Bio Concept

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Animal and plant cell

Mitochondria (smaller)
Cytoplasm (Liquid)

Plant cell
Chloroplasts (bigger) It is a part where photosynthesis take place
Chlorophyll : It will absorb sun light and covert into chemical energy

Organelle : usually describe as the organ of

∞ plant

-Gene is a sac of DNA that code for specific protein

-Occur in cytoplasm or ribosomes

Enzyme is biological catalyst

#They will be denatured if too high temp
In pH 7 work best

-contract muscle cell , producing movement
-active transport of molecules and ions
-building large molecules
-cell division
Anaerobic respiration
-glucose > lactate or lactic acid
-Need to oxidise the lactate when aerobic respiration, oxygen debt

Water moves from high conc to low conc
Only can occur in permeable membrane for only water
^We call it partially permeable

Guard cell : control the pore for gas exchange

Organ : A collection of several tissues carrying out particular function

Tissues: Cells with similar function groups together

Optic nerve : carrying nerve

承 impulses to the brain
Fovea : High concentration cone
Retina : Contains light receptors (rods + cones)
Iris : control pupil size
Cornea : Refract light
Pupil : Controls amount of light entering
Lens :Focus light on retina
Circular muscle - radial muscle
- Contrict收縮 -Dilate擴張 Pupil

Bright light :we don’t want many get into our eye
Circular muscle contract , radial muscle relax
^Pupil constrict .less light get into our eye

Dim light :we want more light get into our light
Radial muscle contract , Circular muscle relax
^Pupil dilate , more light get into our eye

Distant and nearby object

Distant: ciliary muscle relax
Suspensory ligament pulled tight
Lens flat
Nearby: ciliary muscle contract
suspensory ligament slack 鬆弛
lens more rounded
How coronary heart disease can cause death (5)
-Coronary artery has narrowed
-cholesterol 膽固醇 to many
-less blood to the heart
-less oxygen
-less aerobic respiration
-heart attack ⼼臟病發

How smoking can harm the lung

-Lead emphysema
-damage the alveoli
-build up of mucus 粘液
- have bronchitis disease
-It is a mechanism that help moves food along the alimentary canal
-muscle of the wall of oesophagus contract and relax

Stomach contain hydrochloric acid to kill bacteria

-contain amylase , trypsin , lipase
Bile store in gall bladder , Bile break down large lipid
Increase surface area for lipase to work

Energy content in food investigation

1.weight the food sample 20cm cube of water in to the boiling tube
3.measure the temp of water
4.Heat the food and hold it under the boiling tube
5.Continue this until it will no longer burn
6.stir the water and measure the final temperature.

Energy in food
J per g = m c delt.T / mass of food
Artery: Carry blood away from heart
Vein :carry blood into heart
Capillaries : carry blood through organs

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MActoappurtryga ,
We have sensory neurone relay neurone and motor neurone

When we touch hot objects

-sensory receptors feel pain
-sent nerve impulses
-pass through synapse and neurotransmitter transmitting the impulses to
-brain response and sent message to the motor neurone
-motor neurone control the muscle to draw away the hands

Liver :Assimilate glucose into glycogen

Structure of nephron ( excretion )

1.Enter Bowman’s capsules, filtration of blood from the glomerulus

3Fluid become glomerulus filtrate , process ultrafiltration , allowing small
molecules pass through , stop big molecules pass through
4.Afterwards they pass through loop of Henle , reabsorb water and
5.Last urine will enter collecting duct and moves into renal pelvis
6.Negative feedback
1.Our sensory receptors will sent signal to our brain
2.Our sweat gland will release sweat to release heat
3.Our hair erector will traps air
4.More blood are flow to skin surface
[old ? )
Meiosis Mitosis

Ovary : produce egg

Embryo (盃胎)/ fetus (胎兒)develops in uterus
Oviduct: take egg from ovary to uterus
Structure of placenta

Maternal blood vessel :Push all deoxygenated blood

Umbilical cord : Helps fetus development

Umbilical artery:carry out deoxygenated blood and waste to placenta

Umbilical vein :carry in oxygenated blood and nutrients to fetus

Puberty (⻘春期)
Both male and female
-Sperm production/ Egg released by ovaries each moth
-growth of male / female sexual organs
-sexual drive development
Mensuration cycle 124-125
Using potometer to measure the rate of transpiration
-There is water bubble in the scale
-water bubble will move
-record the distance over time
-Use the reservoir to refill the capillary tube
-Repeat the experiment

Reproduction of plant
Special type of asexual reproduction: cutting
- Pollen grain and ova (gametes)
-PG produce in anther , egg produced in ovules
Pollination > Seed > fruit

Self pollination
-pollen grain from anther to stigma

2 type of cross pollination ( insect and wind)

3 difference
-Wind pollinated stamen exposed so wind can blow pollen easily
-Insect pollinated petals are large to attract insect
-Insect pollinated are bright coloured to attract insects


Three Conditions for germination of seed

-warm temperature (for enzyme to work efficiently)
-water for chemical reaction
-oxygen for respiration
Energy loss ( eco system)
-Not all part are eaten
-some part are not digested
-some part are absorb by excretory product
-Respiration release energy , loss carbon dioxide and water
Transcription and translation

DNA is double helix

4 bases
Adenine | Thymine | Cytosine | Guanine

Protein synthesis occurred in cytoplasm

-DNA stay in nucleus
-we need to copy (mRNA)
-carry amino acid to ribosome to make protein (tRNA)

Transcription :unzip the genetic code

Translation : covert mRNA to protein

Homozygous (TT /tt) dominant or recessive
Heterozygous (Tt) dominant only

Tall / Jarvis

XY : male XX : female
Natural selection

Cross breeding

-long life
-disease resistance
-increase fertility

Selective breeding

-Less variation
-Harmful to animals

There is a parent (animal) and donor cell (animal)

The nucleus is removed from an unfertilised egg cell.
The nucleus from an mammary gland cell, is inserted into the unfertilised egg .
An electric fuse two cells and develop to form an embryo.
Embryo transferred into surrogate mother .
(Animal) born is genetically identical to parent mother.

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