2023 B2B Marketing Mix Report

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2023 B2B
marketing mix
This is the sixteenth edition of Sagefrog Marketing Group’s annual B2B Marketing Mix Report, a resource that has
become a valuable year-end tool for modern B2B marketers.
The insights you’ll find in this report summarize the results of our recent B2B Marketing Mix Survey, which seeks to gather the opinions
and experiences of professionals across several B2B industries, including healthcare, technology, industrial, and business services.
This year, we received over 900 responses from B2B marketing professionals and transformed their contributions into digestible
data that reveals the top marketing trends and tactics to watch in the year ahead. With information from this report in hand, marketers
will be better equipped to make an informed investment as they plan new budgets and marketing programs.
We hope this year’s forecasts and findings help you approach 2023 with greater confidence in your marketing strategy.

who we surveyed
Marketing & Advertising 31%
Coordinator or Specialist
Software & Technology 20% 25%
Professional & Business Services 17% Assistant

Healthcare & Life Sciences 12% Manager or Director
Vice President
Financial & Insurance 10% 43% 12%
Industrial &
Manufacturing 8% C-Level

Other* 2%
Respondents had the option to choose multiple industries
as applicable to their field
*Non-profit, Transportation, Market Research, & Education

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outsourced marketing gains popularity
In-house marketing takes the lead this year, while outsourced marketing is on the rise.

44% 35% 21%

In-House Both In-House & Outsourced Outsourced

Marketers are seeing increased success with outsourced marketing efforts. It’s no wonder that outsourced marketing is gaining in
popularity when it provides companies with professionals to help build their brand, generate leads, and drive sales. While many
companies outsource marketing for a specific purpose like a new product launch or fully integrated campaigns, the numbers indicate
that most companies that outsource felt their efforts were effective.

Overall, we’re seeing more B2B companies starting to work with marketing agencies to maximize their marketing efforts and
ROI. The majority use a hybrid model combining some in-house work and some outsourced work, but the trend toward increased
outsourced marketing remains.

The majority of those who outsource Of those who outsource their marketing, most do so because of
their marketing find it effective. a new product or service launch.

Product or Service Launch 27%

Needed Agency Expertise 21%

7% No Project-Specific Needs 18%

93% Yes
Company Merger 15%

Lack of Time & Resources 11%

8% Difficulty Recruiting In-House

© 2007-2023 Sagefrog Marketing Group, LLC. Page 3

most implemented marketing tactics in 2022
The best way to anticipate 2023
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 49%
marketing results is to look at how
2022 wrapped up. Overall, we saw
marketers test a variety of different
Content Marketing 43%
tactics, and the results were closer
than ever before. Organic Social Media 43%

SEO remains a top marketing tactic

Email Marketing 36%
with nearly 50% of B2B companies
implementing it in their marketing
strategy. Email marketing remains Paid Social Media 35%
a priority, but its use as a tactic has
significantly decreased compared In-Person Tradeshows & Events 35%
to last year. As the COVID-19
pandemic continues, virtual events Virtual Events & Webinars 28%
and webinars are on the decline,
possibly because these events Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 27%
are now being held in person.

Marketers are adapting to the Public Relations 27%

changing times in the tactics they
prioritize and implement. Stop-gaps Video Marketing 21%
that arose out of necessity during
the early days of the COVID-19 Direct Marketing 20%
pandemic are being left behind,
and the general trend toward a
Telemarketing 20%
wider range of information-centric
marketing tools is slowly taking hold.
Print Advertisements 12%

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top marketing objectives for 2023
It comes as no surprise that revenue and conversions are a top priority, as increased revenue is the ultimate end goal for sales and
marketing teams. But what’s interesting is that client retention seems to be more important than other marketing objectives for 2023.
There’s reason to believe this is influenced by lower client retention rates seen throughout 2022.
Last year, brand awareness and lead generation were top of mind for B2B marketers. While both are inevitably essential marketing objectives,
it appears they are now taking a back seat to revenue, conversions, and retention next year.

1 Revenue & Conversions

We know firsthand how important client satisfaction and client
retention are. It’s absolutely critical for companies to prioritize
2 Client Retention existing customers in their marketing efforts while also attracting
new ones. At the end of the day, marketing is always evolving,
and at Sagefrog we continuously look out for important trends

3 Website Traffic for our clients now and in the future.

Mark Schmukler, CEO & Co-founder at Sagefrog

4 Brand Awareness

5 Lead Generation

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marketing budgets continue to grow
For the past four years, marketing budgets have been on the rise. In 2022, marketers spent 33% of their budget on in-person tradeshows
and events, which was a big change from the year prior. Sales and marketing materials were also a top area of spend, while twice as many
marketers dedicated their budget to strategy and planning tactics, direct marketing, and video marketing.
There is a significant decrease in spend on social media compared to last year. However, this doesn’t reflect the overall increase in social
media use we’re seeing for B2B companies. It appears these trends suggest a return to physical marketing events and an increase in online
marketing tactics; while that includes social media, it’s clear that things like website development and SEO are higher priorities.

Marketing Budget Changes Top Areas of Marketing Spend

for 2023
In-Person Tradeshows & Events 33%
Search Engine Marketing & Optimization 31%

Stay the Same Sales & Marketing Materials 30%

25% Website Development 28%
Decrease Branding 25%
Direct Marketing 23%
Marketing Automation & CRM Software 23%
Increase 62%
Content Marketing 19%
Social Media 18%
Planning & Strategy 17%
Public Relations 15%
Email Marketing 14%
Video Marketing 14%
6% Print Advertisements
4% Virtual Events & Webinars

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seo, sem & paid social are bringing in leads
The most qualified leads that marketers received Top Sources of Sales & Marketing Leads
in 2022 came from a combination of SEO, SEM,
and paid social. These digital marketing tactics Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 34%
appear to be the most successful, as more
traditional methods of lead generation are on Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 30%
the decline. Referrals are no longer a significant
Paid Social Media 29%
source of leads this year when compared to
their top spot last year. In-Person Tradeshows & Events 27%
We’re also seeing evidence that tradeshows and
Content Marketing 22%
events are making a comeback, with in-person
events more viable this year than during the Email Marketing 22%
height of the pandemic.
Referrals 21%

Networking 19%

Direct Marketing 16%

Directories & Sponsorships 1 14%

Telemarketing 14%

Virtual Events & Webinars 14%

Organic Social Media 10%

8% Print Advertisements

4% Account-Based Marketing

© 2007-2023 Sagefrog Marketing Group, LLC. Page 7

what you need to know about social
Social media is one of the most important
Does your company have social media pages?
tools in your B2B marketing strategy.
Virtually every B2B company uses it, and
the majority of your customers frequent it
97% 3%
as well. That being said, the specific social
media platforms you’re using will affect
Yes No
the success of your marketing plan.
LinkedIn remains the top social platform
for B2B companies, with Facebook
and Twitter following close behind.
Interestingly, Twitter was in the top spot
Most social media
last year and looked to be making a engagement occurs
comeback, but ultimately didn’t manage on LinkedIn.
to hold its place in first. Instagram may not
be a priority for B2B marketers, but you
should consider leveraging this platform
to showcase a fun company culture for
recruiting purposes.
When you connect with potential buyers
on social, use your content to draw them 2.46
in and start building a relationship at the
top of the funnel. Social media can be a
great way to find where your target buyers
are already engaging online.

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paid social is essential for b2b marketers
In today’s world, organic social media is no
Most companies see results from paid social media efforts.
longer effective on its own–especially for
B2B marketers. If you’re investing time in
planning social media content organically, 85% 8% 7%
then you need to start investing in paid
social. Paid social media is an effective Yes No Don’t
and affordable way to increase brand Use
awareness and extend your reach to ideal
To create an effective paid social strategy,
you need to understand your audience.
Most Used Social Media Marketing Tactics
Learn which platforms they engage with
the most and put your resources there. Facebook Ads 55%
You’re paying for this content to reach your
audience, so ensure your message is seen Organic Social Posts 46%
frequently enough to encourage action.
From what we’ve gathered, a combination Boosted Social Posts 44%
of organic and paid social tactics is the
recipe for success. There are several ways LinkedIn Ads 41%
you can integrate these strategies that
will ultimately produce the highest ROI. Twitter Ads 34%
Consider boosting top-performing organic
content to extend its reach or optimize Instagram Ads 30%
your posts using data from A/B testing ads
on social to discover which elements lead
LinkedIn Sales Navigator 21%
to the best results.

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looking towards the future of b2b marketing
Comparing shifts in marketing strategies New Sales & Marketing Strategies for 2023
from 2022 to 2023 shows us what changes
we can expect to see in B2B marketing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Automation 42%
The most dramatic change looks to be in Video Marketing 32%
artificial intelligence (AI) and automation;
42% of marketers plan to experiment Influencer Marketing 30%
with those techniques this year. Video
Mobile-First Strategy 26%
marketing and influencer marketing stay
strong as new strategies B2B professionals Personalization 26%
are looking to explore in 2023. The
Inbound Marketing 25%
biggest question with both methods is
how marketers will be able to use them Brand Storytelling 24%
effectively in the year ahead.
Account-Based Marketing 24%
Another trend we’re seeing is toward
Virtual Events & Webinars 23%
a mobile-first strategy. Every year the
number of people using mobile devices Podcasts & Livestreaming 21%
(over desktops or tablets) climbs higher
and higher, and it’s changing how we
Social Media Advertising 20%
design marketing materials. Everything CRM Software 20%
from copywriting and design shifts to
accommodate the smaller screens of Retargeting 19%
mobile devices, like using shortened Organic Social Media 18%
email subject lines and spacing layouts
differently depending on where the fold 12% Conversational Marketing (chat bots)
falls on mobile. If you haven’t considered 10% LinkedIn Sales Navigator
a mobile-first strategy for your B2B brand
yet, make sure you do in 2023. 5% Co-marketing

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top takeaways from
this year’s report
• Focus on building stronger relationships to retain clients

• Make room in your budget for in-person conferences and events

• Utilize SEO and SEM to increase lead generation

• Incorporate paid and non-paid social media tactics in your strategy

• Experiment with AI and automation to stay ahead of the competition

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about sagefrog marketing group
Sagefrog is a top-ranked B2B marketing agency and award-winning Best Place to Work®,
with specialties in healthcare, technology, industrial, and business services. We accelerate client
success through branding and integrated marketing delivered through proven programs,
business acumen, and fast quality. Our services include branding and strategy, websites
and digital, content and inbound, and traditional marketing.

Contact us to put the insights from this report into action for your company.

www.sagefrog.com • (215) 230-9024 • [email protected]

All Rights Reserved © 2023 Sagefrog Marketing Group, LLC

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