Gaslands: Refuelled: T S D W
Gaslands: Refuelled: T S D W
Gaslands: Refuelled: T S D W
Medium Straight
Long Straight
Gentle When a wrecked vehicle is respawned, does
Turn its ammo reset?
No. It is respawned with the same number and type of
Hairpin ammo tokens it had when it got wrecked.
If you flip while on a ramp, and your
movement template touches the end of the
Yeah, rules as written, you ignore the ramp because the
Permitted & Trivial flip movement ignores obstructions, and you don’t trigger
it. Rule of cool, you definitely do.
has to choose a legal template. How do they Yes. Weight difference is not a perk or upgrade and so
do that if none are legal? still effects the number of dice rolled. In the case of a
weight increase due to a perk, the vehicle is treated as
Zero crew means that only hazardous templates are legal
being its normal starting weight.
during the movement step. The other player selection
step of the “touch it use it rule” is outside of the normal When I purchase a crew weapon for a vehicle
movement step and so the other player can select any how many copies of that weapon do I get and
template normally legal for the zero crew vehicle.
how many crew can use it?
Each time you buy a crew weapon, you get one copy.
VEHICLES, WEAPONS & Each copy of a crew weapon can only be used by a single
crew member at a time, unless it has the “blitz” special
UPGRADES rule. Essentially, you have bought a single magnum
pistol (for example) and put it into the car: any
Can a performance car trigger Slip Away
crewmember can pick it up and fire it, but two people
during its own activation?
can’t fire it at the same time.
If I harpoon a car and drag it backwards so
Do Dropped Weapons count as “shooting that its rear contacts my front, is that a head-
attacks”? Are crew-fired weapons “shooting on because they moved in reverse?
weapons”? Are grenades and similar
No. Moving in reverse is its own specific rule, being
“shooting weapons”? dragged backwards is different, this would be a rear
Any weapon that requires a target counts as a shooting
weapon and makes shooting attacks. Dropped weapons
If I harpoon the rear of a car into my side If I fit a lightweight trailer onto a
what then? heavyweight vehicle and someone collides
That’s a T-bone, since the contact of rear and side with it, what weight class do I count as?
qualifies both as rear ender and T-bone, rule of carnage Heavyweight. Trailers are upgrades and don’t actually
selects T-bone. have a weight class, only vehicles and obstacles have
weight classes, the trailer changes the footprint of a
Since harpoon hits don’t do damage can they
vehicle, but not its weight class.
be evaded before hits with damage and no
Lightweight, Middleweight and Heavyweight are here
special rules?
just confusing names, not rules categories, think of them
No. Hits with special rules must be evaded after ones as small, medium and large if that helps.
without, irrespective of the damage potential of those
Bombs Away/Trunk of Junk says that I can
attack any number of times with dropped
If I have two harpoons fitted and hit the same weapons. Does this mean that I can attack
car with both of them, do I spend two hits more times than I have crew/fitted
spinning them towards me? weapons/ammo?
No, you pool your results then resolve them, so you got
No. The normal rules only allow you to attack with one
however many harpoon hits from both harpoons, the first
dropped weapon per activation, Bombs Away and Trunk
of which spins the target, the rest reel them in.
of Junk allow you to ignore this rule. You still need the
ammo, crew and enough copies of the weapon or enough
If I spin a target with the harpoon and an
different weapons to attack multiple times.
obstacle stops them so they’re not facing me,
do I pull them in a line away from me, or SPONSORS & PERKS
sideways towards me or what?
Can the “Highway to Hell” perk be used
You don’t get to pull them at all. The harpoon lets you before gate 1 in a Death Race?
move cars short straight directly towards you only, if you
Yes, as with all perks it is active from the start line.
can’t move them short straight in a way that goes straight
towards you then you can’t move them, and you only get
Can the Cult use “Fire Walk With Me” and
to use short straights aligned at the front or back end of
the vehicle.
“Purifying Flames” to heal more damage than
they take?
Can I drag someone through multiple non-
Fire Walk With Me says “...may reduce the damage
destructible obstacles with a harpoon?
received...” Purifying Flames literally says “This damage
No. The harpoon moves are not part of the movement cannot be reduced”.
step, rather they are forced moves, so a vehicle does not This means, unless you actually take the damage and
ignore obstacles that they start touching during them. check off hull points, you don’t heal the other vehicle. No
Between this and the previous rule, you only get to way out of that devil’s deal.
harpoon a vehicle into a single collision per harpoon hit. 3
Can vehicles with the Ghost Rider rule both When a vehicle is forced to reduce its gear by
use and be affected by dropped weapons? the Highway Patrol’s Siren effect, does it also
Can I use Eureka to magic up a BFG on a
facing other than front-facing?
During “Capture the Flag” what happens if a
No. The BFG is specifically front-facing only.
vehicle carrying a Flag drives off the play
Do I have to have bought the weapon that I area?
select when using the Eureka perk?
Technically it would mean that the Flag is potentially
No, that’s sort of the point. forever unreachable. Instead, when a vehicle leaves play,
drop the Flag within short range of the point that the
Can Rusty use a long straight with a Nitro? vehicle exited the table.
No. Dead Weight (for example) says “this vehicle may gain
2 Hazard Tokens to count as one weight-class heavier”.
Gaining the hazard tokens is the payment you must
make to activate the ability: if you can’t gain the tokens,
you can’t get the effect.
No, only other vehicles are valid targets for anything that
requires a target (p30). 5