be present (but controlled) under load and
heat energy in the exhaust. It has a precision performance will be somewhat reduced
For restarting a warm engine when the out- made and balanced turbine wheel/com- due to the effect ofthe APC system upon the
side temperature is high, depressing the pressor impeller assembly capable ofvibra- maximum charging pressure.
accelerator during cranking may assist tion free operation at tellS of thousands of The APC system calibration provided on the
start up. revolutions per minute. Turbo with the Special Performance Group

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32 Starting and driving

option is optimized to provide higher per- Stopping Gear selector lever

formance on high octane fuel (premium Let the engine idle 20-30 seconds before
grade is recommended), however perfor- Manual Transmission
switching it off after driving to allow time
mance will not be as good as the standard for the turbocharger to coast down from The gear positions are shown on the gear
model on lower octane fuel. high rpm before oil pressure at the bearing lev~r knob. Fifth gear is the highway gear in
A control system, such as the APC system, is depleted. For the same reason, don't rev whIch best fuel economy can be achieved.
which is based upon a knock detector, can- tIle engine immediately before switching it To engage reverse (R) , first raise the collar
not eliminate individual occurrences of off. Permanent turbocharger damage will on the gear lever.
knocking as these are necessary for the result. After hard driving let the engine idle
function ofthe system. When the knock de- about a minute to let the oil cool the turboc-
tector "hears" engine knock the control unit harger bearing somewhat. This will also
lowers the charge pressure in stages to the help prevent breakdown ofthe oil.
point where knock does not occur. If the Follow the recommended maintenance
same power demand (throttle position) is schedule. In particular be sure to:
maintaned the APC system increases pres-
sure until knock once again occurs. The • Check the engine and transmission oil
levels frequently .
knock detector will again "hear" the knock
and the cycle will be repeated. The system • Change the engine oil and filter at least
thereby constantly searches for the op- every 3,750 miles or 6 months. Use only
timum charge pressure for the combina- oils which meet specifications given in
tion of engine speed, load and knock level. this manual. Oil additives are not recom-
Proper driving habits and care • Follow the coolant recommendations
Starting (don't use plain water) and change it
Do idle the engine at least ten seconds after
start up to ensure full oil pressure at the tur- • Take your Turbo to a Saab dealer if you NOTE! Reverse gear is not synchronized.
bocharger before engine speed is increased, notice a loss of power, an increase in oil Engage reverse only when the vehicle is
especially in colder weather. consumption, heavy engine detonation completely stopped and only with the
while accelerating or driving at high spe- clutch pedal fully depressed and the
Don't rev the engine immediately after star- ed, or abnormal temperature or boost
ting or permanent damage to the turboc- accelerator fully released. When parking,
indications. Do not run the engine wit- apply the hand brake after engaging
harger will result. hout the standard air cleaner and reverse gear.
Don't use full throttle while driving until a exhaust system in place. Do not tamper
cold engine has warmed up for 2 or 3 minu- with the turbocharging, APC or emission
tes or until the temperature gauge needle control systems.
has entered the green zone.

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Starting and driving 33

Automatic Transmission Gear changing Shift indicator light

The gear positions are shown on the console Manual Transmission The lower the gear selected, the faster the
beside the gear selector lever. engine must run to hold the car at a given
When shifting gears, release the clutch speed, and this means greater fuel con-
P Park pedal smoothly and carefully. There are sumption. The Saab 900 with manual
R Reverse only two proper clutch positions for dri- transmission has a light on the instrument
N Neutral ving: Either out (pedal fully depressed) or panel to indicate excessive fuel comsump-

r} Positions for f",ward drive

in (pedal released). It is poor practice to
drive with a slipping clutch or with the foot
resting on the clutch pedal, as this causes
tion. On a warmed up vehicle the light
comes on to signal you to shift up into a hig-
her gear. A fade-inlfade-out switch and a
heavy wear on the clutch assembly. When delay of about 1.5 seconds are used so that
Certain lever positions can only be selected the car is standing still with the engine run- you will not be annoyed by continuous blin-
after the button in the center ofthe selector ning, the gear lever should be in neutral and king. The light is a recommendation to shift
knob has been depressed, to release the the clutch pedal released. In all shifts, move up, but it should of course be ignored in cer-
catch. The lever can be shifted freely to the lever gently but firmly and with a slight, tain traffic situations. The system prolongs
position D or N from position R, 2 or 1. barely perceptible, pause in neutral. engine life as well. Make a habit of shifting
up before or when the upshift light goes on.
NOTE! When parking, apply the hand- NOTE! The gear selector must be in
brake after engaging park position. reverse in order to remove the ignition

~n NO
Reverse gear is not synchronized! Before
shifting to reverse, make sure that the car CHECK -r-o... SHIFT
is at standstill, the clutch pedal is fully .=.
depressed, the accelerator pedal is fully
S G 542
released, and the collar on the gear lever
is pulled upward.


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34 Starting and driving

Cars with automatic transmission mIssIon will down shift to first at a sed down hard to the kick-down position.
The engine should be at idling speed when speed of about 37 mph. The lever must When the car is travelling at between 34
the gear selector lever is moved from one not be moved to this position at speeds and 65 mph, depressing the accelerator to
position to another and the car is at a exceeding 55 mph. Second and third the kick-down position will cause an imme-
standstill. If you depress the accelerator at gears cannot be engaged when the lever diate down shift to second gear. When the
the same time as you move the lever, this is in position 1. maximum engine speed for second gear is
will cause abnormally high wear on the N. In position N (Neutral) no gear is enga- reached, or ifthe accelerator is released, the
transmission. Always keep your foot on the ged. The starter contact is operative in transmission will automatically up shift to
brake to prevent the car from rolling when this position. The handbrake should be third gear.
you select a drive position. applied when the selector lever is in
position N to prevent the car from
Selecting gears moving ifit is standing on a slope.
D. The D (Drive) position is for normal for- R. Position R (Reverse) must not be selec- Cruise control (900S, Turbo)
ward driving. Whichever of the three ted unless the car is stationary. An electronically governed cruise control
forward gears best matches the speed P. Position P (Park) is selected when the system is standard on 900S and Turbo
and load on the engine is automatically car is parked, and the lever must be in models. The cruise control system helps
engaged. this position before the ignition key can reduce driver fatigue on long highway trips
2. Position 2 gives automatic changing be turned to L (Locked) and with- and may improve fuel economy (depending
between first and second gears but top drawn. The selector lever is then locked on driver habits and driving conditions).
gear will not be engaged. If the lever is and the transmission is immobilized. The system is controlled by a switch inte-
moved from D to 2, this gives an imme- Do not select position P when the car is
diate down shift for more engine bra- in motion. The starter can be operated
king power. Position 2 must be selected with the lever in this position.
at road speeds below 55 mph.
1. Position 1 is used to obtain maximum Moving off
engine braking on steep, downhill slo- 1. Move the selector lever to the desired
pes. Position 1 should also be selected position (normally D for forward dri-
for driving up long, steep uphill slopes to ving).
avoid repeated gear changing, which
2. Release the brake and accelerate.
can lead to overheating ofthe automatic
transmission fluid. When driving in top
gear, moving the gear selector lever to Kick-down
position 1 will cause an immediate To obtain maximum acceleration, e.g. for
down shift to second gear. The trans- overtaking, the accelerator should be pres-

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Starting and driving 35

grated with the turn signal lever. The sli- To increase the selected cnIising speed
ding switch has three positions: OFF, ON WARNING!
Accelerate to the new desired cruising
and RESUME. At the end of the lever is a speed and then press the SET SPEED but- 1 Do not use the cruise control system
SET SPEED button. ton. Alernative: Hold the SET SPEED button when the roads are wet or slippery or
in until the desired speed is reached, then in dense traffic.
release it. 2 Keep the system switched off when
NOTE! A dealer installed cruise control not in use to prevent inadvertent en-
system is available for base 900 models. gagement, e.g. when signalling a
Only a Saab approved system should be Temporary acceleration
installed to ensure safe operation. Con- Termporary acceleration, such as for pas-
sult the usage instructions provided sing, can be achieved normally by depres- 3 If the gear lever is unintentionally
with unit, if different from the system sing the accelerator. As soon as the pressure moved to neutral while driving with
shown here. on the accelerator has been released, the car the cruise control engaged, depress
will return to the previously selected cruis- the brake (or clutch) pedal moment-
ing speed. arily or move the cruise control
To select the cnIising speed switch to OFF. Failure to do so will
Move the switch to the ON position. Accel- Temporary deceleration cause the engine to overrev.
erate to the desired cruising speed The cruise control system ceases to function
(minimum speed: 25 mph) and then press automatically ifthe brake or clutch pedal is
the SET SPEED button. depressed. To resume the constant cruising
speed, move the switch to the RESUME
position momentarily.
Steering characteristics
WARNING! The car has a built-in tendency to underste-
Do not engage the cruise control in dense To disengage the cnIise control er, i.e. at a given position of the steering
traffic or when driving on slippery surfa- wheel the turning radius tends to increase
The cruise control system disengages auto-
ces or on steep grades. Keep the control with rising speed. The car is deliberately
switched offwhen not in use. designed this way to improve its stability
• when either the brake pedal or clutch and reduce the risk of backwheel skids
pedal is depressed ("fishtailing") .
To reduce the selected cnIising speed • when the switch is moved to the OFF One ofthe ways in which understeering has
Move the switch to the OFF position. As position been achieved is through the weight distri-
soon as the speed has fallen to the new de- • ifthe speed ofthe car falls below 25 mph bution. With only a driver, about 60% ofthe
sired cruising speed, move the switch to the • when the engine is switched off. vehicle weight is on the front wheels. The
ON position and press the SET SPEED but- corresponding figure for a fully loaded car
ton. is about 50%.

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36 Starting and driving

Running in Running-in of new brake linings

NOTE! It is advisable to check the
Every new car has a recommended running brakes occasionally when driving to The running-in period for new brake lin-
in period during which the owner is advised make sure that they are working pro- ings is around 90 miles of city driving or 300
to drive with restraint. Pistons, cylinder perly, especially if they have been sub- miles of highway driving. To extend the ser-
walls and bearings need to be in operation jected to heavy splashing with water or vice life and reduce noise, avoid hard brak-
for some time to produce smooth and hard- when driving through snow or salty ing during this period.
wearing contact surfaces. Placing too much slush, as the braking effect may be tem-
strain on a new engine interferes with this
gradual process, shortening the life of the
porarily reduced in conditions of this
kind. The brake system is power as-
car and especially the engine. sisted, but the added power from this is Engage reverse gear (manual transmission)
only available when the engine is run- or park position (automatic transmission)
For the first 1,000 miles you should not
ning. It requires a considerably greater only after coming to a complete stop (see
drive at full throttle except for very brief
force on the pedal to brake the car when Gear changing. Apply the hand brake
periods. At 1,000 miles the car should be
the engine is switched off. and switch off the ignition. Before leav-
taken. to a Saab dealer for the recom- ing the vehicle check tnat the interior lights
mended break-in service (see "Service and
go off and lock the doors. Park with the
maintenance" section.) wheels turned toward the curb on downhill
The brake pads have been thoroughly tested
and are designed to deliver the best results grades and away from the curb on uphill
Braking with respect to braking effort, useful life grades.
To avoid subjecting the brakes to excessively and minimum noise under normal driving
high temperatures, e.g. when driving conditions. Use only Saab recommended
downhill in mountainous country with de- original asbestos-free brake pads when NOTE! Do not use the handbrake if the
scents of thousands of feet, you should worn pads need replacing. car is to be stored for a long time or if the
utilize the braking power of the engine by car is being parked for several days when
selecting a lower gear. the brakes are wet. Constant dampness
For cars with automatic transmission, use and pressure may cause the brake mate-
position "1" or "2". rial to stick to the disc after a while. The
brake may then be difficult to release or
may leave material deposited on the disc.

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Starting and driving 37

Driving in congested areas and driving with 3 Before driving in winter time, free pos-
Catalytic converter a roof rack or trailer, all contribute to high sible frozen windshield wiper blades
precautions fuel consumption. Excessive idling and from the windshield glass. Remove any
snow from the air intake or the pas-
"warming up" the engine also wastes gas.
Use only unleaded fuel to preserve the effi- senger compartment at the right rear
Use the air conditioner only when necessa-
ciency of the catalyst. Keep the vehicle in corner ofthe hood.
ry. Winter temperatures and use of winter
proper operating condition by observance
tires are other factors that may increase fuel
of the maintenance schedule outlined
consumption. NOTE! Models with wide profile tires:
elsewhere in this manual. Failure to do so
will not only resul t in a loss of fuel economy Maintaining your car according to the Ifwide profile winter tires are not avail-
but could also damage the catalytic conver- recommended maintenance schedule will able 185/65 R15 or 175170 R15 winter
ter. help you get maximum fuel economy. Be tires (4) may be installed. Winter tires
sure the engine is tuned to specification, the should be mounted on 5 1/2 X 15 inch
WARNING! battery is fully charged and wheel align- steel or aluminum Saab rims. Be sure to
ment and tire pressures are correct. purchase tires of sufficient load capac-
Malfunctions involving fuel or ignition ity. Your Saab dealer has Saab-ap-
systems, resulting in misfire or loss of Selecting shift points to maintain engine
speeds within the economy range shown on proved winter tires available on Saab
performance, may lead to overheating of steel rims.
the catalyst. Extended idling during cold the tachometer face will also aid in obtain-
weather warm-ups may produce a misfi- ing maximum fuel economy. See also shift The speed rating of winter tires may not
ring condition and vehicles should not be light use on page 33. be the same as that of the original
left unattended. Do not continue to ope- equipment tires. Do not drive the car
rate your vehicle in this condition. Have it faster than the approved speed rating of
checked by your Saab dealer as soon as Winter driving the tires (see also Tires).
possible. 1 Condensation in the fuel system is
Do not park, idle, or drive converter equ- minimized by keeping the tank full. It is
ipped cars in areas where dry grass or advisable to occasionally use a gasoline 4 If regular or studded (check state law)
other combustible materials can come antifreeze additive (dry gas) to remove winter tires are used they should be
into contact with the hot exhaust and be accumulated moisture. Follow manu- mounted on all four wheels. Ordinary
ignited. facturer's usage instructions and use snow chains (avoid clamp-on types)
sparingly. Ethanol-based dry gas is re- can be used on both front and rear
commended over methanol-base types. wheels. Drive carefully since chains
may scrape against the body on large
Economical driving 2 Lock lubricants and antifreeze are
available to prevent door and trunk bumps or sharp turns.
For maximum economy, the Saab 900, like locks from freezing in damp, cold
any other car, needs to be driven moderate- weather. A frozen lock may be thawed
ly. Avoid unnecessary full throttle accelera- by heating the key. Don't force it.
tion and high engine speeds wherever possi-

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38 Starting and driving

Driving with the luggage 1 Legal restrictions on towing speed, on very step uphill grades by the hand-
trailer weight, and trailer braking brake alone without the wheels starting
compartment lid open equipment in the state concerned must to slide. When driving with a trailer on
Whenever possible, you should avoid dri- be complied with. Check your local very long hills, you can help the engine
laws before towing a trailer. cooling by turning the cabin fan to full
ving with the luggage compartment lid
2 The weight limit of the trailer is 1000 speed.
open, since the exhaust gases can be drawn
into the car. If, nonetheless, you are forced lbs, for a trailer without brakes and 6 The load distribution in the trailer is
to drive with the lid open, make sure that all 2000 lbs. for a trailer with brakes. Ton- most important. In a two-wheeled
the windows are closed. Set the ventilation gue weight should be 5% to 7% of the trailer the load should be placed low
controls to the positions for maximum fan trailer weight with a maximum permis- down and concentrated as much as pos-
speed and defrosting. sible tongue weight of 200 lbs. Tongue sible over the wheels.
weight is to be considered as vehicle 7 When driving with a trailer, always
It you drive with the lid open, always tie it load and should be deducted from the make allowance for the altered handl-
securely to the bumper. permissible trunk load or weight. Al- ing characteristics and longer stopping
ways hook up the safety chains provided distance. The brakes, suspension, shock
WARNING! with the trailer. absorbing equipment, and light system
Exhaust gases are dangerous if inhaled. 3 If the car has an automatic transmis- ofthe trailer are very important in tow-
The engine exhaust contains carbon sion, position 1 should be selected for ing a trailer safely.
monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas climbing steep grades in order to best 8 If heavy trailers are to be towed, we re-
which may be fatal ifinhaled. utilize the torque available from the en- commend that a pneumatic spring-
gine. The same applies for down gra- boosting accessory be used to assist the
dients so as to obtain maximum engine rear springs.
Driving with a trailer braking effect.
9 When towing trailers, inflate tow
A special towing hitch is available as an 4 It is recommended that heavy load trail- vehicle tires to the "Cold tire pressure"
optional accessory. Bolt holes are already ers (campers, etc.) not be towed by a for "Full load" as recommended in the
provided to facilitate mounting of the 900 SPG and that light units (light-duty specifications section ofthis manual.
attachment. utility/sport) be towed with caution.
We recommend you drive your new Saab 5 When towing a trailer, avoid grades of
beyond the break in service (first oil and fil- NOTE! Trailer brakes which require tap-
15% or more, as in such conditions the ping into the vehicle's hydraulic system
ter change) before trailer towing. weight on the front driving wheels is so are not recommended.
It is inadvisable to hook an excessively heavy low that they may lose traction and stop
trailer to a car, and the following points the car. For the same reason, the hand-
should, therefore, be borne in mind: brake effect may be so reduced that the
car and trailer cannot be held stationary

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Starting and driving 39

Flat towing Proceed carefully and never exceed the

speed limit applicable to vehicles in tow.
Towing by commercial
The 900 is equipped with towing lugs at the
front and rear. Flat towing over long distan-
Try to keep the tow-line taut to prevent su?- tow truck
den jerking. Remember that. power- aSSIS- The Saab 900 may not be towed by a com-
ces is not recommended. Check applicable ted braking does not functIOn when th.e
state and local laws to determine if flat mercial truck equipped with sling type
engine is switched off. Consequently, conSI- equipment. Sling types will cause damage
towing is permitted. derably greater force than usual will have to to the rear bumper and fron.t buu:perl
be applied to the brake pedal. spoiler assemblies. (and fog lIghts If so
If a car with automatic or manual trans- equipped) . Should It become n~cessary to
mission has to be towed, the following rules have your vehicle towed, wheel 11ft or a flat
must be observed: bed type carrier must be used. We suggest
1. The selector must be at N. that you specifY your request when contact-
2. The transmission case must be filled ing a towing facility.
with oil to the correct level.
Towing with wheel lift
3. The maximum safe towing speed for
cars with automatic transmission is 25 The 1987 Saab 900 may be towed from the
mph. front with wheel lift equipment without
any special considerations for distance. Of
4. The maximum recommended towing
course a safe speed must always be used.
distance is 25-30 miles. Ifthe car has to
be towed any greater distance, the front To tow from the rear with the front wheels
wheels must be lifted off the ground. on the ground a maximum distance of 30
miles must be adhered to. If necessary to
5. An engine with automat~c transmis~ion
cannot be started by towmg or pushmg. tow for greater distances the front wheels
must be placed on wheel dollies. Do not tow
an automatic equipped car more than 25
mph and be sure all transmission fluids
have been topped off.
Remember! The handbrake operates on the
front wheels.

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40 Starting and driving

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Technical description 41

Engine. . . . . . . . . . . 42
Exhaust emission control
systems . . . . . . . . . . 43
Turbocharger and APe system
with intercooler 46
Cruise control system 47
Air cleaner . . . . . 48
Fuel pump and filter . 48

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42 Technical description

The Saab 900 has a four cylinder in-line
liquid cooled engine with a roller chain dri-
ven overhead camshaft(s).
Two camshafts are used on 16 valve engines
which have two intake valves and two
exhaust valves per cylinder for greater vol-
umetric efficiency. A single camshaft and
two valves per cylinder are used on 8 valve
1 ++--++---111111 The engine block is cast iron and is canted
45° to the right. The light alloy cylinder
head is of crossflow type, i.e. with inlet
ports on one side and exhaust ports on the
other. The crankshaft is supported in five
main bearings and drives the oil pump. The
ignition distributor is driven directly by the
camshaft. The air intake preheater is ther-
mostatically controlled on 8 valve engines.
16 valve engines have a coolant heated
throttle housing.
Underhood components 10. Washer fluid reservoir
16 valve engines are equipped with an au-
11. Battery tomatic idle control (AIC) system which
1. Dipstick, manual
12. Turbocharger (Turbo only)
transmission * adjusts the engine idle according to the en-
13. Ignition distributor
2. Power steering reservoir gine loading. 8 valve engines have a fixed
(16 valve) 14. Ignition coil idle circuit.
15. Air flow meter (16 valve)
3. Water pump
Fuel distributor (B valve)
4. Alternator
16. Intercooler (Turbo only)
5. Brake fluid reservoir
17. Cruise control vacuum
6. Coolant tank
Emission control systems '
7. Engine oil dipstick, filter The 1987 Saab has three distinct systems for
lB. Power steering pump
hole controlling emissions to the athmosphere.
B. Fuel filter (B valve) *) Automatic transmission dip-
The sections that follow briefly describe
(beneath rear a'Cle, 16 stick protrudes ahead of the
these systems.
valve) engine near the upper
9. Electronic ignition module radiator hose. I The Exhaust Emission Control System

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Technical description 43

II The Crankcase Emission Control Sys- I Exhaust emission performance and economy. The intake air
tem flow determines the correct momentary
III The Evaporative Emission Control Sys- control systems quantity of fuel metered to the four intake
The fuel injection system allows precise fuel port injectors for most effIcient combus-
Engine Families metering which results in low baseline tion. The engine draws in more or less air
emissions while retaining good drivebility, depending on its speed and the load app-
1987 Saabs imported to the United States lied.
are divided into various engine families
(naturally aspirated and turbocharged). A Mechanical injection system (CIS), 8 valve engines
The emission control standards they meet
are indicated below. The engine family and
appropriate tune-up specifications are
identified on a label affIxed to the left front
inner fender.
HSA2.0V6FNT8 (Naturally-aspirated
8 valve)
HSA2.0V5FNB3 (Naturally-aspirated
16 valve)
HSA2.0V5FTBX (Turbo, 16 valve)
These engine families meet both EPA Fede-
ral Standards and California State Stan-
dards and are equipped with the following
. systems to ensure compliance with the app-
licable standards:
A. Mechanical injection system (CIS) (8 SG206

1. Fuel tank 9. Injection valves (4)
B. Electronic injection system (LH) (16 val-
2. Fuel pumps 10. Thermo-time switch
3. Fuel accumulator 11. Auxiliary air valve
C. Decel dashpot (automa tic transmission, 4. Fuel filter 12. Line pressure regulator
8 valve, and all 16 valve 5. Fuel distributor 13. Air cleaner
.. D. Decel fuel shut off (manual transmis-
sion, 8 valve).
Control pressure regulator
Air flow sensor pIa te
14 . Modulating valve*
15. Electronic control unit*
E. Lambda control system (8 valve) 8. Cold start valve 16. Oxygen sensor*
F. Catalytic converter *) Lambda system

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44 Technical description

B Electronic injection system (LH), 16 valve engines C. Decel dashpot (automatic transmis-
sion, 8 valve/all 16 valve)
The decel dash pot acts upon the throttle
mechanism to minimize incomplete com-
bustion during engine deceleration.

D. Decel fuel shutoff (manual trans-

mission only, 8 valve)
A solenoid operated air by-pass valve redu-
ces air flow in the air flow sensor, lowering
the fuel distributor plunger interrupting
fuel flow during deceleration. The solenoid
20 is controlled by an engine speed relay and a
throttle contact switch. During decelera-
tion at engine speeds above 1575 RPM the
solenoid opens the by-pass valve. When the
speed drops below 1375 RPM the system de-
activates allowing normal operation.
S G483

E. Lambda control system (8 valve)

1. Fuel tank 11. Inlet manifold The Lambda control system is a closed loop
2. Fuel pumps 12. Throttle switch feedback system adapted to the C.l. System
3. Fuel filter 13. Idle speed actuator (AIC) to constantly maintain close air/fuel ratio
4. Fuel pipe 14. Airmass meter w/hot wire control under all operating conditions. At
5. Pressure regulator 15. Heated oxygen sensor an air/fuel ratio of14.5 to one (Lambda = 1
6. Electronic control unit 16. Overpressure switch (Turbo only) at this ratio) , all three regulated pollutants
7. Ignition distributor 17. Relay system (unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monox-
8. Temp. transmitter (NTC) 18. Fuel pump relay ide, oxides of nitrogen) may be simultaneo-
9. Injection valves (4) 19. Battery usly controlled efficiently by a special thre-
10. Vacuum hose 20. Ignition switch eway catalyst. An oxygen sensor in the

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Technical description 45

exhaust manifold monitors the oxygen con-

tent ofthe exhaust and sends a proportional 4 5 8 6 9 7
signal to an electronic control unit (under
the rear seat). This signal is compared to a
predeterminded value and an output signal
is sent to a fuel pressure modulating valve
to make the necessary fine adjustment of
the air/fuel ratio. Until the sensor warms up
after the engine is started, the modulating
valve will operate at a constant predetermi-
ned value and in the event of sensor failure.
A maintenance reminder lamp, labeled
"EXH", on the instrument panel illumina- S 5751

tes every 30,000 miles to indicate that the Catalytic converter

oxygen sensor is scheduled for replacement.
(After this service is performed your dealer 1. Ceramic insert
will reset the lamp actuating mechanism). 2. Channels
Note: 16 valve engines also have an oxygen 3. Catalytic coating
sensor but it is a different type which is to 1 Crankcase 5 Nipple with orifice
be replaced at 60,000 miles. These models 2 Exhaust manifold 6 Hose
do not have the reminder lamp. 3 Camshaft cover 7 Inlet manifold
4 Oil trap and flame 8 Check valve
arrestor 9 Hose to inlet pipe
II. Crankcase emission
F. Three-way catalyst control system
The catalytic converter contains a special A completely closed crankcase ventilation
platinum and rhodium coated dual seg- system is used. Crankcase fumes are drawn
ment substrate which simultaneously frees directly into the inlet manifold under all
oxygen from oxides of nitrogen and oxidizes operating conditions except full load and
(burns) hydrocarbons and carbon monox- high blow-by when some gases are diverted
ide. Unleaded fuel is required to protect the ahead ofthe throttle body. The oil seperator
conversion efficiency of the catalyst. in the valve cover also serves as a flame arre-

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46 Technical description

III. Evaporative emission Turbocharger and APC degree of engine knock and transmits a n
electronic signal to the control unit (3)
control system system with intercooler which also receives a signal from the inlet
A sealed fuel system is used to prevent the Turbo models are equipped with a turbo- manifold pressure transducer (2) and from
emission into the atmosphere of vapors charger, intercooler and Automatic Perfor- the ignition system (engine rpm). The data
IS processed by the control unit (3) which
from the stored gasoline supply. Evapora- mance Control (APC) system.
ted fuel is vented from the fuel system to the transmits a signal to a solenoid valve (4)
storage canister which is connected to the that modulates the control. pressure to the
throttle housing. The evaporated fuel is Turbocharger
purged from the storage canister and bur- The turbocharger is an exhaust driven com-
ned by the engine when it is running. pressor that increases the flow and pressure
ofthe air entering the cylinders. This allows
induction and burning of a larger fuel
charge thereby increasing power output
over that of a conventional engine . Being
driven by the flow of exhaust gases, the
speed of the turbocharger and, therefore,
the charging pressure, are proportional to
the speed and load of the engine. A charge
pressure regulator (wastegate), which is
regulated by an electrically modulated
pressure signal from the APC system, con-
9 trols the flow of exhaust gases to the turbi-
ne. Turbocharged engines are equipped
with an engine oil cooler that is located at
the lower left of the radiator. The impeller 1 APCKnock 7 Wastegate (Charge
shaft b earing actually floats on a thin film detector Pressure
of engine oil circulated through the turboc- 2 APC Pressure Regulator)
harger housing by the engine oil pump. transducer 8 Wastegate
1 Fuel tank 5 Storage canister Maintaining a clean oil supply is therefore 3 APC Electrical actuator
2 Fuel tank vent 6 Inlet air and gas important to the service life ofthe unit. control unit 9 Overpressure
lines vapors 4 APC Solenoid valve safety switch
3 Ventilation line to 7 Inlet manifold 5 RPM signal from 10 Inlet air flow
storage canister 8 Check valve
APe system ignition system 11 Exhaust (to .t
4 Inlet air 9 Rollover valve The APC system consists of simple electro- 6 Turbocharger catalytic converter "
nic components. A knock detector (1) on 12 Bypass valve
the engine block senses the onset and 13 Intercooler

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Technical description 47

charge pressure regulator (wastegate) Ignition systems

actuator. The APe system control unit has The 900S is equipped with the EZK bre~ker­
been optimized with a fixed ~en.sitivity and less ignition system which automatlcally
pre-set high charge pressure hm~t to protect adjusts the timing to suit the grade offuel
the engine . Maximum operatmg charge being used. A control unit receives signals
pressure under full load is electronically from a knocking sensor on the engine block,
governed. The wastegate is mechanically from a Hall sensor in the distributor and
adjusted to provide a safe, low charge pres- from the fuel injection system. The control
sure limit should the APe system cease to unit compares the signals with those re-
function. ceived earlier and adjusts the ignition tim-
ing to suit.
Ignition control for the Turbo is provided by
NOTE! It is normal for "pinging" or a Hall sensor breakerless ignition with vac-
knocking to occur in short bursts whil.e cum control.
the engine is operated under load, partI-
cularly on lower octane grades of fuel.
When such knock is heard you may
observe the needle ofthe Turbo pressure
gauge oscillating sli$htly, a~ ir:dication Cruise control system
that the APe system IS functIOnmg.
The electronically governed cruise control
system will keep the car at the selected cru-
ising speed without the need for the accele-
Intercooler rator to be used. When the system is swit- 1 Switch 5 Electronic control
ched on, the vacuum pump starts to run. 2 Speed transmitter unit
The 16 valve Turbocharged engine is fitted This acts on the vacuum regulator which is 3 Vacuum regulator 6 Vacuum pump
with an inlet charge intercooler. The inter- connected to the throttle control which 4 Switches operated
cooler is an air-to-air heat exchanger which controls the position ofthe throttle to main- by the brake and
reduces the temperature of the engine inlet tain the selected cruising speed. Informa- clutch pedals
air charge by the outside air which passes tion about the actual speed ofthe car is sent
across it when the vehicle is moving. Coo- to an electronic control unit by the speed
ling the inlet charge results in greater inlet transmitter. This control unit then compa-
air density to allow for increased power res the selected speed with the actual speed
output and reduced thermal load in the ofthe car. Ifthe speeds are different, a sig- resumed. A memory in the electronic cont-
engine. nal will be sent to the vacuum pump. The rol unit enables the selected cruising speed
vacuum pump will then act on the throttle to be resumed after the brake or clutch
so that the correct cruising speed will be pedal has been used.

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48 Technical description

Fuel pump and filter Air cleaner

The high pressure electric fuel pump is a The air cleaner is located on the left-hand
submersible type located in an enclosure side in the front part ofthe engine compart-
pressurized by an electric feeder pump in ment. The cleaner cartridge is replaceable
the fuel tank. The fuel filter is located on the and should be changed as specified in the
lefthand side in the engine compartment on maintenance schedule. If the car is driven
models with 8 valve engines and above the over dusty roads, the cleaner should be
rear axle, under the floor on models with 16 changed more frequently. The cartridge is
valve engines. The filter should be changed made ofa special grade of paper which may
as specified in the maintenance schedule. not be washed or moistened, but it may be
cleaned carefully with compressed air. The
air cleaner housing and cover should be
wiped offfrom time to time.

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 49

Car care and

Fuel 50
Engine oil .. 50
Transmission 51
Cooling system 52
Brakes. 54
Steering . . . . 56
Battery . . . . . 57
Booster cable connections 57
Alternator . . . . . . 58
Ignition system . . . . . . 58
Wipers and washers . . . 59
Headlights, bulbs and fuses 59
Wheels and tires . . . . . . 63
Engine and AC troubleshooting 66
Appearance care 67
Rust prevention 69
Owner assistance 70
Maintenance schedule 70
Emission systems maintenance
program . .. . . . . . . . . . 73
Vehicle systems maintenance
program . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

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50 Car care and scheduled maintenance

Use of gasoline-alcohol blends

The fuel tank holds 16.6 U.S. gallons (63 Gasoline-ethanol blends (gasohol)
litres). The fuel warning light will come on • has sufficient octane rating and is safe to
when the amount of fuel left in the tank is use in Saab engines if the blend does not
below approximately 1.8 U.S. gallons (6 .8 exceed 10%.
liter) . • may cause warm starting problems in
hot weather. Discontinue use if this oc-
Recommended fuel curs.
Except for the Turbo with Special Perfor- • may require fuel filter replacement soon
mance Group option, use unleaded gasoline after beginning continuous use.
octane rating 87 or higher. Gasoline-methanol blends
NOTE! For the Special Performance • are safe to use in Saab engines and fuel
Group option, premium fuel, systems providing that the ratio of Oil filler cap with dipstick
minimum octane rating 90.5 is recom- methanol to gasoline does not exceed
mended. 5% and that the blend contains a cosol- checking the oil and topping up as neces-
vent such a TEA in amounts equal to the sary, push the dipstick all the way down
methanol to gasoline percentage blend and tighten the cap securely.
Octane rating is arrived at with the formula ratio. SAE 10W-30 is the primary oil recommen-
Failure or damage caused by using dation for your Saab. Turbos require SAE
MON+ RON octane rating gasolines with excessive alcohol blends 10W-30 meeting the API Service rating SFI
2 (more than the above recommended CD (preferred) or SFICC (acceptable).
MON is the industry Motor Octane blending percentages) are not covered by Naturally aspirated models may use 10W-
Number. RON is Research Octane Number. the warranty. 30 oil meeting the API Service SF/CC. For ex-
The average ofthese two is the number that tended use in sub-zero temperatures SAE
appears on the gas pump under Federal Engine oil 5W-30 may be used provided it meets the
law. This number is sometimes referred to API Service requirements. In extremely hot
as the "antiknock index" or Average Octane Check the oil level at regular intervals. Al- climates 15W-40, that meets the required
Number (AON). ways switch the engine off first and wait at
least five minutes before checking. Do not API Service ratings, may be used. Extra oil
To avoid deposit formation on the fuel in- let the level fall below the lower mark on additives are not recommended.
jectors which can adversly affect perfor- the dipstick, nor fill beyond the upper
mance and cause driveability problems mark; this will cause excessive oil consump-
after a cold start, use only quality gasolines tion. The distance between the upper and NOTE! Your new car came with a
which are blended with detergent/disper- lower marks corresponds to a volume of ap- "break- in" filter. The service life of this
sant additives. filter is such that it MUST be replaced at
prox. 1 quart (1 liter). Top up with oil of a the 1000 mile service.
recommended grade as necessary. After

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 51

Engine oil and filter 2 If necessary remove the air intake pipe
The engine oil and filter should be changed (use special driver, Torx T25, Turbo
every 7,500 miles in accordance with the only) and unscrew the oil filter using a
maintenance schedule except in the case of special oil filter wrench. Always change
the Turbo. The Turbo requires engine oil the oil filter whenever the engine oil is
and filter changes every 3,750 miles. Follow changed.
the Turbo oil change recommendations 3 Apply clean engine oil to the rubber gas-
also for naturally aspirated engines ifthese ket ofthe filter and tighten in accordan-
models are operated under severe driving ce with the instructions on the label of
conditions (extensive idling, stop-and-go the long life Saab oil filter (Saab No.
driving, and/or driving in cold climates over 9309576).
repeated short trips without sufficient 4 Reinstall the engine drain plug and the
engine warm-up). The use of extra additi-
air intake pipe.
ves in the oil is not recommended, especi-
ally in turbocharged engines. Skid pla te removed to show engine oil drain plug 5 Fill the crankcase with the appropriate
(manual) quantity and grade of engine oil. Start
Changing the engine oil and filter the engine and check for leaks.
1. Drain the engine oil when the oil is still
warm. Warm oil drains faster and more NOTE! There may be some valve noise
thoroughly. for the first few seconds of running after
an oil change. This is normal and the
Skid plate removed to show engine oil drain plug noise will disappear once the engine oil
NOTE! Do not confuse the engine and (automatic) has reached proper working pressure.
transmission drain plugs. Do not operate
the engine with the oil fill cap removed or
loosely installed. Oil spilled over the
engine creates a fire hazard.

Transmission oil
The transmission and differential are loca-
ted beneath the engine and assembled to
form an integral unit with the engine. Part
ofthe transmission case serves as the engine
oil sump. The forward part of the transmis-
sion comprises a primary gear case which

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52 Car care and scheduled maintenance

delivers power from the rear of the engine Automatic transmission

crankshaft via chains. The dipstick has different markings for hot
For suitable grades of oil, refer to the "Spe- and cold oil levels.
cifications" section

Manual transmission
The dipstick is located on the right-hand
side of the engine. The oil level should be
between the MAX and MIN marks on the
dipstick. To add oil, pour the oil into the
dipstick pipe. The clutch fluid is supplied
from the brake fluid reservoir.
Oil level plug, final drive, automatic

Final drive (automatic transmission)

Oil dipstick, automatic transmission To check the oil level, remove the filler hole
plug. Correct oil level is at or just below (1/4
inch) the bottom ofthe filler hole. Use only
Check the oil level as follows: SAE EP80, API GL-4, or 5 gear oil for top-
Oil dipstick, manual transmission Set the hand brake and run the engine for at ping up.
least 15 seconds at idling speed with the
gear selector lever in the D position. Then at
least 15 seconds in the R position and 15
seconds in the P position, whereupon the
check is performed with the selector lever Cooling system
still in the P position (engine running). Gra- The cooling system is pressurized with a
duations are provided for cold oil (104°F) crossflow radiator and expansion tank.
and hot oil (194°F). Note that at very low Until the engine has reached its operating
temperatures the oil level can therefore lie temperature, the radiator inlet is closed by
considerably under the level for cold oil a thermostat and the coolant circulates
which has been graded for oil at a tempera- through the engine and the fresh air heater

S G 536
ture of 104°. The difference between the
minimum and maximum levels is 1 pint
(0.5 litres).
until it reaches the temperature at which
the thermostat opens. The radiator fan is
electrically operated and is regulated by a

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 53

thermostatic switch. The fan is only opera- Checking the coolant level 3. Open radiator drain cock which is loca-
tive when the temperature of the radiator The expansion tank is transparent to facili- ted towards the bottom of the radiator
coolant is higher than the cut-in tempera- tate checking ofthe coolant level. The level on the right hand side.
ture ofthe thermostatic switch. should be between the MAX and MIN
The radiator fan may continue to run, or marks on the tank.
may cut in, for a short while after the When necessary, top up with the recom-
engine has been switched off. A timer relay mended anti-freeze coolant mixture (see
limits the after-running of the radiator fan below). After an empty expansion tank has
to about 10 minutes. been filled up, the engine should be run
until warm and the tank topped up again.
Boiling coolant can cause serious burns. NOTE! Keep the coolant at the recom-
Let the engine cool before removing pres- mended level. Correct any leaks imme-
sure cap. The cooling system operates diately. Operating the engine with low
under pressure. Always open the cap on coolant level may cause damage to the
the expansion tank slowly and allow any cylinder head.
steam to escape before you remove the
cap. The radiator must not be screened
or blocked off]
4. Open engine drain plug located to the
right of the engine, under the exhaust

Changing coolant
1. Set the heater control to maximum heat.
2. Loosen the pressure cap on the expan-
sion tank.

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54 Car care and scheduled maintenance

Filling Anti-freeze coolant mixtures NOTE! When topping up the system,

1. Close the drain cock and plug and ensure The cooling system is factory filled with a premix the ethylene glycol with a suita-
that the heater control is set to max- mixture of ethylene glycol and water (50- 50 ble quantity of water. As full circulation
imum heat. mix). For maximum security against fre- cannot take place until the thermostat
2. Fill the system with coolant until the ezing and corrosion the glycol should be 50- opens, there is still a risk of the engine
expansion tank is filled. 70% ofthe mixture. Always use Saab brand being damaged by ice if the glycol and
anti-freeze, which is suitable for engines water were added separately and did not
3. Open the bleeder nipple on the thermos- with aluminum alloy cylinder heads, and mix quickly enough.
tat housing, allow the coolant to flow mix with clean fresh water (see below).
out of the nipple until free from air bub-
bles. To prevent freezing in the cold season and Thermostat
reduce the risk of boiling over in hot wea-
4. Close the bleeder nipple, top up the ther, never use pure water in the cooling A special 3-way thermostat is used. Ope-
expansion tank if necessary and replace system. Pure water is also undesirable as it ning temperature specifications are as fol-
cap. affords no corrosion protection. lows:
Naturally aspirated engines-
The factory fill coolant must be changed Standard, 88°C
and the system flushed according to the Hot weather alternate, 82°C
maintenance schedule as the important Extreme cold weather, 92°C
corrosion inhibitors and other coolant addi- (Do not use in Turbo engines)
tives lose their effectiveness with time and
use. Without adequate corrosion protec- Turbocharged engines-
tion, serious damage may occur to the Standard,82°C
cylinder head and other components in Extreme cold weather, 88°C
contact with the coolant. Corrosion protec-
tion may be depleted even though the coo-
lant gives adequate anti-freeze protection
and has an acceptable (alkaline) pH level of
7.5-11. When preparing a new coolant solu- Brakes
tion, mix the recommended ethylene glycol The footbrake system is power-assisted,
with water low in corrosive irons such as with the result that the force applied to the
chlorides and sulfates. Avoid hard water brake pedal is amplified on braking. Howe-
which can cause clogging in the radiator. ver, this additional power is only available
Do not use coolant booster additives. Keep when the engine is running. Much greater
the cooling system full and free of air pock- pressure on the brake pedal will be needed
ets and foaming . to brake the car when the engine is swit-
Saab brand coolant (BASF G-105) meets ched off.
Factory recommendations and is available There are two warning lights on the instru-
at Saab dealers. ment panel, one for the handbrake and one

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 55

for the footbrake. The handbrake warning brake linings, regularly as specified in the
light will glow when the brake is set. The maintenance schedule. Use only original
footbrake warning light will glow when the asbestos-free Saab replacement pad sets.
fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir has
dropped below the MIN mark. This may be
an indication that there is a leakage in the NOTE! Brake pads should always be
system. Since the brakes operate on a dual- changed by an authorized Saab dealer. A
circuit system, each circuit operating on special tool is required to turn back the
diagonally opposed wheels, only one circuit parking brake automatic adjuster before
will be affected at a given time, and the car new front brake pads can be installed.
can be driven carefully with a reduced bra- The front brakes are designed for special
king effect to an authorized Saab dealer. semi- metallic brake pads (asbestos-

NOTE! If the brake pedal continues to •

move down under constant pressure or
the car pulls to one side during braking Checking the brake fluid
or an abnormally loud or metallic noise The brake fluid reservoir (container) is
is heard during braking see an authori- transparent to facilitate checking of the
zed Saab dealer immediately to have the fluid level. The level should be between the
braking system inspected. MAX and MIN marks. Use only recom-
mended brake fluid. Over a period of time
Running-in of new brake linings in use, the brake fluid will deteriorate, since
Both the footbrake and the handbrake are The running-in period for new brake lin- it gradually absorbs water and oxidizes . It
selfcadjusting. It is therefore impossible to ings is around 90 miles of city driving or 300 is therefore important that the fluid be
tell by the length of the pedal stroke whet- miles of highway driving. To extend the ser- changed as specified in the maintenance
her the brake linings are worn out and need vice life, avoid hard braking during this schedule. This work should be carried out
to be replaced. Check the thickness of the period. by an authorized Saab dealer.

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56 Car care and scheduled maintenance

This figure indicates b raking performance tha t format ion presented I'epresen ts results obta inab le
can be m et or exceeded bv the vehicles to which it by skilled drivers under controlled road and ve-
applies under different c~ndi(ions ofloading and h ide conditions, and the info nn a tion may not be
,\lith partia l fai lures of the braking system . The in- correct under other condi tions.

This table applies to all 1987 Saab 900 models.

A. Fully operational Light load 170
service brake Maximum load 200
B. E111ergency service brakes 390
(wi th 390 partia l senice
brake systell1 failure)
C. Bra ke power unit fai lure 290
MaxilTIUm load I I I I I I
0 100 200 300 400 500
Stopping distance In feet from 60 mph should be between the cold fluid (B) m ark
S G488 and the tip ofthe dipstick (C). Top up vvi th
fluid labeled "GM Power Steering Fluid"
only. Do not use automatic tra nsmission
Vehicle stopping distance Steering fluid.
The following information is provided in All models have rack a nd pinion type ste-
a ccordance with the requirements of the ering w ith power assist.
Code of Federal Regulations, Part 575- Con-
sumer Information as it pertains to Saab Models with 8 valve engines
a utomobiles. Procedures estabilished by
the National Highway Traffic Safety Ad- Check the fluid level in the servo reservoir
ministration are used in conducting the regularly, with the engine off. The dipstick
tests and the information may be used for in the reservoir cap is graduated separately
comparison with other makes. for cold and w arm fluid . Ifthe car has reac-
hed its normal running temperature, the I'
fluid level should be between the marks for §
warm (A) and cold (B). Ifthe fluid level is A ~
checked when the car is cold, the level

B ~
c ~ S G 312

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 57

Models with 16 valve engines Battery Booster cable connections

The power steering fluid reservoir is located The battery is one of the most important
on the right inner fender, just behind the components in the car and must, therefore, WARNING!
wheelhouse. Check the fluid regularly. The be carefully maintained. The electrolyte
fluid container is marked for (HOT) and Use of booster batteries or booster gene-
should be level with the lower edge of the rators producing more than 15 volts may
(COLD) levels. filler pipes. Top up as necessary using dis- cause immediate and irreparable
Hot fluid levels should be between the tilled water only. In the case of cars that are damage to the electronic components in
(HOT) and (COLD) marks. If the fluid is equipped with a maintenance-free battery,
checked when the car is cold, the level the automobile.
the electrolyte level does not need checking.
should be between the mark for (COLD)
level and the mark for topping up (ADD). WARNING! To start a vehicle with a discharged battery
Top up with fluid labeled "GM Power Ste- using a booster battery or another vehicle
The battery contains diluted sulphuric
ering Fluid" only. Do not use automatic acid which is highly corrosive. Should connect booster cables as follows:
transmission fluid. the acid come into contact with your A. Connect one booster cable from the
eyes, skin or clothing, rinse im- positive (+) terminal of one battery to
mediately with water. Call a doctor if the positive (+) terminal of the other
acid gets in your eyes. Batteries that are battery.
being charged or are fully charged give B. Connect one end of the second cable to
off flammable hydrogen gas. the negative (-) terminal ofthe charged
Do not smoke near a battery that is battery.
being re-charged. C. Connect the other end of the second

The battery charge should be checked at

regular intervals. This is especially impor-
tant during the winter when the capacity
drops due to low temperatures. Never con-
nect the battery cables to the wrong termi-
nals. .

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58 Car care and scheduled maintenance

cable to a solid, stationary metallic Alternator WARNING!

point on the engine of the car with .the
discharged battery, as fa~ ~s p~sslble The alternator is located near the firewall High energy ignition system develops
from the battery (such as hftmg nng on on the left-hand side ofthe engine. It is dri- dangerous primary and secondary volta-
cylinder head). Do not allow the vehicles ven by two v-belts from the crankshaft pul- ges.
to touch. ley. It is important that the correct tension
of the V-belts be maintained. To tighten If the spark plugs are removed, take care
D. Start engine of vehicle with discharged slack belts, slacken nut (1) and pull the that no dirt enters the cylinders. Use only
battery. alternator outwards by means oftensioning the recommended spark plug heat range
E. Remove booster cables by reversing the nut (2). When correctly tensioned, there and gap to specification. Resistor-type
above procedure. Remove last negative will be approximately 0.2 in. (5 mm) move- plugs should not be used as resistive wire
(-) connection first. ment in either direction at the mid-point of leads are used for radio interference sup-
the belts. pression.
To remove the plugs on 16 valve engines you
must first remove the two screws holding
NOTE! Do not reverse the battery con- the spark plug cover in place and remove
nections. If the cables are reversed, even the cover. On all engines remove the plug
momentarily, the alternator will be wires by gripping the protective boot with
damaged. The insulated positive cable special boot removal pliers to prevent
must be connected to the positive (+) damage to the wire. Never pull directly on
post of the battery and the ground cable the wire. Install spark plugs carefully to
to the negative (-) post. The battery rr:ust
not be disconnected from the electncal
system ofthe car while the engine is run-

Ignition system
A breakerless ignition system is used. 900 S
models (16 valve naturally aspirated) are
also equipped with a kn<;Jck detec~or .s~steI?
which automatically adjusts the IgmtlOn m
the event of engine knock.

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 59

avoid damage to the threads in the alumi- Headlights, bulbs, fuses

num cylinder head. The firing order is 1-3-
4-2 (cylinder number 1 is closest to the fire- Headlights
wall). Adjustment of the headlights is made by
means of two knobs at the back of each
headlight unit, accessible from the engine
Windshield wipers compartment. The higher knob is for verti-
Inspect and clean the rubber blades of the cal adjustment and the lower one for lateral
windshield at regular intervals. Methyl al- adjustment.
cohol is recommended for cleaning. If the other retainers. To fit the rubber, slide it
through the four retainers and then tighten It is extremely important that the head-
blades show signs of wear, they should be lights be correctly adjusted to achieve the
replaced. 400 mm. (16 in.) blades are it so that the retainer at one end engages the
recess in the blade rubber. best possible lighting effect without any
specified. risk of blinding oncoming drivers. All ad-
Replacement blades are also available as a justments should be done by an authorized
Changing the windshield wiper blades complete insert. Saab dealer, according to specifications
Lift the wiper arm. Depress the plastic clip Washers and/or applicable state laws. Special head-
(1) and remove the complete wiper blade The reservoir holds 6.5 U.S. quarts. Fill up light aiming equipment is required to do
(2) (see illustration). with suitable anti-freeze washer fluid . the job properly.
Free the rubber from the retainer (see illust- Plain water will freeze in the winter. The
ration) by pressing together the two shiny spray nozzles consist of rotatable balls. To Headlight
metal pieces and twisting the rubber. The adjust the direction ofthe jet, insert a needle 1 Bulb holder
rubber can now be withdrawn through the in the hole ofthe nozzle. 2 Headlight adjustment knobs

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60 Car care and scheduled maintenance

Replacing headlight bulb

Turn the black bayonet ring counter-
clockwise to release the holder. Change the
bulb. Carefully insert the new bulb, taking
care not to touch the glass with your fin-
Insert and turn the holder until the grooves
fit the three corresponding edges in the re-
Lock the holder by turning the bayonet ring

To change side direction indicators, push

Front combination lamp the glass forwards to release the rear end of
the glass and change the bulb. When faste-
1 Parking light/corner light ning the glass, make sure that the groove in
2 Direction indicators/side position light the metal tongue engages the body sheet.
3 Side reversing ligh t

Changing exterior lamp bulbs

The bulbs in the front light clusters are ac-
cessible from the engine compartment.

The bulb holder has a bayonet fitting. Grip

the two plastic tongues and twist the bulb On sedans the rear lamp cluster bulbs are
holder anti-clockwise. Pull the bulb holder accessible from inside the trunk compart-
out ofthe fitting and change the bulb. Make ment. Remove the trim panel beneath the
sure that the new bulb is securely fitted and trunk sill and pull back the trunk lining to
making good contact. uncover the lamp housing. Press in the
retaining clips at each end of the housing
and remove the rear of the unit to gain
access to the bulbs.

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 61

The fuses are housed in the fuse box, lo-
cated on the left-hand side of the engine
A special in-line fuse (SA ceramic) protects
the oxygen sensor pre-heater wire on 16
valve models. Spare fuses are held in the
front end of the fuse box. A defective

Rear combination lamp) Saab 900

1. Direction indicator
2. Reversing light
3. Taillightlbrake lights
4. Brake lights
5. Taillight S G 242
For all other exterior lamps, loosen the
retaining screws and remove the lens, ("blown") fuse is identifiable by the fact
making sure the new bulb is securely in that the wire will have melted. To check a
place and makes good contact. Wipe off the fuse, the fuse must first b e removed from
lamp assembly and replace lens, fitting it to the fuse box. The table identifies the fuses
the gasket evenly and securely. for the different electrical systems. To
Rear combination lamp) Saab 900 facilitate the removal offuses from the fuse
Sedan Instrument illumination, control illu- box, a special tool is provided in the fuse
1. Direction indicator
mination and indicator warning lights box. It is located immediately adjacent to
2. Reversing light All the bulbs in the instrument assembly the three fuse rows. Push the tool onto the
3. Side marker lightlbrake light are mounted in bayonet fittings and are fuse and pull it straight up.
4. Taillight/reflector accessible from the back of the panel. The When changing fuses, make sure that the
5. Brake light bulb for headlight switch illumination is new fuse has the same rating as the old one
located within the switch. (see table). Fuses ofthe same rating have a

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62 Car care and scheduled maintenance

common color. The rating is also marked 19 Parking light, LH; tail Relays
on the fuse. lightLH 10 The relay panel ahead of the left front whe-
Radio/cassette player, ~lhouse on cars with 8 valve engines conta-
If the same fuse blows repeatedly, take the 20
cornering light 15 InS the following relays:
car to an authorized Saab dealer and have
Fog lights 15
the wiring and other electrical equipment 21 Position Function Part number
Relay trigger (ind.fuel
checked. 22 A (Blank)
pump, rear demist, cooling
fan time relays) 10 B-C Transient
23 Blank enrichment
24 Central locking 10 relay 8584732
Fuse Fuse/ Amperage 30 0 Pre-wired for
25 Radiator cooling fan
No. Function 26 Horn 25 fog light
1-3 Blank 27 Hazard warning lights 15 relay 0280495
4 Shift indicator light 10 Interior lighting, dock E Decel
5 Windshield wipers/washers, radio memory and/or system relay
brake fluid warning light 15 amplifier(s), electric (manual trans.) 8599425
6 ACsystem 30 antenna 15 F Hot start
7 Turn Signals, rev counter 15 Heated rear window 20 pulse relay 8568271
8 Electrically adjusted Fuel pumps 20 G (Blank)
rear-view mirrors, 15 H (Blank)
31 Brake lights
cruise control 10 Oxygen sensor wire 5
9 Ventilation fan 30
10 APC system 10
11 Power windows, sunroof 30
12 Seat heaters 15
13 Back up lights; seat belt
and charge warning
lights; cigarette lighter 20
14 High beam, RH 15
15 High beam, LH; high
warning light 15
16 Low beam, RH 15
17 Low beam, LH 15
18 Parking lights, RH; tail
light, RH;number plate
illumination; glove ~FRONT
compartment, ashtray and SG485
instrument illumination 10

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 63

The following relays may be found in the H AC Relay 8536401 Wheels and tires
fuse box: J Cooling fan (AC)
relay 8572190 A car's tires and wheels are components
K Horn relay 8522310 vital to motoring safety. The tubeless radial
G Fog light relay tires and wheels supplied with the Saab 900
(16 valve eng.) 0280495 have been specially selected for the diffe-
rent models and are major factors contribu-
ting to its exceptional roadholding and sta-
bility. Consult your Saab dealer before fit-
ting nonstandard wheels or tires. See tire
and wheel applications chart, "Specifica-
tions" section

Tire pressure
Check tire pressures regularly. Adjust tire
SG484 pressures to suit the load and speed normal
Additional relays: for the car. See tire pressure table, "Specifi-
Time limiting relay, radiator cooling fan cations" section. The recommended pres-
(behind left headlamp) - 8587677 sures are for tires when cold. Never reduce
the pressure when the tire is warm. If tire
Time delay relay, courtesy lights (under
pressures are checked when the tires are
rear seat) - 8589319 (900S, Turbo)
warm then the pressure should only be
Power window relay (under rear seat) - increased.
Position Name Part number
A-B Headlight LH injection system relay (under right end Wear indicators
relay 8562100 of instrument panel) - 8536401 (16 valve The tires are fitted with wear indicators -a
C Rear window
engines) transverse strip, one half inch (12 mm)
demisttime LH fuel pump relay (next to LH system wide, without a pattern appears when one
relay 8588220 relay) - 8536401 (16 valve engines) sixteenth inch (1.6 mm) of the tread rema-
D Ignition amp Passive belt system (relays located under ins. When this strip is visable the tire should
relay 9518481 rear seat) - 9556390 be replaced.
E Ignition Lock
Relay 8572943 Winter tires
F Upshift light If they have at least halftheir original tread
relay (man. trans) 8591729 depth, the 185/65 R15 steel-belted radial ply
G Fuel pump relay tires standard on models with 8 valve engi-
(8 valve engines) 9550948 nes are also sui table for win ter use in mode-

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64 Car care and scheduled maintenance

rate climates where snow and ice are not tire pressures according to the pressure Traction
too severe. Otherwise, winter tires should table in the Specifications section. Do not The traction grades, from highest to lowest,
be fitted for theses conditions. change radial tires from side to side on the are A, B, C, and they represent the tire's abi-
The 195/65 R15 high performance tires car.
lity to stop on wet pavement as measured
standard on all models with 16 valve engi- Tire quality grading under controlled conditions on specified
nes have been developed to give the greatest government test surfaces of asphalt and
possible roadholding and stability under New tires must b e graded and labeled in
accordance with new Federal regulations. concrete. A tire marked C may have poor
both wet and dry driving conditions with traction performance. Warning: The trac-
the result that the tread compounds and Standard tests are conducted to measure
performance in the areas of traction and tion grade assigned to this tire is based on
designs are not suitable for use on ice and braking (straightahead) traction tests and
snow. We therefore recommend winter temperature resistance. Refer to the tire
sidewall for the specific quality grades of does not include cornering (turning) trac-
tires or "all weather" tires for these models tion.
when driving on snow or ice. (See section the tires provided on your new Saab. Com-
"Starting and driving" Winter driving.) pact spare tires are exempt.
Replacement tires DOT QUALITY GRADES The temperature grades are A (the hig-
Use only tires ofthe original size specifica- Treadwear hest), B, and C, representing the tire's resis-
tion load capacity and speed ratings. Speed Traction ABC tance to the generation of heat and its abi-
rating codes: Temperature ABC lity to dissipate heat when tested under
All passenger car tires must conform to controlled conditions on a specified indoor
S= 110mph,max. laboratory test wheel. Sustained high tem-
T= 118 mph, max. federal safety requirements in addition to
these grades. perature can cause the material of the tire
H= 130 mph, max. to degenerate and reduce tire life, and
V= 130 + mph excessive temperature can lead to sudden
Tire rotation tire failure. The grade C corresponds to a
The treadwear grade is a comparative level of performance which all passenger
The front-wheel drive causes the front and rating based on the wear rate of the tire
rear tires to wear differently. In order to car tires must meet under the Federal
when tested under controlled conditions on Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109.
maximize the overall tire tread life of wide a specified government test course. For
profile tires, such as those fitted as Saab ori- Grades B and A represent higher levels of
example, a tire graded 150 would wear one performance on the laboratory test wheel
ginal equipment, the tires should be and one half (11/2) times as well on the
exchanged front to rear every 7,500 miles. than the minimum required by law. War-
government course as a tire graded 100. ning: The temperature grade for this tire is
Make sure that the tires maintain the same The relative performance of tires depends established for a tire that is properly infla-
direction of rotation as before - i.e. the left upon the actual conditions of their use, ted and not overloaded. Excessive speed,
front wheel should only change place with however, and may depart significantly underinflation, or excessive loading, either
the left rear wheel and the right front wheel from the norm due to variations in driving separately or in combination, can cause
should only change place with the right rear habits, service practices and differences in heat buildup and possible tire failure.
wheel. After rotation, reset the front/rear road characteristics and climate.

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 65

Spare tire and tools Wheel changing 2. To remove the hub cap, insert a screwd-
The tool kit,jack and a compact type spare To jack up the car, install the jack in one of river behind the cap and lever it off.
wheel are stored under a cover in the floor the jacking points (front or rear) located 3. Back off the wheel nuts half a turn.
of the rear part of the luggage compart- underneath the sill beams (see illustration). Check that the jack has located properly
ment. against the flange on the sill beam and
The tool kit is comprised ofthe following: that the whole of the base is firmly in
Combination pliers contact with the ground.
Phillips screwdrivers 4. Jack up the car until the wheel is clear of
Torx driver the ground, then remove the wheel nuts
Socket wrench for wheel nuts and the wheel.
Socket wrench for spark plugs 5. Mount the wheel and tighten the wheel
Socket screw key for removing and instal- nuts loosely. Check that the wheel and
ling front passenger seat nuts are correctly positioned.
6. Lower the car. Tighten the wheel nuts in
WARNING! the order shown in the illustration
The compact spare tire should be kept below. Tighten to 65-80 ft.lbs. Never use
inflated to 60 psi at all times. When the an impact wrench for final tightening of
compact spare is mounted, the car's wheel nuts. Carefully observe the torque
handling characteristics will be affected limit to avoid wheel damage.
slightly, and extreme driving maneuvers
should be avoided. Do not exceed 50
mph. If the compact spare tire must be
replaced it should be replaced with the If a garage jack is used, the lifting heads
same type designed for the narrow rim. must be located under the reinforced parts
Under no circumstances should moun- ofthe underbody.
ting of conventional type tire be attemp-
ted' on the rim intended for the compact WARNING!
spare tire. Never crawl under the car when it is
jacked up.

1. Apply the handbrake. Slide the jack into

the attachment points and crank it
down until it touches the ground.

NOTE! Handbrake operates the front

wheel brakes.

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66 Car care and scheduled maintenance

2. Engine starts - runs rough, misfires, 4. Improper idle speed - too fast or too
NOTEl The original equipment road low power. slow.
wheels are designed to be mounted using
nuts with a conical seating surface. A. Idle speed air bleed/automatic idle cont-
NOTEl Misfiring should be corrected rol adjustment incorrect or lock nut
These nuts are suitable for mounting the immediately to prevent overheating of
compact spare. Certain accessory wheels loose.
the catalytic converter.
available from Saab dealers require spe- B. Decel dashpot out of adjustment (fast
cial shouldered nuts which do not fit the A. Spark plugs fouled, worn or in need of
idle). Not applicable to 8 valve, manual
spare wheel. Obtain four conical nuts for adjustment. transmission cars.
the spare if the car is to be so equipped C. Idle air/fuel mixture out of specification.
and keep them in the tool kit. B. Spark plug cables not properly plugged
into distributor cap or onto spark plugs. D. Throttle stop screw incorrectly set.
C. Loose or corroded connections - low vol- E. Decel fuel shut off malfunctioning. (8
tage leads to coil. valve, manual only)
D. Engine oil filler cap or dipstick not sea- F. Idle speed is affected by large changes in
ted admitting excess air through crank- altitude (idle decreases as elevation
case vent system. increases due to reduced ambient pres-
E. Fuel iqjection system in need of adjust- sure and vice versa).
ment. 5. Charge indicator lamp fails to light
3. Stalling at idle, rough operation when ignition is switched on.
during engine warm-up and hesita- A. Bulb burned out.
tion or lack of power on accelera- B. Discharged battery or loose battery
Engine troubleshooting tion. cable.
1. Engine will not start - starter cranks A. Unscheduled servicing of the Lambda C. Improper wiring to voltage regulator
engine in normal manner. control system may be necessary or the causing an open circuit.
A. No fuel in tank. throttle switch may be out of adjust- D. Check fuses.
B. Fuel pump not running - blown fuse, ment. If so, this should be performed by
corroded connection, faulty relays or a Saab dealer.
disconnected lead wire. B. Decel fuel shut off system may require
C. No spark at spark plugs. unscheduled servicing. (8 valve, manual
a. loose electrical connections.
b. Moisture or cracks in distributor cap.
D. Engine flooded - spark plugs fouled
with gasoline.
E . Check fuses.

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 67

6. Charge indicator lamp lights up AC troubleshooting ging. When washing the car, use a hose
with engine running. to flush the surfaces ofthe radiator and
Ifthe air conditioning system is malfunctio- condenser (located in front of the
A. Broken or slack alternator drive belts. ning, check the following items yourself. If radiator) thoroughly, both through the
B. Malfunction in voltage regulator. these checks fail to reveal the cause of the grille and from inside the engine com-
C. Malfunction in alternator. problem, contact an authorized Saab dea- partment. Never fit wire mesh or any
D. Check fuses. ler. other form of screening in front of the
radiator as this will substantially re-
7. Discharged battery Inadequate cooling duce the cooling effect.
A. Slipping alternator drive belts. • Check that the temperature control and 4 During the winter, the air conditioning
the air distribution control are correctly system should be switched on once or
B. Defective or worn out battery. set. twice a month and run for between 5
C. Frequent use of high drain equipment, • Check that the condenser (located in and 10 minutes to prevent deterioration
such as headlights, combined with short front of the radiator) has not become ofthe gaskets and seals in the compres-
trips. clogged by dirt or insects. sor. This should be done with the engine
D. Malfunction in voltage regulator or • Check that the drive belt for the com- at normal running temperature and
alternator. pressor is not loose, damaged or worn. with the car cruising at moderate
• Check the temperature of the engine. If speed. (The compressor is lubricated by
8. O~l press~re indic~tor lamp lights up a special oil which circulates with the
WIth engme runnmg. the pointer on the temperature gauge
has entered the red zone, the AC system refrigerant.)
A. Malfunction in engine lubrication sys- will have been switched offautomatical-
tem causing low oil pressure. ly. NOTE! The air conditioning will not
B. Oil level in sump low. Top up to max. cycle on below 38°F.
• Check the fuses for the fans and com-
level on dipstick. pressor. When the air conditioning system is
running, condensation will form on the
9. EXH Indicator lamp illuminates (8 evaporator. When the car is parked, this
valve) Routine AC maintenance and servicing condensation may drain off and form a
Illuminates every 30,000 miles as a 1 The air conditioning system should be small pool of water under the car.
reminder to perform emission control checked every spring, preferably by an
system maintenance. Must be reset by authorized Saab dealer.
dealer after service. This lamp does not 2 Each time the car is serviced, the com- Appearance care
indicate engine malfunction. pressor drive belt and mounting bolts Care ofpaintwork
and the electro-magnetic clutch should To keep its gloss and finish, the paintwork
be checked. needs proper care. If the paintwork is
3 Keep the condenser and radiator free damaged, e.g. by a flying stone, the spot can
from insects or other dirt to avoid clog- be cleaned and covered with air-drying

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68 Car care and scheduled maintenance

touch-up paint. Touch-up in the standard necessary. In any event, it should not be up the tool compartment cover, disconnect
Saab colors can be purchased from your polished until it has aged properly, which the two rubber hinges from their button-
Saab dealer. takes five or six months. Most polishes or like fasteners and remove the cover from
cleaner waxes contain abrasives which the car. Grasp the forward floor section
Washing clean off the outer layer of old paint finis- with both hands and pull straight back to
The car should be washed frequently. When hes. Never use a polish containing abrasive disengage the retaining clips. Lift floor out
it is new, it shuld be washed by hand using substances on a new car. Instead use a high oftrunk.
only cold water and a clean, soft brush quality wax to protect the finish. The paint-
attached to a hose. Automatic car washes work must be thoroughly washed before Seat belts
should be avoided during the first few being polished or waxed as otherwise it Clean the seat belts with mild soap and
months. After five to six months the paint- may by scratched. lukewarm water.
work has hardened and to make washing
easier, a car schampoo or mild washing-up Engine compartment cleaning Care of velour upholstery
liquid may be added to the water, which The engine compartment should be clea- The fabric upholstery may be effectively
may be warm but not hot. Even the under- ned with an engine detergent and then cleaned with a cloth moistened in soap
body should be washed regularly and spe- hosed with hot water. Cover the distributor solution. Use lukewarm water. Grease and
cial attention should be given to the wheel and brake master cylinder reservoir and air oil stains can be removed with a commer-
housings. This is particularly necessary inlet opening before washing the engine. cial solvent formulated for this purpose.
when automatic car washes are used as Wet stains such as oil or softdrinks should
these do not generally include washing of NOTE! If you use a high-pressure hose, be dried up immediately with an absorbing
the underbody. Never wash the car in cover the distributor, alternator, starter paper or similar material. Then apply a
strong sunlight, and always wipe it dry with motor, voltage regulator, and brake mas- stain remover. Plastic surfaces can be easily
a clean chamois leather if streaks on the ter cylinder reservoir and air inlet. cleaned with lukewarm water and a synth-
paintwork are to be avoided. Windows are
etic detergent. A semistiff brush may be
best cleaned with a chamois leather or soft used.
linen cloth moistened in water. Care of carpets
Petroleum solvents should not be used to Textile carpets should be cleaned with a Care ofleather upholstery
clean tar from the front and rear light clus- brush or sponge using carpet shampoo and The finish of the leather upholstery is de-
ter lenses, since they may cause cracking of then rinsed thoroughly with water. Stub- signed to enhance as well as protect the
the lenses. born grease or oil stains can be removed natural beauty of the grain of the hide.
Cars with fixed mast antenna: remove the with a commercial solvent formulated for Especially in lighter colors, the surface of
mast by unscrewing it from the base before this purpose. Should the trunk carpet the leather will discolor from handling and
entering an automatic car wash. become soiled or stained it may be more atmospheric dust. While this does not affect
easily cleaned if removed from the car. The its wearing qualities, and, in fact a "well-
Polishing/waxing carpet is fastened to two plywood panels worn" patina is often a desirable feature of
The general rule is that synthetic enamel that make up the forward floor section and leather, too dirty a surface will detract from
should not be polished until it is absolutely the tool compartment cover. To remove, tilt the quality appearance.

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 69

The leather upholstery should be cleaned salts used for de-icing will collect on the 2. Clean the underside of the car during the
and reconditioned when the car is in- bottom of the car and promote rusting. winter.
spected in the spring and autumn (twice a Areas of the country with high humidity Use high pressure water to clean the
year). have great potential for rust problems, car's underside (floor panels, wheel
Moisten a soft cloth in a mild soap solution. especially where salt is used on roads or wells) at least at mid-winter and in the
Carefully apply this damp (not wet) cloth to there is moist sea air. Industrial pollution spring.
the leather with light, circular movements (fall-out) may also damage paint and pro-
mote rusting. 3. Inspect the car frequently for leaks or
until the leather is clean. Repeat this proce- damage, and arrange for needed repairs
dure using clean water. Let the leather dry Preventive maintenance promptly.
completely. Then apply Saab Leather The following procedures are necessary to
Cleaner (Pi n 0202523), a leather con- After washing or after heavy rain, check
help protect against rusting. Refer also to for leaks. When washing the car inspect
ditioner which can be purchased from au- the terms and conditions ofthe Perforation
thorized Saab dealers. body surfaces for paint damage.
Warranty described in the warranty book-
Apply the leather conditioner with the let. While checking for leaks, lift the floor
same circular movements as described mats and check b eneath them. Water
1. Wash the car frequently, and wax at can collect in these areas and remain for
above. Use a soft cloth. Let the leather con- least twice a year. .
ditioner dry and polish the leather with a prolonged periods. Dry any wet areas
Under adverse conditions, where there IS including the floor m a ts. Have leaks
soft, dry cloth. Follow the instructions given a rapid build-up of dirt, sand or road
above. Do not use hot water, unknown ab- repaired as soon as possible.
salt, wash your car at least once a week.
rasive polishes, solvents, sprays or soaps After extreme exposure to salted snow or Use touch-up paint to repair small scrat-
that may scratch the leather. This treat- ches or minor finish damage. Areas
slush, evidenced by a white film on the
ment will keep the leather upholstery clean car, wash the car immediately. where metal is exposed will rust quickly
and attractive for many years. and MUST be repaired immediately by
A. Begin washing by rinsing the entire car touch-up or professiona l repainting.
Rust prevention with water to loosen and flush offheavy Rust must be removed, the bare metal
concentrations of dirt (include the primed and painted. Major body
What causes rust? underbody) . damage should be repaired immediately
Steel body panels of automobiles are subject B. Sponge the car with a solution of either a and new panels or exposed ar.eas sho,!ld
to rusting whenever air and moisture good quality car soap or mild general be undercoated with antI-corrOSIOn
manage to penetrate the protective finish, purpose (dish washing) detergent and meterial.
and body panels may rust through if the water.
process is unchecked. Rusting can occur Repairs of this type are the owner's
wherever water is trapped or where the C. Rinse car thoroughly with clean water. responsibility and are not covered under
car's panels are continuously damp. D. After washing, check and clear all dra- warranty.
Damage to paint and undercoating by ston- ins in doors and body panels. 4. Inspect the undercoating and touch up if
es, gravel and minor accidents immediately E. Wipe the car dry, preferably using a cha- necessary.
exposes metal to air and moisture. Road mois. Pay particular attention to the fenders

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70 Car care and scheduled maintenance

and wheel housings, which are exposed Service information

to abrasion by flying gravel, etc. If the Service Manuals for Saab vehicles can be or-
composition has worn or flaked off, the dered through the dealer. The complete 900
steel must be thoroughly cleaned and Manual is comprised of several sections in
dried before a fresh coat is applied. The ring-type binders. Sections may be ordered
cleaning is best done with a scraper and individually. Consult your Saab dealer for
a steel wire brush, followed by washing part numbers and list prices for sections
with solvent. Apply the new coating applicable to your model. A list of
thinly, as otherwise it may run off or fall authorized sales and service dealers is avail-
off when dry. able from your local Saab dealer for those
planning to travel in the United States and
SG 673
Owner assistance
Service problem assistance Eastenl Region: Western Region: Maintenance schedule
The Warranties/Service Record Booklet P.O. Box 697 20 000 Mariner Ave The maintenance schedule prescribes a
which accompanies this manual contains Orange, CT06477 Suite 500 program of instructions to the purchaser/
the new car and emission control system (203) 795-1326 Torrance, CA 90509 operator of a 1987 Saab for maintenance
warranties and owner assistance informa- (213) 214-0094 which is reasonable and necessary to ensure
tion. the proper function, durability, and safety
There are Saab Consumer Relations Re- Southenl Region: ofthe Saab automobile in normal use. The
presentatives at each of Saab-Scania of 425 Franklin Rd schedule is divided into two parts: Emission
America, Inc.'s four regional offices in the Suite 550 System Maintenance and Vehicle Mainte-
continental u .S. (Alaska and Hawaii are Marietta, GA 30067 nance. The Emission System Maintenance
served by the Western Region, Puerto Rico is (404) 423-0150 instructions specifY operations to ensure
handled by an independent importer.) proper and safe function of Saab emission
Central Region: control systems throughout the useful life
For detailed information about how to ob- of the automobile. Additional maintenance
tain assistance, please refer to the Warran- 10415 United Parkway
Schiller Park, IL 60176 is specified for certain components when
ties/Service Record Booklet.
(312) 671-4920

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 71

operated under certain severe conditions. Break-in-service If naturally aspirated models are operated
Maintenance, replacement, or repair ofthe The maintenance schedule includes a under severe service conditions* follow the
emission control devices and systems may break-in service at 1,000 miles. recommended change interval for Turbos.
be performed by any automotive repair Use only motor oils meeting SAE viscosity
establishment or individual using any auto- NOTE! This important service will be ratings and API service classifications
motive part which has been certified accor- done by your Saab dealer at no charge recommended by Saab elsewhere in this
ding to U.S. EPA regulations governing except for fluids and oil filter (which are Owner's Manual. Extra oil additives are not
voluntary aftermarket part self- certifica- to be paid for by the Saab owner) provi- recommended.
tion. The vehicle maintenance instructions ded this service is performed no earlier
are specified to ensure proper and safe * Severe service conditions requiring extra oil changes (natu-
than 800 miles and no later than 1500 rally aspirated models) include: extensive idling, stop and go
functioning of the Saab automobile and its miles. driving and/or driving in cold climates over repeated short
subsystems. Good maintenance is good
advice! ' The special break-in oil filter must be trips without sufficient engine warm-up.
changed at this service.
Note to California residents only: The Emission System Main- NOTE! It is advisable to retain receipts
tenance schedule is divided into two parts: Required Mainte· and, if possible, copies of shop work
nance and Recommended Maintenance. This is done in compo
Engine oil and filter changes
orders for all service and repair work,
liance wi th provisions set forth by the California Emission Changing the engine oil and filter is requ-
Control System warranty regulations and applies to California ired at all service points. This means that wherever performed.
purchasers/operators only. However, it is suggested that accor- the engine oil and filter are to be changed at
ding to the applicable California regulations, "required main- 1,000 miles and at 3,750 miles and every Service costs
tenance" is that which must be performed to be eligible for
3,750 miles therafter on Turbo models. The Dealer pricing practices and labor rates for
coverage under the California Emission Control System War- service work may vary. A dealer's basic
ranty. In not performing "recOlnmended maintenance" Cali-
oil and filter are to be changed at 1,000
miles and at 7,500 and every 7,500 miles labor charge for a service in the mainte-
fornia Emission Control System Warranty rights are in no way
thereafter on other models with naturally nance schedule may exclude the cost of cer-
invalidated. Refer to the written warranty for further informa-
tion pertaining to specific purchaser/operator rights and obli- aspirated engines. tain adjustments which, ifnecessary to per-
gations. form, will be done at extra cost. Consult
your dealer's service department for comp-
lete details and prices.

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72 Car care and scheduled maintenance

Warranties spond to the type of service point: Striped -

The 1987 Saab 900 is covered by the follow- PDI, Break-in service; Lt. blue - Interme-
ing warranties: diate oil and filter change; Dk. blue -Oil
change/safety inspection, Black - Major ser-
• Limited 36 month 36,000 Mile Vehicle vice. Two change of address cards are pro-
Warranty. vided at the end of the booklet. Knowing
• 6 Year Perforation Warranty. your current address allows Saab to contact
• Federal (or California, as applicable) you in the event of a recall or service cam-
Vehicle Emission Control Warranty. paign. When scheduled services are perfor-
med your dealer will tear out the applicable
• Federal Emission Performance War- coupon, check offthe operations performed
ranty. and enter it into the service file at the dea-
lership. The servicing dealer's stamp, along
Detailed warranty information can be
with date and mileage at which the service
found in the Saab Warranties/Service Record
was performed, should be entered on the
Booklet which accompanies this Owner's
coupon stub which remains in your book-
Manual. The booklet, iflost or misplaced,
let. This is your pennanent record that
may be ordered through a Saab dealer or recommended maintenance has been
may be obtained by calling the nearest re- perfonned.
gional office of Saab-Scania of America, Authorized Saab dealers regularly receive
Inc. The 1987 edition of the booklet has
up-to-date Service Manuals and bulletins
Saab part number 02-79-851. from Saab-Scania of America, Inc. and are
able, through their franchise agreement
Service record retention with Saab-Scania of America, Inc., to
Service coupons and record stubs are provi- attend Saab service schools and purchase
ded in the Saab Warranties/Service record special tools and original equipment spare
booklet. The coupons are arranged in the parts. Authorized Saab dealers are equip-
order that service should be performed. The ped and trained to meet your Saab service
edge of each coupon is shaded to corre- needs.

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 73

Emission systems maintenance program

Where "miles" or "months" are shown, perform at
whichever limit is reached first.

Int. Oil&-
A. Emission system maintenance FilterChg.
(Every 3,750
Mi. or 6 Mos.)

Valve clearance - Check; if necessary x X-Every 30,000

adjust to specification (cold engine). Wash and blow miles.
clean the oil separator in camshaft cover.
(8 valve engines only) ........................................... ... ...... .

Engine head bolts and manifolds - Torque to X

specifications (including Turbocharger attachment
bolts - Turbo) ..................................... ...... .. ..... .. ..... ...... .

Spark plugs - Replace and adjust gap to X- Every 30,000

specification (NOTE: See footnote 1, below) miles. (1)

Air cleaner insert - Replace ............... .................. ...... .. X-Every 30,000


Fuel filter - Replace ........ .. .............................. .... ........ . . X-Every 30,000


1. Under severe service conditions (including extensive idling, stop-and-go driving, towing, high speed driving, andJor driving in cold climates over repeated short trips
without a sufficient engine warm-up), checking the spark plugs and regapping or replacing, as necessary, is recommended every 15,000 miles.
2. These columns refer to provisions of the California Emission Control System Warranty and apply only to residents of California.

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74 Car care and scheduled maintenance

Where "miles" or "months" are sholVll, perform at

whichever limit is reached first.

Int. Oil&>
A. Emission system maintenance FiIterChg.
(continued) (Every 3,750
Mi. or 6 Mos.)

Evaporative emission controlled fuel system- X-At 60,000 miles

Check fuel filler cap, vent lines, canister, and or 48 mos. a nd
connections for wear, deterioration and/or damage, every 12 mos.
which could cause leakage. Tighten any loose thereafter
connections and/or replace any leaking components.
Charcoal canister - Replace ........... .. ....... .. ...... .............. . X-Every 60,000

Cr~nkcase ventilation - Check connections and hoses. X-At 60,000 miles

Tighten or replace as necessary (inspect check valve and or 48 mos. a nd
test function, Turbo only) ......... .. .............................. .... . . every 12 mos.

Secondary ignition wires - Clean and inspect for cuts, X-At 30,000 miles
burns, or abrasions. Replace any damaged w ires ........... . or 24 mos. and every
12 mos. thereafter.
Check resistance ofignition wires and replace, if X-Every 60,000 miles
necessary ................................................. ... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .

Distributor cap and rotor- Replace. Check and adjust X- Every 60,000
ignition timing to specification .. ........ ............................ . miles.

2. These columns refer to provisions of the California Emission Control System Warranty and apply only to residents of California.

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 75

Where "miles" or "months" are shown, perform at

whichever limit is reached first.

Int. Oil &

A. Emission system maintenance FilterChg.
(continued) (Every 3,750
Mi. or 6 Mos.)

Oxygen sensor - Replace sensor ............. .. .... ... .. ... ........ . X-Every 30,000 miles
(Reset service reminder lamp, 8 valve (every 60,000 miles
engines only) 16 valve engines).
X X-Turbo (3) X X-Every 30,000 miles.

Idle speed - Check idle speed and adjust to X X- Every 60,000 miles
specification, if necessary .............................................. . (and whenever the
vehicle is relocated
for a prolonged period
of operation at a
different altitude).
Deceleration system - Check opera tion, including throttle X X-Every 60,000 miles
switch if so eqUIpped; adjust to specification, if necessary
Overyressure safety switch - Check operation. X-Evely 30,000
(Tur1:5o only) ..... ..................... ................ ... ................. ... . miles.
2. These columns refer to provisions ofthe California Emission Control System Warranty and apply only to residents of California.
3. The Intermediate Oil And Filter Change service is required for Turbo models. It is suggested also for models with naturally aspirated engines when operated under
severe service conditions including extensive idling, stop-and-go driving andJor driving in cold climates over repeated short trips without sufficient engine warm-up.

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76 Car care and scheduled maintenance

Vehicle maintenance program

Where "miles" or "months" are shown,
perform at whichever limit is reached first.

B. Vehicle maintenance

V-Belts - Check; if necessary adjust tension or replace ........... .. ...... .... ......... . . x X- At 30,000 miles
or 24 mos. and
every 12mos.

Cooling system - Check hoses a nd connections for leaks. Tigh ten clamps or X X X-Every 30,000 miles
replace clamps or hoses if necessary. Check coolan t level a nd
a nti-freeze content ... .... .... .. .... .. ... ... ............... ............... ....... ......... ... .... .... .... .

Engine coolant - Flush system and replace with approved mix ..... ... ..... .... . . X-At 30,000 miles
or 24 mos. and
every 15,000 miles
or 12 months
Fuel Injection System safety check - Inspect components, electrical cables, X X-Every 30,000 miles
fuel h oses, and all connections for wear, damage, and/or deterioration.
Tighten any loose connections and/or replace any damaged components

Exhaust system - Check for leakage a nd ensure tha t all fasteners and X X X-Every 30,000 miles
ha ngers are secure. Correct as necessary ... .. ..... ...... .. ... .... .... ... .... ..... ........... .. .

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 77

Where "miles" or "months" are sho",",

perform at whichever limit is reached first.

B. Vehicle Illaintenance

Gearbox oil level- Check; add as necessary X X-Every 30,000 miles

Autolllatic tranSlllission

Gearbox oil level- Check; add as necessary X X-Every 30,000 miles

Adjust automatic transmission gear selector control cable and retighten X

cover bolts under gearbox ......... .. .......... .. ....................................................... ..

Differential oil- Change X

Differential oil level- Check; add as necessary X X- Every 30,000 miles

Electrical system

Battery - Tighten cable terminals and coat with petroleum jelly X X X-Every 30,000 miles

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78 Car care and scheduled maintenance

Where "miles" or "months" are shown,

perform at whichever limit is reached first.
,-----------------------------------------------------------~~"TL~ ..+_-----------

B. Vehicle maintenance

Functional check - Headligh ts, stopligh ts, directional lights, warning flashers, X X X-Every 30,000 miles
back-up lights, indicator lights, buzzers, horn, rear defogger, electric mirrors
(if equipped), power windows (if equipped), power door locks (if equipped),
windshield wipers, heater fan, radia tor fans. Correct as necessary ...... .... ...... ... .

Headlights - Check for proper aiming; ifnecessary adjust (per state X-Every 30,000 miles
requirements as applicable) ... .. .. .............. ........ ... ....... ...... ....... ... ........ ........ .... .


Suspension - Tighten bolts which hold control arms to body and rear axle x
mounting bolts including panhard rod and spring links .................................. .

Toe-In - Check; if necessary adjust ... ......... ........... ............... .. ............. ... ......... . X

Wheel alignment- Measure, ifnecessary adjust, front wheel camber, caster, toe-in X X-Every 30,000 miles

Upper and lower balljoints and tie-rod ends - Check both sides ofvehicle X-Every 30,000 miles
for w ear. Also check steering gear universal joint. Correct any unsafe condition

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Car care and scheduled maintenance 79

Where "miles" or "months" are shown,

perform at whichever limit is reached first .

Break In
B. Vehicle maintenance Service

Shock Absorbers - Check rubber bushings; replace shock absorbers when X-Every 30,000 miles
dampening action is no longer effective .................... ..... ....... ........... .. ....... ....... .

Tires - Check tire tread depth and rotate the tires front to rear, same x X-Every 30,000 miles
side. Replace when wear bars in tread appear ............. ................. ...... ............. .

Power steering fluid - Check; add as necessary ............................................ . X X X-Every 30,000 miles

General inspection - Check all suspension and steering components, X X-Every 30,000 miles
exposed fuel lines, and brake components for damage due to road hazards or
driving conditions. Replace any damaged components .......... ....... .................. . .

Check rubber bellows for inner and outer drive shaft joints, and rubber boots X X X-Every 30,000 miles
for ball joints and tie-rod ends. Replace any damaged boots ............. .. ..... .... .... .

Brake system - Check condi tion ofbrake lines and hoses, tightness of X X X-Every 30,000 miles
master cylinder, calipers, and screw caps. Correct as necessary ....................... .

Check power brake vacuum servo hose and connections. Correct X X-Every 30,000 miles
any vacuum leaks .............. ....... ............................... .......... ... ... ....... ....... ... ... ... .

Check function of hand brake ..... ... ... ...... .. .... ........... .................... ... .. ....... ....... . X X X-Every 30,000 miles

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80 Car care and scheduled maintenance

Where "miles" or "months" are sho\VIl,

perform at whichever limit is reached first.

Break In
B. Vehicle maintenance Service
(1,000 Mi.)

With wheels removed check bra ke pad thickness. Replace pads when x X-Every 30,000 miles
lining thickness is less than 1/8 inch ............................ ..... .. .. ...... ..... .. .... .... ... ... .

Grea se sliding surfaces of front brake caliper yokes (special grease required) .. .. X-Every 30,000 miles
or whenever brake pads
are changed

Check brake fluid level; ifnecessary replenish fluid in master cylinders X X

for brake a nd clutch (ma nual trans.) .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .............. ...... ...... .

Replace brake fluid a nd bleed system X-Every 30,000

miles or 24 months.


Lubrica te sparingly the door stops and hinges, throttle control, a nd engine hood X- Every 30,000 miles
lock m echa nism ... ... ...... ... ... ..... ..... ..... .. .. .... ....... ... ... ..... ..... ......... .... .... ..... ... ... . .

Test drive vehicle and check overall condition, noting especially the X(4) X X-Every 30,000
function ofbrakes and clutch. Check general engine performa nce. miles. (4)
(NOTE: See footnote 4, below) .................................... .. .................. ,........ .. .... ..
4 . On Turbos, during test drive observe that the boost ga uge needle enters the orange zone wh en accelera ting above 2,000 rpm and the APe System controls m aximum
boost when knocking is detected. CIftest drive boost indica tion is unsa tisfactory connect a tes t gauge a nd check basic setting and m aximum pressure. Adjust basic se t-
ting, if necessa ry, and resea l wastegate actua tor with a nti-tampering wire.)

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Specifications 81

General . . . . . . 82
Engine . . . . .. . 83
Fuel supply system 84
Cooling system 85
Drive belts 85
Transmission 85
Brake system 86
Suspension 86
\\!heels and tires 87
Electrical system 87
Identification numbers 89

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82 Specifications

Wheelbase (2517mm) 99.1"

Turning radius (5.6m) 220.5"
Curb weight 2690-2910 lb. *
Gross vehicle weight rating 3650-3850 lb. *
Weight distribution,
at curb weight 59-62% front
at gross vehicle weight rating 52-55% front
Trunk volwne (SAE) Hatchback 14.9cu.ft .
99.1" - - -----.,, Hatchback, parcel shelf removed 19.1 cu.ft.
'--- - - -- - - -- - 184. 3 " - - - - -- - - - - . 1 Sedan 14.2 cu.ft.
Vehicle capacity weight, five
persons and 180 lb. luggage
(except Conv.) . (422 kg) 930 lb.
Max roofrack load (except Conv.) (100 kg) 220 lb .
Max trailer weight
with trailer brakes (900 kg) 2.000 lb.
without trailer brakes (450 kg) 1.000 lb.
Max trailer tongue weight (90 kg) 1981b.
, ,
' + - - 56.3"
66.5" -
- I

SG 681
*) Weight variation depends on
model, configuration and options.

Engine oil
Viscosity SAE10W-30
Overall length incl bwnpers (Sedan) (4680mm) 184.3"
Overall length inel bwnpers (Hatchback) (1487mm) 184.5"
API Service: Turbo SF/CD (preferred)
Overall width (1690mm) 66.5"
Overall height (at curb weight) (1420mm) 55.9"
Road clearance, min with Naturally
two persons and 15lb.luggage (120mm) 4.7"
aspirated SF/CC
Track, front wheels (1430mm) 56.3"
Extra additives are not recommended.
Track, front wheels (Turbo) (1450mm) 57.1 "
Track, rear wheels (1440mm) 56.7"

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Specifications 83

8 valve engine (Naturally aspirated) Decel fuel shutoff (manual) Activates above
1575 RPM
Type 4 cy1.4 stroke throttle closed;
inlineOHC deactivates below
Cylinder bore 3.543" 1375 RPM
Stroke 3.071" Oil capacity including filter 4 U.S. qts.
Displacement 121 cu.in. Recommended gasoline fuel
Aspiration Naturally aspirated (16.6 U.S. gal capacity) Unleaded 87-93 AON
Fuel metering sys tern Mechanical Port
Injection *) Adjust plunger to contact throttle lever
(Bosch CISIK-]etronic) with engine operating at above
Engine family number HSA 2.0 V6 FNT 8 specified RPM.
16 Valve engine
Power rating, SAE Net HP at RPM 110 at 5250
(Naturally aspirated)
Max torque at 3500 RPM 119 fUbs Type 4 cyl. 4 stroke
Com pression ra tio 9.25:1 inlineDOHC
Order offiring (cylinder 1 Cylinder bore 3.543"
nearest firewall) 1-3-4-2 Stroke 3.071"
Ignition system Bosch Hall Effect Displacement 121 cu.in.
Electronic (Breakerless) Aspiration Naturally aspirated
Ignition advance 20° BTDC at Fuel metering system Electronic port
2000 RPM (vac. injection
hose disconnected) (Bosch LH -]etronic)
Spark plug gap 0.024-0.028" Engine family number HSA2.0V5FNB3
Engine idling speed in neutral Power rating, SAE Net HP at RPM 125 at 5500
(A.C. off) 875 ± 75 RPM Max. torque at RPM 123 ft.lb at 3000 RPM
Valve lifter type Solid (with adjust- Compression ratio 10.1:1
mentshims) Order offiring (cyl.1 nearest fire-wall 1-3-4-2
Valve clearance, cold engine: Ignition system Bosch transistorized
Intake (0.15-0.30 mm) speed/load advance map
0.006" -0.012" Ignition advance 14° BTDC at 850 RPM
Exhaust (0 .35-0.55 mm) Spark plug gap (0.6-0.7mm)
0.014"-0.020" 0.024-0 .028"
Dashpot adjustment* (automatic) 2500 ± 100 RPM Engine idling speed in
neutral (A.C. off) 850 ± 50 RPM

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84 Specifications

Valve lifter type Hydraulic (self Ignition advance 16° BTDC (Vac. hose
adjusting) disconnected)
Dashpot adjustment 4.0 ± 1.0 seconds Spark plug gap 0.024-0.028"
Oil capacity including filter (4.01) 2.4 U.S. qts Engine idling speed in
Recommended gasoline fuel Unleaded 87-93 AON neutral (A.C. off) 850 ± 75 RPM
(16.6 U.S. gal. capacity) Valve lifter type Hydraulic (Self
Dashpot adjustment 4.0 ± 1.0 seconds
Engine oil capacity
16 valve engine (Turbocharged) (including filter) 4.5 U.S. quarts
Recommended gasoline fuel
Type 4 cyl. 4 stroke (16.6 U.S. gal. capacity) Unleaded87-93AON
inlineDOHC Charge pressure settings **
Cylinder bore 3.543" Wastegate (safety limit only) 0.35 ± 0.03 Bar
Stroke 3.071" Control unit (operating limit) 0.75 ± 0.05 Bar
Displacement 121 cu.in.
Aspiration Turbocharged with **) 3000 RPM, engine under full load
intercooler with special test equipment.
Fuel metering system Electronic Port
(Bosch LH-Jetronic)
Engine family number HSA2.0V5FTBX Fuel supply system
(Turbo, 16-valve)
Max. power rating, SAE Net HP at RPM 160 at 5500 Fuel tank:Capacity 16.6 U.S. gallons
165 at 5500 Material HDPE (High density
(SPG option) polyethylene)
Max. torque at RPM 188 Ft.lbs. at 3000 Fuel pumps Electric, in fuel tank
195 FUbs at 3000 Fuel filter:Type Bosch High Pressure/
(SPG option) Long Life
Compression ratio 9.0:1 Location 8 valve Engine compartment
Order offiring (cylinder 1 (LFfender)
nearest firewall) 1-3-4-2 16 valve Under floor (ahead
Igni tion system Bosch Hall-Effect offuel tank)
Electonic Fuel requirement (SPG option) 90.5-93AON

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Specifications 85

Cooling system Gear ratios, total (transmission ratios x

NOTE! The radiator air flow primary ratio):
must not be blocked off. 8 valve 16 valve
engines engines
Coolant volume incl. heating system (10 liters) 10.5 U.S.qts 1st gear 3.54:1 3.80:1
0 0
Thermostat opens at (82 C) 180 F 2nd gear 2.00:1 2.15:1
Anti-freeze 50-70% mixed with 3rdgear 1.34:1 1.44:1
water/Saab coolant, 4th gear 0.97:1 1.04:1
BASFG-105 5th gear 0.78:1 0.84:1
Reverse 3.89:1 4.18:1
Final Drive Ratio 3.67:1

Drive belts Saab Gates Dayco

8 valve:
Alternator/water pump (2) 7511728 7380 15380 Automatic transmission
Power steering 9361791 7470 15470
AC compressor 9344623 8256 17470 Type 3-speed with torque
16 valve: converter, final drive
Alternator/water pump (2) 7511728 7380 15380 and differential
Power steering 8339921 8321 15325 Selector posi tions P-R-N-D-2-1
AC compressor 9367020 9463 17460 Oil volume, automatic transmission 8.5 U.S. qts.
(8.0 liters)
Grade of oil for automatic
transmission fluid Type "F" (M2C33F)
Manual transmission Oil volume, final drive (1.25 liters) 1.3 U.S. qts.
Grade of oil for final drive SAE EP 80 API GL -4 or 5
Type 5 speed, all synchro- Gear ratios, total (transmission
mesh with final ratios x primary ratio): Turbo Nat. asp.
drive and differential 1st gear 2.21:1 2.33:1
Oil capacity (2.5 liters) 3 u.s. qts. 2nd gear 1.34:1 1.41:1
Oil specifications SAE 10W30 or 10W40 3rdgear 0.92:1 0.97:1
engine oil Reverse gear 1.93:1 2.04:1
(Alt: SAE EP75 API 3.67:1 3.67:1
Final Drive ratio
GL-4or5 .)
Hydraulic clutch Single dry plate
with spring-loaded hub

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86 Specifications

Brake system Shock absorbers:

Type 900, low pressure, gas
Make Girling&>A.T.E 900S, Turbo,
Footbrake Hydraulic disc brakes high pressure, gas
with power assist, Stabilizer bars (900S, Turbo) 19mmfront
two circuit system 27 mm rear
serving diagonally Maximum working stroke, fitted to car '
opposed pairs ofwheels. Front (96mm) 3.8"
Brake and clutch fluid DOT 4 Brake fluid Rear (158mm) 6.2"
Disc diameter:
Front (280 mm) 11.02"
Rear (269 .5 mm) 10.63"
Swept areas:
Front wheels (1432 cm' ) 222 in'
Steering gear Rack and pinion
Rear wheels (1095 cm' ) 170 in'
Wheel turns, lock to lock:
Total (2527 cm') 392 in'
Power steering 3.7
Handbrake Mechanical, acting
Oil specification, Power Steering GM Power steering
on front discs
fluid (GM 9985010,
Brake pads: Front/Rear Asbestos free
Texaco TL 4634)

Wheel alignment:
Front wheel toe-in (measured at rims (2± lmm)
Suspension elements, front and rear Coil springs 0.08 ± 0.04 in.
Total spring compression/elongation: Front wheel camber 1/2 0 ± 1/2 0
(180mm) 7.1" Front wheel caster 2 0 ± 112°
(170mm) 6.7" Rear wheel toe-in (measured at
rims), all models (4 ± 1mm)
0.16 ± 0.04 in.
Wheel alignment (SPG only):
Front wheel toe-in (measured
at rims) 0.06 ± 0.02 in
Front wheel camber 0.25 ± 0,25°
Front wheel caster 2 ± 0.25°

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Specifications 87

Wheels and tires Electrical system

Wheel sizes: Voltage 12V

Saab900 5 1/2J x 15 FHA (steel) Battery capacity 60AH
Saab 900S and Turbo: 51/2Jx15H2 Starter capacity 1.9HP
(aluminium alloy) Alternator, max. charging
Spare wheel (All): 4JH1 x15" currenUvoltage 80 Amps/14 V
Fuses and relays See section "Head-
Tire dimensions: lights, bulbs and
All 900 185/65 R15 87T fuses"
900S 195/60 R15 86H
900 Turbo 195/60 R15 86H
900 Turbo w/SPG option 195/60VR15 Spark plugs:
Compact Spare T115/70D15
8 valve NGKBP6ES,
Tire pressure (cold tires)
Champion N9YC,
Recommended pressure
Bosch W175 T30
Normalload Fullload
Naturally aspirated,
Tire size Ft.!Rear Ft.lRear
16 valve NGKBCP6ES
185/65 R15 87T 29/30 32/33
Turbo16 valve normal driving NGKBCP7EV
195/60 R15 86H 30/32 35/36
city driving NGKBCP6EV,
195/60 R15 86V 30/32 35/36
Thread M14
Compact spare (All) 60 PSI
Thread length (18mm) 0.7"
Check tire pressure with cold tires. Electrode gap (0.6mm-0.7mm)
0.024" -0.028"

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88 Specifications

Light bulbs: Power TradeNo Quantify

Interior lighting: Other lighting:

Dome lOW 1 Instruments 3W 161 2
Rear-view mirror 5W 1 Ignition switch 1.2W 53 1
Glove compartment 5W 1 Heating and ventilation
Luggage compartment lOW 1 control 1.2W ** 1
Switch lighting: Cigarette lighter 1.2W ** 1
Light switch 1.2W ** 1 Ashtray 1.2W ** 1
Hazard warning flashers 1.2W ** 1 Push switches 1.2W ** 1
Electrically heated rear *) Cartridge bulb
window 1.2W ** 1
**) Glass fitting
Indicator lights: Exterior lighting:
Charging 2.0W ** 1
Headlamps (Sylvania 9004 DOT) 70/50 W 2
Oil pressure 1.2W 1
Front parking lights 5W 67 2
Brakes lAW 1
** Front turn signals/Side
Din;ction indicators 1.2W 2
markers 21/5W 1157 2
Electrically heated
** Side turn signals 5W 2
rear window 1.2W 1
** Cornering lights 21/5W 1157 2
Shift up lAW 1
** Side guidance reversing
Check engine 1.2W 1
** lights 21W 1156 2
High beam 1.2W 1
** Rear turn signal
Handbrake 1.4W 1
** lights 21W 1156 2
Seat belt reminder 1.2W 1
** Back-up lights 21W 1156 2
Low fuel 1.2W 1
Brake, tail, side
marker 21/5W 1157 2
*) Cartridge bulb Taillights 5W 67 2
**) Glass fitting Brake lights 21W 1156 3

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Specifications 89

Identification numbers
please quote the vehicle identification num-
bers (V.LN.) in all correspondance concer-
ning your vehicle.
S 7774
Vehicle Identification
Number (V.I.N.)
v.I.N. punched in
car body

Transmission number,
automatic transmission

Transmisson number,
manual transmission

Engine number Trim code

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90 Index

INDEX Carpets, cleaning 68 Firing order 58

Central locking . 25 Fuel and fluids 50
Check engine light 5 Fuel system . . 43-44
Childproof doors . 24 Fuses .. . . 61
Continuous Injection System 43
Cooling system, coolant 53,84 Gear positions, shifting 33
Air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Cruise control . . . . . . . 35,47
Air Conditioning . . . .. . . . . 9 Handbrake . . .. 4,86
Air Conditioning troubleshouting 67 Dipstick, automatic transmission 52 Hazard warning switch 4,8
Alarm System (SAAB-GUARD) 27 Dimensions 82 Headlights adjustment . 59
Alternator 58 Door locks . . . . . 24 Headrests . . .. 15
APC-System . . . . . . 46 Heated rear window 8
Audio Equipment 21 Economical driving 37 Heating and ventilation 9
Automatic Transmission 34 Electrical system . . 87 Hood .. . . . . 26
Emission control systems 42
Battery . . . . . . . . 57 Emission systems maintenance
Belt tension, alternator 57 program 73
Brakes . . . . . 36, 54, 86 Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,83 Identification numbers . . . . . . . 89
Brake fluid . . . 55 Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . 50,82 Ignition switch and gear lever lock. 4, 30
Break-in service 71 Evaporative emission control Instrument panel cover page 2
Bulbs, changing 59 system . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Jacking vehicle . 65

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Index 91

Lambda control system 44 Rear seat . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Tire chains .. 63

Leather upholstery 68 Regular maintenance program 76 Tire changing 65
Light bulbs . . . . . 88 Rust prevention 69 Tire pressure 87
Luggage space .. . 26,82 Relays 62 Tires, replacement 87
Towing by tow truck 39
Manual transmission 32,85 Seat belts 16 Towing a trailer 38
Mirrors . . . . . . . 20 Seat adjustment 14 Troubleshooting engine 66
Seat heating 14 Turbocharger 46
Oil changing, engine 51 Service and maintenance 70
Oil changing, transmission 51 Service record retention 72 Upholstery, care of 68
Oil specifications 82 Shift indicator light 5,33
Owner assistance 70 Spark plugs . . . . . 87 Valve clearances 83
Oxygen sensor 44 Specifications 81 Vehicle Identification Nwnber 89
Starting and driving 29 Wheel alignment . . . . . . . 86
Paintwork, care of 67 Sunroof . . . . . . . 19 Wheels and tires . . . . . . . 63,87
Power steering . . 56,86 Windshield wipers and washers 59
Power steering, fluid 86 Winter driving . . . . . . . . . 37
Power windows 20

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To open hood: Pull hood release lever (located under left side of instrument panel). Press the front
edge of hood down slightly and release safety catch. Allow fi'ont of hood to rise and
move forward, then tilt entire hood forward. To close hood tilt rearward and reverse
the above procedure.
(Close slowly until safety catch engages, then push firmly to latch.)
T o remove ""t"Ion
key: Engage Reverse (manual) or Park (automatic) and turn key to "L" (lock).
Key switch is located on center console.
Recommended fuel: Unleaded, minimum octane rating 87 or higher. (SPG models require
premium unleaded)
EngineOi1: Use only oils meeting both SAE viscosity and API Service classes listed below.
Viscosity - SAE 10W-30 (Alternated - SAE 5W-30, SAE 15W-40 API Service
- Turbo: SF/CD or SF/CC. 900, 900S: SF/CC
Gearbox Oil: Manual- SAE 10W-30, SAE 10W-40 or SAE EP 75, API GL-4 or GL-5 Automatic-
Type "F", M2C33F (Do not use Dexron ATF)
Final Drive (Automatic): SAE EP 80, API GL-4 or GL-5
Coolant: Saab brand coolant (BASF G-105) mixed with clean fresh water (minimum 50%
glycol in mix year round).
Power Steering: Use only "GM Specification Power Steering Fluid" (GM 9985919, Texaco TL 4634 or
equivalent.) Do not use ATF.
Tires: Pressures: See page 87. Do not tighten wheel nuts with an impact wrench.
information: See Vehicle Emission Control Information label, left front inner fender.
Towing disabled
vehicle: See recommendations on page 39.
CAUTION: The fuel injection system should be adjusted or serviced only with the proper tools and according to prescribed procedures and only be qualified persons
skilled in Saab Fuel I'liection servicing. Fuel lines must never be cut or spliced and all connections must be properly torqued on reassembly. Tampering
with the Fuel Injection System or Turbocharger.(if equipped) may void warran1y coverage of affected components.
When welding on vehicle, disconnect the alternator. Avoid the plastic fuel tank and lines and all fl ammable materials.

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Underhood components
1. Dipstick, manual 10 . Washer fluid reservoir
tra nsmission * 11. Battery
2. Power steering reservoir 12. Turbocharger (Turbo only)
(16 valve) 13 . Ignition distributor
3. W a ter pump 14. Ignition coil
4. Alternator 15. Air flow meter (16 valve)
5. Bra ke fluid reservoir Fuel distributor (8 valve)
6. Coolant tank 16. Intercooler (Turbo only)
7. Engine oil dipstick, filter 17. Cruise control vacuum
hole pump
8. Fuel filter (8 valve) 18. Power steering pump 1
(beneath rear axle, 16 *) Automatic transmission dip-
valve) stick protrudes ahead of the
9 . Electronic ignition module engine near the upper
radiator hose.

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CJ "

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Sa.alj-Seania AB, Saab Car Division, Nykoping, Sweden

- ~---

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