Global Warming and Climate Change, Causes, Impacts and Mitigation
Global Warming and Climate Change, Causes, Impacts and Mitigation
Global Warming and Climate Change, Causes, Impacts and Mitigation
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1 author:
Sivakumaran Sivaramanan
Central Environmental Authority (Sri Lanka)
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Environmental Officer,
Environmental Impact Assessment unit, Environmental Management & Assessment division,
Central Environmental Authority,
Battaramulla, Sri Lanka.
According to NASA and IPCC, Global temperature has increased by 1.4 oF since 1880, CO2 levels has reached 400.71
parts per billion, loss of world’s forest cover between the period 2000 and 2012 is 1.5 million square km, reduction
of land ice 287 billion metric ton per year, sea level rise is 3.2 mm per year and loss of arctic ice cover at the rate of
13.3% per decade. Increasing risk of irreversible changes due to large scale shift in the climate system such as
several sensitive species such as ocean corals, aquatic birds, reptiles such as sea turtles and amphibians are facing
extinction, failing of crops cause famine in many East African countries, decrease in potable water in
Mediterranean and Southern Africa and increasing intensity of extreme events such as forest fires (Australia and
Indonesia), flooding(Bangladesh) , storm events (tornadoes and hurricanes in USA), droughts (Sahal region) and
deadly heat waves (in India 2015) recorded in many parts of the world. Anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases
CO2, CH4, water vapour, N2O, O3, HFCs, PFCs and SF6reflects a portion of solar energy back to the earth, this
increases the temperature, causes changes in ocean currents, seasonal weather patterns and ultimately changes
the climate. Deforestation reduces the CO2 sink and it further enhances the greenhouse effect. Several mitigation
methods such as use of alternative green energy sources, reducing the use of fossil fuels, use of greenhouse gas
reduction techniques during the emission, carbon capture & carbon sequestration, afforestation, reforestation,
protection of existing forest reserves, silviculture and agroforestry are being facilitated by several international,
government and non-governmental organizations. Climate change issue can be handled either adapting to the
change or disaster risk reduction. UNDP has suggested a three step method to work on Carbon finance consist of
removal of barriers to climate friendly technologies, establishing efficient host country procedures for clean
development mechanism (CDM) and develop projects via millennium development goal (MDG) carbon facility. An
Integrated Territorial Climate Plan (ITCP) was designed for regional governments to plan their activities including
financing climate change mitigation process. This paper briefly evaluates anthropocene global climate change and
its human solutions.
Key words: Climate change, global warming, climate change mitigation, impacts of global warming,
climate change impacts, carbon capture, sequestration of carbon, climate change disasters,
Figure 1: Global Temperature and CO2 levels over 600 million years (Source: MacRae, 2008)
Global warming and Climate change Factors increases with global warming
o Snow cover
According to John Cook, writing the popular warming faster than days, more fossil fuel
Skeptical Science blog (2010), 10 indicators of a carbon in coral, more heat return to earth,
human finger print on global warming were more fossil fuel carbon in the air, cooling of
observed. They are shrinking thermosphere, stratosphere and less heat escape to the space
rising tropopause, less oxygen in the air, release (see figure 3).
of 30 billion tons of CO2annually, nights
Throughout the history earth’s climate has and often changes the global atmospheric CO2
changed several times before. For the last 650, levels. After the last ice age (7000 years ago)
000 years our planet has underwent several modern climatic era begins with the emergence
glacial advance and retreats including of human civilization. Last three decades has
catastrophic events, these changes were shown a rapid increase in global atmospheric
occurred due to the small variation in solar CO2 levels, which never happened before (see
energy received by earth during such events figure 4, 5&6).
Figure 4: Global CO2 level throughout world’s history Source: NOAA via Shah (2015)
Figure 5:Increase in global CO2 concentrations (Source: ‘NASA Global Climate Change,’ 2015)
Figure 6: Concentration of Main Greenhouse gases ([Etheridge et al., 1998], adjusted to the NOAA
calibration scale [Dlugokencky et al., 2005]as given in ‘James and Stephen,’ 2014).
Industrial activities
Biomass burning
Fertilizer usage
Waste management Sanitary landfill Incineration CO2, CH4, N2O, O3, CFCs
Biomass decay
Industrial Metal smelting & processing CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, SF6, CF4,
Cement production
Petrochemical production
Methane naturally exists in the atmosphere reactions with other pollutants such as CO
mainly from anaerobic decaying process in (‘NASA GISS Institute on Climate and Planet,’
natural wetlands, methane has GWP of 21 and 2010).Emission from natural sources alone
its radiative forcing is 11%, its rate of increase in account for ~180-380 Tg per year. Current total
the atmosphere is twice the rate of CO2. methane emission has risen to~450-500 Tg per
However, life span of methane is relatively year which is twice the amount of pre-industrial
shorter than that of CO2 as it reacts with times.
hydroxyl radicals and produce water and CO2
(which are less potent greenhouse gases than
methane). Anthropogenic sources account for Nitrous oxide
half of its release to the atmosphere.
Agricultural activities, increased number of It is the third highest greenhouse gas. N2O has
cattle and pig dairy farming and non- dairy the varying growth rate of 0.1–0.7 % per year
cattle(ruminants releases methane through (Saikawaet al., 2014) GWP of N2O is 298 and it
their digestive process), termite concentrated accounts for 6% of total radiative forcing by
areas such as tropical grass lands and forests greenhouse gases (IPCC, 2001as cited in Kemp,
releases considerable amount of methane to 2004). N2O released from fertilizers mainly
the atmosphere (Crutzenet al., 1986), forest fire during the intermittent stages of nitrification
events contributes a large amount of methane and denitrification, breakdown of nitrogen from
efflux particularly during ENSO.Paddy livestock manure and urine account for 5% of
cultivation and various other cultivation global efflux. Transportation is another major
produces flooded wetlands which generate source, supersonic engines and rockets releases
methane during anaerobic decomposition. Coal of N2O. Nitrous oxide is released as a byproduct
mining process, leakage through the pipelines during industrial production of nitric acid mainly
and drilling for oil are major anthropogenic in the production of inorganic fertilizer and
sources (Hengeveld, 1991 as cited in Kemp, adipic acid used in the production of fibers such
2004). Anaerobic decaying of landfill organic as nylon. (‘EPA overview of greenhouse gases,’
wastes and piling of garbage and fertilizer are 2015)
another source of methane, venting, flaring at
oil and gas wells, enteric fermentation, biomass
burning and burning of fossil fuels are few other CFC in global warming
anthropogenic sources. In addition, huge
Halogenated carbons such as CFCs were used as
amount of methane is trapped in higher latitude
refrigerants, insulating foams, aerosol sprays.
permafrost and in deep ocean sediments as
Its GWP is 12,000 its radiative forcing is 24%
methane hydrates and clathrates. With the
(IPCC, 2001as cited in Kemp, 2004). However,
effect of warming permafrost is about to melt
use and production of CFC is completely banned
and temperatures of oceans gradually
by Montreal protocol thus current levels of
increases, this causes decaying of clathrates and
global CFC in the atmosphere are declining.
release of methane, such methane release are
observed in pacific ocean floor and Siberian
permafrost (Ruddiman, 2001). Hydroxyl
reduction of methane also minimized due to the Effects of global warming
Figure 7: Sea level change (Source: NASA Global Climate Change Land ice (2015)
Ice sheaths in Green land and Antarctica has Declining Arctic sea ice
shown decline in their mass. Greenland lost
Snow plays a vital role to the environment by
150-250 cubic km of ice per year in the period
reflecting the sunlight back this helps to reduce
between 2002 and 2006 and Antarctica lost
the warming, in addition, melting seasonal snow cover in the northern hemisphere has
snow provides fresh water for the life and declined over the last five decades. Arctic sea
accrued soil moisture helps the growth of ice is declining at the rate of 13.3% per decade.
vegetation. However, increase melting of ice by According to the satellite data, the lowest arctic
global warming leads to spring time floods. ice extent was recorded in 2012 (see figure 8).
According to the satellite data amount of spring
Figure 8: Decreasing arctic sea ice (Source: ‘NASA GCC arctic sea ice,’ 2015; ‘NASA earth observatory,’
Antarctic melting and loss of ice shelf. waters melt the ice sheet from underneath
(basal shelf melt) accounted for 55% of the ice
Antarctic ice shelves accounted for a mass loss
shelf melts, it also changes the ocean currents.
of1,089 trillion kilogram ice per year in the
(‘Shaftel,’ 2015) see figure 9.
period between2003 and 2008. Warm ocean
Figure 9: Antarctica mass variation (Source: ‘NASA Global Climate Change Land ice,’ 2015).
shell formation and it also dissolves the reefs Increasing sea level causes flooding in
(‘Tech Ocean Science’, n.d.). low lying lands and evacuation
Epidemics of water born and vector borne Starvation, malnutrition and increased
diseases occur as flooding increases breeding deaths in the areas of food shortage
places of mosquito vectors and also breakage in
More extreme weather and increased
water pipes, septic tanks, sewers, drainage and
frequency of catastrophic events such
storm water gets leak and contamination in
as storms, typhoons and flooding
portable water sources.
Water borne diseases: Diarrhea, cholera
Changes pollution and aeroallergen
Vector borne diseases: falciparum malaria,
Increase in epidemics diarrhea, cholera,
vivax malaria, dengue, elephantiasis, yellow
dengue and malaria
fever and west nile fever, rodent borne diseases
plaque, Lyme disease and tick born encephalitis Increased allergy and asthma rates due
and hanata virus pulmonary syndrome. to earlier blooming plants
(Adapted from McMichael, 2003)
Deaths may occur due to heat waves.
Additional energy expenditure for o Less energy and fuel requirement for
cooling and excavation of ground water warming up.
or bringing river water.
Acidification of oceans
There are 3 basic ways suggested to lower the
Earlier drying of forests leads to greenhouse effect. Firstly, stopping or reducing
increased forest fires the emission of CO2 into the atmospheres by
ways such as use alternative green energy
Economical imbalance and increased sources or renewable energy sources,
violence upgrading the emission standards of the engine.
Advantages Secondly, liquefying the CO2 produced in the
combustion and dump into the oceans, though
o Arctic, Antarctic, Siberia and other it is a permanent disposal but it will result in
frozen regions of the earth experience ocean acidification which is currently becoming
more land for cultivation (opening of a major threat to aquatic life, thus underground
new lands) and more plant growth in injection or geologic sequestration and
favourable conditions. transportation/ storage of captured carbon in
industries and power plants. Thirdly, lowering
the atmospheric CO2 levels (post emission
o Northern Europe, Canada, Russia get control) this is done by increasing the sinks such
benefited with increased harvest such as afforestation, reforestation and prevention
as cereals, sugar beet, hay and of deforestation. Annually, about 2 billion tons
potatoes. of CO2 ends up in oceanic organic deposits in
sea floor.
series of programs conducted by US EPA to requires a pressure gradient for the separation;
reduce the vehicular emission. this is achieved by pressurizing flue gas on one
side of the membrane and vacuuming the other
Emission control during Beijing Olympics, during
side (Adapted from Global CCS Institute, 2012).
the Olympic season 300,000 heavy emission
vehicles (mostly trucks) were put away from the
site, government encourage public transport, Pre combustion de-carbonization
rules allow only some people to drive on certain
days about 2 million vehicles are removed from This is achieved by providing ‘synthesis gas’
roads. Mobile data collection of CO2 and soot in (mixture of H2 and CO) for combustion where
the atmosphere was done. As a result the black CO2 is absorbed completely. Thus, the
presence of carbon gets down by 33% in 2008. combustion occurs in the absence of CO2. CO in
the synthesis gas easily gets converted into CO2
which is then captured using solvent. Here a
Methods of carbon capture in power plants hydrogen rich fuel is produced that facilitate the
efficient burning in the turbine and minimizes
and industries
the CO2 emission.
Figure 10: Geographical location of carbon sequestration injection zone (Source: ‘EPA CCS,’ 2015).
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Japanese village. (Gerry, 2005) the Guangxi Zhuang. Project also
includes half of the Pearl river basin.
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