Educational Technology: Meaning, Nature and Scope
Educational Technology: Meaning, Nature and Scope
Educational Technology: Meaning, Nature and Scope
[| Teaching_technology]
[Behavioural Technology]
Instructional Design Technology
Educational Technology –
Meaning, Nature and Scope
In the early period of human history, when writing was unknown, the method of verbal
presentation on the part of the teachers and citation and memorization on the part of the students
was a common practice in almost all the civilization of the world. Socrates‟ teacher-pupil oral
dialogue system prevalent in the west and oral teaching tradition maintained by the ancient sages
in the Gurukuls of our country may be cited as a testimony of the use of relevant technology on the
field of teaching-learning at a particular age in the progress of human civilization.
With the advent of writings as the means and materials of communication, like writing on
the leaves and tree-trunks, engraving on metals and rocks, and then the use of the some type of
paper and ink material provided the next breakthrough in the use of writing technology for
teaching and learning. In the time to come, it provide a great impetuse in the field of teaching and
learning which witnessed the use of the subject matter available in the form of printing materials
and textbooks, a great scientific and technological advancement.
The use of writing and printing technology then took its next leap in helping the
cause of teaching and learning by utilized in the production and use of the instructional
materials like chalkboard, pictures, chart, models, maps, diagrams and other graphic
D. Unwin: “Educational Technology in concerned with the application of modern skill and
techniques to requirements of educational training. This includes facilitation of learning by
manipulation of media and methods, and the control of environment is so far as this
reflects on learning (Unwin, 1969).”
These definitions initially encompass the whole range of educational technology activities
from the analytic methods of psychology of learning and teaching the audio-visual
communication and mass media technology. The views propagated by these definitions
may help us to conclude about the meaning and nature of educational technology as
6. Educational Technology is not limited to the use of audio-visual aids and does not
symbolize merely educational hardware such as sophisticated gadgets and mechanical
devices used in education. For the effective management of the total teaching-learning
process it tends to utilize the results of all goods, experiments and researches in the field of
human learning and the art of communication and employs a combination of all possible
human and non-human resources to achieve the desired educational objectives.
In brief, educational technology should stand for a wise application of the available human
and non-human resources for providing appropriate solution to the educational problems
and to improve the process and products of education.
The earliest concept of educational technology was linked with the use of audio-
visual aids like chart, models, maps, specimen and concrete material. In this sense, the term
educational technology was used as a synonym to audio-visual aids meant foe direct
teaching and learning.
With the advent of physical science and consequently the electronic revolutions
there come an era of sophisticated hardware and software (gadgets and mechanical
devices) like projectors, tape-recorders, radio and television. As a result, educational
technology was taken in terms of these sophisticated instruments and equipment used for
presenting instructional materials.
Then came the age of mass media. It led to massive communication revolution for
instructional purposes. Utilization of radio, television, tele-text and computer –assisted
instruction for individualized learning, thus, brought more sophisticated in the use of
appliances and instruments for formal education.
With the advent of programmed learning and programmed instruction concept, a
new dimensions of educational technology came into educational horizon. It tried to
individualize the process of education and introduced a system of self-learning in the form
of designed self-instructional material and teaching machine. As a result, educational
technology was regarded as being concerned with preparation and the use of
individualized instruction or self-intructional programmed material, leading to the use
teaching machine to the use of audio-instruction or learning.
The concept of programmed learning added another dimensions to the meaning of
educational technology when some new devices and approaches like wide applications of
the theories of learning and teaching, micro-teaching, analysis of behavior and systems
approach, etc. came into existence.
This aspect of educational technology carries wide meaning and multifaceted concepts. It
emphasizes the application of system approach to the study of multidimensional problem
of education. Some of these problems areas are as follows:
The term technology in education is thus a service concept like technology in the
service of farming and agriculture or science in the service of mankind. In this sense,
educational technology can provide its services to the teachers of the following grounds:
The term „technology of education‟ or „educational technology‟ cannot limit itself to the role
of service as confined in the case of technology in education. The term, technology of the
education, does not represent something added or helped from outside as sounded in the
case of technology in education. It signifies a system of technological approach to the
problems of education. Emphasizing on this point of view, T.K. Robinson (1976) writers”
The strongest protagonist for educational technologies are not, however satisfied with a
role limited to technology in education and the provision of audio-visual aids. They see
themselves as crucially involved in the design and evaluation of systems of learning
involving an understanding of the psychology of learning and communication and
information theory to be used to established a rational for a good teaching practice which
uses a variety of media and modes and which enables the teachers to deploy his skills more
effectively and apply them more widely. This is technology of education.
In view of the discussion carried out in the above pages, the following conclusions can be
drawn about the concepts of educational technology:
Objectives of Educational
Educational technology, in the capacity of technology of educational, provides valuable
help in the total teaching-learning process for achieving the possible results in an economic
way through the available human and non-human resources. In the respect, the major
objectives of education technology can be summarized as follows:
1. Teaching technology
2. Instructional technology
3. Behavioral technology
4. Instructional design technology
Teaching technology
As already emphasized in this chapter, teaching technology, as a sub-system of educational
technology, is concerned with the task of systematization of the process of teaching.
However, teaching cannot merely be treated as a sum total of certain teaching skills. A
teacher has to play the role of technician by learning the art and science of teaching.
Teaching must be regarded as a technology that a teacher should try to know and
practice well if she wishes to be successful in his teaching job.
A technical knowledge and skills of tasks requires that it should be completed with
reasonable economy and greater efficiency. If a teacher can teach well with the least
efforts resulting into maximum productivity, then he can be thought utilizing teaching as
technology. The essence of the application of technology lies in getting more and better
output with the least input in terms of time and labor.
If teacher is in the position to make the use of technology in teaching, he must be well
equipped with the technological skills like the following, besides having a good knowledge
or mastery over the subject matter:
Communication skills,
1. Communication skills,
2. Skills of interaction with his students,
3. Skill of making the students to learn and think independently, and
4. Skill of evaluating and reinforcing pupil‟s learning behavior, etc.
Instructional Technology
This kind of technology is meant for helping the instructor and the learner in the desired
instructional task for the realization of the stipulated instructional objectives in a particular
teaching-learning situation. The term instructional stands for a certain type of command
meant for getting some specific information, knowledge and understanding about a thing
system or a process. Instructional technology, in this way, first try to plan what type of
instruction and instructional material are needed in a particular teaching-learning
situation and then suggest ways and means for the utilization of this instructional material
for the proper realization of the instructional objectives.
There are varieties of media and method available for imparting instruction. One has to
take proper decision about the selection of particular media and method or a combination
of media and methods depending upon the nature of the piece of instruction and resources
and environment available in a particular teaching-learning situation.
It contains the topic like the following in its prescribed syllabus of course:
Evaluation is the real key and controlling agency of any type of instructional activity
carried out by the teacher in the shape of auto-instruction. How far a teacher or learner
has been successful in
realizing the stipulated instructional objectives can be made known only through a well-
planned strategy of evaluation.
Behavioural Technology
“Any manifestation of life is activity”, says Woodworth (1945), behaviour is a collective
name of such activities.
Behavioural technology, as one of the kind/type in its board form, may be utilized to study
and bring modification in the behaviour of all living organisms.
Behavioural technology, in a broader technical sense, may also include behaviour
modification strategies which are not based on learning principles. However, in school
situations, the task of behavioural technology has almost become synonymous with the
behavioural analysis and behaviour modification carried out through the principles of
operant conditioning (shaping of the desired behaviour) and observational learning
(imitation of a model behaviour)
For inducing the desired behaviour or for bringing the needed modification in
the existing behaviour, behaviour technology, as said earlier, makes use its own technology
including the appropriate learning principles based on operant conditioning and social
These instructional design, as Dr. Robert C. Branch, Syracuse University, USA emphasizes
(1996:44), are meant for “responding to the complexities associated with the instructional
episode by analyzing, defining, testing and recommending strategies for implementing
The term instructional design, in its simple meaning, thus stands for layout or plan
describing the manner in which an instruction process (involving teaching and learning and
its interaction) should be carried out for attainment of the stipulated objectives.
Instructional design technology, for exercising such control and manipulation, may be seen
to adopt a new distinctive approaches like systems approach, cybernetic approach and
training psychology for generating effective instructional design with a clear cut motive
and helping the learner and teacher in the attainment of the stipulated instructional
Approaches of Educational
Educational technology I or hardware approach
This type of educational technology has its origin in physical sciences and engineering and is
based on the concept of service, i.e., using technology in education (Silverman 1968). While
teaching in a big hall, a teacher uses a microphone for making his voice audible, he may
be said to approach such type of education technology for making his teaching effective.
Such type of mechanical and teaching revolution has almost mechanized the teaching-
learning process. Almost all the material and equipment of hardware approach originally
belong in areas other than education and being borrowed and utilized for educational
Psychology of learning provided solid technology for bringing the desirable behavioural
changes in the students and thus serves the cause of education by laying down definite
instructional procedure, teaching behaviour and behaviour modification devices. The
second type of educational technology is sometimes referred to as instructional technology,
teaching technology or behavioural technology.
It is more concerned with the production and It makes use of psychology of learning for the
utilization of audio-visual aid material and production and utilization of software
sophisticated instruments, and mass media techniques and materials in terms of learning
learning for helping the teacher and learners materials, teaching learning strategies, and
in their task other devices for smoothening the task of
teaching learning.
4. Providing proper input and process for the best possible outcomes
(products): in the true spirit of the system engineering, use of hardware and software
technologies can help the educational and instruction system to make all possible efforts for
providing adequate and the needed process organizations to arrive at the best possible
This systems approach takes education as a system having a set of inputs which are
subjected to a process, design to produce certain outputs which are intended to meet the
stipulated objectives of the system.
Thus, in system approach, one has to make a continuous comparison of the different roles
played by man, machine and media in a system of education and develop an appropriate
instructional design and strategy in relation to the stipulated objectives.
Thus, educational technology is concerned with all variables, phases, levels, and aspects of
the teaching-learning process. In brief, it works for over all planning and organization of
the system or subsystem of education.
In above discussion, an attempt has been made to identify the scope of the subject
educational technology by mapping out its field of operation, but in true sense, it is unwise
to put hedge and boundaries around such a developing and fast growing subject.
1. There has been a wider and more effective utilization of radio for
broadcasting educational programmes throughout the country. These well planned
programmes are now broadcast throughout the country for both in-school and out-
of-school groups.
2. Another significant development in the use of educational technology is
concerned with the development of television programmes.
3. The third important area where educational technology has been useful is
the problem of -training and re-training a large number of school teachers in an
effective way.
4. Another application of educational technology in our country is known as
distance education.
5. Another major area where educational technology is being used in our
country relates to language instruction.
6. Another field of operation of educational technology in our country is
concerned with the correspondence education,
7. Another use for which educational technology is being put in our country is
concerned with preparation, development and utilization of audio-visual material,
and handling as well as maintenance of the hardware appliances and sophisticated
8. In the latest trend, educational technology is providing its worth by utilizing
the services of computers and advanced form of ICT technology in the field of
Thus, educational technology has been providing its worth in our country by guiding,
planning, implementing and evaluating various programmes of formal as well as non-
formal education.