Gentec UP Series
Gentec UP Series
Gentec UP Series
Gentec-EO will repair or replace at its option any wattmeter or joulemeter which proves to be defective
during the warranty period, except in the case of product misuse.
Any unauthorized alteration or repair of the product is also not covered by the warranty.
In the case of a malfunction, contact the local Gentec-EO distributor or nearest Gentec-EO office to obtain
a return authorization number. Return the material to the appropriate address below.
To help us answer your calls more efficiently please have the model number of the detector you are
using ready before calling Customer Support.
All customers:
Gentec-EO, Inc.
445 St-Jean-Baptiste, Suite 160
Quebec, QC, G2E 5N7
Tel: (418) 651-8003
Fax: (418) 651-1174
Email: [email protected]
Lifetime Warranty
Gentec-EO will warranty any thermal power and energy detector head for its lifetime as long as it has
been returned for recalibration annually from the date of shipment. This warranty includes parts and labor
for all routine repairs including normal wear under normal operating conditions.
Gentec-EO will inspect and repair the detector during the annual recalibration. Exceptions to repair at
other times will be at Gentec-EO’s option.
Not included is the cost of annual recalibration or consequential damages from using the detector.
The only condition is that the detector head must not have been subject to unauthorized service or
damaged by misuse. Misuse would include, but is not limited to, laser exposure outside Gentec-EO’s
published specifications, physical damage due to improper handling, and exposure to hostile
environments. Hostile environments would include, but are not limited to excessive temperature,
vibration, humidity, or surface contaminants; exposure to flame, solvents or water; and connection to
improper electrical voltage.
Version 4.3 II
WARRANTY..................................................................................................................... I
First Year Warranty ....................................................................................................................................................i
Lifetime Warranty ........................................................................................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. II
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ............................................................................................ III
1 ULTRA SERIES UP POWER DETECTORS .............................................................. 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 POWER DETECTOR CONNECTORS ..............................................................................................................2
1.2.1 DB-15 “intelligent” connector .........................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 OEM Molex connector (E0 version) ................................................................................................................3
1.2.4 Molex connector (MT version) ........................................................................................................................4
1.2.5 Molex-BNC (BT version) ................................................................................................................................4
1.2.6 Molex connector without amplification or anticipation (M0 version) .............................................................5
1.2.7 Trim pot (CP version) ......................................................................................................................................5
1.3 ULTRA SERIES UP SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................6
1.4 UP CALORIMETER MODE SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................19
1.5 UP POTENTIOMETER POSITIONS ...............................................................................................................21
1.6 USING A CUSTOMER-SUPPLIED HEAT SINK ...........................................................................................22
2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................. 24
2.1 WITH ANY GENTEC-EO MONITORS .........................................................................................................25
2.2 WITHOUT A GENTEC-EO MONITOR .........................................................................................................25
2.3 SAFETY OPERATION NOTES ………………………………………………………………………………24
3 DAMAGE TO THE OPTICAL ABSORBER MATERIAL ........................................... 26
APPENDIX A: WEEE DIRECTIVE................................................................................ 27
APPENDIX B: USING THE XLP12 WITH THE XLP12 FILTER: .................................. 28
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 III
FIG. 1-9 MINIMUM BEAM SIZES FOR UP WITH H-TYPE ABSORBER AT 1.064 µM. ....................................18
FIG. 1-11 TAPPED HOLE POSITIONS FOR UP12E, WITHOUT PCB .................................................................22
FIG 1-13 TAPPED HOLE POSITIONS FOR UP25N, UP50N(M), UP55N(M), AND UP60(M) .............................23
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 1
The Gentec-EO Ultra Series UP power detector family includes eleven series (XLP12, UP12E,
UP17P, UP19K, UP25N(M), UP25Z(T), UP50N(M), UP55N(M), UP60N(M), UP55G, and UP60G) of
opto-thermal sensors with different cooling options (stand alone, heat sink, fan and water), with or
without amplification. The high power surface absorber sensors are designed for use at high average
power densities.
Unit Aperture Power range
mm mm (without amplification)
XLP12 12 73 x 73 1 µW to 3 W
UP12E 12 38 x 38 1 mW to 70 W
UP17P 17 46 x 46 1 mW to 6 W
UP19K (H5 ; H9 ; VR ; W5) 19 ; 19 ; 18 ; 17 50 x 50 1 mW to 200 W
UP25N(M) 25 89 x 89 3 mW to 350 W
UP25T(Z) 25 62.4 x 62.4 (60 x 60) 3 mW to 250 W
UP50N(M) 50 89 x 89 5 mW to 50 W
UP55N(M) 55 89 x 89 5 mW to 700 W
UP55G 55 120 x 120 15 mW to 600 W
UP60N(M) 60 89 x 89 5 mW to 700 W
UP60G 60 120 x 120 15 mW to 600 W
The UP detectors are supplied with a 180 cm length flexible cable with output connection options of a
DB-15 "intelligent" male connector, a BNC connector, a Molex connector and a BNC/Molex
connector. A few exception exist: the UP50N series is available with BNC/Molex connector on special
order only and the XLP12, UP60N(M), and UP60G series are only supplied with a DB-15 “intelligent”
male connector.
NOTE: To eliminate possible damage, do not carry the detector using the connector cable.
The UP detectors may also be supplied with a stand. Be aware that when using a detector with a heat
sink, the fins should always be placed vertically.
For cases where Gentec-EO’s monitors don’t automatically read the wavelength correction factor, you
can use your detector’s “Personal wavelength correction Certificate” to adjust the power you read
to a power corrected for a particular wavelength.
Call your nearest Gentec-EO distributor to replace the sensor disk and/or to recalibrate the head. For
Gentec-EO’s nearest office contact information, see p. ii, Contacting Gentec Electro-Optics Inc.
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 2
The DB-15 male "intelligent" connector contains an EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable
Read-Only Memory) with different information such as the model of the detector, the calibration
sensitivity, the applicable scales and the wavelength correction factor for up to 20 wavelengths related
to the Ultra Series UP detector head in use.
This connector, available in the UP without amplification, allows the TPM-300CE, DUO (model of the
detector, calibration sensitivity and scale) and SOLO (model of the detector, calibration sensitivity,
scale and wavelength correction factor) monitors to adjust their characteristics automatically to the
power sensor being connected. No calibration procedure is required when installing the power heads,
allowing for faster set-up.
2- " " " " "
3- " " " " "
4- " " " " "
5- " " " " "
6- SIGNAL (+)
8- " " " " "
9- " " " " "
10- " " " " "
11- " " " " "
12- " " " " "
13- SIGNAL (-)
15- " " " " "
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 3
The BNC connector allows you to connect the detector directly on an oscilloscope or to a precision
microvoltmeter with the correct load impedance. The connector is available in the UP detectors
without amplification (load impedance: 100 kΩ) and with the Molex connector in the amplified version
(load impedance : 10 MΩ).
The Molex female connector is available in the UP19-xxx-H5 and UP12E-xxx-H5 without amplification
(load impedance : 100 kΩ). It allows you to connect to an external PCB board available at Gentec-
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 4
The Molex male connector, available in the UP with amplification, allows you to power the internal
circuit board (PCB) and to read the signal with your own electronics.
The PCB needs +12 to +16V from a regulated power supply but does not need negative voltage.
The Molex-BNC connection, available in the UP with amplification, allows you to power the internal
circuit board (PCB) with the Molex connector and to read the signal with the BNC connector (load
impedance : 10 MΩ). The PCB needs +12 to +16V from a regulated power supply but does not
need negative voltage.
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 5
The Molex male connector, available in the UP without amplification, allows you to read the signal
with your own electronics.
The detector with trim pot and BNC connector (recommended load impedance: 10 MΩ), available in
the UP12E, UP19K, UP25N, UP25Z and UP55N without amplification, allows you to have the same
sensitivity for all your detector.
Detector Sensitivity
UP12E-10S-H5 0.42 mV/W
UP19K-xxx-H5 0.52 mV/W
UP19K-xxx-H9 0.23 mV/W
UP19K-xxx-VR 0.34 mV/W
UP19K-xxx-W5 0.53 mV/W
UP25N-xxx-H9 0.18 mV/W
UP25Z-xxx-H9 0.18 mV/W
UP55N-xxx-H9 0.09 mV/W
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 6
The following specifications are based on a one-year calibration cycle, an operating temperature of 15 to
28°C and a relative humidity not exceeding 80%. Storage 10 to 65°C and relative humidity not exceeding
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 7
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 8
UP17P-6S-H5 UP17P-6S-H5
Effective Aperture Diameter 17 mm
Spectral Range 190 nm – 20 µm
Power Noise Level a 1 mW
Typical Rise time (0-95%) b 2.5 s (0.8 s with anticipation)
Typical sensitivity c 0.6 mV/W
Calibration Uncertainty d ± 2.5 %
Linearity with Power ±2%
Repeatability (Precision) ± 0.5 %
Power Resolution ± 0.5 %
Max. Average Power 6W
Max. Average Power (1 min)
(cooling : minimum 3 min)
Max. Average Power Density
1.064 µm, 10 W CW 36 kW/cm
10.6 µm, 10 W CW 11 kW/cm
Pulsed Laser Damage Thresholds Max. Energy Density Peak Power Density
1.064 µm, 360 µs, 5 Hz 5 J/cm2 14 kW/cm2
1.064 µm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 1.0 J/cm 143 MW/cm2
532 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 0.6 J /cm2 86 MW/cm2
266 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 0.3 J /cm 43 MW/cm2
Dimensions (mm) 46H x 46 (W) x 10.7 (D)
Weight (head only) 0.1 kg
Recommended load Impedance 100 kΩ
Output Impedance N.A.
Linearity vs beam dimension ± 0.5 %
PCB electrical supply N.A.
Max output signal N.A.
UP17P-6S-W5 UP17P-6S-W5
Effective Aperture Diameter 17 mm
Spectral Range 190 nm – 10 µm
Power Noise Level a 1 mW
Typical Rise time (0-95%) b 5 s (1.4 s with anticipation)
Typical sensitivity c 0.6 mV/W
Calibration Uncertainty d ± 2.5 %
Linearity with Power ±2%
Repeatability (Precision) ± 0.5 %
Power Resolution ± 0.5 %
Max. Average Power 6W
Max. Average Power (1 min)
(cooling : minimum 3 min)
Max. Average Power Density 2
100 kW/cm
1.064 µm, 10 W CW
Pulsed Laser Damage Thresholds Max. Energy Density Peak Power Density
1.064 µm, 150 µs, 5 Hz 100 J/cm2 667 kW/cm2
1.064 µm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 1.1 J/cm 157 MW/cm2
532 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 1.1 J /cm2 157 MW/cm2
266 nm, 26 ns, 10 Hz 0.7 J /cm2 27 MW/cm2
Dimensions (mm) 46(H) x 46(W) x 10.7(D)
Weight (head only) 0.1 kg
Recommended load Impedance 100 kΩ
Output Impedance N.A.
Linearity vs beam dimension ± 0.5 %
PCB electrical supply N.A.
Max output signal N.A.
Nominal value, actual value depends on electrical noise in the d
Including linearity with power.
measurement system.
b e
With Gentec-EO TPM 300CE, DUO, SOLO and P-LINK monitor. See graph at the end of this section.
Maximum output voltage = sensitivity x maximum power.
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 9
15S / 30H / 50L / 100DI / 150W -H5 15S / 30H / 50L / 100DI / 110F / 150W -H5
UP19K-…-Hx-… 15S / 110F / 150DI / 200W -H9 and 15S / 110F / 150DI / 200W -H9
Without PCB With PCB
Effective Aperture Diameter 19 mm
Spectral Range 190 nm – 20 µm
Power Noise Level H5: 1 mW, H9: 3 mW H5: 0.2 mW, H9: 0.6 mW
H5: 2.8 s (0.6 s with anticipation) H5: 0.5 s (with anticipation)
Typical Rise time (0 - 95 %)
H9: 4.5 s (1.5 s with anticipation) H9: 1.5 s (with anticipation)
15S-H5: 400 mV/W
110F: 55 mV/W
15S-H9:: 200mV/W
H5: 0.65 mV/W 150W: 50 mV/W
Typical sensitivity 30H: 200 mV/W
150DI: 50 mV/W
50L: 120 mV/W
H9: 0.23 mV/W 200W: 30 mV/W
100DI: 55 mV/W
Calibration Uncertainty ± 2.5 %
Linearity with Power ±2%
Repeatability (Precision) ± 0.5 %
Power Resolution ± 0.5 %
15S-H5, -H9: 15 W 110F-H9: 110 W
30H: 30 W 150W: 150 W
Max. Average Power
50L: 50 W 150DI-H9 (stainless steel): 150 W
100DI (stainless steel): 100 W 200W-H9: 200 W a
15S-H5, -H9: 30 W 110F-H9: 150 W
Max. Average Power (1 min) 30H: 60 W 150W: 190 W
(cooling : minimum 3 min) 50L: 90 W 150DI-H9 (stainless steel): 150 W
100DI (stainless steel): 100 W 200W-H9: 200 W a
Max. Average Power Density a
2 2
1.064 µm, 10W CW H5: 36 kW/cm , H9: 45 kW/cm
2 2
10.6 µm, 10W CW H5: 11 kW/cm , H9: 14 kW/cm
Pulsed Laser Damage Thresholds Max. Energy Density Peak Power Density
1.064 µm, 360 µs, 5 Hz H5: 5 J/cm2, H9: 9 J/cm2 H5: 14 kW/cm2, H9: 25 kW/cm2
1.064 µm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 1.0 J/cm2 143 MW/cm2
532 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 0.6 J /cm2 86 MW/cm2
266 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 0.3 J /cm 43 MW/cm2
15S: 50(H) x 50(W) x 20.6(D) 15S: 50(H) x 50(W) x 25.6(D)
30H: 50(H) x 50(W) x 56.3(D) 30H: 50(H) x 50(W) x 61.3(D)
50L: 76.2(H) x 76.2(W) x 74.7(D) 50L: 76.2(H) x 76.2(W) x 79.7(D)
100DI: 50(H) x 50(W) x 33(D) 100DI: 50(H) x 50(W) x 38(D)
Dimensions (mm)
110F: 54.2(H) x 54.2(W) x 55.6(D) 110F: 54.2(H) x 54.2(W) x 60.6(D)
150W: 50(H) x 50(W) x 33(D) 150W: 50(H) x 50(W) x 38(D)
150DI: 50(H) x 50(W) x 33(D) 150DI: 50(H) x 50(W) x 38(D)
200W: 50(H) x 50(W) x 33(D) 200W: 50(H) x 50(W) x 38(D)
15S: 0.16 kg 110F: 0.25 kg 15S: 0.20 kg 110F: 0.29 kg
30H: 0.21 kg 150W: 0.24 kg 30H: 0.25 kg 150W: 0.28 kg
Weight (head only)
50L: 0.48 kg 150DI: 0.42 kg 50L: 0.52 kg 150DI: 0.46 kg
100DI: 0.42 kg 200W: 0.24 kg 100DI: 0.46 kg 200W: 0.28 kg
Minimum Cooling Flow 0.5 liter/min
Recommended Cooling Flow 1.0 liter/min
Cooling Heat sink / fan / water
Recommended load Impedance 100 kΩ 10 MΩ
Output Impedance N. A. ≤ 50 Ω
Linearity vs beam dimension ± 0.5 %
PCB electrical supply N. A. +12 to +16 V regulated
Max output signal N. A. 80 % of PCB electrical supply
See graph at the end of this section.
Water temperature ≤ 22°C, 1/8 NPT compression fittings for ¼ inch semi-rigid tube. For the stainless steel water module, the minimum cooling
flow is 1.0 liter/min for power higher than 90 W
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Version 4.3 10
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Version 4.3 11
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Version 4.3 12
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Version 4.3 13
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Version 4.3 14
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 15
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 16
UP55N-50S/100H/150F-VR UP55N-50S/100H/150F-VR
UP55N(M)-…-VR-… UP55M-200W-VR UP55M-200W-VR
Without PCB With PCB
Aperture Diameter 55 mm
Spectral Range 190 nm – 2.5 µm
Power Noise Level 15 mW
Typical Rise Time (0 - 95 %) 5 s (with anticipation)
50 s (without anticipation)
50S : 120 mV/W
100 H : 60 mV/W
Typical sensitivity 0.04 mV/W
150 F : 40 mV/W
200 W : 30 mV/W
Calibration Uncertainty ± 2.5 %
Linearity with Power ±2%
Repeatability (Precision) ± 0.5 %
Power Resolution ± 0.5 %
50S : 50 W
100H : 100 W
Max. Average Power
150F : 150 W
200W : 200 W
50S : 50 W
Max. Average Power
100H : 100 W
(1 min.)
150F : 150 W
(cooling : minimum 3 min)
200W : 200 W
Max. Average Power Density a
1.064 µm, 10 W CW 700 W/cm2
Pulsed Laser Damage Thresholds Max. Energy Density Peak Power Density
1.064 µm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 6 J/cm2 860 MW/cm2
532 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 4 J/cm 570 MW/cm2
266 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 1 J/cm 143 MW/cm2
1.064 µm, 360 µs, 5 Hz 40 J/cm2 111 kW/cm2
50S : 89(H) x 89(W) x 32(D)
100H : 89(H) x 89(W) x 106(D)
Dimension (mm)
150F : 89(H) x 89(W) x 116(D)
200W : 89(H) x 89(W) x 44(D)
50S : 0.62 Kg
100H : 0.93 Kg
Weight (head only)
150F : 1.41 Kg
200W : 0.84 Kg
Minimum Cooling Flow b 1 liter/min
Cooling Heat sink / Fan / Water
Recommended load Impedance > 100 kΩ 10 MΩ
Output Impedance N. A. ≤ 50 Ω
Linearity vs beam dimension ± 0.5 %
PCB electrical supply N. A. +12 V to +16 V regulated
Max outpul signal N. A. 80 % of PCB electrical supply
See graph at the end of this section.
Water temperature ≤ 22°C, 1/8 NPT compression fittings for ¼ inch semi-rigid tube.
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 17
UP55G-…-HX-… UP55G-500F-H12
UP60G-…-HX-… Without PCB Without PCB
Aperture Diameter 55 mm 60 mm
Spectral Range 190 nm - 20 µm
H12: 15 mW
Power Noise Level
HD: 45 mW
H12: 16.6 s (2.8 s with anticipation)
Typical Rise Time (0 – 95 %)
HD: 14 s (2.8 s with anticipation)
H12: 0.06 mV/W
Typical sensitivity
HD: 0.03 mV/W
Calibration Uncertainty ± 2.5%
Linearity with Power ± 2%
Repeatability (Precision) ± 0.5%
Power Resolution ± 0.5%
H12: 500 W H12: 400 W
Max. Average Power
HD: 600 W HD: 500 W
H12: 500 W H12: 400 W
Max. Average Power (1 min.)
HD: 600 W HD: 500 W
Max. Average Power Density a
1.064 µm, 10 W, CW 45 kW/cm2
1.064 µm, 500 W, CW 8 kW/cm2
Pulsed Laser Damage Thresholds Max. Energy Density Peak Power Density
1.064 µm, 360 µs, 5 Hz 9 J/cm2 25 kW/cm2
1.064 µm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 1.0 J/cm 143 MW/cm2
532 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 0.6 J/cm2 86 MW/cm2
266 nm, 7 ns, 10 Hz 0.3 J/cm2 43 MW/cm2
Dimensions (mm) 120(H) x 120(W) x 135(D)
Weight (head only) 2.75 kg
Cooling Fan
Recommended load Impedance > 100 kΩ
Output Impedance N. A.
Linearity vs beam dimension ± 0.5 %
PCB electrical supply N. A.
Max outpul signal N. A.
See graph at the end of this section.
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 18
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Version 4.3 19
UP25N, UP50N, UP55N, UP55N UP55M,
UP25N, UP25Z UP25T
UP25M UP50M UP60N UP55M UP60N,
-…- -…- -…-
-…- -…- -…- -...- UP60M
H9 H9 H12
H12 W9 H9 VR -…-
Typical sensitivity mV/J 0.14 0.05 0.14 0.05 0.020 0.028 0.010 0.015
Power sensitivity /
J/W 1.67 2.19 1.67 2.19 5.28 4.25 4.25 4.46
Energy sensitivity
Typical rise time in
ms 370 1300 400 1300 1400 1300 1300 1600
calorimeter mode
Minimum repetition
sec 4.6 11.5 4.6 11.5 11.1 11.1 11.1 12
Maximum pulse
ms 123 390 133 390 467 433 433 430
J 40 40 40 40 500 200 500 200
measurable energya
Noise equivalent
mJ 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250
Accuracy % ±5 ±5 ±5 ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ±5
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 20
UP55G, UP55G,
UP60G UP60M,
-…- UP60G
H12 -…-
Typical sensitivity mV/J 0.013 0.008
Power sensitivity /
J/W 4.62 4.46
Energy sensitivity
Typical rise time in
ms 1800 1600
calorimeter mode
Minimum repetition
sec 14.3 12
Maximum pulse
ms 433 430
J 200 200
measurable energya
Noise equivalent
mJ 250 250
Accuracy % ±5 ±5
For 1,064 µm ; 360 µs pulses.
Higher pulse energy possible when customized for long pulse (ms), lower for short pulses (ns).
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 21
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 22
This is a special case. Standard detectors are calibrated and shipped complete with a Gentec-EO
heatsink or back module installed. However, should the customer wish to install an alternative
heatsink or back module, the following indications should be followed. This does not apply to the XLP,
UP_P, UP_Z, UP_T, UP_M, and UP_G series.
Instructions :
1. Required specifications for customer-supplied back module are given in Fig 1-10 through 1-
12. Note that tapped holes must be electrically conductive, and that there has to be at least
bare spots to allows electrical contact with detector (see point 5.).
2. While keeping together the front cover and the central housing, remove the four front screws
of the UP detector.
4. Apply electrically-conductive silver epoxy on the bare contact zones of the back module (Tra-
Con, Tra-Duct no. BA-2902). This will ensure proper electrical contact between the new back
module and the central housing.
5. Apply thermal paste (such as Wakefield Engineering Inc. thermal paste part no. 120-2) on the
remainder of back module. This will ensure proper thermal contact with the new back
6. In the case that both central housing and back module are entirely bare and electrically
conducting, a grease that is both thermally and electrically conductive (Timtronics Black Ice
712) may be applied, instead of steps 4. and 5.
7. Install the new back module onto the detector using the the four original screws. It is strongly
advised to apply removable thread locker (Loctite removable thread locker 242) on the
screws before inserting them. The recommended torque for each of the 4 screws is 6 in.lbs.
(70 Ncm).
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 24
For a fan-cooled UP, connect the fan to the proper power supply.
NOTE: The UP55G and UP60G must only be used with the Gentec-EO Power Supply P/N
For a water-cooled UP, connect the detector head to a an cooling water supply. The water-cooled UP
is equipped with ¼’’ tube fittings .
NOTE: The end of the tube must be cut perpendicular to the tubing; the portion of the outer
tubing wall that slips into the fitting must not be deformed or damaged, otherwise
the connection will not be water-tight.
To connect the detector head fittings to the water supply tubing, unscrew the two parts
of the fitting, push the tubing into the part not connected to the detector until it comes to the end of the
fitting; then screw in the two parts of the fitting.
The direction of flow through the head is unimportant. Once you have connected the fittings, check
them for leaks. If you find a leak, check to see if the tubes are pushed in far enough and that the
tubing has not been damaged.
Verify that the flow rate satisfies the minimum values, as indicated on the specifications pages. A flow
rate of at least 1 l/min is recommend for most models. Time variations of water flow rates or water
temperature may cause corresponding oscillations in measurements.
To disconnect the detector head fittings, remove the water pressure and drain the water from the
tubing. Unscrew the two parts of the fitting and pull out the tubing.
NOTE: Water will usually remain in the detector head after it is disconnected. The detector
should be completely dried out with an air flow before being stored. Be careful not to
blow the water on yourself or on the detector aperture.
Once appropriate cooling is achieved, the UP is ready to be aligned in the intended optical set-up.
2. Align the detector in the optical set-up, using a safe low-powered beam.
3. For the most accurate measurements, the beam should be centered on the sensor face. The
beam diameter on the sensor should ideally be the same size as the beam diameter of the
original calibration, which corresponds to >98% encircled power centered on 50% of the
sensor’s surface (this complies with the International Electrotechnical Commission standard
#1040: "Power and Energy Measuring Detector..."). Refer to calibration certificate for the
exact calibration beam diameter.
WARNING: Be careful not to exceed the maximum levels and densities stated in
the specifications.
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 25
4. Connect the detector head to the input socket on the monitor (see the monitor’s instruction
5. Block off the detector head to prevent it from sensing heat from random sources.
6. Once the reading is thermally stable, the reading should be set to 0 W with the monitor’s Zero
(Offset) function (see the monitor’s instruction manual).
7. Allow the detector head to thermally stabilize before making any subsequent measurement
To make a measurement without a Gentec-EO monitor, continu with the following steps:
4. Let the head thermally stabilize for at least 10 minutes, and set up cooling (if fan- or water-
5. Connect the power head to a precision microvoltmeter, or data acquisition system, with a load
impedance that is >100 k (UP without internal circuit board) or with a load impedance >10
MΩ (UP with internal circuit board). Because of the very low voltages at lower power levels for
some of these detectors, analog or digital filtration may be required to remove ambient
electrical noise.
6. Put the power head into the laser beam path (the laser beam must be contained within the
sensor area) for about one minute.
8. Switch on the microvoltmeter and adjust its voltage range to the range required for the range
required for the measurement. To determine the voltage range to be measured, refer to the
detector head specifications:
9. Wait until the signal has stabilized (fluctuations representing less than 1% of the voltage level
being measured are negligible) then, measure the zero level voltage offset from the detector.
Strong fluctuations in the zero level are usually caused by one of the following:
11. Wait until the signal has stabilized (between one to three minutes for optimum
measurements), then measure the voltage output from the detector (refer to specifications
pages for individual head 0-95% non anticipated response times).
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 26
Measured power[W] = (output voltage[V] - zero level voltage[V]) / calibration sensitivity[V/W]
Diffusive surfaces
When using the UP with a coating H, W, and VR be aware of the diffused back reflection:
- H and W: ~ 5-15%
- VR: ~ 40-45%
As on any diffusive surface, the light on the sensor coating is scattered more or less uniformly
as a Lambertian diffuser. It is recommended to use the head with a black protective sleeve.
This will limit wide-angled diffused reflections.
Damage to the optical absorber material is usually caused by exceeding the manufacturer's
specifications, such as:
Refer to the specifications pages for the Ultra Series UP power head specifications. Damage may
also be caused if the absorber surface is contaminated. A slight discoloration of the coating does not
affect the calibration.
In any case, the beam’s incident area should not be less than 10% of the detector’s aperture. Please
contact Gentec-EO to make measurements with such smaller beams.
In the event of significant damage to the coating, the Ultra Series UP sensors can be recoated.
Contact your local Gentec-EO representative for information on repair and recalibration. See p. ii
Contacting Gentec Electro-Optics Inc.
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 27
This section is used by the recycling center when the detector reaches its end of life. Breaking
the calibration seal or opening the monitor will void the detector warranty.
1.2 Separation:
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 28
Step 1: Set up the XLP12 wattmeter without the filter to measure the power of your laser. Adjust
the sensitivity of the wattmeter to your working wavelength. Verify that the power level is below the
detector’s damage threshold and that the laser has a good stablity.
Step 2: Warm up the detector by applying power to it for a few minutes. This will reduce thermal
Step 3: Measure the power level (without the filter). To reduce random uncertainty, we
recommend taking the average of 5 distinct measurements.
Step 4: Install the filter. Without changing the laser settings, measure the power level by
averaging the same number of distinct measurements as in Step 3. All laser settings remain
identical as in Step 3, including beam size and position on detector.
Step 5: Repeat the first measurement (Step 3) to verify that there hasn’t been any change during
the procedure that would invalidate the calibration. A difference that is larger than the uncertainty
of your measurement means that something in the laser or environment changed. You may add
this to your uncertainty when using the filter or you may try stabilizing the laser and environment
and repeat from Step 3.
The correction multiplier for the Duo (rev 2.0) and the Solo will be given by:
The correction factor for the Duo (prior to rev 2.0) will be:
Fs (%)
Now use calibration factor Fs for the filter when using it at the wavelength established in Step 1.
XLP12 Filter
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved
Version 4.3 29
When fitted with an appropriate adaptor, such as Gentec-EO’s FC Optical Fiber Connector, the
XLP12 can be used to measure the output of an optical fiber. When using an optical fiber
adaptor, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the entire output of the fiber is incident upon
the detector's absorbing surface. Figure 1-10 and the following inequation are provided as a
guide to verify this.
For the XLP12, the distance in mm between the absorbing surface and the adaptor seat is b =
3.75 ± 0.5. The diameter in mm corresponding to 80% of the absorbing surface (80% is a
common value for allowing sufficient margin to avoid edge effects) is d = 10.7. The acceptance
angle of the fiber is specific to the user’s fiber, as is the value of a, the distance in mm between
the end of the fiber and the interface between the adaptor and its seat on the detector. This value
can be measured once the user’s fiber is connected to the fiber adaptor (a typical value may be a
= 0.2 mm). Once known, the values and a can be entered in the following inequation:
a 4 tan 5.35 ,
Where, 5.35 is d/2. If the inequation is verified, then it is safe to consider that the light cone,
having a height x = a + b and a maximum diameter d, exiting the fiber is entirely incident on 80%
of the measuring surface of the detector.
Ultra Series UP Instruction Manual Gentec Electro-Optics Inc. All rights reserved