Namaste Thailand 2023 LIVE Detailer

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Quiz Detailer For Participants

Namaste Thailand 2023: an inter-school quiz on Thailand is conceptualized to disseminate awareness

about Thailand and its diverse facets among school students, leading to an enhanced and enriched
understanding of the nation, its people, its leadership roles in the regional and global contexts, as well as
its long-standing people-to-people relations with India. In 2023, special focus will be on Thailand’s soft
power symbolized as 5F4M: Food, Film, Fashion, Festival, Fight + Music, Museum, Master, Meta.

The questions will highlight an array of aspects of Thailand including, but not limited to, the following:
• Land & geography, natural resources & heritage, wildlife & nature, travel attractions
& tourist destinations, cuisine & food culture
• People of Thailand, history & culture, arts & literature, science & technological innovations,
entertainment, sporting achievements, famous personalities, education & language
• International relations, regional leadership, current affairs, diplomatic ties and links
with India (people-to-people, cultural, diplomatic, commercial, educational)
• Special Focus: Food, Film, Fashion, Festival, Fight + Music, Museum, Master, Meta


There will be 2 (two) levels of the quiz. Level 1 will be a Written Preliminary Round, to be attempted
by all registered teams. Subsequently, 6 (six) teams – limited to 1 team per school – will be selected on
the basis of their scores for the Final Stage Round. Each team will comprise 2 (two) members only.


• All the teams that register for the quiz will participate in the written round.
• The written round will have 20 questions, including multiple choice and visual questions,
which will be projected on the stage screen and explained by the quizmaster.
• One preliminary sheet will be given per team. Team members will need to clearly write
their names, grades of study, school name, team name and answers.
• All teams will have 30 minutes to complete the written round. Please note that,
in this round, there will be no penalty for incorrect answers.
• Special star (*) questions will be used to resolve ties on scores, if required.
• In case there is a tie even after the star (*) questions are considered, a sudden-death
tiebreak will be conducted among the teams involved in the tie to select the stage finalists.

Based on their scores in the Written Preliminary Round, 6 (six) teams – limited to 1 team per school –
will be selected for the Final Stage Round, which will comprise 5 (five) rounds, as follows:
Round 1 Multiple Choice Round: interactive round; 1 question per team with 4 answer options;
teams will get two chances to answer, for reducing points; no passing
Round 2 Audio-Visual Round: audio/video clues for teams; questions pass for bonus points
Round 3 Direct Oral Round: text questions on screen; questions pass for bonus points
Round 4 Subject Round: Each team gets to choose a theme on which they will be asked a question,
which could be direct oral or visual still or audio-visual; questions pass for bonus points
Round 5 Buzzer Round: 6 questions on the buzzer; open to all teams;
negative points for wrong answers

The quiz winner will be the team with the highest score at the end of the Final Stage Round. In case of a tie
for the first two positions, a sudden-death tiebreak on the buzzer will be used to determine the winner.


Here is a list of online resources to which the quiz teams can refer to find relevant and updated
information on the subject and its various aspects:


If you would like any more details on the quiz, please contact:

Quizcraft Global Knowledge Solutions

Phone number: 9810782595 | Email: [email protected] |

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