Energy Efficiency and Conservation Core Team

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Republic of the Philippines

CnRncn Srnru UNrvrRsrry

Ampayon, Butuan City 8600, Philippines
Phon6 (+63 85) 341-3249
({63 85) 342-3047
{+63 85) 341-2296
Far (+63 85) 342'1079
URL. htlp/wvrw.carsu.edir ph

rv. io
G!&. t!'b Uridra
Email address of@calsu edu ph mmil
C.rtilic.r. Io AJArT t 018
OftI( I OT TII[ UNIVTRSITY PR T-SII)f NT ISO Cenilicd Uniwrslty

)uly 22, 2O2O

Special Order
No. L74, Series of 2O2O


corrsERvATroil (EE&c) coRE TEAH

Pursuant to the R.A. 11285, an act Institutionalizing Energy Efficiency and Conservation,
Enhancing the Efficient Use of Energy, and Granting Incentives to Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Projects otherwise known as Energy Efficienry and Conservation Act. the
Caraga State University EE&C Core Team is hereby constituted and shall discharge the
correspondi ng functions, yr,z:

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Officer (EEC Officer):

Vice-President for Executive Operations and Auxiliary Services

a) Oversee the University's compliance with the R.A. 11285 and other related laws
and other statutory provisions for a comprehensive approach to €nergy efficiency,
conservation, and sufficiency, and sustainability.
b) Spearhead in the preparation and formulation for the approval of the University
President the design, plan and implementation, monitoring and evaluation scheme
for the energy efficiency and conservation consistent with the Government Energy
Management Program (GEMP).
c) Act as lead coordinator in the submission to Department of Energy (DOE) the
University's approved annual energy efficiency and conservation program, or any
modifications thereof, and the monthly energy performance report within the
prescribed period set forth by the implementing rules and regulations of EE&C.

EEC Focal Persons:

A. Director, Ptanning and Development

a) Lead in the planning and formulation of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Plan (EECP), and in monitoring and evaluation of its implementation
b) Coordinate and align utility distribution with the Land Use and Development
Infrastructure PIan (LUDIP)
c) Establish energy efficiency database, data collection method, and M&E framework
d) Coordinate with the technical working group (TWG) in the preparation of reports to
the EEC Officer such as monthly electricity and fuel consumption report
e) coordinate and work closely with the TwG to come up with recommendations to
infrastructure expansion or upgrades and define comprehensive design guidelines
to be followed for projects that will expand the utility infrastructure to meet
University requirements; modifications or upgrade of energy systems within
existing campus facilities and define comprehensive design guidelines to be
followed for projects that will renovate existing or build new facilities on campus;
and ensure that the university is able to meet its needs for reliable and economic
energy production and distribution of all utility commodities provided to the

B. Director, Physical Plant and General Services

a) Act as the lead lmplementer of the EECP

b) collect data needed in the preparation of monthly electricity and fuel consumption
c) Maximize overall utility plant and facility fuel use and energy efficiency
Republic of the Philippines JAS-AlrlZ

Cnn ncn Srnrc UNrvrn srry Phone (+63 85) 341-3249

(+63 65) 342.3047
Ampayon, Butuan City 8600, Philippines (+63 85) 3{1-2296
F.x (€3 E5) 34?'107S
C!& 8ari Urib
URL http./ r$/w crrru adu ph
Emailaddres! op@cersu edu ph E*-
C.rtrlic.t. No AJAI, r
tll-tl('I Ot Tllt IINIVI RSITY PRt-ill)fNT ISO Cerlitied Univcr.ity

Continuatlon of S.O. No, 173, s. 2020 on the Constitutlon of Caraga State University EE&C Core Team

C. Director, CRAFT

a) Act as the RDE and capacity building arm of the University in the EE&C
b) Recommends lntegratlon lnto exlstlng englneerlng currlcula appropriate courses
related to energy management
c) Identify and recommend implementation of technology improvements and upgrades
in the areas of utility and energy production, distribution, storage, metering,
automation, optimization use and reporting to support the development of a smart
energy campus that contlnuously monltors and adjusts energy use to ensure overall
needs are met in the most reliable, efficient and cost-effective manner

TWG l{embers:

l. Chlef, Monltorlng and Evaluatlon

ll. OPD Technlcal Personnel:
a. Plannlng Offlcer II
b. University Architect
c. Cavil Enganeer
d. G€odetic Engine€r
e. Elcctrlc.l Englnecr
iii.Office of Physical Plant and General Services Technical Personnel:
a. Civil Engineer
b. Flechanical Engineer
iv.2 Faculty Members
a. Amarllle, l.leyce! C. - Chalrperson, BS in Envlronmental Science
b, Amarga, Ydron Plul C. - Instructor III
a) Provide recommendations for infrastructure expansion or upgrades and define
comprehensive design guidelines to be followed for projects that will expand the
utility infrastructure to meet University requirements
b) Provlde recommendatlons for modlflcatlons or upgrade of energy systems wlthln
existing campus faclllties and deflne comprehensive deslgn guldelines to be followed
for projects that will renovate existing or build new facilities on campus.
c) Provide recommendations to ensure the University is able to meet its needs for
reliable and economic energy production and distribuflon of all utility commodities
provided to the campus
d) Identlfy energy conservation measures that mlnlmize energy losses ln uulity
production and distribution systems
e) Maximize overall utility plant and facility fuel use efficiency
0 Provide energy efficiency guidelines for new constructions, procurement, information
technology and building operation.
g) Establlsh recommended energy efficlency deslgn guldellnes and standards for new
bulldlng constructlon on campus
h) Specifically, the Chief for Monitoring and Evaluation shall spearhead in the conduct
of faclllty performance monltoring and evaluatlon of energy consumpuons and ln
preparing data analysis and energy performance tracking reports

Thls order supersedes other orders not conslstent wlth lt and shall take effect on the date
stated above unless otherwise amended or revoked by competent authority.

information and com pliance.

U ive Presid ent

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