Paper 10
Paper 10
Paper 10
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The most important advancement in metal joining during the last few decades is the Friction Stir Welding
Available online xxxx (FSW) process. When welding magnesium or light weight alloys, FSW offers several benefits. Due to its
advantages in lightweight construction, friction stir welding of magnesium alloys are widely used in
Keywords: the aerospace, marine, transport sector, particularly in automobiles and trucks, where they may signifi-
FSW cantly increase fuel economy and reduce emissions. Research and development in the area of FSW and
Mg alloy related technologies have recently been advancing quickly on a global scale. The fundamentals of friction
Thermal analysis
stir welding and a number of characteristics of friction stir welded magnesium alloys have been discussed
Light weight alloys
Automobile applications
in this article. Furthermore, this review reports the summary of the present status of friction stir welding
of magnesium alloys with automotive applications. In addition to that, the properties, structure, flamma-
bility and wear behavior of magnesium alloys have been described.
Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advancements in Materials and Manufacturing.
1. Introduction chemical cleaning is required. The easiest methods for fusion weld-
ing use procedures that use an inert shielding environment of
Transportation industry is still facing challenges today though argon or helium gas. There is a great deal of misunderstanding
the technology has been developed so far. The major concerning out there about the fire risk while manufacturing magnesium
factor is the environmental impact which includes the CO2 emis- alloys. It is true that magnesium alloys are very flammable when
sions which must be reduced and is directly linked with the fuel they are broken down into small pieces, like powder or tiny chips,
efficiency and overall weight of the vehicle. Therefore, the automo- and this danger should never be disregarded. To prevent burning
bile manufacturers are in a constant urge of reducing the weight of beyond 427 °C, a non-combustible, oxygen-free environment is
the components as it will substantially influence the fuel efficiency necessary. The non-combustible magnesium alloy AMCa602 is cre-
of the vehicle. This demand for light weight structures has put ated by adding 2% calcium by weight to the magnesium alloy
focus on many alloys rather than metals as alloys possess wider AM60. Since stable RE-Mg intermetallic compounds may form at
properties than metals. Magnesium (Mg) alloys contains signifi- both low and high temperatures, rare earths can enhance the
cant material properties such as, low density, light weight, excel- mechanical characteristics of materials based on magnesium. Nev-
lent corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties at high ertheless, the low strength and poor wear resistance of magnesium
temperature. Also it includes, manganese, silicon, copper, rare alloys restricts their use in structural and anti-friction applications.
earths, zirconium and other metals. The hexagonal lattice structure According to prior research, Mg matrix composites made by mixing
of magnesium alloys has an impact on their basic characteristics secondary particles with Mg may greatly slow down corrosion and
[1]. decomposition rates. This increases strength and corrosion
Mg alloys may be spot-welded almost as readily as aluminium, resistance.
however prior to the weld being created, scratch brushing or Kulekci [2] reviewed that proper selection of alloys will consid-
erably reduce the overall payload and thereby achieving the
marked performance. The weight reduction criterion has so many
⇑ Corresponding author. advantages such as better performance levels, low emissions, bet-
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Anton Savio Lewise).
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advancements in Materials and Manufacturing.
Please cite this article as: M.A. Unnikrishnan, J. Edwin Raja Dhas, K. Anton Savio Lewise et al., Challenges on friction stir welding of magnesium alloys in
automotives, Materials Today: Proceedings,
M.A. Unnikrishnan, J. Edwin Raja Dhas, K. Anton Savio Lewise et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
ter fuel efficiency etc. Almost all industries are highly concerned widely used. AZ91B has been used in various applications owing
with environmental conservation and automobile industry is no to its good cast ability, mechanical strength, impact toughness
different. The major part of automobile weight is concentrated etc. The letter A and Z denotes Al and Zn whereas number 9
on chassis, engine components, power train components etc. Some denotes the percentage of aluminium and 1 denotes the percent-
research statistics shows that around 30% of weight is related to age of Zinc in the alloy grade composition and the alphabet
chassis and same to powertrain components. Constant research denotes the second stage of development of the alloy. As the per-
has been going on for proper substitute materials with better dura- centage content of aluminium is more the structural properties,
bility, impact strength etc. This demand has resulted in the selec- strength etc. gets improved and thus it’s suitable for lightweight
tion of Mg alloys for automotive components since the properties structural parts. Among the wrought alloys Mg-Al-Zn Alloys series
of Mg alloys are similar to that of Aluminium alloys. Easton has been widely used. They are heat treatable and may be
et al., [3] reported about various applications of Mg alloys in a vari- strengthened by precipitation hardening. Among the wrought
ety of automotive parts such as in chassis components like Brake alloys AZ31B is finding more applications due to its good strength,
bracket, brake/clutch pedal bracket, air bag housings, engine descent weld ability etc. Liu et al., [7] mentioned that the AZ31B
cradle/subframe, Seat base, console bracket, instrument panel grade is finding applications in luggage racks of high speed trains
cross car beam, Antilock Braking System (ABS) housing, steering due to a weight reduction of 33% and Dziubinska et al., [8] quoted
wheel armature, steering column bracket band hub, jacket assem- the applications in aircraft brackets.
bly and housings, lock housing, actuator housing and retainer,
exterior components like Sunroof cover/cap assembly, outside mir- 1.1. Friction stir welding process
ror armature, roof frame, powertrain components such as Alterna-
tor A/C bracket, alternator bracket, alternator/idler bracket, valve FSW which is a solid state welding technique having a rotating
cover, cam cover, EGR valve plate, clutch housing, oil pan, cam tool with a pin inserted into the weld line until the tool shoulder
cover, power steering pump bracket etc. touches the upper surface of the plates being welded. Unnikrish-
Davies [4] described about Mg and its basic properties. Mg with nan and Raja [9] detailed that plates are welded due to the fric-
a density of 1.74 g/cm3 is the lightest of all engineering metals. Mg tional heat developed between the tool shoulder and the plates.
is the eighth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Mg is 35% The side of the weld, where the traversing direction and tool direc-
lighter than Aluminium (Al) (2.7 g/cm3) and almost four times tion are the same is called as the Advancing Side (AS), whereas the
lighter than steel (7.86 g/cm3). Mg has a HCP crystal structure. It side where the traversing direction is against the tool direction is
is having a Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) crystal structure which called as the Retreating Side (RS). The temperature is increased
makes it difficult to deform at room temperature. Mg is having up to the recrystallization temperature and the rotating tool will
good strength to weight ratio, formability properties, better damp- cause the intermixing of plasticize material and leads to solid state
ing characteristics, fluidity, hot formability, good machinability welding. The weld zones can be classified into Nugget Zone (NZ)
and low temperature properties which are very important from where the intermixing takes place, Thermo-Mechanically Affected
structural application point of view. They have better manufac- Zone (TMAZ) where maximum deformation takes place and Heat
turability, longer die life and faster solidification. Affected Zone (HAZ) where temperature variation can be noted
Taub and Luo [5] quoted that the Mg alloys are contributing without much influence on deformation. Friction stir welding has
around 50–60 % weight reduction in automotive structures. many advantages over other conventional welding techniques
Though pure Mg is abundantly available from the application side such as Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding, Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG)
Mg alloys are widely used. They are easily machinable and are hav- welding etc. Also, it has been mentioned about some of the advan-
ing high damping resistance. Sankaran and Mishra [6] quoted tages are smaller HAZ [10], high weld strength [11], low distortion
about the alloying of Mg and the classification of Mg alloys based [12], less defects due to solidification, no consumables being used,
on manufacturing route is shown in Fig. 1.1. The most commonly cleaner and environmentally friendly process etc. Also many prob-
used alloying element is Al. In addition of Al will significantly lems such as porosity, solidification cracking, shrinkage etc. which
improve the strength, corrosion resistance etc. Another major are common in other welding techniques can be avoided to a great
alloying element is Zinc (Zn) which increases strength but may extent. Another important characteristic is FSW can be used for
have some negative impact on corrosion resistance properties. It joining dissimilar alloys. And it has been found that welding
mainly depends upon the percentage composition of the alloy parameters play a key role in final weld quality and some of the
being made. Manganese (Mn) is another element which is used major welding process parameters in FSW are Tool rotational
for alloying Mg and yield strength can be made better with Mn speed, Tool travel speed or welding speed, tool tilt angle, plunge
addition. Other alloying elements are Silicon (Si), Zirconium (Zr), depth, effect of forces in the , y, z axes and most importantly
Tin (Sn), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb) etc. the tool which is used for welding [13]. Grujicic et al., [14] pre-
The Mg alloys can be broadly classified in to cast alloys and sented the schematic diagram of FSW process and the different
wrought alloys. Among the cast alloys Mg-Al-Zn series has been metallurgical process zones is shown in Fig. 1.2.(a) and (b).
The FSW process is carried out through these steps. Firstly, the
plates to be welded are clamped firmly on the back plate by means
of fixtures. Then a rotating tool is plunged into the abutting edge
until the shoulder of the tool touches the upper surface of the
material. Sufficient downward axial force is needed to keep the
contact. The rotating tool is held at its initial position for some time
to achieve enough temperature for plastic flow. The tool is then
allowed to traverse along the line of joint till the end of the weld.
After reaching the end of the line the tool gets withdrawn from the
work piece. Some of the applications of FSW in automotive indus-
try are center tunnels, camshafts, pistons, tailor welded blanks etc.
Some of the reasons for increasing acceptance of FSW are operating
costs are low, its capability in joining dissimilar metals, high con-
Fig. 1.1. Classification of Mg alloys based on manufacturing route. sistency and most importantly it’s environmentally friendly.
M.A. Unnikrishnan, J. Edwin Raja Dhas, K. Anton Savio Lewise et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
M.A. Unnikrishnan, J. Edwin Raja Dhas, K. Anton Savio Lewise et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
during welding and these forces both in X axis and Y axis has been ing. The pin length and tool tilt angle was kept constant at 5.45 mm
measured using a high sensitive piezoelectric dynamometer. Four and 3°. The tool rotational speed and traverse speed selected for
different FSW stages namely tool plunging, tool dwelling, welding cylindrical tool and truncated conical tool were 1500 rpm-
and tool pulling out was recognized. The tool feed rate was most 1800 rpm and 100 mm/min to 120 mm/min respectively. Among
influential than rotational speed. the two different tool profiles used the truncated tool produced
Khan et al., [33] researched on the mechanical properties and better defect free joints rather than cylindrical tool as the contact
characterization of AZ31B Mg alloy which was processed by FSW area for cylindrical pin profile is more it may have led to defect for-
and Tungsten arc welding. The tool was of H13 tool steel with a mation and the area of detection was parallel along the weld line.
conical tip having a diameter ratio of 2:4. Tool rpm, welding speed, Gupta et al., [35] studied about the tunnel defect formation dur-
tool tilt angle and axial force were the chosen process parameters. ing FS processing of AZ31B and the effect of tool rpm and feed rate
UTS, YS, percentage elongation and weld efficiency were calcu- on it.The chosen process parameters were tool rpm which was kept
lated. While comparing to TAW, FSW joints showed better results constant at 2000 rpm, feed rate of 40 mm/min, 50 mm/min and the
for UTS. Also the fatigue strength of FSW joints were more, both welding was done using H13 tool steel with cylindrical as well as
metallographic and fractographic analysis favour FSW as per the truncated conical pin profiles. The results shows that cylindrical
results. Though this is a comparison between two welding tech- pin produced much tunnel defect and the orientation of defect
niques more emphasis has been put on to FSW and the results was inclined towards the retreating side. At a feed rate of
showed that FSW was more beneficial. The microstructure of the 50 mm/min excessive flash was observed while using the cylindri-
weld is shown in Fig. 3.3. cal tool. The tunnel defect was low while using truncated conical
Gulati et al., [34] analysed about the defect formation during tool.
FSW of AZ31B alloy. A truncated conical pin profiled and cylindri- Rao and Naik [36] researched the effect of welding parameters
cal pin profiled tool made up of H13 tool steel was used for weld- on microstructural and mechanical properties of AZ31B.A cylindri-
Fig. 3.3. Microstructure of (a) base metal (b) SZ of FS weld zone (c) TMAZ of FS weld (d) GTA weld zone.
Fig. 3.4. Optical microstructure of (a) TMAZ (b) HAZ at 1600 rpm and 24 mm/min.
M.A. Unnikrishnan, J. Edwin Raja Dhas, K. Anton Savio Lewise et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 3.6. Effect of various tool pin profiles on stir zone microstructure.
M.A. Unnikrishnan, J. Edwin Raja Dhas, K. Anton Savio Lewise et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
material, shoulder diameter and tool pin profile during FSW of The SEM images of different zones during one pass FSP is shown
AZ31B Mg alloy. The effect of various pin profiles on microstruc- in Fig. 3.9.
ture has been shown in Fig. 3.6. The microstructure was refined more during second pass. The
Among the five tool materials and pin profiles high carbon steel UTS,micro hardness in the stir zone region and elongation all
tool with threaded pin profile with a shoulder diameter of 18 mm increased. Sufficient breakup of a-phase and proper refinement
showed better tensile properties. Sahu et al., [40] assessed the of b-phase was observed as results.
effect of self-retracting Bobbin Tool (BT) FSW of AZ31 Mg alloy at Farzami et al., [49] focussed on the properties of AZ91 Mg alloy
an inert gas environment.H13 tool was used with tool rpm and during FSW with and without the addition of SiC nano particles.
welding speed as selected parameters Ugender et al., [41] Kadigithala and Vanitha [50] researched on the effects of welding
researched on the effect of tool rotational speed and tool material speeds during FSW on mechanical and microstructural properties
during FSW of AZ31B Mg alloy. Tool rotational speeds of 900 rpm, of Mg alloy AZ91D. H13 tool steel with tapered cylindrical pin
1120 rpm and 1400 rpm and welding speed from 25 to 75 mm/min was used. Kouadri-Henni and Barrallier [51] analysed the mechan-
were used. Three tool materials namely Stainless steel, HSS and ical, microstructure and crystallographic properties during FSW of
H13 tool steel were used. AZ91-D Mg alloy.
Singh et al., [42] studied about the effect of parameters on FSW Patel et al., [52] researched on the influence of tool pin profile
of AZ31B-O Mg alloy. A high strength joint was obtained at a weld and welding parameters during FSW of AZ91 Mg alloy on mechan-
pitch of 0.050 mm/rev. The area between SZ and TMAZ towards the ical properties. Three different tool pin designs were selected
advancing side was the fracture location for most of the samples. namely threaded straight cylindrical, tapered cylindrical and
The grain size after welding was found to be inversely proportional straight cylindrical. The welding process was designed according
to weld pitch. to Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array with three tool pin profiles, tool
Yang et al., [43] studied about the effect of probe less FSW on rotational speed from 710 rpm to 1400 rpm and welding speed
AZ31 Mg alloy. Tool was made up of H13 tool steel. TMAZ and from 28 mm/min to 56 mm/min as the process parameters.
HAZ were observed with fine and partially deformed grains. Three Suhin et al., [53] had predicted the process parameters during
fracture modes namely interfacial shear, mixed mode and pull out FSW of similar and dissimilar alloy. Four different process param-
fracture were observed. Mirzaei et al., [44] had studied the effect of eters are optimized by regression analysis to get a high strength
tool pin profile on the material flow during FSW of AZ91 Mg alloy. welded joint.
Fashami et al., [45] researched about the mechanical properties of Sunil et al., [54] researched on the microstructural aspects dur-
AZ91 Mg alloy during multi-pass FS processing. The optical micro- ing FSW of dissimilar Mg alloys AZ31 and AZ91. The specimens
scopic images of the grain distribution in stir zone up and stir zone
down regions and the corresponding SEM image of the distribution
of b-phase is shown in Fig. 3.7.
Asadi et al., [46] had simulated the dynamic recrystallization
process during FSW of Mg alloy grade AZ91. Tool rotational speeds
of 710 rpm, 1400 rpm and traverse speeds of 25 mm/min, 50 mm/
min were used. The tool was of 2344 hot working steel with square
pin profile. The tilt angle of the tool was fixed at 3°. The process
was finite element modelled and a combination of cellular automa-
tion and laasraoui-jonas model has been used. A comparison has
been made between the simulated and experimental results. The
results showed that the proposed model can simulate the disloca-
tion accumulation map, nucleation and grain growth stages.
Baradarani et al., [47] studied the effect of Ultra Sonic assisted
FSW (USFSW) of AZ91-C Mg alloy and its microstructural and
mechanical properties. The hardness profile during two processes
has been shown in Fig. 3.8.
Chai et al., [48] worked on the microstructural and mechanical
aspects during multipass FS processing of AZ91 Mg alloys. The
material was subjected to one pass and two pass FSP with a tool
rotational speed of 800 rpm and traverse speed of 60 mm/min. Fig. 3.8. Hardness profiles of US FSW and FSW joints.
Fig. 3.7. (a) SEM Image of Grains and Distribution of b-Phase (b) OM Image of the Stirred Zone-Down (c) OM Image of the Stirred Zone-up.
M.A. Unnikrishnan, J. Edwin Raja Dhas, K. Anton Savio Lewise et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
were friction stir welded with three different feeds and speeds to be larger than at AZ31 side. The optimum results were obtained
ranging from 1400 to 1800 rpm and 25 to 100 mm/min. After at 580 rpm and 45 mm/min.
welding the joints were subjected to micro hardness measurement, Lee et al., [56] carried out FSW of dissimilar Mg alloys AZ31 and
tensile test and microstructural analysis. Fig. 3.10 shows the opti- AZ91. AZ31B-H24 and as cast AZ91D Mg alloys were used with tool
cal microstructure of the weld zone. Kumar Singh and Kumar rotational speed from 1250 to 3600 rpm, welding speed from 22 to
Dubey [55] studied about the joining performance of dissimilar 87 mm/min, pin inserting depth from 3.92 to 3.95 mm and fixed
Mg alloys AZ31 and AZ91. Tool rotational speed ranging from tool to work piece angle of 3°as process parameters. The
440 to 1160 rpm, welding speed ranging from 45 to 55 mm/min microstructure of TMAZ region of AZ91 and stir zone is shown in
and heat input ratio from 8 to 25.77 x/v. Fig. 3.11.
The welded specimens were undergone for tensile test, micro- Sound welds were obtained at 3600 rpm and 41 mm/min with
hardness test and the surface roughness was calculated. The proper dynamic recrystallization occurance.The base material
microstructural analysis includes SEM and XRD. The surface rough- region showed more hardness than the weld zone. Fig. 3.12 shows
ness results show that the smoothness increased with respect to the hardness distribution pattern during higher welding speed of
increase in heat input. The grain size in AZ91 side was observed 3600 rpm.
Fig. 3.10. Optical Microscope Images of (a) AZ91 BM (b) AZ31 BM (c) NZ and BM Interface at the AZ31 Side (d) Corresponding Magnified Image (e) NZ and BM Interface at the
AZ91 Side (f) Corresponding Magnified Image.
M.A. Unnikrishnan, J. Edwin Raja Dhas, K. Anton Savio Lewise et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 3.11. (a) TMAZ Region of AZ91 (b) Stir Zone Region.
4. Conclusions
Fig. 3.13. (a) TMAZ Region of AZ31 (b) TMAZ Region of AZ91.
M.A. Unnikrishnan, J. Edwin Raja Dhas, K. Anton Savio Lewise et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
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