2.eyes Histology
2.eyes Histology
2.eyes Histology
conjunctiva posterior
ciliary cavity
cornea chamber
anterior lens
Vascular coat (uvea)
A. Choroid:
The choroid is the highly vascular, pigmented layer of the eye, its
loose CT contains many melanocytes.
It is loosly attached to the tunica fibrosa.
It has a deep choriocapillary layer and Bruch’s membrane (basement
B. Ciliary body:
It encircles the lens completely.
Formed of C.T. , melanocytes , blood capillaries & ciliary muscles.
Ciliary processes project from its medial side & are covered by 2 layers of
cubical epithelium:
- Outer pigmented:
- Inner non-pigmented: transports components from the plasma filtrate in
the posterior chamber and thus forms aqueous humor which flows to the
anterior chamber via the pupillary aperature.
- They also possess suspensory ligaments (zonule) that is inserted in the
capsule of the lens.
C. Iris
The iris seperates the anterior and
posterior chambers.
It is covered anteriorly by
endothelium lining the anterior
chamber & continuous with that on
the posterior aspect of cornea.
Its wall composed of loose
vascular CT containing
melanocytes and fibroblasts.
Muscle Layer (Constrictor &
dilator pupillae).
Posterioly covered by pigmented
epithelium (2 layers of cubical
Functions of Iris:
Control size of pupil, amount of
light & depth of focus.
Share in the formation of
aqueous humor from its
posterior surface (minimal).
Color of the eye.
Refractive Media of the Eye
1- Cornea. 2- Aqueous humor.
3- Lens. 4- Vitreous body.
Aqueous Humor
It is a thin watery fluid present in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye.
By filtration from posterior surface of iris and ciliary processes.
Active secretion by the epithelium of ciliary body.
Posterior chamber anterior chamber spaces of fontana canal of Schlemm
aqueous veins venous circulation.
Rate of production = rate of drainage, this keeps constant the IOP.
If rate of production > rate of drainage will end in Glucoma.
It is an avascular mass of gelled intercellular substance. It is traversed by the hyaloid canal,
which marks the position of hyaloid artery of the embryonic eye.
The colloidal gel contains hyaluronic acid and a network of type Il collagen fibers.
Transmit light (one of the refractive media).
Supports the lens anteriorly and the retina posteriorly.
Helps in retinal metabolism, allowing transfer of materials from and to the retina.
It is a transparent, biconvex structure of epithelial origin. Nourished by
aqueous humor.
It has neither blood nor nerve supply .
It is suspended by the zonule of ciliary body behind the pupil.
[1] Capsule :
It is thick lamina that covers the entire lens.
[2] Subcapsular Epithelium:
A layer of cubical epithelium covering the anterior surface of lens only
(under the capsule).
[3] Lens fibers:
They are elongated specialized epithelial cells filled with proteins that make
up most of the lens.
They have no organelles or nuclei.
Lens is similar to cornea in
being avascular & transparent.
Differs from cornea in
being formed of modified epithelial cells
& lacks C.T. component.
Nervous Coat
It is the innermost layer of the eye and is responsible for
Anteriorly, it decreases in thickness and becomes continuous
with the ciliary body and called ora serrata.
Posteriorly, it forms the optic disc, where the nerve fibers
merge to form the optic nerve.
Fovea centralis: a shallow depression in its posterior wall that
contains only cones and exhibits the greatest visual acuity.
Membranous entirely separated from outer segment Are invaginations of outer segment plasma
disks plasma membrane membrane
Rhodopsin is formed in rod’s inner Iodopsin is evenly distributed in cones’
Visual pigment segment & collects on the outer surface outer segments and is most sensitive to red
of the stacked vesicles. It is bleached by light.
Sensitive to light of low intensity (night Sensitive to light of high intensity(day
Sensitivity vision). Respond to slight differences in vision), permit greater visual acuity ,
light intensity and shades of gray. responsible for colour vision.
3. Infections near an opening of the tarsal gland ducts are called styes.
4. A chalazion is a cyst in the eyelid that is caused by inflammation of a
blocked meibomian gland.