Academic Calendar 2021 22

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Students Orientation Reporting & Registration Instruction begins
PG NA 19.07.2021 (Monday) – 23.07.2021 (Friday) 26.07.2021 (Monday)
UG NA 19.07.2021 (Monday) – 23.07.2021 (Friday) 26.07.2021 (Monday)
New PG 22.07.2021 (Thursday) 23.07.2021 (Friday) – 24.07.2021 (Saturday) 26.07.2021 (Monday)
Entrants UG to be declared to be declared to be declared

Last date for entry of Faculty Advisor by Academic units 28.06.2021 (Monday)
Last date for entry of bulletin in ADMS by Academic units 30.06.2021 (Wednesday)
Freezing of bulletin by the Head of Academic Units / Faculty-in-charge Latest by 02.07.2021 (Friday)
Pre-registration for Minor Courses (UG) 05.07.2021 (Monday) – 09.07.2021(Friday)
Allocation of Minor courses (UG) 12.07.2021 (Monday)
Last date for late registration (Without Fine) 30.07.2021 (Friday)
Last date for course adjustment 02.08.2021 (Monday)
Last date for approving course registration by Faculty Advisor 06.08.2021 (Friday)
21.08.2021 (Saturday) – 25.08.2021
Mid-term Course Feedback for all courses
Last date for dropping of first half-semester courses without “W” grade 06.09.2021 (Monday)
Award of DX grades for first half-semester courses Not Applicable
Final Course Feedback for first half-semester courses 07.09.2021 (Tuesday) – 10.09.2021 (Friday)
Mid-semester exam for full-semester courses and End-semester exam for first 11.09.2021 (Saturday) – 18.09.2021 (Saturday)
half-semester courses (Sundays excluded)
Last date for showing evaluated answer scripts / in-sem performance 30.09.2021 (Thursday)
On-line submission of grades for first half-semester courses (including conduct
15.09.2021 (Wednesday) – 01.10.2021 (Friday)
of Re-exam and corresponding grades, if any)
Last date for submission of pending eligibility documents [e.g. final year mark-
sheet / provisional certificate / release order, etc.] (TA-ship will be released only 30.09.2021 (Thursday)
after submission of all relevant documents)
Last date for course adjustment for second half-semester courses 27.09.2021 (Monday)
nd 16.10.2021 (Saturday) – 20.10.2021
Mid-term Course Feedback for 2 half-semester courses
Last date to drop second half-semester courses / full-semester courses without
01.11.2021 (Monday)
“W” grade
Award of DX grades for first half-semester and full semester courses Not Applicable
Final Course Feedback for full-semester and 2nd half-semester courses 02.11.2021 (Tuesday) - 07.11.2021 (Sunday)
Last date of instruction 05.11.2021 (Friday)
08.11.2021 (Monday) - 20.11.2021 (Saturday)
End-semester examination
(Sundays excluded)
Last date for showing evaluated answer scripts / in-sem performance 02.12.2021 (Thursday)
On-line submission of grades for full-sem & 2nd half-semester courses 10.11.2021 (Wednesday) – 03.12.2021 (Friday)
Last date for submitting application for re-totalling of marks 03.12.2021 (Friday)
Application for Re-exam [for students with FF grade / medical / other causes;
12.11.2021 (Friday) – 04.12.2021 (Saturday)
needs approval]
Re-examination 22.11.2021 (Monday) – 06.12.2021 (Monday)
Last date of Submission of Re-Exam grades 10.12.2021 (Friday)
WINTER VACATION (for students) 22.11.2021 (Monday) – 24.12.2021 (Friday)
Last date for transfer to Academic Rehabilitation Program (ARP) /
10.12.2021 (Friday)
Academic Probation (AP)
Last date for end of academic activities for Autumn Semester 10.12.2021 (Friday)

Students Orientation Reporting & Registration Instruction begins

On-roll (UG/PG) NA 27.12.2021 (Monday) – 31.12.2021 (Friday) 03.01.2022
New Entrants, PhD 31.12.2021 (Friday) (forenoon) 31.12.2021 (Friday) (afternoon) (Monday)

Last date for entry of Faculty Advisor by Academic units 10.12.2021 (Friday)
Last date for entry of bulletin in ADMS by Academic units 10.12.2021 (Friday)
Freezing of Bulletin by the Head of Academic Units / Faculty in-charge Latest by 14.12.2021 (Tuesday)
15.12.2021 (Wednesday) – 22.12.2021
Pre-registration for Minor Courses (UG)
Allocation for Minor courses (UG) 24.12.2021 (Friday)
Last date for late registration (Without Fine) 07.01.2022 (Friday)
Last date for course adjustment 10.01.2022 (Monday)
Last date for approving course registration by Faculty Advisor 14.01.2022 (Friday)
29.01.2022 (Saturday) – 02.02.2022
Mid-term Course Feedback for all courses
Last date for dropping of first half-semester courses without “W” grade 14.02.2022 (Monday)
Award of DX grades for first half-semester courses Not Applicable
Final Course Feedback for first half-semester courses 15.02.2022 (Tuesday) – 18.02.2022 (Friday)
Mid-semester exam for full-semester courses and End-semester exam for first 19.02.2022 (Saturday) – 26.02.2022 (Saturday)
half-semester courses (Sunday excluded)
Last date for showing evaluated answer scripts / in-sem performance 10.03.2022 (Thursday)
On-line submission of grades for first half-semester courses (including conduct of 02.03.2022 (Wednesday) – 11.03.2022
Re-exam and corresponding grades, if any) (Friday)
Last date for submission of pending eligibility documents - PG [e.g. final year
mark-sheet / provisional certificate / release order, etc.] (TA-ship will be released 28.02.2022 (Monday)
only after submission of all relevant documents)
Last date for course adjustment for second half-semester courses 07.03.2022 (Monday)
26.03.2022 (Saturday) – 30.03.2022
Mid-term Course Feedback for 2nd half-semester courses
Last date to drop second half-semester courses/ full-semester courses without
11.04.2022 (Monday)
“W” grade
Award of DX grades for second half-semester and full semester courses Not Applicable
Final Course Feedback for full-semester and 2nd half-semester courses 12.04.2022 (Tuesday) – 17.04.2022 (Sunday)
Last date of instruction 15.04.2022 (Friday)
18.04.2022 (Monday) - 30.04.2022 (Saturday)
End-semester examination
(Sunday excluded)
Last date for showing evaluated answer scripts / in-sem performance 11.05.2022 (Wednesday)
20.04.2022 (Wednesday) – 13.05.2022
On-line submission of grades for full-sem and second half-semester courses
Last date for submitting application for re-totalling of marks 12.05.2022 (Thursday)
Application for Re-exam [for students with FF grade / medical / other causes;
22.04.2022 (Friday) – 14.05.2022 (Saturday)
needs approval]
Re-examination 02.05.2022 (Monday) – 16.05.2022 (Monday)
Submission of Re-Exam grades Latest by 20.05.2022 (Friday)
Summer VACATION (for students)
02.05.2022 (Monday) – 22.07.2022 (Friday)
(for Masters TA-category students, vacation is limited to 15 days)
Last date for transfer to Academic Rehabilitation Program (ARP) / Academic
20.05.2022 (Friday)
Probation (AP)
Last date for end of academic activities for Spring Semester 20.05.2022 (Friday)
Last date to receive list of summer courses from academic units 28.01.2022 (Friday)
Display of list of Summer courses being offered 02.05.2022 (Monday)
Registration 06.05.2022 (Friday) – 14.05.2022 (Saturday)
Instruction begins 16.05.2022 (Monday)
Last date for dropping of summer courses 23.05.2022 (Monday)
Last date of Instruction (8 Weeks) 08.07.2022 (Friday)
09.07.2022 (Saturday) – 16.07.2022 (Saturday)
Term-end final exam
(Sunday excluded)
Last date for showing evaluated answer scripts 21.07.2022 (Thursday)
Last date for on-line submission of grades 22.07.2022 (Friday)

Notes pertaining to academic activities

Many academic units organize orientation programmes for teaching assistants (TAs) and R&D orientations for
new PG and UG entrants. An Institute level orientation is also often organized for these purposes. Attendance
and participation in the orientation programme is mandatory for TAs. Absence from the same will make the
TAs liable for a financial penalty in the scholarship / financial support. All academic units / instructors of
Institute core courses are expected to organize the orientation in a format that they find appropriate to enable
the best use of the services of the TAs.
2. Registration for second half-semester courses should also be completed at the beginning of the semester.
The presentation and submission of grade for the credit seminar must be completed by the last date of
grade submission as per the academic calendar.
4. Saturdays are included in both Mid-semester and End-semester dates.

BTech / BS
Stage Registration Report Submission by Presentation by

I Alongwith registration dates for Semester Regn. 19.11.2021 (Friday) 09.12.2021 (Thursday)
II Alongwith registration dates for Semester Regn. 08.04.2022 (Friday) 09.05.2022 (Monday)

DD (BTech + MTech)
Report Presentation / Grade submission
Batch / Stage Registration
submission by Assessment by by
(2017 - 2022 Batch) Stage I Over in January, 2021 15.10.2021 (Friday) 22.10.2021 (Friday) 30.10.2021 (Saturday)
(2017 - 2022 Batch) Stage II with Stage - I grade subm. 17.06.2022 (Friday) 24.06.2022 (Friday) 30.06.2022 (Thursday)
Alongwith registration Next academic Next academic
(2018 - 2023 Batch) Stage I Next academic session
dates for Spring Sem. session session

MTech / MPhil / MPP

Report Submission Presentation /
Batch / Stage Registration Grade submission by
by Assessment by
Full-time (2020 - 2022 Batch);
Over in January,
Part-time (2019 - 2022 Batch) 15.10.2021 (Friday) 22.10.2021 (Friday) 30.10.2021 (Saturday)
Stage I
Full-time ( 2020 - 2022 Batch);
with Stage - I
Part-time (2019 - 2022 Batch) 17.06.2022 (Friday) 24.06.2022 (Friday) 30.06.2022 (Thursday)
grade submission
Stage II
Full-time (2021 - 2023 Batch); alongwith
Next academic
Part-time (2020 - 2023 Batch) registration dates Next academic session Next academic session
Stage I for Spring Sem.

Report Submission Presentation /
Batch / Stage Registration Grade submission by
by Assessment by
(2020 - 2022 Batch); With grade submission
15.10.2021 (Friday) 22.10.2021 (Friday) 30.10.2021 (Saturday)
Project II of Stage - I

(2020 - 2022 Batch); With grade submission

17.06.2022 (Friday) 24.06.2022 (Friday) 30.06.2022 (Thursday)
Project III of Stage - II

(2021 – 2023 Batch); Alongwith registration

Next academic session Next academic session Next academic session
Project I dates for Spring Sem.

Submission of APS report to
Semester Progress Report Submission Presentation / Assessment
05.07.2021 (Monday) to 12.11.2021 20.07.2021 (Tuesday) to 26.11.2021
Autumn 30.11.2021 (Tuesday)
(Friday) (Friday)
20.12.2021 (Monday) to 15.04.2022 03.01.2022 (Monday) to 29.04.2022
Spring 03.05.2022 (Tuesday)
(Friday) (Friday)
Submission of application by M.Tech / M.Phil / MPP student for conversion to MTech /
29.04.2022 (Friday)
MPhil /MPP + PhD Dual Degree
Assessment of Research Proposal by MTech / MPhil / MPP + PhD Dual Degree 30.06.2022 (Thursday)
Notes pertaining to Dissertation / PhD Annual Progress Seminar

PhD students with CSIR / UGC fellowships and supported by other similar agencies can schedule their Annual
1. Progress Seminar by considering requirements of funding agency. The schedule must be maintained in a consistent

For evaluations of Masters' / Dual Degree Dissertations, the evaluation schedule in a given academic unit may be
2. spread over a large enough segment with the permissible time-window to allow possibilities of adjustment of
evaluation date(s) and prevent overloading the faculty members with too many evaluations on a single day.

For project / dissertation / credit seminar related presentations, report / dissertation should be submitted at least
seven days prior to the date of presentation / assessment.


59th Convocation 07.08.2021 (Saturday) / 14.08.2021 (Saturday) / 21.08.2021 (Saturday)
Teachers' day 05.09.2021 (Sunday)
National Education day 11.11.2021 (Thursday)
Alumni day (4th day of December) 26.12.2021 (Sunday)
Interim session of 60 Convocation 26.02.2022 (Saturday)


Senate meeting for 59th Convocation Tentatively 21.07.2021 (Wednesday)

UGPC meeting (Tentative) (usually on a Wednesday) Usually on the same day as PGPC meetings (as below)

PGPC meeting (Tentative) (usually on a Wednesday) 08.09.2021, 01-12-2021, 02-02-2022, 12-04-2022

Senate meeting (Tentative) (usually on a Wednesday) 22.09.2021, 15-12-2021, 16-02-2022, 04-05-2022

PGAPEC meeting Usually on Last Wednesday of every month

for Spring Sem 2021 - 2022 30.09.2021 (Thursday)

Last date to receive course
proposals (New / Revised)
for Autumn Sem 2022 - 2023 26.02.2022 (Saturday)

for Autumn Sem 2021 - 2022 07.08.2021 (Saturday), 09.10.2021 (Saturday); 03.12.2021 (Friday)
ARP Committee meetings

for Spring Sem 2021 - 2022 22.01.2022 (Saturday), 19.03.2022 (Saturday); 13.05.2022 (Friday)

Academic Performance Autumn Sem 2021-2022 All cases (including Re-exam cases): 30.12.2021 (Thursday)
Review by UGAPEC
Spring Sem 2021-2022 All cases (including Re-exam cases): 09.07.2022 (Saturday)

All cases: 16.12.2021 (Thursday); Re-exam cases: 30.12.2021

Autumn Sem 2021-2022
Academic Performance (Thursday)
Review by PGAPEC
All cases: 26.05.2022 (Thursday); Re-exam cases: 14.07.2022
Spring Sem 2021-2022

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