Assignment 1 Solutions
Assignment 1 Solutions
Assignment 1 Solutions
1. (10 marks)
Males on average spend 58 cents more ($724 v $6.65) The medians tell the same story with male median spend 50
cents higher ($7.00 v $6.50)
Spread (3 marks)
The dispersion (variation) of Male snack bar spenders is a greater than that of female spenders. Standard deviation is
greater at $2.91 versus $2.14; IQR is much greater for males at $5 versus $3 female snack bar spenders. The ranges
of spending are greater for males $13.00 v $11.50 for females. This can be seen in box plots with males IQR much
greater and the longer tail of high spender males. The percentiles and box plots show that the 25 th percentile is the
same at $5.00 after that male spending is more spread out, more varied.
Shape (4 marks)
Both means are higher than their respective medians as both samples are positively skewed. The ratios of Skewness
to its Standard error for females is 0.935/0.398 =5.05 which is greater than two making the distribution of female
snack bar spending significantly positively skewed. The positive skewness can also be seen in the histogram and
box and whisker plots with dispersion of female snack bar spending being much greater above their mean spending
than below, graph is stretched out by higher spenders.
Male snack bar spending is not significantly skewed. Looking at the histogram male snack bar spending is a bimodal
distribution, with modes centred at $6.00 and $11.00. This is due to the popularity of the COMBO, large Coke,
Popcorn, and ice cream with male movie goers, almost totally absent from female moviegoers.
Kurtosis is also significant positive and for female snack bar spenders 1.308/0.368 = 3.55 greater that two with
central clustering and the high peak clearly visible in the histogram.
The majority (68.6%) of female snack bar spenders spent between $4 and $8 whilst only 45.8% of males spent in this
range. Whist 32.9% of males spent between $10 and $12 only 5.8% of females spent in this range.
Much of the increase in variation of spending can be attributed to the Combo spending males
2. (10 marks)
a. 55%
b. 58.7%
c. 74.4%
d. 47.8%
e. $7.24
f. 26.6%
g. 37.7%
h. 10.9%
i. 32.3%
j. $5.00
3. (5 MARKS) Snack bar automatic cash register data shows that 30% of customers buy popcorn and 80% of
popcorn buyers also buy a drink. 50% of customers buy neither a drink nor popcorn.
a. What proportion of customers buys both a drink and popcorn? 24% (1)