Savage Worlds - Burning Rubber
Savage Worlds - Burning Rubber
Savage Worlds - Burning Rubber
Savage Worlds presents a great set of abstract cards you’re going to be using for position come
chase rules. But there are times when they’re a in handy. Seperate out the Ace and face cards
bit too abstract. While they do model distance, into one stack, Deuce through Ten in the other.
they don’t model position (who’s in the lead, The lead car or cars will draw from the high
who’s in second, etc). For dogfights, spaceship cards, while all the other cars draw from the
battles, and the like, this works out fine, but Deuce to Ten stack.
there are times when being first matters.
If you don’t want to worry about this, there’s an
With that in mind, here are some tweaks you can equally easy way: have all the drivers EXCEPT
make to make the SW chase rules model a tradi- the leader draw for initiative/position. When
tional car chase perhaps a bit more closely. everyone else in position, assign the leader any
card higher than the highest chaser.
Setup Example: Ponch and Jon are chasing Grifty
McGrift, a bank robber. Ponch and Jon draw,
Before the chase begins, you’ll need an easy
getting a Nine and Seven. The GM decides that
way to track position visually.
they’re hot on Grfity’s heels, so he places the
thief on the Ten. If he decided that Grifty has a
I’ve found that the easiest way is to take all the
moderate lead, he could place him on the
cards, Ace to Deuce, of a single suit from an
Queen, and with a sizable lead Grifty could start
extra deck of cards. When you’re ready to begin
on the King or Ace.
the chase, lay these out in order; you’ll place
your markers on these cards to track your posi-
tion. Attacks
If you don’t have an extra deck, you can use Attacks are handled normally, with one change.
anything: pieces of paper, 3x5 cards, squares Cars that Skid, Spin, or Slip on the Out of
drawn on a battlemat, whatever’s handy. Cards Control table move back in the pack, towards the
are the best way to go, as you’ll see in a Deuce.
moment. Skid Move back 1 card
Slip Move back 1d6 cards
Initiative Spin Move back to the Deuce
Obviously, the furthest back you can be placed is Flee, Shake a Tail, and Steady
the Deuce. If you’re on the Deuce and Skid, Slip,
or Spin, you’re removed from the chase.
These maneuvers are all handled normally.
If you’re running a car race, obstacles typically
represent ‘the pack’: a cluster of cars you’ll have
to avoid in order to get out in front.