Planeación Productive Communication in English

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Secretaría Académica

Dirección de Formación Académica



Nombre del plantel Conalep Los Mochis I Nombre del docente Rocío Elena Luna Quintana

The students build descriptions extensively using

syntactic and grammatical elements, they make
comparisons of two or more objects that have
common or contrasting elements; they can
Productive Communication in
Nombre del módulo Propósito del módulo express using intensifiers in different contexts;
they use tag questions to confirm suppositions
and connect sentences and ideas using specific
vocabulary, all of this considering communication
as the main idea of the speech development.

Competencia del módulo Disciplinar X Profesional Semestre Fourth

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica

Número y nombre de 1.1 Describe and compare actions and objects,

1. Exchange of information about Propósito de la
la unidad de in different contexts using adverbs and
personal actions unidad
aprendizaje correlative words

4. The student listens, interprets, 4.1 He/She expresses ideas and concepts by using
and communicates messages linguistic, mathematic and graphic means.
relevant in different contexts by 4.2 He/She applies different communication
using appropriate means, codes strategies according to who their interlocutors are,
and tools. the context in which they are and the objectives
they pursue.
4.3 Students Identify main ideas in text or oral
Competencia Genérica Atributos speech infers conclusions through them.
4.4 He communicates in a second language on
daily situations.

8.3 The student assumes a constructive attitude

8. Participate and collaborate consistent with the knowledge he/she has within
effectively on diverse teams. different work teams

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica

Communicate with others using

certain expressions and adverbs
of manner to describe actions 1.1.1 Create a text which use
that are in a particular context or correlative conjunctions,
Resultado de Actividad de
situation. Duración 20 hours describes actions, and read and
aprendizaje evaluación
act out the written descriptions to
Make descriptions of objects identify the adverbs used
using correlative words to point
out similarities and differences.

Número y
Dimensión Duración
Relationship Dimension: Collaboration HSE nombre
Socioemocional/Habilidad 1. Empathy 100
data sheets. de la (en minutos)


1.1 Describe and compare actions and objects, in different Número de

Propósito de aprendizaje 1/3 Duración 6 hours
contexts using adverbs and correlative words sesión

Aprendizaje The student will describe actions with the Producto A text with use of correlative conjunctions.

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica

use of adverbs.
 Adverbs of manner
 Quickly esperado/Evidencia a
 Carefully recopilar

 Loudly
 Slowly

Modalidad de
Presencial ( X) Virtual ( ) Híbrido ( ) En línea ( X) A distancia ( )


Contenido Recursos y materiales
Específico Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

A. Describe El docente: El alumno: 1. Identificatio Classroom and  24 phrases with

actions with the Start with the  Comments, in brainstorm, n of the home. adverbs of mode.
use of adverbs. framework of the the use of verbs and adverbs, grammatica Available in:
l function of https://www.practicaespa
 Adverbs of module or session, according to the previous

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Contenido Recursos y materiales
Específico Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

manner  defining the learning knowledge about them  verbs and -frases-con-
Quickly  activities to be Investigates the lexicon adverbs adverbios-de-modo/ 
Carefully  achieved, the referring to the kind of 2. Description Adverbs of manner.
Loudly  learning products to adverbs and elaborate cards of actions Available in:
Slowly be delivered and the with images that represent with https://www.shertonengli
group commitments them  Compiles vocabulary adverbs of
of permanent referring to school and work manner gramatica/adverbios/de-
observance, such as actions or activities  Works 3. Identificatio modo  Adverbs of
active participation, with random images that n of adverbs manner. Concept and
fulfillment of describe different situations in a manner examples. Available in:
activities and and talk about what people in written https://www.aboutespano
evaluation of are doing  Describes images discourse rbios-de-
learning:  Develop about people in different 4. Description modo-2879409 
sessions situations.  Makes a list of of actions Grammar snacks
incorporating advebios to describe the with Correlative conjunctions.
techniques that favor images.  Makes an oral or adverbs of Available in:
exchange and written report that describes places http://www.theenglishhal
communication, as what people are doing in 5. Description
well as collaborative of actions mmar-snacks/conjuncion
different situations. 
learning  Promote with escorrelativas-eningles/#.
Watches a video and take
motivation by adverbs of

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Contenido Recursos y materiales
Específico Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

addressing issues of notes of the adverbs.  Makes time XN76dshKgdU 

interest to students.  a presentation about adverbs 6. Comparison Correlative conjunctions
Incorporate in a manner considering the of Available in:
strategies for the examples in the previous characteristi https://www.englishreser
development of video. Explains, using cards, cs of two
activity sheets of the the similarities and objects, /gramaticaesencial/conju
Construye T differences between the people, or nciones/conjunciones -
Program according different types of adverbs  situationsus correlativos/  The
to the contents.  Gives examples of activities ing intensifiers in English.
End the session with that are described with correlative Available in:
the recap and adverbs.  Develops cards words Both, https://www.ejerciciosin
reflection of the about social, cultural, either, glesonline.c
application of the recreational, sports activities neither om/intensificadores/
content learned. with images and names in 7. Identificatio
English  Makes a descriptive n of
text taking into account the correlative
characteristics of orality and words in
writing, about your texts
personality, taking into
account the basic elements,

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Contenido Recursos y materiales
Específico Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

paying attention to
grammatical structure, the use
of adverbs in order to
describe the actions
performed  Does the activity
number 1: Identification of
the grammatical function of
verbs and adverbs 
Investigates on the Internet
about the grammatical
structure and the use of
adverbs of form

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y materiales
Contenido Específico
Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

 Adverbs of place  El docente: El alumno: The student Classroom and Adjective intensifiers
Out  Underneath   Present vocabulary  Does the activity Create a text home Available in:
Ooutside  Towards number 2: Description which use of https://www.shertoneng
about academic and work correlative
 Adverbs of time  actions to be performed of actions with adverbs
conjunctions, gramatica/adjetivos/inte
Weekly  Yet  Still by students  Promote of manner  Writes, in
describes actions, nsificadores
 Every day  the use of vocabulary teams of three,
and read and act
Always  Never individual sentences of
related to the request and out the written
preferred actions or
descriptions to
issuance of information activities with the use
identify the
regarding actions of adverbs of manner,
adverbs used
performed by students  place and time 
Investigates on the
Promote the graphic
Internet about the
demonstration of the lexicon concerning to
lexicon related to actions work functions, spaces
to be carried out by and working hours 
students  Explain the Makes illustrated cards
functions of verbs and that have a working day

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y materiales
Contenido Específico
Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

adverbs and promote that includes activities,

their use to describe place and time of
actions that students completion 
perform in different Investigates on the
Internet about the
fields  Practice lexicon referring to a
sentences that express working day that
actions with an exercise includes activities,
in transformation. Write place and time of
the verbs on the board: completion  Describes
activate, adjust, analyze, routines school and
order, authorize, build, work using adverbs of
manner, place and time
categorize, verify,
 Makes illustrated
communicate, compare, cards that have the a
convince, create, decide, school and work
discover, explain, activities of his career,
explore, identify, which include an
imagine, inform, install, adverb that shows how
motivate, organize , they should be done 

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y materiales
Contenido Específico
Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

prepare, preserve, Investigates on the

program, study, read and Internet about the
write. Ask students to activities carried out in
different professions,
choose one of the verbs
explaining in a general
to express an action and way how they are
adverbs in a manner, carried out, using
place or time that adverbs of mode 
describes these actions. Prepares a
For example: I scan the memorandum that
news on the internet contains names of
about technological professions and their
main activities  Selects
advances every day  two professions and
Ask several students. explain orally
Examples: What school similarities and
actions or activities do differences in relation
you prefer? Do you like to how they are
to study one module performed  Comment
more than another? If by team of three

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y materiales
Contenido Específico
Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

you had the opportunity members the preferred

to choose another career, activities of each one,
what would it be?  Ask select the most
recurrent and expose it
students to pay attention
orally to the group,
to the question structures using adverbs  Writes
on school and work in teams of three
actions and activities  members, individual
Coordinate couple work: sentences of work
students take turns asking activities of your
and answering questions professional career,
explaining how they are
about actions and carried out, the place
activities they perform and time of completion
using verbs and adverbs.  Investigates on the
Internet about the
grammatical structure
of adverbs  Does the
activity number 3:
Identification of

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y materiales
Contenido Específico
Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

adverbs in a manner in
written discourse 
Makes a description of
actions with adverbs of
places  Does the
activity number 4:
Description of actions
with adverbs of places 
Orally expresses
favorite school and
work activities using
adverbs of mode, place
and time

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

B. Compare the El docente: El alumno: The students Classroom and home Textbook,
characteristics of two Describe and notebook, pencil,
Make descriptions of rubber, and pens.
objects, people, or objects using correlative compare actions and
situations using  Encourage students to objects, in different
expand their words to point out
correlative words.  similarities and contexts using
Both  Either  Neither conversation. Example. adverbs and
Student A: What do you differences
correlative words
do to get good grades?
Student B: I study the Practices 8, 9, 10,
lessons daily: Student 11, 12 and 13.
A: Do you organize
your time to study?
Student B: Sure, I make
an activity plan per day
 Direct attention to
questions and answers
about the use of verbs
and adverbs and have
students study the

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

examples  Promote the

establishment of
personal goals as part of
the Student Life Project
using verbs and adverbs
 Promote the use of
correlative words or
conjunctions for
students to express
sentences and ideas
more connected to each
other  Conduct the
formation of more
complex and interesting
sentences through the
use of correlative
conjunctions  Promote
reflection on the
importance of mastering

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

communication as
connectors for spinning
ideas, either orally or in
writing, avoiding
resorting to extremely
short and repetitive
phrases.  Promote
reflection on the
importance of using
connectors to connect
ideas, either orally or in
writing, avoiding
resorting to extremely
short and repetitive

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica

Exchange information, emphasizing certain aspects of it, using Número

Propósito de aprendizaje 2/3 Duración: 10 hours
intensifiers. de sesión

Aprendizaje 1.2 Exchange information, emphasizing certain
esperado/Evidencia a There will be no evidence
esperado aspects of it, using intensifiers.

Modalidad de
Presencial ( X) Virtual ( ) Híbrido ( ) En línea ( ) A distancia ( )


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

Use of intensifiers in a El docente: El alumno: There will be no Classroom and home. Textbook,
speech evidence. notebook, pencil,
Introduce the content to Watch a video and
rubber and pens.
Very be covered during the discuss in class.

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

sesión. Find a list of words in a

Really diagram.
Calls the attention of the
Too students performing the Write 3 questions about
activity. current situations or
problems that can be
Enough asessed with intensifiers.
Such Observe the gramar tips:


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

El docente: El alumno: There will be no Classroom and home. Textbook,

evidence. notebook, pencil,
Read the introduction to
rubber and pens.
the topic.

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

They read the

introduction to the topic.
They learn about
Function and structure.

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

El docente: El alumno: There will be no Classroom and home.

Will answer any questions They do activity about
they have. use of intensifiers in a
They read a text and
rewrite it to change the
Formulation of intensivity of the news
expressions or phrases making it sound more
emphasized. urgent. Textbook,
notebook, pencil,
Variation of the They read and answer rubber and pens.
intensity of the some questions about the
expression or phrase. use of the intensifiers,
such and enough.
They read about the 10
must know tips for
making better

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica

2. Exchange of information about personal interests

Propósito de aprendizaje Express similarities or differentiations about prices and 3/3 Duración: 24 hours
de sesión
personal interests  Use tag questions

2.1 Exchange information on personal interests 2.1.1 Make and present a commercial
Aprendizaje using comparatives and superlatives to express comparing objects, people, places or
esperado/Evidencia a
esperado similarities and differences, as well as tag situations that includes a dialogue with
questions to confirm or deny it “tag questions” to confirm assumptions.

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica

Modalidad de
Presencial ( X) Virtual ( ) Híbrido ( ) En línea ( ) A distancia ( )


Recursos y materiales
Contenido Específico
Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

A. Compare personal El docente: El alumno:  A comercial Classroom and home. Textbook, notebook,
interests using pencil, rubber and
Introduces the content to Watch a video and Make and present a
comparatives and pens.
be covered during the discuss it in class. commercial
superlatives in sesión. Basic: Martínez, J.
Find a list of words in a comparing objects,
different contexts  (2012). Mi Mundo en
Calls the attention of the diagram. people, places or
Use of comparatives students performing the otra lengua. México,
 Use of superlatives Make a colorful design situations that
Secretaría de
activity. includes a dialogue
about your personal
 Use of conditionals with “tag questions” Educación Pública
B. Use of questions to confirm Varios autores,
to get information assumptions. (2010). Enciclopedia
previously supposed de Conocimientos
with present perfect Fundamentales
and simple past.  UNAM-SIGLO XXI
Search for partner (5 tomos). 2010,

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y materiales
Contenido Específico
Ambiente de didácticos
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación

México, D.F.
Llanas, Á & Libby
approval  Is it true? W. (2014).
 Is not true?  Do Communicate in
not?  It is not like English Fifth
this?  Seriously?  semester, Student’s
Confirmation or Book. México,
denial of the content Macmillan. Flores,
of the sentence itself P.& Urquijo K.
(2016). English 4.
México, Grupo
Editorial Patria

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

El docente: El alumno: There will be no Classroom and home.

Read the introduction to Learn about:
the topic.
Use of comparatives.
Use of superlatives.
Use of conditionals. Textbook,
notebook, pencil,
rubber and pens.

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

El docente: El alumno: There will be no Classroom and home. Textbook,

evidence. notebook, pencil,
They read a text about
rubber and pens.
some of the most
Introduces the content to
important fashion
be covered during the
bloggers according to
Patrima Ati. Then, listen
Calls the attention of the to her talking about their
students performing the work.
They match the words in
Reads the introduction to the box on the right with
the topic. the words in the box on
The teacher will answer the left to form
any questions they have. comparative sentences.
They listen to some
statements then form
comparative with the
given information.
They fill up a chart with
the asked information,

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

then use the data to form

superlative sentences in
their notebook.
They look at some
pictures and complete the
blank spaces with an
adjective in a superlative
They listen to some
statements and choose the
option that best
completes each sentence.
They do the activity
about the zero and first

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica

Communicate ideas and opinions giving additional

Propósito de aprendizaje information using words which indicate the causes, effects 4/4 Duración: 10 hours
de sesión
or contrasts.

2.2.1. Write an essay which use the linking

2.2 Express information, ideas or arguments, Producto
Aprendizaje words (in my personal opinion, I think
using the corresponding text structure and link esperado/Evidencia a
esperado that, it is looks like) to support
words to give cohesion to the text. recopilar
information, ideas or arguments.

Modalidad de
Presencial ( X) Virtual ( ) Híbrido ( ) En línea ( ) A distancia ( )

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

El docente: El alumno:  An Essay. Classroom and home.

A. Using linking Introduces the content to Watch a video and Sudents write an
words to complement be covered during the discuss it in class. essay which use the
ideas.  Opinion sesión. linking words (in my
Find a list of words in a
formulation  Calls the attention of the diagram. personal opinion, I Textbook,
Confrontation of students performing the think that, it is looks
Write a short profile of notebook, pencil,
ideas B. Connection activity like) to support rubber and pens.
Isaac Newton.
of sentences and ideas information, ideas or
 Cause and effect in Observe the gramar tips:
relationships  Use of connectors cause
Contrast and effect.


Estrategias Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación Ambiente de didácticos

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica

El docente: El alumno: Students present their Classroom and home.

essays as evidence.
Read the introduction to Learn about:
the topic.
Opinion formulations.
Confrontations of ideas.
They learn about: Textbook,
Cause and effect in notebook, pencil,
relationships. rubber and pens.

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

El docente: El alumno: The Essay Classroom and home. Textbook,

notebook, pencil,
They do the activity
rubber and pens.
Active Reading and
Introduces the content to
listening: “The 20 key
be covered during the
climate change and
Global Warming
Calls the attention of the Consequences”.
students performing the
They restore the original
order of some boxes that
Reads the introduction to have been placed in
the topic. random order.
The teacher will answer They do the activity Say
any questions they have. it yourself and new words
"Hange“ man”.
They look for the
meaning of some linking
words, then use them to
complete the sentences.

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700
Secretaría Académica
Dirección de Formación Académica


Recursos y
Contenido Específico materiales
Ambiente de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje Evaluación didácticos

They write a short

paragraph about natural
disasters that they know,
or they have Heard one
They share ideas, give
opinions and advice to
perform a description of
some picture.

Calle 16 de septiembre No. 147 norte, Col. Lázaro Cárdenas, C.P. 52148, Metepec, Estado de México Tel.: (55) 5480 3700

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