CT 05 Film Drift Eliminator 24.02.
CT 05 Film Drift Eliminator 24.02.
CT 05 Film Drift Eliminator 24.02.
DE 125
HEWITECH drift eliminator system with adjusted strenght We provide droplet eliminators in different shape designs
in order to reduce the construction cost in smaller coo-
Design Structure Code Ratio sheets
ling tower units basically by optimization of the support
system of eliminator sector.
DE 125 F1 flat /
corrugated The static of DE elements improved by adjustable foil
thickness and free selected sequence of flat foils. Our
1:3 Standard design is produced with a ratio of 1:7 flat to
DE 125 F3 flat / corrugated sequence.
slightly / moderately
DE 125 PP & PVC 2.400 x 600 x 125
slightly / moderately
DE 250 PP & PVC 2.400 x 600 x 250
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