FWBD Mop 2019

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Manual of

Food and Water-borne

Diseases Prevention and
Control Program

Table of Contents
Foreword........................................................................................................................................................ i
Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................................... ii
Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................... v
1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Manual................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Users of the Manual .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Food and Water-borne Diseases ...................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1. What is food and water-borne disease?....................................................................................... 3
1.3.2. Why food and water-borne diseases are of global concern ....................................................... 3
1.3.3. Epidemiology of food and water-borne diseases ....................................................................... 4
1.4 Food and Water-borne Diseases Prevention and Control Program .............................................. 5
1.4.1. Policy Background: ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.2. Structure: ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.3. Milestones ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4.4. National Strategic Plan 2019-2023 ........................................................................................... 10
2.0 Implementation Arrangement....................................................................................................... 15
2.1. Implementation Framework ............................................................................................................ 15
2.2. Multi-sectoral Collaboration ............................................................................................................ 17
2.3. Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 19
2.3.1 Department of Health Central Office ........................................................................................ 19
2.3.2 Department of Health Central Office – Center for Health Development ............................... 23
2.3.3 Other Government Agencies ..................................................................................................... 26
3.0 Case Management and Prevention ..................................................................................................... 31
3.1 Detecting Diarrhea Case ................................................................................................................... 31
3.2 Assessment of Dehydration ............................................................................................................... 32
3.3 Management of Diarrhea Case ........................................................................................................ 34
3.3.1 Fluid Replacement Therapy ....................................................................................................... 34
3.3.2 Anti-microbials and Other Adjunctive Therapy ....................................................................... 36
3.3 Preventive Measures ......................................................................................................................... 39
3.3.1 Personal Hygiene ........................................................................................................................ 39
3.3.2 Safe, clean water ........................................................................................................................ 39
3.3.3 Proper Food Handling ............................................................................................................... 40
3.3.4 Vaccination ................................................................................................................................. 42
3.3.5 Health Promotion activities ....................................................................................................... 42
4.0 Laboratory Management .................................................................................................................... 44
4.1 Clinical Laboratory ............................................................................................................................ 44
4.1.1 Role of clinical laboratory ............................................................................................................ 44
4.1.2 Structure...................................................................................................................................... 45
4.1.3 Services ........................................................................................................................................ 47
4.1.3 Referral Flow During Outbreaks ................................................................................................ 61
4.2 Food Laboratory............................................................................................................................... 68
4.2.1 Food and Drug Administration .................................................................................................. 68
4.2.2 Bureau of Quarantine ............................................................................................................... 68
4.2.3 National Meat Inspection Service .............................................................................................. 69
4.2.4 Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources .............................................................................. 69
5.0 Surveillance and Outbreak Response .................................................................................................. 71
5.1 Surveillance of Human Cases ............................................................................................................ 71
5.1.1. Definition ..................................................................................................................................... 71
5.1.2. Importance of surveillance in food and waterborne diseases ................................................... 71
5.1.3. Uses of surveillance and response to FWBD .............................................................................. 72
5.1.4 Policies ......................................................................................................................................... 72
5.1.5 Structure...................................................................................................................................... 73
5.1.6. Detection, Reporting, Analysis and Interpretation of FWBD data .......................................... 74
5.2. Other Surveillance System Related to FWBD ................................................................................ 82
5.2.1. Water Quality Surveillance....................................................................................................... 82
5.2.2. Surveillance in Unprocessed Food (Veterinary Surveillance) .................................................. 82
5.2 Outbreak response............................................................................................................................ 83
5.2.1 What is the role of FWBD-PCP in the outbreak response for FWBD outbreak? ..................... 83
5.2.2 Detection of a food and water-borne outbreak ...................................................................... 83
5.2.3 Food and water-borne outbreak investigation ........................................................................ 85
5.2.4 Control of the Outbreak ............................................................................................................ 94 Controlling the source .............................................................................................................. 94 Controlling the transmission .................................................................................................... 95
.2.5 Declaring that the outbreak is over ............................................................................................ 95
5.2.6 Communicate the Findings ........................................................................................................ 95
6.0 Health Promotion and Communication ............................................................................................. 97
6.1 General Guidelines............................................................................................................................. 97
6.2 Understanding Basic Concepts ......................................................................................................... 98
6.2.1 Health promotion ....................................................................................................................... 98
6.2.2 Health communication .............................................................................................................. 98
6.2.3 Behavior Change Communication ............................................................................................ 99
6.3 Risk Communication ....................................................................................................................... 101
6.3.1 Analysis of the Situation ........................................................................................................... 102
6.3.2 Steps in Developing Effective Messages During Outbreaks: ................................................... 103
6.4 Communication Plan ..................................................................................................................... 104
6.5 Other Advocacy materials.............................................................................................................. 111
6.5.1 Public Health Advisory ............................................................................................................. 111
6.5.2 Program Briefer ....................................................................................................................... 112
6.5.3. Program Reports ..................................................................................................................... 112
6.5.4 Short videos .............................................................................................................................. 112
7.0 Other Programmatic Functions ......................................................................................................... 114
7.1 Policy Development ........................................................................................................................ 114
7.2 Capacity Building ........................................................................................................................... 114
7.3 Monitoring and Evaluation, Research ............................................................................................ 114
References: ............................................................................................................................................... 115
Annexes ..................................................................................................................................................... 117
Annex A: Policies and Guidelines For the National Control of Diarrheal Diseases ............................ 118
Annex B: DOH Organizational Structure of Disease Prevention and Control Bureau ....................... 119
Annex C: Findings of the Assessment .................................................................................................. 120
Annex D: DPO on the Creation of Technical Working Group, Expert Panel and Steering Committee
For the FWBD-PCP ................................................................................................................................ 122
Annex E: IHR Provision Stating the conditions for Reporting FWBD cases/events ........................... 127
Annex F: Guidelines on Rotavirus and cholera vaccination ................................................................ 129
Annex G: Summary of Roles and Responsibilities of Laboratories at Different Levels of Service
Capability .............................................................................................................................................. 135
Annex H: General Guidelines on Specimen Collection ....................................................................... 137
Annex I: List of International Laws for Transporting Dangerous Goods ............................................ 139
Annex J: List of Microorganisms Considered Under Category A Infectious Substance ..................... 140
Annex K: UN Number and Proper Shipping Name .............................................................................. 141
Annex L: Example of Hazard and Handling Labels .............................................................................. 142
Annex M: Forms for Communicating Laboratory Results of Specimen in an Outbreak Response ... 144
Annex N: Laboratory Referral Form for Outbreak Testing ................................................................. 147
Annex O: Flow of Weekly PIDSR reports ............................................................................................. 148
Annex P: Description of FWBD Diseases on Surveillance ................................................................... 149
Annex Q: PIDSR reporting Forms ......................................................................................................... 152
Annex R: Conditions of National and International Concern ............................................................. 157
Annex S: Core Function of EICT ............................................................................................................ 158
Annex T: National Health Promotion and Communication Plan ........................................................ 159
Annex U: National Health Advisory (Sample) ..................................................................................... 164
Food and water-borne diseases (FWBD) are conditions caused by intake of contaminated food
and water. Globally, people are at risk of developing a food and water-borne disease daily
because food and water can be contaminated at any point of its production. Diarrhea is the
most common manifestation of food and water-borne diseases. In the Philippines, a total of
41,220 cases and 91 deaths due to diarrhea (caused by infectious organisms) were reported in
The Department of Health recognizes the magnitude of the problem caused by food and water-
borne diseases. It also acknowledges that a successful prevention and control program involves
the coordination and collaboration with other DOH and non-DOH agencies. Thus in 1997
through the Administrative Order 29-A, the FWBD Prevention and Control Program was
After more than a decade, the program has achieved important milestones in its’
implementation such as Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) for Management of Acute Diarrhea
and a National Strategic Plan for FWBD-PCP 2019-2023. Thus, in support and to facilitate the
operationalization of the National Strategic Plan, this Manual of Procedures was developed.
The manual provides the reader an account of the program’s development and current
implementation framework wherein the responsibility of the various agencies involved in the
implementation of the program are clearly defined. The manual was developed with the health
workers and supervisors as the main users. Thus, in certain sections, basic principles are
included to provide further information or the rationale for certain processes. The manual was
developed through concerted efforts of the various agencies involved in the effective
implementation of the program.
I would like to enjoin our program managers and frontline health workers in health care
facilities involved in preventing, detecting and managing cases at the local government units to
partake in the achievement of the FWBD program’s vision. It may not be easy, but with
everyone doing its roles as stipulated in this MOP, I believe we can achieve.

AO Administrative Order

BHS Barangay Health Station

BHW Barangay Health Worker

BQ Bureau of Quarantine

CESU City Epidemiology Surveillance Unit

CHDD Children’s Health Development Division

CHO City Health Office

CPG Clinical Practice Guidelines

DA Department of Agriculture

DC Department Circular

DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources

DILG Department of Interior and Local Government

DPCB Disease Prevention and Control Bureau

DPO Department Personnel Order

DRU Data Reporting Unit

DSWD Department of Social Welfare and Development

EB Epidemiology Bureau

ENCDD Essential Non-Communicable Diseases Division

ERDD Environmental Related Disease Division

FDA Food and Drug Administration

FERG Food-borne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group

FHO Family Health Office

FWBD Food and water-borne disease

FWBD-PCP Food and Water-borne Disease Prevention and Control Program

GHO Global Health Observatory

HEMB Health Emergency Management Bureau

HPCS Health Promotion and Communication Services

IDED Infectious Diseases for Elimination Division

IDO Infectious Disease Office

IHR International Health Regulation

LCE Local Chief Executive

LGU Local Government Unit

LRDD Lifestyle-Related Diseases Division

MHO Municipal Health Office

NRL National Reference Laboratory

NSP National Strategic Plan

PDOHO Provincial DOH Office

PHSID Public Health Surveillance and Informatics Division

PIDSR Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response

RA Republic Act

RDT Rapid Diagnostic Test

RESU Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit

RHU Rural Health Unit

RITM Research Institute of Tropical Medicine

SEA South East Asia

TWG Technical Working Group

WMHDD Women and Men’s Health Development Division

Is the passage of three or more loose stools from an
Acute Diarrhea immunocompetent person’s normal baseline in a 24 hour
period with a duration of less than 14 days. (CPG)
is suspected if a patient presents with passage of 3 or more
loose, watery or bloody stools within 24 hours that may be
Acute Infectious Diarrhea accompanied by any of the following symptoms: nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever. (CPG)

Acute Bloody Diarrhea Is a diarrheal disease with visible blood in the stool

Any event that represents an immediate threat to human

health and requires prompt action. It includes event that
have not yet led to disease in humans but that have the
potential to cause such disease through exposure to an
Acute public health event
infected or contaminated food, water, animals,
manufactured products, or as a result of direct or indirect
consequences of natural events, conflicts or other
disruption of critical infrastructure (WHO 2014)

A biological or chemical substance that is present or

Agent excessively present in food or water that is essential for
the occurrence of the disease

Refers to the level of occurrence of the disease that serves

as an early warning for epidemic. An increase in the
Alert Threshold number of cases above the threshold level should trigger
an investigation, check epidemic preparedness and
implement appropriate prevention and control measures

An acute bloody diarrhea caused by a protozoan parasite

(e.g. Entamoeba histolytica)
Total number of cases notified in a year per 100,000
Annual Notification Rate

Any person who meets a case definition, either for

surveillance purposes or during an outbreak investigation

Case, confirmed Is a case verified by laboratory analysis

A set of criteria that must be fulfilled in order to identify a

Case Definition
person as having a particular disease or condition

Is a case with clear clinical picture or linked

Case, probable
epidemiologically with a confirmed case

Is a case presenting indicative clinical picture without

Case, suspected
being confirmed or probable case

Case Fatality Ratio The proportion of all cases that die because of the disease

Acute watery diarrhea with or without vomiting and

confirmed by the isolation of Vibrio cholerae in stool.

Refers to the aggregation of relatively uncommon events

Cluster or diseases in space and/or in time in magnitude that is
believed to be greater than could be expected by chance

Presence of infectious or non-infectious agent in an

inanimate article or substance

The presence of a disease or microbial agent on or in food

Contamination in Food
that may come into contact with the food

Refers to a specific illness or medical condition,

Disease irrespective of origin or source that directly presents or
has the potential to present significant harm to

Water intended for direct consumption or for use in food

Drinking Water
preparation and related processes

Refers to the occurrence in the community or region of
cases of an illness, specific health related behavior or
other health related events clearly in excess of normal
expectancy. The number of cases indicating the presence
of epidemic varies according to the agent, size and type of
population exposed; previous experience or lack of
exposure to the disease, and time and place of

Refers to the unit established in the Centers for Health

Epidemiology and Development, Provincial Health Offices and Rural Health
Surveillance Unit Units that provide services on public health surveillance
and epidemiology

The periodic assessment of the relevance, effectiveness

Evaluation and impact of activities in relation to the objectives of the
of the program or project

Any substance whether processed, semi-processed or raw

which is intended for human consumption

Food and water-borne Any disease of an infectious or toxic nature caused by the
disease consumption of contaminated food or water

Any event related to the occurrence of disease in humans

that is caused by contaminated food or that has a
Food-borne event
potential to expose humans to known or suspected
hazards through food

Refers to foodborne trematodes (Paragonimus

westermani, Heterophyd flukes, Fasciola, Echinostoma)
Food-borne helminth
and other helminthes such as Capillaria philippinensis and
Taenia solium and T. saginata

Food and water-borne The occurrence of two or more cases resulting from the
diseases outbreak ingestion of the same food or drink

An establishment where food or drinks are manufactured,

Food Establishment
processed, stored, sold or served

refers to the assurance that food will not cause harm to

Food Safety the consumer when it is prepared or eaten according to
its intended use. (RA 1061)

Refers to the international legal instrument that binds all
WHO Member States to implement a set of international
standards with the aim to prevent, protect against,
International Health control and provide public health response to the
Regulation international spread of disease in ways that are
commensurate with and restricted to public health risks,
and which avoid unnecessary interference with
international traffic and trade

The routine and continuous tracking of the

Monitoring implementation of the planned activities and of the over-
all performance

Multiple sectors working together to achieve common

objectives, goals and tasks with shared responsibility. For
food and water-borne diseases, it involves staff from the
Multisectoral collaboration
public health surveillance and response sector, food
safety sector, animal health sector, environmental health
and other relevant sectors

A disease of public health importance that must be

reported to public health authority under legislation or
Notifiable diseases
decree, in the pertinent jurisdiction when a diagnosis is
made (Porta 2014)

Synonymous with epidemic, when used in a sentence,

refers to an epidemic limited to localized increase in the
Outbreak incidence of a disease e.g. in a village, town or closed
institution (Adapted from LAST JM, ED. A Dictionary of
Epidemiology, 1997)

Refers to a passage for international entry or exit of

travelers, baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods
Point of Entry
and portal parcels as well as agencies and areas providing
services to them on entry or exit


refers to the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis,

interpretation and timely dissemination of health data for the
planning, implementation and evaluation of public health
Public Health Surveillance program. The use of information based from these data to
disease prevention and health promotion program completes
the surveillance cycle in public health.

Refers to the restriction of activities and/or separation

from others of suspect persons who are not ill or of
Quarantine suspected baggage, containers, conveyances, or goods in
such a manner as to prevent the possible spread of
infection or contamination

Any public health action (such as event monitoring,

providing information to the public, field investigations
and control or mitigation measures) triggered by the
detection of a public health risk (WHO 2014)

Surveillance and Response

Use of existing surveillance and response system for food
for food and water borne
and water-borne diseases
Surveillance and response The existing infrastructure, staff and processes used for
system surveillance of and response to communicable diseases

refers to a symptom complex in which the symptoms

Syndromes and/or signs coexist more frequently than would be
expected by chance on the assumption of independence.
Section I:
This section discusses the:
 Purpose and Scope of the Manual
 Epidemiology of Food and Water-
borne Diseases
 Food and Water-borne Diseases –
Prevention and Control Program
 Policy Background
 Structure
 Program Milestones
 Overview of the National
Strategic Plan 2019-2022

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Manual

The manual was developed to:

1. Understand the rationale of the Food and Water-borne Diseases – Prevention and
Control Program (FWBD-PCP) and the current road map of the program in achieving
its program goal and objectives;
2. Define the role of each agencies within DOH and other government agencies in the
implementation of the different program components at various level of the
government structure;
3. Serve as a guide for health workers and program supervisors involve in
implementing the program strategies and activities

This manual covers the present scope of the program; which focuses on food or water-
borne diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and foodborne helminths. Toxins and
biochemicals are not included even if they cause a food or water-borne event or
disease. Discussion on specific FWBD is limited to the syndromic manifestations (bloody
and watery diarrhea). However, some infectious FWBD such as Cholera, Hepatitis A,
Typhoid Fever and Rotavirus are also discussed because of their public health
importance that such diseases are included in the national disease surveillance system
as mandated by the law.

1.2 Users of the Manual

The manual is intended for use primarily by the health workers (doctors, nurses,
midwives, sanitary inspectors and barangay health workers) in health care facilities
involved in detecting, managing cases and implementing preventive measures at the
local government units. Thus, the manual contains principles and processes. It also has
boxes and annexes that provide additional information or illustrations.

Other users of the manual may include but not be limited to:
Program supervisors at the regional health and provincial health offices
who are involved in addressing food and water-borne diseases including
health emergencies situations;
Members of the epidemic investigation and control team;
Program managers of other government agencies at the provincial,
regional and national level

1.3 Food and Water-borne Diseases

1.3.1. What is food and water-borne disease?

Food and water-borne diseases are conditions caused by intake of contaminated food
and water. Across the different stages of food production pathway, conditions or
factors may be present. These conditions posed a risk for the growth of bacteria/viruses
or introduction of food-borne helminths in food/water causing a disease in humans
(Figure 1)

Fig. 1 Food Production Pathway in the Development of Food and

Water-borne Diseases

1.3.2. Why food and water-borne diseases are of global concern

FWBD are a major concern globally because of various reasons: 1) The contaminants are
varied (bacteria, viruses, parasitic agents, and toxins); 2) The vehicle (medium) of the
agent are the basic needs of humans (water and food); 3) Their outcome may be
explosive causing sickness and death to many people; 4) It is difficult to measure the
magnitude of the burden as majority of the cases may manifest minor symptoms or self-
limiting and are not being reported; and 4) They may have consequence on the
economic development of a country (tourism, food export industries, agriculture,
marine products).

1.3.3. Epidemiology of food and water-borne diseases

Yearly, billions of people are at risk of developing food and water-borne diseases
(FWBDs) and millions will have the disease. Diarrhea is the most common manifestation
of food and water-borne diseases. Globally, infectious agents that caused diarrheal
diseases accounted for the majority of the 600M cases of illness caused by food-borne
hazards (WHO, 2015). According to the Global Health Observatory (GHO) data, diarrhea
accounts for 9% (525, 000 each year) of the total deaths among children below 5 years
The South-East Asian Region has the second highest burden of FWBDs after the African
Region, with more than 150 million cases and 175 000 deaths annually (WHO, 2016. In
South East Asia three out of 10 under-five children suffer from diarrhea and the region
contributes one third of the global deaths due to diarrhea in the under-five children
(WHO, 2016). Figure 2 shows the common pathogens that caused food-borne diseases
in children under-five years of age in the Southeast Asian Region.

Fig. 2 Top Ten Causes of Food-borne Illnesses In Under-Five

Children in South East Asian Region

In the Philippines, a total of 143 food and water-borne health events were verified by
the Event-Based Surveillance (ESR) from 2012-2016; with 17, 246 cases and 115 deaths.
There are five (5) infectious FWBDs that are under surveillance in the Philippines. These
are acute bloody diarrhea, cholera, rotavirus, hepatitis A and typhoid. As compared to
2016, there is an increase in the number of cases of acute bloody diarrhea and cholera
in 2017 with 30.45% and 9.24%, respectively (Table 1). Cholera has the highest case
fatality rate at 0.77%.

Table. 1 Food and Water-borne Diseases, Philippines 2017 vs 2016

Source: 2017 Food and Water-borne Diseases Morbidity Week (MW1-MW48),


1.4 Food and Water-borne Diseases Prevention and Control


1.4.1. Policy Background:

Although the program was established in 1997, the Presidential Decree 856, also known
as, Sanitation Code of the Philippines was signed in 1975 by the incumbent President
and was given the force of law. The ultimate objective of the Sanitation Code is
directing public health services towards the protection and promotion of health of the
people (PD 856). The Code covers the general sanitation policies on water supply; food
establishments; markets and abattoirs; school sanitation and health services; port,
airports, vessel and aircraft sanitation; vermin control; sewage collection and disposal
and excreta disposal and drainage; refuse disposal etc. All the provisions of the Code
when strictly implemented will prevent/reduce the food and water-borne diseases.

In November 1993, the Department Circular No. 179 was signed and approved by DOH
Undersecretary Galvez Tan. The DC 179 refers to the Policies and Guidelines for the
National Control of Diarrheal Diseases (Annex A). CDD program was focused on
management, treatment and prevention of diarrhea among under-five children and was
later on integrated in the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI). DC 179
was followed by DC 110: Intensifying the Program on Food Handlers and Water Quality
Surveillance to curb outbreaks from water and sanitation related diseases.
Finally, Administrative Order 29-A established the food and water-borne diseases
prevention and control program in 1997 under the Communicable Disease Control
Service. The AO 29-A stated the five program objectives and defines the six program
components. After the creation of the FWBD-PCP, more policies were passed to
support the implementation of the program (Box 1).

Box 1: Other policies supporting the FWBD PCP

1929 RA 3573 Law on Reporting of Communicable Diseases

1997. DOH Designation of Ad Hoc Committee for the formulation of plans, policies
DO No. 99-H and standards for the FWBD-PCP
PhilHealth Strict Compliance to Republic Act – the Law on Reporting
Circular No. Communicable Diseases
2001. DOH Revised of List of Notifiable or Reportable Diseases
DC No. 176
2005. AO No. Development of Guidelines for FWBD Surveillance
2007 AO No. Issuance of the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water
2010 AO No Issuance of Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Paragonimiasis
2012. RA Food Safety Act
2014 Manual of Procedures for the Surveillance, Outbreak Investigation and
Response to Microbial Agents of Food and Water-borne Diseases
supported by WHO and Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)
AO No. 2015- Designation of the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine as the
0050 National Reference Laboratory for Rotaviruses and Other Enteric
DPO No. Creation of the Technical Task Force, Expert Panel and Steering
2017-3642 Committee for the Development of Clinical Practice Guidelines on
Selected Food and Water-borne Diseases
DPO No. Creation of the TWG, Expert Panel and Steering Committee for the Food
2017-5438 and Waterborne Disease Prevention and Control Program

1.4.2. Structure:

Executive Order No. 366 lists the different health divisions under the Disease Prevention
and Control Bureau (DPCB) wherein the Infectious Diseases for Prevention and Control
Division (IDPCD) is included (Fig. 3). The FWBD-PCP is one of the programs under the
said Division. To achieve its goal of reducing morbidity and mortality of food and water-
borne diseases, the program will be working with the Environmental Related Diseases
Division which is under the same Bureau.

Fig.3 Organizational Structure of Disease Prevention and Control Bureau

Disease Prevention and Control Bureau

Office of the Director IV


Infectious Diseases Occupational Essential Non- Children’s Health
for Prevention and Diseases Division communicable Development
Control Division Diseases Division Division


Infectious Diseases Environmental Lifestyle-Related Women and Men’s
for Elimination Related Diseases Diseases Division Health
Division Division Development

The program is also working with the other Bureaus and Services within the Department of
Health such as the Epidemiology Bureau, Health Emergency and Management Bureau, Health
Promotion and Communication Services, Procurement Services, Food and Drug Administration,
Bureau of Quarantine, and Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (Annex B) and San Lazaro
Hospital. The program is also working with the Academe (UP), other multi-specialty societies,
WHO and other development partners and other agencies working on food and safety

The FWBD-PC Program is managed by a Program Manager at the Central DOH. Its
mandates and activities are implemented and supervised by the Program and the
Regional FWBD Coordinators (Fig. 4). The Regional FWBD coordinator will work with the
Regional Surveillance Unit, Family Health Cluster, Environmental and Occupational
Health Unit, Health Education and Promotion Unit, Provincial DOH Office, and supervise
the implementation of the program at the Local Government Units. At the LGU level,
there are designated FWBD coordinator.

Fig.4 FWBD-PCP Structure

1.4.3. Milestones

Some of the past achievements of the program are the following:

Institutionalization of Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) corners (CDD program) in both the
hospitals and outpatient public health facilities for the immediate management and
treatment of diarrhea cases,
Integration of the identification and management of diarrhea among the children in the
Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) protocol,
Design, installation and operationalization of a FWBD surveillance and response system
to detect impending outbreaks and provide immediate investigation and response to
these cases,
Provision of drugs/medicines and supplies augmentation to identified local government
units (LGUs) with high incidence of FWBDs,
Development of the Strategic Plan for 2019-2023;
Development of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Acute Diarrhea;
Development of Health Advisories and IEC materials such as posters and flip charts;
Development of Communication Plan;
Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Development of Guidelines on the Revision of the AO 1997 29-A on the Creation of the
Food and Water-borne Disease Prevention and Control Program;
Development of Guidelines for the Advance Implementation of Cholera Management as
Public Health concern;
Development of Guidelines for the Implementation of the FWBD Program Oral
Rehydration Therapy Corner Utilizing the Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Infectious
DM 2018-0065 Approved Guidelines on Integrated Paragonimiasis in the National
Tuberculosis Program Microscopy Services;
DM 2017-0486 Approved Interim Guideline on the use of Rapid Diagnostic Test for
cholera cases among Internally Displaced Population (IDP) during Humanitarian Crisis;
DC 2018-0249 DC FWBD Advisory Alert During Rainy Season;
Inter-agency meeting with DA and other partners;
Food-borne Trematode Research

1.4.4. National Strategic Plan 2019-2023 Assessment of 2011-2016 Strategies

In 2016, an assessment of the program was conducted. A Technical Working Group
(TWG) was created to provide overall technical guidance during the assessment. The
TWG is chaired by the Division, Chief of the DOH-IDO with members coming from
other DOH central office officials and technical staff and regional offices, partners
from the academe and WHO. The objectives of the assessment were the following:

1) establish FWBD-PCP performance level against the goals and targets set in the
2011-2016 DOH-National Objectives for Health (NOH);
2) determine the extent by which the FWBD’s key strategies were operationalized and
3) identify the factors that influenced the performance levels and implementation status
of the FWBD-PCP components;
4) summarize the gaps and challenges and come up with recommendations to address

The evaluation was conducted using various methodologies such as consultative

meeting with stakeholders; key informant interview with DOH officials, regional
coordinators and partners; data collection and field validation visits.
Based on the review of records and key informant interview of various stakeholders, the
program achieved significantly vis a vis the strategies set for 2011-2016 (Annex C).
However, the assessment also identified some existing gaps and the challenges that the
program needs to work on (Table 2)

Table 2. Gaps and Challenges

Assessment of FWBD-PCP, 2016

Reform Area Gaps and Challenges

Service  absence of CPGs on the diagnosis and management of FWBDs resulting to varying
Delivery standards and protocols practiced by the different hospitals
 ORT corners no longer found operational in health facilities
a. Supply  inadequate knowledge of service providers on diarrhea management
 lack of trained staff on IMCI in the health facility
 non-availability of vaccines for all cases of diarrhea
 service delivery network for FWBDs unclear
 negative attitude of health workers

Reform Area Gaps and Challenges

b. Demand  poor health seeking behaviors of patients due to varying reasons (e.g. cultural beliefs)
 community not aware of disease consequences due to lack of IEC resulting from
inappropriate messages and ineffective information dissemination
 No KAP survey conducted
 Lack of trust in government health facilities
Leadership  low priority on FWBD program in some LGUs
 lack of support from some LCEs
 lack of ownership of the program
 wrong perception of devolution particularly political will on health matters
 political problems/intervention/ interest among departments
 lack of good governance and ethical leadership
Organizational  management of FWBD-PCP has been transferred from one DOH unit to another (from
Support IDO to EH and back to IDO); management within IDO also transferred from NTD cluster
Structure to the other IDO unit
 National and Regional FWBD-PCP Coordinators only recently designated; all regional
coordinators are handling other programs
 overall management of FWBD-PCP remains unclear at the local level; no overall
coordinator assigned; in some areas, the program is placed either under the Sanitation
Unit or the municipal/city surveillance and epidemiology unit, but none has been
designated to coordinate diagnosis, management and treatment including governance
 Regional and local FWBD-PCP Coordinators not trained
 fast turn-over of coordinators
 no clear-cut coordination among DOH offices involved in the program
 scope and limitation of FWBD-PCP vis-à-vis other programs not clearly streamlined
Policies/  FWBD-PCP lacks overall program framework; hence implementation of components
Guidelines remains fragmented
and Plans  absence of strategic plan to guide implementation
 no manual of operations to provide standards to be followed
 compliance/adherence to national policies and laws not monitored
 management of other FWBDs (e.g. Hepatitis A, amoebiasis dysentery, etc.) still without
 program not cascaded and institutionalized at regional and local levels; unaware of
policies including roles and functions
 lack of orientation on FWBD-PCP; preventive vis-à-vis curative not clear to all
Health Human  limited number of sanitary inspectors at the local level (e.g. Tanay, Rizal with > 100,000
Resource population has only 1 SI
 some SIs are under contractual/job order employment; no plantilla position for SIs
 most nurses and midwives lack training on IMCI while some are still not oriented on IYCF
 no specific training on FWBD diagnosis, management, treatment

Reform Area Gaps and Challenges

Monitoring • absence of overall M and E Framework on FWBD-PCP

and • no standard monitoring and evaluation tool
Evaluation • under reporting of cases due to various reasons (e.g. concern of tourism being affected)
• poor reporting system, with issues on reliability of data, lack confirmation
• R/P/M/CESU staff are multi-tasked
• no clear communication structure from CO/RO to LGU level
• delayed/poor feedback mechanism
• late communication of LGUs (problem at the lower level is already unmanageable)
Logistics  limited supply of drugs/medicines
 logistics support from DOH not enough
Multi-Sectoral  no clear guidelines established relative to collaborative work among concerned
Collaboration government agencies especially at the local level
 agencies/stakeholders work in isolation based on their own mandate
 no one to spearhead collaboration
 participation of NGOs, private sector not maximized
Financing  Lack of LGU fund
 Small fund allocation
 Financial constraints
 Dependence on DOH for technical assistance and logistics
 No etiologic cases, inadequate resources for diagnosis; not a priority
Regulations  policies lack enforcements by the concerned agencies
 licensing of food establishments not strictly implemented in some areas
 proficiency of med techs on parasitology test not assured
 efficient and appropriate management of specimen not in place or followed (e.g. labs
lack capability to get specimen while still fresh to get the accurate source of the disease)
Source: NSP 2019-2023 National Strategic Plan Goals and Strategic Objectives

With these findings and challenges, in consultation with the different

government partner agencies, the program developed the National Strategic
Plan 2019-2023. A summary of the NSP vision, mission, goals and objectives is
shown in Figure 5. Details of its strategies is fully discussed on the full document
of the National Strategic Plan 2019-2023.

Fig.5 National Strategic Plan 2019-2023 Framework

Section II:
This section discusses the:
 Implementation Framework
 Multi-sectoral Collaboration
 Roles and Responsibilities of
government agencies involved in the
prevention and control of FWBD

2.0 Implementation Arrangement

2.1. Implementation Framework

Fig.6 Implementation Framework

The over-all goal of the program is to reduce disease, disability and death caused by
food and water-borne diseases (focusing on bacteria, virus, and foodborne helminths).
In achieving this goal, the FWBD-PCP implementation framework (Figure 6) aligns with
the five objectives of the NSP (2019-2023) that addresses governance, financing, service
delivery, regulation and performance accountability. The nine program components, as
stated in the Guidelines on the Implementation of the Food and Water-borne Diseases
Prevention and Control program, will help achieve the five objectives. Each component
may involve two or more agencies working together to achieve the desired change in
reducing morbidity and mortality from food and water-borne diseases

These components are the following:
1. Case Management focuses on the treatment and management of cases.
2. Laboratory Diagnosis refers to the to the collection, submission and processing of
specimen for confirming the etiologic agent of the food and water-borne disease.
3. Surveillance refers to the reporting of human cases and animal health conditions that
may also cause the disease in man.
4. Policy development focuses in the development and implementation of
policies/guidelines that will help in the achievement of the program objectives.
5. Capacity building provides the necessary knowledge and skills to health worker to
provide the necessary services of the program and proper reporting.
6. Health Promotion and disease prevention refers to program activities that advocate
for support (policies and resources) and adapting preventive behavior.
7. Logistic Management refers to the availability of drugs and supplies needed routinely
by the program and during outbreaks and other health emergency situations.
8. Monitoring and Evaluation (includes research) pertains to tracking of program
activities and indicators which will indicate the achievement of program objectives.
9. Intra and inter-agency collaboration focuses on the interaction and collaboration of
the different agencies within and outside the Department of Health to achieve the
program objectives.
Components 4-8 (policy development, capacity building, health promotion, logistic
management and monitoring and evaluation) supports across case management,
laboratory diagnosis and surveillance. On the other hand, changes in technology,
treatment regimen, trends and emergence of new diseases affects or will redefine
components 4-8.
Intra and inter-agency collaboration is the ground for the interplay of the other
components wherein various agencies need to work together to be able to achieve the
program goal.
Also, the nine components work across the different structure of the government from
the devolved local government units (City/Municipality, Provinces) to the National level.

Moreover, the program deals with diseases covered by international health regulation.
Thus, the program output both covers commitment to national and international

2.2. Multi-sectoral Collaboration

The development of a food and waterborne diseases may occur at any point in the food
production pathway as mentioned in Section 1.3.1. Various risk areas for contamination
and adulteration of raw or cooked food/water may occur from the production until a
consumer takes in the food and water. Thus, various agencies work together in the
prevention and control of food and water-borne diseases. It is the mandate of the
program, as stated in the Administrative Order 29 - Collaboration with different DOH
agencies and other government and non-government agencies in implementing
prevention and control activities, to lead the interaction and collaborative efforts of the
different agencies contributing in the prevention and control of FWBD.

What is multi-sectoral collaboration in the control and prevention of food

and water-borne diseases?
Multi-sectoral collaboration is a process wherein multiple sectors work together to
achieve common objectives, goals and tasks with shared responsibility. For food and
water-borne diseases, it involves staff from the public health surveillance and response
sector, food safety sector, animal health sector, environmental health and other
relevant sectors.
Multi-sectoral collaboration refers to the effective operation of the intra- and inter-
agency collaboration component of the program. Each component may involve two or
more government agencies. The examples below illustrate the interplay of specific
agencies in the different components of the program:
1. Case Management involves hospitals (retained and devolved) and health
facilities. Improvement and maintenance of local health facilities (includes staffing) is
under the local government administration. However, Health Facilities and Services
Regulatory Bureau-HFSRB oversees the assessment and accreditation of these health
facilities. PhilHealth provides the health care financing for certain FWBDs (such as acute
gastroenteritis, cholera and Typhoid Fever). The list of FWBDs covered by the PhilHealth
may expand to include other FWBDs.
Case Management also includes the preventive public health measures (WASH).
ERDD develops the national policies and guidelines on sanitation which are being
implemented at the local government units (Municipalities and cities). Regional and
provincial health offices supervise and monitor the implementation. The Family Health

Office provides policies and guidelines on the integration of FWBD policies and activities
in maternal and child care.
2. Laboratory Diagnosis involves hospital laboratories (regional) and National
Reference Laboratories (RITM) and FDA. Agencies working on animal Health (BAI, NMIS,
BFAR, etc.) perform laboratory testing on food and food products.
3. Surveillance and outbreak response function is the mandate of the
Epidemiology Bureau. However, the reporting process involves the LGU, and Provincial
Health Office, Regional Health. Other agencies such as the Bureau of Quarantine, RITM
and other National Referral Laboratories perform laboratory testing related to
surveillance activities. Agencies working on animal surveillance (Department of
Agriculture, BFAR) complete the whole surveillance process. Any positive findings shall
be reported to Epidemiology Bureau (EB) which is also the focal office for International
Health Regulation.
The Health Emergency Management Bureau (HEMB) collaborates with the
program during human-crisis situations (disasters, siege) wherein food and water-borne
diseases become a health problem in such situations.
4. National agencies develop policies in relation to the prevention and control
food and water-borne diseases. However, devolved health offices and facilities may
develop internal guidelines that will strengthen implementation of program activities
such as referral process of patients from community, integrated logistics management,
infection control guidelines.
5. Capacity building pertains to formal training wherein training modules are
developed by national technical experts; but the regional and provincial offices conduct
the actual training.
6. Health Promotion and disease prevention: development of posters and
training guide involves national DOH (FWBD-PCP and HPCS). However, promotion of
personal hygiene practices may include the Department of Education and DSWD.
Regional, Provincial and local health offices may also be involved in health promotion
7. Logistic Management involves the different health structure from the national
to the local units.
8. Monitoring and Evaluation, research involves regional and national health

DPO No. 2017-5438 provided the mechanism by which the multi-sectoral collaboration
can function effectively. The DPO also states the creation of a Steering committee,
Expert Panel and Technical Working Group for FWBD (Annex D). The composition and
functions are stated in the DPO. The Steering committee provides the over-all oversight
of the FWBD-PCP and recommends to the Secretary of Health the approval of all
technical outputs.
The Expert Panel reviews policy issuances and strategies and all technical products of
the program.
The FWBD Technical Working Group was created and becomes the arm for the program
collaborative function. The TWG will be chaired by the Program Manager. The co-
chairman may rotate among the different partner agencies. The TWG will meet on the
2nd week of each quarter (coinciding with the quarterly reporting period of the
department). During the meeting each agency will present accomplishments (in terms
of planned activities and specific indicators) and updates on new technology; findings
during supervisory visits; and issues that need the decision of the TWG in relation to
FWBD. The TWG shall also be the venue to discuss any policy, financing and regulation
agenda of the program. It will be a venue to discuss programmatic issues and be
resolved as a group. The chair may convene special meetings if there are urgent issues
requiring decision from the group.

2.3. Roles and Responsibilities

Clear delineation of functions and responsibilities will lessen tasks not being
implemented or encroaching on each other function resulting to duplication of tasks.
The roles and responsibilities stated in this MOP was taken from the new AO: Guidelines
on the Implementation of the Food and Water-borne Disease Prevention and Control

2.3.1 Department of Health Central Office

Pertains to Department of Health agencies/attached agencies at the central

office whose functions may contribute in the prevention and control of food and
water-borne diseases. Disease Prevention and Control Bureau (DPCB)

The DOH-DPCB shall be responsible for the overall execution of the policy and

a. Overall management and coordination of the FWBD-CP. It takes the lead in
setting the overall direction and focus of the Program.
b. Formulate and disseminate national policies and guidelines governing the
management and implementation of the FWBD-PCP;
c. Develop strategic plans and cascade these to the CHDs for adoption;
d. Ensure the provision/delivery of quality diagnosis, management and treatment
services of FWBDs;
e. Design and facilitate the conduct of training on various components of the
f. Manage the logistics requirements of the Program and secure logistics support;
g. Establish partnership with other national government agencies and other
partners in the private sector;
h. Maintain and regularly update a directory of FWBD focal persons from DOH-
CHDs, provinces, municipalities/cities as well as partner agencies; strengthen
coordination and linkages with RO focal persons
i. Coordinate with related offices/agencies on any outbreak due to FWBDs such as
EB for surveillance and monitoring, HEMB for logistic augmentation,
Environmental Related Disease Division for immediate action on water and
sanitation, DA for diseases that may be attributed to contamination of animals
and plants and BFAR for contamination of seafood products;
j. Coordinate with other DOH offices in promoting WASH practices and key
messages on prevention and control of FWBDs;
k. Undertake monitoring and evaluation of the status and performance of the
FWBD-PCP Environmental Related Diseases Division (ERDD)

a. Provide technical assistance to the regions and LGUs to comply with the
provisions and requirements of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines;
b. Formulate and promote policies and guidelines in promoting increased access to
safe water and sanitation services;
c. Design strategic approaches to achieve zero open defecation areas nationwide;
d. Augment logistics for water testing facilities;
e. Coordinate with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
and Department of Agriculture (DA) for interventions that will support the
prevention and control of FWBDs.

20 Family Health Office (FHO) Women and Men’s Health
Development Division and Children’s Health Development Division

a. Formulate/Update policies, guidelines and standards in improving IYCF, nutrition

and IMCI practices;
b. Provide technical assistance to the DOH Regional Offices, Provincial DOH Offices
(PDOHOs), and LGUs to comply with the relevant child health policies and
guidelines in support of the FWBD-PCP;
c. Integrate guidelines on hand washing, sanitation and hygiene practices in
maternal and newborn care, infant and young child feeding, early child
development, oral health, nutrition, integrated management of childhood illness,
and management of acute malnutrition. Epidemiology Bureau (EB)

a. Maintain and strengthen FWBD surveillance nationwide;

b. Generate timely FWBD surveillance reports and disseminate to concerned DOH
offices and other agencies;
c. Inform/communicate with FWBD-PCP and other offices concerned of any
impending FWBD outbreaks;
d. Generate timely FWBD surveillance reports and disseminate to concerned DOH
e. Provide technical assistance to RESUs/LGUs in the investigation, declaration and
termination of outbreaks;
f. In coordination with the FWBD-PCP, as the International Health Regulations
National Focal Point Office, EB shall immediately notify the WHO when the
assessment of an event indicates that the FWBD event is notifiable pursuant to
paragraph 1 of Article 6 and Annex 2 and to inform WHO as required pursuant to
Article 7 and paragraph 2 of Article 9 of the IHR 2005 (Annex E) Health Emergency Management Bureau (HEMB)

a. Provide technical assistance in developing plans in times of emergencies and

b. Coordinate the mobilization of WASH resources to ensure adequate and safe
water through water quality surveillance, disinfection/treatment in coordination

c. Support in the augmentation of logistics to FWBD to respond to emergencies,
disaster and outbreaks. Health Promotion and Communication Services (HPCS)

a. Formulate and design a health promotion and communication plan to address

b. Develop key messages for various groups of audiences relative to the prevention
and control of FWBDs; Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ)

a. Develop and ensure compliance to protocols and field operation guidelines

on entry/exit management of persons, conveyances and goods in
coordination with airport and port of entries;
b. Conduct surveillance in ports and airports of entry and sub ports as well as
the airports and ports of origin of international flights and vessels;
c. Monitor public health threats in other countries including food related public
health threats; Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) and National

Reference Laboratories (Parasitology, Bacterial Enteric Diseases,
Rotavirus and Other Enteric Viruses and Surveillance and Response

a. Perform confirmatory laboratory testing for human samples referred for the
FWBD surveillance and outbreak investigation (e.g. stool, sputum, blood, urine);
b. Provide technical support for collection, transport and storage of specimen for
the disease reporting unit;
c. Provide training on lab diagnosis of FWBD pathogens and quality assurance to
the regional laboratories;
d. Provide line-list of laboratory results to EB and RESU, and individual laboratory
results to the RESU, in the form of transmittals (for distribution to the DRUs);
e. Perform further studies to determine other etiologies of FWBD;
f. Conduct laboratory surveillance for the FWB pathogens;
g. Conduct RDT validation for the FWBD.

22 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

a. Perform microbiologic tests on processed food samples submitted to the

b. Provide EB with a report of etiologic agents of food and waterborne diseases on
food samples tested;
c. Monitor the safety of pre-packaged food in the market and issue Public Advisory
/ Warning to prevent consumption of contaminated food;
d. Undertake surveillance of microbiologic agents of food and water-borne diseases
which are transmissible to humans;
e. Alert the DOH offices in cases of unusual increases in the number of reported
organisms known to cause FWBDs in humans;

2.3.2 Department of Health Central Office – Center for Health

Development Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Cluster

a. Disseminate national policies and guidelines governing the management and

implementation of the FWBD-PCP;
b. Develop regional plans on FWBD and ensure inclusion of budgetary
requirements for FWBD in their respective WFPs;
c. Augment logistics support to LGU and health care facilities;
d. Assist RESU, HEMB, and EOH in FWBD outbreak investigation and response;
e. Coordinate with the regional Environmental Health unit on the
implementation of the FWBD-PCP;
f. Coordinate with other partners in the region for the management of the
g. Facilitate in the conduct of training related to FWBD-PCP to local government
h. Develop research proposals addressing FWBD concerns for submission to
PCHRD in coordination with FWBD PCP and HPDPB;
i. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the program at the LGU

23 Regional Laboratories

a. Perform laboratory testing of samples (bacterial, viral and parasitic) from

FWBD cases referred by the disease reporting units, as well as from
cluster/outbreak investigations;
b. Participate in monitoring and evaluation visits by the DOH FWBD
Monitoring team;
c. Participate in the laboratory quality assurance program;
d. Provide laboratory results to the National Reference Laboratories and
RESU, and coordinate with the NRLs for technical concerns (specimen
collection, transport, storage, testing and troubleshooting)
e. Perform direct fecal smear, modified acid-fast staining, formalin ether
concentration technique, Kato-Katz and RDT for detection of food-borne
f. Send isolates for confirmatory testing Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (RESU)

a. Regions to receive and collate data base reports from the LGUs and
hospitals; they should ensure completeness and timeliness of reports
from the LGUs and hospitals;
b. Provide technical assistance to LGUs (ESUs) in the conduct of outbreak
c. Coordinate and facilitate submission of samples;
d. Conduct weekly analysis of FWBD data and submit weekly report to EB
on notifiable diseases;
e. Immediate reporting through ESR if there is an outbreak or clustering of
f. Notify EB as the International Health Regulations (IHR) National Focal
Point Office when the assessment of an event indicates a food or
waterborne disease event that is notifiable pursuant to paragraph 1 of
Article 6 and Annex 2 and to inform WHO as required pursuant to Article
7 and paragraph 2 of Article 9 of IHR.

24 Family Health Cluster [WMDD and CHDD]

a. Disseminate national policies, standards and guidelines on child health and

nutrition in support the FWBD-PCP;

b. Support the Infectious Disease Cluster in the development of integrated

local plans on child health and nutrition to implement and cascade FWBD-PCP
to LGUs;

c. Provide complementary child health and nutrition capacity development

activities that will support effective implementation of FWBD-PCP to local
government unit;

d. Provide technical assistance on MNCHN that will also complement

implementation of FWBD-PCP to LGU;

e. Monitor and evaluate the MNHCN-related indicators and variables related to

the implementation of the FWBD-PCP to LGU;

f. Coordinate with the Regional Environmental and Occupational Health on the

implementation of the FWBD-PCP. Environmental and Occupational Health Unit

a.Provide technical assistance and training to LGUs to increase households

with access to safe water, sanitary toilet, and achievement of zero open

b. Assist in the investigation n of FWBD Outbreaks;

c. Support campaign of prevention and control of FWBD;

d. Monitor the implementation of LGU’s preventive measures for FWBD;

e. Augment logistics support to LGUs

25 Health Education and Promotion Unit

a. Implement health communication plan;

b. Localize key messages for various groups of audiences relative to the
prevention and control of FWBDs; and
c. Participate in the conduct of FWBD training Provincial DOH Office (PDOHO)

a. Ensure adoption of DOH policy by LGU through ordinances;

b. Advocate for LCEs’ support and encourage LGUs to provide
funds/budget for FWBD-PCP through inclusion in the Local Investment
Plan for Health;
c. Facilitate the provision of logistics / funds to EOH for FWBD prevention
d. Assist in the investigation and outbreak response
e. Monitor implementation of FWBD and submit regular reports to the RD
cc FWBD Coordinator

2.3.3 Other Government Agencies Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)

a. Support the DOH and DA in the collection and documentation of

food-borne illness data, monitoring and research;
b. Provide budget allocation for capacity building of LGU health
c. Endorse LGU health workers to participate in training programs,
standards development and other food safety activities to be
undertaken by the DA, DOH and other concerned national agencies.
d. Recommend to LCEs to adopt and support FWBD-PCP initiatives.

26 Department of Education

a. Integrate messages on proper water, food and sanitary practices

including personal hygiene in the school curriculum;
b. Support and expand the implementation of WASH in schools and
school feeding programs. Department of Agriculture

a. Alert the DPCB, FWBD and EB in cases of unusual increase in the

number of reported organisms known to cause foodborne disease in
b. Develop and transfer technologies to LGUs to improve and sustain
the development of the plant, livestock and aquaculture industry
which ensure food security and competitiveness of the local
produce in the global market;
c. Inform and share with DOH of new technologies related to FWBD;
d. Plan, coordinate and implement research and development
programs in support to food safety;
e. Coordinate with FDA regarding all laboratory confirmations involving
foodborne disease with outbreak potential;
f. Develop and implement standards on good practices for the prevention
of FWBDs Department of Social Welfare and Development

a. Ensure proper water, food and sanitary practices including personal

hygiene of DSWD residential/day care centers, canteen, caterers;
b. Support and expand implementation of hand-washing practices
during feeding programs

27 Department of Environment and Natural Resources

a. Control the construction and maintenance of waterworks,

sewerage, and sanitation systems and other public utilities;
b. Prohibit dumping of waste products detrimental to the plants and
animals or inhabitants therein;
c. Prohibit dumping of wastes or debris in an exposed or unsanitary
condition on the ground or in bodies of water;
d. Raise awareness on the importance of maintaining reliable and
effective treatment of wastewater;
e. Endeavour to achieve social justice by ensuring the integrity of our
ecosystems on which local communities depend for food and
f. Strive to recycle wastewater to benefit communities and not to
allow untreated wastewater that will harm people. Local Government Units

The LGUs are primarily responsible for the delivery of quality FWBD diagnosis,
management and treatment and conduct of preventive and control interventions
at the local level. Specifically, the LGUs shall:

a) Translate national policies on FWBD into local ordinances e.g.

regulating ambulant vendors;
b) Train food handlers;
c) Strengthen inspection of food establishments for compliance to
sanitation requirements;
d) Ensure household access to safe drinking water and sanitation
e) Establish water treatment system during emergencies and
f) Maintain and sustain a functional local epidemiology and
surveillance units;
g) Ensure the availability of trained health care personnel;
h) Ensure functional ORT corner and availability of ORS in health care

i) Fill-up laboratory request forms and submit appropriately labeled
specimens from patients and samples of suspected food/water
vehicle to the appropriate DOH or DA laboratory for microbial tests;
j) Collate and submit epidemiologic data on the occurrence of
Salmonellosis and other food/water-borne infection to EB;
k) Submit monthly reports of FWBD to RESU;
l) Notify RESU when the assessment of an event indicates a food or
waterborne disease event that is notifiable pursuant to paragraph 1
of Article 6 and Annex 2 and to inform WHO as required pursuant to
Article 7 and paragraph 2 of Article 9 of IHR; Health Care Facilities

a. Diagnose, manage and prevent FWBDs based on CPGs;

b. Provide health promotion and education on exclusive breastfeeding,
complementary breastfeeding, safe water, proper sanitation, and good
hygiene practices (oral health, proper hand washing);
c. Re-establish oral rehydration solution stations integrated for diarrhea,
dengue and leptospirosis;
d. Report FWBD cases to local epidemiology and surveillance units;
e. Conduct of death review for FWBD cases;
f. Ensure availability of FWBD supplies/commodities;
g. Request for basic laboratory work-up in case of complications;
h. Give appropriate anti-microbial if indicated;
i. Encourage the use of oral rehydration solution and oral zinc sulfate as soon
as patient can tolerate;
j. Observe proper hydration and monitoring of hemodynamic status;
k. Refer appropriately to specialists/sub-specialist if needed;
l. Give IEC materials to patients Other Laboratories

(Definition based on the Licensing)
a. Tertiary Laboratories – Perform direct fecal smear, bacteriological culture,
modified acid-fast staining, formalin ether concentration technique, Kato-
Katz and RDT for detection of FWB parasites;
b. Secondary Laboratories – Perform direct fecal smear, Kato-Katz and modified
acid-fast staining for detection of FWB parasites;
c. Primary Laboratories – Perform direct fecal smear, Kato-Katz and modified
acid-fast staining for detection of FWB parasites

Section III: Case
This section provides the guide on:
 Detecting diarrhea case
 Assessing the dehydration level
 Management of cases
 Preventive measures

The Clinical Practice Guideline is the main

reference of this section. This section
provides a guide to health worker (in the
community or facility) on the actions
(assessing, treating or referring) to be taken
upon finding the diarrhea case.

3.0 Case Management and Prevention

3.1 Detecting Diarrhea Case

The most common symptom of food and water-borne diseases is diarrhea. And the most
threatening consequence of diarrhea is dehydration. Diarrhea causes loss of water and
electrolytes in the body which can lead to complications and death. Thus, it is important for
health workers to be able to detect diarrhea cases early and provide appropriate actions.
A diarrhea case may be detected in the community/facility by a barangay health worker
(BHW). During the initial encounter, basic information obtained, such as when the condition
started, the characteristic of the stool (watery or bloody), from the patient and the assessment
of the patient’s physical condition. The barangay health worker (BHW) should also be able to
assess the level of dehydration, provide advice and refer the patient to the facility for further
Figure 7 provides a guide for health worker on how to proceed when a diarrhea case is seen
whether in the community or health facility.

Fig.7 General Guide on Managing a Diarrhea Case

Rehydrate and advice on signs

Diarrhea case Mild of progressive dehydration

Rehydrate and refer to the next
Moderate - Severe higher facility

History and PE Dehydrated

Advice on diet intake, fluid

replacement and signs of
NO dehydration

Indications for stool

culture: POSITIVE
- Severe cases
- High risks of Watery stool Bloody stool Fecalysis Rehydrate and treat accordingly
transmission of
enteric pathogens
- High risk of
- Epidemiologic
purposes Monitor dehydration level, referral for hospital admission (if needed), fluid replacement
therapy, antibiotic treatment (if needed and will be based on the etiologic agent)

Note: For watery diarrhea and a high suspicion of cholera, RDT (Rapid diagnostic test) can be
done (if available) and/or C&S testing of the stool specimen.

3.2 Assessment of Dehydration

Always assess the level of dehydration of the patient as part of the physical examination. Keep
in mind that the clinical manifestations of dehydration for children is different from adults.
A trained BHW should be able to assess the level of dehydration of children with diarrhea seen
at the community using parameters 2,3, 4,5. Any sign of Moderate to Severe dehydration
should be referred for further evaluation and management to a health facility. Table 3 provides
a summary of clinical manifestations for children.
(Source: Philippine Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Acute Infectious Diarrhea).

Table 3. Clinical Manifestation of Diarrhea in Children According to the Level of Dehydration

Parameters No signs of Mild to Moderate Severe Dehydration

dehydration Dehydration
1.Fluid deficit Infant < 5% 5-10% >10%
(% body weight) Child 3% 6% 9%
2. General condition* Well; alert Restless; irritable Lethargic; Unconscious
3. Thirst Drinks normally; Thirsty; drinks Drinks poorly; not able to
not thirsty eagerly drink
4. Fontanel/Eyes* Normal Slightly depressed/ Sunken
slightly sunken
5. Tears Present Present or No tears
6. Cutaneous perfusion/ < 2 seconds Around 2 seconds < 3 seconds
capillary time
7. Respiration Normal Deep, may be rapid Deep and rapid
2 months-12 months:> 50
breaths per minute
> 1 year – 5 years: > 40
breaths per minute
8. Skin pinch* Goes back quickly Goes back slowly Goes back very slowly
9. History of urine output Normal Decreased (< 0.5 Minimal (< 0.3 ml/kg/hr. in
ml/kg/hr. in 8 16 hours) or
hours) None (no urine output in 12
Interpretation The presence of The presence of two or more
two or more of the of the above signs
above signs
*These parameters are unreliable for patients with severe malnutrition. (CPG, 2018)

Level of dehydration for adult patients should also be assessed early on the course of the
disease to prevent complications or death. Table 4 provides a guide in assessing the level of
dehydration of adult patients.
Table 4. Clinical Manifestation of Diarrhea in Adults According to the Level of Dehydration

Parameters Mild Moderate Severe Dehydration

Dehydration Dehydration

Fatigue +/- + +
Thirst +/- + +
Sunken eyes - + +
Blood pressure Normal Orthostatic Shock

Respiratory rate Normal 21-25  25

(breaths per

Heart rate (beats > 80 > 100 Faint or thread

per minute) pulse

Peripheral Warm extremities Cold, clammy Cold, clammy skin

circulation skin

Level of Alert Lethargic Coma or stupor


Oral mucosa Moist Dry Dry

Muscle weakness None Mild to Severe


Skin turgor < 2 seconds > 2 seconds > 2 seconds

Capillary refill time < 2 seconds > 2 seconds > 2 seconds

Urine output > 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5


Other parameters for assessing dehydration in adults is listed in the CPG manual.

3.3 Management of Diarrhea Case

3.3.1 Fluid Replacement Therapy

Fluids and electrolyte replacement are the basic treatment of diarrhea to prevent death. Fluid Replacement in Children

The CPG recommends the admission of children with acute infectious diarrhea with
the following conditions:
Children who are not able to tolerate oral fluids;
Children suspected of electrolyte imbalance;
Children with the following physical findings on examination: altered
consciousness, abdominal distention; respiratory distress; hypothermia (body
temperature of < 36 degrees Celsius);
Children with co-existing medical conditions such as pneumonia,
meningitis/encephalitis, sepsis, moderate to severe malnutrition, and
suspected surgical condition
According to the FWBD CPG Reference manual, the recommended rehydration
therapy for children based on the level of dehydration is provided in Table 5.

Table 5. Rehydration Guide For Children According to the Level of Dehydration

No dehydration Mild to Moderate dehydration Severe dehydration

Reduced osmolarity oral Reduced osmolarity ORS is Rapid intravenous rehydration
rehydration solution (ORS) is recommended to replace ongoing is recommended with plain
recommended to replace ongoing losses. Lactated Ringer’s (LR) solution
losses or 0.9% Sodium Chloride (with
If oral rehydration is not feasible, or without 5% glucose).
If commercial ORS is not administration of ORS via
available, homemade ORS may nasogastric tube is preferred over
be given (4-5 teaspoons of sugar IV hydration.
and 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of
clean drinking water).
RHU Level Hospital Level Hospital Level

34 Fluid Replacement in Adult
According to CPG, if the following conditions are present in an adult patient,
referral for hospital admission is highly recommended:
Inability to tolerate oral rehydration;
Moderate to severe dehydration;
Acute Kidney injury;
Presence of electrolyte abnormalities;
Co-morbid conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, congestive heart
failure, coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver
disease, immunocompromised conditions;
Weak or elderly patients (>60 years old);
Poor nutritional status;
In the FWBD CPG Reference Manual provides the guide for fluid replacement in
adults is shown in Table 6. The recommended fluid for hydration and
resuscitation of diarrhea patients is Plain Lactated Ringer’s Solution (PLRS), a
chloride restricted intravenous fluid. If this is not available, plain normal saline
solution may be used.

Table 6. Recommended Rehydration Guide For Adults According to the Level of Dehydration

Mild dehydration Moderate dehydration Severe dehydration

Oral rehydration solution is For Admitted Patients: For Admitted Patients:
recommended at 1.5 - 2 times 500 to 1,000 ml of plain Lactated 1,000 to 2,000 ml of PLRS within
the estimated amount of volume Ringer’s solution (PLRS) in the the first hour is recommended.
deficit plus concurrent first 2 hours is recommended.
gastrointestinal losses. Once hemodynamically stable, Once hemodynamically stable,
give give

2-3 ml/kg/hour PLRS for 2-3 ml/kg/hour PLRS for

patients with actual or patients with actual or
estimated body weight of <50 estimated body weight of
kg; <50 kg

Mild dehydration Moderate dehydration Severe dehydration
1.5-2 ml/kg/hour PLRS for 1.5-2 ml/kg/hour PLRS for
patients with actual or patients with actual or
estimated body weight of >50 estimated body weight of>
kg; 50 kg.
Use ideal body weight for Use ideal body weight for
overweight or obese patients; overweight or obese
Replace ongoing losses volume patients.
per volume with PLRS boluses or
ORS (if tolerated). Replace ongoing losses volume
per volume with PLRS boluses.
ORS is not recommended since
patients with severe
dehydration may have
compromised mental status and
therefore have high risk for

Note: Sport drinks and sodas are not recommended to replace fluid losses. Elderly patients and
those at risks of fluid over load (patients with heart failure or kidney disease) should be referred to
a specialist for individualized fluid management.

3.3.2 Anti-microbials and Other Adjunctive Therapy Children
Conditions in children wherein anti-microbials are indicated:
Suspected cholera;
Bloody Diarrhea;
Presence of other acute infections such as pneumonia, meningitis

Antibiotic treatment should not be given routinely in children. Table 7 provides the recommended

The FWBD CPG Reference Manual provides the following position for adjunctive therapy:
Zinc supplementation is given for acute infectious diarrhea in children more than 6 months old
at a dosage of 20 mg/day for 10-14 days. This adjunctive therapy shortens the duration of
diarrhea and decreases the frequency of stool. Zinc supplementation is not routinely given to
children less than 6 months of age.
Probiotics is recommended adjunctive therapy because it reduces the severity of the symptoms
and duration of diarrhea. Probiotics are given within the duration of diarrhea and may extend
for another 7 days after the completion of the antibiotics. Specific probiotics are listed in the
FWBD CPG Reference Manual.

Table 7. Recommended Microbial Treatment For Children

Etiologic agent Antimicrobial

Suspected or confirmed Azithromycin 10 mg/kg/dose once a day for 3 days, or 20mg/kg single dose (max
cholera dose: 500 mg/24 hours)

Doxycycline (use only for > 8 years old): 2mg/kg single dose (max dose: 100 mg/dose)

Alternatives (when susceptible) include:

Co-trimoxazole 10mg/kg/day of trimethoprim and 50 mg/kg/day of
sulfamethoxazole twice a day for 5 days (max dose: 160mg/dose) OR
Chloramphenicol 50-100 mg/kg/day every 6 hours for 3 days (max dose: 750
mg/dose) OR
Erythromycin 12.5 mg/kg/dose every 6 hours for 3 days (max dose: 4g/24 hours)
Suspected or culture- Ceftriaxone IV 50-100 mg/kg/day every 12-24 hours (max dose: 2g/24 hours) for 2-5
proven Shigella days
Ciprofloxacin 30 mg/kg/day divided into 2 doses x 3 days (max dose: IV 800

Azithromycin 10 mg once a day for 3 days (max dose: 500mg/dose)

Non-typhoidal Antibiotic treatment is NOT recommended for children with non-typhoidal
Salmonella (NTS) Salmonella EXCEPT in high-risk children to prevent secondary bacteremia, such as:
Neonates or young infants <3 months old
Immunodeficient patients
Anatomical or functional asplenia, corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy,
inflammatory bowel disease, or achlorhydria
Amoebiasis Metronidazole 10 mg/kg/dose 3 times a day (max dose: 750 mg/dose) for 5 to 10
days is recommended for confirmed cases of amoebiasis to prevent relapse.

37 Treatment for Adults
Empiric microbial treatment refers to the giving of antibiotic treatment without
identifying the etiologic cause of the acute infectious diarrhea. The decision is based
on clinical experience. The CPG manual recommends empiric microbial treatment
for adults with acute diarrhea and concomitant moderate to severe dehydration plus
the following clinical manifestation: fever alone, fever and bloody stools, or
symptoms persisting for more than 3 days. The recommended microbials are:
Azithromycin 1-gram single dose, or
Ciprofloxacin 500 mgs. twice daily for 3-5 days;

The above microbial treatment will be modified upon confirmation of the suspected
microorganism according to the recommended antibiotics in Table 8.

Table 8. Recommended Microbial Treatment for Adults

Etiologic agent Antimicrobial

Suspected or confirmed Azithromycin 1 g single dose
cholera Ciprofloxacin 1-2 g single dose or 500 mg twice a day for 3 days

Alternative: Doxycycline 100 mg twice a day for 3 days

Suspected or culture- Ceftriaxone 1 g once a day for 5 days OR

proven Shigella Ciprofloxacin 500mg twice a day for 5 days; OR
dysentery Azithromycin 1 g single dose

Once culture results are available, antimicrobial therapy can be modified

Suspected or confirmed Ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day for 5 days
non-typhoidal Ceftriaxone 1 g IV once a day for 5 days
Once culture results are available, antimicrobial therapy can be modified
Confirmed amoebiasis Metronidazole 500-750 mg tablet three times a day for 10 days
Alternative: Tinidazole 2 g once a day for 3 days, or secnidazole 2 g single dose
Diloxanide furoate 500 mg three times a day may be added to metronidazole, if

Racecadotril (100 mg three times a day) may be given to decrease the frequency and duration of

Note: Complications of acute infectious diarrhea in adults (acute kidney injury, hyponatremia or
hypernatremia, hypokalemia or hyperkalemia) can be life threatening and immediately refer the
patient to a specialist. Hospitalization and close monitoring are needed.

3.3 Preventive Measures

When food and water-borne diseases occur, it reflects a failure to lower the risks in the
food production pathway. Thus, the achievement of program goal lies in the
implementation of preventive measures. However, most of the preventive measures
are the under the mandate of other government agencies. Strict application of these
standards lies in the local government unit. However, the Regional Office
Environmental and Occupational Health Unit provides the technical guidance and
capacitation to local government units for proper implementation of the guidelines
Thus, a strong multi-sectoral collaboration of the FWBD PCP is a key in achieving the
goal and objectives of the program.

3.3.1 Personal Hygiene

Strong promotional and advocacy campaign for personal hygiene and proper
handwashing should be done in the community, health care facility, schools, day care
centers, offices and food establishments including resettlements/evacuation sites
during health emergencies. Providing logistical support (clean water for handwashing,
availability of soap and clean communal toilet facilities) for effective implementation
create a supportive environment that encourages and sustains a change in behavior.

3.3.2 Safe, clean water

Administrative Order No. 2017-0010 provides the Philippine Standards for Drinking
Water. It defines drinking water as water intended for direct human consumption or for
use in food preparation and related processes. According to the manual, drinking water
must be clear and does not have objectionable taste, odor and color. It should be free
from all harmful organisms, chemical substances and radionuclides in amounts that
could be hazardous to humans. To ensure the safety of drinking water, the manual
provides guidelines on the following:
a. Water sampling and examination of all types of water sources that includes the
frequency sampling for physical, chemical, microbiological examination.
b. Drinking water from refilling stations, vending machines, mobile tanks and bulk
water supply for the required initial and periodic examinations for
microbiological, physical, chemical and radiological quality.
c. Standard values of mandatory parameters that will be considered safe for
human consumption.
d. Evaluation and interpretation of results
e. Emergency drinking water parameters

3.3.3 Proper Food Handling

Simple boiling of water for 3-5 minutes may remove physical and microbiological impurities.

Chapter III of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines (PD 856) provides the full details on
the rules and regulation for food establishments to ensure food are safe from
contamination. Presently, the local government unit has the responsibility to implement
these rules and regulations. Regional (Environmental Health Staff) and Provincial staff
(Sanitary Engineer and Inspector) should monitor the implementation of these rules and
regulation. Food establishments include eating and drinking places where food and drinks
are processed, manufactured, served or stored. These can be classified as follows:
a. Food Eating and Drinking Establishments
b. Food Processing
c. Food Retailing
d. Street Food Trade
e. Market and Slaughterhouse

Some of the regulations from Chapter III of PD 856 are as follows:
a. No food establishment operates for public patronage without a Sanitary Permit.
The permit is renewable yearly and should be posted in a conspicuous area.
b. No person shall be employed in any food establishment without a health
certificate issued by the city/municipal health officer. This certificate shall be
issued only after the required physical and mental examinations and
c. Requirements for food handlers:

Wearing of hair nets (restrain) and clean working garments;

Proper hand washing before handling any food (raw ingredients and cooked),
after visiting the toilet, coughing or sneezing and after smoking;
d. No person shall be allowed to work as food handlers and be engaged in food
preparation while afflicted with a communicable disease.
The following healthy practices should be observed and followed at home or in any food

1. Food preparation:

Only safe and wholesome food materials are used.

Food materials are cleaned with safe water.
Enough equipment and utensils are provided, properly cleaned and sanitized.
Food and food materials are prepared, processed and cooked in a sanitary

2. Food storage

Wet and dry foods are stored separately.

Proper temperature is maintained.
Food and food materials are protected from contamination by insects and
rodents, chemical substances and others.

3. Food serving

Food and food materials are properly displayed and protected from all
possible contamination.
Food are served with clean and sanitized utensils.
Maintenance of proper temperature
Separate utensils are used for each kind of food.
Left-over foods are never used.
All contaminated foods of those of doubtful quality are condemned.

3.3.4 Vaccination
Killed oral cholera vaccine may be given to children and adults living in endemic
areas to prevent outbreaks caused by cholera;
However, cholera vaccine is not meant to replace the provision for clean
water and sanitation and hygiene (WASH), which are the core strategy
for prevention of cholera.
Rotavirus is an important cause of diarrheal disease particularly in children under
5 years. Rotavirus vaccines are effective in preventing rotavirus diarrhea and
immunization of infants with rotavirus vaccine is recommended.

Annex F provides the guidelines on rotavirus and cholera vaccine

3.3.5 Health Promotion activities

Health promotional and education materials (posters, leaflets and flip charts) shall be
developed by the program (FWBD-PCP) at the national level. Prototype e-copy will be
distributed to the regional health office for additional reproduction if needed. Regional,
provincial and hospital health promotion officers are encouraged to develop their health
promotion and communication plan. A more detailed discussion on these can be found
in Section VI.

Section IV:
This section discusses the:
 Clinical laboratory role, its structure
and services;
 Specimen Collection, Handling
and storage;
 Specimen Packaging and
 Referral of Specimen
 Food laboratory role and agencies
providing the services.
RITM as the National Reference Laboratory
provides the policy and guidelines for clinical
laboratory services. Currently RITM is
revising its MOP. Any changes in policies in
the revised MOP (RITM) will take
precedence over what is stated in this
section. The FWBD-PCP will provide the
necessary addendum.

4.0 Laboratory Management

Laboratory services for FWBD-PCP involves clinical and food laboratories within the different
government agencies. Policies and guidelines are developed by specific agencies and
disseminated through the Technical Working Group especially those related to the food and
water-borne diseases.

What is the role of the FWBD-PCP in clinical laboratory services?

At the national level, the FWBD-PCP facilitates coordination with other agencies as needed in
the implementation of its work plan, dissemination of updates and logistical support during
outbreaks. The Regional FWBD Coordinator can facilitate and coordinate the needs of specific
laboratory services for enhancement and upgrading.

4.1 Clinical Laboratory

Laboratory confirmation of the pathogen is an important component of the FWBD-PCP.
Specimens from humans are processed in clinical laboratory. Confirmation of the
specific pathogen is important in cases of food and water-borne diseases outbreak. This
has implication in treatment and possible public health measures in the prevention and
control of outbreak.

4.1.1 Role of clinical laboratory

In general, the role of the clinical laboratory in food-borne diseases are the following:
1) Ensure that appropriate clinical specimens are collected, labelled, stored and
2) Perform appropriate tests and laboratory investigations of clinical samples;
3) Advise on further clinical tests and sampling;
4) Work with other members of the investigation team to identify and characterize the
pathogen if there is clustering of cases particularly during outbreaks;
5) Coordinate with a National Reference Laboratory or Regional Hospital Laboratories
for further testing or pathogen identification.

4.1.2 Structure

In the Philippines, clinical laboratories vary in their capacity to perform confirmatory

tests for specific pathogen in a food and water-borne disease outbreak. The Research
Institute of Tropical Medicine is the National Reference Laboratory in the Philippines.
Administrative Order No. 2015-0050 also designate RITM as the National Reference
Laboratory for Rotavirus and other enteric viruses. The institution sets the policies and
guidelines for all laboratories involved in processing samples for infectious diseases
including food and water-borne diseases (limited to bacteria, virus and food-borne
helminths). There are different levels of clinical laboratories in the country and have
different capability level (Table 9).

Table 9: Type of Laboratories According to Service Capability

RITM, 2013

Peripheral Laboratory

Qualified Tertiary Laboratory: is a tertiary laboratory whose qualification for aerobic

bacterial culture and identification for outbreak specimens has been have been assessed by
NEQAS for Bacteriology.

Qualified Regional Laboratory: is a regional laboratory whose qualification for aerobic

bacterial culture and identification for outbreak specimens has been have been assessed by
NEQAS for Bacteriology.

Qualified Sub-national Laboratory: will be considered qualified if it meets the minimum

requirements in the annual proficiency test and if it passes other quality assurance checks by
the National Reference Laboratory.

National Reference Laboratory: performs specialized diagnostic tests; provides confirmatory

tests to tertiary, regional and sub-national laboratories; provides referring laboratories
transport media and guidelines on the use of such media; and banks positive outbreaks

International Collaborating Centers and Referral Laboratories/ Regional Reference or

Global Specialized Laboratories: refers to laboratories that receive and test specimens from
WHO region which are part of the international laboratory network.
Source: Guidelines For Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Diseases Outbreak
Response; Manual For Clinical Specimen, RITM 2013

In order to maximize the efficient use of these existing laboratories during disease outbreaks,
the NRL defined their relationship in a Laboratory Referral System. From the lower level
(example: peripheral laboratory), specimen and isolates are referred to the next level (a
qualified tertiary laboratory or qualified regional laboratory) who had the capacity to perform
the required confirmatory test. The higher-level-laboratories (reference laboratories) provide
technical guidance, capacity building and quality assurance checking to the peripheral
laboratories. There is sharing of data and expertise at each level (Figure 8). Each level has its
own roles and responsibilities. A summary of these roles and responsibilities in each level is
Annex G.

Figure 8: Laboratories Level of Service Capability and their Technical Relationships(in terms of
referral of specimen, sharing of information, capacity and expertise)
RITM, 2013

Source: Guidelines for Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Diseases
Outbreak Response; Manual For Clinical Specimen, RITM 2013

During FWBD outbreaks and other conditions of international concern when there is a
need to urgently confirm the diagnosis and to save the quality of the specimen, clinical
specimens from the LGU are transported directly to the National Reference Laboratory.

4.1.3 Services Specimen Collection, Handling and Storage

Based on the clinical symptoms and data gathered, the initial impression will
determine the possible etiologic agent and the kind of specimen to be collected.
Table 10 provides a summary guide for specimen collection for specific illness
that are currently under surveillance. There are general guidelines on specimen
collection to ensure the integrity of the specimen (Annex H).

As stated in the scope of the program, the FWBD-PCP is currently focusing on

microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoans and food-borne helminths).
Currently surveillance data is limited to bloody diarrhea, Cholera, Hepatitis A,
Typhoid Fever and Rotavirus. And foodborne helminths data are limited to
reports from endemic areas wherein assessment and mapping/geotagging have
been done. This Manual of Procedure will be updated when the program
coverage expands to include other pathogens.

During outbreaks, the Philippine Integrated Disease and Response (PIDSR) MOP
states that the Regional Epidemiology Unit shall identify and coordinate with the
laboratories within the region. It is important to identify and contact the
laboratory with appropriate capabilities at the onset of the investigation to
obtain instructions on the type of specimen, proper specimen collection,
handling, storage and transport of specimen including the special media and
other logistics.

Table 10: Summary Guide For Specimen Collection
RITM, 2013

Disease Etiologic Tests Appropriate Time of Quantity Container/ Storage Transport/ Is the test Turn- Testing
Agent Specimen Collection Transport Condition Time Confirmatory/ around Centers
Medium Prior to conditions Rapid/ Time
Transport Presumptive

Acute Shigella Culture Fresh stool As soon 2-5 ml Clean, dry, Cary Blair at Cold Pac/k Confirmatory 3-5 days RITM or
Bloody spp. as liquid or wide room within 3-6 any
Diarrhea possible 5 grams mouthed, temperature hours qualified
after solid leak-proof or 4 degrees (within 24 tertiary
onset of (pea container Celsius up to hours) laboratory
illness size) 24 hours
preferably Room
during temperature
active within 24
diarrhea hours

Rectal swab 1-2 Cary Blair Room Room

swabs Transport temperature temperature
Medium in up to 24 or 4 degrees
screw- hours Celsius/
capped within 3-5
tube days

Sero- Pure isolate Nutrient Refrigerated Cold pack as Confirmatory 1-2 hours
grouping/ Agar butt/ temperature soon as except for
Sero- slant in possible Salmonell
typing disposable a H-typing
plastic (minimum
leak-proof of 5 days)

Disease Etiologic Tests Appropriate Time of Quantity Container/ Storage Transport/ Is the test Turn- Testing
Agent Specimen Collection Transport Condition Time Confirmatory/ around Centers
Medium Prior to conditions Rapid/ Time
Transport Presumptive

Cholera Cholera Culture Fresh stool As soon 2-5 ml Clean, dry, Cary Blair at Cold Pac/k Confirmatory 3-5 RITM or any
vibrio as liquid or wide room within 3-6 days qualified
possible 5 grams mouthed, temperature hours tertiary
after solid leak-proof or 4 degrees (within 24 laboratory/
onset of (pea container Celsius up to hours) regional/
illness size) or Cary 24 hours reference
preferably Blair Room laboratory
during temperature
active within 24
diarrhea hours

Rectal swab 1-2 Cary Blair Room Room

swabs Transport temperature temperature
Medium in up to 24 or 4 degrees
screw- hours Celsius/
capped within 3-5
tube days

Sero- Pure isolate Nutrient Refrigerated Cold pack as Confirmatory 1-2

grouping/ Agar butt/ temperature soon as hours
Sero- slant in possible
typing disposable

Disease Etiologic Tests Appropriate Time of Quantity Container/ Storage Transport/ Is the test Turn- Testing
Agent Specimen Collection Transport Condition Time Confirmatory/ around Centers
Medium Prior to conditions Rapid/ Time
Transport Presumptive

Typhoid Salmonella Culture Fresh stool 2nd to 3rd 5 grams Clean, dry, Room Confirmatory Minimum RITM or
typhi week solid wide temperature of 5 days any
after (pea mouthed, within 1-2 qualified
onset of size) leak-proof hours tertiary
Salmonella illness container laboratory
or Cary Cold packs/
Blair Room
(within 24
Salmonella within3-6
spp. hours

In a holding Room
medium at temperature
room or 4 degrees
temperature Celsius/
or 4 degrees within 24
Celsius for hours
up to 24

Disease Etiologic Tests Appropriate Time of Quantity Container/ Storage Transport/ Time Is the test Turn- Testing
Agent Specimen Collection Transport Condition conditions Confirmatory/ around Centers
Medium Prior to Rapid/ Time
Transport Presumptive

Typhoid Salmonella Culture Rectal swab 2nd to 3rd 2 swabs Cary Blair Room Room Confirmatory 3-5 days RITM or
typhi week Transport temperature temperature or 4 any
after Medium in up to 24 degrees qualified
onset of screw hours Centigrade/within tertiary
Salmonella illness capped a week laboratory
Paratyphi tube
Blood 1st week Adult: Blood Incubate at Room 7 days
after Culture 35-37 temperature/
1:5 to 1:10
onset of Broth Degrees within 3 after
Salmonella ratio with
illness Celsius or collection
spp. BCB
store at
Infant/Child: until ready
1:10 to 1:20
ratio with

Sero- Pure isolate Nutrient Refrigerated Room Confirmatory Minimum

grouping/ Agar butt/ temperature temperature as 5 days
Sero- slant in soon as possible
typing disposable

Disease Etiologic Tests Appropriate Time of Quantity Container/ Storage Transport/ Is the test Turn- Testing
Agent Specimen Collection Transport Condition Time Confirmatory/ around Centers
Medium Prior to conditions Rapid/ Time
Transport Presumptive

Acute Rotavirus ELISA Stool Upon first 5-10 ml Sterile Refrigerated In ice within Presumptive 5-7 RITM
Watery contact leak-proof prior to 72 hours days
Diarrhea with the screw transport
patient capped

Hepatitis Hepatitis HAV Serum 1 Onset of At least 1- Screw 4 degrees In ice Presumptive 24
A IgM sample only illness 2 ml capped Centigrade hours
cryotube Celsius

Source: Guidelines For Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Diseases Outbreak Response; Manual For Clinical Specimen,
RITM 2013

52 Specimen Packaging and Transport

International Laws and National Guidelines

The National Guidelines is based on the international regulations for the
transport of infectious substance by any mode of transport which is based upon
the Recommendations made by a Committee of Experts on Transport of
Dangerous Goods (UNCETDG), a committee of United Nations Economic and
Social Council. Annex I provides some of International Laws governing the
transport of dangerous goods.

Classification of Infectious Substance

1. Infectious Substance Category A
Category A is an infectious substance which is transported in a form that, when
exposure to it occurs, can cause permanent disability, life threatening or fatal
disease in otherwise healthy humans or animals (WHO 2017). A listing of Infectious
Category A substance is in Annex J. New and emerging pathogens which are not
included in list but meets the same criteria shall be assigned to Category A. And in
doubt if a substance meets the criteria, it will be listed as Category A. Infectious
substance Category A will be assigned with UN number and Proper shipping names
according to their hazard classification and their composition. Proper Shipping
Names are used to clearly identify the dangerous article or substance. UN number
and Proper Shipping Names for Category A Infectious Substance is shown in Annex K.
2. Infectious Substance Category B Category
B is an infectious substance which does not meet the criteria for inclusion in
Category A. Category B assigned UN number shall be UN 3373 with the Proper

Clinical laboratories are at various level of service capability; hence clinical
specimens are being transported from the local government unit (Municipality/ city/
province) to regional or reference laboratory. Currently, postal or airline industry
act as courier of the clinical specimen. Thus, there are regulatory requirements in
packaging and shipping conditions to preserve the integrity of the specimen and
prompt arrival to the testing laboratory. The National Reference Laboratory – RITM
developed the guidelines for packaging and transporting these clinical specimens
with the following objectives:
Ensure that specimens are packaged and transported using safe and
standardized techniques and methods;
Prevent the loss of vital laboratory information due to deterioration or
loss of specimen (improper packaging, poor transport arrangement)
Ensure safety of health workers during packaging and transporting of
Ensure timely arrival of the specimen to testing laboratory
The FWBD-PCP will collaborate with RITM and EB to define the arrangement of
transporting specimen including budgetary concerns of the LGU (routine testing and
outbreak investigation).

Triple Packaging System

The RITM Manual of Clinical Specimen provides the
following triple packaging requirements for biological
substance sent to their laboratory:
a) Primary receptacle (cryovial): is secured with
paraffin. It is individually wrapped with
absorbent material like paper towel and
separated to prevent contact in case of
multiple primary receptacles. The cryovial is
the placed inside an airtight, leak-proof
plastic zip lock. The receptacle is packaged
with enough absorbent material to absorb all fluid in case of breakage or
b) Secondary receptacle: The second receptacle (a plastic container bottle, is
durable, watertight and leak-proof.
c) Outer packaging: is a sturdy box which is labeled with all the necessary signs
and markings. The list of packaged content is encased in a plastic zip lock
and placed in between the secondary receptacle and the outer container.

Clinical specimen packages are marked to provide information about the contents of
the package, the nature of the hazard, and the packaging standards applied. All
marks on the package shall be placed in a way that it is clearly visible and not
covered by other labels or mark. Each package shall display the following
information on the outer packaging:
The shipper’s name and address;
The name and contact number of a responsible person, knowledgeable
about the shipment;
The receiver’s name and address; the UN number and followed by the Proper

Note: Temperature storage requirement is optional. When dry ice or liquid nitrogen
is used – the name of the refrigerant, the appropriate UN number and the net
quantity should be indicated.

There are two types of label: a) Hazard label: in the form of a square set at angle of
45 degrees (diamond shape) are required for most dangerous goods in all classes; b)
handling labels: in various shapes are required either alone or in addition to hazard
labels. Annex L provides an illustration of these labels. Reporting of Results

Prompt release of laboratory result is crucial in confirming the diagnosis,
pathogen involved and in an outbreak situation - the public health measures to
be implemented to control the outbreak and prevent recurrence of the

General Guidelines
1) The testing laboratory prepares the following documents using the standard
forms (Annex M):
Line list of official laboratory results for outbreak/ special pathogen
which is released to EB, CHD and concerned RESU only;
Individualized Official Laboratory Result;

Cover letter to CHD Regional Director through the RESU Head copy
furnished EB
2) Official Laboratory result may only be released to authorized personnel. It
may also be sent electronically through authorized fax number and official e-
mail address. Official Laboratory Result may not be released over the
phone or through SMS text messages. In releasing the result, the testing
laboratory staff shall document the time and date, the mode of transmittal
and to whom it was released.
3) EB shall provide the DOH-Central, DOH Infectious Disease Office, WHO
Philippine Country Office, and other relevant stakeholders with a summary of
the surveillance/outbreak reports for appropriate actions at the national
level. RESU is responsible in providing the concerned PESU/CESU/MESU or
the referring institution with the results for appropriate action at their level.
4) The flow of laboratory information (results of the diagnostic testing) from the
testing laboratory to the referring institution is in Figure 8.

Note: The FWBD Regional Coordinator, as member of the EICT in an outbreak

investigation, may provide the following assistance to the team:
a) Ensure requirements for referral of specimens (proper specimen collection,
documentation and communication) have been accomplished according to the
b) Communicate with the FWBD Program Manager any issues/problems encountered
during transportation of specimens in order to facilitate the resolution of such
c) Assist in following-up in the release of results of the diagnostic confirmation tests

Figure 8: Flow of Laboratory Information from the Testing Laboratory to the
Referring Institution

Testing Facility

Official Laboratory Result:

Individual Result

WHO Country
and Regional EB RESU
Office IHR Focal Point Office

CESU/PESU/MESU Referring Institution/


Local Outbreak Response

Patient Care Management

National Outbreak Response

Flow of information

Flow of reports
Source: Guidelines for Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Disease Outbreak
Response. Manual for Clinical Specimens, RITM 2013

57 Interpreting of Results
A quick guide in interpreting the laboratory result is given in Table 11.

Table 11. Guide in the Interpretation of Laboratory Result

Clinical Impression Etiologic Agent Test Performed Result Interpretation Remark

Acute Diarrhea (with Salmonella spp. Culture and Serology Positive for Salmonella spp., A sensitivity result is
or without blood) Salmonella spp. isolated by culture included according to
and sero typed by the latest CLSI
Positive for Shigella
Shigella spp. Shigella spp., isolated
by culture and
confirmed by
No important entero-
pathogen isolated Negative for Shigella

Cholera Vibrio cholera 01 Culture and serology Positive for Vibrio Vibrio cholera O1- A sensitivity result is
cholera O1 Ogawa El Tor isolated included according to
by culture and the latest CLSI
Ogawa El Tor
confirmed by

Positive for Vibrio Vibrio cholera O1-

cholera O1 Inaba El Tor isolated
by culture and
Inaba El Tor Classical
confirmed by

Clinical Impression Etiologic Agent Test Performed Result Interpretation Remark

Cholera Vibrio Cholera 01 Culture and serology Positive for Vibrio Vibrio cholera O1- A sensitivity result is
cholera O1 Hikojima El Tor included according to
isolated by culture the latest CLSI
Hikojima El Tor
and confirmed by

Other Vibrio spp. Positive for Vibrio Vibrio cholera non-

cholera non-O1 O1 isolated by
culture and
confirmed by

Positive for Vibrio Vibrio spp., isolated

spp. by culture and
confirmed by

No important Negative for Vibrio

enteropathogen cholera O1, and
isolated 0139, Vibrio cholera
nonO1, Vibrio spp.

Clinical Impression Etiologic Agent Test Performed Result Interpretation Remark

Typhoid/Paratyphoid Salmonella Typhi, S. Culture and serology Positive for Salmonella isolated A sensitivity result is
Fever/Non Typhoidal paratyphi, and other Salmonella by culture and included according
Fever Salmonella spp. confirmed by to the latest CLSI

No important Negative for

enteropathogen Salmonella spp.,

Rotavirus Rotavirus ELISA Antigen Positive Positive for Rotavirus

detection antigen

Negative Negative for

Rotavirus antigen

Hepatitis Hepatitis A Reactive Positive for Hepatitis


Non-reactive Negative for

Hepatitis A

Source: Guidelines For Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Diseases Outbreak Response; Manual For Clinical Specimen,
RITM 2013

4.1.3 Referral Flow During Outbreaks
In a disease outbreak investigation, microbiological testing of clinical samples is
important in isolating and identifying the causal agent. A functional referral system
for specimen starts with the facility/point where the specimens are collected,
handled, packed, documented and until it is transported to the appropriate
laboratory for testing. A good referral system ensures that the integrity of the
specimens is maintained until it is properly processed and prevents loss of
specimens. The referral flow is illustrated in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Flow of Laboratory Referral From Collection to Receipt at Testing Laboratory

Source: Guidelines For Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Diseases Outbreak Response;
Manual For Clinical Specimen, RITM 2013

Note: RITM Manual is currently being revised. The above flow chart may change accordingly.

61 Requirements for Referral
RITM “Manual for Clinical Specimen”, set the following requirements for
specimen referral. The three categories of requirements should be complied by
the referring facility.
Category 1: Specimen Requirement
This category refers to requirements in specimen collection wherein efforts are
exerted to maintain the integrity of the specimen.

Box 2: Requirements for Proper Specimen Collection

Specimen Type The specimen should be representative of the infectious process e.g.
and date of cholera: rectal swab) and also suitable for the test method to be used. It is
collection important to collect type at the appropriate phase of the disease.

Specimen Strict aseptic technique should be practiced throughout the procedure

Collection Safety of collection;
Hands must be washed before and after collection;
Appropriate PPE must be worn during collection;
Appropriate decontamination and disposal of potentially infectious
wastes and materials;

Specimen Quality Ideally the specimen should be freshly and aseptically collected;
Should be collected before administration of antimicrobial therapy;
The specimen should be in an appropriate transport media;

Specimen Quantity Of optimal amount as specified per target organism

Specimen Specimen container must be clean, sterile and leak-proof;

Container The outside of the specimen container should be cleaned and
decontaminated prior to packing;

Specimen Storage The temperature inside the specimen container depends on the type of
test that will be performed and the sensitivity of the organism to
extreme of temperature;
If the type of test requires a viable organism in the specimen, then the
temperature during storage should be ideal for the growth of the
Appropriate transport media should be used if a viable organism is
required by the test procedure

Box 3: Requirements for Proper Specimen Packing
Specimen Label The specimen should be properly labeled with the following information

a) Specimen ID/Patient’s name;

b) Age/Sex;

c) Specimen Type;

d) Date and time of collection:

Packaging The specimen should have three components for packaging of

specimen: primary receptacle, secondary receptacle and rigid outer
Parcels should be properly labeled with:
a) Correct sender’s address;
b) Correct receiver’s address
c) Emergency contact information (name and contact numbers);
d) Biosafety label’s (i.e. biosafety stickers, IATA specified labels such
as “Biological Substance, Category B”;
e) Orientation arrows placed on two opposite sides of package;
f) Net weight or volume of sample if multiple packages are being

The tables were taken from the Guidelines for Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For
Infectious Disease Outbreak Response. Manual for Clinical Specimens, RITM 2013

The above picture is taken from the Guidance on Regulations for the Transport of Infectious
Substance 2017-2018. Geneva Switzerland, WHO;2017 License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

Category 2: Document Requirement

All clinical specimens should come with the corresponding documents to provide
identification and minimize specimen loss. Box 3 provides the proper required
documents for specimen during outbreak investigation.

Box 4: Requirements for Proper Specimen Documentation

Laboratory Referral Form Formalizes the referral of samples for testing;

for Outbreak Testing Documents contact information of sending/referring
(Annex N) institution;
Clearly states the requested test and reason for referral;
Line list format for multiple samples;
Documents shipment details;

Copies of CRF/CIF Provides additional clinical and demographic details to the

testing facility
Copies of Case Report Form / Case Investigation Form as
appropriate for each sample (See module on Surveillance
and Outbreak Response

The tables and picture were taken from the Guidelines for Specimen Collection, Transport and
Referral For Infectious Disease Outbreak Response. Manual for Clinical Specimens, RITM 2013


1. Use ball point/fine black or blue pens ONLY

2. Use block and legible letters
3. Review data on the form before submission
4. Accompanying documents should be placed in resealable
plastic bags (ziplock) separate from the shipped specimens

Category 3: Communication/Coordination Requirement

It is important at the onset of the outbreak investigation for the Epidemic

Investigation and Control Team (EICT) to communicate with the identified
laboratory of the outbreak and check if they can accommodate the impending
shipment of specimen. Communicating with the laboratory also provides an
opportunity for the sending institution to clarify specimen collection, handling,
storage, and shipment requirements with the testing laboratory. And provides
documentation that the specimens have been received intact by the testing
laboratory and arrived promptly. Communication may come in the form of
verbal (by phone conversation) or written through email or SMS messaging. It is
important in both form that the date, time and recipient had been logged for

Box 5: Communication/Coordination Requirements

Notification of RESU Advise the RESU of intent to refer specimen and the shipment details
using a transmittal document (simultaneous information to RITM and
RESU before sending of specimens)

Notification of Testing Inform the testing laboratory of patient and sample details through
Laboratory of Shipment the required accompanying documents for referred specimens

Acknowledgement of Ensure that the testing laboratory acknowledges the receipt of the
Receipt of Samples by parcel
Testing Laboratory

Acknowledgement of Ensure results are received on the expected date of release of results,
Receipt of Results by which would be based on the turn-around time of the requested test
Referring Institution

Source: Guidelines for Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Disease Outbreak
Response. Manual for Clinical Specimens, RITM 2013

65 Criteria for Rejection of an Outbreak Specimen

Criterion 1: Non-Compliance to Specimen Requirements (Specimen Quality)

Listed below are some conditions referring to specimen quality that may lead to
rejection of outbreak specimen:
Inappropriate specimen type for the requested test;
Insufficient quantity;
Leaking/broken container
Suspicion of contamination or tampering
Inappropriate transport or storage;
Unknown time delay;
Sample deterioration (e.g., hemolysis for serologic samples;
bacterial overgrowth or contamination)
Unlabeled or illegibly labeled specimen
Depending on the reasons for rejection, the testing laboratory may decide to
recourse on actions in Table 12.

Table 12: Possible Actions to be Taken According to Cause of Specimen Rejection

Inappropriate specimen type for the Testing may still be possible;

requested test A disclaimer shall be placed in the results that the sample
is not the appropriate specimen type;
Recollection of appropriate sample shall be advised

Insufficient quantity Testing is not possible;

Recollection of appropriate sample shall be advised
Leaking/broken container

Suspicion of contamination or Testing may be possible;

tampering; Appropriate investigation by the sender shall be advised;
Recollection shall be advised;

Inappropriate Transport or storage Testing may be possible;

A disclaimer shall be placed in the results regarding the
Unknown Time Delay
condition of the sample
Sample deterioration

Unlabeled or illegibly labeled Testing may be possible;

specimen Validation and verification of sample identity shall be
done by the receiving laboratory to resolve the issue

Source: Guidelines for Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Disease Outbreak
Response. Manual for Clinical Specimens, RITM 2013

Criterion 2: Non-Compliance with Documents Requirements

This happens when the submitted documents are incomplete or the information
in the document are incomplete. If this happens, the staff of the testing
laboratory shall withhold the release of the results until the missing information
is completed or clarified by the referring institution. The laboratory staff shall
also communicate to the referring institution that it may lead to delays in the
results due to incomplete specimen information.

Criterion 3: Non-Compliance with Communication/ Coordination Requirements

Situations that show a failure in communication/coordination are:

a) The testing laboratory were not informed of the shipment of the
b) There is no documented acknowledgement of acceptance of specimen
for testing by the testing laboratory
In such a situation the testing laboratory staff shall inform referring institution of
the possible delay in the results or non-performance of the test requested. Such
actions will be noted in the official results form.
Whatever the reasons for rejecting the specimen, the laboratory staff shall
inform the referring institution of the rejection of the specimen within 24 hours
upon receipt of the samples. The notification must be in written form. If verbal
notification was given, proper documentation should be observed (logbook or

4.2 Food Laboratory

The food laboratory in food-borne disease outbreak provides:

Advice on appropriate samples to be taken from food;
Performs appropriate laboratory investigation of the food to identify the suspect
Provides advice on further sampling when a specific agent is found in the food which
also can guide in the collection of specimens among the food handlers;
Working with clinical laboratory to arrange for typing or additional characterization
of the organisms (serotyping, molecular subtyping) as appropriate;
Supports epidemiologic and environmental investigations in detecting pathogen in
the implicated food and understanding how the outbreak occurred
Food laboratories also conducts routine collection and testing to prevent the occurrence
of outbreak. The following agencies provide such services to ensure safety of the
consuming public.

4.2.1 Food and Drug Administration

The laboratories at the FDA conduct tests necessary for determining compliance
with product safety and quality standards. Its microbiology laboratory processed
food samples for microbial contamination. It also monitors the safety of pre-
packaged foods in the market and provides advisory to prevent consumption of
contaminated food. Any positive findings should be reported to EB for further

4.2.2 Bureau of Quarantine

The agency ensures food safety in all entry points (ports, airports). Among its
function that relates to food safety:
1) Ensure sanitation and food safety requirements of domestic and inter-
island and food service establishment within premises of ports, airports,
and in flight through sampling and examination of food specimen;
2) Regulation on exportation of food products

If the BQ food laboratory analysis reveals findings of contamination, a

confirmatory test is done by RITM.

4.2.3 National Meat Inspection Service
NMIS performs microbiological tests on suspected fresh, chilled, frozen, local
and imported meat and meat products as food vehicles for FWBD. Any positive
findings should be reported to EB.

4.2.4 Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

BFAR Central Office Product Testing Laboratory and Regional Fish Quality Control
Laboratories conduct testing of fish and other aquaculture products for any
bacterial contamination.

Section V:
and Outbreak
This section discusses the:
 Surveillance
 Outbreak Response
 Detecting the Outbreak
 Outbreak Investigation.
EB is currently revising its MOP for PIDSR.
Reporting forms and processes may change
after the approval and dissemination of this
MOP. The revised guidelines from EB will
take precedence over those currently
included in this MOP.

5.0 Surveillance and Outbreak Response
5.1 Surveillance of Human Cases
5.1.1. Definition
Surveillance is a core public health function. It is the continuous and systematic
collection, analysis, and interpretation of health-related data needed for planning,
implementation and evaluation of public health practices.

5.1.2. Importance of surveillance in food and waterborne

Food and water-borne diseases can be prevented and controlled by identifying
the hazards and risk areas in the food and water production pathway and
instituting safety measures. Surveillance data reflects whether the program
strategies bring the desired reduction in morbidity and mortality.
Food is exported from one country to another thus, food and water-borne
diseases can spread across country. Thus, it is important that monitoring of
entry and exit point for food and food products should be established and
The International Health Regulation requires countries to notify the World
Health Regulation of public health events that may be of international concern.
Food-borne disease is listed as one of the international public health threats in
the 21st century (IHR 2005);
The prevention and control of food and water-borne diseases entail strong multi-
sectoral collaboration involving surveillance and response, food and water safety
measures and other government agencies;
Early detection of food and water-borne disease outbreak and prompt control
and preventive actions minimizes the impact on public health and economy.

5.1.3. Uses of surveillance and response to FWBD
1. Monitor trends of syndromes that might indicate foodborne illnesses;
2. Detect and respond to foodborne events to allow rapid implementation of
control measures;
3. Establish a culture of systematically collecting information from foodborne
event investigation to begin to identify high risk food items and hazards;
4. Guide to policy development and for monitoring and evaluation

5.1.4 Policies

Food and water-borne diseases should be detected and notified because under
the International Health Regulation (IHR) 2005, these are considered
international public health threats. Under the Philippine law (Republic Act
3573), some food and waterborne diseases are included in the list of
communicable diseases that should be reported by all individuals and health

The Department of Health issued policies and guidelines (Department Circular

and Administrative Order) that supported Republic Act 3573. In 2001,
Department Circular No. 176s 2001 revised the list of notifiable diseases to
include other food and water-borne diseases such as Cholera, Viral Hepatitis,
Typhoid Fever, Paralytic Shellfish poisoning, watery diarrhea, and acute bloody
diarrhea. The reporting of food and waterborne diseases is further supported by
PhilHealth Circular No. 030s-2000 wherein all hospitals and medical
practitioners are directed to report the revised list of notifiable diseases. In
2007, Administrative Order No. 2007-0036 provides the framework for the
Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response wherein specific food
and water-borne diseases and events are reported and investigated.
Administrative Order No. 2018-0028 provide guidelines in developing and
updating the list of notifiable diseases and health events of public health concern
(NDEPH) that should be mandatorily reported to the Department of Health.

5.1.5 Structure
Disease surveillance for food and water-borne diseases is included in the
existing Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance System and Response
(PIDSR). PIDSR is under the Public Health Surveillance and Informatics Division
of Epidemiology Bureau.
Food-borne events can also be detected through the Event Based Surveillance
(ESR). Event-based surveillance is the organized, unstructured capture of
information on new events that are not included in the indicator-based
surveillance; events that occur in populations which do not access health care
through formal channels; rare, unusual or unexpected events. ESR describes
illnesses and deaths occurring in individuals or clusters or those related to
potential exposures that threaten public health. ESR is on the Applied
Epidemiology Health Management Division of Epidemiology Bureau.
The program is concerned with cluster of diseases or syndromes captured by ESR
wherein the symptoms occur after the intake of food and water contaminated
by microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoans and foodborne helminths).
Food and water-borne diseases are also reported through the PIDSR wherein
aggregated data of food and water-borne diseases or syndromes are reported on
a weekly basis. The diseases or syndromes are reported through structured
channels and follows criteria (case definition) in order for such diseases to be

Disease surveillance and response is the mandate of the Epidemiology Bureau.

All policies and guidelines in relation to these functions will emanate from EB.
Policies on reporting flow and forms mentioned in this manual serves only to
reiterate the existing system for the reader. The FWBD-PCP, as end users of the
data, collaborates with EB for events and diseases caused by the intake of
contaminated food and water.

5.1.6. Detection, Reporting, Analysis and Interpretation of FWBD
What is the role of FWBD-PCP in surveillance activity?
The importance of surveillance to the FWBD-PCP has been clearly stated in
section 5.1.3 (page 74). Thus, a reliable, timely and quality surveillance data is
needed. The FWBD-PCP should facilitate/assist in the timely collection of PIDSR
reports. Regional FWBD coordinators can work with RESU/PESU/CESU/MESU
in the collection of surveillance reports during their supervisory visits. The flow
of surveillance report as stated in the PIDSR MOP is shown in Annex O. The
algorithm of the surveillance report flow is shown in this manual for the FWBD
Regional coordinator be familiarize with the flow and type of reports to be
collected. Detection
Each disease under surveillance has a standard case definition to allow data
consistency across all reporting units and ensure accurate tracking of a disease
or syndrome. Case definition is a set of criteria that is used to determine if a
person has a disease, syndrome or condition and if a case should be included in
reporting and investigation (MOP, PIDSR). Cases are further classified into a
suspect case, probable case and confirmed case. A suspected case is a case
presenting indicative clinical picture without being a confirmed or probable case.
Probable case is a case with clear clinical picture or linked epidemiologically with
a confirmed case. A confirmed case is a case verified by laboratory analysis
Food and water-borne diseases that are included in the national surveillance
system are described in Annex P. This information can be useful for health
facilities in analyzing their data and in investigating food and water-borne
outbreaks in their locality.
Cases can be detected in the community, health facilities (barangay health
stations, Rural health unit, city health office, hospitals, private health providers
and school clinics). Cases are detected from the clinical manifestations of the
patients and good history taking.
Laboratory testing is needed in confirming specific etiologic agent of a food and
water-borne disease. Ideally laboratory confirmation for a food and water-borne
disease should be done (depending in availability of resource) routinely.
However, this is dependent on the capacity of

the laboratory in the area. Based on the clinical diagnosis, the appropriate
specimen should be collected. Refer to Section (pages 48-52) under
Laboratory services, the Summary guide for specimen collection. Reporting
Like in case detection, surveillance data reports come from the DRUs (BHS,
RHUs). There are two source documents for food and water-borne diseases are
the weekly notifiable disease reporting and the case report form (Annex Q):
1. Weekly Notifiable Diseases Report Summary Page – It serves as the summary
table for the weekly reporting of notifiable diseases. It also shows the category
and frequency of reporting of all the notifiable disease included in the PIDSR;
2. Case Report form – It is a disease specific report form that should be filled up
by the DSC for diseases/syndromes under Category II)

The following section provides practical steps for health facility staff in processing
their surveillance data. Surveillance data is useful if it is processed and use for
decision making. The main user of surveillance data is the facility where the data
emanates. Thus, health facility should be able to process their own data. Analysis
For the disease surveillance system to monitor trends of a disease and detect
clustering of cases, surveillance data should be analyzed regularly. Ideally each of
the data reporting unit should analyze their data. Whether the basic analysis will
be done manually or through a data base program, DRU should check on the
completeness, accuracy and consistency in the data collected. Analyze the data
in terms of time, person and place.

a. Analyze Data by Time

Time analysis review data in terms of seasonality of a disease (certain period

wherein a disease occur); or a change in frequency (an increase or decrease) in a
present time as compared in the past. There is an interval/delay that can be
measured between the exposure and the appearance of the problem. Time
intervals that is of importance to surveillance:
Incubation period: refers from the time of exposure to the appearance of
the signs and symptoms;
Interval between the appearance of signs and symptoms and when the
diagnosis is made;
Interval between diagnosis and actual reporting and inclusion of the
disease in the surveillance data.

Presenting no. of cases reported by specific time period (by weeks; by months;
or by years (Figure 10)

Fig. 10 Number of Cholera Cases by Year, 2013-2017

Epidemiology Bureau

Source: Data source: Epidemiology Bureau, Department of Health

b. Analyze Data by Person

Person analysis of surveillance data describes the characteristic of the population

at risk. Demographic variables maybe used such as age, gender or ethnicity. Age is the
most important variable as majority of health events differ with age. Other factors
associated with age includes incubation period, host susceptibility, physiology of the
response and opportunity for exposure (MOP, PIDSR). Figure 11 represents an analysis
done to describe age and sex characteristics of cases.

Fig. 11 Typhoid Cases by Sex and Age group (N=2525)

Philippines, January to March 3,2018

Source: Food and Waterborne Disease Morbidity Week 1-9, Epidemiology

Bureau, Public Health Surveillance Division

Another simple analysis is the count of cases expressed in rates. Annual

notification rates can be useful in assessing the impact of changes in policy at the
national level such as changes in the way food are processed; national
campaigns to improve food handling at home and enforcement of food safety
regulations (WHO 2017). However, it should not be used as primary data in
detecting outbreak as it can only be calculated at the end of the year. Box 6
provides a guide in calculating notification rate:

Box 6 How to calculate annual notification rate

1. Extract the number of diarrhea notification each year over the past
five years from your surveillance data.

2. Obtain the population estimate each year over the past five years.

3. Put the data in a table and ensure there is a title in each column as shown below.

Year of notification Number of Cases Population estimate


2013 22938 7,500,859

2014 26598 7,733,386

2015 29261 7,974,131

2016 29096 8,222,626

2017 29743 8,479,312

4. Calculate notification rate per 100,000 population (number of cases/population

estimate x 100,000)

Year of Number of Cases Population Notification

notification notified rate

2013 22938 7,500,859 306

2014 26598 7,733,386 344

2015 29261 7,974,131 367

2016 29096 8,222,626 354

2017 29743 8,479,312 351

Note: The numbers above do not pertain to an actual data of a particular locality.
The numbers are used to illustrate calculation of notification rate.

c. Analyze Data by Place
Place analysis is examining the data by place where the disease condition
occurred. Maps are commonly used to graphically represent the data and
provide other important information obtained by analyzing data by place:
1. Areas with highest rates of the disease being described are easily identified
which can facilitate in finding the causes and instituting intervention;
2. Characterize the population involved in terms of density and distribution;
3. Existence of health facilities (hospitals, clinics, BHS, RHUs) that can be used
for management and treatment of cases; emergencies; or evacuations;
4. Presence of environmental resources (rivers, lakes, dams, streams, land
forms and vegetation) that maybe useful in the analysis of the disease

A hypothetical situation is given below to illustrate the use of spot map to

describe analysis of surveillance data by place.

A spot map should show all important structures such as school, resorts,
food establishments. Figure 12 below demonstrates a spot map of showing
the distribution of diarrhea cases and deaths across the geographical area.

Figure 12 Illustration of a spot map

79 Interpretation
In interpreting the data, compare the present data with previous weeks,
months or years and note if the number of notified cases or deaths of a
specific food and water borne disease or syndrome shows an increasing,
decreasing or stable trend. Then determine if the threshold for action
has been reached for a certain disease or syndrome. Thresholds are
indicator when something should happen or change and serves as a
decision guide as to when and what actions to be taken
Alert threshold refers to the level of a disease occurrence that serves as
an early warning for epidemics. An increase in the number of cases above
the alert threshold warrants an investigation, check epidemic
preparedness, and implement appropriate prevention and control
measures. Calculation of alert threshold is shown in Box 7.
In summary, the responsibility of surveillance (for human health)
activities can be shared across different agencies as shown below.

Office/Person Tasks

BHS/RHU/Hospitals  Detects cases

 Record (completely fill-up)/report cases timely
 Analyze data (person, time and place)

Local ESUs (CESU/  Collects data and validates report

MESU/PESU)  Consolidate and analyze data
 Submits report to RESU
 Provides feedback to health facility

Regional FWBD  Facilitates/assists in the collection of reports

RESU  Collects and validates report from provinces

 Consolidate, analyze reports and provide feedback
to provinces
 Provides data on FWBD cases and death report to
Regional FWBD Coordinator
 Submits report to EB

EB  Consolidates report
 Provides weekly report to FWBD Program Manager

5.2. Other Surveillance System Related to FWBD

Animal Health surveillance and water quality surveillance are also important component of
FWBD-PCP. The systems are lodged in their respective agencies, but any positive findings shall
be reported to EB or to their respective RESU/PESU/CESU.

5.2.1. Water Quality Surveillance

Administrative Order No. 2017-0100 (Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water
of 2017) provides the standards and procedures on drinking water quality to protect
public health. The policy covers all drinking water service providers including
government and private developers and operators. Only laboratories accredited by
DOH shall perform quality examination for drinking water. The East Avenue Medical
Center is the National Reference Laboratory for water quality surveillance.

5.2.2. Surveillance in Unprocessed Food (Veterinary Surveillance)

Veterinary surveillance is the collection of information about diseases (bacteria, viruses)

affecting animals that can pose a disease in humans when ingested. Bureau of Animal Industry: Provide the standard procedures for

active surveillance, isolation and confirmation of the agent (bacteria, viruses) from
animals and its by-product. National Meat Inspection Service: Implements Pathogen

Reduction Monitoring and Surveillance Program to ensure that meat and meat
products are safe for consumption. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources: BFAR fish

inspectors and local sanitary officer (at the LGU) have the responsibility to
implement the Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) and Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP) both at fish landing sites and wet markets. The
BFAR fish inspector also conducts regular monitoring of fish processing plants to
ensure that fish and fish products meet the quality standards for human

5.2 Outbreak response

5.2.1 What is the role of FWBD-PCP in the outbreak response for

FWBD outbreak?

The FWBD-PCP Regional program coordinator should be part of the EICT during an
outbreak investigation and response activity. The Regional Coordinator should mobilize
the provincial designated FWBD coordinator and assist in the investigation and
institution of control measures. The Regional FWBD Coordinator should coordinate with
the National FWBD Program Manager for any logistical needs (rehydration fluids and
drugs) during the outbreak. He/She should follow-up the provincial FWBD coordinator
on the actions taken regarding the recommendations to prevent similar outbreaks.
The FWBD Program Manager provides logistical support (antibiotics, rehydration fluids,
IEC materials) during the outbreak response. He/She should facilitate mobilization of
resources through coordination with other national agencies if needed. He/She should
ensure the FWBD Regional Coordinator is actively providing support during outbreak
response. Using the learnings from outbreak response reports, he/she should lead the
discussion in the Technical Working Group of problems/issues encountered during
outbreak response and agrees on actions for stronger collaboration at the local level.

5.2.2 Detection of a food and water-borne outbreak

What is food and waterborne disease outbreak?

A foodborne outbreak occurs when two or more people develop a similar illness after
ingesting the same contaminated food or drink (WHO, 2008). Food and water may be
contaminated at any stage in the food and water production pathway.

How are outbreaks detected?

Reports of outbreaks or possible outbreaks may come from:
Analysis report from the indicator-based surveillance (PIDSR);
A food related event reported to the Event-based surveillance;
A report from laboratory-based surveillance;
A media report or community rumor;

Who confirms and how to confirm an outbreak?
The physician or the nurse in the health facility should investigate to confirm the
existence of an outbreak through:
Compare the current number of cases with the previous weeks, months or year
to determine if the alert threshold has been surpassed;
Mapping of cases and observe whether there is clustering in certain
sitios/villages or barangay;
Determine the magnitude of the illness. Check with the Provincial Health office
and nearby hospitals or clinics for similar cases or number of deaths reported
from possible waterborne or foodborne related events;
Check for other events prior to sudden increase of diarrhea cases such as big
events (weddings, burials), flooding
Check laboratory results of suspected cases for confirmation of diagnosis

Who declares the presence of a food and water-borne outbreak?

The Local Chief Executive can declare an outbreak as mandated by the Local
Government Code of 1991. The declaration of an outbreak should be supported by
surveillance data and the above steps for confirming the outbreak has been done
However, PIDSR MOP states the provision of the DOH Rules and Regulations
Implementing the Local Government Code of 1991 (DOH RRILGC of 1991), Chapter
11, Section 44 c, as follows the Department of Health has the final decision regarding
the presence of epidemic, pestilence, or other widespread public health danger in a
particular area or region. In compliance to this rule, the Secretary of Health shall
have the sole authority to affirm or reverse any declaration of an epidemic
EB as the IHR focal office shall take the lead in the investigation of epidemics of
national and international importance, in coordination with the CHD, local
government unit, and other concerned agencies. The Secretary of Health shall have
the sole authority to declare epidemics of national and/or international concerns.
Annex R enumerates conditions of national or international concern.

5.2.3 Food and water-borne outbreak investigation

Why investigate a FWBD outbreak?

A food and water-borne outbreak indicates a break in the food production
pathway and contamination set-in. Investigating a food and water-borne disease
outbreak will:

Decrease the number of people affected and prevents death by limiting the
further spread of the illness/disease;
Determine the cause and institute measures to mitigate the risk of recurrence;
Information obtained from identifying the cause and risk factors are crucial in
improving the existing preventive and control measures for all partners
involved in the program;
Outbreak experience and information obtained during actual investigation
activities will be helpful in preparing similar outbreaks in the future;

How will the LGU proceed if a possible FWBD outbreak is detected?

The guide in Figure 13 provides the steps to follow in detecting and responding to
a possible FWBD outbreak. These steps were defined by the Epidemiology Bureau
to cover all reported/suspected outbreak. The FWBD-PCP is not defining a
parallel system but adapting what is written in PIDSR MOP.

Fig. 13 Flow of Investigation, Reporting and Response to a
Suspect/Reported FWBD Outbreak

Source: Manual of Procedures for Philippines Integrated Disease Surveillance and

Response 3rd Edition; Epidemiology Bureau, Department of Health

86 Determining Authority and Responsibility
In a FWBD outbreak (local), the authority resides in the Local Chief Executive
(LCE) as mandated by the Local Government Code of 1991. The LCE appoints the
MHO/CHO, as the head of the health unit in the area, to lead a team (local staff
and experts) in the investigation. He has the authority to mobilize resources,
coordinate with other local agencies during the investigation and
implementation of control measures. He/She is also responsible in
communicating with the CHD, EB in relation to the said outbreak. The
MHO/CHO is also accountable to carry out the directives of the Local Chief
Executive regarding outbreak.
The Epidemiology Bureau (through the RESU/PESU/CESU), Food and Waterborne
National Program Manager(role) or the Regional FWBD Coordinator, RESU or the
Provincial Health Office should provide assistance to the local government unit
during outbreak investigation and response. The assistance can be in three
forms: a) Logistics (supplies, equipment, IEC materials etc); b) Technical advice
(verbal or written guidance); c) technical assistance (investigation team, experts
or consultants who will go to the field and assist in the investigation or with the
control measures); and d) laboratory back-up.
However, EB will lead the outbreak investigation in cases wherein the outbreak is
of national and international concern. Likewise, HEMB will be
notified/mobilized in situation of human crisis/emergencies. Epidemic Investigation and Control Team (EICT)

After confirming the presence of an outbreak, the Epidemic Investigation and
Control Team (MOP, PIDSR) should immediately be organized for the
preparatory work needed during the outbreak investigation. Epidemic
investigation and response require varied skills and expertise (multi-disciplinary
approach). Ideally the team should be composed of the following:

Municipal Health Officers

Regional FWBD Coordinator and Health Educators
Food safety officers
Laboratory personnel;
Clinicians or other technical experts needed in the investigation;

Personnel from agencies working on animal health such as meat
inspectors/DA/BFAR staff);
Sanitary officers/inspectors/engineers;
The EICT members should have a clear understanding of their roles during the
epidemic investigation and response. Reporting lines should be set prior to
actual field investigation. As stated in the PIDSR, the core function of the EICT is
listed in Annex S. Communication
After the declaration of the epidemic and until the epidemic has been declared
as over; stakeholders, media, health workers and other people with interest on
the epidemic should be informed on the progress of the investigation, interim
results and actions taken to control the epidemic. Thus, it is important during
the preparation phase to discuss the communication process. Any
communication on the outbreak should be cleared by the Team leader
(MHO/CHO) to ensure information are accurate and consistent. The MHO/CHO
may designate the Nurse (PHN) as the point person for any update or report for
consistency and mitigating the risk of miscommunication or conflicting
information. Table 13 provides the purpose and methods of communication
across the different audience groups

Table 13: Methods and Purpose of Communication with

Different Groups During FWBD outbreak Investigation

Purpose of Communication Method of Communication
Health To ensure accurate case finding Established communication channels-such
Authorities and as regular meetings, briefer or reports
other To facilitate the implementation of
government control measures
To inform partners in other
administrative areas who may benefit
from the information about the
epidemic and may be able to provide
additional information about similar
To ensure government officials are
updated about the status and progress
of the investigation

Health Care To ensure accurate case finding Regular meetings
To facilitate the implementation of
control measures
People directly To respond to concerns Method of communication will depend on
affected by the the local situation, but may include
outbreak To provide advice on personal hygiene contacting those affected by:
measures to reduce the risk of person- - phone, mail
to-person spread - face-to-face meetings
The public To provide accurate information about Method of communication will depend on
the epidemic the local situation, but may include:
- regular press releases via newspapers
To provide accurate information on - radio or television announcements
implicated food and how they should be - leaflets delivered to households and
handled public gathering places
- face-to face advice in clinics
To provide advice on personal hygiene - messages displayed on notice boards
measures to reduce the risk of person- and shared with consumer groups
to-person spread

To identify additional cases

To alleviate fears and manage

The food To ensure their ongoing cooperation Face-to face meetings with members of
establishment with the investigation the EICT

To facilitate the implementation of

control measures
The media To facilitate case finding through Identify media spokesperson, who may be
enhanced reporting of cases by the a disease expert and a media relation
public and medical practitioners officer to manage all media inquiries

To inform the public about avoidance of Arrange a specific time to meet with the
risk factors for illness and about media. This may involve daily briefings.
appropriate preventive measures
Ensure that information provided is timely,
To maintain public and political support accurate and consistent
for disease investigation and control
Ensure that information released to the
To minimize the appearance of media has been authorized by the EICT
conflicting information from different
authorities (which may undermine their
Source: Strengthening Surveillance of and Response to Foodborne Diseases: A Practical Manual. Stage 1:
Investigating Foodborne Disease Outbreak; WHO 2017,

89 Logistics
All logistic requirements should be prepared which includes: a) transportation of
the team to conduct environmental investigation and interview of patients and
collection of specimens; b) transportation of specimen to the laboratory; c)
packing boxes for specimens; d) material for specimen collection and water
collection for water analysis; e) ORESOL and other rehydrating fluids; f) IEC
materials; g) antibiotics for treatment of patients.

The FWBD-PCP Program Manager through the FWBD Regional Coordinator will
provide the rehydrating fluids (ORESOL), antibiotics (if needed) and IEC
materials. The transportation cost of EICT members from the regional/national
staff will be charged under their sending agencies as include in the AO. The LGU
may provide other logistics in the implementation of control measures such as
transportation costs in the chlorination of water sources. Record Keeping

During the preparatory period, task a member of the EICT to be in charge of

ensuring all records pertaining to the investigation are properly filed. These
records are used for response, evaluation, audit purposes, future review, and
legal purposes to ensure accountability of public health.

What should be recorded?

All records on the investigation of the FWBD outbreak will follow the provision of
the data privacy law. The following are some suggested documentation records:

Each member should keep a record of all activities conducted during

the investigation;
Minutes of meetings should be distributed among team members
only (marked confidential);
Action notes and agreed decision points should be documented;
Notes and other records (investigation forms) from epidemiologic,
food, environmental and laboratory investigations should be stored in
file specific to the outbreak (hard and e-copy);
Telephone log and emails pertaining to the epidemic investigation;
Copies of all communications released including letters, fact sheets,
public notice and media reports

90 Identifying the point of contamination

To identify the point of contamination in a FWBD outbreak, EICT should “trace

back” the food and water production pathway. Trace back starts with the sick
person. Then the investigators will trace back the implicated cause of illness
(ingestion of food or water). It traces back to the place where food is prepared
and cooked. The trace back continues to trace backwards into the distribution
channel and the production area until the origin was reached (Fig. 14). Trace
back process is being done to achieve the following (WHO 2017):

a) Identify the source and distribution of foods so that the public is alerted and
the removal of the contaminated production from the market place (product
b) Compare the distribution of illnesses and of the product in order to
strengthen a suspected epidemiological association;
c) Determine the potential route or source of contamination by evaluating
common distribution sites, processors, growers

Fig. 14 Trace Back Path of FWBD to the Food/Water Production


Source: Strengthening Surveillance of and Response to Foodborne Diseases: A

Practical Manual. Stage 1: Investigating Foodborne Disease Outbreak; WHO 2017,

Food trace back process requires coordination of many investigators from
different agencies and organizations. It entails a detailed review of dates,
quantities, source and conditions of food received, information on lot
number, facilities involved and production dates.

Food and environmental investigation: is a part of the outbreak investigation.

The objective of doing food and environmental investigations are the following:

To identify the source and mode of contamination;

Assess the likelihood that pathogens survived processes designed to kill
them or to reduce their numbers;
Assess the potential for growth of pathogens during food processing,
handling or storage;
Identify and implement ways to fix the issues identified.
Environmental investigation through the sanitary inspector and any member of
the team shall determine the conditions at the time the suspected food was
prepared. In conducting environmental investigation, certain records should be
secured and reviewed. The amount of physical evidence may decrease quickly
thus immediate food and environmental investigations should be done as soon
as possible.

Investigation of food establishment:

If a food business is being considered as the source of the outbreak, certain

activities should be done during the investigation
Interview with managers;
Interview with employees who may have a role in the processing or
preparation of suspected food;
A review of employees’ record (to determine who were sick during
those period);
A review of the overall operations and hygiene;
A full process reviews of the specific food suspected to be the source of
the outbreak;
Food and environmental sampling;
A review of food handler health and hygiene which include collection and
analysis of clinical specimen from food handlers with symptoms;
An assessment of the water supply system;

An assessment of the toilet facilities and sewage disposal system;
Measurement of temperatures in refrigerators or food and pH and water
activity of food using appropriate equipment

Interview food handlers:

All food handlers should be interviewed. Important information to be
obtained includes the exact flow of the suspected food; the condition of
the food when received by food handlers and any unusual working
conditions on the day the food was prepared, processed and cooked. It is
also relevant to know the list of food handlers that had been sick/absent
during the period. Clinical specimen should be taken from sick food

Food and Environmental sampling:

A) Food samples:
The sampling of food for laboratory analysis of microbial agent should be
guided by the epidemiologic and environmental investigations. However,
if an implicated food has not been identified, several sample foods
maybe collected and stored for future laboratory testing after more
information becomes available. Food samples that may be appropriate
for sampling and testing includes (in order of importance):
Leftover food from the suspected meal;
Ingredients that were used in the implicated food;
Food from the menu that was associated with the outbreak
Food that is associated with suspected pathogen;
Food in the environment that may have nurtured the growth or
survival of the pathogen

If a packaged food is implicated as the culprit in an outbreak, it is
essential to collect unopened package (ideally from the same batch). It
may help determine the time of contamination (if before or after the
preparation period). Also collect samples of the ingredients or raw
The EICT should closely coordinate with the laboratory for appropriate
sample size; collection process; storage and transportation.

B) Environmental samples:
Environmental samples are collected to trace the source and evaluate the
extent of contamination that led to the outbreak. Environmental
samples should be taken from work surfaces; food contact surfaces of
equipment, containers and other surfaces such (refrigerators, door
handles); and water used for food processing.

5.2.4 Control of the Outbreak

The fundamental goal of an outbreak investigation is to limit the spread of the
illness and prevent the recurrence of similar illness. Control measures should be
instituted immediately to minimize the severity of the effect on the population
at risk (minimize the number hospitalized or death). Below are some control
measures that can be instituted (WHO 2017). Controlling the source

a) The local health office (MHO/CHO/PHO) should release a health advisory

to the public to throw away the suspected food from the suspected
establishment, gathering/events (such as wedding) immediately;
b) The local government administration through the health office shall
execute temporary closure of the food establishment, processing plant,
water work system or refilling station until the problem has been
c) Modify food production or preparation process such as reorganization of
working practices, change in storage temperatures;

94 Controlling the transmission

1. Issue public advice on boiling of water, proper preparation of food, safe

disposal of foods, cooking or avoiding unpasteurized products, personal
hygiene measures such as hand washing;
2. Exclusion of infected people from work or school: This should be done by
health authorities in accordance with the local laws and regulations. Sick
people who may be asked to stay away are food handlers specially those
who are assigned to touch unwrapped foods that will be consumed raw
or without further cooking or treatment process

.2.5 Declaring that the outbreak is over

The Local Chief Executive upon the advice of the leader of the EICT team leader
should declare when an outbreak is over and should issue a statement. An
outbreak is over when the number of cases falls back to the expected level.

After the outbreak, there should be a structured review with all the people
involved in the outbreak response. A debriefing should be done to a) ensure the
control measures instituted were effective; b) identify resource needs, structural
changes, needed improvement in the outbreak response for future outbreaks; c)
identify factors that compromised the investigation and discuss solutions; d)
discuss legal issues that arisen; e) update current guidelines if needed.

5.2.6 Communicate the Findings

The final step is to prepare a report. The report should contain a summary of the
outbreak data, findings, conclusions, control measures and recommendations to
improve responses for future outbreaks or improvement to prevent recurrence
of similar outbreaks. The purpose of the report is to a) serve as
documentation/record of the investigation; b) provide recommendations for
control and preventive actions; c) serve as supporting documents for any
possible legal issues; d) manifest areas of improvement for the EICT. The
outbreak report should be done by the EICT team leader in coordination with the
technical experts.

Section VI:
Promotion and
The content of this section:
 General Guidelines
 Basic Concepts
 Risk Communication
 Communication plan
 Other advocacy materials

6.0 Health Promotion and Communication
6.1 General Guidelines

6.1.1 The FWBD-PCP, in coordination with Health Communication and Promotions

Service (HCPS), will develop the national Health Promotion and Communication Plan in
support and towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of the National
Strategic Plan 2019-2023.
6.1.2 The FWBD-PCP is responsible in disseminating and orienting the regional and
provincial Health Education and Promotion Officer (HEPO) on the Health Promotion and
Communication Plan (HPCP) of the program.
6.1.3 The FWBD-PCP collaborates with HC in the development of all educational and
advocacy materials (posters, fliers, flip charts).
6.1.4 The FWBD-PCP ensures all developed materials and prototype reached the health
6.1.5 The FWBD-PCP will provide additional communication materials during outbreak
and health emergency situations (as needed by the local government units).
6.1.6 The FWBD-PCP ensures the integration of FWBD strategies and activities in the
Regional HPCP. And as part of its supportive supervision, the FWBD-PCP Manager
assists in the monitoring of the Health Promotion and Communication Plan (regional
and provincial) in relation to food and water-borne diseases.
6.1.7 The FWBD-PCP Manager ensures dissemination of National Health Advisories on
food and water-borne diseases.
6.1.8 The Regional FWBD-PCP coordinator ensures the integration of the FWBD-PCP
strategies and activities in the Regional HPCP.
6.1.9 The Regional FWBD program coordinator should provide technical assistance to
the province in developing and incorporating the FWBD-PCP strategies in their annual
6.1.10 The Regional and Provincial HEPO may develop their own local promotional and
communication materials in addition to those distributed by the national office. The
Regional HEPO should ensure that the messages (technical content) had been reviewed
by technical experts in the field.

6.2 Understanding Basic Concepts
6.2.1 Health promotion
It is important element of disease prevention
program as it empowers individuals and Health promotion the process of enabling
communities to make better choices and people to increase control over and
reduce their risk of developing the disease or improve their health focusing not only in
a disability. Health promotion and disease the individual behavior but also the social
prevention programs often deals with the and environmental interventions
social determinants of health which influence Source: WHO
changeable risk behavior (RHI Hub).
Social determinants of health are the circumstances in which people are born, grow up,
live, work and age and the systems put in place to deal with illnesses. These
circumstances are in turn shaped by a wider set of forces: economics, social, policies
and politics (WHO). As these social determinants had been with individuals throughout
their life, it had influenced their habits and practices which to some extent became
barriers to health.

6.2.2 Health communication

It is the study and use of communication strategies to inform and influence individual
decision that enhance health (CDC). Health communication includes verbal and written
strategies to influence and empower individuals, populations and communities to make
healthier choices.
Communication has an important role in managing disease outbreak because accurate
and timely information at all levels is critical in maximizing the effective outcome of the
response and minimizing unwanted and unforeseen disruption in the society and
economy (WHO).
In the past, health workers believe that people change their behavior easily after being
given information on certain diseases or the risk for a disease in their behavior (diarrhea
is caused by contaminated water or not practicing proper handwashing can cause
illnesses). Various IEC materials (leaflets, fliers, posters) and information campaign was
done. But, most of the audience were passive recipient (Fig. 15).

Figure.15 Communication Approach Through IEC

The Approach Target audience

Information Focus on Information Audience as
Education and dissemination through passive recipients
Communication mass/traditional media of information

Thus, it did not translate to change in behavior; because long term behavior change
involves several stages. This is the core principle of Behavior Change Communication.

6.2.3 Behavior Change Communication

Behavior change communication is a process of making positive permanent

change to behavior and habits such as proper handwashing, personal hygiene practices,
early health seeking behavior – early consultation when signs and symptoms of food
and waterborne diseases has been identified. It means that messages are carefully
designed according to target audience and made available using the appropriate
medium (radio, peer education, drama, leaflets and posters) to the right group of
people at the right time.
Before people and communities can reduce their risks to a particular health issue, they
must first:
Understand the basic facts about the health issue;
Believe that they are and others in the community are at risk;
Gain the knowledge on how to reduce the risks;
Have access to products and services that will help change their attitudes and
Believe that others in the community feel that a change in behavior is necessary
(Pacific BCC Manual)

According to BCC, people and communities maybe in the different stages of change when they
received or hear the information and these affects how people respond to it. For change in
behavior to occur, the health worker needs to understand the various barriers and addressed
them. Understanding the different stages of change (Fig. 16) will help us understand our
audience so we can tailor the message and determine the right time to deliver the message. It is
important to remember that change is slow process.

Figure.16 Stages of Change

A person may enter and leave these five stages anytime. For some individuals, it will take time
to get in the maintenance stage. For people to maintain their new health behavior, there should

a) Supportive environment:

Supporting change at the individual level – developing the skills of the person so
they can adapt the new healthy behavior (informing the mother the array of
health services available in the facility). It is important for the health worker to
understand that there are certain factors that is beyond the person’s control
and may affect his decision to make the change. Thus, it will be helpful to still
provide support and consistent follow-up until the person’s condition improves.
Supporting change at the community level – looking at the total social and
community environment (presence of community volunteers and community
Promoting change at the government level (policies, resources that enable and
encourage behavior change (accessibility of services even in the far-flung sitios

b) Community engagement: Community participation and ownership is important for people

to take on new behavior. When a community perceived that it is their health problem, they
can support each other in making the change.

6.3 Risk Communication

Risk communication is an integral component of public health risk management. It is a

two-way communication process (dialogue) between those affected (population at risk)
and the concerned people (health worker and program managers) during all phases of
public health event (outbreaks and human crisis situation) to encourage informed
decision making, positive behavior change and maintenance of trust (PAHO).
The goals of risk communication are to share vital information to save lives, protect
health, minimize harm to self and others and to change beliefs or to change behavior. It
may serve to (Gaya, 2014):
Raise awareness;
Encourage protective behavior;
Inform to build up knowledge on hazards and risks;
Inform to promote acceptance of risks and management measures;
Inform how to behave during events;

Reassure the audience (reduce anxiety and manage outrage);
Improve relationships (build trusts, cooperation and networks);
Involve actors in decision making;
Enable mutual dialogue and understanding

These goals should be monitored and assessed the changes in knowledge, behavior,
and practice. Unmonitored outcome leads to ineffective risk communication
messages; consumes and waste resources and create a false sense of achievement.

Why is risk communication a two-way process?

Risk communication is a two-way process because the perception of risk of the

population differs from the health experts and managers. For the health
experts, risk is great when the hazard is great (the exposure to the hazard and
the vulnerability of the exposed population. Thus, experts look at risk in terms of
morbidity and mortality or financial losses (economic or trade). For the public,
the magnitude of risk depends on their emotions (fear, anger, outrage) that is
influenced of their perceived effect of the outbreak in their personal lives (the
chance he or a family member get the diseases or being hospitalized or affecting
their source of income. People’s perception of risk are also affected by their
education, culture, belief and past experiences.

6.3.1 Analysis of the Situation

To develop effective messages during outbreak response, an analysis of the situation

should be done during the early stage of the outbreak. The following are suggested
steps in analyzing the situation:

Identify affected or potentially affected population (the target audience for the
messages): The population most vulnerable to the suspected disease for the

Identify behavior factors that might place the person at risks: Observe or conduct
one-on-one/group dialogue to identify existing behavior that put persons at risk
(buying from street food vendors, drinking water from doubtful sources).

Identify partners that can help in reaching affected persons or populations: These
can be community volunteers, community leaders, faith-based organizations. Also
identify the appropriate time to engage and orient them.

Identify perceptions in the community that might affect communications in an
outbreak situation: Engage in a dialogue and understand how the local authorities,
affected people and community leaders perceived the current situation. Listen to
the concern and fears of the community. Consider the language, culture and socio-
economic factors in the community in making the messages. Tailor
recommendations in plain language that can be easily adhered to by the affected

6.3.2 Steps in Developing Effective Messages During Outbreaks: Start with EMPATHY: Acknowledge concern and express understanding of

the feelings those affected by the illness. Demonstrate care and show your
acknowledgement and understanding of their perspective. Identify and explain the public health threat – the disease: Provide
information about the disease/cause of the event; who is at risk and factors that put
a person at risk. Provide advice on actions to be taken to lessen their risk of getting
the disease or where to go when a family member shows signs of the illness. Provide
facts. Explain what is currently known and unknown: Provide details of what
specific information is available. Acknowledge if information is not yet available but
provide specific timeline for providing updated information. Explain what health actions are being taken and why: Describe in brief but
clear terms the agencies involve in the response, their roles and actions that are
taken. Emphasize a commitment to the situation: Provide assurance by mentioning

the actions taken by the government for early control of the outbreak.

Risk communication should be incorporated in all aspects of outbreak response and

should be part of the health promotion and communication plan. Figure 17 provides
the risk communication activities at each phases of an outbreak.

Figure.17 Risk Communication During the Different Phases of an

6.4 Communication Plan

A communication plan defines the approach that the program will use to communicate
with communities. It helps ensure systematic information sharing and two-way
communication. The FWBD-PCP at the national level, in line with the National Strategic
Plan 2017-2022 (Objective 2: Strategy2), developed a national health promotion and
communication plan. The program encourages the local government unit (provinces) to
develop its communication plan that fits its local scenarios, challenges and seasonality
of FWBD. The national program will continue to provide educational materials (posters,
fliers, flipcharts), health advisories and trainings to the local government units.


6.4.1 Step 1: Analysis of the situation:

The first step in developing your communication plan is
assess the existing situation in your locality. You need to:
identify who are at risk of FWBD? You can do this
by reviewing your data and determine the ages,
gender or any specific community commonly
affected by FWBD;
How they have contracted the diseases?
What are they behaviors or practices (hygiene and sanitation)?
What services and resources do they need?
How people can be reached?

This information can be obtained from reviewing records and reports as well as through
interviews, community consultations. To be able to formulate your behavioral
objectives, you need to identify the vulnerability and risk in your community.
Vulnerability is about a person not having the power or ability to make choices or to act
on them. This can often be because of a person’s situation within the community – the
social environment. Families in rural communities whose source of drinking water are
open deep wells or hand pump that are usually submerged in floods during rainy season
are examples of vulnerabilities. Or families with no sanitary toilets and practicing open
defecation. Risk is an attitude or behavior that put a person at risk of a specific disease
such as students buying from street food vendors or not practicing proper handwashing.

Box 9: Activity 1 for Communication Plan Development
1. Start listing any vulnerable groups in your community such as school children,
out of school children, IPs, resettlement sites, urban poor communities;
2. List also the existing behavioral factors in your communities that put people at
risks for FWBD (poor personal hygiene, open defecation, rampant small-scale
food vendors -street foods);
3. List of existing environmental factors such as:
- Type of drinking water source in the community (point source,
communal faucet system, waterworks system0;
- Presence of small-scale food vendors/markets

6.4.2 Step 2: Formulate Health Promotion Goals and Objectives:

Goals and objectives are the desired changes to be achieved within a given time period
through the use of different strategies and resources. Defining the objectives will make
your communication plan focused. Identifying and analyzing your target audience

With your situational analysis, identify your target audience. An audience is the group of
people you are trying to reach with your communication plan. Breaking down all possible
target audience and the existing risks and opportunities may help you define a more concrete
communication objective. There are two types of target audience: a) Primary are people you
would like to reach and change their attitudes and behaviors; b) secondary are people who
may/can influence the primary audience. Activity 2 may guide you on how to do this.

Box 10: Activity 2 for Communication Plan Development

Fill-up this table, list as many possible target audience in your community.
Target Audience Risks/Barriers Opportunities
IP communities
Policy makers
Religious figures
Community leaders
Health workers
Community outreach
Health Educators

You may need to gather more information about your audience to identify the barriers and
opportunities. You can gather this information by interviewing health workers (who know the
profile of the community); visiting and interviewing teachers and school administrators;

Interviewing community leaders; and conducting focus group discussions. Sometimes you may
need to segregate your target audience (Children: school children and out of school children;
mothers: working mothers and housewife). This information may also influence your strategy,

Secondary audience is important because they provide support and influence to the
primary audience. They are sometimes called “gatekeepers” of primary audience
as they provide leadership, shape opinions and impact on access to services and
resources. (Pacific BCC Manual).

the message and the medium for your message. Deciding which behavior you want to change

Continuing from your listing your different target audience, their risk/barriers and
opportunities. You can then identify the priority target audience and what behavior of
your target group you need to change. It is important to keep in my mind that it is
better to focus on a few audience than trying to address all as it may be difficult for you
to track it later.

Your communication plan should align with the goal of the national program – reducing
the morbidity and mortality due to food and water-borne diseases. However, your
communication plan objective should address the problem you have identified in your
situational analysis. Achieving your objective will then lead in reducing cases and death
due to food and water-borne diseases in your locality.

All objectives should be able to answer the following questions:

Who? Who are the people you are trying to reach in your communication plan?
What? What is the action (change in knowledge, attitude, behavior or environment)
that needs to happen?
When? What is the time frame?
Where? Where will you be distributing or using your messages or implementing your

Box 11: Important features of communication objectives

Make sure your objective is SMART:

Specific: Specific audience and location are clearly stated

Measurable: Will you be able to measure the change you are expecting to happen?
And how will you be measuring it?

Appropriate: Are your objectives relevant to the program goals? Can the issue or
problem actually be addressed by communication?

Realistic: Is it possible to achieve your objective? Can you actually reach your
target audience? Do you have enough manpower and funding to
reach the number of people within the given timeline?

Timebound: For how long do you expect to implement your plan? Is this period of
time realistic to achieve your objectives?
Source: Pacific BCC Manual

6.4.3 Step 3: Formulate Strategies and Action points

A strategy is a broad approach to achieve behavioral objectives. Under each strategy

are specific activities to be implemented. Your strategy should be directed to both your
primary and secondary audience. It is encouraged that your strategy should include one
or more of these areas:

a) Building Healthy Public Policy: are intended for local government officials (policy
makers). It may require advocacy strategy and activity that will lead to the
development and issuance of policy instruments (local issuances, ordinances,
administrative order, memorandum of agreement) that will support implementation
of preventive measures for food and water-borne diseases.
b) Creating a supportive environment: can be both physical (making services more
accessible) or organizational (creation of networks, inter-agency committees and
alliances to multiply the number of people promoting particular health actions. Your
audience needs to be linked with products and services that will reinforce their
change in behavior and practices.

c) Strengthening community actions: Involving the community in setting priorities,

making decisions, planning strategies and implementing them provides the feeling of
ownership rather than feeling things are being forced on them. Tapping mother’s
group or parent-teacher association as venues for promotional campaigns for
prevention and control of food and water-borne diseases or channels for
communication messages.
d) Developing personal skills: providing information and education to enhance people’s
life skills and improve on personal hygiene practices using various channels (schools,
community) and tapping different information providers (teachers, community
leaders). People need to be taught and be given opportunities to practice a
healthier behavior. It can be in a form of formal training, coaching, actual
demonstration, peer education, drama or puppetry.

6.4.4 Step 4: Indicate timelines for actions

Indicate timelines for each action which can be expressed in weeks, months or quarter.
An estimated timeline is important in tracking and evaluating your plan.

6.4.5 Step 5: Identify locus of responsibility

The locus of responsibility is the individual directly responsible for the completion of the
planned activity or action points. It is the accountable/responsible person that specific
action points are accomplished. It is important that the lead person will be specified
rather than the office or agency. This is again important in tracking the status of
implementation of the plan.

6.4.6 Step 6: Determine the required resources

Your planned activities require resources. Determine the resources in your organization
and identify those that can be utilize or can be tapped for your planned activities. You
can also tap external resources such as the regional and national health office, other
government, private organizations, non-government agencies or community-based
organization in your locality. Thus, it is advisable that these groups have already been
involved in the early stage of developing your communication plan.

Annex T is the FWBD communication plan at the national level. This may serve as a
guide for you in developing your local communication plan.
6.5 Other Advocacy materials

In public health, we need to advocate either to the local decision-makers for support in
resources or the issuance of local policy or ordinances that will strengthen the
implementation of the program. We may also advocate to other funding institutions or
community leaders. Most of the time, we advocate by meeting with these people of
influence. However, it will be helpful if we have materials that can help bring our
message to the table and influence decision makers.

6.5.1 Public Health Advisory

Public health advisory is a statement
containing the presence of a significant
The Department of Health issues
health risk and recommending measures
health advisory in the form of to be taken to decrease exposure and
Department Circular (Annex U). The eliminate or substantially mitigate the
message of the advisory is directed to risk to human health
regional offices and DOH retained
Medical dictionary
hospitals. The advisory is released at
the start of the rainy season and reminds the reader that the presence of rainy
season can pose a significant risk to health because of possibility of increase in
diarrhea specially cholera. It also contains information on protective behavior
such as boiling of water and preparatory actions for hospitals to prepare in
managing and treating patients.
At the local government unit may also release and disseminate similar public
health advisory. Messages may be tailored to specifically fit the target audience.
It can be written in the vernacular language of the community. It can be
released to the government offices or the community through community
bulletin boards.

When do you release public health advisory?

Public health advisory can be released before the expected rise of cases
following the seasonal pattern of the disease (food and water-borne diseases my
rise during the rainy season (because of flood and contamination of water
sources) or summer (because the high humidity and temperature provides a
conducive environment for the growth of pathogen). During disease outbreak,
public health advisory may be released for the following reasons:


To warn the community of the existence of the outbreak;

Inform the public of preventive measures being done to control the
Advice the community of protective behavior to prevent them from getting
the illness

6.5.2 Program Briefer

Program briefer is a one to two pages document that contains a background,

objective of the program and current status. The document should also include
some important data that will support your message. A briefer will provide the
over-all picture and problem at a glance. Most Local Chief Executive have a full
schedule with limited time to read long reports. Briefer can be given at the same
time you give verbal presentation during meetings. Using infographics and
pictures to drive your message will make your document more visual and easier
to comprehend.

6.5.3. Program Reports

Program reports can be given to Local Chief Executive or Administrator. Program

reports contain more details of the accomplishments, problems encountered
and recommendations. Providing data to support your report is vital in
influencing decision makers. Distributing reports on a regular basis can be a tool
to influence decision makers. They have at hand the current status of the
program which can be used during management meetings and decision making.

6.5.4 Short videos

Videos documenting a good practice or current problems may also be an

effective advocacy material. International NGOs and other funding agencies
appreciate good practice stories as it relays empowerment of the community
and actual experience. Videos also show actual environment set-up and provide
a good visualization of the problem.

Section VII:
Under this section are other programmatic functions such:

 Policy Development
 Capacity Building
 Monitoring and Evaluation, Research

7.0 Other Programmatic Functions

7.1 Policy Development
6.1.1 The FWBD-PCP will review all policies developed in the past in relation to FWBD.
The FWBD Program Manager will revise, update or develop new policies and guidelines
as needed by the program in achieving the objectives and targets of the Strategic Plan
6.1.2 The FWBD-PCP ensures dissemination/orientation of new policies are conducted
to the different health facilities.

7.2 Capacity Building

6.2.1 The FWBD-PCP and collaborating DOH agencies will develop the training guidelines
and modules to enhance the skills of the field implementors (Health facility staff) in
providing quality services.
6.2.2 A training team (regional and national staff) will be capacitated to conduct the roll-
out of trainings at the regional/provincial level.
6.2.3 All trainings need assessment should be conducted to determine the training
needs of health staff in providing quality services.
6.2.4 The FWBD-PCP, through the TWG, will consolidate all training schedule (for related
FWBD trainings) from different collaborating partners.

7.3 Monitoring and Evaluation, Research

6.3.1 National program implementation review (PIR) will be conducted annually.
Regional FWBD coordinator may conduct a semi-annual PIR for their provinces.
6.3.2 A mid-evaluation of the National Strategic Plan 2019-2023 will be conducted by a
team of external evaluators.
6.3.3 Details of program indicators, reporting and supervisory guidelines is discussed in
detail in the FWBD Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Abbigail J., Tumpy D. and Glen N.; Communicating During an Outbreak or Public Health
Investigation; Field Epidemiology Manual, CDC
Advocacy Reference Manual, Asia Pacific Executive Matrix
Burden of Food-borne Diseases in the South East Asia Region, WHO Regional Office for SEA;
Creating an effective Communication Project in the Pacific Region for HIV/STI and Other Sexual
and Reproductive Health Projects, Secretariat of the Pacific Community 2008
Communicable Disease Epidemiologic Profile, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland 2009
2017 Food and Water-borne Diseases; Morbidity Week (MW1-MW48); Epidemiology Bureau
Gaya Ganhewage, An Introduction to Risk Communication, 2014
Georg Kaperrud, Outbreak of Food and Water-borne Diseases: Guidelines for Investigation and
response, September 2018.
Guidance on the regulations for the Transport of Infectious Substance 2017-2018. Geneva
Switzerland; WHO, 2017 Lic. CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
Guidelines for Specimen Collection, Transport, and Referral for Infectious Disease Outbreak
Response, Manual for Clinical Specimen. RITM 2013
Guidelines for the Collection of Clinical Specimen During Field Investigation of Outbreaks, WHO,
Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response
Health Promotion, National Malaria Program: Manual of Operation, Department of Health,
Managing Epidemics: Key facts about major deadly diseases, Geneva: WHO 2018, CC BY-NC-SA
3.0 IGO
Manual of Procedures for the Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response;
Epidemiology Bureau, Department of Health 2007.
Manual of Procedures For The Surveillance, Outbreak Investigation and Response to Microbial
Agents of Food and Water-borne Diseases, Research Institute of Tropical Medicine, Department
of Health; 2007
National Strategic Plan 2017-2020, Food and Water-borne Disease Program
Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water, Department of Health

Philippine National Aedes-borne Viral Diseases Prevention and Control Program, Manual of
Procedures, Volume 5: Health Promotion
Strengthening Surveillance of and Response to Food-borne Diseases: A Practical Manual.
Introductory Module. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 Lic.CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 ICD
Strengthening Surveillance of and Response to Foodborne Diseases: A Practical Manual.
Strengthening Indicator-Based Surveillance Module. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017
Strengthening Surveillance of and Response to Foodborne Diseases: A Practical Manual.
Investigating Foodborne Disease Outbreak Module. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017
WHO Estimates of the Global Burden of Food-borne Diseases, WHO 2015.
WHO Fact Sheets For Cholera, Hepatitis A, Typhoid Fever and Rotavirus

Https://www.washinhcf.org, Module 8: Behavior Change Communication- WASH


Annex A: Policies and Guidelines For the National Control of Diarrheal Diseases

Annex B: DOH Organizational Structure of Disease Prevention and Control Bureau

Annex C: Findings of the Assessment
Strategy 1. Regulate and monitor food and water sanitation practices at the local level through enforcement of national and
local legislations, application of appropriate technical standards and participation of non-government agencies.
Implementation There is a robust set of laws and policies that support food and water sanitation practices in the country.
Status  2012. RA 10611 on Food Safety Act to strengthen the food safety regulatory system in the country
to protect consumer health and facilitate market access of local foods and food product
 2000 RA Act 9003. providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the
necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives declaring certain acts prohibited and providing
penalties, appropriating funds therefore and for other purpose
 1975 PD No. 856 Code of Sanitation of the Philippines
o Due to the absence of data (full scale policy review) relative to the implementation of the above
policies, the extent of compliance and adherence to these laws and policies cannot be fully
Strategy 2. Sustain inter-agency collaboration to fast-track sanitation infrastructure development in poor urban areas and in
rural areas with low access to safe water and sanitation facilities.
Implementation Established Interagency Committee on Environmental Health with sub-task forces on Water, Solid
Status Waste, Toxic Chemicals and Occupational Health
Strategy 3. Promote personal hygiene, food and water sanitation practices and the principles of environmental health.
Implementation  90% of HHs have access to safe water (2015)
Status  86.7% of HHs with sanitary toilets (2015)
 No data available to establish extent of personal hygiene practices
Strategy 4. Promote the use of ORS in the management of diarrhea to prevent dehydration, especially among infants and
Implementation ORS continues to be the primary intervention of children with diarrhea as shown by the 2015 FHSIS
Status Reports that 100% of diarrhea cases were given ORS.
 However, facilities visited are already without ORT Corners
 Likewise, some health facilities have inadequate supply of zinc

Strategy 5. Promote breastfeeding and other good feeding practices for infants and children.
Implementation  The 2013 NDHS showed that bottle-feeding is relatively still common in the Philippines with 27% of infants
Status under age two months being fed using a bottle with a nipple.
Strategy 6. Continue training of health personnel in the early diagnosis and treatment of food-borne and water-borne
Implementation  No training has been conducted on the early diagnosis and treatment of FWBDs; the clinic practice
Status guidelines are still currently being finalized which will be packaged into a Training Module for both hospital
and public health facility staff
Strategy 7. Continue nationwide information campaign for the prevention and control of food-borne and water-borne
Implementation  No nationwide information campaign has been designed and mounted on the prevention and
Status control of FWBDs in the past 6 years

Annex D: DPO on the Creation of Technical Working Group, Expert Panel and Steering
Committee For the FWBD-PCP

Annex E: IHR Provision Stating the conditions for Reporting FWBD cases/events

Annex F: Guidelines on Rotavirus and cholera vaccination

Annex G: Summary of Roles and Responsibilities of Laboratories at Different Levels of Service Capability

Annex H: General Guidelines on Specimen Collection

Safety and Decontamination

Safety and decontamination measures protects the specimen collector, laboratory staff and the
patients from risk associated with specimen collection. Universal safety precaution requires
health personnel to handle all clinical specimens as infectious. Thus, the use of basic protective
equipment such as gloves, masks and eye protection. Safety work practices, such as
handwashing before and after specimen collection; wearing of protective clothing at work
places; disinfection of work areas and decontamination of blood spills and other bodily fluids,
should be followed to reduce exposure to potentially infective material

Specimen Quantity and Quality

General provisions for specimen quality and quantity has been described in B.1.1 Specimen
Requirements for Referral of outbreak specimen.

Specimen Container Considerations

If possible, all specimens should be in appropriate transport medium (e.g., VTM for viruses and
Cary and Blair TM for bacteria causing diarrhea). Specimen should be placed aseptically in a
sterile and/or appropriate container. The outside of the specimen container should always be
cleaned and decontaminated. The type of container to be used is based on the clinical
specimen as follows:
Liquids should be contained in a leak-proof, screw capped container with a
capacity of less than 1 liter;
Solids must be stored in a sift-proof container weighing less than four

Specimen Handling and Storage Prior to Shipment

In order to preserve the bacterial viability or viral integrity of microorganisms in specimen for
culture or inoculation, specimens should be placed in appropriate transport media and stored
at recommended temperatures. These conditions should also take into consideration the
transportation time of the specimen. Other factors should also be taken into consideration

such as the type of specimen, the pathogen, and the sensitivity of the pathogen to desiccation,
nutrient and ph.
Clinical specimens for viral isolation are acceptable for culture even after two days if it is stored
in a specific media at 4-8 degrees Celsius. For longer period, preserved at -70 degrees Celsius.
For bacterial culture, specimen should be kept in appropriate transport medium at
recommended temperature. Except for urine and sputum, most specimens maybe kept at
room temperature if processed within 24 hours. For longer periods, store it at 4-8 degrees
Celsius is advised except for cold sensitive organisms such as shigella.

Annex I: List of International Laws for Transporting Dangerous Goods

Air The Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) publishes Dangerous
Goods Regulation (DGR) that incorporates the ICAO provisions. The ICAO
rules apply on all international flights.
For national flights (within one country), the national civil aviation authorities
apply national legislation.
Road The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous
Goods by Road (ADR) applies to 49 countries. Modified versions of the
convention are being used in South America and South East Asia
Post Letter Post Manual published by the Universal Postal Union reflects the
United Nations Recommendations using the ICAO provisions as the basis for
Source: Guidance on the Regulation for the Transport of Infectious Substance 2017-2018. Geneva,
Switzerland, WHO;2017

Annex J: List of Microorganisms Considered Under Category A Infectious Substance

Annex K: UN Number and Proper Shipping Name

UN Number and Proper Shipping Names for Category A Infectious Substance

Characteristic UN Number Proper Shipping Name

Causes disease in humans or both in UN 2814 INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCE,

humans and animals AFFECTING HUMANS

Causes disease only in animals UN 2900 INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCE,


Assignment to UN2814 or UN 2900 shall be based on the known medical history and
symptoms of the source human or animal, endemic local conditions, or professional
judgement concerning individual circumstances of the source human or animal.
Source: Guidelines for Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Disease
Outbreak Response. Manual for Clinical Specimens, RITM 2013

Annex L: Example of Hazard and Handling Labels
Source: Guidance on the Regulation for the Transport of Infectious Substance 2017-2018. Geneva,
Switzerland, WHO;2017

Box 2: Example of Hazard Labels (Annex)

Hazard label for Infectious Substance Category A

Hazard label for certain non-infectious genetically modified organisms

Hazard label for liquid nitrogen; substances packed using liquid nitrogen

Box 3: Example of Handling Labels (Annex)

Handling label for cryogenic liquids

Orientation label to indicate position of closures on the primary receptacles; for the air
transport of quantities of liquid infectious substance in Category A that exceeds 50 ml per
primary receptacle, this label shall be affixed to two opposite sides of the package with the
arrows pointing to the right direction

Cargo Aircraft (CAO) is used on packages that may only be transported on a cargo aircraft

Annex M: Forms for Communicating Laboratory Results of Specimen in an Outbreak Response

Laboratory Result Cover Letter Template

Annex N: Laboratory Referral Form for Outbreak Testing
Source: Guidelines For Specimen Collection, Transport and Referral For Infectious Diseases Outbreak Response; Manual For Clinical Specimen, RITM 2013

Annex O: Flow of Weekly PIDSR reports

Fig. 3 Flow of4:Weekly

Figure Flow ofReporting of Notifiable
Weekly Reporting Diseases
of Notifiable Diseases

Cases from

Barangay Health Barangay Health

Stations (BHS) Stations (BHS)

Cases from Rural Health Units

local and City Health
hospitals, Offices in non-
clinics, ports, chartered cities

Cases from Provincial City Epidemiology Cases from

provincial and and Surveillance local
Epidemiology and
district Units (CESU) in hospitals,
Surveillance Units
hospitals, chartered cities clinics, ports,
ports, airports

Cases from
Regional level 3 and
Epidemiology and retained
Surveillance Units hospitals,
(RESU) ports, airports

Cases from
referral National
hospitals, Epidemiology
laboratories, Center
ports, airports

Source: Manual of Procedures for Philippines Integrated Disease Surveillance and

Response 3rd Edition; Epidemiology Bureau, Department of Health

Annex P: Description of FWBD Diseases on Surveillance
Features Cholera Hepatitis A Rotavirus Typhoid and Paratyphoid

Etiologic Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1 Hepatitis A virus Rotavirus a double stranded Salmonella typhi
Agent and O139; biotypes Classical RNA virus which cause more
Salmonella paratyphi
and El Tor than 90% infections in

Epidemiology Around 1.3-4 M estimated Globally, it is estimated that Rota virus are the most It is estimated that 11-20
cholera cases yearly with 1.4 M people are infected with common cause of severe M people get sick from
deaths ranging from 21,000 to Hepatitis A very year (WHO, diarrhea diseases in young typhoid fever and
143,000 worldwide. In 2016, 2014). And Hepatitis A caused children. In 2013, WHO between 128,000 to
the number of notified cases approximately 11,000 deaths estimates about 215,000 of 161,00 died from it (WHO
and deaths from 38 countries in 2015 accounting for 0.8% of under-five children die each Fact Sheet).
were 132,121 and 2,420 mortality from viral hepatitis year from rotavirus.
respectively (WHO Fact sheet) (WHO Global Health Report on Majority of these children In 2017, the country’s
Hepatitis). live in low income countries surveillance system
(WHO -Immunization, received a total of 21,653
In the Philippines, a total of Vaccines and Biologicals). typhoid cases and 40
3,653 cases of cholera was In country, a total of 422 deaths. This is 28% lower
notified in 2017 (January- Hepatitis A cases notified in than the cases notified in
December 2); with 27 deaths 2017; with one death In the Philippines, 3,512 2016 (29, 984). However,
(CFR=0.74). Out of the 3653 reported. This is 35% lower as cases were notified in 2017; the culture confirmed
cholera cases notified, 370 compared to the total notified with 27 deaths (CFR=0.77%). cases (345) is still 11%
(10%) submitted samples for cases in 2016. All regions have This is lower than the 2016 higher than the 2016 data
confirmation. Thirty-five notified cases of Hepatitis A. notified cases (4,718). Of reported
percent (130/370) were However, most of the cases the 3,512 cases notified,
laboratory confirmed cholera. came from Region VII 1,247 (36%) were laboratory
contributing 25% (109/422). confirmed.
All reported cases were tested
for Hepatitis A. And all
showed reactive for IgM anti-

Features Cholera Hepatitis A Rotavirus Typhoid and Paratyphoid

Incubation Period Few hours to 5 days 15-50 days (average: 28-30 1-3 days Typhoid fever: 3-60 days (ranges
days) from 8-14 days)

Paratyphoid: 1-10 days

Period of From onset of illness until recovery 1-2 weeks before and at least First 2-5 days From one week until the
communicability one week after onset of individual has recovered

Case Definition: Suspected Case: Under the PIDSR, there is Suspected Case: A person with
case definition for Hepatitis. an illness characterized by
- A person aged 5 years or more insidious onset of sustained
with severe dehydration or Suspected Case: A person fever, headache, malaise,
who died from acute watery with an acute illness anorexia, relative bradycardia,
constipation or diarrhea, and
diarrhea (If diseases is characterized by acute non-productive cough.
unknown in the area); jaundice, dark urine, loss of
- For endemic area: A person appetite, body weakness, Probable Case: A suspected case
that is epidemiologically linked to
aged 5 years or more with extreme fatigue and high
a confirmed case in an outbreak.
acute watery diarrhea with or upper quadrant tenderness
without vomiting; Confirmed Case: A suspected or
Probable case: not probable case that is laboratory
- In area where there is cholera,
applicable confirmed through isolation of
a person with acute watery Salmonella enterica from blood,
diarrhea with or without Confirmed case: a suspected stool and other clinical
vomiting case confirmed by positive
Probable Case: Not applicable result for IgM anti-HAV
Confirmed Case: A suspected case
that is laboratory-confirmed
through isolation of Vibrio
Cholerae from the stool of the

Clinical Presentation 90% of cases mild to Abrupt onset of fever; malaise; Fever; vomiting; and Characterized by
moderate diarrhea anorexia; nausea and watery non-bloody insidious onset of
vomiting; abdominal diarrhea sustained fever; severe
discomfort; dark urine and headache; malaise;
5%-10% of cases pale stool followed by icteric anorexia; a non-
manifest as sudden phase (development of productive cough and
onset of profuse, jaundice). Icteric phase hepatosplenomegaly in
painless, watery stools usually begins 10 days after 50% of cases
with nausea and onset of symptoms.
vomiting. Stools are It can also manifest as
colorless with flecks of In children 5 years and below, non-specific symptoms
mucous – “rice water only 30% shows any of chills, diaphoresis;
diarrhea”. symptoms. dizziness; muscle pain;
weakness that usually
occurs before the onset
of fever

Annex Q: PIDSR reporting Forms

Annex R: Conditions of National and International Concern

Epidemic linked with nationally or internationally distributed product:

Epidemic linked by investigation to a product that has national or
international distribution, such as a manufactured food item, that has the
potential to affect individuals in municipalities and cities simultaneously.
Case(s) of exotic disease acquired locally: All cases of illness due to
communicable diseases that are not endemic in the Philippines should be
investigated rapidly to confirm whether the illness has been acquired locally
or from overseas. Human avian influenza, SARS, Ebola, poliomyelitis are
among the exotic diseases that are of national importance.
Diseases with high pathogenicity: Epidemics of highly-virulent organisms
(e.g., Ebola) are likely to cause heightened public concern, and may require
technical expertise and collaboration at the national level.
Diseases with significant risks of international spread
Epidemics in tourist facilities, among foreign travelers or at
national/international events.
Epidemics associated with health service failure: Epidemics linked to
breakdown in standards of health care delivery, such as infection control
failure, blood product contamination or systematic immunization failure will
require a strategic national approach.

Source: Manual of Procedures for Philippines Integrated Disease Surveillance

and Response 3rd Edition; Epidemiology Bureau, Department of Health

Annex S: Core Function of EICT

Conduct epidemiologic investigation of epidemics suspected or confirmed.

Establish active surveillance in the affected area.
Implement the epidemic response plan.
Identify and coordinate other sources of additional human (multi-sectoral
teams in the area) and material resources (list of referral laboratories and
available examinations, list of referral hospitals) for managing the epidemic
Ensure the use of standard treatment protocols for the disease and train health
Oversee the implementation of control measures.
Meet daily to review the latest surveillance data and implement additional
control measures.
Provide regular feedback to the community, LGU, PHO, CHD, DOH and WHO.
Request assistance when necessary.
Perform other tasks as instructed by the head of office or agency

Annex T: National Health Promotion and Communication Plan

I. Program Title: Food and Waterborne

II. Rationale:

- Food and Water-borne Diseases (FWBD) are usually manifested as diarrhea.

- It is considered as the leading cause of morbidity in the Philippines which is second to pneumonia.
- Several notable outbreaks of food and water-borne diseases occurred in 2015. There were total of 29,764 typhoid cases and 4307 cholera
cases during that year, eight hundred thirty-nine hepatitis A cases and 74 cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning were also reported.
Eleven thousand eight hundred seventy-six cases of acute bloody diarrhea (ABD) were reported from sentinel sites nationwide.
(Department of Health 2015)

- Parent’s knowledge on the signs and symptoms of food and water-borne diseases are very limited.
- Food and Water-borne Diseases Prevention and Control Program aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality rate due to diarrhea
Food and Waterborne Diseases (FWBD) including outbreaks
- This Health Promotion and Communication Plan is developed to support the (FWBD) program in achieving its objectives.

III. Behavioral Objectives:

By end of 2022

 90% of parents are able to detect early signs and symptoms of Food and Water-borne Diseases and submit patient to the nearest health
 90% 0f parents with diarrheal cases in the family are able to give Oral Rehydration Theraphy as first aid
 100% of Health workers are providing correct and appropriate treatment to FWBDs patients
 90% LGUs fully support the FWBD program by providing financial human resources.

IV. Communication Matrix


Parents To create awareness Parents takes Parents are Lack of FWBD if not treated may IEC AVP, TV and
category (CDE) of parents on the for granted able to knowledge lead to death development Radio
signs and symptoms diarrhea detect early on FWBD and commercial
of the different because they signs of disease and dissemination
FWBD diseases. are not aware symptoms risk Signs and Symptoms and
that it might of FWBD. prevention of FWBD Poster
be a sign of (Infectious Bloody, Inter—Personal
FWBD. Diarrhea, Typhoid Fever, Communication
Parents Cholera, Amoebaiasis, (IPC)with Advisories/flye
with Rotavirus ans Salmonella) parents during rs
diarrheal mothers class
cases in the
family Preparation of Oral
should be Rehydration Theraphy in
able to give case there is no available
n Therapy
at home. Go to the nearest health
center if signs and
symptoms occurs.

Continue breastfeeding

Health To educate health No focus on Health Multitasking Correct and Orientation/Re Flip chart
Workers workers on the specific workers are appropriate orientation
different FWBDs program able to management of HW on
signs, symptoms provide Lack of FWBDs. Guidelines on
FWBD Program
and management. correct and resources diarrhea
Reactive appropriate management
response to treatment Referral system for
cases to FWBDs Lack of difficult cases
patients manpower FAQs

Lack of Fan

Lack of

LGU/stakehold To encourage LGUs LGUs do not LGUs No funding Brief Overview of Advocacy Advocacy Kit
ers to support the allocate support the FWBD Program Meeting
FWBD Program by budget for FWBD
providing financial FWBD program by Not priority AVP
and human because of providing Importance of
resources. other financial LGU/stakeholders
priorities and human No support to the
resources knowledge of program.
program and
it’s the risk of
the diseases
to the

v. Strategies/ Activities/ Timeline

I. Building Healthy
Public Policy
A. Development of policies

a.1 AO on FWBD / / / Program

a.2 MOP / / Program

a.3 Department Memorandum on the conduct

of information dissemination and advocacy
activities related to FWBD.

B. Review of policies

b.1 Review of AO

b.2 review of AO

II. Creating

A. Conduct of Partners’ meeting / / 50,000.00 HPCS (MERD)

B. Advocacy events/summit/ launching / / 300,000.00 HPCS (MERD)

III. Developing
Personal Skills

A. Conduct of Capability Training

a.1 Training on Regional Coordinators and / 150,000.00 Program & HPCS (CMMD)

a.2 PIR / 150,000.00 Program and HPCS

B. Social Media/ Web Hosting /
C. Quad Media
c.1 TV placement for 1,500,000 HPCS (CMMD)
c.2 Radio Placement for
c.3 Cinema for
c.4 Outdoor media for
c.4.a. Billboards
c.4.b Train Wrap
c.5 Print Publication
D. Production
d.1 The Dr. is In /
d.2 Priority Health Program
d.3 Radio Segments
E. Development of IEC Materials
e.1 posters (50,000 copies) / 500,000 HPCS (CMMD)
e.2 flyers (advisory 500,000 copies) / 1,000,000 HPCS (CMMD)
e.3 tarpaulin
e.4 collaterals (fan 100,000pcs) / 2,000,000 HPCS (CMMD)
Materials – Board panel
1 panel for FWB disease
e.5 Flip tarp (2,500 copies) / 2,500,000 HPCS (CMMD)
e.6 Brochure
e.7 Advocacy Kit (10,000 pcs) / 500,000 HPCS (CMMD)
IV. Reorienting A. Training of HEPOs
Health Services
B. Development of Communication Plan

C. Development of risk comm plan

D. Harmonize Awarding

V. Strengthening A. Lakbay Buhay Kalusugan

community actions
B. KP Roadshow

Annex U: National Health Advisory (Sample)

Annex V: Epidemic Intelligence


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