Choi 2001
Choi 2001
Choi 2001
Kumho Research and Development Center, 555, Sochon-dong, Kwangsan-gu, Kwangju 506-711, Korea
440 CHOI
Table I. Formulations (phr) for Both Silica and Carbon Black-Filled SBR Compounds
Compound No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Table II. Curve-Fitting Equations Obtained from Figures 2 and 3 (MB Compounds)
applied to a high viscous compound than to a low The peak intensity ratios of the C7 species/
compound. The viscosity of the compound in- styrene and C7 species/butadiene increase with
creases by increasing the silica content as shown an increase in the silica-content ratio. This is an
in Table I. The rubber chain scission causes the interesting fact because the total filler–polymer
molecular weight distribution to shift to a lower interactions of the butadiene become weaker as
molecular weight.20,21 The strong filler–polymer the silica content increases, and most of the C7
interaction of the 1,2-unit with silica is discussed species (1,4-cycloheptadiene) is formed from the
subsequently. butadiene unit as discussed previously. The 1,4-
4-Vinylcyclohexene is formed from all the buta- cycloheptadiene is formed from the 1,2-unit, not
diene units, but the 1,4-cycloheptadiene can be from the cis-1,4- and trans-1,4-units.16 Thus, the
produced only from the butadiene sequence in- filler–polymer interaction of the 1,2-unit is stron-
cluding the 1,2-unit.16 Thus, the relative peak ger with silica than with carbon black; on the
intensity of the 4-vinylcyclohexene is decreased contrary, for the cis-1,4- and trans-1,4-units the
by increasing the 1,2-unit in the bound rubber. interactions with carbon black are more favor-
This is evidence of the strong interaction of the able.
1,2-unit with silica because the 4-vinylcyclohex-
ene/styrene decreases with an increase in the sil-
ica-content ratio. The peak intensity ratio of 4-vi-
nylcyclohexene/butadiene also decreases with an CONCLUSIONS
increase in the silica-content ratio; this cannot be
explained by the difference in the filler–polymer Differences in the filler–polymer interaction of
interactions of silica and carbon black because the styrene, cis-1,4-, trans-1,4-, and 1,2-units with
both 4-vinylcyclohexene and butadiene are pro- silica/carbon black were studied by analysis of the
duced from all the butadiene units. This also may microstructures of the bound rubbers with the
be due to the increased viscosity of the compound pyrolysis-GC technique. The conclusions of the
and the strong filler–polymer interaction of the present article may be summarized as follows: (1)
1,2-unit with silica. The strong interaction of the the total filler–polymer interactions of the buta-
1,2-unit with silica leads to a relatively high por- diene units with silica/carbon black were stronger
tion of the 1,2-unit in the bound rubber so that the than that of the styrene unit; (2) the interactions
4-vinylcyclohexene/butadiene ratio becomes of the cis-1,4- and trans-1,4-units were stronger
lower as the silica content increases. with carbon black than with silica; and (3) the
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