Innovative Technologies in Improving Education
Innovative Technologies in Improving Education
Innovative Technologies in Improving Education
International Communication
| e-ISSN: 2792-4017 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 2
Annotation: This article talks about conducting special technical sciences and general pedagogy
and special methodical sciences in higher technical educational institutions on the basis of
innovative technologies. Pedagogical technologies and necessary pedagogical methods to ensure a
high level of activity of pupils (students) in the lesson are given.
Keywords: the idea of differentiated education, the principle of education, street law,
brainstorming, discussion.
The state policy in the field of personnel training envisages the formation of a well-rounded
individual-citizen through the continuous education system, which is inextricably linked with the
intellectual and spiritual-moral education of a person. In this way, one of the most basic
constitutional duties of a citizen, the right to acquire knowledge, to show creative ability, to
develop intellectually, and to work according to his profession, is realized.
Higher technical educational institutions have the task of integrating the content of special technical
sciences and general pedagogy and special methodical sciences. In recent years, the idea of
differentiated teaching of educational subjects significantly separated special subjects, general
education and pedagogic subjects from each other. For this reason, life requires finding a
mechanism to bring these disciplines closer together, that is, to integrate them. they should follow
them when organizing the process and teaching.
In pedagogical publications, there are cases of dividing teaching methods into active and inactive
groups. If each method is used in its place in solving one or another goal, it is undoubtedly active.
Pedagogical technologies are also focused on achieving a predetermined goal based on ensuring a
high level of activity of pupils (students) in the lesson. Therefore, in this chapter, the methods of
foreign didactics, which are still unfamiliar to pedagogical practice, are discussed.
The American "Street law" program has been adopted by many countries of the world today and is
being established in the educational space. The reason for this is the activity, attractiveness and
effectiveness of hundreds of teaching methods included in the program. With their help, students
will quickly have opportunities to freely express their opinions, critically receive information, work
in a team, strengthen their position, defend their opinions, and understand their rights. The teacher
should use these methods wisely when building the didactic process, and use them according to the
complexity of the educational elements and time constraints. below you will get acquainted with
some of the methods of the "Street law" program, you will be familiar with their secrets and magic.
Brainstorming allows you to find ways out of difficult situations, expand your horizons, break
the monotony of thinking, and think broadly. Most importantly, in the process of solving the
problem, the atmosphere of struggle is changed to the mood of creative cooperation, and the
group (class) becomes more cohesive.
Debate. With the help of this method, the students are provided with complete information on a
specific problem, the students "storm" the topic chosen for discussion and, as a result,
thoroughly study the information related to the problem.
Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 2 in Feb-2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
Journal of Ethics and Diversity in
International Communication
| e-ISSN: 2792-4017 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 2
It is recognized that the American debate method is organized in various forms. The most common
type in our practice is "tele-discussion".
Until then, in traditional education, students were taught only to acquire ready-made knowledge.
Such a method extinguished independent thinking, creative research, and initiative in students.
Today, the interest and attention to increase the effectiveness of education using interactive
methods (innovative pedagogical and information technologies) in the educational process is
growing day by day. Classes using modern technologies are aimed at helping students find the
knowledge they are acquiring, independently study and analyze it, and even draw their own
conclusions. In this process, the teacher creates conditions for the development, formation, learning
and education of individuals and teams, and at the same time, the manager acts as a guide.
The extent to which students acquire knowledge is always the result of their cognitive activity. The
educational process should be a system in which the teacher and students work together, in this
system the teacher leads, but the result depends on the cognitive activity of the students.
The rapid increase in the amount of information in the field of knowledge, the rapid
implementation of scientific discoveries, the constantly changing content and methods of work in
production make students always read, increase their general level of knowledge, and strive to
expand and deepen their knowledge and studies. will be decided by the science teacher. For these
purposes, during the educational process, the teacher should attach great importance to the
development of students' interest in knowledge, create in them a desire to learn, develop their level
of thinking, and teach them to solve various problems independently.
In order to implement such a pedagogical process, the pedagogue uses various teaching methods,
effective lesson organization experiences, and innovative technologies.
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Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit
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| e-ISSN: 2792-4017 | | Volume: 3 Issue: 2
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Published under an exclusive license by open access journals under Volume: 3 Issue: 2 in Feb-2023
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