Playtest PF2e KS
Playtest PF2e KS
Playtest PF2e KS
PF2e Playtest
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Society .................................................. 12
Cover Artists: Alex Ahad, Kem Mackey
Cosmology.............................................. 14
Interior Artists: Alex Ahad, Mychal Amann/
Swampkips, Candlehag, Hanghul/May, Kaitlin Divinities................................................ 18
“Charlie” Edlund, Alana Fan, Kayla Felty,
Angela Kim, Jeong Kim, Min Kim, Kem Ancestries............................................... 33
Mackey, MLarty, Nidhi Naroth, Jenny Park, A.
R. Stefansdottir, Vanessa Wei, Emily Whang, Archetypes.............................................. 62
H. Won, Yeabin/judgedarts, G. Eunae Yim, Classes .................................................. 76
Chagok Yun
Backgrounds........................................... 89
Layout Artist: Kaitlin “Charlie” Edlund
Weapons.................................................. 91
Translator: S. Jeon (Dan/단)
Magic Items............................................ 92
Kickstarter Trailer: Angela Chong, Dale
North, Ty Wood, Suzie Yeung Creatures: Tier 1 Play............................. 98
Komung’go (거문고) - Guh-moon-goh
Mudang (무당) - Moo-dahng
Noengsul (노앵설) - Noh-ehng-suhl
Shingiwonyo (신기원요) - Shihn-gee-wuhn-yoh
Ancestries Yuji (유지) - Yoo-jee
Dokkaebi (도깨비) - Doh-kkeh-bee
Gumiho (구미호) - Goomee-hoh Tier 2 Play
Sangun (상군) - Sahn-goon
Akryung (악령) - Ahk-ryung
Bulgasari (불가사리) - Bool-gah-Ssah-ree
Backgrounds Changgwi (창귀) - Chahng-gwee
Kisaeng (기생) - Ghee-sehng Chwisaeng (취생) - Chwee-sehng
Daegugwi (대구귀) - Deh-goo-gwee
Cosmology Dokakgwi (독각귀) - Dohk-gak-gwee
Bari (바리) - Bah-rhee Duseng’ilgak (두생일각) - Doo-sehng-il-gaak
Dangun (단군) - Dahn-goon Geogugwi (거구귀) - Guh-goo-gwee
Eopshin (업신) - Up-sheen Janghwahwunyo (장화훤요) - Jaang-hwa-
Gucheon (구천) - Goo-chuhn hwuhn-yoh
Hallakgungi (할락궁이) - Hal-lahk-Goong-ee Jesengnoma (제생요마) - Jeh-sehng-noh-mah
Hwanin (환인) - Hwahn-een Juidoryung (쥐도령) - Jwee-doh-ryung
Hwanung (환웅) - Hwahn-oong Shinyuyukmyeon (신유육면) - Shihn-yoo-yook-
Iseung (이승) - Ee-s’ng myuhn
Jeongrang Gakshi (정랑 각시) - Juhng-rahng
Gahk-shee Tier 3 Play
Jeoseung Saja (저승사자) - Juh-seung Sah-jah
Jowangshin (조왕신) - Joh-wahng-sheen Bul-gae (불개) - Bool-geh
Munshin (문신) - Moon-sheen Geumdwaeji (금돼지) - G’eum-dweh-jee
Samgong (삼공) - Sahm-gohng Guchinyuh (거치녀) - Guh-chee-nyuh
Sobyeolwang (소별왕) - soh-byul-wahng Jigwi (지귀) - Jee-gwee
Seonangshin (서낭신) - Suh-nang-sheen Jihaguk Daejeok (지하국대적) - Jee-hah-gook
Seongjushin (성주신) - Suhng-joo-sheen Deh-juhk
Teojushin (터주신) - Tuh-joo-sheen Kkumoksari (꺼먹살이) - Kuh-mohk-sah-ree
Ungnyeo (웅녀) - ‘Ng-nyuh Podocheong Unit (포도청/포도주장) - Poh-
Sammokgu (삼목구) - Sahm-mohk-goo
Society Seul-ki (슬기) - Seuh’l-ghee
Baekjeong (백정) - Beck-jung Shigingwi (식인귀) - Sheeg-een-gwee
Cheonmin (천민) - Chun-meen Uduksushin (어둑시니) - Uh-duhk-soo-shihn
Danguk (단국) - Dahn-Gook Yeongno (영노) - Young-noh
Jungin (중인) - Joong-een
Nobi (노비) - Noh-bee Tier 4 Play
Sangmin (상민) - Saang-meen
Yangban (양반) - Yahng-bahn Dueoksini (두억시니) - Doo-uhck-shee-nee
Haetae (해태) - Heh-teh
Samdugumi (삼두구미) - Sahm-doo-goo-mee
Tier 1 Play Yongwang (용왕) - Yohng-wahng
Choon’giyeosuh (충기여서) - Choon-gee-yuh-
Geuseunsae (그슨새) - G’s’n-seh
where its mythology thrives in real life.
In ancient times, the construction of an ideal Korean
home always incorporates the natural environment
surrounding it. Geomancy was an important factor:
the shapes of mountains, hills, rivers, and plains
carried a flow of energy that determined mood and
fortune. In this magical setting where indeed the land
carries powerful spiritual energy, these considerations
must be taken doubly seriously. Homes were built with
connection to the noble Yongwang. Dragonborn
settlements can often be found near rivers and ports
where their true Dragon ancestor once resided. Each
clan has been entrusted with a Dragon Egg by the
Danguk is home to diverse groups of people with Yongwangs that will hatch into a prototypical Dragon
varieties of ancestries, moreso in modern times as the native to Danguk called an Imoogi. If the Imoogi lives
country fully opened up to visitors and immigrants. The in water for one thousand years and is gifted with a
following descriptions of some basic facts and statistics Yeouiju or a Dragon Marble, it will become a true
of how ancestries fare in Danguk should help guide you Yongwang.
as you create your character’s backstory. None of the
The Ryu clan in particular is composed of Green
following information is meant to decide where your
scaled Dragonborn who grow to be powerful sorcerers.
character should come from or how they should have
Their success in crafting Yeouiju or Dragon Marble
lived their lives.
and raising multiple Imoogi that grew to be princes
This section is meant only to set up some material and princesses of the Dragon Palace earned them great
foundations concerning the people of Danguk that you prestige. This was owed to their ability to manipulate
can take into consideration. the weather and purify water, which they’ve used to
profit regionally.
Dokkaebi Clanless Dragonborns do not hold much prestige in
The Dokkaebi began appearing after the fracturing modern Danguk for fear of their relation to the despised
of Danguk. People initially thought them to be an evil and deposed Wang Clan. Though they’re looked on as
omen, a sign of the Emperor of Darkness’s lingering a symbol of fear, clan affiliations and class determine
presence in the world. In truth, as life grew more difficult how Dragonborns are treated in Danguk society.
in Danguk and spiritual energy remained strong in the
land, Dokkaebi appeared as if in response. They always Dwarves
represented the unvarnished desires of mortals and
Dwarves are the most common ancestry in Danguk.
this made them an object of revulsion, envy, and awe.
They trace their origins all the way to Ungnyeo and
Few Dokkaebi even assimilated into society, though
Hwanung’s union and are often referred to as Bear
whenever one has a name people remember, they often
People. The strongest clans take pride in the fact that
leave a mark on history.
they are the children of the descended god. Clans,
The Dokkaebi have most often been allies of the particularly of Eastern Danguk and the Kingdom
Black Bear Clan, fighting against Akryung that they of Eungjoon, have made their trade as the nation’s
regard sometimes as wayward siblings. They operate premier artisans and are able to make a decent living in
in the margins of Danguk society, being part of cities. The oldest Dwarven clans who trace their lineage
movements and efforts that the common people rarely back to the kingdom’s founding are mostly based in the
are privy to until they’re ready to explode. They’re rulers Capital, declaring the protection of the Sandalwood
of Danguk’s night when the bureaucrats and ministers Tree their responsibility by birthright. For that reason,
have gone to sleep. the heads of the most powerful families are typically
Clerics of Ungnyeo.
Dragonborn The Dwarves that shun city life are more independent
Dragonborns are relatively common in Danguk and industrious. They operate their own trade and
following the pact Dangun forged with the Yongwangs. settle in areas with humanoid populations to provide
The Yongwangs sanctioned their citizens to move up a service. Breweries, inns, and taverns are commonly
to the surface after Dangun designated Dragons as a owned by Dwarves. These same Dwarves sometimes
protected species (meaning it is forbidden to hunt and attempt to take the military service examination as a
kill them, though this designation is annulled if the means of finding their unique place in the country.
Dragon has been found to have harmed the people of Community and belonging are important virtues to
Danguk). Dwarvish society.
Nine Heavens Press 9 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Elves/Half-Elves Goblins
As a land rife with Fey, it’s no surprise that elves Sometimes mistaken for Dokkaebi, Goblins are
would call Danguk their home. Considering Danguk’s a curious minority in Danguk. While even Goblins
relatively young existence, their eldests remember have forgotten exactly how their ancestors emigrated
from the country’s beginning. This ancient memory into Danguk, few care about such details unimportant
allows Elves lucrative positions as the land’s foremost to their present moment. The most common theory
historians and chroniclers. Few others can claim that among Dangukese scholars is that they were a nomadic
their close relatives witnessed the descent of Hwanung people shipwrecked in the lands who decided to settle.
from the heavenly realm. As far as people can remember, they’ve often been
Elves began appearing in Danguk around the same made livings as sailors, gravitating to the wealth of food
time Hwanung connected the material realm to the in the seas. Tales of a Goblin insulting a Yongwang have
spiritual. As Fey appeared, so did Elves to form tribes given them an unfair reputation as tricksters.
around forested areas. Most of these clans preferred to In truth, Goblins rarely care for conforming to
adopt policies of non-intervention, especially when the the society they occupy and live according to what
kingdom of Danguk fractured into multiple, smaller they desire at the moment. Savvy people in Danguk
states. For this, through history, they were viewed with understand this and have learned to help them channel
suspicion and persecuted during the Fractured Era. this mindset into creative pursuits. Some Goblins have
Those wishing to expand their artistic horizons left the become expert shipwrights and are responsible for
forests and moved into towns. eccentric, yet brilliant designs that revolutionize fields
While not as powerful as the Dwarven clans, Elves of naval combat or trade.
and Half-Elves are valued as scholars and artists with
the latter facing more difficulties overcoming prejudice. Halflings
Some have even passed the civil service exam and Since the wars that split Danguk and the turbulence
become Yangban, but most eke out a living as Jungin. of the Gyerim and Goryeo periods, Halflings have
Those uninterested in these pursuits often become adopted nomadic lives in pursuit of tranquility.
traveling performers that journey to wherever people Adopting patterns of olden days, few stay too long in
are and entertain for lodgings from night to night. one place, usually repaying communities kind enough
to house them with a favor and moving on. They have
Gnomes embraced the teachings of the Awakened One, guiding
Though Gnomes aren’t native to Danguk, they others to let go of their material attachments and pursue
began immigrating there after the scientific revolution, tranquility of body, thoughts, and soul.
particularly from the Zhu Empire. As Danguk begins A notable monk of the Awakened One in Danguk
briskly catching up with, and surpassing in some is Jinhwi, a Halfling ascetic whose body is said to have
regards, the rest of the world in terms of scientific been mummified alive. As leader of the Ondal Order,
development, eager Zhu gnomes seek to make their which preaches of radical liberation, including from
mark in world history. societal expectations, some view his teachings to be
They’re often found in cities, making their trade as at odds with the State. While Jinhwi represents the
merchants, apothecaries, and engineers. Of the clans extremities of the Halfling ideal of tranquility, others
in Danguk, Gnomish clans are all new, yet rapidly on strive for simple lives full of good food and friends.
the rise. Their longevity encourages a devil may cry Most are commoners and peasants.
attitude which doesn’t suit civil service in Danguk,
a field suspicious of free thinkers. They’ve quickly Humans
become a staple of city life as new immigrants to the Though Humans have existed in the lands before
land. Communities that accept Gnomish clans find Hwanung’s descent, they are among a minority in
new excitement in their lives. Danguk. Still, they are considered to be Hwanung’s first
subjects and despite their relatively short lives, they’ve
been part of crucial moments in Danguk’s history.
They only recently came into prominence as Yi Sung-
Druids of Danguk often receive their powers directly
from the central source: the Sandalwood Tree. Their
The land of Danguk is rife with spiritual and natural powers may take shape in unique ways depending
energies that empower magic of all sources. Much on the environments they dedicated their lives to.
comes from the celestial Sandalwood Tree holding aloft Conversely, should their powers come from the divine,
the Capital. Blessed with godly power, it sustains the it’s rarely ever a single deity like with a cleric. Druids
system of reincarnation in Danguk and the travel of are gifted with the blessings of all of nature and are
souls to and from the lands creates abundant magical recognized by the native gods that reside in Danguk.
energy from which all spellcasters at least indirectly
draw from. Everyone born in Danguk possesses Sorcerer
at least the potential to use magic which can grow
exponentially through catalysts such as study, faith, Sorcerers are the most common type of spellcaster in
one’s blood, nature, or an outside force entirely. Danguk though many cannot cast beyond cantrips and
basic spells. As many Dangukese people are descended
While there are exceptions, the following lists from Hwanung, they awaken to sorcerous powers
ways in which certain spellcasters may discover their gifted to those with celestial or archfey bloodlines. The
spellcasting potential: ancestors of other sorcerers may have encountered any
number of entities native to Danguk like its dragons,
Bard fey, and native gods.
The life energy that flows from the Sandalwood Tree
bolsters the creative force of artistry. A bard’s devotion Witch
awakens their latent power and allows them to channel Entities concerned with the results of the gods’
magic into their art. Schools of art in Danguk work experiment with rebirth work to subtly influence
to harness this power, but only genuine inspiration results into their favor. They contact individuals whose
serves as the necessary catalyst to awaken one’s magical hearts resonate with their interests and offer power.
potential. Realizing this inevitability, the gods of the underworld
sanctioned their messengers to sign contracts and
Champion enlist mortals to preserve the balance of life and death
When an individual forges an oath, a sacrifice of the in Danguk.
self to a greater cause, their overwhelming zeal serves
as a necessary catalyst for the divine to grace them. A Wizard
champion needn’t discover their potential in a church Though everyone possesses the spark of magic, they
or temple, but under any circumstances that inspire learn to control and cultivate it through their studies at
people to take up a cause. schools devoted to magic. In Danguk, even a small village
has at least one government-affiliated school. For those
Cleric that seek disciplines of magic these respectable schools
As a land hosting the divine experiment of cannot teach (such as the necromantic arts devoted to
determining whether swaths of mortals can achieve raising the dead, summoning fiends, or enchantments
The country’s ruling class, occupied by the literati
and highest order of civil servants. They are the landed
and unlanded elites, who after passing the civil service
exams, are gifted prestige and certain privileges; such
as being exempt from taxes. Many can also afford to
cheat on said exams. Though the position, office, and
privilege they occupy are hereditary, every failure of the
family’s third generation to pass the exams results in
relinquishing their titles. Well-educated mages, bards,
scholars, and philosophers occupy this social strata.
Highly skilled workers, the middle class. Engineers,
jurists, scientists, accountants, and artists occupy this
social strata. Their privileges are observed for their
close proximity to the Yangban who employ them in
governmental and non-governmental positions. Like
the Yangban, they are exempt from taxes. Many in
this class can afford to pay tuition for their children to
someday become Yangban.
Commoners who make the backbone of Danguk
society. Their caste consists of poor workers such as
farmers, fishers, laborers, merchants, and craftsmen.
The majority of people in Danguk fall under this class.
As such, they bear the highest burden of the country’s
Malice, or spiritual pollution, is a substance
generated whenever a mortal suffers an extreme burst
of negative or destructive emotions. It can be found
teeming within the lower planes, but denizens sent there
Nine Heavens Press 17 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
DIVINITIES Cheonseon, Cheongi,
Gaeyang, and Yogwang.
Cheon’gwon, Oakhyung,
Underworld Kings
as above divinity.
Title: Supreme Heavenly Emperor
Alignment: Lawful Good
Divine Ability: Intelligence or Wisdom The Narakwang
Favored Weapon: Staff While originally they were Fiends, mostly Devils,
Divine Font: heal they found favor with Hwanin who believed their
Divine Skill: Arcana adherence to law could be used for a better purpose.
PF2e Domains: Air, Family, Glyph, Lightning, Having proved their loyalty to Hwanin, they were
Magic appointed as the Ten Judges of the Dead, the Narakwang.
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: horizon thunder sphere, Their tasks suited their brutal nature as they tenderized
3rd: lightning bolt, 4th: telepathy, 5th: etheric the collected malice out of dead souls before they were
shards, 6th: chain lightning, 7th: prismatic armor, allowed to reincarnate and start their lives anew.
8th: summon archmage
The highest among them, Yeomra, oversees the
activities and speaks at the behest of all kings. Yeomra
is often depicted as a crowned, horned fiend with a
bullish demeanor or a scowling, bearded bureaucrat
The Ascended
PF2e Domains: Freedom, Healing, Soul, Vigil,
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: share lore, 2nd: animus
Moksaka mine, 5th: forceful hand
The lowest-ranked of the natural gods, dokkaebi are hint at their true nature, such as glowing eyes, vaguely
known for possessing a humanoid form and a true body bestial facial features, and skin that radiates with fire,
- typically a physical object that is either an abandoned, lightning, or other elemental forces. Dokkaebi always
man-made creation or something that can be found in carry objects with them that serve as vessels of their
the natural world. Dokkaebi can also inhabit random true form, and these might range from hats to staffs to
items, and many tales are told of these wily creatures nondescript household tools like brooms.
pranking passerby by suddenly popping out of tree Dokkaebi are born into adulthood and generally live
trunks, staves, and vases. for up to 1,000 years.
Dokkaebi enjoy nothing more than imbibing a good
drink, participating in a wrestling match, and throwing
raucous celebrations into the night. Villagers attribute
any strange, inexplicable phenomena to a dokkaebi A gathering of dokkaebi is called a “festival,” since
evening romp, and often tell tales of their larger-than- these rambunctious fey prefer a jovial and energetic
life personalities. But Dokkaebi are more than just atmosphere over tranquility. Since dokkaebi are
boisterous fey. They carry a strong sense of right and born from the currents of nature itself, there are no
wrong, and pay back both favors and insults tenfold. dokkaebi parents. Instead, newborn dokkaebi possess
rudimentary survival knowledge, and typically form
If you want to play a mischief maker with a will to
their own festivals or join others, navigating the world
uphold justice and the ability to transform into objects,
together as a nomadic, celebratory community.
you should play a dokkaebi.
When dokkaebi festivals do settle in one spot, it
You Might… is rarely for a long period of time, as their nocturnal
• Mock social complexities in favor of simple lifestyle and desire to throw wrestling competitions
solutions. deep into the early hours of the morning draw
• Delight in challenging strong passersby to complaints from neighbors. Dokkaebi curious about
wrestling matches. other humanoid societies might depart from their
• Travel regularly in pursuit of your next festivals and assimilate into these cultures, mimicking
source of excitement. their customs as a form of play. If they grow bored, they
Others Probably… move on.
• Are confounded by your personality, Dokkaebi usually greet each other with a firm
mistaking your jokes and whims for brazen handshake and a physical challenge to see which is
naivety. stronger. The mighty are respected, but strength alone
• Revere your connection to the natural does not give a dokkaebi authority. Falsehoods and
world. misdeeds are always remembered in dokkaebi society,
• Struggle to comprehend that your true form and rarely forgiven.
is an object.
Alignment and Religion
Physical Description
Dokkaebi lean toward Chaotic Good; while they
Dokkaebi resemble burly humans upon first glance. delight in mayhem, they abide by strict boundaries that
On closer inspection, they possess uncanny features that forbid them from taking lives. Dokkaebi also possess
Nine Heavens Press 33 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
a strong sense of independence and believe that justice should be taken Dokkaebi Mechanics
into their own hands, much like vigilantes. They rarely pay attention to the
religions and laws of Danguk, and are instead revered by most as minor
nature gods who abide by the natural order as maintained by Sanshin - the Rare
mountain gods - or Yongwang, the dragon kings. Hit Points
Dokkaebi Adventurers Size
All dokkaebi are adventurers to some extent, since their nomadic Small or Medium
tendencies see them eagerly wrestling dangers that others would shy
away from. This wandering lifestyle means that dokkaebi make excellent Speed
barbarians, rangers, and swashbucklers. Those drawing more from their 25 feet
magical talent might be druids, maguses, or witches. Ability Boosts
Dokkaebi who live in nature often have the animal whisperer, herbalist, Strength
hunter, or scout backgrounds. Those who live in communities might have
the anti-tech activist, artisan, artist, magical misfit, or musical prodigy Free
backgrounds. Many dokkaebi also become scavengers to recover lost objects, Languages
much like the ones their spirits inhabit. Common
Names Additional languages equal to
Even if they’re not necessarily related to one another, most dokkaebi carry your Intelligence modifier (if it is
the surname “Kim,” meaning “gold.” Dokkaebi generally prefer first names positive). Choose from Celestial,
derived from nature. Dwarvish, Elven, Gnomish,
Sample Names Goblin, Halfling, Sylvan, Terran,
Ah-ram, Dal, Jan-di, No-eul, Saet-byeol, Yi-seul and any other languages to
which you have access (such as
the languages prevalent to your
Other Information region).
Fairy tales about dokkaebi are commonplace in Danguk, and many Traits
revolve around their magical skills or wiley personalities.
Dokkaebi Club More magically-inclined dokkaebi sometimes carry clubs.
These are functionally the same as wands, but possess exaggerated qualities
in stories, where they are said to summon objects from afar and cause all Humanoid
manner of mischief. Dokkaebi are viewed as omens of good fortune due to Darkvision
these stories, which typically depict a club falling into the hands of a person
You can see in darkness and
without magical talent, who then uses it to emerge from a dire situation.
dim light just as well as you can see
Out-tricked Tricksters Some tales describe instances when prank-loving bright light, though your vision in
dokkaebi are fooled by common folk. One particular legend features an old darkness is in black and white.
man outsmarting a dokkaebi in a game of wits. In the tale, the dokkaebi
reveals that their greatest fear is blood, while the old man lies, claiming his
greatest fear is money. The old man then scares the dokkaebi with the sight
of blood, and the terrified fey seeks “revenge” by showing his opponent bags
of gold, which the old man gladly accepts. Despite the dokkaebi coming
out as the loser in this story, most dokkaebi take pride in widespread tales
of notoriety, even if these tales are inaccurate. After all, just as gods grow
stronger through faith, a dokkaebi’s highest dream is to become a larger-
than-life figure remembered by the world.
Gumiho possess the same penchant for mischief and spirit has lived for over 900 years - meaning that even
magic as other foxkin, but their animalistic origins drive the youngest gumiho is already older than most other
them to seek continued evolution. This desire turns creatures in the world.
into an urge to consume, which manifests differently
depending on the gumiho. For instance, some gumiho
feel the need to magically acquire esoteric secrets from
corpses, while others seek to devour the finest meats, Because gumiho are born after ordinary foxes
with liver serving as a common favorite. While some achieve wisdom and longevity, very few exist. Even
might find these proclivities morbid, gumiho ardently fewer are found in society, and most seclude themselves
believe they can only morph into their highest selves via away in the wilds of Danguk, evading any source of
consumption, and this passion makes them inspiring - danger. While gumiho settlements are a true rarity,
albeit restless - adventuring companions. elder gumiho often take it upon themselves to place
younger ones under their tutelage. At times, gumiho
If you want to play a character who strives to evolve
will also use their alternate forms to enter into human
into their utmost pinnacle, you should play a gumiho.
families, who teach them the means of surviving in
You Might… civilization.
• Struggle with a sense of incompleteness,
despite your many experiences and Alignment and Religion
The majority of gumiho are Neutral, despite tales
• Keep your distance from loved ones, fearing
that paint them as dangerous creatures who transform
that your desire to consume may hurt them.
into beautiful humans and consume the organs of
• Consider your humanoid body to be a mere
their prey. These stories are born out of ignorance
stepping stone towards a more complete
and fear, and gumiho are usually able to balance their
consumptive desires with a degree of self-discipline and
Others Probably… restraint, taking into consideration the bigger picture.
• Fear that you may be scheming to steal their
The sole deity acknowledged by most gumiho is
secrets - or even worse, their livers.
the Primordial Fox, one of the immortal beasts who
• Marvel at both your longevity and fact that
existed in the land of Danguk before the current
you were once a regular fox.
kingdom’s founding. The Primordial Fox, regarded as
• Mistake you for a typical kitsune.
the first gumiho, hunted humanoids and fed on their
fear, growing in power as a terrestrial divinity. When
Physical Description the Primordial Bear and Tiger, her equals in status
Like their kitsune peers, gumiho have vulpine at the time, rejected their own immortality, the Fox
features and bushy fur that varies in color, from bright came to understand her limits as a mere beast. When
red to snowish white. While only some magically- she was finally slain, she vowed to one day return as
inclined kitsune have more than one tail, all gumiho an unrivaled being even higher than the gods. Her
possess nine tails. Each tail was grown over a century legend has carried on across the ages, and when foxes
and symbolizes accumulated wisdom, and gumiho reawaken as gumiho, Danguk’s more superstitious folk
treasure and decorate these appendages as symbols believe them to be the Primordial Fox’s second coming.
of their ability to transcend ordinary beasthood and
achieve sentience.
A gumiho first gains its humanoid form when a fox
Nine Heavens Press 39 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Gumiho has the statistics of a 1st-level pest form. You also
gain 10 Hit Points from your ancestry instead of 8,
(Rare Kitsune Heritage) a +1 circumstance bonus to Intimidation checks to
Demoralize foes, and the Ingest Strength action.
You are a wiley fox who ascended and began a
quest to reach the next stage of evolution. You gain Ingest Strength
the gumiho trait in addition to the kitsune trait, and Gumiho | Necromancy
you can choose from gumiho feats and kitsune feats
whenever you gain an ancestry feat. Frequency once per day
Requirements You consume a liver.
You have an obsessive desire to consume either
secrets or organs. Choose between Knowledge Eater or The nutrients you draw from this liver flow
Liver Eater at 1st level.
through you, amplifying your body and soul.
For 24 hours, you gain temporary hit points
Knowledge Eater equal to the hit points of the creature that
You are obsessed with the knowledge, memories, the liver came from (determined by your
and sensations contained within humanoid bodies, and GM). As long as you have at least 1 of
hate to see this wisdom go to waste. Your alternate form these temporary hit points, once per hour
is a common Medium humanoid ancestry prevalent you can ask your GM to give you additional
where you grew up (typically human), called a tailless knowledge or context that the creature the
form. You also gain a +1 to all Recall Knowledge checks liver belonged to would have known in life.
and the Exhume Secrets action. (For instance, after ingesting a boar’s liver,
Exhume Secrets you might suddenly recall that the boar was
killed by a ravenous tiger who lurks in the
Gumiho | Necromancy
near vicinity.)
Frequency once per day
Requirements You come across a corpse Gumiho Feats
with its brain intact.
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain
an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at
You draw knowledge that would otherwise 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). You can choose from
be lost from this departed husk. Choose gumiho feats and kitsune feats whenever you gain an
any skill (determined by your GM) that the ancestry feat.
corpse was at least trained in while it was
still alive. For 24 hours, you gain a +1 status 1st Level
bonus when making a check with that skill,
and if you roll a critical failure, it becomes Gumiho Spell Familiarity [FEAT 1]
a failure instead. Whenever you make this
check, you can ask your GM to give you Gumiho
additional knowledge or context that only Your evolution has granted you a smattering of
the corpse would have known in life. (For secret magic possessed by spirits. During your daily
instance, while rolling an Athletics check to preparations, choose dancing lights, infectious
climb a cliff, you might suddenly recall that enthusiasm, or phase bolt. Until your next daily
the corpse was once an expert mountaineer preparations, you can cast this cantrip as an occult
who navigated the highest peaks with ease.) innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell
level equal to half your level rounded up.
Liver Eater
You are a hungry meat-eater who ascended as a
pariah spirit, and you become stronger with every
liver you consume. Your alternate form is a fox, which
Most jangseung exist only as silent watchers over the Physical Description
village that created them, acting as the eyes and ears
of the deity carved into their poles. In rare, often dire Jangseung usually assume a humanoid form carved
circumstances, a deity chooses to imbue one of their from either stone or wood, with a tattooed body
jangseung with life. This process requires the creation and striking facial features. Their faces are initially
of a new celestial soul, which is merged with the wood reminiscent of the exaggerated expressions that they
or stone of the original guardian post. A mudang is wore as guardian poles, but many jangseung choose to
then called to provide and bless additional materials soften these features into something more humanoid-
that are used to form a more mobile body. like in order to better fit in with mortals. The one trait
that they cannot hide is their elongated canine teeth,
Jangseung blessed with life are intricately built and as these tusks are an innate fixture in every jangseung’s
decorated with knot-work or paper charms. Some face and were originally carved by villagers to ward off
choose to wear clothing but others forgo it, instead evil spirits.
carving prayers, artwork of their deeds, or the faces
that once donned their original clusters onto their bare Jangseung wear at least one article of clothing -
bodies. Making full use of their new limbs, jangseung usually a jacket or pants - to blend in with society, even
stride into the wide world of Danguk, protecting their if they derive no shame from nudity. Jangseung require
villages in a more direct manner. occasional maintenance and must carve out older
surfaces of their wooden or stone skin, and elders also
If you want to play a piece of nature imbued with life gather moss on their bodies, which they maintain as a
who now sees the world through an entirely new light, sign of their longevity.
you should play a jangseung.
Aging is a nebulous concept for most jangseung,
as the celestial spirit chosen to inhabit a jangseung is
You Might…
created at the moment of its awakening. While this
• Recall names and facts about people from spirit can be killed, it does not age. Spirits typically stay
ages ago, but have difficulty remembering with their guardian pole until their deity recalls them,
when faces change. with missions ranging from days to decades long. A
• Enjoy basking in the sun, reminiscing of rare few choose to stay permanently on the material
the days when you stood tall over a winding plane, petitioning their deity to indefinitely extend
road. their missions.
• Try speaking with other objects you assume
are capable of speech.
Others Probably… Jangseung see themselves as part of a collective and
• Are intimidated by your unmoving face. rarely as individuals, using the pronouns “we” and
• Seek you out for directions or offer prayers “they” to represent this. As village guardians, jangseung
in your name. identify strongly with the communities they were born
• Assume that you are an agent of a deity in, and the villagers who first depended on them for
without much free will of your own. solace will always be their friends and family.
Despite this seemingly diminished individuality,
jangseung still carry strong wants and desires formed
by their places of origin. A jangseung born into a poor
Nine Heavens Press 43 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
farming town may despise wasteful attitudes toward food, while one who Jangseung Mechanics
hails from a community of elders will be doubly protective when it comes to
both young children and old people. A community’s fears, desires, and joys
form the sum of a jangseung’s personality, and jangseung take great pride Rare
in this, boasting over their respective village’s accomplishments when in the Hit Points
presence of their peers.
Alignment and Religion
Many jangseung are Neutral, though the whims of their communities and
their deities might shift their alignments in other directions. A jangseung’s Speed
response to their village’s history and values might push their tendencies 25 feet
toward Lawful or Chaotic, for instance. A town besieged by war and Ability Boosts
governed by a strict military could easily produce a jangseung that values
order, but one whosesacred grounds have been desecrated or destroyed may Constitution
find themselves corrupted by thoughts of revenge. Free
Jangseung interested in religion usually find kinship with the gods of Languages
Gucheon, celestials that have descended into the material world in physical Common
form. Others are drawn to the household gods, particularly Seonangshin.
Additional languages equal to
your Intelligence modifier (if it is
Adventurers positive). Choose from Celestial,
Clerics and champions are especially common among jangseung, thanks Dwarvish, Elven, Iruxi, Sylvan,
to the special connection that jangseung share with their gods. Others are Terran, and any other languages
equally comfortable with magic and martial skills, protecting their villages to which you have access (such as
as fighters, monks, maguses, and wizards. the languages prevalent to your
Jangseung who keep to the villages they were born into have the acolyte, region).
farmhand, laborer, or root worker backgrounds. Others who venture into the Hallowed Guardian
world might have the courier, field medic, hermit, martial disciple, nomad, A jangseung’s presence relieves
or wandering preacher backgrounds. In times of desperation, jangseung are the fears and worries of a person
forcibly summoned through the cries of the desperate myriad calling out for in need. Any ally adjacent to you
a hero, making the wished alive background a perfect fit. who has the clumsy, enfeebled, or
frightened condition can Interact
Names with you to reduce one of these
conditions by 1. The ally is then
Jangseung are born with names bestowed upon them by their celestial
temporarily immune to Hallowed
progenitors. These names usually represent the purpose that they were born
Guardian for 1 hour.
Sample Names
Ru-da, On, Han-gyeol
Other Information
To be a jangseung is to be a soul born into an artificial body, dedicated to
a mission that may last months or span several years.
Life and Death Jangseung possess a vast capacity for knowledge and an
ability to learn that rivals that of any humanoid. But many are born with
a specific purpose in mind, and once they fulfill that purpose, they accept
their deaths and pass on from the world. A jangseung can live until their
You grow natural herbs and moss on your body Trigger A hostile creature hits you with a melee
that can be used for medicine. You gain the trained weapon attack.
proficiency rank in Nature (or another skill of your You reshape your body at the moment of impact
choice, if you were already trained in Nature) and to claim your enemy’s weapon. You can attempt to
gain the Natural Medicine skill feat as a bonus feat. Disarm the weapon from their grip.
Special If you have the Assimilate Weapon feat,
you do not need a hand free to attempt to Disarm an
enemy with Confiscate Weapon.
Nine Heavens Press 46 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Wander No More [FEAT 9] 17th Level
General of Heaven [FEAT 17]
You beseech the gods to chart a path to your
destination. You can cast show the way and Concentrate | Divine | Evocation | Jangseung,
wanderer’s guide as 3rd-level divine innate spells Morph | Transmutation
each once per day. Frequency once per day
Duration 1 minute
Life Bulwark [FEAT 9]
You temporarily transcend into a general of
Jangseung heaven in service of the deity who forged you, and
Prerequisites Spirit of Protection your mortal vessel cracks as the light of your true
The overflowing life energy of your divine soul soul pours out. As a general of heaven, you appear
strengthens your shield, enabling it to ward against as a being from the celestial planes - often clad in
the forces of death. You can use Shield Block to radiant armor, draped in flowing garb, or wreathed
reduce an amount of negative damage equal to your by a heavenly raiment - and your transformation has
shield’s Hardness. the following effects:
• Your general of heaven form gains all the
13th Level features of divine vessel for a deity who
shares your alignment.
Dedicated Guardian [FEAT 13] • Each creature within 10 feet of you is
blinded for 1 round unless they succeed
at a Fortitude save against your class DC
Your experiences in the mortal world have or spell DC, whichever is higher.
tempered your soul, allowing the positive energy • While transformed, you can cast fireball,
fueling it to shine brighter than ever. Add doomed lightning bolt, and searing light once each
and drained to the conditions Hallowed Guardian as 6th-level divine innate spells.
can reduce. • When you emerge from your general of
heaven form, you become drained 3.
Wall Form [FEAT 13] Additionally, if you have the General of Heaven
Jangseung | Polymorph feat, you gain weakness 10 to evil damage even
when you are not in your general of heaven form.
Frequency once per day
You attune yourself with your surroundings and Rite of Rejuvenation [FEAT 17]
expand into a stone or oaken wall. You can shape
Aura | Divine | Healing | Necromancy|
your form into a 1-inch-thick wall that is 60 feet
long and 10 feet high. You can expand out only into
open space. While expanding, if any of your edges You utter a prayer to the heavens that refreshes
might pass through creatures or objects, Wall Form your allies in combat. Once per day, you can release
immediately ends. You gain a hardness of 14, a 30-foot emanation centered around you. Allies can
immunity to critical hits and precision damage, and Interact within this area to receive both the benefits
lose any item bonuses to your AC. You cannot move, of Hallowed Guardian and healing well as a 7th-level
make the Strike action, speak, or use any actions divine spell. After five allies have Interacted with your
with the manipulate trait while in this form. You can aura, the emanation dissipates and all allies who
Dismiss this effect. benefited from Rite of Rejuvenation are immune to
Hallowed Guardian for 1 hour.
13th Level
Throughout Danguk’s history, noru have watched Noru possess humanoid upper bodies and the
over the country from their clans in the wild, lower bodies of deer, and their muscular limbs enable
maintaining neutrality with the affairs of man. Most them to sprint over fields and through forests at great
noru perceive that their duty is to observe the world, speeds. Their aquiline facial features and pointed
imparting wisdom rather than intervening, though ears are comparable to the elves, but their antlers and
a select few have been renowned for favoring certain deep brown eyes are entirely their own. These features
groups or individuals with their prophecies. Because are dwarfed by the noru’s shining golden fur, and
of this, while Danguk superstition holds that to harm many an observer has gasped in awe at the beauty of
a noru incurs the gods’ wrath, there are those who these deerfolk as they stride through the wilderness,
distrust them for a history of rumored, clandestine scintillating in the summer sun.
activities. Noru live for only up to 60 years, but they do not
Noru are admired for their radiant golden fur believe anyone who dies is ever truly gone. Noru are
and divine origins, but also misunderstood due to a considered young until they reach the age of 10.
perceived lack of emotion. This personality trait stems
from the fact that many noru can communicate with
spirits, understand portents from the great beyond,
and see this world and everything in it to a degree Noru society follows a strict hierarchy that treasures
far deeper than they can share with most. Reclusive oracles and those with greater capacity to communicate
forest-dwellers who show their hearts only partially with the gods. To ward against outside influences
lest they risk being swept into others’ designs, noru are affecting the deliverance of the gods’ words, tribes keep
nonetheless deeply intertwined with Danguk’s destiny. to secluded, forested lands, sometimes sharing spaces
with elven clans. Though elders keep to their traditions
If you want to play a quadruped who serves as a link
of self-imposed deprivation to devote their souls and
between nature, the gods, and the mortal realm, you
earthly bodies to the gods, some younger noru eschew
should play a noru.
these traditionalist practices and venture on their own
You Might… into conventional society. Former tribes rarely welcome
• Wonder whether to be a passive observer of these young noru back into their graces. Others
humanity or an active participant. stricken with wanderlust try meeting the clans halfway
• Be more at home in the wilderness than a by serving as traveling messengers that maintain their
city. tribe’s information network, delivering prophecies to
• Struggle to reveal your true emotions to all government officials and mudang or receiving them
but your closest confidants. from neighboring noru tribes.
Noru Heritages
From carrying out secret scouting missions to interpreting esoteric
messages, noru clans possess a far-reaching range of skills. Choose one of
the following noru heritages at level 1.
Cavalier Noru
Your clan served as warriors, and you are unafraid of rushing into battle
headfirst with your antlers stretched outwards. You gain a gore unarmed
attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your gore attack is in the brawling
group and has the agile and unarmed trait.
Nine Heavens Press 54 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Messenger Noru such as height. When transforming into this form,
you lose your antlers, appear to have two legs, and
Your ancestors honed their ability to travel far in
your skin still glimmers with gold. You also lose any
short periods of time and were renowned for delivering
unarmed strikes you gained from a noru heritage
critical messages. You can cast the message cantrip as a
or ancestry feat. You can remain in your bipedal
divine innate spell. In addition, when you use the Hustle
form indefinitely, and you can shift back to your true
exploration action, you can hustle for an additional 10
noru form by using this action again. If you want to
minutes, and your group can use your Constitution
Impersonate someone, using Bipedal Form counts
modifier to determine how fast they hustle together.
as creating a disguise.
Operative Noru
Clan Acolyte [FEAT 1]
Wary of history and legends where divine knowledge
has been misused to satisfy the greed of mortals, your Noru
clan has devoted itself to regulating information. You You’ve attuned to a fragment of the spiritual world
gain the Keeper of Secrets ancestry feat and a +1 status through long hours of training. Choose one cantrip
bonus on all Gather Information checks, which you with the divination trait from the divine spell list. You
cannot critically fail. can cast this cantrip as a divine innate spell at will.
A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half
Scout Noru your level rounded up.
You come from a line of hunters and warriors who’ve
learned to predict incoming danger from cues in the Divining the Departed [FEAT 1]
natural world. You gain an imprecise tremorsense Noru
with a range of 30 feet, allowing you to detect other The lingering threads of life left behind in
creatures standing on your same surface. You also gain graveyards and other places of rest sing to you, and
a +1 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls. sometimes you can hear whispers of vital information
from spirits. You can use your Religion skill instead
Shaman Noru of Diplomacy to Gather Information in graveyards or
You’ve inherited the ability to intuit the will of spirits other places where many people have died.
and act as an interpreter for those who have passed on. Critical Success The information fills your
You gain the Divining the Departed ancestry feat and head instantly, without you needing to spend
negative resistance equal to half your level, rounded time gathering it.
down (minimum 1). Success You gather the information, but
need to spend a period of time in deep
Noru Feats concentration. This period is determined by
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain the GM (typically an hour, but sometimes
an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at more).
5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a noru, you select Critical Failure The spirits turn on you for
from among the following ancestry feats. disturbing their rest. You take 1d6 negative
damage from the spectral backlash.
1st Level If you fail your check to Gather Information, you
can still subsequently attempt to Gather Information
Bipedal Form [FEAT 1] normally.
Undisputed masters of the frigid country of stretch up to 250 years. Sangun mature at the same rate
Hodamguk, the so-called Land of Tiger Tales, sangun as humans, but are considered young until they reach
are a territorial folk who see themselves as guardians the age of 30.
of the weak, feeling that most outsiders require their
protection until proven otherwise. Sangun possess an
unmatched cunning, striking only when victories are
certain, and adhere to a deeply spiritual philosophy Sangun base their lives around the wishes of Honyeo,
which states that the Primordial Tiger had a grand plan who tasked her tiger-shaped creations to watch over
for the world, and all individuals within it are part of the children of Ungnyeo, the Primordial Bear who
this eternally-unfolding project. embraced mortality. To serve as effective protectors,
sangun place great importance on achieving strength
If you want to play a strong-willed tiger with a
via discipline and an unyielding sense of responsibility,
reverent link to a divine ancestor, you should play a
and the various clans of Hodamguk are all structured on
adhering to the will of the strongest. Sangun also believe
that all people are shards of a collective consciousness,
You Might… and regularly tell stories about how the experiences of
one individual are merely a small speck in the grand
• Train ceaselessly to achieve new levels of
tapestry woven by their divine mother. This belief fuels
the sangun way of life, explaining why these dedicated
• Possess an unyielding sense of conviction
tigerfolk feel such a strong urge to safeguard those who
that sometimes gets you in trouble with
cannot safeguard themselves.
authority figures.
• Feel a strong need to guard your Assimilating into wider Danguk has always been
companions from harm. difficult for the sangun, who find that few outsiders fully
comprehend their values and veneration of Honyeo.
In general, sangun command the respect of ordinary
Others Probably… citizens, but often fall into conflict with Danguk’s ruling
• Look up to you, assuming that you are literati, bristling at unjust laws and other offences that
unintimidated by all opponents. they cannot ignore.
• Struggle to understand the depth of your
connection to Honyeo.
• Back away from your transformed states in
Alignment and Religion
fear or awe. Most sangun are Lawful and tend towards Neutral,
but Chaotic sangun exist and are known for their fiery
Physical Description temperaments and tendency to hold grudges.
Compared to other catfolk, sangun have larger, Sangun revere Honyeo as both the mother of their
bulkier frames, with most standing 6 or 7 feet tall and people and the creator of their land, believing that her
weighing between 250 to 320 pounds. Sangun all bear body ossified into the island of Hodamguk. Just as
tiger stripes and can range in color from orange to a Honyeo was regarded as a prideful goddess protective
pale white. of those she regarded as her loves and kin, sangun
shelter the weak and mock the powerful. Rumor has
Sangun lifespans greatly surpass the 60 to 70 years it that an aspect of Honyeo is said to manifest when a
that most of their catfolk peers experience, and typically thousand sangun gather in one place.
Nine Heavens Press 59 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Sangun 1st Level
(Uncommon Catfolk Heritage) Camouflaging Stripes [FEAT 1]
You are one of Honyeo’s children and take pride in Sangun
your bold heritage, never backing down in the face of
You’ve learned to use your stripes to blend
danger. You gain the sangun trait in addition to the
in with your natural environment. You gain a +1
catfolk trait, and you can choose from sangun feats and
circumstance bonus to Stealth checks when you try
catfolk feats whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
to Hide or Sneak in natural terrain.
You are empowered by a specific aspect of Honyeo.
Choose between Lord Guardian, Lord of Beasts and Gift of the Tiger Mother [FEAT 1]
Lord of War at 1st level.
Hearth Domain
or poisoned creature is cured of their
Deities: Adanye, Dwarven Pantheon, Erastil, Treat Wounds: If the result of the check
Falayna, Folgrit, Grundinnar, Hearth and was a critical success, the target heals for
Harvest, Jowangshin, Keepers of the Hearth, double the result of the dice rolled for the
Mazludeh, The Offering Plate, Thisamet listed effect.
Domain Spell: Law of Hospitality,
Advanced Domain Spell: Soothe the Wounded
Heart Uncommon | Cleric
You govern the ironclad laws of hospitality. Your culinary abilities bring divine inspiration.
You can spend 10 minutes preparing a meal for up
LAW OF HOSPITALITY [FOCUS 1] to six creatures. If you use a spell, ritual, or activity
Uncommon | Abjuration | Cleric | Emotion | that creates food such as create food and water or
Mental the heroes’ feast ritual, each creature that partakes
in your meal gains additional temporary Hit Points
Domain hearth
equal to half your level + your Wisdom modifier.
Cast [Three-Actions] material, somatic
Way of the Dosa Strengthens: Fire
Is Strengthened By: Water
The Five Agents flow in two eternal cycles, one of
generation and one of strife. A spiritual monk finds Overcomes: Wood
their balance in these flows, then steps into the stream Is Overcome By: Metal
where they will to make themselves a part of it. With Skill: Medicine, Nature
greater skill comes deeper steps and greater strengths, Element: Poison
but also a greater commitment to the flow.
Each of the five elements strengthens one element
and is strengthened by another; each is overcome by
one element and overcomes another. Each has an
associated skill or skills and an associated element. As
the Dosa flows in harmony from one element to the
next, each elements strengthens and weakens the Dosa
in various ways depending on the monk’s level.
Strengthens: Earth
Is Strengthened By: Wood
Overcomes: Metal
Is Overcome By: Water
Skill: Intimidation, Performance
Element: Fire
Is Strengthened By: Fire [FEAT 1]
Overcomes: Water
Is Overcome By: Wood Monk Stance
Skill: Athletics Requirements You are unarmored.
Element: Bludgeoning You find balance in the harmony of elements and
take your first steps in the generative flow. Choose
Metal an element. You can use skill actions associated
Strengthens: Water with that skill even if you are not trained in the skill
Is Strengthened By: Earth already. This does not qualify you for prerequisites
Overcomes: Wood such as skill feats. You can use the Aid action using
Is Overcome By: Fire the skill. If you are already trained in the associated
Skill: Persuasion, Insight skill, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Aid. This
Element: Slashing, piercing increases to +2 if you are an expert, +3 if you’re a
master, and +4 if you’re legendary.
At the beginning of your next turn, you must
Strengthens: Wood shift your element to the element that your current
Is Strengthened By: Metal element strengthens. For example, if you chose
Overcomes: Fire Wood, you must then shift your element to Fire.
Is Overcome By: Earth
Skill: Acrobatics The only Strikes you can make in this stance are
Emissary of Paradise them the ability to communicate with you. You can ask
up to three questions which they answer according
As a ranger, you’ve perhaps had a near death to their limited knowledge of their surroundings. The
experience that transported you to the magnificent flowers answer you to the best of their abilities.
Flower Fields of Seocheon. Or perhaps, you’ve been
gifted with visions of distant planes where flora of PHOTOSYNTHESIS [FEAT 6]
unrivaled beauty blooms far across the horizons. Either Ranger
way, this fateful occurrence gifted you with the natural
magic of the celestial planes which you’ve dedicated Your link with paradise bolsters, granting you
to use to share the paradise you’ve witnessed with the the aspects of the flowers blooming in the celestial
material plane. Channeling the magic of these divine gardens. You gain resistance to fire damage equal
blossoms, you return life to the wastes and shame the to half your level and a +2 circumstance bonus on
ugliness of your foes’ actions. saving throws against being blinded or dazzled until
the start of your next turn. If you are in dim light, you
and any ally within 10 feet gains 1d4 temporary hit
points. This increases to 1d8 while in bright light.
Prerequisites warden spells ETERNAL GARDENS [FEAT 10]
You channel the life energy of divine flowers. You Ranger
gain the blessed harvest warden spell. Increase the Prerequisites Blessed Harvest
number of focus points in your focus pool by 1.
You spread the spectral roots of the celestial
flower fields. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to
all primary checks to perform the plant growth ritual
Uncommon | Evocation | Positive | Ranger and don’t need a secondary caster. In addition, the
Cast somatic cast time is reduced to 12 hours. If you succeed
or critically succeed and have the Photosynthesis
Duration 1 minute
ranger feat, double the temporary Hit Point bonus
You channel the life energy of the divine flowers from the Photosynthesis feat while in this area.
of paradise into your attacks. On your first weapon
Strike each round, you deal 2 additional positive GATES OF PARADISE [FEAT 14]
Heightened (+1) Increase the amount of additional
damage by 2. Prerequisites warden spells
You are gifted by the celestial planes with a
LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS [FEAT 2] key to your personal paradise. You gain the gates
of paradise warden spell. Increase the number of
focus spells in your focus pool by 1.
You can cast prestidigitation as an innate primal
cantrip. In addition, you gain the language of flowers GATES OF PARADISE [FOCUS 7]
warden spell. Increase the number of focus points in
your focus pool by 1. Uncommon | Conjuration | Incapacitation |
Ranger | Teleportation
LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS [FOCUS 1] Cast somatic; Requirement Your last action
was a successful Strike against a creature.
Uncommon Divination Druid Plant
Duration varies
Cast somatic, verbal
You banish your foe to your celestial demiplane.
Range 15 feet; Targets 1 plant
Nine Heavens Press 70 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
The foe must make a Will saving throw. UNDERWORLD ARBITER [FEAT 2]
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Rogue
Success The target is teleported to your Prerequisites Naraka Prosecutor Racket
celestial demiplane until the start of your
next turn. The target is incapcacitated while The number of creatures you’ve prosecuted has
in your celestial demiplane. They reappear earned the attention of the Ten Narakwang. You’re
gifted with resistance to negative damage equal to
in the space they left or in the nearest
half your level.
unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
Failure As success but the duration is 1 In addition, when you Ready, you can choose
minute. The target can repeat the Will a creature within 30 feet that you can see. That
saving throw at the end of each of their creature must succeed a Will saving throw, becoming
turns. frightened 1 on a failure or frightened 2 on a critical
Critical Failure As failure but the target failure.
cannot repeat their saving throw.
[FEAT 10]
Rogue: Rogue
• Defer to you when formulating a plan of attack.
• Eagerly follow your orders or challenge your authority, depending on
their relationship with you.
• Assume that you only see people as soldiers and the world as one big
Nine Heavens Press 76 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Key Terms Design A Gambit
You’ll see the following key terms in many Traits Tactician, Concentrate, Mental
tactician class features. Requirements You aren’t fatigued or designing a
Flourish: Actions with this trait are special
Your mind goes into overdrive, carrying out
techniques that require too much exertion for
the calculations necessary to turn the tides of
you to perform frequently. You can use only 1
battle to your advantage. This intense, near-
action with the flourish trait per turn.
supernatural mental state lasts for 1 minute,
Gambit: You must first Design A Gambit to use
until you stop it, or until you fall unconscious,
abilities with the gambit trait. These abilities
whichever comes first. While designing a
end automatically if you stop designing a
• You can use actions with the gambit trait.
Stance: A stance is a general combat strategy
• You can’t use other actions with the
that you enter by using an action with the
concentrate trait unless they also have the
stance trait, and that you remain in for some
gambit trait. You can Seek while designing a
time. A stance lasts until you get knocked out,
until its requirements (if any) are violated,
You can stop designing a gambit at any time as a
until the encounter ends, or until you enter
free action. After doing so, you can’t use Design A
a new stance, whichever comes first. After
Gambit again for 1 minute.
you take an action that has the stance trait,
you can’t take another one for 1 round. You TRUSTED MOUNT
can enter or be in a stance only in encounter
mode. At 1st level, you have a trusted mount. This creature
is considered a young animal companion, but it has
capabilities far beyond those of typical steeds. Full rules
for animal companions and mounted combat can be
found in the Core Rulebook.
Class Features
You can ride your trusted mount using the Mount
You gain these abilities as a tactician. Abilities gained
action even if it is not one size larger than you. You can
at higher levels list the level at which you gain them
only have one trusted mount at a time. If your mount
next to the features’ names.
dies in combat, you can revive it in the same manner as
a player character or gain a new mount by spending 8
ANCESTRY AND BACKGROUND hours bonding with another creature that isn’t hostile
In addition to the abilities provided by your class at to you.
1st level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry Choose from the following trusted mount ancestries.
and background.
Your trusted mount is descended from a behemoth
At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that bloodline, and boasts an intimidating frame with
represent your basic training. These proficiencies are deadly tusks.
noted at the start of this class.
Size Medium or Large
DESIGN A GAMBIT Melee tusk, Damage 1d8 piercing
As a tactician, you develop cunning plans by Str +2, Dex +0, Con +1, Int -3, Wis +0, Cha -3
analyzing every conceivable angle of a situation. You Hit Points 14
become trained in Military Lore. You also gain the
Design A Gambit action. Skill Intimidation
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise 30 ft)
Speed 40 feet, climb 30 feet
Nine Heavens Press 77 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Special mount a specialized sacred serpent). Your sacred
Support Benefit Your behemoth-kin serpent can’t use their Breath Weapon again
supplements your blows by stamping the for the next 1d4 rounds.
ground, potentially knocking foes down.
Until the start of your next turn, you gain a WINGED CELESTIAL
+1 circumstance bonus to Trip any creature Your trusted mount is a flying celestial creature,
within your behemoth-kin’s reach that you such as a scintillating avian from the heavens.
have damaged with a Strike. Size Medium or Large
Advanced Maneuver Goring Charge Melee wings (finesse),
Goring Charge Your behemoth-kin Strides Damage 1d6 slashing
up to its Speed and Strikes a target, dealing Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1
an extra 3d8 piercing damage and 1d8
Hit Points 10
persistent bleed damage (4d8 piercing
damage and 2d8 persistent bleed damage Skill Stealth
for a specialized behemoth-kin). The target Senses low-light vision
must succeed on a Fortitude save against
Speed 40 feet, fly 20 feet
your tactician class DC. On a failure, they are
knocked prone. Special mount
Support Benefit Your winged celestial’s
SACRED SERPENT weaving movements make you difficult to
Your trusted mount is a serpent who channels the target. Until the start of your next turn, if you
fury of its distant dragon ancestors into every attack. are within your winged celestial’s reach, you
have lesser cover.
Size Medium or Large
Advanced Maneuver Thousand Ri Rush
Melee tail, Damage 1d8 bludgeoning
Thousand Ri Rush Your winged celestial
Str +2, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +2
moves farther and faster than any foe.
Hit Points 12 It Strides two times (three times for a
Skill Survival specialized winged celestial). If a creature
makes a Strike against you or your winged
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise 30 ft)
celestial using the Attack of Opportunity
Speed 40 feet, swim 30 feet reaction during these Strides, it automatically
Special mount misses.
Support Benefit Your sacred serpent can
constrain enemies in your wake. Select a MILITARY ART
creature within your sacred serpent’s reach You are trained in a specific type of military art that
that you have damaged. This creature must dictates your approach in battles. Choose one of the
succeed on a Fortitude save against your following arts.
tactician class DC. On a failure, they are
grabbed by your sacred serpent. ART OF THE GENERAL
Advanced Maneuver Breath Weapon You prefer to take the fight to your opponents directly,
Breath Weapon Your sacred serpent charging your mount into skirmishes alongside or
exhales acidic gas in a 15 foot cone. Each even ahead of your comrades. You gain proficiency in
creature in that area must make a basic heavy armor. In addition, you gain the Mobile Fortress
Fortitude save against your class DC. On a tactician feat.
failure, they take 4d6 acid damage (5d6 for
Region Danguk
Unlike nobles of other lands, you’ve justified
your position through rigorous study and by passing
Danguk’s civil service exams, whether by fair means
or foul. As an aristocrat, your privilege comes with
the duties as a government officer and a moral
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to
Charisma or Intelligence, and one is a free ability
You’ve trained in the Performance skill and
the Government Lore. You gain the Impressive
Performance skill feat.
Ranged Weapons
Martial Weapons Price Damage Reload Bulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Gakgun 14 gp 1d6 P 0 L 2 Bow Deadly d10,
Arcane Singijeon ITEM 8 This club is a +2 greater striking club. You can
cast thoughtful gift as a 5th-level spell.
Uncommon | Fire | Magical
Price 450 gp Dragon King’s Angler ITEM 5
Bulk 2 Fear Emotion Illusion Magical
Base Weapon Heavy Crossbow Price 155 gp
This hand-carried weapon (considered a +1 heavy Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
crossbow) launches explosive rockets at tremendous
distances. Ammunition must be specially crafted Base Weapon Combat Lure
for it. This +1 striking combat lure’s rod bears the mark
of the four ruling Yongwang of Danguk. You can
Activate Command, Interact; Frequency three
use the Dragon King’s Angler as a fishing tackle
times per day; Effect You cast a 5th-level fireball
spell from the arcane singijeon using your class DC
as the saving throw DC. Activate Interact; Frequency once per hour;
Effect You swing the tether in the air toward a foe
Singijeon Ammunition AMMUNITION 3 in range and an image of a dragon overlaps with it,
snapping at them. The target must attempt a DC 21
Uncommon | Alchemical | Fire
Will save against the effects of a fear spell.
Price 5 sp
Ammunition bolt Dokkaebi Lantern (도깨비 등불)
Only an arcane singijeon can fire this special (Lesser) ITEM 6+
ammunition, using its magic to light the alchemical Evocation | Magical | Light
propellant and send the tube of powder flying. When
Price 230 gp
the singijeon ammunition hits a target, it deals 1d12
piercing damage, 1d12 fire damage, 1 persistent Usage held in one hand; Bulk L
damage, and 2 fire splash damage. This curious lantern emits a pale blue light. Its
wick is lit by the sealed souls of dozens of Dokkaebi.
Dokkaebi Club ITEM 5+ It can be used as a normal hooded lantern, but
Rare | Conjuration | Magical | Teleportation prolonged use instills the user with a sense of being
jeered at and mocked by inaudible voices.
Price 145 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 Activate Interact (evocation, visual); Frequency
Base Weapon Club once per day; Effect You raise the lantern and
A Dokkaebi will never be seen without carrying release a number of Dokkaebi that imbue the light
these +1 striking clubs imbued with fey magic. with fey magic. The lantern’s light gains the effects
of faerie fire for 1 minute.
Activate Cast a Spell; Interact; Frequency once per
hour; Effect You wave the Dokkaebi Club in the air
and cast the thoughtful gift spell. Command Interact (evocation); Requirement
the Dokkaebi Lantern must be activated; Effect You
Dokkaebi Club ITEM 9 order the Dokkaebi to make mischief by possessing
unattended objects in the area and pelt your enemies
Price 650 gp in a storm. Each enemy in this area is dealt 1d10
This club is a +2 striking club. You can cast bludgeoning damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save).
thoughtful gift as a 3rd-level spell.
Perception +8; darkvision Perception +8; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +6, Stealth +6 Skills Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8
Str -5 Dex +3 Con +1 Str -5 Dex +4 Con +2
Int -4 Wis +1 Cha +1 Int -4 Wis +1 Cha +1
Wind Rider (Air) When using an action with the Wind Rider (Air) (Air) When using an action with the
Move trait to travel in the direction the wind is Move trait to travel in the direction the wind is
blowing, the Choon’giyeosuh doubles its fly speed. blowing, the Swarm of Choon’giyeosuh doubles its
fly speed.
AC: 15 Fort +3
Ref +8 Will +3 AC: 18 Fort +3
Ref +11 Will +3
Hit Points: 6
Immunities prone Hit Points: 23
Resistances poison 2, mental 2 Immunities prone, precision, swarm mind, slashing,
Speed 5 feet, fly 30 feet Resistances poison 2, mental 2
Psychedelic Form (Mental) A creature that touches Weaknesses area damage 5, splash damage 5
or succeeds on a melee Strike against a
Choon’giyeosuh must roll a DC 12 Will save or Speed 5 feet, fly 30 feet
suffer the effects of its Bad Trip. Psychedelic Form (Mental) A creature that touches
or succeeds on a melee Strike against a Swarm of
Melee inflict high +6 (mental, agile), Damage 1 Choon’giyeosuh must roll a DC 18 Will save or
plus bad trip suffer the effects of its Bad Trip.
Bad Trip (Mental) A creature struck by a
Choon’giyeosuh's Inflict High attack rolls 1d10, then Inflict High The Swarm of Choon’giyeosuh
apply a condition based on the result: inflicts Bad Trip on each creature in its space.
1 - blinded; 2 - clumsy 1; 3 - dazzled; 4 - deafened; Bad Trip (Mental) A creature struck by a Swarm of
5 - enfeebled 1; 6 - fascinated; 7 - frightened 1; 8 - Choon’giyeosuh's Inflict High attack rolls 1d10, then
immobilized; 9 - sickened 1; 10 - stupefied 1. At the apply a condition based on the result:
end of that creature's turn, the condition ends. The 1 - blinded; 2 - clumsy 1; 3 - dazzled; 4 - deafened;
creature must then make a DC 17 Will saving throw. 5 - enfeebled 1; 6 - fascinated; 7 - frightened 1; 8 -
On a success, the condition ends; otherwise, roll immobilized; 9 - sickened 1; 10 - stupefied 1. At the
1d10 and apply a new condition. end of that creature's turn, the condition ends. The
creature must then make a DC 18 Will saving throw.
On a success, the condition ends; otherwise, roll
1d10 and apply a new condition.
Perception +6; darkvision
Skills Intimidation +9 , Stealth +9
Str +1 Dex +3 Con +3
Int +3 Wis +3 Cha +4
Sunlight Powerlessness A geuseunsae caught in
sunlight is stunned 2 and clumsy 2.
Straw Umbrella While wearing its straw umbrella,
the Geuseunsae is not affected by Sunlight
Powerlessness. The hat breaks and this ability
ceases to function when the Geuseunsae is
reduced to half its HP or less.
AC: 18 Fort +9
Ref +9 Will +9
Hit Points: 56 (negative healing)
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed,
poison, precision
Resistances all 5 (except force, ghost touch, or
positive; double resistance vs. non-magical);
Weaknesses positive 5
Speed 25 feet
Melee shadow claw +10 (agile, finesse, reach),
Damage 1d6+5 slashing plus Shadow Grip
Shadow Grip If the geuseunsae successfully Strikes
a creature with shadow claw, it grabs their shadow
as if strangling it. While adjacent to the
geuseunsae, the creature is Immobilized, has
difficulty speaking, and must spend an extra action
to perform any action with the verbal trait. The
creature can attempt to escape by succeeding
against a DC 20 Fortitude save.
Constrict Requirements Creature must be
under the effect of Shadow Grip; 3d6+5, DC 20
Perception +13; low-light vision
Languages Aquan, Common, Sylvan; can’t speak
any language
Skills Acrobatics +9, Crafting +7, Performance +12,
Nature +9, Stealth +9
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +3
Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +4
Items komun’go
AC: 17 Fort +9
Ref +10 Will +8
Hit Points: 50
Resistances fire 3
Weaknesses cold iron 5
Language of Music While the jangjamari plays its
komun’go, it can communicate with creatures that
have the ability to understand language. In addition,
it can use Performance when making a primary
check for the Plant Growth ritual.
Perception +3; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +9, Deception +3,
Thievery +5
Str +3 Dex +2 Con +1
Int -1 Wis +0 Cha +0
Items club
AC: 15 Fort +7
Ref +6 Will +4
Hit Points: 18
Weaknesses cold iron 2
Form Collapse (primal, concentrate, polymorph,
transmutation); Trigger The dokkaebi is reduced to
0 Hit Points; Effect The Dokkaebi regains 1 Hit
Point and transforms into object form. It can’t
transform back into its fey form for 24 hours
Speed 25 feet
Melee Dokkaebi Club +7 [+2/-3] (magical),
Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning
Melee Fist +7 [+3/-2] (agile, finesse), Damage
1d4+3 bludgeoning plus Grab
Ranged Dokkaebi Club +6 [+1/-4] (magical,
returning, thrown 10 feet),
Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning
Object Form [one-action] (primal, concentrate,
polymorph, transmutation); The dokkaebi takes the
form of an object with a Light bulk. While in this
form, it retains its senses, but cannot use
the Strike action.
Perception +7
Skills Acrobatics +3, Athletics +4, Stealth +6,
Thievery +6
Str +1 Dex +1 Con +2
Int -2 Wis +2 Cha +3
Metachrosis The ma myeong-jo can change the
coloration of its feathers to match its surroundings.
It doesn't need cover to attempt to Hide with a
Stealth check.
AC: 14 Fort +7
Ref +6 Will +7
Hit Points: 14
Speed 25 ft
Melee longspear +12 [+7/+2] (reach)
1d8+7 piercing
Perception +15; low-light vision, scent (imprecise)
30 feet
Languages Understands Arboreal, Common,
Sylvan, but cannot speak
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +13, Stealth +12
Str +5 Dex +4 Con +3
Int -2 Wis +3 Cha -1
Speed 30 feet
Melee jaws +15 [+10/+5], Damage 2d8+7
piercing plus Grab
Melee claw +15 [+11/+7] (agile), Damage
2d6+7 slashing
Pack Attack The lion deals 1d6 extra damage to
any creature that's within reach of at least two of
the lion's allies.
Pounce The lion Strides and makes a Strike at
the end of that movement. If the lion began this
action hidden, it remains hidden until after this
ability's Strike.
Sneak Attack The lion deals 1d6 extra precision
damage to flat-footed creatures.
ॴ̃ Consume Soul (death, divine, manipulate,
UNCOMMON CE LARGE CREATURE 7 necromancy) Requirements The changgwi is
BEAST UNDEAD adjacent to a dying creature; Effect The changgwi
Perception +17; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft attempts to devour the dying creature's soul. The
Languages Common, Necril creature must attempt a DC 25 Will save. A creature
Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +17, Religion +17, that dies as a result of Consume Soul can't be
Stealth +15 restored to life except by a spell or ritual of 8th level
Str +6 Dex +4 Con +3 or higher. If the Changgwi that used Consume Soul
on a creature is slain within 100 feet of that
Int -3 Wis +3 Cha +2 creature's corpse and the creature has been dead
no longer than 1 minute, the creature's soul returns
AC: 25 Fort +13 to its body and is restored to life, leaving the
Ref +17 Will +13 creature unconscious and dying 1 but no longer
Hit Points: 140 (negative healing) doomed.
Immunities Immunities death effects, disease, Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
paralyzed, poison, unconscious Success The creature becomes doomed 1, or
Weaknesses positive 10 increases its doomed value by 1 if it was already
Assimilate Requirements The Changgwi doomed.
succeeds in draining a dying creature’s soul; Effect Failure As success, but doomed 2.
The Changgwi regains a use of Animate Dead. Critical Failure As success, but doomed 3.
Legion of the Dead (divine, necromancy)
Speed 30 feet Requirements The changgwi must have cast
Melee jaws +18 [+13/+8] (finesse), animate dead this turn. Effect The changgwi can
Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus 1d6 negative sustain two Animate Dead spells at the same time
Melee claw +18 [+14/+10] (agile, finesse), as a free action.
Damage 2d6+8 slashing
Divine Innate Spells DC 25; 4th animate dead (x2),
harm; 3rd animate dead (x2), harm; 2nd animate
dead, harm
Speed 20 ft.
Ranged fire ray +19 [+14/+9] (fire, magic,
range 60 ft.), Damage 2d10+9 fire
Innate Arcane Spells DC 26, 4th dimension door,
fireball; 1st fear, jump (at-will), ray of enfeeblement
Leaping Embers When the dokakgwi casts the
jump spell, it can also make a single fire ray Strike
as part of the same action. Multiple attack penalty
applies to any consecutive attack.
Speed 25 ft
Melee dokkaebi club [one-action] +15 [+10/+5]
(magical), Damage 2d8+7 bludgeoning
Melee fist +15 [+11/+7] (agile, finesse),
Damage 1d10+7 bludgeoning plus Improved Grab
Ranged dokkaebi club [one-action] +13 [+8/+3]
(magical, returning, thrown 10 feet), Damage
2d8+3 bludgeoning
Object Form (primal, concentrate, polymorph,
transmutation); The dokkaebi takes the form of an
object with a Light bulk. While in this form, it retains
its senses, but cannot use the Strike action.
Suplex Requirements You have a creature
grabbed or restrained; Effect The dokkaebi makes
a single Strike against the creature it grabbed. On a
success, the target lands prone and on a critical
success, the target lands prone and takes an
additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Regardless of
whether the Strike is successful, it immediately
releases its hold on the target.
Perception +12; Darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +13
Str -1 Dex +4 Con +5
Int -3 Wis +2 Cha +2
Perception +21
Skills Athletics +22, Intimidation +20, Nature +20,
Survival +18
Str +7 Dex +0 Con +6
Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +4
Element Eater If the geogugwi succeeds on its
saving throw against a spell that deals damage it is
immune to, it regains half the number of hit points
equal to the damage dealt. The Geogugwi then
loses the immunity to the triggering type for 24
࢝୕୵࠾ Speed 15 feet
NE HUGE PLANT CREATURE 9 Melee branch +22 [+17/+12] (reach 15 feet),
Perception +20 Damage 2d12+17 bludgeoning
Languages Arboreal, Common, Sylvan; Melee root +22 [+17/+12] (trip),
speak with plants Damage 2d8+17 bludgeoning
Skills Athletics +17, Deception +20,
Primal Innate Spells DC 28; 6th hallucination; 5th
Intimidation +20, Nature +15
ash cloud (x2), fireball, 4th hallucinatory terrain,
Str +7 Dex +0 Con +6 1st lose the path (x2) Constant (5th)
Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +2 speak with plants
Cantrips (5th) dancing lights, electric arc, ghost
AC: 30 Fort +21 sound, message, produce flame
Ref +12 Will +15
Beguiling Whistle (auditory, illusion, mental)
Hit Points: 190 Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 28
Resistance bludgeoning 10, fire 8, piercing 10 Will saving throw or lose their hearing. While a
Weakness axe vulnerability, cold 10 target is deafened in this way, the Janghwahwunyo
Accursed Reprisal (curse, necromancy) Trigger can communicate with them telepathically at any
the Janghwahwunyo takes piercing, slashing, or distance on the same plane.
persistent bleed damage from a creature; Effect Critical Success The target is unaffected.
The target takes 5d6 persistent bleed damage and Success The target is deafened for 1 round.
must attempt a DC 28 Will save. Failure The target is deafened for 10 minutes.
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Critical Failure Same as failure, but the
Success The target takes half the persistent Janghwahwunyo can implant false sounds of the
bleed damage. creature’s surroundings. The Janghwahwunyo
Failure The target takes the full persistent bleed must roll a Deception check to mimic any
damage. specific creature
Critical Failure As failure, but the target takes
double the persistent bleed damage.
Axe Vulnerability The janghwahwunyo takes 10
additional damage from axes.
Burning Tree The janghwahwunyo emits a 20 foot
radius of bright light (and dim light for the next
JOMAGU (࣌վˮ)
Perception +12
Skills Athletics +13 , Stealth +12
Str +5 Dex +4 Con +5
Int +2 Wis +4 Cha +5
Vengeful Growth (polymorph, transmutation)
Whenever the Jomagu takes damage, if it is not
Huge size, it increases by one size category,
increases its clumsy value by 1, gains a stacking +2
status bonus to damage, and its reach increases by
5 feet. If at the beginning of its turn the Jomagu has
not taken damage since the beginning of its last
turn, if it is not Tiny size, it decreases by one size
category, decreases its clumsy value by 1,
decreases its stacking status bonus to damage by
2, and decreases its reach by 5 feet.
Perception +14
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Skills Acrobatics +13, Deception +13,
Diplomacy +12, Stealth +13
Str +1 Dex +5 Con +2
Int +3 Wis +3 Cha +4
Ingrained Terror When the juidoryung begins its
turn within 30 feet of a cat, catfolk, or another
creature that resembles a cat, it is frightened 1 until
the creature is out of range.
AC: 20 Fort +9
Ref +14 Will +12
Hit Points: 59
Weakness cold iron 5
Speed 30 feet
Melee jaws +14 [+10/+6] (finesse),
Damage 2d4+6 piercing plus Jui Shapechange
Hit and Run The juidoryung can make a single
jaws Strike against a creature and take a Stride
action, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to the
attack. This movement does not incur any
Jui Shapechange (concentrate, polymorph,
primal, transmutation) The juidoryung takes on the
appearance of the creature that it struck. It gains
the creature’s speed and immunities, resistances,
and weaknesses in place of its own, but lacks the
creature’s special abilities. Its strikes deal the
target’s normal damage, but without added effects.
It gains all the creature’s memories while in this
form and forgets them after returning to its original
shape. When recalling knowledge while in the
creature’s form, it can use the creature’s skills in
place of its own with a +2 circumstance bonus.
Perception +12; darkvision (can see through even
magical darkness)
Languages Sylvan, Undercommon
Skills Acrobatics +13, Occultism +12, Stealth +13
Str -1 Dex +4 Con +2
Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +3
Child of Darkness While in darkness, the
kkomoksari has concealment even against
creatures with darkvision.
Speed 30 ft
Melee shadow hand +15 [+10/+5] (finesse,
magical), Damage 2d6+6 negative
Ranged shadow orb +15 [+10/+5] (magical,
range 30 ft.), Damage 2d4+6 negative
Primal Innate Spells DC 19, 4th darkness (at will);
2nd entangle, 1st negate aroma
Perception +20
Languages Aklo
Skills Athletics +22 (+25 to swim), Intimidation +20,
Performance +21
Str +8 Dex +3 Con +6
Int -2 Wis +3 Cha +5
UNCOMMON N LARGE CREATURE 9 Speed fly 20 feet (hover)
CONSTRUCT Attack Order The soul colony commands a wasp
swarm within 30 feet to use their reaction to Strike
Perception +18; blindsight 60 ft
a specified creature.
Skills Intimidation +20
Summon Swarm (conjuration, occult) The soul
Str +3 Dex +4 Con +6
colony summons a mass amount of wasps. The soul
Int -4 Wis +3 Cha +7 colony can choose 5 unoccupied spaces within 30
feet. Creatures that pass through one of these
AC: 25 Fort +21 spaces must attempt a basic Reflex save DC 24 or
Ref +18 Will +15 take 2d8+8 piercing damage. A creature that
Hit Points: 115 critically fails takes 1d8 persistent poison damage.
Immunities bleed, death effects, diseased, doomed, The soul colony can use an action on its turn to
drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal move all of these swarms to another space within
attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious 30 feet. The soul colony can only do this once per
Resistances cold 5, fire 5, negative 5, physical from turn and can only have a maximum of 5 swarms
non-magical attacks 10 active at a time. The soul colony cannot use this
Spite of the Swarm Trigger The soul colony is ability again for 1d4 rounds.
damages by a creature within 60 feet it can see; Summoned Swarm A wasp swarm summoned by a
Effect The soul colony makes a deserate attack soul colony has the following statistics. The swarm
against their aggressor. The triggering creature must has the incorporeal trait. AC 18; HP 30 (Immunities
attempt a DC 24 basic Reflex saving throw taking precision, mental; Weakness area damage 5,
3d10 piercing damage. splash damage 5; Resistances all damage 3
Carrier If a wasp swarm the soul colony summoned (except for Strikes with the ghost touch property));
enters the soul colony's space, it can destroy the Saving Throw Same as soul colony.
swarm and gain the remaining HP the swarm had as
temporary hit points.
Perception +20; darkvision
Languages Common, Sylvan, Necril
Skills Acrobatics +20, Deception +20, Intimidation
+22 (+24 while benefiting from Fear Embodiment),
Stealth +22, Thievery +22
Str +2 Dex +7 Con +4
Int +4 Wis +5 Cha +7
Fear Embodiment For each creature that is at least
frightened 1 by the uduksushin, the uduksushin
gains a +1 circumstance bonus to damage
(maximum +10) and gains the benefits of the
enlarge spell at 4th level.
߃זԳ Speed fly 25 feet
Melee ghostly touch +17 [+13/+9] (agile,
finesse, magical), Damage 2d8+4 negative plus
Perception +12; darkvision sunken invitation
Languages Common, Necril
Covet Warmth (divine, necromancy, negative)
Skills Deception +15, Intimidation +15, Ghost Lore
The akryung kisses an adjacent creature that is
+19, Religion +16
holding its breath. If the target is a living creature, it
Str -5 Dex +6 Con +0 takes damage from the akryung’s ghostly touch
Int +5 Wis +4 Cha +5 with a DC 24 Fortitude save.
Water Bound The Water Akryung can stray only a Critical Success The target's life energy
short distance from where it was killed or the place overpowers the Akryung. The Akryung takes 5
it haunts. A typical limit is 120 feet. positive damage, and the target is unaffected.
Success The target takes half damage.
AC: 23 Fort +12 Failure The target takes full damage and is
Ref +18 Will +14 drained 1 for 1 minute and the target loses 1
round of air.
Hit Points: 60 (negative healing, rejuvenation) Critical Failure The target takes double damage,
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, is drained 2 for 1 minute, and loses 2 rounds
poison, precision, unconscious of air.
Resistances all damage 5 (except force, ghost
Sunken Invitation (curse, water) If the target is
touch, or positive; double resistance vs.
a living creature in water, it must succeed on a DC
24 Will save. On a failure, it becomes immobilized
Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) When destroyed,
by a spectral force and must hold its breath or
Water Akryung reform after 2d4 days fully healed at
begin suffocating (unless it can breathe
whatever location they were at when last destroyed.
underwater). On their turn, they can use an Escape
They're only permanently destroyed when a Mudang
action to repeat the saving throw.
performs a ritual to send their spirit to the afterlife
or accept their passage of their own free will.
Belly Vault The daemon can store its possessions Speed 30 ft.
into the vault in its belly. The vault leads into an Melee fist +29 [+25/+20] (agile, evil, grapple,
extradimensional room that can hold up to 200 magical), Damage 3d8+14 bludgeoning plus 1d6
bulk. It can be opened with an Interact action and a evil and improved grab
creature as large as Medium can enter the vault. Melee jaw +29 [+24/+19] (evil, magical),
The vault is locked from inside and creatures can Damage 3d12+14 piercing plus 1d6 evil
attempt a DC 36 check to break through the door or
Divine Innate Spells DC 35; 8th hallucination,
Pick a Lock. While inside the extradimensional
summon deific herald; 7th inexhaustible cynicism
space, they begin to turn to solid gold and must
(x2); 6th hallucination; 5th dimension door; 4th
attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save at the beginning of
dimension door (at will); 2nd phantasmal treasure
their turn.
(at will), 1st detect alignment (at will; good only)
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is slowed 1 for 1 round. Mortal Smelting (conjuration, divine,
Failure The target is slowed 1 and must attempt a extradimensional, manipulate) Requirement The
Fortitude save at the end of each of its turns; this target is grabbed by the Geumdwaeji. Effect The
ongoing save has the incapacitation trait. On a geumdwaeji opens its belly vault and attempts to
failed save, the slowed condition increases by 1 drag a target it grabbed into it. It must attempt an
(or 2 on a critical failure). A successful save Athletics check against the target’s Reflex DC.
reduces the slowed condition by 1. When a Critical Success The target is pulled into the
creature is unable to act due to the slowed belly vault.
condition from mortal smelting, the creature is Success The target resists and is only Grabbed.
permanently non-magically petrified. The spell Failure The target breaks free.
ends if the creature is petrified or the slowed Critical Failure The target breaks free and can
either grab the daemon as if they had succeeded
condition is removed.
on a grapple or force them to fall and land prone.
Critical Failure As failure, but the target is initially
slowed 2.
RARE LE MEDIUM CREATURE 13 Divine Innate Spells DC 33; Constant (6th) detect
alignment (chaos only), true seeing
Drain Life (divine, necromancy) When the gray
Perception +23; darkvision, true seeing
ancient damages a living creature with its spectral
Languages Common, Necril
hand Strike, the ancient gains 12 temporary Hit
Skills Intimidation +25, Legal Lore +28, Stealth +28
Points and the target must succeed at a DC 33
Str -5 Dex +5 Con +3 Fortitude save or become drained 1. Further
Int +5 Wis +8 Cha +5 damage dealt by the gray ancient increases the
Invisible to the Innocent The gray ancient is drained condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a
invisible to all creatures that aren't cursed by it. It is maximum of drained 4.
still invisible even after taking a hostile action. Judgment (curse, mental, necromancy) The
gray ancient curses a sinful creature set to be held
AC: 34 Fort +21 on trial. The target must make a Will saving throw.
Ref +24 Will +27 Critical Success The ancient is no longer
+1 status to all saves vs. positive concealed from the target.
Success As critical success, but the creature is
Hit Points: 235 (negative healing) frightened 1.
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, Failure The ancient is no longer concealed and
poison, precision, unconscious the creature is frightened 2. Until it can no longer
Resistances all 12 (except force, ghost touch, or see the ancient, its frightened value can’t
positive; double resistance vs. non-magical) decrease below frightened 1.
Sentencing Gaze (aura, divine, emotion, Critical Failure As failure, but the target is
enchantment, incapacitation, mental, visual) 20 ft. A frightened 3
creature that ends its turn in the aura must attempt
a DC 33 Will save. If it fails, it becomes doomed 1.
Speed fly 25 feet, troop movement
GHOST INCORPOREAL TROOP UNDEAD Clutching Hands to (divine, necromancy)
Frequency once per round; Effect The troop
Perception +21; darkvision
attacks enemies within 5 feet (DC 30 basic Reflex
Languages Common, Necril
save), with damage depending on the number of
Skills Acrobatics +16, Local Lore +14, Stealth +16
Str -5 Dex +5 Con +4 2d6+5 negative damage
Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +5 4d6+10 negative damage
Site Bound A jaesungdaegook can stray only a 5d6+15 negative damage
moderate distance from where its members were Occult Innate Spells DC 30; 6th feeblemind,
killed or the place it haunts. A typical limit is 240 ft. poltergeist’s fury, spirit blast; 5th rip the spirit;
4th phantasmal killer; 3rd fear (x3)
AC: 30 Fort +20 Bard Composition Spells, 3 Focus Points; 6th
Ref +19 Will +23 counter performance, lingering composition;
+1 status to all saves vs. positive Cantrips (6th) dirge of doom
Hit Points: 140 (negative healing, rejuvenation) Form Up
Thresholds 95 (12 squares), 50 (8 squares) Catastrophic Elegy (auditory, divine,
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) The
poison, precision, sleep jaesungdaegook howls in anguish, forcing each
Resistances all damage 14 (except force, ghost living creature in a 30-foot emanation to attempt
touch, or positive; double resistance vs. a DC 25 Will save or become frightened 2
non-magical); (frightened 3 on a critical failure). If a creature
Weaknesses area damage 15, splash damage 10 with frightened 3 fails their save, they
Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) When a automatically die. This effect has the death trait.
jaesungdaegook is destroyed, it re-forms after 2d4 Troop Movement Whenever the jaesungdaegook
days, fully healed. A jaesungdaegook can be Strides, it first Forms Up as a free action to
permanently destroyed only if someone determines condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus
the reason for its existence and sets right whatever any missing squares), and then moves. This works
prevents the troop from resting. just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for
Troop Defenses instance, if any of the jaesungdaegook's squares
enter difficult terrain, the extra movement cost
applies to the whole group.
Form Up
UNDEAD Spearheaded Charge The brigade Forms Up,
then Strides twice with a +10-foot circumstance
Perception +21
bonus to its Speed. If it moves at least 10 feet, the
Languages Common, Necril; understands, but
brigade deals 4d8+16 piercing damage (DC 30
doesn’t speak
basic Reflex save) to each enemy within 10 feet of
Skills Athletics +23, Intimidation +23
the brigade at the end of its movement.
Str +7 Dex +2 Con +5
Undead Assault to Frequency once per
Int -2 Wis +2 Cha +4 round; Effect The brigade engages in a coordinated
Chattering Wraith (audible, aura, divine, emotion, melee attack against each enemy within 10 feet
enchantment, fear, mental) 15 feet. The unsettling (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on
chattering of the taktak gwishin unnerves those the number of actions.
around them. Creatures are frightened 1 while in the 2d8 piercing damage
taktak gwishin’s aura. They can't naturally recover
2d8+13 piercing damage
from this fear while in the area but recover instantly
once they leave the aura. 3d8+16 piercing damage
March of the Dead While moving on land, the Troop Movement Whenever the cavalry brigade
brigade ignores the effects of non-magical difficult Strides, the brigade first Forms Up as a free action
terrain. to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus
any missing squares), then moves. This works just
like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if
AC: 31 Fort +23
any square of the brigade enters difficult terrain,
Ref +18 Will +20
the extra movement cost applies to the whole
Hit Points: 195 brigade.
Thresholds 130 (12 squares), 65 (8 squares)
Resistances mental 5, slashing 5
Weakness area damage 10, splash damage 5
Troop Defenses
RARE CN GARGANTUAN CREATURE 21 Ranged dokkaebi club +40 [+35/+30] (magical,
returning, thrown 50 feet), Damage 4d10+19
Perception +38; darkvision, genius loci
Languages Common, Dokkaebi, Sylvan Primal Innate Spells DC 42, attack +36; 10th
Skills Architecture Lore +34, Athletics +40, remake; 9th meteor swarm; 8th punishing winds,
Deception +35, Intimidation +38, Nature +35 whirlwind; 7th plane shift; Cantrips (10th) light,
message, scatter screen
Str +10 Dex +7 Con +9
Building Form (primal, concentrate, polymorph,
Int +2 Wis +9 Cha +8 transmutation); The dokkaebi takes the form of a
Genius Loci The dokkaebi can see and hear any mansion and gains the building and residential
creature inside its body while it is in building form. traits. While in this form, it retains its senses, but
cannot use the Strike action.
AC: 47 Fort +38 Bury Alive Requirements The creature must be
Ref +32 Will +34 standing on ground; Effect If a creature is struck by
Hit Points: 470 the dokkaebi’s foot, the dokkaebi can make an
Weaknesses cold iron 15 Athletics check against the creature’s Reflex DC. On
a success, the target is buried into the earth and
Attack of Opportunity
Immobilized. While Immobilized in this way, the
Enormous The dokkaebi is a massive creature and target must hold their breath and can spend an
takes up a space of 10 squares by 10 squares (50 action to attempt a DC 44 Fortitude save to dig
feet by 50 feet). themselves out and escape. Creatures with a
Form Collapse (primal, concentrate, polymorph, burrow speed are immune from being Immobilized
transmutation); Trigger The dokkaebi is reduced to 0 in this way.
Hit Points. Effect The dokkaebi regains 1 Hit Point Trample (attack) Huge or smaller, foot, DC 44
and transforms into building form. It can’t transform
back into its fey form for 24 hours.
Speed 35 feet
Melee dokkaebi club +40 [+35/+30] (reach 30
feet, magical), Damage 4d10+19 bludgeoning
Melee foot +40 [+36/+32] (agile, reach 20
feet), Damage 4d8+19 bludgeoning plus bury
Speed 40 ft.
ABERRATION BEAST Melee claw +34 [+30/+26] (agile), Damage
Perception +32; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 ft 4d8+14 slashing plus 2d6 negative
Languages Aklo, Sylvan Melee jaws +34 [+29/+24],
Skills Acrobatics +32, Athletics +35, Intimidation Damage 4d10+15 piercing plus 2d6 fire
+35, Occultism +35, Stealth +32, Survival +32 Occult Innate Spells DC 40, attack +32; 10th
Str +9 Dex +6 Con +6 shadow army; 9th bilocation, voracious gestalt; 8th
Int +6 Wis +5 Cha +7 seal fate, spiritual epidemic; 6th slow
Cannibalize (necromancy) The samdugumi eats
AC: 43 Fort +30 an adjacent duplicate created using Gruesome
Ref +31 Will +33 Separation and regains the number of Hit Points
+1 to all saves vs. magic the duplicate possessed.
Curse Breath (curse, evocation, occult) The
Hit Points: 335, regeneration 33 (deactivated by samdugumi breathes a deluge of tar-like curses in a
positive damage or damage from a silvered weapon) 60 ft. cone, dealing 15d6 negative damage (DC 40
Immunities fire, mental basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also
Resistances negative 20, slashing 20 gain Weakness 20 to fire damage until the end of
Weaknesses silver 20 the Samdugumi’s next turn. It can’t use its Breath
Gruesome Separation (necromancy) Whenever Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.
the samdugumi is hit by an attack or effect that Three-Headed Bite Requirement The
would deal slashing or piercing damage while the samdugumi hits a target with one bite attack. Effect
samdugumi’s regeneration is still active, a duplicate The target becomes flat-footed and the samdugumi
forms out of the wound and appears in an adjacent takes two Strikes with its jaws against them. The
unoccupied space. If no adjacent space is multiple attack penalty only applies once for both
unoccupied, it automatically pushes creatures and attacks.
objects out of the way to fill a space (the GM
decides if an object or creature is too big or sturdy to
push). This has the effect of the duplicate foe spell
with the samdugumi as the target except the
amount of Hit Points is equal to the damage
The four Yongwangs of Danguk representing the four cardinal directions were blessed with the status of demi-
gods. This divinity manifests through their authorities which they use to command the primal forces of nature
including Beasts and Elementals in their region. They can bestow divine spells to followers and manipulate the
flow of magic.
Rulers of Danguk seek to uphold their pacts with the Yongwangs in order to stave off their wrath. As represen-
tatives of the Realms Above the Heavens, this pact serves as a covenant that recognizes a ruler’s mandate. Still,
a Yongwang might have ambitions that extend beyond those of the gods they serve. To them, the gods are little
beyond supervisors whose decisions they might disagree with.
Both chromatic and metallic dragons disdain the superiority the Yongwang claim over them all. Nevertheless,
the Yongwang’s authority also gives them power to issue imperatives to dragons and keep their ambitions in
check while in their realm. Only four Yongwangs can exist at a time and the gods consider any more as anoma-
lies that they must expunge. When one Yongwang dies, their powers and throne become up for grabs in order of
succession. If the Yongwang doesn’t determine their next heir, this triggers a bloody ritual where dragons war to
prove most worthy of unifying their species.