10 1016@j Polymertesting 2020 106623
10 1016@j Polymertesting 2020 106623
10 1016@j Polymertesting 2020 106623
Polymer Testing
journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/polytest
Material Properties
Keywords: In this study, air dried sheet (ADS) showed higher molecular weight, proteins, lipids and more gel content than
Alkaline treatment the low protein natural rubber (LPNR) from alkaline treatment or acetone-extracted natural rubber (AENR). After
Acetone extraction removal of proteins and lipids, LPNR and AENR had shorter scorch and cure times among the rubber compounds
Natural rubber vulcanizates
observed. This is due to higher content of free fatty acids, glycerides and sodium salts of fatty acid that might act
Carbon black
Network structures
as cure activators with sulfur curing. Furthermore, a finer dispersion of CB was found in ADS, due to chemical
interactions of CB with proteins and lipids at terminal ends of NR molecules. Also, high molecular weight and gel
in ADS could induce a higher reinforcing index (α) resulting to superior mechanical, dynamic, thermo-
mechanical, hardness and crosslink density. In contrast, CB agglomerates occurred in LPNR and AENR with
low molecular weight and reduced proteins and lipids, causing inferior mechanical, dynamic, thermo-
mechanical, along with loss of stiffness and crosslink density.
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Wisunthorn), [email protected] (C. Nakason).
Received 17 November 2019; Received in revised form 27 April 2020; Accepted 15 May 2020
Available online 19 May 2020
0142-9418/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Nun-anan et al. Polymer Testing 89 (2020) 106623
A number of studies have investigated effects of non-rubber com then formed and washed with clean water until it was free from the acid.
ponents on various properties of filled NR composites [16–18]. It was It was then dried in a hot air oven at 50 � C to obtain ADS. The ADS was
claimed that proteins had strong interactions with filler particles that then cut to small pieces and soaked in 5 %w/v NaOH for 72 h. The
reduced formation of filler-filler networks [17]. On the other hand, the rubber was then separated from the alkaline solution and washed
proteins hindered chemical and physical interactions of silica surfaces thoroughly with clean water, and then dried in a hot air oven at 50 � C for
with silane, reducing reinforcement efficiency and worsening silica 48 h. This alkaline treated sample is called low-protein natural rubber
dispersion [17]. In addition, the gel content in NR caused poorer CB (LPNR). The lipid content in LPNR was then selectively separated by
dispersion, decreased crosslink density, and loss of tensile strength [15]. Soxhlet extraction with acetone for about 48 h. Then the rubber sample
Filler-rubber interactions could also be improved by adding lipid (1–5 was washed several times with acetone and then water, and eventually
phr) into a natural rubber compound [16]. It was found that lipid dried in a vacuum oven at 30 � C for about one week to acetone-extracted
increased the number of entanglement points, which could promote natural rubber (AENR).
stronger interactions between CB and NR molecules. The lipid may have
affected strain-induced crystallization (SIC) in carbon black filled NR
composites by decreasing the crystallinity index [16]. The mechanical 2.3. Gel permeation chromatography
properties of filled deproteinized natural rubber (DPNR) and filled
synthetic cis-1,4-polyisoprene (IR) have been compared [19]. Similar The rubber sample (about 30 � 5 mg) was dissolved in 30 mL THF
tensile and tear strengths were observed for both rubbers at various stabilized with 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT). The rubber so
crosslink densities, as the reinforcement by CB overshadowed other lution was then conditioned in dark at 25 � C for about one week. During
parameters affecting properties of NR composites [19]. In addition, ef this period, the solution was intermittently stirred for about 1 h/day.
fects of natural rubber type (SMR CV60 or SVR 3L) when filled with 30 The solution was then filtered through a 1.0 μm glass fiber filter
phr carbon black on properties of NR compound and vulcanizate were (Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG, Düren, Germany). The filtrate was
investigated [20]. It was found that the SVR 3L composites exhibited then injected into a size exclusion chromatography (SEC) system, which
greater tensile strength and recovery from loading force than those with consisted of an HLPC pump 1000, refractive index detector (RI) 2300/
SMR CV60 [20]. This was due to SVR 3L having longer NR chains with 2400, and ultraviolet detector (UV) 2500 (Wissenschaftliche Gera €te
more functionality (number of double bonds), which could form more GmbH, Berlin, Germany). In this work, poly(styrene) solution standards
crosslinks with other units, and hence contribute to higher crosslink were used to calibrate the columns. The measurements were done at 20
density than in the SMR CV60 [20].
C at mobile phase flow rate of approximately 1 ml/min. The number-
In the present work, effects of different NR types: air-dried sheet average molecular weight ðMn Þ and weight-average molecular weight
(ADS), low protein natural rubber (LPNR) based on alkaline treatment, ðMw Þ of NR molecules were eventually determined.
and acetone-extracted natural rubber (AENR) of the RRIM600 genotype
on various properties of gum and carbon black filled compounds and
2.4. Nitrogen contents
vulcanizates were investigated. In addition, various properties including
cure characteristic, hardness, crosslink density, mechanical, thermal,
The total nitrogen content of rubber was determined by the Kjeldahl
morphological, stress relaxation and dynamic properties together with
method using a Kjeltec auto 8400 Analyzer (Foss, Hilleroed, Denmark)
dispersion of CB in NR compounds and vulcanizates were also
as described elsewhere [21]. Firstly, a rubber sample of about 0.1 g was
mixed with CuSO4: K2SO4 (0.65 g) mixture and then digested with 2.5
ml concentrated H2SO4. Then, the digested material was distilled after
2. Material and methods
adding alkaline solution (i.e., 67% w/v NaOH). The released ammonia
gas was collected in 4 w/v% boric acid in the Kjeltec automatic distilling
2.1. Materials
unit. Finally, the boric acid solution was titrated with 0.01 N H2SO4. The
nitrogen content estimate was multiplied by a factor of 6.25 to the
Three different types of natural rubber: air-dried sheet (ADS), low-
equivalent amount of protein.
protein natural rubber (LPNR), and acetone-extracted natural rubber
(AENR), were used to prepare gum and carbon black filled compounds
and vulcanizates. Acetone, toluene and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were 2.5. Lipid analysis
manufactured by Fisher Scientific (Loughborough, UK). Tetrahydro
furan (THF) and 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT), used to The rubber sample (about 5 g) was Soxhlent reflux extracted with
analyze molecular weight of NR, were manufactured by VWR (Fonte acetone (150 mL) as described elsewhere [22]. The solvent was removed
nay-sous-Bois, France) and Panreac (Barcelona, Spain), respectively. in a rotary evaporator at 60 � C, and the residue was dried to constant
The chemicals used to determine the protein content, sulfuric acid weight in a vacuum oven at 104 � C. The content of lipids was eventually
(H2SO4), potassium sulfate (K2SO4) and boric acid were manufactured calculated as follows:
by Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany). Copper (II) sulfate (CuSO4) was
produced by VWR (Fontenay-sous-Bois, France). Carbon black (HAF) Lipids (%wt) ¼ 100 � (W1/W0) (1)
used as a reinforcing filler was manufactured by Thai Carbon Black
where W0 and W1 are are the initial weight of rubber sample and the
Public Co., Ltd. (Ang Thong, Thailand). Activator stearic acid was
final weight of extracted lipids.
manufactured by Imperial Industry Chemical Co., Ltd. (Pathum Thani,
Thailand), and Zinc oxide (ZnO) was manufactured by global Chemical
Co., Ltd. (Samut Prakan, Thailand). The cure accelerator, N-tert-butyl-2 2.6. Gel content
benzothiazole-sulfenamide (TBBS), was manufactured by Fluxys
Belgium (Fluxys, Brussels, Belgium). Finally, the curing agent sulfur was Gel content of gum NR was determined according to ISO 1166. First,
manufactured by Ajax Chemical Co., Ltd. (Samut Prakan, Thailand). gum rubber (about 0.1 g) was dissolved in 30 mL of toluene. It was
shaken for about 1 min and then conditioned at 25 � C for 20 h without
2.2. Preparation of ADS, LPNR and AENR stirring. Centrifugation at 14,000 g was then applied to the rubber so
lution for about 2 h and the liquid fraction was removed. The remaining
Air dried sheets (ADS) were first prepared by acid coagulation of gel fraction was washed thoroughly with acetone and then dried at 110
natural rubber latex from the RRIM600 genotype. The rubber sheet was �
C for 1 h. Then, the gel content was calculated as follows:
P. Nun-anan et al. Polymer Testing 89 (2020) 106623
� �
W0 W1 � �
Gel content ð%wtÞ ¼ *100 (2) dEðTÞ
W0 HðTÞ ¼ T⋅ (4)
dT v¼const
where W1 and W0 are the dry weights after extraction and before
extraction, respectively. 2.9. Morphological properties
P. Nun-anan et al. Polymer Testing 89 (2020) 106623
Table 2
Gel content and average molecular weight (i.e., Mn and Mw) for three types of NR
(i.e., ADS, LPNR and AENR).
Sample Gel content (%wt) Mn (kg/mol) Mw (kg/mol)
P. Nun-anan et al. Polymer Testing 89 (2020) 106623
Table 3
Initial stress and T90 in the relaxation spectrum H(T) of gum and carbon black-
filled NR vulcanizates.
Sample Initial stress (σ0) T90
generated by the end groups (i.e., proteins and lipids). This corresponds
to the relaxation peak of the gum ADS in Fig. 2. However, peak (a) is
missing for the other unfilled vulcanizates and for CB-filled LPNR and
AENR vulcanizates (Fig. 5). This may be attributed to the smaller net
works formed with very low contents of proteins and lipids. Further
more, it might be attributed to poor interactions or NR with CB due to
low non-rubber content (i.e., proteins and lipids) in the LPNR and AENR.
Fig. 3. Protein and Lipid contents in ADS, LPNR and AENR made from RRIM In Fig. 5, the broad peak (b) with much greater area underneath than for
600 genotype latex.
P. Nun-anan et al. Polymer Testing 89 (2020) 106623
Fig. 6. Light microscope images of gum ADS (a), gum LPNR (b), gum AENR (c), CB-ADS (d), CB-LPNR (e), and CB-AENR (f).
P. Nun-anan et al. Polymer Testing 89 (2020) 106623
Fig. 7. SEM images of gum ADS (a), gum LPNR (b), gum AENR (c), CB-ADS (d), CB-LPNR (e), and CB-AENR (f) (15000x).
Fig. 8. Carbon black dispersion in ADS (a), LPNR (b), and AENR compounds.
Fig. 9 shows cure curves for gum and carbon black-filled ADS, LPNR
and AENR vulcanizates. Also, Table 5 summarizes cure characteristics
and reinforcement index (α) of gum and carbon black-filled NR vulca
nizates. It can be seen that the gum ADS compound exhibited a long
delay in sulfur vulcanization with the longest scorch and cure times
(Table 5), while the LPNR and AENR gum compounds showed shorter
scorch and cure times than the gum ADS compound. This may be due to
residues of free fatty acids (i.e., stearic acids), glycerides and sodium
salts of fatty acid from the alkaline treatment [37]. In addition, the
hydrolysis of saponifiable lipids could give rise to the free fatty acids
forms (i.e., stearic acids) after the acetone extraction [38]. Moreover,
Heryanto et al. [39] and Tanaka [40] reported low solubility of stearic
acid in acetone and hence the residual lipids (i.e., especially stearic
acids) remained in AENR after acetone extraction. Therefore, the re
sidual lipids (i.e., especially stearic acids) remained in LPNR and AENR
that might act as cure activators during vulcanization [41–43]. In Fig. 9. Cure curves for gum and carbon black-filled ADS, LPNR and AENR
Table 5, it is also seen that among the gum rubbers, the gum ADS vulcanizates.
compound gave the highest minimum (ML) and maximum torque (MH)
and largest torque difference (MH-ML), followed by the gum LPNR and
AENR compounds in this order. This matches the order of molecular
weights and of gel contents (Table 2) and hence also protein and lipid
P. Nun-anan et al. Polymer Testing 89 (2020) 106623
Table 5
Cure characteristics and reinforcement index (α) of gum and carbon black-filled NR vulcanizates.
Sample Minimum torque Maximum torque Torque difference (ΔL, Reinforcement index Scorch time (ts2, Cure time (t90, Cure rate index
(ML) (MH) dNm) (α) min) min) (CRI)
contents (Fig. 3). It is noted that the torque difference typically indicates 3.6. Mechanical properties
crosslink density of a rubber network. Clearly the crosslink density
(Table 4) is related to the torque difference in Table 5, and these are Fig. 10 shows stress-strain curves of gum and CB-filled NR vulcani
closely related to the non-rubber content in Fig. 3. By contrast, the AENR zates. Also, Table 6 summarizes tensile properties based on stress-strain
exhibited the lowest MH, ML and MH-ML due to the lowest molecular curves (Fig. 10) together with hardness (Shore A) of the three types of
weight and gel content (Table 2), together with lowest non-rubber gum and CB-filled NR vulcanizates. It is clear that the ADS gave the
contents (Fig. 3). highest tensile strength, moduli and hardness, surpassing the LPNR and
In Fig. 9, it is also seen that CB filler shortened scorch time for all AENR vulcanizates. However, the elongation at break of the gum ADS
types of CB filled NR compounds (Table 5). This might be due to more vulcanizate was below those of LPNR and AENR vulcanizates. This is due
heat being generated during mixing of the filled compounds, increasing to the higher average molecular weight (i.e., Mn and Mw) (Table 2) and
the cure rates in the early stages of vulcanization [44]. Also, chemical higher non-rubber contents (Fig. 3) of the ADS that favor strain-induced
interactions between NR molecules and polar functional groups on CB crystallization (SIC)) of the molecular networks. This increased strength
surfaces have shortened scorch times. However, the CB-filled AENR and but decreased maximum strain [42]. In Fig. 10, a lower SIC of gum LPNR
LPNR had longer cure times than their gum compound counterparts. and AENR vulcanizates is observed from the lesser gradients of their
This might be attributed to low non-rubber content and dispersion of CB stress-strain curves. Therefore, these rubber matrices had poorer ability
in rubber matrix. That is, the low contents of proteins and lipids in gum to crystallize after removal of proteins and lipids (Fig. 3) and with lower
LPNR and AENR caused poor dispersion of CB in the rubber matrices molecular weights (Table 2). SIC of natural rubber might be induced by
(Figs. 6–8) which delayed cure times of their CB-filled vulcanizates. In lipids [5], proteins, and long regular chains [49].
contrast, higher protein and lipid contents in the case of gum ADS In Table 6, it is clear that CB filler reinforced rubber samples, as
improved CB dispersion (Figs. 6–8), which reduced cure time of the indicated by increased moduli, tensile strength, hardness, and crosslink
CB-filled ADS vulcanizates. density (Table 4) from those of the gum NR vulcanizates. Therefore,
In Table 5, it is also seen that the CB-filled NR vulcanizates provided particulate reinforcement by fine particles dispersed as a discontinuous
higher ML, MH and MH-ML than the corresponding gum vulcanizates. phase in the matrix was obvious (Figs. 6–8). The polar functional groups
This is attributed to the reinforcement by CB filler, supported by its on CB interacted with NR via –C– – C- double bonds, and with the polar
physical and chemical interactions with NR [45]. Also, sulfur on the functional groups of protein or lipid moieties at the terminal chain ends.
surface of CB might increase chemical crosslinking with rubber [46]. It is In Table 6, it is also seen that the CB-filled ADS vulcanizate showed the
noted that higher MH-ML indicates a higher crosslink density (Table 4) highest tensile strength, moduli, and hardness, superior to the CB- filled
and increased stiffness from restricted mobility of rubber molecules LPNR and AENR vulcanizates. This relates to higher crosslink density
[47]. The CB-filled ADS gave the highest MH-ML and crosslink density (Table 4), reinforcement index (Table 5), molecular weight, and gel
(Table 4) followed by CB-LPNR and CB-AENR vulcanizates in this order. content (Table 2). Also, finer and smaller CB aggregates were seen in the
Furthermore, MH-ML and crosslink density had the same trend as the ADS vulcanizate (Figs. 6–8).
reinforcement index (α). It is noted that the reinforcement index (α) was
used to indicate dispersion and morphology of the filler in rubber matrix
[48]. That is, a higher α value in the CB-filled ADS vulcanizate may be
due to finer dispersion of CB. On the other hand, CB-filled LPNR and
AENR vulcanizates had lower α values indicating poor dispersion of CB
with strong agglomeration in the rubber matrix. It is clear that α
(Table 5) is in agreement with the degree of carbon black dispersion
(Fig. 8).
In Table 5 the CB-filled ADS compound gave a higher cure rate than
the other types of rubber, with the highest CRI at 27.78 s 1. This is due
to the finer dispersion of carbon black in ADS matrix (Figs. 6–8) giving
the highest thermal conductivity for the ADS compound, which
contributed to cure reactions of rubber molecules to form stronger
networks. However, CB aggregates were observed in CB-filled LPNR
compound and even larger agglomerates were observed in the AENR
compounds. This significantly increased the cure times (t90) (Table 5).
The large CB agglomerates obstructed heat transfer that activates curing
of NR (i.e., LPNR or AENR). Therefore, good dispersion of carbon black
(Figs. 6–8) speeds up curing reactions and improves interactions at
carbon black surfaces, hence improving also the reinforcement index
(Table 5).
Fig. 10. Stress-strain curves for NR gum and carbon black-filled NR vulcani
zates of ADS, LPNR and AENR.
P. Nun-anan et al. Polymer Testing 89 (2020) 106623
Table 6
Mechanical properties of gum vulcanizates and carbon black-filled NR vulcanizates of ADS, LPNR and AENR.
Sample Young’s modulus 100% modulus Reinforcing efficiency 300% modulus Tensile strength Elongation at break Hardness (Shore
(MPa) (MPa) (RE) (MPa) (MPa) (%) A)
Gum ADS 0.23 � 0.06 0.72 � 0.01 – 1.86 � 0.05 19 � 0 764 � 21 36.5 � 0.4
Gum 0.19 � 0.02 0.60 � 0.08 – 1.19 � 0.05 15 � 0 946 � 9 19.1 � 0.8
Gum 0.18 � 0.03 0.47 � 0.02 – 0.90 � 1.05 8�1 888 � 10 14.0 � 0.2
CB-ADS 0.51 � 0.02 2.20 � 0.15 0.056 12.92 � 1.05 30 � 1 491 � 15 57.5 � 0.5
CB-LPNR 0.46 � 0.01 1.89 � 0.19 0.049 11.58 � 1.24 24 � 0 463 � 22 53.3 � 0.6
CB-AENR 0.29 � 0.02 1.37 � 0.03 0.034 7.25 � 0.59 16 � 1 472 � 25 49.6 � 0.6
ΔG’ ¼ ΔG’CB filled vulcanizate ΔG’gum NR vulcanizate (9) modulus. The highest molecular weight (i.e., more long rubber mole
cules), gel and level of non-rubber components in gum NR which could
where G’0and G’∞
are the maximum and minimum moduli, and ΔG 00
originate a large branching points by the end groups (i.e., proteins and
represents the Payne effect due to filler-filler interactions.
lipids) and hence more entanglement improved dispersion of CB and
Table 7 summarizes the ΔG’ (Eq. (8)) and ΔG’’ (Eq. (9)) of gum NR
gave larger Payne effect, as schematically proposed in Fig. 12(a). This is
and CB-filled NR compounds. It is seen that gum ADS gave high ΔG0 of
reflected by the ΔG00 of about 0.17 MPa of the CB-filled ADS compound
about 0.07 while gum LPNR and AENR compounds had lower values of
(Table 7). Furthermore, the removal of non-rubber components in LPNR
about 0.05 and 0.03 MPa, respectively. This indicates more chain
and AENR matrices caused reduction of ΔG00 to 0.14 and 0.12 MPa,
entanglement and/or interactions among ADS molecules, as a result of
respectively (Table 7). This might be attributed to low chemical in
higher molecular weight and more gel (Table 2) together with larger
teractions between rubber molecules and less filler-filler interaction due
protein and lipid contents (Fig. 3). It is noted that the Payne effect of CB
to poorer dispersion of CB with larger agglomerates. Also, lower mo
filled NR calculated based on eq. (9) was 0.17, 0.14 and 0.12 MPa for CB
lecular weight (i.e., more linear molecules), gel, protein and lipid con
filled ADS, LPNR and AENR compounds, respectively. This reflects the
tent in gum NR after alkaline treatment and acetone extraction were
stronger rubber-filler and filler-filler interactions in ADS with fine
found. This reduction of branching points and chain entanglement
dispersion of CB (Figs. 6–8). This may be attributed to a synergistic effect
lowered ΔG00 in the CB-filled LPNR and AENR vulcanizates. This also
of rubber-rubber, rubber-filler and filler-filler networks on the elastic
allows slippage and disentanglement, as described in Fig. 12(b) and (c).
Thus, it is concluded that the dynamic properties of gum NR and CB
filled NR compounds are closely related to the filler-rubber interactions
and molecular structures (i.e., molecular weight, gel and non-rubber
components). These results are correlated well to molecular weight,
gel content (Table 2) and quantity of non-rubber content (i.e., proteins
and lipids) (Fig. 3).
P. Nun-anan et al. Polymer Testing 89 (2020) 106623
Fig. 12. A proposed a model of carbon black dispersion in various NR vulcanizates: CB-ADS (a), CB-LPNR (b) and CB-AENR (c).
4. Conclusions
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