Task: Design An Oral Activity

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Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha

Advanced Didactics of Apellidos:

the English Language Nombre:

Task: Design an oral activity

Choose an appropriate recording you can use for two listening activities. You can
choose a listening online or any written text that you can read to your students (if
so, record yourself and send the recording as an attachment). Then, you have to
design and explain in detail two activities: the first one to work on listening
comprehension, and the second one to work on pronunciation. Make sure the
activities are interactive, making our students have an active role.


In this activity you will have the opportunity to:

 Revise and apply the theoretical contents included in unit 3 and 4.

 Reflect on how to exploit a spoken text.
 Design interactive activities to work on listening comprehension, making your
students focus on the content.
 Design interactive activities to improve your students’ pronunciation.

Description of the assignment

Once you have read the key ideas, it is time for you to design two different activities
to work on the oral skills: the first activity will be focused on the content, that is, on
© Universidad Internacional will
La Rioja (UNIR) be expected to listen to a recording and understand the content
and/or the message. The second one will be focused on the way the content is
expressed in the recording and the students will be asked to work pronunciation
and intonation.

Unit 4. Practical cases 1

Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Advanced Didactics of Apellidos:
the English Language Nombre:

Your activity must include:

 A brief description of the target group.

 Length of time for the activity.
 Materials used (include appendixes if necessary).
 Classroom arrangement.
 Detailed lesson’s procedure: explain all the steps you will follow, explain how you
would present the activity, what you will do and say, what you expect your
students to do, and their possible outcomes.
 An explanation of the type of listening task you are using and why.

Assessment criteria

 The task fulfils all the objectives.

 The task follows the steps described, especially regarding the lesson’s procedure.
 The task presents original ideas.
 The task is well supported by additional material.
 The task follows APA style and shows cohesion and coherence. Academic style.
 Spelling or grammar mistake (per mistake) -0.05.
 Sense mistake (per mistake) -0.10.

Length: 3-10 pages (including annexes if necessary). Calibri 12, 1.5 line spacing.

© Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)

Unit 4. Practical cases 2

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