Critical Thinking Scaffold

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Task Chosen - EXCEEDING/ “Global Warming's

Increasingly Visible Impacts” -

The main point of this article is about Global

M WHAT IS THE MAIN warming and its impacts on our planet were it
POINT OF THE ARTICLE gives a lot of detail and insight to.


EXAMPLES DO THEY This paper gathers examples from the
USE THE BACK UP THE peer reviewed scientific literature of
recent impacts around the world. These
include increases in extreme weather
events, rising sea level, disappearing
glaciers and polar ice, damaged coral,
changes in wildlife distributions and
health, and increased activity and
abundance of disease vectors.

On a simplified version, the evidence &

examples are documented through
scientifically proven research/ data
carried out in wildlife habitats.


● One example we can see is : During

the summer of 2003 in Europe, it was
known as one of the hottest in almost
500 years as the relentless heat killed
around 27,00 people breaking the
world record for heat induced human
fatalities proven by many researched
articles. (, , ) This is also known as
the “Heat wave” as due to us, our
habitats will be affected. Were the rate
of a heat wave has doubled due to us.
- Some effects include
disruption/changes to the
ecosystem: “Drought, heat,
and insect attacks promote
severe forest fires. In 2004,
Alaska had its warmest and
third driest summer, resulting
in its worst fire year on record,
with fires consuming an area of
forest the size of Maryland.’’ As
insect pests are spreading to
forest areas due to the
changes in the atmosphere

● Shrinking snowpack and vanishing

glaciers: Since the 1950s, the surface
area of the Arctic sea ice has shrunk by
10 to 15% in spring and summer, and
the ice has thinned by about 40% in
late summer and early autumn.

● Damage to coral reefs : The past 25

years have witnessed a higher
incidence around the world of large-
scale coral “bleaching” events, which
can lead to coral death.

● Disease outbreaks : Higher

temperatures accelerate the maturation
of disease-causing agents and the
organisms that transmit them,
especially mosquitoes and rodents.

● Rising sea level : “ During the 20th

century, sea levels around the world
rose by an average of 4 to 8 inches (10
to 20 cm), ten times the average rate
over the last 3,000 years ”
● Shifting species ranges and yearly
cycles : Over 1,400 species analyzed
ranging from mammals to fish to trees
and many more will be affected by
global warming as more than 80% are
migrating to different habitats as
overtime this could cause disruptive
ecological and economic changes.We
can see many examples of this as
many population of animals will
● Torrential rain and flooding:
This problem may be the biggest threat
to us humans as thousands and
hundreds of people can be in danger
because of this.Global warming has
increased the intensity and
precipitation over the past decade.
● Conclusion: From the article, we can
see many examples and effects that
can change or have consequences to
our habitats.

They have used many scientific language

L WHAT throughout the article such as :

LANGUAGE HAVE ● Climate Change

● Global Warming
THEY USED IN THE ● Ecological impacts
● Shrinking Glaciers
● Extreme events
ARTICLE – ARE ● Heat Weaves
● Diseases
THERE ANY ● Antarctica
● Ecosystem disruption
KEYWORDS TO ● Environmental Damages
● Natural Disasters


Many of these words link to the topic which is

global warming as they are used reguraly.
They have used many techniques such as :
● Emotive language
TECHNIQUES ● Persuasive data - To back up data
● Images
HAVE THEY USED ● Tone - (Different tones to represent
different emotions in different points)

PEA Structure technique
Formal writing

Imagery - Explaining the consequences
Caesura - When naming
● Hyperbole - (Exaggeration) when
explaining consequences
● Point-Of-View - Which the author uses
to explain and justify his point of view
● Citation - After every information

There are some assumptions that they have

A WHAT made in the article that I knew briefly about:

ASSUMPTIONS ● One being the expected rising sea

levels that will be increased over the
HAVE THEY MADE next decade
● Shrinking snowpacks and vanishing
Torrential rain & flooding

Heat waves
Disruption to the ecosystem
ALREADY ● More carbon in the atmosphere

In my opinion, I feel the text is not biased since

B IS THE ARTICLE the way the article is being presented is in a
very formal and scientific way as the writer’s
BIASED? HOW point of view is not to convince the reader to
lean on one side but to inform them. Where this
CAN YOU TELL article has many strong evidences of effects
using persuasive data to help get a better
understanding to the readers. But on the other
hand, I feel like it might contain a little bit of
biases shown in the writing, through the intense
amount of statistic centric ideas, but I feel like
the ideas that the author is trying to show can
be bias as he/she wants us to think of global
warming in how the author views it as. So in
conclusion, I feel like there’s more biases, even
though it is not that easy to identify since most
of the information explained by the author is
excessive amounts of evidence/explanation to
prove the author’s point.w
The evidence/examples used in the article is
R HOW RELEVANT very relevant to the topic as it really helps to
give more examples and also explain the
IS THE effects and the causes of it in detail with
information relevant to the topic as this article is
EVIDENCE/EXAMPLE a formal scientific paper giving a great deal of
information/insight into the effects of global
USED IN THE warming.

Overall I think the author/sources used in the
C HOW CREDIBLE IS article is very credible due to not the use of
emotive language, but also through strong
THE persuasive data that helps support the point
that the author is trying to make. The writing is
AUTHOR/SOURCES also written very formally which this helps add
the intelligence of the author/ article. If we
USED IN THE audiences believe the information, we will take
all that has been said into consideration and try
ARTICLE ? to take notice of the problems which the
audiences will have a deeper knowledge and
WHAT ARE THE understanding for global warming as a whole.
As they not only can learn something from this,
they can also use the information to spread it
CONSEQUENCES around to more people.


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