Savage Worlds - Burning Rubber

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Burning Rubber:

Alternate Chase Rules for Savage Worlds

by Butch Curry
Savage Worlds is Copyright 2003, Great White Games. This work is not an officially licensed product and has no affiliation with Great
White Games.

Savage Worlds presents a great set of abstract cards you’re going to be using for position come
chase rules. But there are times when they’re a in handy. Seperate out the Ace and face cards
bit too abstract. While they do model distance, into one stack, Deuce through Ten in the other.
they don’t model position (who’s in the lead, The lead car or cars will draw from the high
who’s in second, etc). For dogfights, spaceship cards, while all the other cars draw from the
battles, and the like, this works out fine, but Deuce to Ten stack.
there are times when being first matters.
If you don’t want to worry about this, there’s an
With that in mind, here are some tweaks you can equally easy way: have all the drivers EXCEPT
make to make the SW chase rules model a tradi- the leader draw for initiative/position. When
tional car chase perhaps a bit more closely. everyone else in position, assign the leader any
card higher than the highest chaser.
Setup Example: Ponch and Jon are chasing Grifty
McGrift, a bank robber. Ponch and Jon draw,
Before the chase begins, you’ll need an easy
getting a Nine and Seven. The GM decides that
way to track position visually.
they’re hot on Grfity’s heels, so he places the
thief on the Ten. If he decided that Grifty has a
I’ve found that the easiest way is to take all the
moderate lead, he could place him on the
cards, Ace to Deuce, of a single suit from an
Queen, and with a sizable lead Grifty could start
extra deck of cards. When you’re ready to begin
on the King or Ace.
the chase, lay these out in order; you’ll place
your markers on these cards to track your posi-
tion. Attacks
If you don’t have an extra deck, you can use Attacks are handled normally, with one change.
anything: pieces of paper, 3x5 cards, squares Cars that Skid, Spin, or Slip on the Out of
drawn on a battlemat, whatever’s handy. Cards Control table move back in the pack, towards the
are the best way to go, as you’ll see in a Deuce.
moment. Skid Move back 1 card
Slip Move back 1d6 cards
Initiative Spin Move back to the Deuce

For the first round of initiative, determine if

there’s a lead car at the outset of the chase. If
your players are cops chasing an escaping felon,
then the felon should start out in front. However,
if you’re running a drag race, then everyone
starts on an equal footing.

If you have a lead car, this is where the extra

Based on the situation, any of these could also Force
take the car completely out of the chase as well.
For example, if there’s a steep embankment on Position is important for another reason: if you
either side of the road, a Slip could send the car want to Force an opponent, you must be on the
into the ditch. same card as them or ahead of them.

Obviously, the furthest back you can be placed is Flee, Shake a Tail, and Steady
the Deuce. If you’re on the Deuce and Skid, Slip,
or Spin, you’re removed from the chase.
These maneuvers are all handled normally.

If you’re running a car race, obstacles typically
represent ‘the pack’: a cluster of cars you’ll have
to avoid in order to get out in front.

For chases, the obstacles represent other cars,

pedestrians, road signs, hot dog carts... virtually
anything you can imagine. Lead cars have an
advantage in being able to avoid obstacles better
Maneuvers than those following them (think of the speeder
chase in Return of the Jedi for example). If
you’re forced back in the pack by a Force or a
Now it’s time to start the action!
roll on the Out of Control table, you’ll have to
check to avoid obstacles on your next turn.
Being in the lead has it’s advantages: the lead
car determines whether the chase continues
straight up Main Street or careening off-road, for Obstacle Alternative
Here’s another way to handle Obstacles. It’s fast
With that in mind, after the first round, do not and easy, and has a more organic feel than the
draw for Initiative. If you want to move up to a standard version.
better position, you’ll have to use the Change
Position or Trail maneuver to do so. The lead car The GM rolls a d6 at the beginning of each
will stay in the lead until you’re able to catch him. round. On a 1, he draws a card. Everyone acting
If two cars are on the same card, have the driv- on or after that card must make a Driving roll to
ers make an opposed Driving roll. Winner goes avoid the obstacle that round.
You can vary the density of obstacles by increas-
ing or decreasing the target number of the roll.
Change Positon and Trail
On a 3 or less, you’re driving in heavy traffic, off-
road through a forest, etc. On a 5 or less, you’re
Since you’re not drawing cards for position every
driving somewhere you really shouldn’t be, like
round, Change Position and Trail become the
into oncoming traffic! (Check out the ‘Drive Into
key maneuvers in the chase, particularly if you’re
Traffic’ stunt for more on this one.)
running a race of some kind. Other than their
increased importance, though, there are no
1 Light traffic/obstacles
changes in how they’re handled.
3 or less Heavy traffice/obstacles
5 or less Treacherous!
Stunts removed from the chase. The winner moves to
the Deuce. On a tied roll, neither driver flinches,
and the two cars collide. Either driver can
Stunts are the driving equivalent of Tricks;
choose to pull away before making their Guts
they’re wild, cinematic moves you can pull in
order to gain an advantage in a chase. In many
cases you can use the Trick rules as is, but in
others they simply don’t make sense. Here are a Drive Into Traffic
few examples.
One of the most dangerous of all moves, this
one is a pure desperation move. With this stunt,
Catching Air
you try to shake your pursuers by driving into
oncoming traffic.Upon entering the wrong side of
One of the classics. Rather than avoiding an
the road, you can make no maneuvers except
obstacle, you drive onto it in order to launch your
dodging oncoming cars or leaving the wrong
vehicle in the air! (“Look at them Duke boys fly!”)
lane. You, and every car that chooses to pursue
This move requires a Driving roll at -4. Success
you, must make two rolls every round: a Driving
means you automatically move up 1d4 positions.
roll at -2 to avoid collision, and a Guts check. If
If you Flee as your next action, you get a +2 to
anyone chooses not to follow, they’re removed
your Driving roll. If you fail the roll, roll a d6. On
from the chase.Anyone failing the Guts roll will
a 1-3, you crash into the obstacle for normal
have to leave the chase. Anyone failing the
damage. On a 4-6, you launch in the air and
Driving roll crashes into an oncoming car at high
move ahead 1 position, but you must roll on the
speed. This continues until you’ve either
Out of Control table when you land.
removed everyone else from the chase (after
which you wisely return to the right side of the
Playing Chicken road!) or you return to the right side of the road.

Another classic move. In this one, you whip your

Slam on the Brakes
car around and drive directly at another car
behind you.
You brake hard in order to move back. Make a
Driving roll; with a success, you can move up to
You must be ahead of the defending car in order
2 positions back, +1 position for each raise on
to play Chicken. When you do, immediately
the roll. If you fail the roll, you risk going Out of
move your vehicle into the same position as the
defender, and the drivers make an opposed Guts Control.
roll. The loser veers out of the way and is
Driving Edges Requirements: Seasoned, Driving d8+
You can push your car to the limit, squeezing
Here are a few new driving-related Edges; most more performance out of it than other drivers
are applicable to Burning Rubber, while others could ever dream of. When driving a car or
are used for tactical driving. Edges which modify motorcycle, the Top Speed of your vehicle is
your Driving rolls stack with those granted by the increased by 10.
Ace Professional Edge.
Sharp Turn
Defensive Driver Requirements: Seasoned, Driving d8+
Requirements: Novice, Driving d6+ Rather than using the Turn Template, you can
You’re good at getting out of the way. Whenever make up to a 90 degree turn without making a
you’re on the receiving end of an opposed Driving roll.
Driving roll, you get a +2 to your roll.
Fancy Driving Requirements: Novice, Grease Monkey, Repair
Requirements: Seasoned, Driving d10+ d8+
You’re a master behind the wheel. You can make You can improve a car’s performance. When you
two different driving maneuvers in a single round tune up a car (make a Repair roll at -2; takes 4
with no multi-action penalty. (Note that that’s two hours, -1 hour for each raise on your roll), the
different maneuvers; you can’t Change Position driver gets a +1 on all their driving rolls for their
twice in one round, though you could Change next chase. After each chase, the car must be
Position and then try to Catch Air.) retuned to retain the bonus.

Getaway Driver Edge Alternates

Requirements: Seasoned, Driving d8+
After a heist, you’re the guy they all want behind If you want to keep the number of new Edges
the wheel. You get a +2 to all your Flee and you introduce to a minimum, try using some of
Shake a Tail rolls. these Edges as Maneuver modifiers or the like
Grease Monkey
Requirements: Novice, Repair d6+ Drive Defensively: Until your next turn, you get
You’re a wizard with a wrench. You get a +2 to a +2 on all opposed Driving rolls where you are
all your Repair rolls. the defender. The only maneuver you can per-
form while doing so is Change Position.
Offensive Driver
Requirements: Novice, Driving d6+ Drive Offensively: Until your next turn, you get
That’s not ‘offensive’ as in ‘you smell bad’ a +2 on all Force Driving rolls, but you take a -2
(although maybe you do...). Rather, you’re good on all your rolls to avoid going Out of Control.
at making other people get out of the way. You
get a +2 to all your Force rolls. Tune-up: Make a repair roll at -4. If you suc-
ceed, you can improve a vehicles performance
Quick Off the Line until the end of it’s next Chase. You can either
Requirements: Novice, Driving d6+ increase the top speed of the vehicle by 10 (this
You’re particularly skilled at getting a head start doesn’t stack with the Redline Edge) or improve
in a chase or race. In the first round of the its handling, giving the driver a +1 to all Driving
chase, draw three cards for Initiative and use the rolls.
best one. For any subsequent draws you draw
only a single card.

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