Functions and Linear Relationships
Functions and Linear Relationships
Functions and Linear Relationships
Course: M
ath 8
Length of Unit: 12 days (60 minute periods) - 9 Instructional, 1 Review, 1 Summative Assessment, 1 Flex Day
After completing this unit, students will be able to identify a function, differentiate between linear and nonlinear
functions, and determine the rate of change of linear functions. They will further be able to develop the standard form
of a linear equation from graphs, tables, points and slopes, or use a linear equation to construct a graph. Finally,
students will be able to relate this concept and knowledge of graphical analysis to evaluate real-world scenarios such as
distance-time graphs.
Linear functions are a recurring concept throughout our lives. We see them in many common relationships such as
cost-time, force-acceleration, and temperature-pressure. It is critical that students obtain strong foundational
knowledge of linear functions in order to later apply their knowledge to these various relationships. Additionally, this
topic is later utilized and built upon when exploring algebraic and geometric relationships and applied in advanced
calculus concepts. Establishing a strong initial understanding of this topic will provide students with the necessary tools
to allow for success in future mathematics and science classes, and apply this knowledge to many real-world
Standards Alignment
Foundational Standards:
● 7.EE.4 - Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple
equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.
● 7.RP.2.b - Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) in tables, graphs, equations, diagrams, and verbal
descriptions of proportional relationships.
Unit Standards:
● 8.F.1 - Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. The graph of a
function is the set of ordered pairs consisting of an input and the corresponding output.
● 8.F.2 - Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically,
numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions).
● 8.F.3 - Interpret the equation y = mx+b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line; give
examples of functions that are not linear.
● 8.F.4 - Construct a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities. Determine the rate of
change and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x, y) values, including
reading these from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in
terms of the situation it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.
● 8.F.5 - Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g.,
where the function is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear). Sketch a graph that exhibits the qualitative
features of a function that has been described verbally.
Lesson Goals
Day 2 Use a Bell Ringer activity as a review Students are asked to recall concepts
from previous lesson. from the previous lesson in the Bell
Lesson 2: Linear vs. Nonlinear Ringer activity. Students answered
Functions Start a discussion of new content. Ask are reviewed by the teacher to assess
students: What do you think it means subject recall.
for a function to be linear? Can you
Objective: Students will be able to think of any examples of linear or Students use real-world visual tools to
identify and classify functions as nonlinear functions in nature or the compare and contrast mathematical
linear versus nonlinear. real world? concepts. They record findings and
observations in a math journal which
Show examples on the board, are shared in a class discussion to
CCSS 8.F.2: Compare properties of real-world first then relate them to determine comprehension of subject
two functions each represented in a mathematical graphs of linear and matter.
different way (algebraically, nonlinear functions. Discuss the
graphically, numerically in tables, or defining characteristics, similarities After the lesson, students work
by verbal descriptions). and differences. independently to complete similar
problems. Students share their
CCSS 8.F.3: Interpret the equation y Students complete the guided note answers with their table partners
= mx + b as defining a linear page, led by the teacher and while responses and solutions are
function, whose graph is a straight demonstrate their understanding assessed.
line; give examples of functions that through an independent virtual
are not linear. learning exercise: Linear vs. Students complete written work in
Nonlinear. Throughout the activity, their math journal during a virtual
students record their findings, math activity. This written work is
thoughts, ideas and questions in their evaluated for subject comprehension.
math journal. These findings are
explored during group discussion. Exit ticket asks students to reflect on
the lesson by comparing and
Students complete an Exit Ticket to contrasting linear and nonlinear
reflect on what they learned from the functions.
Day 4 Students will use instructional Logical math problems are provided in
technology to complete a discovery the bell ringer activity that closely
Lesson 4: Linear Equations - Tables activity that explores the components mirror the problems from the previous
and Graphs of the slope intercept form of a linear lesson to provide information
equation. Prompt students to write regarding student comprehension.
down their discoveries. Students
Objective: Students will be able to share their findings. Students highlight the problems they
find the equation of a linear function got incorrect, the teacher reviews
based on a table or graph by using Use questions such as: What did you concepts that students are needing
the initial value and the rate of need to change in order to land the further assistance with.
change. plane? How did these things modify
the plane's trajectory? How did they Students complete a virtual
modify the equation? Use this exploration project to make
CCSS 8.F.4: Construct a function to discussion to lead into a lesson on connections between the y-intercept
model a linear relationship between writing linear equations through and the slope of a line in relation to
two quantities. Determine the rate of guided notes. its position and rate of change.
change and initial value of the Students record findings in their math
function from a description of a Utilize repetition for the concept of journals while both progress and
relationship or from two (x, y) values, initial value and rate of change and written responses are closely
including reading these from a table their placement within the equation. evaluated by the teacher. Post activity
or from a graph. Interpret the rate of discussions will further be used to
change and initial value of a linear Students will apply their knowledge of determine level of understanding.
function in terms of the situation it linear equations to complete a project
models, and in terms of its graph or a based learning activity that they will A project based learning activity is
table of values. work on over the next four days. started in which the students display
their level of understanding by
An Exit Ticket is used to help students completing a multistep real-world
to reflect on what they learned and application problem. Solutions to all
the importance of their knowledge. questions are closely monitored with
success or reaching the objectives
being met with a score of 80% or
higher. Projects of students with a
score below 80% are closely
monitored to determine problematic
areas and provide supplemental
Day 6 Real-world application of linear Students start the class with a bell
equations is used in the Bell Ringer ringer that applies previously learned
Lesson 6: Linear Equations - Ordered activity to help students make subject matter to a real world
Pairs valuable connections. situation to determine if students are
progressing toward critical thinking.
The concept of finding the equation of Student responses are closely
Objective: Students will be able to a line between two coordinates is monitored through class discussion
find the equation of a linear function introduced by evaluating patterns, and individual review when students
based on two points. recognizing the rate of change of submit their bell ringer.
these patterns, and representing
them as a table of values. Students Group conversation is used
CCSS 8.F.4: Construct a function to are encouraged to utilize throughout the pattern analysis
model a linear relationship between manipulatives during this stage to activity to assess level of
two quantities. Determine the rate of assist in the assimilation process as understanding. Emphasis is placed in
change and initial value of the students progress from concrete, to areas that are needing additional
function from a description of a pictorial to abstract concepts. focus to reach objective mastery as
relationship or from two (x, y) values, determined by the accuracy of
including reading these from a table Relate information to the abstract student responses.
or from a graph. Interpret the rate of slope equation. Finish the guided
change and initial value of a linear notes from the previous lesson, Individual practice is closely
function in terms of the situation it highlighting and repeating the key monitored by walking around the
models, and in terms of its graph or a concepts. room to observe student responses to
table of values. questions that are similar to the
Students complete a Think, Write, modeled examples. Individual practice
Pair, Share activity for their Exit is paused to reteach specific concepts
Ticket in which they consider how as needed.
what they learned relates to real
world scenarios. Students share their Students participate in a Think, Write,
ideas with a neighbor. Pair, Share activity in which they
consider two new ideas that they
learned today and how they relate to
the real world. Students assess their
own level of learning by answering
these questions in their journals then
share their ideas with a table partner.
Exit tickets are closely evaluated upon
turning them in.
Day 7 Students review previously learned Algebraic math problems are provided
concepts with a Bell Ringer activity. in the bell ringer activity that closely
Lesson 7: Graphing Linear Equations mirror the problems from the previous
Application of linear equations lesson to provide information
through graphing quantitative data is regarding student comprehension.
Objective: Students will be able to used. Students highlight the problems they
sketch graphs of linear functions answered incorrectly, the teacher
given quantitative information. Students follow along in their guided reviews concepts that students are
note page, practicing techniques needing further assistance with.
independently and with group These concepts are reviewed with the
CCSS 8.F.3: Interpret the equation y collaboration. As a result, students class before presenting a new lesson.
= mx + b as defining a linear will be able to confidently graph linear
function, whose graph is a straight equations given in any form. Students practice graphing
line; give examples of functions that independently after observing and
are not linear. Emphasis is placed on graphing practicing the process through
horizontal and vertical lines and the modeling and group solving. The
relative equations that represent teacher walks around the room during
these functions. independent practice to assess
understanding and assist students
Provide students with an application who are struggling prior to beginning
project: An art project in which the project.
students create an art piece by
developing and graphing 16 linear A project based learning activity is
equations and coloring the finished used in which students construct an
product. art project through application of
linear equations. The project is
The Exit Ticket represents a real assessed for accuracy of equations,
world scenario in which students are components and graphing, with an
asked to evaluate quantitative data to 80% representing concept
construct a graph and answer comprehension. Students are able to
questions. fix their mistakes to increase
comprehension and score. Teacher
closely compares the original and new
project to assess for an increased
level of understanding.
Day 9 A Bell Ringer activity is used as a Students are asked to display their
review of previously learned material. understanding of the concepts
Lesson 9: Graphical Analysis - Part 2 presented in the previous lesson
To assist in concept recall, students through graphical analysis of a
complete an interactive virtual activity distance time graph. Solutions are
Objective: Students will be able to in which they explore distance-time shared and evaluated for class
describe and analyze distance-time graphical relationships. Students comprehension assessment.
functions. continue to practice the concept of Individual responses are closely
qualitative data represented by analyzed upon turning in bell ringers.
distance time graphs by completing a
CCSS 8.F.5: Describe qualitatively the group project. Students use the bell ringer as a
functional relationship between two self-assessment tool and place
quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g., Students develop a story and themselves into the individual work
where the function is increasing or represent their story by creating a group or the teacher assistance group
decreasing, linear or nonlinear). visual model of the graph that according to comprehension level.
Sketch a graph that exhibits the represents their story. A detailed
qualitative features of a function that description is provided for each Students later work in teams to
has been described verbally. individual component of their story. complete a distance-time project that
Projects are shared while other displays their understanding through
students observe, ask questions, and project based learning. Student work
take notes in their math journal to is closely monitored and students
enhance their understanding. Use share their ideas with the class.
thoughtful questions and comments
regarding student projects such as: The exit ticket consists of four
Explain to the class why you chose to questions that mirror questions that
draw the graph like this for this will be found on the unit exam.
section, or What do you notice about Students are also provided a study
the way the graph looks during this guide that mirrors the unit exam.
section? Students use these as
self-assessment tools to determine
An exit ticket is completed with the amount of time that should be
review problems that closely mirror placed on specific topics during their
the upcoming unit exam. study process.
Day 10 Students use this day as a review day The study guide will be corrected and
to prepare for the unit assessment. reviewed in order to provide the
Unit Review: Review of entire unit is They are given the opportunity to teacher with information regarding
conducted to answer all questions. clarify issues that they had on the students’ level of comprehension. The
study guide or have general questions lesson will be structured around
answered in order to increase their review exercises, both teacher and
Objective: Students will be able to preparedness for the summative student led. The questions asked by
reach mastery of linear functions by assessment. The teacher will offer students, both the quantity and type,
participating in cumulative review additional support by providing a will be used to infer how much
exercises. general review if students are unable students are understanding the
to formulate their own questions for material. The teacher led portion of
the review session. the review is then adjusted to apply
CCSS: 8.F.1 more time to the required areas to
CCSS: 8.F.2 reach maximum success.
CCSS: 8.F.3
CCSS: 8.F.4
CCSS: 8.F.5
Day 12 This Flex Day is utilized at any point Various activities are utilized on the
throughout the unit to provide flex day, selected to support the
Flex Day: Extra day to allow for additional support and allow more material that requires
review of complex material. students to gain access to the supplementation. Students’ responses
content. to the activities are used by the
teacher to determine progress and
level of understanding.
Learning Plan
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common Core
State Standards. W
ashington D.C.: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief
State School Officers.
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2016). Teacher Performance Expectations. Sacramento: California
Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Teachers Pay Teachers. (2017). L inear Equations Exploration Activity. Retrieved from
Teachers Pay Teachers. (2017). D
istance-Time Graph Story Match. Retrieved from
PBS Learning Media. (2020). Slope and House Construction. Retrieved from
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This lesson explores the definition of a function through relating mathematical functions to
real-world situations. Through connecting these ideas to mathematical concepts, students
will learn the mathematical definition of a function and how to identify graphs, equations,
tables and maps as functions or nonfunctions.
THEORY Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory: I nteractive content through a video
presentation is used to increase the attention of students as the more attentive students
are, the more likely they are to learn and retain the information being taught. Functions are
related to real-world situations, such as vending machines. Real-world problems attach
context to information in order to aid in student retention. By attaching context and
emotional connection to a math concept, math can be related to personal experiences,
making the information more memorable and help in the assimilation process. Critical
Thinking and Metacognitive Development: Q uestioning techniques are used to evoke
classroom discussions and have students consider w hy, what and how behind functions.
Questioning can be utilized to help students develop a deeper understanding of a concept in
order to solve problems and make informed decisions.
Students will be able to define and identify functions in different forms and evaluate inputs and outputs.
Initial assessment is completed by incorporating functions into the Bell Ringer question. By evaluating student
responses, the teacher can gain a preliminary understanding of how much students know about functions before the
lesson. Questioning is used throughout the lesson to determine if students are comprehending what is being taught.
Close monitoring takes place during the independent practice portion of the lesson through analyzing which students
are able to answer the questions within 1-2 minutes and which students are unable to answer the questions or taking
more than 2 minutes on each questions. The exit ticket asks students to make connections between the concepts
learned that day and the Bell Ringer question to make sure students are able to apply the knowledge they learned that
day. Exit tickets are briefly reviewed in class through discussion and closely analyzed after class to obtain knowledge
individual levels of understanding.
8.F.1: Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. The graph of a function is the
set of ordered pairs consisting of an input and the corresponding output.
8.F.2: Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically, numerically
in tables, or by verbal descriptions).
The concept of functions is introduced through a real-world scenario, helping students to relate new information to an
idea that they are familiar with in order to increase access to the content. Students have the opportunity to work
independently or with a partner for supportive learning. Key terms are explicitly defined verbally and written down on
the note page. Students use written work in the form of journaling and exit tickets to express their ideas and display
their understanding of the material. Students participate in an activity in which they are up and moving to add variety
and increase attention.
- Show class a short video presentation of - Watch video
me using a vending machine to buy various - Consider the questions
items. being discussed and
- Start a discussion about what happens contribute to the discussion.
when I push a button:
Do I know what is going to come out?
How do I know?
What happened when I pushed the button
What if I pushed the button and two
different items came out?
Math Talk
- Use name cards to call on students to
answer questions. Offer the question first - Participate in the
then call the name. Allow students to discussion by answering
“phone a friend” if they are stuck. questions and contributing
Questions: to other students ideas.
How can you tell if a graph is a function?
How can you tell if a table of values
represents a function?
What would be different if it were not a
How can we use this information to define
what a function is?
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY Students will observe real-world examples of linear and nonlinear shapes then relate these
to mathematical graphs and equations. Virtual learning tools and guided notes with explicit
examples are utilized to help students further develop their understanding of the
characteristics that define a linear versus nonlinear function.
Students will be able to identify and classify functions as linear versus nonlinear.
Students are asked to recall concepts from the previous lesson in the Bell Ringer activity. Students answered are
reviewed by the teacher as she walks around the room as well as through class discussion. Teacher uses this tool to
evaluate which students are able to recall the concepts from the previous lesson and which need additional assistance.
Students use real-world visual tools to compare and contrast to mathematical concepts. They record findings and
observations in a math journal which are shared in a class discussion to determine comprehension of subject matter.
After modeling problems for students and completing problems as a class, students work independently to complete
similar problems. Students share their answers with their table partners while responses and solutions are closely
monitored. Students complete written work in their math journal during a virtual math activity. This written work is
evaluated for subject comprehension. Exit ticket asks students to reflect on the lesson by comparing and contrasting
linear and nonlinear functions.
CCSS 8.F.2: Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically,
numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions).
CCSS 8.F.3: Interpret the equation y = mx+b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line; give
examples of functions that are not linear.
Students are provided with visual representations of linear and nonlinear functions by relating them to real-world
images such as bridges, mountains, lines of buildings, etc. Students will use these visual aids to make connections to
mathematical models of linear and nonlinear functions. This concept is reiterated through the use of Guided Notes
where students follow along with the teacher by filling in important concepts. Highlighting and annotating is used to
draw attention to key components, vocabulary and important ideas. Guided questioning is used throughout the lesson
to direct students to formulate their own ideas and make connections between the subject matter. During the problem
solving process, “I do, we do, you do” is used in order to implement a scaffolding approach in which students slowly
take control of the problem solving process. Virtual learning tools are applied to provide a varied approach and further
increase access to the content.
5 minutes Bell Ringer - Students enter and take - Bell Ringer Packet
- Students work on Bell Ringer 2 when they out Unit Bell Ringer packet, (Appendix A)
enter the classroom. stamp sheet and - Math Journal
homework. - Homework Stamp Sheet
- Let students know that you will be using
- Work independently on
name cards to call on 3 students to share Bell Ringer question in math
their ideas. journal.
- Call on 3 students to share their ideas - Share ideas with the class.
about the bell ringer.
- While students work on their Bell Ringer,
walk around the room to stamp homework
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This lesson explores the concept of rate of change of a line and how this translates to the
slope of a linear function. Students utilize guided notes and exploration activities to discover
the effect of the slope on a lines measure of steepness and use this concept to compare
and contrast various linear functions.
Students will be able to make comparisons between two or more linear functions based on their rate of change.
Students complete a pre-assessment by responding to a Bell Ringer that incorporates slope through a real-world
situation followed by a class discussion of student ideas. Through evaluating student responses, the teacher gains
information regarding students initial level of understanding of the subject matter and can structure the lesson to
provide the assistance and support required to maximize success. Students complete an exploration project while
recording their findings, then share their ideas with the class. This project and students responses in conversation and
in their journals allows the teacher to determine if students are constructing knowledge and making fundamental topic
connections through exploration. The teacher models the solving process which is followed by students completing
similar problems independently while monitored for understanding. Students then work in teams during a math game
to further practice their skills. This game is monitored by students using two different colored highlighters to allow the
teacher to closely monitor individual student progress. Finally, the exit ticket reevaluates the bell ringer to provide
information regarding which students have successfully made connections and which students require further
CCSS 8.F.2: Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically,
numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions).
CCSS 8.F.3: Interpret the equation y = mx+b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line; give
examples of functions that are not linear.
A real world situation of slope is utilized in the bell ringer activity to connect content to the world around students and
increase comprehension through association. The virtual graphing tool, Desmos, is used to provide a varied approach
to the education process to increase access to the curriculum. Throughout the activity, students use journaling to
explore concepts and process newly acquired information. Modeling is used throughout the note taking process in
which students follow closely along while the solving process is demonstrated. Questions of similar caliber are then
provided for students to enhance their solving skills by working independently or with their table partners to solve.
Students work in partners to play a game to practice skils, allowing students the opportunity to work with each other to
increase comprehension. A video presentation is provided to further relate the concept of slope to the real world and
provide a varied lesson structure.
5 minutes Bell Ringer - Students enter and take - Bell Ringer Packet
- Students work on Bell Ringer 3 when they out Unit Bell Ringer packet, (Appendix A)
enter the classroom. stamp sheet and - Math Journal
- Let students know that you will be using homework. - Homework Stamp Sheet
- Work independently on
name cards to call on 3 students to share
Bell Ringer question in math
their ideas. journal.
- Call on 3 students to share their ideas - Share ideas with the class.
about the bell ringer.
- If students called on have similar
responses, try to find a student who can
share a different idea.
- While students work, walk around the
class to stamp homework.
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This lesson explores creating linear equations first through a virtual exploration activity in
which students are tasked with landing a plane on the runway by modifying components of
its trajectory with modifications to its slope and y-intercept. This idea is related to
mathematical concepts as students are taught slope intercept form of a linear equation and
the important components of this equation. Finally, students apply their knowledge to a
real-world scenario in a multi-day project based learning activity.
Students will be able to find the equation of a linear function based on a table or graph by using the initial value and
the rate of change.
Logical math problems are provided in the bell ringer activity that closely mirror the problems from the previous lesson
to provide information regarding student comprehension. Students highlight the problems they got incorrect, the
teacher reviews concepts that students are needing further assistance with. Students complete a virtual exploration
project to make connections between the y-intercept and the slope of a line in relation to its position and rate of
change. Students record findings in their math journals while both progress and written responses are closely evaluated
by the teacher. Post activity discussions will further be used to determine level of understanding. A project based
learning activity is started in which the students display their level of understanding by completing a multistep
real-world application problem. Solutions to all questions are closely monitored with success or reaching the objectives
being met with a score of 80% or higher. Projects of students with a score below 80% are closely monitored to
determine problematic areas and provide supplemental methods. Students use their exit ticket to reflect on what was
learned, why is it important, how does it relate to other material that we have learned or real world context.
CCSS: 8.F.4 - Construct a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities. Determine the rate of change
and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x, y) values, including reading these
from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation
it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.
Journaling and writing is utilized while students complete a virtual discovery activity. Students collaborate with their
table partners to enhance comprehension. Students have the opportunity to share their ideas in small groups or
present for the entire class. A project based learning activity is completed in which students relate the information from
the previous four lesson to solve a real-world problem. Students are able to display their understanding through
calculations, written explanation, diagrams and verbal explanations. Students work in small groups to increase support
and create a low stress environment conducive to peer collaboration. Students are given an extended period of time to
complete this project to allow for maximum comprehension.
5 minutes Bell Ringer - Students enter and take - Bell Ringer Packet
- Students work on Bell Ringer 4 when they out Unit Bell Ringer packet, (Appendix A)
enter the classroom. stamp sheet and - Math Journal
- While the students work on the Bell homework. - Homework Stamp Sheet
Ringer, walk around to stamp homework. - Work independently on
- Review solutions, have students highlight Bell Ringer question in math
incorrect answers. journal.
- Walk to room to determine if a concept - Highlight incorrect
needs to be reviewed. answers.
Math Talk
- Use name cards to call on three students - Participate in the
to share their findings. discussion regarding
- Ask students to expand on ideas with the findings from the virtual
goal of connecting y-intercept and slope to activity.
the position and rate of change of the line.
- Discuss the effects of a negative slope.
Work on C
ost of Diapers Activity
Review notes (lessons 1-4) and past homework to study for quiz.
Day 5
Lesson 5
Linear Equations - Point and Slope
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This lesson is an extension on the previous lesson, in which students explore the process of
finding the equation of a linear function when provided with a point that the line passes
through and the slope of the function. Interactive group activities are utilized to provide
students with practice through peer collaboration.
THEORY Behaviorist Theory: Repetition is used by repeating previously learned information prior to
teaching new information. This will help students commit content and processes to
memory, eventually leading to concept mastery.
Cognitive Constructivism: The use of b rief and organized lectures can help students to
organize their though process regarding new material and assist in the assimilation of new
Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development: P eer Collaboration is used throughout this
lesson, particularly in the 360 Degree Math activity. Students do not only learn from their
teachers, but also from their peers. Peer collaboration allows students to work together,
teach each other and learn from their efforts.
Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory: I nteractive teaching techniques are applied
during the 360 Degree Math activity allowing students to walk around the room to complete
math problems. These techniques are useful in increasing the attention of students. The
more attentive students are, the more likely they are to learn and retain the information
being taught.
Students will be able to find the equation of a linear function based on slope and a given point.
The bell ringer activity is used as an assessment by asking students to provide their opinion of the accuracy of three
different statements, recording their reasoning for each response. A class discussion is used with student contribution
to determine student comprehension of subject matter and solutions are closely evaluated for level of understanding
after students turn in their bellwork. Students take a four question quiz that covers the main topics from the previous
four lessons. This quiz is used to closely monitor student progress, with a score of 80% or higher representing meeting
objectives. Students complete quiz corrections and are offered a quiz retake to increase their comprehension of
content. Close comparison of scores is done to assess for increased comprehension. Students work with partners on
the white boards around the room to practice new material. Each student in the group uses a different color pen to
assist in determining individual student understanding. Exit ticket promotes reflection on the lesson by asking students
if they have made new understandings with relation to the bell ringer, what they have learned, and what they are
confused about. Student responses are closely analyzed to provide further assistance by offering study hall to those
who need more help.
CCSS: 8.F.4 - Construct a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities. Determine the rate of change
and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x, y) values, including reading these
from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation
it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.
Written expression of content comprehension is promoted through a written activity for the bell ringer in which
students comment on the validity of three statements and provide a supporting statement for their opinions. Students
may use technological devices such as calculators during the quiz. Students may have extended time on the quiz if
necessary. Prior to teaching the new lesson, the prior lesson is reviewed to assist in the assimilation process. A physical
activity in which students get up out of their seats to complete math problems is done to increase focus and provide an
alternate method of learning.
5 minutes Bell Ringer - Students enter and take - Bell Ringer Packet
- Students work on Bell Ringer 5 when they out Unit Bell Ringer packet (Appendix A)
enter the classroom. - Work independently on - Math Journal
- Let students know that you will be using Bell Ringer question in math
name cards to call on 3 students to share
- Share ideas with the class.
their ideas.
- Call on 3 students to share their ideas
about the bell ringer.
15 minutes - Reiterate last lesson: finding the equation - Follow along with review. Writing Equations from
of a line with a slope and y-intercept. - Reference notes to recall Ordered Pairs (Maneuvering
- Question: What if we don’t have a previous lesson. in the Middle)
y-intercept? Do you think we could still - Consider questions and
come up with an equation? What pieces of participate in table group Highlighter
information would we still need? discussion.
- Have students discuss this idea with their - Share thoughts and
table groups. ideas.
- Ask students to share what ideas they
came up with.
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY Students explore various visual and real world patterns and their relationship to linear
equations. Through discovery activities and mathematical analysis, students will identify
how to construct an equation of a linear function by using two ordered pairs.
Students will be able to find the equation of a linear function based on two points.
Students start the class with a bell ringer that applies previously learned subject matter to a real world situation to
determine if students are progressing into real-world application and critical thinking. Student responses are closely
monitored through class discussion and individual review when students submit their bell ringer. Group conversation is
used throughout the pattern analysis activity to assess level of understanding. Emphasis is placed in areas that are
needing additional focus to reach objective mastery as determined by the accuracy of student responses. Individual
practice is closely monitored by walking around the room to observe student responses to questions that are similar to
the modeled examples. Individual practice is paused to reteach specific concepts as needed. Students participate in a
Think, Write, Pair, Share activity in which they consider two new ideas that they learned today and how they relate to
the real world. Students assess their own level of learning by answering these questions in their journals then share
their ideas with a table partner. Exit tickets are closely evaluated upon turning them in.
CCSS: 8.F.4 - Construct a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities. Determine the rate of change
and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x, y) values, including reading these
from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation
it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.
A real-world application problem is given for the bell ringer activity to provide context for students. Manipulatives and
visual tools are used to associate pattern recognition to rate of change of curves. Concepts progressively increase in
difficulty as students increase their understanding of the material. Guided notes are utilized to assist in the note taking
process. Students are provided important key terms and content information and reminded to highlight or annotate as
needed. Students complete a Think, Write, Pair Share activity that increases comprehension through small group
5 minutes Bell Ringer - Students enter and take - Bell Ringer Packet
- Students work on Bell Ringer 6 when they out Bell Ringer packet, (Appendix A)
enter the classroom. project and homework - Math Journal
stamp sheet. - Homework Stamp Sheet
- Let students know that you will be using
- Work independently on
name cards to call on 3 students to share Bell Ringer question in math
their ideas. journal.
- Walk around the room to stamp students - Share ideas with the class.
homework sheet while they work on Bell
- Call on 3 students to share their ideas
about the bell ringer.
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This lesson relates the information from the previous lessons into constructing graphs that
represent linear functions. Students expand on this knowledge by creating a visual art piece
by developing and graphing multiple linear functions to design a “stained glass window.”
THEORY Cognitive Constructivism: A brief and organized lecture is utilized to help students organize
their thoughts throughout the learning process and develop a clear picture of what is being
taught while maintaining focus.
Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory: An Input, Output method of instruction is
utilized to provide students with the opportunity of learning through reproduction. Short
inputs (teacher led lesson) followed directly by outputs (student problem solving) are
repeated to help students reproduce and retain mathematical procedures and achieve
desired results.
Intelligence and Creativity: V
aried Teaching Techniques are utilized by having students
participate in an art-based math activity. Using a variety of teaching strategies can be useful
in reaching different types of intelligences.
Students will be able to sketch graphs of linear functions given quantitative information.
Algebraic math problems are provided in the bell ringer activity that closely mirror the problems from the previous
lesson to provide information regarding student comprehension. Students highlight the problems they got incorrect, the
teacher reviews concepts that students are needing further assistance with. These concepts are reviewed with the class
before presenting a new lesson. Students practice graphing independently after observing and practicing the process
through modeling and group solving. The teacher walks around the room during independent practice to assess
understanding and assist students who are struggling prior to beginning the project. A project based learning activity is
used in which students can select to either construct an art project through application of linear equations or construct
a graph that applies to a real-world scenario and answer related questions. The project is assessed for accuracy of
equations, components and graphing, with an 80% representing concept comprehension. Students are able to fix their
mistakes to increase comprehension and score. Teacher closely compares original and new project to assess for
increased level of understanding. The exit ticket connects concepts from the days lesson and previously learned subject
matter to a real world situation to determine if students are progressing into real-world application and critical thinking.
Student responses are closely monitored through class discussion and individual review when students submit their exit
CCSS: 8.F.3 - Interpret the equation y = mx + b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line; give
examples of functions that are not linear.
A review of linear functions is provided prior to introducing a new concept in order to facilitate the assimilation process
of new material. A scaffolding approach is taken throughout the Guided Note Packet and Practice exercises in which
the teacher begins with heavy involvement in the solving process and slowly decreases level of involvement until
students are completing problems independently and with the help of table groups. Project based learning is utilized in
which students are able to select a project that best suits their interest. Students are asked to use graphical analysis,
real-world situations, art, and writing to develop a stained glass window from linear equations. Creativity and individual
expression is promoted throughout this activity, while the key mathematical components are highlighted and included.
A real world scenario is provided as an exit ticket to enhance connections with applicable concepts.
5 minutes Bell Ringer - Students enter and take - Bell Ringer Packet
- Students work on Bell Ringer 7 when they out Bell Ringer packet, (Appendix A)
enter the classroom. project and homework - Math Journal
stamp sheet. - Homework Stamp Sheet
- While students work on the Bell Ringer,
- Work independently on
walk around the room to stamp students’ Bell Ringer question in math
homework. journal.
- Review Bell Ringer solutions. - Highlight problems that
- Review areas of concern are incorrect
- Correct any incorrect
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This lesson explores distance-time graphs and their qualitative analysis. By exploring
various real-world scenarios, students will learn how to use information to construct a
distance time graph and use a distance-time graph to describe an object's path of motion.
THEORY Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory: R eal-World Problems are used by introducing
distance-time graphs through relating them to the teacher’s personal experience.
Real-world problems attach context to information in order to aid in student retention. By
attaching context and emotional connection to a math concept math can be related to
personal experiences, making the information more memorable.
Cognitive Constructivism: P ictorial Representation is utilized by linking visual aids with oral
instruction in order to help students in the association distance-time graphs to qualitative
descriptors. Pictorial representations allow students to reach higher levels of understanding
when learning new material through simplifying complex ideas.
Students will be able to describe functions based on their graphs and use qualitative information to create graphs.
A review assessment is provided in the form of a Bell Ringer in which students display their understanding of three
previously taught concepts through answering questions similar to past questions and those that will be found on the
unit exam. Level of understanding is assessed through having students highlight the questions they got wrong. These
concepts are reviewed with the class and the bell ringers are closely reviewed for individual level of understanding upon
turning them in. Students complete an activity that displays their understanding of distance-time functions through
turning a story into a graph and a graph into a story. This activity is turned in for individual assessment with 80%
representing concept comprehension. Students are able to correct their errors to increase understanding. Initial and
final projects are compared for increased level of comprehension. The exit ticket reviews content from the days lesson
and is closely evaluated on an individual level. Common misconceptions are reviewed at the beginning of the next
CCSS: 8.F.3 - Interpret the equation y = mx + b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line; give
examples of functions that are not linear.
CCSS: 8.F.5 - Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g.,
where the function is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear). Sketch a graph that exhibits the qualitative features
of a function that has been described verbally.
The teacher provides a personalized example of a distance-time scenario that is relatable to students. A modeling
approach is used as the teacher explicitly explains how to translate qualitative information into a graphical form,
relating this to important key terms. All key terms are clearly defined and definitions are recorded. Students utilize
guided notes to slowly progress through the new concept by utilizing the “I do, we do, you do” strategy. Students are
given a real world scenario to model, allowing them to make connections between the abstract mathematical concepts
and concrete ideas. Additional practice opportunities are provided through the exit ticket.
5 minutes Bell Ringer - Students enter and take - Bell Ringer Packet
- Students work on Bell Ringer 8 when they out Bell Ringer packet, (Appendix A)
enter the classroom. project and homework - Math Journal
- While students work on the Bell Ringer, stamp sheet. - Homework Stamp Sheet
- Work independently on - Highlighter
walk around the room to stamp students’
Bell Ringer question in math
homework. journal.
- Review answers, have students highlight - Highlight any problems
the questions they got wrong. that were missed.
- Review any common misconceptions. - Correct any incorrect
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This lesson further explores the concept of distance-time functions by allowing students to
create stories and construct the graph that represents their story. Additional assistance will
be provided to students who are struggling with this concept while students who are close
to mastery can further develop their skills on a virtual graphical analysis activity.
THEORY Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory: I nteractive Content is used by incorporating
the interactive virtual learning tool, Desmos. These techniques are useful in increasing the
attention of students. R eal-World Problems are given to students, asking them to relate
distance-time graphs to their own stories that represent real scenarios. By attaching context
and emotional connection to a math concept math can be related to personal experiences,
making the information more memorable.
Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development: Peer Collaboration is used throughout the
distance-time graph project to allow students the opportunity to learn and discover through
their peers. Peer collaboration teaching techniques allow students to work together, teach
each other and learn from their efforts.
Critical Thinking and Metacognitive Development: P roject Based Learning is used by asking
students to construct graphical models to represent a story that they created. Students are
encouraged to be creative and select stories that are relative to time. Projects such as these
enhance students’ critical thinking skills and enhance depth of understanding.
Students are asked to display their understanding of the concepts presented in the previous lesson through graphical
analysis of a distance time graph. Solutions are shared and evaluated for class comprehension assessment. Individual
responses are closely analyzed upon turning in bell ringers. Students use the bell ringer as a self-assessment tool and
place themselves into the individual work group or the teacher assistance group according to comprehension level.
Students later work in teams to complete a distance-time project that displays their understanding through project
based learning. Student work is closely monitored and students share their ideas with the class. The exit ticket consists
of four questions that mirror questions that will be found on the unit exam. Students are also provided a study guide
that mirrors the unit exam. Students use these as self-assessment tools to determine the amount of time that should
be placed on specific topics during their study process.
CCSS: 8.F.5 - Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g.,
where the function is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear). Sketch a graph that exhibits the qualitative features
of a function that has been described verbally.
Students are divided into two groups through self-assessment, allowing students the opportunity to work independently
or with the assistance of the teacher if further help is required in order to reach full comprehension of the material.
Project based learning is utilized in which students collaborate in groups to create a distance-time story graph. The
project utilizes mathematical calculations, drawing, creativity, and writing, allowing students to demonstrate their
understanding in a variety of methods. Conversation about student projects are used to further develop students
comprehension through peer collaboration. Students are provided with a study guide study tool that closely mirrors the
unit exam to provide practice opportunities for students prior to the exam.
5 minutes Bell Ringer - Students enter and take - Bell Ringer Packet
- Students work on Bell Ringer 9 when they out Bell Ringer packet, (Appendix A)
enter the classroom. homework and stamp - Math Journal
sheet. - Homework Stamp Sheet
- While students work on the Bell Ringer,
- Work independently on
walk around the room to stamp students’ Bell Ringer question in math
homework. journal.
- Use name cards to call on 3 students to - Share ideas about bell
share their ideas. ringer.
- Prompt students to use their level of
comprehension of the bell ringer activity to
place themselves accordingly: in the
independent work group or in the teacher
assistance group.
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This lesson is used as a unit review to help students practice and reinforce the skills and
concepts required for the unit exam. Various methods of review will be utilized to meet the
needs of a variety of learners.
THEORY Behaviorist Theory: Repetition is used by reviewing unit material to help students commit
content to memory and assist with concept mastery.
Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory: Interactive content and games are used to
increase the focus and attention of students. The more engaged and attentive students are,
the more likely they are to retain the information being presented.
Students will be able to reach mastery of linear functions by participating in cumulative review exercises.
The study guide will be corrected an reviewed in order to provide the teacher with information regarding students’ level
of comprehension. The lesson will be structured around review exercises, both teacher and student led. The questions
asked by students, both the quantity and type, will be used to infer how much students are understanding the material.
The teacher led portion of the review is then adjusted to apply more time to the required areas to reach maximum
CCSS: 8.F.1 - Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. The graph of a
function is the set of ordered pairs consisting of an input and the corresponding output.
CCSS: 8.F.2 - Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically,
numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions).
CCSS: 8.F.3 - Interpret the equation y = mx + b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line; give
examples of functions that are not linear.
CCSS: 8.F.4 - Construct a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities. Determine the rate of change
and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x, y) values, including reading these
from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation
it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.
CCSS: 8.F.5 - Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g.,
where the function is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear). Sketch a graph that exhibits the qualitative features
of a function that has been described verbally.
Multiple different types of questions are reviewed with students in order to increase access to content. Questions will
be formatted in various ways, including multiple choice, fill in with word banks, free response, and written analysis
questions. The practice questions will closely mirror the summative assessment questions to provide opportunities for
30 minutes - Ask students to call out questions that - Ask teacher to review - Study Guide
they got incorrect on the study guide to be problematic questions from - Math Journal
done on the board. the study guide. - Math Notes
- Demonstrate the solving process for any - Record problems with the
questions that students got wrong or need correct solving procedure
additional help on. either on study guide or in
- If time permits, write similar problems on math journal.
the board for students to complete in their
table groups.
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This lesson is used as a unit summative assessment. Students will complete a unit exam to
demonstrate their objective mastery.
THEORY Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory: The summative assessment incorporates
Real-World Problems in order to attach context to the information. This helps students to
relate this information to personal experience, add value to mathematical knowledge, and
ultimately increase comprehension.
Critical Thinking and Metacognitive Development: Throughout the summative assessment
students are encouraged to employ S elf-Monitoring by checking to make sure all steps are
completed, checking for computational errors, and checking to make sure the answer is
Intelligence and Creativity: Students will be encouraged to use various solving strategies as
they work through the summative assessment. Being open to various problem solving
strategies will create a safe space for students to explore math creatively.
Students will be able to demonstrate mastery of linear functions by answering questions on a unit exam.
A summative assessment is given in the way of a unit exam. The unit exam consists of 10 questions that represent the
unit objectives. Nine questions are multiple choice or free response with real world applications. The 10th question is a
multi-part problem covering the analysis of a distance-time function. A score of 80% represents concept mastery.
Students can correct any incorrect test problems to increase comprehension and score up to 80%.
CCSS: 8.F.1 - Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. The graph of a
function is the set of ordered pairs consisting of an input and the corresponding output.
CCSS: 8.F.2 - Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way (algebraically, graphically,
numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions).
CCSS: 8.F.3 - Interpret the equation y = mx + b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line; give
examples of functions that are not linear.
CCSS: 8.F.4 - Construct a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities. Determine the rate of change
and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x, y) values, including reading these
from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation
it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.
CCSS: 8.F.5 - Describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two quantities by analyzing a graph (e.g.,
where the function is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear). Sketch a graph that exhibits the qualitative features
of a function that has been described verbally.
A variety of questions are provided to increase access to content. Students will be given multiple choice, fill in with
word banks, free response, and written analysis questions. Extended time is given if students do not complete the
exam. Students may utilize calculators on the exam as technological assistance tools. Students also have the option of
utilizing one side of a note card on the exam to assist in key term and equation memorization.
3 minutes - Instruct students to place notecard, - Get out note card, - Note card
pencil, and calculator on the table. calculator and pencil. - Calculator
- Pass out exam face down. - Leave test face down on - Pencil
- Instruct students not to start until table. - Unit Exam
- Give any necessary instructions or
clarifications for exam.
- Tell students what they can do after the
55 minutes - Students work independently to answer - Independently work on Logic Puzzle (Appendix P)
the questions on student exam. exam.
- Remind students to check solutions. - Check solutions, when
- Students have the entire length of the possible.
period to complete the exam. - Turn in exam when
- Students turn in exam when they finish finished.
and remain quietly at their seat. - Work on logic puzzle until
- When students are finished, hand them a everyone is done with the
math puzzle to work on until the end of the exam.
GRADE Grade 8
LESSON SUMMARY This flex day is used to slow the pace of the unit to ensure all students are receiving access
to the content. Implement this day at some point during the unit to review concepts that
students are struggling with while providing extension opportunities to those students who
are understanding the material.
IDEAS Below are some activities that can be used on the flex day to increase comprehension and
increase opportunities for mastery. Use these options or modify activities to meet the needs
of specific students.
Scavenger Hunt Cards Hang cards around the room that have
math problems on them. Students walk the
room to solve the question, then use the
answer to find their next problem.
Bell Ringers
Bell Ringer 1:
Consider the following questions. Write your ideas in your math journal. Be prepared to share your ideas with
the class.
- You go to Equality T-shirts to buy shirts. All of the shirts cost the same amount of money. Could you
write a rule that describes the relationship between the number of shirts you bought and the amount
you spent? Why or why not?
- You go to Sum Fun T-shirts to buy shirts. Every shirt costs a different amount of money. Could you
create a rule that represents the relationship between the number of shirts you bought and the
amount you spent? Why or why not?
Bell Ringer 2:
Think of one example of a real-world situation that can be represented by a function relationship
(input-output). Describe the situation in your math journal and explain why your example represents a
function. Be prepared to share your ideas with the class.
Bell Ringer 3:
Equal Knievel decides to drive up a ramp in order to jump over a line of cars. Unfortunately, the ramp is too
shallow and he won’t make it over the cars the way it is built. In your math journal, make two suggestions as
to how the ramp could be modified to give Equal a better chance of making it over the cars.
Bell Ringer 4:
2) 3y = 2x + 8
x 5 10 15 20
y -2 -6 -10 -14
Bell Ringer 5:
Agree or Disagree?
- If two linear equations have the same slope, then they represent the same line. Why or why not?
- If two linear functions have scale equations of each other (ex: 2y = 5x + 3 and 4y = 10x + 6) then they are the same
equation. Why or why not?
- You must have the slope and the y-intercept in order to find the equation that represents a linear function. Why or why
Bell Ringer 6:
Your neighbor just built a pool that is 12 feet deep. They are hoping to throw a pool party at 6:00pm. If the
pool already has 2 feet of water in it and fills at a rate of 1.25 feet/hour, at what time would they need to start
filling the pool to make sure it is ready for the pool party?
Bell Ringer 7:
1. Slope = 5; Y-intercept = -2
Bell Ringer 8:
Match the information with the correct equation:
1. 2. 3.
Slope = -1/4 Goes through Slope = 3
Y- intercept = 2 (-2, 5) and (-1, 8) Goes through (3, -5)
A. B. C.
y=3x+11 y=-1/4x + 2 y=3x - 14
Bell Ringer 9:
Exit Tickets
Exit Ticket 1:
Consider the two T-shirt stores from the Bell Ringer exercise. Which of these stores could be represented as
a function? Which one is not a function? Explain your answer.
Exit Ticket 2:
Consider today’s lesson and use it to help you write down the following:
Exit Ticket 3:
Question: What are two places in the real-world where slope is important? Why is it important? What
components of the slope are the most important in this situation?
Question: What were you actually changing when you modified Equal Knievels ramp? Did you
increase or decrease the slope? Why would this modification allow Equal to have a better chance of
making it over the cars?
Exit Ticket 4:
Now What: How does this fit with what we are learning or what do you think will come next?
Exit Ticket 5:
1) Consider the three questions from the Bell Ringer exercise. Would you change any of your answers?
Why or why not?
Think about two new things that you learned today and how these ideas could relate to real-world scenarios.
Write down your thoughts. Share your ideas with your partner.
Exit Ticket 7:
1. You are the owner of a popular baking blog that is well known for its famous chocolate chip cookies. You
have been asked by a bakery to sell your cookies in their shop and they are getting VERY famous. You
initially brought 15 cookies to sell at the bakery (day 0). The next day, the bakery requested 20 (day 1). The
next day, they requested 25, then 30, and so on. Construct a graph and an equation that models this
situation and determine how many cookies you will need to bring in on the 10th day.
Exit Ticket 8:
Sketch a graph that represents the following situation:
A car drives 2 miles in 5 minutes to go to the store. You shop in the store for 10 minutes. You then drive 5
miles in 10 minutes to get onto the freeway. On the freeway, you drive 20 miles in 20 minutes. You get off
the freeway and drive 3 miles in 6 minutes to get to your work.
Exit Ticket 9:
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. You put $20 per week into your bank account. At 4 weeks you had $100 in your account. Find the
equation to represent how much money you have in your account based on the number of weeks. How
much will you have saved after 20 weeks?
Equation: ______________
Amount: ______________
6. Pizza Plus charges $25 for a large, 2 topping pizza. If they charge $1.50 per extra topping, find the
equation for a large pizza based on the number of toppings. How much would it cost for the works, a 6
topping large pizza? How much would it cost for a plain cheese pizza (considered to be 0 toppings)?
Equation: ______________
7. 8.
Find the equation of the linear function: Find the equation of the linear function:
Directions: Come up with 16 lines that make a pattern of your choosing. Graph them on a piece of graph paper
so that the lines take up the entire paper. For each line, identify the slope, y-intercept and equation on the table
1. 9.
Equation: Equation:
Slope: Slope:
Y-intercept: Y-intercept:
2. 10.
Equation: Equation:
Slope: Slope:
Y-intercept: Y-intercept:
3. 11.
Equation: Equation:
Slope: Slope:
Y-intercept: Y-intercept:
4. 12.
Equation: Equation:
Slope: Slope:
Y-intercept: Y-intercept:
5. 13.
Equation: Equation:
Slope: Slope:
Y-intercept: Y-intercept:
6. 14.
Equation: Equation:
Slope: Slope:
Y-intercept: Y-intercept:
7. 15.
Equation: Equation:
Slope: Slope:
Y-intercept: Y-intercept:
8. 16.
Equation: Equation:
Slope: Slope:
Y-intercept: Y-intercept:
You leave your house and drive 5 miles in 12 minutes. You stop at the bagel shop for 8 minutes. After, you
drive 1 mile in 2 minutes to get on the freeway. On the freeway, you drive 10 miles in 9 minutes before getting
off and coming to a stop for 1 minute at a light. You finally drive 2 more miles in 5 minutes and arrive at your
friend’s house.
Five sisters all have their birthday in a different month and each on a different day of the week. Using the clues
below and the grid, determine the month and day of the week each sister’s birthday falls.
1. Paula was born in March but not on Saturday. Abigail’s birthday was not on Friday or Wednesday.
2. The girl whose birthday is on Monday was born earlier in the year than Brenda and Mary.
3. Tara wasn’t born in February and her birthday was on the weekend.
4. Mary was not born in December nor was her birthday on a weekday. The girl whose birthday was in June
was born on Sunday.
5. Tara was born before Brenda, whose birthday wasn’t on Friday. Mary wasn’t born in July