Finals Exam Ncm209
Finals Exam Ncm209
Finals Exam Ncm209
with Problems (Acute & Chronic)
NCM 209 – Florence Puno
22 O1
I Orientation
Start at the time the CI said so, as well as end
at the allotted time.
Late passers - deduction of points
Very particular with the time – time
A RDS management to answer the questions.
D COLD STRESS sa zoom, send letter to the CI
VIII COMPLICATION OF POST MATURITY hours, send to the nursing coordinator.
A SGA Attached ID, signature of parents and proof.
ATTENDANCE - may be done on quipper.
Concerns: inform the CI; just message the CI
Complications OF POST MATURITY
The placenta begins to age toward the end of
pregnancy, and may not function as efficiently - pag deliver ng baby, we are going to weigh the baby
as before.
The failing placental function will place infants Small for Gestational
at risk for intrauterine hypoxia during labor
and delivery. (Intrauterine hypoxia occurs o the fetus or the newborn is smaller than
when the fetus is deprived of adequate supply normal
of oxygen, maybe because of umbilical cord o SGA babies are those whose birth weight lies
collapse or placental infarction or maternal below the 10th percentile for that gestational
factors) age
o SGA babies may be:
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (Occurs when there Premature (born before 37 weeks of
is a breathing problem on the newborn) gestation)
Hypoglycemia Full term (37 – 41 weeks)
From nutritional deprivation and poor storage Post term (after 42 weeks of pregnancy)
of glycogen at birth
o what is important is the gestational age of the
baby that starts on the first day of the
Increase circulating rbc (hemoglobin is
mother’s last menstrual period
responsible, it will cause blood viscosity)
Intrauterine GROWTH (IUGR)
Growth Restriction RESTRICTION
Ultrasound is done to evaluate fetal o most common underlying condition leading to
movement, amount of amniotic fluids and the SGA newborn
placenta signs of aging o this condition appears physically,
To reduce the chance of meconium aspiration, neurologically mature but smaller in size
upon delivery of newborn’s head and just o babies have birth weight below the 10%, so
before the baby takes his first breath they are smaller than normal babies of the
Suctioning of the mouth and nose is done same gestational age
o the baby is weak and cannot tolerate large
Nursing Management
1. Closely monitor the newborn
o the baby is not receiving necessary nutrients
cardiopulmonary status
and oxygen
2. Administer supplemental oxygen therapy as
needed o Placental anomaly is the most common cause
3. Frequent monitoring of blood sugar; assess of IUGR
for sign of hypoglycemia Some factors that may contribute to SG are the
4. Provide thermoregulated environment
Use of isolette or radiant heat warmer
5. Monitor for signs of meconium aspiration Maternal factors:
syndrome (signs of meconium aspiration syndrome-
rapid breathing, note chest part kung may retraction, high blood pressure
chronic kidney disease
Babies with SGA may have problems at birth such as: o hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
o respiratory distress
Respiratory distress (asphyxia) o hyperbilirubinemia
Meconium aspiration o potential complications related to the
Hypoglycemia increase in body size
Difficulty maintaining normal body o leading cause of breech position and shoulder
temperature dystocia
Polycythemia (too many red blood cells) o fractured skull, clavicles, cervical or brachial
plexus injury and erb’s palsy
Generally, there is no treatment other than lifting the
o Observe for signs of respiratory distress
child gently to prevent discomfort. Occasionally, the
o Maintain body temperature
arm on the affect ted side may be immobilized.
o Monitor for infection and initiate measure to
prevent sepsis MANAGEMENT:
o Monitor blood glucose levels and for signs of
hypoglycemia Routine newborn care with special emphasis on the
o Initiate early feedings and monitor for signs of following:
aspiration o Monitor vital signs frequently, especially
o Provide stimulation such as touch and respiratory status
cuddling o Monitor blood glucose levels and for signs of
o Initiate early feedings
Large for Gestational GESTATIONAL AGE o Note any signs of birth trauma or injury
o Monitor for infection and initiate measures to
o neonate who is plotted at or above the 90th
prevent sepsis
percentile on the intrauterine growth curve
o Provide stimulation such as touch and
o 2eigh more than 4,000 grams
o the cause is unknown but sometimes genetic
factors and maternal conditions Common acute conditions of newborn:
There is decrease pulmonary surfactant, so
definitely there will be increased surface tension
wherein the lungs will not expand well. Management: Oxygen Therapy
Lack of the expansion of alveoli, this make it
impossible for the baby to breathe in after When there is difficulty of breathing; consider
delivery, baby cannot breathe because of how may liters to administer because if there is
insufficient surfactant. too much then it can lead to: fibroplasia
Lead to decrease alveolar ventilation, then there Hood, nasal prong, mask, endotracheal tube
will be inadequate o2 and co2 exchange. (CPAP) Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, or
Hypoxia – baby works harder and harder to PEEP (Positive-End-Expiratory Pressure) may be
breathe trying to reinflate the collapsed airways; used – different ways to deliver oxygen
baby’s lung function decreases so less oxygen is CPAP – usually used (gray): CPAP machine blows
taken in and more co2 buildup in the blood that air at a prescribed pressure and a very effective
will lead to increase acid in the blood and lead to way to treat sleep apnea; this is ordered by the
acidosis. This will affect the body organ, so if there doctor.
is no treatment, this will lead to exhaustion of the PEEP – used in NICU: maintaining the patient’s
baby to breathe. airway pressure
Atelectasis – collapse of the lung tissue
Management: Surfactant Replacement therapy
Expiratory grunting – major symptoms (indicator of
Attached to the newborn
ECMO – extracorporeal membrane oxygenation;
bypass heart and lungs; will allow the lungs to rest
–it will pump and oxygenate the patient’s blood
3. Infection
not able to receive IgG globulins
Alam naman natin diba kumukha si baby ng immunity
sa mother niya during the last 3 mos of the pregnancy.
But then here, kulang p kaya may infection.
Scarf sign
Check the elbow. It is how the elbow can be moved
4. Cold stress
across the chest. Ang hint jan if malampas bas a chin.
less subcutaneous tissue, poikilothermic
This is the major risk. Nakahubad pa naman an gating
newborn. We must avoid this kay naga adjust pa siya
sa environment niya.
5. Anemia
less iron stores
Decreased hematocrit, decreased hemoglobin.
Decreased erythropoietin.
4. Promoting nutrition
Gavage feeding Assessment
A way of providing milk directly to the baby’s stomach. Depleted subcutaneuos fat: old looking "old
May tube na ginaplace sa nose ng baby and it carries man facies"
the breastmilk formula. Parchment-like skin (dry, wrinkled and
Milk feeding cracked) without lanugo
Fingernails long and extended over ends of
5. Promoting Sensory stimulation fingers
Gentle touch, speaking gently and softly, music box or Abundant scalp hair
low tuned radio Long and thin body
Sign of meconium staining
Nursing Interventions nails and umbilical cord (vellow to green)
1. Monitor vital signs every 2 to 4 hours
2. Administer oxygen and humidification as COMPLICATIONS OF POST MATURITY
prescribed. The placenta begins to aged toward the end
3. Monitor intake and output of pregnancy, and may not function as
Instructions should really be clear. efficiently as before.
4. Monitor daily weight.
So alam natin if enough ba ang nutrients. Or may The failing placental function will place infant
weight problems. at risk for intrauterine hypoxia during labor
5. Maintain newborn in a warming device. and delivery.
6. Reposition every 1 to 2 hours, and handle newborn The fetus is derived of oxygen and nuteients
carefully. that’s why my hypoxia.
7. Avoid exposure to infections.
Do the handwashing and mag gloves since very risk sa
infections and newborn.
8. Provide newborn with appropriate stimulation, May breathing problem. The baby may pass
such as touch meconium into the amniotic fluid during labor or
9. Suctioning of secretions as needed delivery.
If di talaga maka breathe si newborn, then we could
10. Monitor for signs of infection FROM NUTRITIONAL DEPRIVATION AND
Skin color, temperature of the skin. POOR STORAGE OF GLYCOGEN AT BIRTH
11. Provide skin care May low blood sugar because the baby has too little
12. Provide complete explanations for parents glucoses na nastore.
Lalo na sa first time mothers. Ang anxiety level nila is POLYCYTHEMIA
mataas. increase circulating RBC
may problem sa hematocrit and hemoglobin.
Description: Neonate born after 42 weeks of gestation
About 12% of all infants are post-term
Ultrasound is done to evaluate fetal development,
amount of amniotic fluids and the placenta signs
Causes of delayed birth is unknown of aging to reduce the chance of meconium
First pregnancies between the ages 15 to aspiration, upon delivery of newborn's head and
anomaly is the mostWEIGHT
1. Small for gestational age common cause of IUGR
(SGA) babies are those whose birth
weight lies below the 10th percentile Assessment
for that gestational age Respiratory distress - hypoxic
large, obese
Lethargic and limp
May feed poorly Description: Serious lung disorder caused by
immaturity and inability to produce surfactant,
Sign and symptoms of birth trauma resulting in hypoxia and acidosis
Broken clavicle Surfactant - a biochemical compound
Evidence of molding that reduces surface tension inside the air sac
Description: is an abnormally high level of Bilirubin in
the blood; results to jaundiced
physiologic jaundice
occurs on the second day to seventh day
Blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid cultures
Focuses on: Routine CBC, urinalysis, fecalysis
1. Observing neonates respiratory status closely Radiographic test
2. Ensuring adequate oxygenation (as ordered)
3. Administration of antibiotic therapy (prevent MANAGEMENT
Intensive antibiotic therapy
4. Maintain thermoregulation
IV fluids (can be cloudy)
Respiratory therapy
Acetazolamide (diamox)
promote the excretions of excess
CT scan
Skull X-ray
holding a bright light such as a
flashlight or specialized light (Chun
gun) against the skull in a darkened
a skull filled with fluids rather than
solid brain substance
I Spina Bifida
II Meningitis
III Seizure 1. Spina bifida occulta
IV Otitis Media
V Cleft lip and palate ● posterior vertebral arches fail to close in the
lumbosacral area.
● Spinal cord and meninges remains in the
normal anatomic position defect may not be
visible dimble or a tuff of hair on the spine
Bony defect that occurs without soft tissues
Spina Bifida
Description- A central nervous system defect results
● Asymptomatic may have slight neuromuscular
from failure of the neural tube to close during
embryonic development generally in the lumbosacral
● No treatment if asymptomatic aimed at
specific symptoms
2. Spina bifida cystica
So the defect is around that neural tube (Neural tube ● Protrusion of the spinal cord and/or its
defect) meninges with varying degrees of nervous
SPINA BIFIDA tissue involvement
It is a treatable spinal cord malformation that occurs
in varying degrees, depending on the severity.
● Meningocele
○ part of spinal protrudes through
Causes opening in the spinal canal.
○ Sac is covered with thin skin no nerve
Actual cause is unknown; multiple factors roots involved
● Genetic- if a sibling has had neural tube ○ No motor or sensory loss
defect ○ good prognosis after surgery- just
There is a higher than normal risk of having a watch out for signs of infection.
baby if there is a spina bifida already Bony defects that form a certain sac around
that area.
● Environmental factors
● Medications, viral infection and radiation ● Myelomeningocele (meningomyelocele)
Medications if may na take si mother during ○ With spinal nerves roots in the sac
pregnancy ○ Have sensory or motor deficit
○ Below site of the lesion
Taking folic acid decrease incidence of neural tube ○ 80% have multiple handicaps
defect There is a protrusion of the spinal cord in the
meninges with nerve roots na nandyan around
Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential that wall of the cyst.
for cell-growth and production. If you have low folic-
acid intake, that will indicate also the occurrence of
spina bifida
o Closure of sac within 48 hours
For the option of surgery, we will just remove
o Shunt
the sac then there is a closing of that skin,
o Orthopedic
then monitor the response of the patient with
Drug Therapy
regards to the surgery, and how the child
o Antibiotic
adapts to the changes.
o Anticholinergic
Possibly there would be cognitive symptoms
Nursing management
and paralysis. Sometimes it would be
completely paralyzed, and with the cognitive 1. Prevent trauma to the sac
level naman because it occurs in the neural a. Cover with sterile, moist (normal
tube so the effect will lead on how the brain saline, non-adherent dressing
would develop. b. Change the dressing every 2 to 4
hours as prescribed, keep area free
from contamination
Assessment: c. Place in a prone position to minimize
tension on the sac
Depends on the spinal cord involvement d. Head is turned to one side for feeding
1. Visible spinal defect- makita mo nayan from e. Administer meds
head to toe 2. Prevent Complication
a. Use aseptic technique to prevent
2. Motor/sensory involvement infection
b. Assess the sac for redness, clear or
a. Flaccid paralysis of the legs
purulent drainage, abrasions,
b. Altered bladder and bowel function
irritation, and signs of infection
c. Hip and joint deformities
c. Clean intermittent catheterization
d. Hydrocephalus
d. Perform neurological assessment
Hindi naman lahat mag occur so need talaga
e. Assess for physical impairments such
frequent monitoring
as hip and joint deformities
3. Provide adequate nutrition
4. Provide sensory stimulation
Sometimes the patient will also experience 5. Provide emotional support to parents and
lack of strength. In the force routine family
newborn, there will be examinations to be 6. Provide discharge teachings
conducted for us to know the impairment in a. Wound care
the neurologic aspect. b. ROM, PT
c. Signs of complications
d. Medication regimen
Prenatal e. Positioning – feeding, diaper change
● Ultrasound Meningitis MENINGITIS
● Amniocentesis
- Inflammations of meninges of the brain and
spinal cord
- Cause by bacteria, viruses, other
● Xray of spine microorganism
● Ct scan
Bacterial Meningitis
- Haemophilus influenza type B, Streptococcus
pneumoniae, or Neisseria meningitidis
- Viral Meningitis is associated with viruses
such as mumps, herpesvirus, and enterovirus
Fever, chills, headache, high-pitched cry, irritability, Management
vomiting, poor feeding or anorexia, bulging anterior
fontanel in the infant Interventions:
Provide isolation and maintain it for at
least 24 hours after antibiotics are
Signs of Meningeal Irritations initiated
Nuchal rigidity – stiff neck Administer antibiotics and
Positive Kernig sign – severe stiffness antipyretics as prescribed
of the hamstring muscle causes an Perform neurological assessment and
inability to tighten the leg when the monitor for seizures and
hip is flexed to 90 degrees. complications
Opisthotonos Assess for changes in level of
o Arching of the back consciousness and irritability
o Head and heels bent Monitor intake and output
backward Assess nutritional status
o And body arched forward Determine close contacts of the child
Brudzinski sign – Flexion at the hip in with meningitis because the contacts
response to forward flexion of the will need prophylactic treatment.
neck Meningococcal vaccine is
recommended to protect against
If a patient has meningitis, it is necessary to isolate
Even if the sign of illness (fever) is minor, it should
never be taken for granted because it can become
severe in a matter of minutes or seconds.
Mastering drugs such as paracetamol, analgesics,
antipyretics, antibiotics, IV fluids, and pain relievers
since these are most commonly administered;
knowing their mode of transmission, indications, side-
effects, and responsibilities.
Bulging of the fontanel – because of the soft spot on Always remember when sponge baths can be given,
the top of the head or increased intracranial pressure when one can increase fluid intake, to check for good
or fluid in the brain ventilation, and give comfort to the patient since
these are somewhat part of the bed-side care.
Nursing Intervention – Pre op cleft palate
Cleft lip
Prepare parents to care for child after surgery
Can range from a slight notch to a complete
Instruct concerning feeding methods and
separation from the floor of the nose.
Cleft palate
Nursing Intervention post operative – cleft palate
Nasal distortion
Suction mucus and saliva gently and do not
Midline or bilateral cleft
touch the sutures
Variable extension from the uvula and soft
Incision care
and hard palate.
Clean suture with sterile cotton swab with
Associated problems half strength hydrogen peroxide followed by
1. Feeding problems Apply antibiotic ointment
2. URTI Do not displace Logan bar
IV. CHILD ABUSE a. Superficial partial thickness
VI. painful erythema, No vesicles
a. Thermal - Caused by flames, flash, scalding
(hot liquid), contact to hot metal, grease
b. Chemical - Inhalation or ingestions of acids,
alkalines, or vesicant
c. Smoke inhalation - Fire, gases, superheated
air-smoke causes respiratory tissue damage
d. Electrical burn - Damage of nerves and vessels 2. FULL THICKNESS
due to electric current All skin layers and nerve endings, may involve the
- We need also to determine how the muscles, tendons, and bones
patient responds on percentage
Little or no pain
based on the area of burning total
body surface area. Eschar-the tough, leathery scab that form over
Local response - do not exceed with twenty moderate or severe burn area
Wound is dry, white leathery, or hard
Systemic response - exceeds Twenty percent
E. Transport immediately
First degree burn - affect only the outer layer of skin,
- Fluid shift from plasma to interstitial causing
the epidermis. The burn site is red, painful, dry, and
with no blisters. Mild sunburn is an example. Long-
- Low level of fluids
term tissue damage is rare and often consists of an
increase or decrease in the skin color. Assessment findings: Sign of dehydration, BP,
tachycardia, urine output, thirst
Second degree burn - affects both the epidermis and
the second layer of skin (dermis). It may cause Hypovolemia this is the immediate consequence
swelling and red, white or splotchy skin. Blisters may once there is a fluid loss because of the decreased
develop, and pain can be severe. Deep second-degree perfusion or oxygen delivery.
burns can cause scarring. Cardiac output might be decreased before any
significant change with regards to the fluid
Third degree burn - are deep, severe burns that
volume which is very evident.
completely damage the skin. Causes can include
Sometimes the patient would also experience
exposure to flames, explosions, or strong chemicals.
rapid edema after burn injury.
People with third degree burns need immediate
Your circulation should also be assessed to keep it
medical attention from a special burn unit. This can tachycardia because of the blood volume also
help prevent serious complications such as infection decreases you usually during the burn shock.
or shock.
Assessment Focus:
Rule of nines - This method divides the body's
surface area into percentages. The front and
back of the head and neck equal 9% of the
body's surface area. The front and back of
each arm and hand equal 9% of the body's
surface area.
o partial thickness (1st/2nd degree) less than 10-
15% of body surface
o full thickness (3rd degree) less than 2% of body
o No burn on area of face, feet, hands or
o partial thickness (2nd degree) between 15-25%
of body surface
o full thickness less than 10%
o Smoke inhalation
2. Wound care
o open or closed burn therapy, hydrotherapy
3. Drug therapy
o Topical antibiotic - Silver sulfadiazine
o Systemic antibiotics
o Tetanus Toxoid / HTIG - to prevent further
o Analgesic - morphine sulfate
A. Minor burns:
o Antibiotic 4. Physical therapy
o analgesic o to prevent disability caused by scarring,
o ointment contracture
o Gauze bandage
5. Surgery
B. Moderate burns: o Escharotomy (an incision made into
o Do not rupture blisters - it will start an constricting eschar to restore peripheral bld.
infection and much more painful Circulation)
o analgesia/antipyretic ointment o Debridement
o Warm water and mild soap
o Burn dressing - bulky dressing - depends on the o Skin grafting
doctors order
5 Prevent Gl complications
o Parkland formula this is used to calculate fluid
resuscitation for critical burn patient.
o very useful specifically for patients who sustain
large deep partial thickness, full
o Thickness burn.
o These are the formula that we're going to use
when we have our fluid resuscitation to our
• LR - Lactated Ringer
BSA - Body Surface Area
1cc X wt in kg X total BSA%
DIAGNOSIS: Check the blood, urine, toxicology
screening, check electrolytes, AVG testing, electrolyte
testing, check the vomitus, and the presence of
• POISON – Any substance that is harmful to the body
o Ingestion of toxic substance TREATMENT AND INTERVENTIONS
Common agent in childhood – Soaps, cosmetics,
detergents or cleaners and plants o Elimination of poisons
o Antidote administration
(There are some toxic plants, but sometimes it’s o General supportive measures
difficult for us to identify which one is toxic or not. If
you are able to identify, keep it away from children) GENERAL INTERVENTIONS
Modes of exposure: 1. Stabilize child’s condition
o Ingestion - Patent airway
o Inhalation
o Spray 2. Prevent absorption (Do not instill or painom
anything to prevent absorption. Magmatter
(Common in toddlers, this is their way to find out din yan anong nainom nya, acid ba, alkaline
about the environment, exploration. With adolescents, ba.)
baka suicide. Sa sobrang depressed, they tend to a. Determine type of substance ingested
isolate, then the next step could be suicidal b. Induced emesis – Except caustic material
tendencies. It is already common to adolescents, ingestion, comatose, active seizure or
remove anything that they can use, especially in a lacking gag reflex
major depressive state.) - Syrup of ipecac (Meron kasi itong
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS combination, preparation, si ipecac. If you
do not know anything, then do not. What
1. GI disturbances: vomiting, abdominal pain, is this ipecac? It is used for emergency
anorexia, distinctive odor – kung pwede mo treatment of certain kinds of poisoning. It
ma-locate sa area or somebody brought that is used to cause vomiting.)
patient, yun ang nakita niya doon na may na c. Gastric lavage (Para makuha yung
spill or something for proper identification so napasok. Gastric irrigation: there is gastric
METHODS OF PREVENTION (It is very hard for children less than 7 years old. Lead
will really interfere with normal cell functioning.
1. Child proofing the environment Watch out for CNS function.)
2. Educating parents and child (You always have
to check the surroundings, check if meron S/S: Abdominal complaints- colicky pain,
bang something poisonous diyan na pwede constipation, and vomiting
magalaw ng ating toddler, educate parents if (Colicky pain: Occurs when there is obstruction in your
there is lack of knowledge regarding internal body. In your hollow internal organs like
poisoning) intestine, gallbladder, kidney, and ureters. We have
3. Anticipatory guidance different types of pain, describe the pain further. Is it
4. Understanding and applying the principles of throbbing pain? Radiating pain? Colicky pain? If
G/D nandoon sa intestine/s, sometimes colick.)
1. Salicylate poisoning = aspirin, oils of o Irritability
wintergreen o Loss of coordination
o Toxicity begins at doses of 150-200mg/kg. o Encephalopathy
o S/S: CNS depression, vomiting, respiratory o + lead in the blood
failure o (Encephalopathy: There is a disease that
affects your brain)
(With regards to this aspirin, the peak effect is 2-
4hours if tablet. Effect would last 8 hours more or less. NURSING ACTION
Ingestion may be accidental or therapeutic
overdosing. When administering medication, we 1. Administer chelating agents
always have to check baka hindi natin alam if nag Dimercaprol (BAL in oil)
overdose na tayo. Di intended na ipoison si patient but o Not given if allergic to peanuts (prepared in
it led to this one. Lalo na sa bata, because you are peanut oil solution)
going to do computation here, mas matagal Edetate calcium disodium (calcium EDTA)
makabigay ng gamot sa pedia kay magcompute pa 2. Provide nutritional counseling
how many milligrams, consider weight and age. It 3. Aid in eliminating environmental conditions
would lead to hyperventilation, and loss of that led to lead ingestion
consciousness.) (Chelating *KEE-lay-ting* agents: Chemical
compounds in the form of complexes in regards to
metal ions bound to the drug na pwede ma-excrete
- Speech disorders
- Habit disorders such as sucking, biting
Used for screening and diagnosis - Psychoneurotic reactions
o Neurosis – class of functional mental
disorder that involves distress pero
walang delusion, walang hallucination
o The behavior is not outside socially
acceptable norms also known as
Psychoneurosis or Neurotic Disorder
o Example: there’s anxiety when the child
is trying hard and still struggle with
specific skills over time
- Learning disorders
- Suicide attempts
Effects of compensatory mechanism The most common symptoms are pancreatic enzyme
- Cardiac murmurs deficiency.
- Congestive heart failure - Caused by duct blockage
- Progressive chronic lung disease
EFFECTS OF TISSUE HYPOXIA - associated with infection, and sweat gland
- Pale skin, mucus membranes, lips, nail beds & dysfunction resulting in increased sodium and
conjunctiva chloride sweat concentrations.
- Impaired healing and loss of skin elasticity
- Thinning and early greying of the hair
- Abdominal pain, , n/v, anorexia
- Low grade fever
with Problems (Acute & Chronic) stomach, ending in a blind pouch, and/or
NCM 209 – Ms. Florence Puno
II. HYPERTROPHIC PYLORIC STENOSIS is present that forms an unnatural connection
IV. INTUSSUSCEPTION Present lang ang EA when the upper portion of
V. IMPERFORATED ANUS the esophagus fails to connect to the lower
VI. DISPLACED URETHRAL OPENINGS esophagus and the stomach.
VII. DOWN SYNDROME Mostly talaga mag appear sila together EA and
IX. ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY Atresia- absence of the normal opening
DISORDER Fistula – abnormal passage between two internal
o Type I/ A- lower segments of the esophagus
are blind. Only your esophageal atresia is
Type II/B- upper end of esophagus opens into
the trachea: blind lower segment. Rare type
Where do our food enters? Esophagus. Here is of EA, the bottom part of the esophagus is
may problem sa connection. Malalaman ito earlier closed. The top section attaches to the
pag mag submit si mother sa prenatal check-up trachea.
because this is one of the congenital concerns. o Type III/C- upper end blind; lower and
Normally, the esophagus and the trachea is connects into trachea. Most common.
normally separated. TEF occurs with related o Type D is esophageal atresia with both a
condition, marelate sya sa esophageal Atresia proximal and distal TEF, it is rare at 3%.
(EA). Kaya naka-slash yan sya. TEF means trachea o Type E esophageal atresia is just an isolated
esophageal fistula. tracheoesophageal fistula without associated
EA is the esophagus does not connect to the esophageal atresia. Esophagus is intact here
stomach. TEF, esophagus and traches do not and connects normally to the stomach.
connect correctly. If happens, the food will be
aspirated. Ma-inhale natin into our lungs.
Feeding into the stomach directly could lead to
reflux (aspiration sa food or acid).
It could also be one or more fistula may be
present between the malformed esophagus.
EA – they cannot effectively swallow the amniotic
fluid. o With regards with our EA and TEF, this results
Both resulting to abnormal development before from defective lateral separation between
birth, meron na dun problem with the tube that the esophagus and trachea that form
carries food from the mouth to the stomach. secondary to the defect.
Early development of esophagus and trachea Clinical Manifestation:
begins in a single tube that normally divides (4-8 1. Excessive amount of secretions constant
weeks after conception). If this separation does drooling large secretion from the nose
not occur separately this will lead to EA. No cause 2. Intermittent/unexplained cyanosis
known but there are contributing factors to 3. Coughs and chokes
consider. 4. Fluids returns through nose and mouth
5. Regurgitation & vomiting
6. Abdominal distention
o Often based on history and physical
examination alone
o Barlum enema
Is definitive (in 75% of cases)
It is therapeutic and curative in most o is a surgery that removes any part of the
cases with less than 24-hour duration bowel so that includes your small intestine,
Certain xray exam that tells us any your large intestine, or the rectum. it's used
abnormalities in the large intestine or to treat diseases and then it's also used with
colon. anyone who's blockage of the large intestine
Enema - that is there is injection of or blockage little around that colon.
that liquid into your rectum Nursing Management
o Digital rectal exam 1. Provide routine pre- and post-operative care
reveals mucous, blood for (monitor VS, assessment, intake and
May makapa ba tayo diyan. May Makita output) abdominal surgery (care for
ba tayo na mucous or blood sa digital abdomen. Kayo mag assess on that area)
rectal exam 2. Monitor fluid and electrolyte status- monitor
Kaya if masakit ang tiyan, baka hindi lang fluid and electrolyte
siya gutom baka ito na yung problem 3. Maintain nutrition and hydration
It is assessment in the lower rectum. 4. Resume feedings 24 hours post operative-
Check if may mga blockage or may mga kapag may bowel movement you can ask the
problem diyan or prostate problem. Could patient “naka utot naka maam?”, “naka ihi
be benign or it could be a prostate cancer naka maam?” or kapag hindi pa makagalaw
no need to give resume eating food. Soft diet
Congenital malformation in which there is no anal
opening or there is stricture of the anus
Etiology is unknown
Immediate Treatment. An arrest in embryonic development on 7th to 8th
o IV fluids week of intrauterine life
o NPO status Pag imperforated meaning may blockage diyan.
o Diagnostic barium enema A membrane remains and blocks the union
Surgery between the rectum and the anus
o manual reduction of invagination Rectum and the anus and in pouch do not connect
o resection with anastomosis with the colon. By rectum and among opening to
o possible colostomy (gangrenous) other.
o we need to determine the segments of the there is a stenosis of the anus kaya ditto close
intestines. we need to imaginate into the Blind rectal pouch with normal anus
adjoining intestinal lumen kasi baka doon
nag cause ng blockage. Pag hindi nakaya ng
IV fluids, NPO ipa surgery nalang talaga
because of that obstruction.
Clinical Presentation
1. No stool passage with in 24 hours after birth
if there EA/TEF, gastronomy may be so with babies with EA it needs to have a continuous
an option. treatment including those medications kung wala pa
Sometimes, laparotomy. nag proceed with surgery, so mag didiscuss na naman
When the baby is ventilated with yan. You have to make sure na may healthy breathing,
high pressure, gastronomy offer a healthy eating ang patient. So the problem in EA is
route to decrease the resistance. the connectivity of the esophagus and trachea. How
Pre-operative Interventions: will the baby adjust with this condition, kailan maka
7. The infant may be placed in an incubator or kain, and always consider na surgical signs kasi prone
radiant warmer with high humidity with infection.
(intubation and mechanical ventilation may
be necessary if respiratory distress occurs). Orogastric Tube
8. Upright position.
9. Maintain an NPO status. - kaysa naman mag
10. Regular suctioning- if there is difficulty
11. Maintain IV fluids or hyperalimentation as
12. Observe closely for: One of the most common GI disorders in early
vital signs; respiratory behavior infancy
amount of secretions Common GI obstruction
abdominal distention (baka may Congenital hypertrophy of the circular muscles of
maraming fluids) the pylorus in the stomach; the muscle becomes
skin color (cyanosis) progressively thickened and elongated with
Post-operative Interventions narrowing of the pyloric canal.
11. Monitor respiratory status. The PYLORIC STENOSIS HYPERTROPHY is a circular
12. Maintain patent airway; continued use of muscle fiber of the pylorus, there is narrowing
incubator along the lumen.
o Often based on history and physical
examination alone
o Barlum enema
Is definitive (in 75% of cases)
flattened nose and face upwards slanting Severe mental disorder beginning in infancy or
eyes toddlerhood
intellectual and developmental problems Pervasive developmental disorder
may be mild, moderate, or severe Disorder apparent to the parents before the child
some of them are healthy some are not. is 3 years old
they have significant health problems, and Characterized by:
they have some serious health condition o Severe deficit in language.
soft skin o perceptual and motor development
Home care
Celiac disease
The kidneys are responsible for removing wastes from Post operative
the body, regulating electrolyte balance and blood
pressure, and stimulating red blood cell production. 1. assess the respiratory, circulatory, fluid and
electrolytes status
A large malignant tumor that develops in the 2. monitor patency and adequacy of urinary
renal parenchyma output
arises from bits of embryonic tissue that 3. Observe for any postoperative complications
remains after birth 4. Provide care for child receiving radiation and
Rare kidney cancer and highly treatable, chemotherapy
usually develops on one kidney
It accounts for 20% of solid tumors in Urinary Tract Infection
Tumor is rarely discovered until it is large It is a bacterial invasion of the kidneys or
enough to be palpated bladder
slightly less frequent in boys than girls E. Coli accounts for about 80% of acute
Predisposing factors
Palpable mass
Hematuria 1. poor hygiene
Hypertension 2. irritation from bubble
Assessment findings
Low grade fever
1. low grade fever
Diagnostic Test
2. abdominal pain - lower region
Sonogram 3. burning pain upon urination
CT scan 4. hematuria
IVP = intravenous pyelogram - common, 5. Foul-smelling
imaging of renal pelvis 6. urinary frequency
7. Enuresis - common sign for pre-schooler
Staging of Nephroblastoma
Diagnostic Test
1. stage I : limited to kidney
2. stage II : tumor extends beyond kidney but 1. Urinalysis - presence of pus cells
completely encapsulated
3. stage III : tumor confined to abdomen
4. stage IV: tumor has metastasized to lung,
liver, bone or brain
analgesic and antipasmodic
Parent education
Etiology: unknown
Theories postulated:
o Malfunctioning of the vestibular
balancing system
o Genetic patterns
o Muscular weakness
o Collagen metabolism
Cause is unknown called idiopathic scoliosis
o Structural / Progressive form
“S” curve of the spine
1. Forward bend test / Adam’s bend test
usually idiopathic
does not disappear with
position changes
needs more aggressive
o Functional/ Postural/Non structural
“C” curve of the spine
caused by poor posture,
muscle spasm due to trauma,
or unequal length of legs
disappears when child lies
down can be treated with
posture exercise. The earlier
that is detected, more better
the management, the better
prognosis. Kasi di pa matigas
ang mga buto.
4. Preventing injury
Some rescuers kahit walang
cervical fracture, gina stabilize
parin yung head kasi it would
case permanent disability
o Electrical stimulation 5. Preventing skin irritation
Use as an alternative for
Electrodes are applied to the
skin or surgically implanted BONE TUMORS
Electrical stimulation is
usually employed at night, - Ibat iba ang name sa tumor depende sa lugar
during sleeping hours 1. Sarcoma - tumors arising from connective
To stimulate muscle to tissue, such bones and cartilage, muscle,
contract to straighten the blood vessels or lymphoid tissue
spine common neoplasm in adolescent
Stretching exercises of the Arise during adolescent
spine for non-structural because of rapid bone growth
changes ─ Common in adolescence. Happens at the end
NURSING INTERVENTION of the long bone; found around the knee,
thigh bone, tibia, fibula, humerus
1. Provide care for child with brace ─ Tumor that occurs in the growth metaphysis
1. Teach the child to wear it constantly, ─ Trauma brings malignancy
except when bathing ─ Cause: unknown
2. wear over a t-shirt to protect the skin ─ Children with hereditary form of
3. report if there is rubbing (mag sweat retinoblastoma (eye tumor) have an increased
tas mangatol) risk
4. encourage exercise as prescribed ─ Osteosarcoma
5. Provide cast or traction care
a. Frequent cleansing on the pin
b. Provide diversional activities
(nababagot sila kasi naka stay
put lagi)
c. Monitor for signs of
6. Provide preoperative and post-
operative nursing care
a. Deep breathing exercise (kasi
naka lie lang lagi and it will
generate mucus sa lungs like
1. Osteogenic Sarcoma
I High Risk Adolescent
II Menstrual Dysfunction or Disorder 1. Structural/Progressive form “S” curve of the
III Scoliosis spine
IV Bone Cancer
Does not disappear with position changes needs
more aggressive treatment
High Risk Adolescent
Etiology: Unknown
- Theories postulated:
- Malfunctioning of the vestibular balancing
system Disappears when child lies down can be treated with
Genetic Patterns posture exercise
Muscular weakness
Collagen Metabolism
Causes is unknown called idiopathic scoliosis Assessment findings
1. Uneven shoulders
- CONGENITAL SPINAL COLUMN 3. Asymmetry of rib cage
ABNORMALITIES 4. Unequal length of bra strap
- MEUROMUSCULAR DISORDER (CP, SPINA 5. Bump or rib hump on one side of the spin
Forward bend test/ Adam’s bend test
A test used most often in schools & doctor’s offices to
screen for scoliosis
Using a scoliometer
1. Ask the child to slowly bend forward until the
shoulders are level with the hips
2. Adjust the bending position health so the
deformity of the spine is most pronounce
3. Gently lay the scolimeter across the deformity
at right angles to the body, with thee marking
centered ever the curve
Steel rods help support the fusion of the vertebrae
Bone graft are place to grow into the bone and fuse
Refer to a physician with a scoliometer reading of
the vertebrae
seven degreed or greater
Nursing intervention
Bone tumors
Sarcoma – tumors arising from connective tissue, such
bones and cartilage, muscle, blood vessels or
lymphoid tissue
= common neoplasm in adolescent
=Arise during adolescent because of rapid bone
Electrical stimulation growth
- Limb salvage procedures
- Bone or skin grafts amputation
- Reconstructions
- Resections od metastases
- Radiation therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Physical and occupational therapy
Osteogenic Sarcoma
- Psychosocial adapting
A malignant tumor of long bone involving rapidly
- Prosthesis fitting and training
growing bone tissue (mesenchymal matrix forming
Nursing management
= characterized by formation of osteoid (immature
1. Provide routine preoperative care
2. Offer support or encouragement and accepts
Common sites of occurrence
clients response of anger and grief
Distal femur – 50%
3. Discuss to patient and family rehabilitation
Proximal tibia – 20%
program and use of prosthesis crutch walking
Proximal humerus – 10 to 15%
phantom link sensation as normal recurrence
Ewing‘s Sarcoma
Malignant tumor arising most often in the bone
Menstrual Dysfunction or Disorder
marrow of the diaphyseal area (midshaft) of lone
A. Gonorrhea
Causative agent Neisseria
2. Palpable mass
3. Tender and warm to touch
4. 15-35% of clients have metastasis @ time of
1. High doses of radiation therapy
2. Chemotherapy
3. Surgery
- Penicillin
- Erythromycin
- Ceftriaxone
Bone scan
- Doxycycline
Bone marrow Aspiration All sexual contacts must be treated
E. Candidiasis
C. Syphilis
Candida Albicans – fungus
Treponema pallium (spirochete)
Caused by a yeast transmitted from GI tract to
Crosses placenta after 16 weeks of pregnancy
Sign & Symptoms – thick, white cheese-like
vaginal discharges vulvar reddening and
Cardinal sign – CHANCRE – a hard red painless
lesion at the point of infection site disappear
Treatment: topical application or
without treatment in 4-6 weeks
suppositories of antifungal drug such as:
clotrimazole, nystatin, miconazole, Diflucan,
Secondary – rash, malaise, alopecia
gentian violet
Tertiary – effect any organ system –
cardiovascular, neurovascular system
Bathing with diluted sodium bicarbonate
solution to reduce pruritus.
Treatment: penicillin or erythromycin
D. Trichomoniasis
Trichomonas vaginalis – a single-cell
Clinical findings and diagnosis
Individual therapy
Group therapy
Family therapy
body mass index — less than 85% of expected weight binge eating and purging
intense fear of getting fat or gaining weight abnormal but not being able to stop
Etiology: Unknown
- Almost Skeleton-like appearance
Clinical manifestation and Diagnosis
- Sexually immature
- Dry skin, brittle nails
Dental caries and erosion
- Presence of lanugo
- Constipation, hypothermia, bradycardia,
Throat irritation
low blood pressure
Obsessiveness regarding body weight and shape BMI - most accurate method of assessment indicates
relationship between height and weight
Pharmacology — antidepressant
Nursing intervention
- Monitor vital signs
- Monitor intake and output
- Record food intake Causes
- Encourage client to express feelings Many different factors contribute to this imbalance
- Help client to set realistic goal for self between calorie intake & consumption
- Help client identify interest and positive
aspect of self Genetic factors
Obesity tends to run in families
Refers to the use of chemical to improve a mental Stage 2, Early Regular Use (Seeking the Euphoria)
state or induce euphoria The adolescent now actively seeks the drug-induced
mood swing
Commonly abuse substance — alcohol, tobacco and
illicit drugs use drugs to seeks relief from everyday stress
Difficulty with appetite and sleep Head appears off centered between the hips
Taking excessive risks One shoulder appears higher than the other
Increased drug use
One shoulder blade is more prominent than
Loss of interest in usual activities
the other
Trunk and ribcage appear shifted to one side
Tips for parents Waist appears asymmetrical
One hip appears lower than the other
Know the warning signs! Clothing hangs unevenly
Utilize school and community resources. - Is used to measure the amount of rotation
School psychologist, crisis intervention
- Trunk rotation is determined with a forward bent at
the waist and is a reflection of the severity of scoliosis
Take immediate action. If your child indicates
contemplating suicide - A rotation of greater than five to seven degrees
suggests scoliosis may be present
Listen to your child's friends. Everything in our bodies begins with. Our cells
Be open. Ask questions. divide to create new ones, our cells continue
to divide until they are too old and tired to
duplicate, when a cell is too old to duplicate it
dies, though cancer cells are different.
A cancer cell makes new copies of itself but
doesn't know when to stop. Before a cell can
divide it goes through a series of checks to see