Edd Year-Long 23-24 Syllabus Cas Format
Edd Year-Long 23-24 Syllabus Cas Format
Edd Year-Long 23-24 Syllabus Cas Format
Room #: L302
Email: [email protected]
Course Overview:
Component 1: Research Component 4: Evaluation of Project Process
Researching a Problem Evaluation of Project and Process
•Identification and Justification of the Problem •Documentation of External Evaluation
•Documentation and Analysis of Prior Solutions •Reflection on Design Project
•Presentations and Justification of Solution •Presentation of the Designer’s
Requirements Recommendations
Grading Procedures:
At the East Cooper Center for Advanced Studies, three (3) school-wide categories are used to distinguish
assignments. Those categories and approximate target weights are:
● Major (tests, projects, lab reports, etc.): 50%
● Minor (quizzes, collaborative assignments, etc.): 30%
● Daily (classwork, homework, etc.): 20%
Engineering Department policy dictates:
Grades will be determined using a point system not a category weight system. Each graded project,
activity, quiz, homework, exam, or other assignment will be assigned a point value based on the time
required to complete the assignment and the importance of the assignment. The student’s overall grade
will be calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total number of points possible and converting
them to a percentage.
Students are not allowed to retake an assignment for a higher grade unless the teacher decides to
re-administer the assignment to the entire class. Several projects span multiple weeks in this course. It is
expected that no single-day absence, that occurs four or more days before the due date, will impact the
project's due date.
Students that participate in field trips will receive no extension. If a project is due on the day of a field trip,
the student is responsible for turning it in prior to leaving on the trip. It is the expectation of teachers that
students who know of an absence will work ahead of schedule to meet the project's due date.
Any major or minor assignments submitted five (5) or fewer school days past the original due date will
receive a max grade of 80%. Any major or minor assignment submitted more than five (5) school days
past the original due date will receive a max grade of 50%, subject to mitigating circumstances agreed
upon by the teacher. Any major or minor assignments not turned in for grading will receive a 33%,
assuming the student demonstrated progress toward completion of the work. Any daily work turned in late
will receive a maximum of 50% and any daily work not turned in will receive a 0%.
Late major or minor Late daily assignment: Example Grade:
assignment: Late: 50% max A student turns in a Major
89% max, up to 5 days late. Not turned in: 0% Project late. The student’s
50% max over 5 days late. maximum score will be 89%
Not turned in: 33% which is (40pts*0.89) = 35.6pts
East Cooper Center for Advanced Studies
Engineering Design and Development Syllabus
Once you have reviewed the syllabus, please scan the QR code below or visit this site and complete the
Google Form by September 1. https://bit.ly/3ACxDhe