Glis Juno SB
Glis Juno SB
Glis Juno SB
KeY featureS cOMPact aSSet ManaGeMent SOlutiOn fOr YOur entire WOrKfOrce
Cost-effective fully integrated solution Arm your crew with the durable, compact You never have to worry about running out
field computer that integrates a rich array of of memory in the field with the Juno SB
functionality, including photo capture and handheld’s microSD card slot . Compatibility
3 megapixel camera high-yield GPS positioning . The Juno™ SB with high capacity microSD cards provides
handheld is the affordable way to maximize ample storage for large applications, data
the productivity of your entire workforce . and raster background maps, or even
High-sensitivity GPS receiver entire projects .
For asset management and inspection
applications, the Juno SB handheld is the Productivity for field and office
Long life battery for all-day use perfect tool . A photo provides accurate,
In applications such as natural resource data
detailed documentation of the condition of
collection, public works asset inspection, and
an asset, while the integrated GPS receiver
Lightweight and compact mobile workforce management where high
records the asset’s location .
productivity is critical, the Juno SB handheld
is ideal . Incorporating a high-sensitivity GPS
Value for large deployments
receiver, it has been specifically designed
The Juno SB handheld is an economical solution to maximize yield of positions in hostile
ideally suited to utility companies, government environments such as under forest canopy
organizations, and agencies that are looking and up against buildings .
to equip their entire field workforce while
managing strict budgets . A complete range For these types of applications, the Juno
of cost-effective price points are available SB handheld can be used in real time with
that combine the Juno SB handheld with your its integrated SBAS receiver to achieve 2 to
required field application software . 5 meter positional accuracy . When higher
accuracy is required to meet company
While minimizing expenditure, you or regulatory standards, the field data
won't have to compromise on features or collected with the Juno SB handheld can
functionality . The Juno SB handheld includes be postprocessed with the new Trimble®
a 533 MHz processor, 3 .5 inch display, and a DeltaPhase™ technology to achieve 1 to 3
3 megapixel camera . Now each member of meter6 accuracy .
your workforce has the ability to augment
their GPS information with photographs while As part of the Trimble family of GPS solutions,
performing GIS data collection, maintenance, the Juno SB handheld is fully compatible
and inspection activities . with Trimble’s entire range of Mapping & GIS
software, giving you a choice of field-proven
Standard wireless capabilities include built-in software solutions for professional GIS data
Bluetooth®, giving you cable-free connections collection and maintenance . You can easily
to peripherals such as RFID readers and deploy the Juno SB handheld alongside your
barcode scanners, and wireless LAN that current Trimble equipment, and maintain the
enables you to access your organization's same workflows and policies .
secure network to get the latest data .
No matter what your set-up, the Juno SB The Juno SB handheld's Windows Mobile®
handheld gives you flexible connectivity 6 .1 operating system includes personal
methods to meet your business needs . productivity tools such as Word Mobile,
Excel® Mobile, Internet Explorer® Mobile,
the ultimate in mobility and Outlook® Mobile, allowing a seamless
The Juno SB handheld is designed to keep exchange of data between the field
your workforce mobile with the convenience and office .
of a single integrated, pocketable device that
avoids the need to carry a camera, a GPS data the lightweight heavyweight
collector, and a PDA . Equip each of your field workers with the
durable, lightweight field computer that really
The long life battery of the Juno SB handheld packs a punch . The Juno SB handheld is the
allows GPS data collection for a full working one tool your mobile workforce can’t afford
day, without the need for recharging . The to be without .
battery is also field-replaceable, for extended
periods away from a power source .
Juno SB handheld
AMERICA Trimble Germany GmbH Trimble Navigation
Trimble Navigation Limited Am Prime Parc 11 Singapore PTE Limited
10355 Westmoor Drive 65479 Raunheim 80 Marine Parade Road
Suite #100 GERMANY #22-06 Parkway Parade
Westminster, CO 80021 +49-6142-2100-0 Phone Singapore, 449269
USA +49-6142-2100-550 Fax SINGAPORE
+1-720-587-4574 Phone +65-6348-2212 Phone
+1-720-587-4878 Fax +65-6348-2232 Fax