Lesson Plan For 3rd English

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Lesson Plan For 3rd English

Name of the Teacher: T. Vijaya Lakshmi, SGT,

MP. UPS. (West) IBM, NTR District
Name of the Unit: The Recipe Book
No. of Periods: 22 + 22 = 44
Period Allotment
S.No. Name of the Topic T.L.P. Workbook e-content Specifications
1. Pre - Reading 1 1 1 Motivation
2. Reading Segment -1 2 2
3. Reading Segment -2 2 2
4. Reading Segment -3 2 2
5. Reading Segment -4 2 2
6. Vocabulary 1 1 1
7. Grammar 1 1 1
8. Conventions of Writing 1 1
9. Creative Writing 2 2
10. Listening & Responding 1 1 1
11. Language Game 1 1 1 Social &
12. Poem 1 1 1
13. Project Work 1 1 No Bag Day
14. Assessment & Revision 1 1

Prior concept / skills:

Listens and responds to the teacher / peer / e-content

Recognises household articles. Identify the things.

Able to listen and comprehend Text and the poem.

Able to decode and read the word and simple sentences.

Uses glossary / dictionary and find the meaning of the word.

Distinguishes between singular and plurals.

Take dictation of words.

Learning Outcomes:
Reads small texts with comprehension. Identifies the details and sequence.

Identifies simple singular – plural forms by adding ‘-s’ and uses them. Knows the spelling of
kitchen items and take the dictation.
Uses meaningful short sentences in speaking and writing. Uses a variety of subjective
personal pronouns in simple sentences.
Uses full stops in writing English sentences.
Expresses orally her/his opinion on the story and characters in the story in English or in
home language.
Converses in casual discussions using May I / Can I in 2 exchanges. Engages in conversation.
Reads the phonetic words with correct pronunciation and writes them while dictated.
Sings and enjoy the poem with proper pronunciation and intonation.

Teaching Learning Process: (T.L.P.)

Induction / Introduction: (Generating interest, informing students about the

outcomes and expectations for the lesson)

Picture interaction / puppet play / story / rhyme / video of the lesson / lang. game

Experience and reflection (task / question that helps students explore the
concept and connect with their life)

Identification task of alphabet / words / things

Mind mapping

Ask students to introduce themselves.

Ask them to talk about their favourite food.

Responses on video played.

Explicit teaching / teacher Group work (we do) Individual work (you do)
modelling (I do)

Pre - Reading Students share their Responds to the questions

Teacher interacts with the opinions about their coherently to the Pre -
students using the pictures favourite recipe / Kitchen Reading.
given in the text. items and ingredients. Do the worksheet 2.1 on
Interacts with the students Respond to the face sheet page 23 in workbook.
regarding the video played on page 13 in T.B. Activity-1
like, Chef making a recipe
video. Recipe Books, You tube
links, DIKSHA Q.R. Codes-P8U5G8,

Kitchen utensils and needs, etc.

Reading Text Reads the text individually

(In 4 segments) Read the text in groups and and comprehend it.

Segment wise reading of the share opinions and solve

text and interaction for doubts. Read aloud the text with

comprehension. Check Glossary and proper pause, intonation and

Teacher gives model Dictionary for the unknown stress in the ‘Read Along

reading of the text and helps words. the text app’.

students’ echo reading. Read Activity – 2 in T.B. Page 16 Worksheets 2.2 to 2.5 from
workbook page no. 24 to 27
along the text app.

scaffolds and supports in

reading and understanding
the meanings of the
unknown words / phrases.
Writes the keywords and
key concepts on the

Revisits the text and
Practise vocabulary in Vocabulary activities in
demonstrates vocabulary
groups and share ideas / workbook on pages 28, 29
activity. (T.B. Page 16, 17,
solve doubts. individually in worksheets
Activity 3, 4 on page no. 16 2.6 & 2.7.
*Observe the kitchen items /
&18 in T.B.
for one minute and write the
Q.R. Code: E5Q7J2
names when I hide them
with a cloth.
*Demonstrates different
things and interact regarding
the number of things in
singular-plural by adding ‘-s’.
eg. pot – pots.

Revisits the text and Practise Grammar activities Grammar worksheet 2.8 on
explains different pronouns on personal pronouns in workbook page 30.
like personal pronouns with groups and do the activity 5
exclusive illustrations. T.B. on page no. 19 & 20.
Page no. 19. Q.R. Code: E5Q7J2
Introduce and talk about
your family members by
using the personal pronouns
like, I, He, She, It, etc.

Conventions of Writing:
Writes on the greenboard Write sentences Worksheet 2.9, activity I on
conventionally using conventionally. page 31 in W.B.
capitalisation, space, Take dictation of 4 - 5 words
sequence and full stop and / sentences / passage and
interacts with the children. evaluate in groups.
Textbook page - 20 Activity 6 on pg. 21 in T.B.

Creative Writing:
How do you help your Discuss in class how they Tries to complete the
parents in cooking? help their parents in conversation between Raju
Look at this puppet show cooking. and the customer with the
and listen to the Try to enact the role play help of the verbal clues.
conversation between the between the Recipe book Worksheet 2.9, Activity II on
recipe book and kitchen and the kitchen items. page 31 in the W.B.
items. Work in groups and writes
Now develop the the conversation between
conversation between your father and mother in helping
parents. Page 21,22 on T.B. each other. Activity 7 in T.B.
Page. 22.
Complete the conversation
between the customer and
Raju. Activity 9 in T.B.pg. 24

Listening & Responding:

Demonstrates / models the
dialogue using ‘May I’ / ‘Can Enact in groups / pairs Completes the worksheet
I’, asking for permission. different roles of the 2.9, activity III on page 32 in
eg. May I use your book? characters like, cook and a the workbook.
Can I help you? Pg. 22, customer; between two Shows gratitude to Mid Day
23 from T.B. friends, etc. Meal Cooking agents
*a telephonic conversation Ask questions using ‘May I’ / through random acts of
between a cook and a ‘Can I’ and respond to the kindness like Thank you
customer. questions asked by her/his Cards / handmade flower
friend. Activity 8, on pg. 23 bouquets. with simple
eg. May I use your pen? messages
Yes, you may.

Poem: The Swing

Models the poem and gives Read in groups and share
Sings the poem individually
tune from you tube links, ideas.
and comprehends it.
https://youtube.com/watch?v Play and participate in swing
Does the comprehension
=dv3t0AhdH8&feature=shar ing to experience the joy.
activity of unseen thematic
e Sing and enjoy the poem in
passage in worksheet 2.10
groups and try to enact it.
on page 33 in the workbook.
Diksha platform as a model. Read aloud the rhyming
Supports in echo reading words in groups and find the
and scaffolds the unknown rhyming words and write the
phrases and words. Page T. B. Activity 11 on pg. 26.
25, in textbook.

Language Game: Form into two groups and

Writes Assessment and
Role models the game of play the game of ‘Asking
takes remedial on the weak
‘Asking Permission’ with a Permission and Responding
partner. Can I use this pen?
Yes, you can.

Project Work: Discuss in groups list out the Collects the pictures of
Assigns the Projects of required ingredients and different recipes and paste
Recipe of Rice, Dosa, Idly, draw the recipe procedure. them in the portfolio.

TLM / ILM used for TLP: Diksha Q.R. Codes, P8U5G8; E5Q7J2, Recipe books, Kitchen
items and utensils, charts, flash cards, Read along the text app, you tube links, etc.

Check for Understanding - Questions:

Peripheral Questions:

• Why did people like the food in Raju’s hotel?

• Who helped Raju to cook food for the big party?
• What is the colour of the garden?

Inferential Questions:

• How do you help your parents in the kitchen?

• If you were Raju, how would you show gratitude to the recipe book?
• How do you feel when you swing?

• What are the colours mentioned in the poem, The Swing?
• Write the plurals of spoon, mixer, stove. __________, ___________, ____________.
• Introduce your family members using the personal pronouns.

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