English 10
English 10
English 10
of printed pages : 8
Name ______________________________________________________
917 817(Dk)
Time: Three hours 15 minutes
General instructions :
I. First 15 minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the question paper .
II. All questions are compulsory .
III. This question paper is divided into two parts : part A and part B
IV. Parts –A consists of 20 multiple choice questions carrying 1 marks each
V. Read the question –wise instructions and mark your answer on the given OMR
sheet . do not erase , cut or use whitener on the OMR sheet.
VI. Part B consists of descriptive type questions.
VII. Marks are indicated against each question.
Part – A
Multiple choice questions
(Question no. 1 – 3) Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct option to answer the
question that follow :
Old people say that childhood is the best part of life . they look back
at their childhood and remember all its happy days , the jolly games ,the fun
they had at school , sweets and cakes they used to eat , jokes they used to
play and endless discussion they had amoung friends about almost every topic
. perhaps , these old folks are right . and all in a moment, the father was a
little boy and his son was a grown – up man like his father . And the father, in
the shape of a little boy , had to go to school , and i can tell you he did not like
it at all . A child ‘s troubles may seem small to grown –ups bur they are very
big to him.
817 (Dk) 1 P.T.O
1. According to old people , the best part of life is :
(A) To a father
(B) To a mother
(C) To a child
(D) To his/her friend
(Questions no. 4-8 ) choose the correct option to answer the following questions :