Digital Twin

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Digital Twin

Sharing & Collaboration
Analysis & Prediction Collaboration
Data Access
Automation (AI/ML/DL)
Information Sharing
Real Time & Visualization Forecasting

Dashboards and Reporting

Real Time

Data Capture & Integration

Data Modeling
System Integration
Reality Capture
Information Management

Digital Twin

Content and Core Applications
ArcGIS® Living Atlas of the World ArcGIS Enterprise is the complete
is the larges t and foremos t sof t ware system for all your
collection of curated geographic geospatial needs—make maps,
information from around the globe. analyze geospatial data, and share
It includes ready-to-use basemaps, results to solve problems. ArcGIS
maps, layers, and apps from Esri Enterprise software supports your
and the global GIS user community. work behind your firewall or in
the cloud and delivers enterprise
results. ArcGIS Enterprise is the
ArcGIS Pro is a powerful single
foundational software system
desktop GIS application. ArcGIS
for GIS, powering mapping and
Pro supports data visualization;
visualization, analytics, and data
advanced analysis; and
management. It is the backbone
authoritative data maintenance
for running the Esri ® suite of
in 2D, 3D, and 4D. It supports
applications and your own custom
data sharing across a suite of
applications. ArcGIS Enterprise
ArcGIS products, such as ArcGIS
is tightly integrated with ArcGIS
Online and ArcGIS Enterprise, and
Desktop and ArcGIS Pro for mapping
enables users to work across the
and authoring and seamlessly
ArcGIS system through Web GIS.
connects with ArcGIS Online to
share content between systems.

ArcGIS Online is web-based

mapping software as a service
(SaaS). ArcGIS Online enables
users to work effectively across
departments and organizations by
collaboratively building and using
maps and apps. ArcGIS Online
allows you to share your insights with
specific people or the entire world.

Building and Network Management Real-Time Integration
ArcGIS GeoBIM SaaS delivers an A rc G IS Ve l o c i t y Sa aS is a

innovative, easy-to-use web-based cloud-native add-on capability

experience for teams to explore and for ArcGIS Online. It enables
collaborate on building information users to ingest data from the
modeling (BIM) projects and issues, Internet of Things (IoT) platforms,
using data from multiple systems in message brokers, or third-party
a geospatial context. Architecture, APIs. It also helps users process,
engineering, and construction visualize, and analyze real-time
(AEC) teams can easily work with data feeds; store those feeds as
linked data from multiple systems big data; and perform fast queries
in configurable web apps that and analysis. Use this SaaS IoT
simplify the communication and application to better leverage
collaboration with teams and your real-time spatial data for
stakeholders. essential operational decisions
such as remote monitoring, and
process optimization.
ArcGIS Utility Network is the next
generation network management
information model for electric, gas,
telecom, water, and district heating.
Utilities can leverage the power City Planning and Design
of the entire ArcGIS Enterprise
to model, manage, and integrate ArcGIS Urban enables planners
complex modern networks. and design profes sionals to
collaborate across teams with a
web-based 3D application that
supports scenario planning and
impact assessment. ArcGIS Urban
Indoor and Facility Management
enables the digital transformation
of city and regional planning to
ArcGIS Indoors™ software is a
encourage collaboration with
complete indoor mapping system
community stakeholders and help
for smart building management.
all groups work toward a more
It organizes computer-aided
sustainable future.
design (CAD), building information
modeling, site scans, and
operational datasets into floor- The ArcGIS CityEngine ® app is
aware indoor maps to support advanced 3D modeling software
facilities, workplace operations, for creating huge, interactive and
maintenance applications, and immersive urban environments
various use cases. Executives, in les s time than traditional
supervisors, mobile staff, and modeling techniques. The cities
employees can better understand, you create using CityEngine can
maintain, and operate workplace be based on real-world GIS data
environments with ArcGIS Indoors. or showcase a fictional city of the
past, present, or future.
ArcGIS IPS™ software is an indoor
positioning system that allows you continued on page 4
to locate yourself and others inside
a building in real time. Similar to
GPS, it puts a blue dot on indoor
maps and uses location services to
help you navigate to any point of
interest or destination. Real-time
indoor navigation, location sharing,
and location tracking empower
customers, visitors, and contractors.
Indoor location data collection and
analytics can help your organization
increase efficiency and improve
customer service.

continued from page 3

Reality Capture and Imagery Management Sharing and Collaboration

SURE for Arc GIS is sur face ArcGIS Hub SaaS is an easy-to-

reconstruc tion sof t ware that configure community engagement

empowers you to create photo- platform that organizes people,
realistic models of realit y. It data, and tools through
accommodates aerial mapping information-driven initiatives.
projects that use datasets captured Organizations can leverage their
with large-frame nadir and oblique existing data and technology and
cameras, as well as hybrid systems work together with internal and
w i t h lidar s en s or s. W i t hou t external stakeholders to track
limitation in image resolution, you progress, improve outcomes, and
can produce 3D meshes, digital create vibrant communities.
surface model (DSM) orthomosaics
and point clouds on common
The ArcGIS StoryMaps app SM

workstation hardware, and cluster

can give your narrative a stronger
environments. SURE is simple to
sense of place, illustrate spatial
set up and operate and is compliant
relationships, and add visual
with mapping industry standards.
appeal and credibility to your ideas.
A story can effect change, influence
ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online opinion, and create awareness—
is a user t ype ex tension for and maps are an integral part of
hosting, analyzing, and streaming storytelling.
imagery and raster collections.
Save on infrastructure costs and
Arc GIS E xperience Builder
maintenance using a secure,
empowers you to quickly transform
scalable, and performant cloud
your data into compelling web
environment that quickly integrates
apps without writing a single line
imagery into all your workflows.
of code. Build mapcentric or non-
mapcentric apps and display them
The ArcGIS Drone2Map ® app on a fixed or scrolling screen, on
s t reamline s t he c reation of single or multiple pages. Perform
professional imagery products a drag-and-drop operation to
from drone-captured imagery by choose the tools you need from a
implementing our professional rich set of widgets, design your own
photogrammetry suite, powered templates, and interact with your 2D
by Pix4D. Drone2Map helps you and 3D content—all within one app.
generate products quickly for With ArcGIS Experience Builder,
visualization and analysis. your web apps look great and run
seamlessly on mobile devices.
Site Scan for ArcGIS is end-to-
end, cloud-based drone mapping
software designed to revolutionize
imagery data collection, processing,
and analysis. Maintain a complete
picture of your drone inventory and
flight history with automatic fleet
management. Stay up-to-date with
accurate imagery, using repeatable
flight plans that ensure high-quality
data capture when flying your
drones. Securely process imagery
in a scalable cloud environment
to create high-quality 2D and 3D
imagery products that can be
quickly shared throughout your
organization, on any device. Save
time by using the measurement and
analysis tools to get the answers
you need from your data. Directly
publish your drone data to your
ArcGIS organization to perform
advanced drone analytics such as
object detection and application
of artificial intelligence (AI).

Dashboards and Visualizations Advanced Analytics
ArcGIS Dashboards enables ArcGIS Insights analysis software

user s to convey information is analysis software that fuses

by presenting location-based location analytics with open data
analy tic s using intuitive and science and business intelligence
interactive data visualizations on a work flows. Answer questions
single screen. Every organization you didn’t know to ask, analyze
using the ArcGIS system can take data completely, and unlock new
advantage of ArcGIS Dashboards insights. Empower analysts of all
to help make decisions, visualize skill levels across departments
trends, monitor status in real time, to directly connect data, perform
and inform the community. Tailor advanced analy tics, and take
dashboards to your audiences, results into third-party systems.
giving them the ability to slice
the data to get the answers they
need. A dashboard is an essential
information product, like maps Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
and apps, providing a critical
component to your geospatial Use machine learning (ML) and
infrastructure. artificial intelligence designed to
solve the complex spatial problems
Scene Viewer ™ SaaS allows you face. Use location data as the
users to view, create, and share connective thread to reveal hidden
3D scenes in your browser. Our pat terns, improve predic tive
world is in 3D, and you need to be modeling, and create a competitive
able to tell your 3D story to the edge. Combine powerful built-in
world. You can combine various tools with machine learning and
2D and 3D datasets to tell the deep learning (DL) frameworks.
complete story, as well as view and
Solve complex problems by
share existing 3D scenes. Explore
combining powerful built-in tools
3D features, such as terrain and
with any machine learning package
elevation, from all angles, and add
or framework you use, including
pop-up windows and infographics
scikit-learn, TensorFlow, R, IBM
to display important information.
Watson, and Microsoft AI.

ArcGIS Notebooks provides a

Mobility Jupyter Notebook experience
optimized for spatial analysis.
ArcGIS Field Maps is an all-in-one Combine industry-leading spatial
app that uses data-driven maps to analysis algorithms with open-
help mobile workers perform data source Python libraries to build
collection and editing, find assets precise spatial data science
and information, and report their mod els. Red uce time s pent
real-time locations. ArcGIS Field managing dependencies across
Maps is the go-to app, powered by data science ecosystems and
maps, that streamlines the critical increase cross-team collaboration
workflows field personnel use every and transparency. Ideate, iterate,
day. Because it is built on ArcGIS, and share workflows in a secure
everyone—whether in the field or environment—accessible
the office—will benefit from using anywhere you go. Convey results
the same data. with beautiful, interactive maps
and apps for data storytelling that
drives insight and action.
ArcGIS Survey123 is a complete,
formcentric solution for creating,
sharing, and analyzing surveys. Use continued on page 6
it to create smart forms with skip
logic, defaults, and support for
multiple languages. Collect data via
web or mobile devices, even when
disconnected from the internet.
Analyze results quickly, and upload
data securely for further analysis.

continued from page 5

Developer Tools
Esri’s ArcGIS Platform brings market-
Digital Twin Additional Resources
leading location services to you as a Europe’s Largest Port Prepares for
platform as a service (PaaS). Integrate Autonomous Ships (article)
location into your apps and business With GIS technology, IBM’s Watson IoT, and Cisco’s Kinetic,
systems with the most comprehensive, Port of Rotterdam’s digital twin will help the port receive
highest-quality set of location services, autonomous ships.
data, and mapping tools available.
Build with the mapping libraries of The Digital Twin of Port of Rotterdam (video)
your choice or use Esri’s full range of Hear Erwin Rademaker, program manager with the Port of
mapping libraries and no-code options Rotterdam Authority, detail the role location technology is
that reduce time to market and promote playing in the digital transformation of Europe’s largest port.
creative design. ArcGIS Platform offers
an affordable and flexible location- Digital Twin Helps Airport Optimize Operations (article)
focused PaaS for software developers, The world’s 11th-busiest airport, the second-largest in terms
businesses, and organizations. of hub connectivity, and the main international airport of
the Netherlands, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol facilitates
Esri APIs and SDKs. As developers, the movement of passengers and cargo throughout the
you can use our advanced mapping Netherlands and the rest of Europe.
ser vices in your own mapping
applications or flex the ArcGIS system Real-World Solutions Using Geospatial Models:
to meet your organization’s particular Transportation (ebook)
needs. Solution partners, integrators, This ebook contains various case studies showing how
and Esri’s own developers use ArcGIS geospatial technology enables transportation problem solvers
application programming interfaces to use reality as their greatest asset.
(APIs) and software development kits
(SDKs) to develop location-enabled
products, solutions, applications, and
extensions. You can leverage the same
suite of tools to develop for just about A Digital Twin Fuels Record Expansion at Vail Resort (article)
any modern system. Determined to deliver early season openings to thousands of
skiers, management at Vail Ski Resort initiated an expansion of
its snowmaking capabilities that relied on a digital twin of the
ArcGIS Maps SDK for game engines.
mountain’s infrastructure.
The convergence of real-world GIS and
game engine real-time visualization
will enable us to create detailed 3D 5D: The New Frontier for Digital Twins (article)
representations of our data. Gain Imagine watching a 3D animation of a construction project
empowerment, through analysis and as it progresses through each phase. Now add a timeline so
visuals, over complex projects like digital designers see which structures will be built by week, and include
twins, architectural visualization, and an estimator that calculates cost every step of the way.
simulation. Create interactive 3D worlds
to bring geographic accuracy into A Digital Twin for the Supply Chain (article)
games by accessing real-world terrain, Read how a digital twin is changing the landscape of supply
imagery, and 3D structures and features. chain operators.
Bring these new projects to desktop and
mobile platforms, as well as popular Digital Transformation: A Walk-Through Guide (blog)
extended reality (XR) hardware like This article discusses how companies and executives are
Oculus Quest and Microsoft HoloLens. strategizing a game plan to begin their digital transformation.

ArcGIS Knowledge is enterprise Five Steps toward Building a Digital Twin for
knowledge graph software that enables the Supply Network (blog)
users to explore and analyze spatial,
nonspatial, unstructured, and structured Manufacturers Committed, but Slow to Digitally
data to accelerate decision-making. Transform the Supply Chain (blog)
Developed to seamlessly connect
analysts to the data sources they need
and the analytical tools they trust, ArcGIS
Knowledge supports collaborative,
all-source investigations and sharing
of information across the enterprise.
Analysts can visualize information
through multiple perspectives, like
maps, link charts, histograms, and entity
cards, to solve spatial and nonspatial
problems. ArcGIS Knowledge offers a
cost-effective and flexible way to add
enterprise knowledge graph analytics
to your existing ArcGIS investment.

Architecture, Engineering, Telecom
and Construction Enabling Digital Twins for Next Generation Network
Management (storytelling app)
Digital Twin of the Globe Helps Companies
Get Ahead of Climate Risk (article)
Business executives crave predictability, and a new simulation-
based system uses GIS technology to predict where supply chain
Smart Cities
vulnerabilities could emerge months and years in the future. Meet Boston’s Digital Twins (blog)
See how the Boston Planning & Development Agency carved a
ArcGIS: A Foundation for Digital Twins (blog) 3D wooden model of Boston’s downtown to help planners and
Digital twins are virtual representations of the real world that developers design the city’s future.
incorporate physical objects, processes, relationships, and
behaviors. Uppsala Creates a Detailed Digital Twin to Enhance
Sustainability (blog)
Building Smart Infrastructure in a Digital Age: The Uppsala Climate Protocol guides key decisions that
Global Innovators (ebook) planners used to design green development.
This ebook contains various case studies highlighting how
global innovators are driving change in a digital age. NextTech: A Digital Twin Aids Planning in the
New Workplace (article)
How NASA Mapped and Modeled Langley’s Digital Twin (blog) Learn how a health-care system saved $4,000 a day in a 395-bed
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) facility by eliminating time wasted by staff searching for assets.
Langley Research Center uses a digital twin as a backdrop to nearly
300 lightweight and purpose-driven facility management apps.
Artificial Intelligence
Replacing 50,000 Work Hours with AI (blog)
Water See how drones and AI have saved one utility 50,000 work hours
Gwinnett County Explores Benefits of Digital Twins a year by using deep neural network modeling.
at Pump Station (case study)
Esri’s ArcGIS technology-based digital twin enables Gwinnett Automating Railway Asset Detection Using Lidar and Deep
County’s operations managers and staff to locate and monitor Learning (article)
assets within a rich 3D spatially accurate environment. Learn how deep learning was used in 2D and 3D domains for
asset inventory management for railways.
Combining Spatially Contextualized Assets and
Real-World Building Spaces Enables a Vertical Asset Digital Twins: Accelerating Business Innovation (podcast)
Management Program (case study) Jay Theodore, Esri’s chief technology officer for enterprise
See how Raleigh Water saved time and money by enabling staff and AI technologies, explains how digital twins powered by
to quickly locate assets throughout the organization’s facilities location intelligence technology can help businesses and other
by leveraging indoor maps. organizations gain insights into real-world operations and assets.

Smarter Solutions for the Real World, Using GIS—

Water (ebook) Planning and Design
This ebook contains various case studies highlighting smarter Honolulu Planners Visualize Housing Patterns
solutions using GIS for water. with an Eye on Affordability (blog)
The Honolulu City Council, in Hawaii, faced housing affordability
A Foundation for Digital Twins in Water (storytelling app) concerns. Three-dimensional maps showed housing supply and
This story will introduce the elements and information models demand, which guided zoning changes and transit planning on
that comprise a digital twin and provide a better understanding all levels.
of problems that all water organizations face.
Gothenburg Is (T)Winning (blog)
Gothenburg created a digital twin of its city to analyze historical
Electric or real-time data and study simulations of potential future
Florida Utility Creates Digital Twin of Electric Assets scenarios.
with Highly Accurate Field Operations (case study)
Field crews create the first highly accurate digital twin of the Hardeeville and ArcGIS Urban: Small City Facing
utility’s transmission and distribution assets in 50 years. Tremendous Growth (blog)
See how a small city planning department. uses the 3D
Creating a GIS-Centric Community of Action (article) visualization tools in ArcGIS Urban to see the changes and
Today, utilities and local governments face another turning impacts of population growth on the city.
point in technology development: the digital twin.

Esri, the global market leader in geographic information
system (GIS) software, location intelligence, and mapping,
helps customers unlock the full potential of data to improve
operational and business results.

Founded in 1969 in Redlands, California, USA, Esri software is

deployed in more than 350,000 organizations globally and in over
200,000 institutions in the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe,
Africa, and the Middle East. Esri has partners and local distributors
in over 100 countries on six continents, including Fortune 500
companies, government agencies, nonprofits, and universities.
With its pioneering commitment to geospatial information
technology, Esri engineers the most innovative solutions for digital
transformation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics.

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Copyright © 2022 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, the Esri globe logo, ArcGIS, The Science of Where, GeoBIM,
Indoors, IPS, Velocity, CityEngine, Drone2Map, Hub, StoryMaps, Scene Viewer, Insights,, and esri.
com are trademarks, service marks, or registered marks of Esri in the United States, the European Community,
or certain other jurisdictions. Other companies and products or services mentioned herein may be trademarks,
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