An SOC-Based Battery Management System For MGs
An SOC-Based Battery Management System For MGs
An SOC-Based Battery Management System For MGs
2, MARCH 2014
Abstract—This paper investigates modeling and control of a bat- of battery and active power requirement by the microgrid, a bat-
tery management system used in a microgrid for both grid-con- tery may operate at either charging or discharging conditions.
nected and autonomous modes. The paper has three salient con-
tributions: 1) An aggregated battery circuit model with the open The VSC connected between the battery and the microgrid reg-
circuit voltage as a nonlinear function of the state of the charge ulates power flow only. In [12] and [13], applications of battery
(SOC) is derived and modeled in PSCAD. 2) Closed-loop feedback energy storage systems in grid power balance at grid-connected
control strategies of the battery system are developed for the mi-
crogrid under both operation modes. At the grid-connected mode, modes are demonstrated.
power control is employed while at the autonomous mode, voltage An ideal dc voltage source is assumed for a battery in [6]–[8].
and frequency control is employed for the battery to act as a syn- In reality, a battery has operation limits. For example, the SOC
chronous generator by providing voltage and frequency support. 3)
An upper level SOC based management system is also developed. cannot be lower than a threshold; the depth of discharge (DOD)
Since SOC cannot be directly measured, an estimation scheme is may affect the life time of a battery [11]. Therefore, there is a
derived based on power and voltage measurements from the bat- need to model a battery accurately and develop control strate-
tery. The overall management system is demonstrated to be effec-
tive by six case studies at different microgrid operation modes. gies based on the comprehensive battery model with battery
Index Terms—Battery management system, battery model, en-
status information collected.
ergy storage systems (ESS), Li-ion battery, state of charge (SOC). Detailed battery models have been developed in the literature.
In [14], a battery model is described by partial differential equa-
tions. [2] adopted the same model to simulate a wind farm with
I. INTRODUCTION a Lead-acid battery system. A Li-ion battery has been a suitable
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Fig. 9. Case Study 1: (a) SOC; (b) ; (c) active power reference (dashed)
and actual active power delivered to microgrid (solid); (d) reactive power de-
livered to microgrid; (e) battery dc power output.
B. Grid-Connected Mode
To evaluate the capability of battery management system in
identification of the operation modes and its contribution in pri-
mary frequency regulation, three case studies are designed. In
these case studies, battery is ordered to deliver active and reac-
tive power as much as 500 kW and 1 MVar to the microgrid,
1) Case Study 1: According to the Fig. 9, the simulation
starts when the SOC of the battery is 13%. SOC meets its min-
imum limit (5%) at sec. Consequently, BMIS turns
the operation mode from discharging mode to charging mode
in order to prevent the battery against depth of discharge dam-
ages. BMIS also changes the operation mode from discharging
mode to charging mode and the active power reference toward
predefined charging power (840 kW) respect to the decreasing
ramp rate (210 kW/s). After 7 seconds, the reference power be-
comes constant and the battery absorbs 840 kW active power
from the microgrid. An increase in SOC demonstrates that the
battery is getting charged. Fig. 9 also illustrates that the simu-
lation results exactly matches the computed SOC. The re-
active power output of the battery is regulated on the ordered Fig. 10. Case Study 1: (a) battery dc current; (b) dc voltage link; (c) PCC ac
value (1 MVar) and the dc power output follows the variations voltage; (d) current d-axis; (e) current q-axis.
of ac active power delivered to the microgrid. Fig. 10 presents
the output current and voltage of the battery, the PCC voltage power order by applying a ramp until it reaches 500 kW after
and the -axis currents from the converter. 4 seconds. The CLFC completely follows the power order
2) Case Study 2: In this case study, transition from the produced by BMIS, and keeps the reactive power output at 1
charging mode to the discharging mode is examined. Fig. 11 MVar.
presents the simulation results. At the starting time, the SOC is 3) Case Study 3: This case study is designated to show how
equal to 90.18%. After 44.72 seconds, as soon as the battery the battery contributes in frequency regulation when the micro-
charge exceeds 95% of its full capacity, BMIS changes the grid is connected to the main grid. A droop equal to 3% is as-
operation mode to discharging mode. It also changes the active sumed for the battery system and added to modify the reference
Fig. 11. Case Study 2: (a) SOC; (b) active power reference; (c) active power
delivered to microgrid; (d) reactive power delivered to microgrid.
Fig. 13. Case Study 4: Islanding transient: (a) microgrid frequency; (b) active
power output of the battery; (c) SOC; (d) ac voltage of PCC; (e) reactive power
output of the battery.
C. Autonomous Mode
In the next three case studies, the capabilities of the BMS
is examined in islanding mode. When the microgrid is discon-
nected from the main grid, BMIS is expected to change the bat-
tery operation mode to islanding mode in order for the CLFC
to regulate frequency and ac voltage of the microgrid. BMS is
also expected to provide a smooth transition from the grid con-
nected mode to the islanding mode. During the transient period,
the battery is expected to provide voltage and frequency sup-
port quickly. Hence, the charging and discharging rate limits
imposed in Case Study 1 and 2 are ignored.
1) Case Study 4: In this case study, the microgrid is discon-
nected from the main grid. The battery is almost completely
charged. Transients are observed during the transition period.
Fig. 13 illustrates how the microgrid frequency is regulated back
Fig. 12. Case Study 3: (a) Microgrid frequency; (b) active power delivered to to 60 Hz within less than 0.5 second. The mechanical torque
microgrid; (c) SOC; (d) PCC ac voltage; (e) reactive power delivered to micro- of the induction generator is fixed and it is under speed con-
grid. trol. Therefore, the battery is required to provide power balance
for the isolated system. It is shown that the battery increases its
active power. Since the primary frequency regulation requires output power from 0 kW to 600 kW. The PCC voltage expe-
fast response, the charging and discharging rate limits imposed riences a 0.1-pu drop once the islanding happens according to
in the previous case studies are not imposed in this case study. Fig. 13. Afterward, battery operation adjust the ac voltage to 1
The main grid is modeled as a voltage source with controllable pu in less than 0.5 second by injecting 2-MVar reactive power
frequency. The frequency of the microgrid drops to 59.5 Hz at to the microgrid. Fig. 14 presents the behavior of the induction
s, jumps to 60.5 Hz at sec, and comes back to generator. The mechanical speed comes back to 1.013 pu within
60 Hz after 5 seconds. Fig. 12 illustrates the battery adjust the one second while the torque takes 8 seconds to settle back to
active power output to take part in primary frequency control. pu. Note there is no change in steady-state power output
As soon as the frequency falls, the battery increases its active from the induction generator.
power delivery by kW. 2) Case Study 5: This case study examines how resilient the
The active power output of the battery reduces in response to battery-integrated microgrid is to respond a loss in generation
the frequency increase at sec, and settles back on its or demand during islanding operation. Load 1 which absorbs
original value when frequency gets 60 Hz again. No change oc- active and reactive powers equal to 550 kW and 550 kVar is
curs in the reactive power output of the battery and PCC voltage disconnected from the microgrid at 30th second of simulation
of the microgrid. and reconnects after 10 seconds. Fig. 15 presents the voltage
Fig. 14. Case Study 4: Induction generator behavior during the islanding tran-
sient: (a) mechanical torque; (b) mechanical speed; (c) active power output of
the IG; (d) reactive power output of the IG.
Fig. 16. Case Study 6: Minimum SOC limit reached in the islanding mode: (a)
SOC; (b) microgrid frequency; (c) active power output of battery; (d) battery
switch status; (e) ac voltage of PCC; (f) reactive power output of battery.
Fig. 15. Case Study 5: Load loss in the islanding mode: (a) microgrid fre-
quency; (b) active power output of battery; (c) ac voltage of PCC; (d) reactive
power output of battery.