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PF2e Playtest
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Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave

Nine Heavens Press 2 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

System Reference Document © 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Col-
lins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder Bestiary (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, John Compton, Paris Cren-
shaw, Adam Daigle, Eleanor Ferron, Leo Glass, Thurston Hillman, James Jacobs, Jason Keeley, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Robert G. McCreary, Tim
Nightengale, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Chris S. Sims, Jeffrey Swank, Jason Tondro, Tonya
Woldridge, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 (Second Edition) © 2020, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Joseph Blomquist, Logan Bonner,
Paris Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Jesse Decker, Darrin Drader, Brian Duckwitz, Robert N. Emerson, Scott Fernandez, Keith Garrett, Scott Gladstein, Mat-
thew Goodall, T.H. Gulliver, BJ Hensley, Tim Hitchcock, Vanessa Hoskins, James Jacobs, Brian R. James, Jason Keeley, John Laffan, Lyz Liddell, Colm
Lundberg, Ron Lundeen, Jason Nelson, Randy Price, Jessica Redekop, Patrick Renie, Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, David Schwartz, Mark
Seifter, Amber Stewart, Jeffrey Swank, Russ Taylor, and Jason Tondro.
Pathfinder Bestiary 3 (Second Edition) © 2021, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, James Case, Jessica Catalan, John Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Adam
Daigle, Katina Davis, Erik Scott de Bie, Jesse Decker, Brian Duckwitz, Hexe Fey, Keith Garrett, Matthew Goodall, Violet Gray, Alice Grizzle, Steven
Hammond, Sasha Laranoa Harving, Joan Hong, James Jacobs, Michelle Jones, Virginia Jordan, TJ Kahn, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Joshua Kim, Avi
Kool, Jeff Lee, Lyz Liddell, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Philippe-Antoine Menard, Patchen Mortimer, Dennis Muldoon, Andrew Mullen, Quinn Murphy,
Dave Nelson, Jason Nelson, Samantha Phelan, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Danita Rambo, Shiv Ramdas, BJ Recio, Jessica Redekop, Mikhail Rekun,
Patrick Renie, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, Simone D. Sallé, Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Sen.H.H.S, Abigail Slater, Rodney Sloan, Shay Snow, Pidj
Sorensen, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Tan Shao Han, William Thompson, Jason Tondro, Clark Valentine, Ruvaid Virk, Skylar Wall, Andrew White, and
Landon Winkler.
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark
Pathfinder Dark Archive © 2022, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Rigby Bendele, Logan Bonner, James Case, Dan Cascone, Jessica Catalan, Banana Chan, Kay
Hashimoto, Sen H.H.S., Patrick Hurley, Joshua Kim, Avi Kool, Daniel Kwan, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Liane Merciel, Jacob
W. Michaels, Andrew Mullen, Quinn Murphy, K. Tessa Newton, Mikhail Rekun, Patrick Renie, Solomon St. John, Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Shay
Snow, Alex Speidel, Geoffrey Suthers, Ruvaid Virk, Jabari Weathers, and Isis Wozniakowska.
Pathfinder Secrets of Magic © 2021, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Amirali Attar Olyaee, Kate Baker, Minty Belmont, Logan Bonner, James Case, Jessica Catalan,
John Compton, Katina Davis, Jesse Decker, Chris Eng, Eleanor Ferron, Leo Glass, Joan Hong, Vanessa Hoskins, Jason Keeley, Joshua Kim, Luis Loza,
Ron Lundeen, Liane Merciel, David N. Ross, Ianara Natividad, Chesley Oxendine, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Shiv Ramdas, Mikhail Rekun, Simone
D. Sallé, Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Sen H.H.S., Shay Snow, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Tan Shao Han, Calliope Lee Taylor, Mari Tokuda, Jason Tondro,
Clark Valentine, Ruvaid Virk, Andrew White, Landon Winkler, Tonya Woldridge, and Isis Wozniakowska.

Nine Heavens Press 3 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Undying Corruption
Author: Minki Kim Table of Contents
Pronunciation Guide................................ 4
Additional Writing: Connie Chang, Theta
Chun, Maxine Momoko Meas, Jin Sol Korean Culture Intro & Primer............... 5

Developers: James Beck, Jeremy Blum, The Setting................................................ 7

Indigo Cardosa, Minki Kim, Jason Marlor,
Daniel Velazquez The People of Danguk.............................. 9

Editors: Jin Sol, Jason Marlor Magic in Danguk.................................... 11

Society .................................................. 12
Cover Artists: Alex Ahad, Kem Mackey
Cosmology.............................................. 14
Interior Artists: Alex Ahad, Mychal Amann/
Swampkips, Candlehag, Hanghul/May, Kaitlin Divinities................................................ 18
“Charlie” Edlund, Alana Fan, Kayla Felty,
Angela Kim, Jeong Kim, Min Kim, Kem Ancestries............................................... 33
Mackey, MLarty, Nidhi Naroth, Jenny Park, A.
R. Stefansdottir, Vanessa Wei, Emily Whang, Archetypes.............................................. 62
H. Won, Yeabin/judgedarts, G. Eunae Yim, Classes .................................................. 76
Chagok Yun
Backgrounds........................................... 89
Layout Artist: Kaitlin “Charlie” Edlund
Weapons.................................................. 91
Translator: S. Jeon (Dan/단)
Magic Items............................................ 92
Kickstarter Trailer: Angela Chong, Dale
North, Ty Wood, Suzie Yeung Creatures: Tier 1 Play............................. 98

Creatures: Tier 2 Play............................104

Special Thanks: Josephine Kim, StellalunaTV,
Strofel, Zac/Three Plus Press, and everyone
Creatures: Tier 3 Play............................128
who supported our Kickstarter
Creatures: Tier 4 Play............................141

Nine Heavens Press 4 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

PRONUNCIATION Jangjamari (장자마리) - Jahng-jah-mah-rhee
Jomagu (조마구) - joh-mah-goo

Komung’go (거문고) - Guh-moon-goh
Mudang (무당) - Moo-dahng
Noengsul (노앵설) - Noh-ehng-suhl
Shingiwonyo (신기원요) - Shihn-gee-wuhn-yoh
Ancestries Yuji (유지) - Yoo-jee
Dokkaebi (도깨비) - Doh-kkeh-bee
Gumiho (구미호) - Goomee-hoh Tier 2 Play
Sangun (상군) - Sahn-goon
Akryung (악령) - Ahk-ryung
Bulgasari (불가사리) - Bool-gah-Ssah-ree
Backgrounds Changgwi (창귀) - Chahng-gwee
Kisaeng (기생) - Ghee-sehng Chwisaeng (취생) - Chwee-sehng
Daegugwi (대구귀) - Deh-goo-gwee
Cosmology Dokakgwi (독각귀) - Dohk-gak-gwee
Bari (바리) - Bah-rhee Duseng’ilgak (두생일각) - Doo-sehng-il-gaak
Dangun (단군) - Dahn-goon Geogugwi (거구귀) - Guh-goo-gwee
Eopshin (업신) - Up-sheen Janghwahwunyo (장화훤요) - Jaang-hwa-
Gucheon (구천) - Goo-chuhn hwuhn-yoh
Hallakgungi (할락궁이) - Hal-lahk-Goong-ee Jesengnoma (제생요마) - Jeh-sehng-noh-mah
Hwanin (환인) - Hwahn-een Juidoryung (쥐도령) - Jwee-doh-ryung
Hwanung (환웅) - Hwahn-oong Shinyuyukmyeon (신유육면) - Shihn-yoo-yook-
Iseung (이승) - Ee-s’ng myuhn
Jeongrang Gakshi (정랑 각시) - Juhng-rahng
Gahk-shee Tier 3 Play
Jeoseung Saja (저승사자) - Juh-seung Sah-jah
Jowangshin (조왕신) - Joh-wahng-sheen Bul-gae (불개) - Bool-geh
Munshin (문신) - Moon-sheen Geumdwaeji (금돼지) - G’eum-dweh-jee
Samgong (삼공) - Sahm-gohng Guchinyuh (거치녀) - Guh-chee-nyuh
Sobyeolwang (소별왕) - soh-byul-wahng Jigwi (지귀) - Jee-gwee
Seonangshin (서낭신) - Suh-nang-sheen Jihaguk Daejeok (지하국대적) - Jee-hah-gook
Seongjushin (성주신) - Suhng-joo-sheen Deh-juhk
Teojushin (터주신) - Tuh-joo-sheen Kkumoksari (꺼먹살이) - Kuh-mohk-sah-ree
Ungnyeo (웅녀) - ‘Ng-nyuh Podocheong Unit (포도청/포도주장) - Poh-
Sammokgu (삼목구) - Sahm-mohk-goo
Society Seul-ki (슬기) - Seuh’l-ghee
Baekjeong (백정) - Beck-jung Shigingwi (식인귀) - Sheeg-een-gwee
Cheonmin (천민) - Chun-meen Uduksushin (어둑시니) - Uh-duhk-soo-shihn
Danguk (단국) - Dahn-Gook Yeongno (영노) - Young-noh
Jungin (중인) - Joong-een
Nobi (노비) - Noh-bee Tier 4 Play
Sangmin (상민) - Saang-meen
Yangban (양반) - Yahng-bahn Dueoksini (두억시니) - Doo-uhck-shee-nee
Haetae (해태) - Heh-teh
Samdugumi (삼두구미) - Sahm-doo-goo-mee
Tier 1 Play Yongwang (용왕) - Yohng-wahng
Choon’giyeosuh (충기여서) - Choon-gee-yuh-
Geuseunsae (그슨새) - G’s’n-seh

Nine Heavens Press 5 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

INTRODUCTION Still, injustice exists and our setting is in no way a
utopia or dystopia. It is a fictional land based on Korea

where its mythology thrives in real life.

North and South Divide

KOREAN CULTURE Today, Korea remains divided between the 38th
parallel into North and South following Japan’s
The legendary god-king Dangun founded the first surrender and relinquishing claims to the country
Korean kingdom of Gojoseon in the early 7th century in 1952. This book will not touch on this aspect of
BC, organizing the descendants of tribes that existed history. Our setting is based on a time when Korea
since the Paleolithic period. Over the course of that remained unified. To this day, whatever Koreans may
history, dynamics with larger, more powerful countries think about the governments ruling the two respective
shaped and challenged the country’s identity. A self- regions, they still desire to return together as people. In
exiled military leader, Wei Man, of the defeated country characterizing the unique attributes of each region of
of Yan in China during their Warring States period our setting, we hope to give gamers a chance to play out
seized power, becoming Korea’s first Chinese ruler. a world in which these interactions are commonplace.
The Han Dynasty twenty years later seized land and
maintained a commandery for four centuries through
changing dynasties until the land was re-conquered by
Daily Life
Goguryeo. Confucian ideals that became prominent during the
Joseon Dynasty remain embedded in Korean society.
Echoes of conquest to colonization rippled The eldest of the family must be treated with utmost
through history from the Mongol Empire and Yuan respect while patriarchal norms both privilege and foist
Dynasty subordinating Goryeo in the 13th century the greatest responsibility upon fathers. In Hangul, the
as a vassal state and the Japanese annexation of the Korean language, people must use honorifics to address
Korean Empire in the early 20th century. Within this and acknowledge those that rank higher than them
dynamic, powerful nobles such as Joseon’s yangban socially or in workplaces. To refrain from doing so is
organized society in such a way that privileged landed considered ill-mannered. Despite this, when you’re
elites exempted themselves from taxes while pushing playing your characters in English, you needn’t abide
the nation’s physical and financial burdens upon by the precise formalities like using specific honorifics.
commoners. Through this history, the Korean people In practice, these codes and rules can slip in moments
created a new word, “Han/한”, to describe the grief and of passion or prejudice, sometimes taking on the
resentment they felt living against overwhelming odds weight of burdens when people feel they can’t live up
and a desire for reform amidst the anger. to these responsibilities. Let these ideas serve as guides
Despite these sources of hardship, Korean culture and remember that there is always a time and place
and folklore has been built from the bottom, shaping for everything: if your character doesn’t abide by these
criticisms against the powerful into folklore and rules to the letter, then the player shouldn’t be punished
valorizing resistance. To me, as evidenced through our beyond roleplaying.
arduous history, this is the true character of Korean Despite the patriarchal nature of Korea’s mainstream
culture. The spirit yearning for justice found in tales society, Korean shamanism takes on a feminine context
of the nobleman-eating Yeongno and the avarice- that empowers women with authority beyond their
punishing Dokkaebi materializes through historical stations. Modern Korean mudang are mostly women
events led by unified fronts of common people such with only some male priests as exceptions. Heroines
as the Donghak Peasant Revolution and the Gwangju of folktales like Jacheongbi and Princess Bari rise to
Uprising. divinity and bestow providence to priests that invoke
In writing this book, I hoped to capture that essence their names. As they listen to and help people through
of community in our adventures and world even as I their ailments and troubles when all other means fail,
imagined a fantasy Korea that could stand more on patriarchal norms collapse in favor of seeking help.
equal terms with its neighbors on the national stage. As the land in Danguk still benefits from the spiritual
Nine Heavens Press 6 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
power granted by the gods and shamans maintain a an ondol/온돌 system of transferring heat through a
prominent role in society, even the upper class cannot stove built in a lower level through the floor. Wealthier
disenfranchise women to the degree of our real world’s homes such as hanok/한옥 consist of multiple houses
history and life. Gender roles in this setting therefore and buildings, each with their own unique purposes,
maintain degrees of flexibility. We encourage both male all joined together between a courtyard decorated with
and non-binary players and characters to experience grass, trees, and stones. These estates are built with 99
the story of Mudang. rooms; no more than that to show deference to the king
whose palace contains 100 rooms.
Food and Drink
When preparing meals, Koreans prepare a hearty
assortment of appetizers called banchan/반찬.
These include combinations of miniature side dishes
including kimchi, marinated sprouts, fried zucchini,
fried tofu, black beans marinated in soy sauce and
sesame oil, and other kinds of vegetables. From personal
experience, neither of my parents start the day without
a hot bowl of soup and banchan which they enjoy with
rice. Hearty non-soup dishes may include bibimbap/
비빔밥 (a mix of rice, chili paste, meat, veggies, and
fried egg), kimbap/김밥 (rice and seaweed rolls usually
with vegetables and meat), jeon/전 (vegetable fritters),
and ssangchu ssam/상추쌈 (rice and meat wrapped in
Desserts exist too such as barley crackers, yakgwa
(honey cookies), sweet rice cakes, shaved ice, or
simply a plate of fruit. Drinks include fruit, flower,
corn, grounded grains, barley tea, and shikye/식혜,
a sweet rice beverage of honey and pine nuts. Most
alcoholic drinks are types of rice wines like soju/
소주 and makgeolli/막걸리, but exceptions exist like
baekseju/백세주 (herbs and ginseng wine) and maesil-
ju/매실주 (plum wine). You might have noticed that
rice and other grains are critical in a Korean diet: not
just as a side dish, but in much of our cooking. In the
15th century, Koreans ate double to triple the amount
of rice that the Chinese and Japanese did. Food is an
important part of Korean life.

In ancient times, the construction of an ideal Korean
home always incorporates the natural environment
surrounding it. Geomancy was an important factor:
the shapes of mountains, hills, rivers, and plains
carried a flow of energy that determined mood and
fortune. In this magical setting where indeed the land
carries powerful spiritual energy, these considerations
must be taken doubly seriously. Homes were built with

Nine Heavens Press 7 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

THE SETTING Both types of Mudang undergo years of training
under a senior Mudang, usually referred to as a “Spirit
Mother” or “Spirit Grandmother”. They learn various
arts including dance, instruments such as drums or
Both the kingdom of Danguk and Iseung were
bells, cooking, and sewing alongside spiritual practices
designed to be compatible with any campaign setting,
such as trancing, rituals, and how to craft offerings.
give or take some additions to suit the GM’s needs.
But before they can begin this training, a potential
The worldbuilding outside of Danguk from countries
Mudang typically becomes affiliated by an intense
to planes are left to the GM and the players to decide
spiritual sickness. Food becomes unappealing, vision
what narrative elements they would like to introduce
blurs, hallucinations and strange voices overwhelm the
into this campaign.
senses, and the body of the victim becomes extremely
The people of Danguk refer to the material plane weak. There are only two resolutions to this illness;
they occupy as “Iseung”, or literally “This World”. death or acceptance of one’s fate as a new Mudang.
“Iseung” can also interchangeably be used to describe
The Mudangs’ most advanced technique is to
both the diplomatic network Danguk shares with other
perform a ritual known as a “gut” wherein they
nations. Other cultures might have different names for
commune directly with gods and spirits, often
their world, but the people of Danguk refer to it as such
undergoing possessions. Their task during this ritual is
because they understand the material world is merely
to find out what a restless spirit or Akryung desires,
one stop in a near-infinite journey. Every creature
or what ails them, and do everything in their power
in Iseung lives, dies, and passes on to Jeoseung, or
to mediate between earth and the ethereal. Force is
literally “That World”, where they will receive judgment
sometimes necessary to tame a spirit’s restlessness to
for their actions in life. The gods have willed the people
bring them to a proper conversation. In this campaign,
of Jeoseung to be tempered by their suffering and
as a house rule, all player characters have access to the
eventually reach a state of perfection.
following abilities:

The Mudang Exorcism House Rule

A person becomes a Mudang in one of two ways; In this campaign, as an optional house rule, all player
dedication or birthright. Those who are born into an characters can start level 1 trained in Occultism or
ancient bloodline, deeply connected to the gods, are Religion. At 2nd level, they gain the Read Psychometric
called hereditary Mudang. They are expected to take Resonance skill feat even if they don’t qualify for it.
on the duties of their ancestors, serving to lead rituals At 4th level and every even level after that, they gain
and Guts, but have no special magical prowess of their a free class feat that they can only use for feats from
own. The gods and spirits of the land are unable to the Exorcist archetype. You can use your own body as a
communicate to or through hereditary Mudang and spirit dwelling to house spirit remnants.
they are largely unable to enter a trance outside of the
spiritual sickness they experience upon being initiated.
This subgroup of Mudang begins their training from
The second type of Mudang is commonly referred
to as charismatic Mudang. Those that fall into this
category begin life as ordinary mortals and can be from
any race, creed, or social caste. Typically, signs of their
future occupation start to shine through in adolescence
or early adulthood and can include things such as
sudden bouts of weight loss, nightmares or visions, and
frequent unexplained illness. Supernatural creatures
and spirits are drawn to these Mudang and families
who do not recognize their child’s calling early on may
risk losing them to possession.

Nine Heavens Press 8 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

THE PEOPLE OF Since then, Dragonborns have formed their own
tribes and clans, gaining influence for their perceived

connection to the noble Yongwang. Dragonborn
settlements can often be found near rivers and ports
where their true Dragon ancestor once resided. Each
clan has been entrusted with a Dragon Egg by the
Danguk is home to diverse groups of people with Yongwangs that will hatch into a prototypical Dragon
varieties of ancestries, moreso in modern times as the native to Danguk called an Imoogi. If the Imoogi lives
country fully opened up to visitors and immigrants. The in water for one thousand years and is gifted with a
following descriptions of some basic facts and statistics Yeouiju or a Dragon Marble, it will become a true
of how ancestries fare in Danguk should help guide you Yongwang.
as you create your character’s backstory. None of the
The Ryu clan in particular is composed of Green
following information is meant to decide where your
scaled Dragonborn who grow to be powerful sorcerers.
character should come from or how they should have
Their success in crafting Yeouiju or Dragon Marble
lived their lives.
and raising multiple Imoogi that grew to be princes
This section is meant only to set up some material and princesses of the Dragon Palace earned them great
foundations concerning the people of Danguk that you prestige. This was owed to their ability to manipulate
can take into consideration. the weather and purify water, which they’ve used to
profit regionally.
Dokkaebi Clanless Dragonborns do not hold much prestige in
The Dokkaebi began appearing after the fracturing modern Danguk for fear of their relation to the despised
of Danguk. People initially thought them to be an evil and deposed Wang Clan. Though they’re looked on as
omen, a sign of the Emperor of Darkness’s lingering a symbol of fear, clan affiliations and class determine
presence in the world. In truth, as life grew more difficult how Dragonborns are treated in Danguk society.
in Danguk and spiritual energy remained strong in the
land, Dokkaebi appeared as if in response. They always Dwarves
represented the unvarnished desires of mortals and
Dwarves are the most common ancestry in Danguk.
this made them an object of revulsion, envy, and awe.
They trace their origins all the way to Ungnyeo and
Few Dokkaebi even assimilated into society, though
Hwanung’s union and are often referred to as Bear
whenever one has a name people remember, they often
People. The strongest clans take pride in the fact that
leave a mark on history.
they are the children of the descended god. Clans,
The Dokkaebi have most often been allies of the particularly of Eastern Danguk and the Kingdom
Black Bear Clan, fighting against Akryung that they of Eungjoon, have made their trade as the nation’s
regard sometimes as wayward siblings. They operate premier artisans and are able to make a decent living in
in the margins of Danguk society, being part of cities. The oldest Dwarven clans who trace their lineage
movements and efforts that the common people rarely back to the kingdom’s founding are mostly based in the
are privy to until they’re ready to explode. They’re rulers Capital, declaring the protection of the Sandalwood
of Danguk’s night when the bureaucrats and ministers Tree their responsibility by birthright. For that reason,
have gone to sleep. the heads of the most powerful families are typically
Clerics of Ungnyeo.
Dragonborn The Dwarves that shun city life are more independent
Dragonborns are relatively common in Danguk and industrious. They operate their own trade and
following the pact Dangun forged with the Yongwangs. settle in areas with humanoid populations to provide
The Yongwangs sanctioned their citizens to move up a service. Breweries, inns, and taverns are commonly
to the surface after Dangun designated Dragons as a owned by Dwarves. These same Dwarves sometimes
protected species (meaning it is forbidden to hunt and attempt to take the military service examination as a
kill them, though this designation is annulled if the means of finding their unique place in the country.
Dragon has been found to have harmed the people of Community and belonging are important virtues to
Danguk). Dwarvish society.
Nine Heavens Press 9 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Elves/Half-Elves Goblins
As a land rife with Fey, it’s no surprise that elves Sometimes mistaken for Dokkaebi, Goblins are
would call Danguk their home. Considering Danguk’s a curious minority in Danguk. While even Goblins
relatively young existence, their eldests remember have forgotten exactly how their ancestors emigrated
from the country’s beginning. This ancient memory into Danguk, few care about such details unimportant
allows Elves lucrative positions as the land’s foremost to their present moment. The most common theory
historians and chroniclers. Few others can claim that among Dangukese scholars is that they were a nomadic
their close relatives witnessed the descent of Hwanung people shipwrecked in the lands who decided to settle.
from the heavenly realm. As far as people can remember, they’ve often been
Elves began appearing in Danguk around the same made livings as sailors, gravitating to the wealth of food
time Hwanung connected the material realm to the in the seas. Tales of a Goblin insulting a Yongwang have
spiritual. As Fey appeared, so did Elves to form tribes given them an unfair reputation as tricksters.
around forested areas. Most of these clans preferred to In truth, Goblins rarely care for conforming to
adopt policies of non-intervention, especially when the the society they occupy and live according to what
kingdom of Danguk fractured into multiple, smaller they desire at the moment. Savvy people in Danguk
states. For this, through history, they were viewed with understand this and have learned to help them channel
suspicion and persecuted during the Fractured Era. this mindset into creative pursuits. Some Goblins have
Those wishing to expand their artistic horizons left the become expert shipwrights and are responsible for
forests and moved into towns. eccentric, yet brilliant designs that revolutionize fields
While not as powerful as the Dwarven clans, Elves of naval combat or trade.
and Half-Elves are valued as scholars and artists with
the latter facing more difficulties overcoming prejudice. Halflings
Some have even passed the civil service exam and Since the wars that split Danguk and the turbulence
become Yangban, but most eke out a living as Jungin. of the Gyerim and Goryeo periods, Halflings have
Those uninterested in these pursuits often become adopted nomadic lives in pursuit of tranquility.
traveling performers that journey to wherever people Adopting patterns of olden days, few stay too long in
are and entertain for lodgings from night to night. one place, usually repaying communities kind enough
to house them with a favor and moving on. They have
Gnomes embraced the teachings of the Awakened One, guiding
Though Gnomes aren’t native to Danguk, they others to let go of their material attachments and pursue
began immigrating there after the scientific revolution, tranquility of body, thoughts, and soul.
particularly from the Zhu Empire. As Danguk begins A notable monk of the Awakened One in Danguk
briskly catching up with, and surpassing in some is Jinhwi, a Halfling ascetic whose body is said to have
regards, the rest of the world in terms of scientific been mummified alive. As leader of the Ondal Order,
development, eager Zhu gnomes seek to make their which preaches of radical liberation, including from
mark in world history. societal expectations, some view his teachings to be
They’re often found in cities, making their trade as at odds with the State. While Jinhwi represents the
merchants, apothecaries, and engineers. Of the clans extremities of the Halfling ideal of tranquility, others
in Danguk, Gnomish clans are all new, yet rapidly on strive for simple lives full of good food and friends.
the rise. Their longevity encourages a devil may cry Most are commoners and peasants.
attitude which doesn’t suit civil service in Danguk,
a field suspicious of free thinkers. They’ve quickly Humans
become a staple of city life as new immigrants to the Though Humans have existed in the lands before
land. Communities that accept Gnomish clans find Hwanung’s descent, they are among a minority in
new excitement in their lives. Danguk. Still, they are considered to be Hwanung’s first
subjects and despite their relatively short lives, they’ve
been part of crucial moments in Danguk’s history.
They only recently came into prominence as Yi Sung-

Nine Heavens Press 10 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

gun, a Human general, betrayed the Goryeo court and north while others have assimilated into Danguk. High
claimed the throne. Since then, Human clans, most of ranking officials of Danguk distrust the prominent
which were aligned with more powerful Dwarven or Orcish clans for their proximity to the Zhu Empire’s
Dragonborn clans, came into prominence as the new border. These clans that can trace their lineage back
nobility. to the golden era of Goguryeo remain powerful in
Though more Human clans occupy the upper crust Danguk, boasting members who are prominent poets
in recent times, their numbers are scattered across all and military leaders.
classes. Given their short lives, they wish to leave behind
a legacy. Compared with other groups, they have an Sangun
individualist streak that differentiates members among The tiger people of Hodamguk have a complicated
clans. They’ve always been part of Danguk’s history, relationship with Danguk. They’ve been tasked by their
whether at the forefront or the margins, and promise creator goddess, Honyeo, to protect the children of
to thrive. Ungnyeo. The interpretation of this command varies
for every Sangun and their individual answer typically
Lunamorphs reflects their outlook on life. The Sangun have existed
Like Gnomes, Lunamorphs only emigrated to as long as Danguk has and they’ve passed on a virtue
Danguk from the Moon recently. While their recent of adhering to the will of the strongest, though this
appearance makes most people wary of their motives, doesn’t necessarily mean that the strong must subjugate
people are fascinated in their origins from beyond the weak.
the world. They’re capable tinkerers, well-versed in Assimilating into Danguk society has always
technology used to travel planes, and celestial bodies been difficult. The Sangun are known to have a fiery
to limited degrees. Though few in number, they’ve temperament and are likely to hold grudges. Despite
captured the imaginations of Danguk and have been their mother goddess’s command, the country of
deemed by the throne to be friends and honorary Hodamguk has not forgiven Danguk for its instances
ambassadors of the Moon. of betrayal, particularly during the Gyerim era. They
Most Lunamorphs that have traveled to Danguk use their brute strength to slay Akryung in accordance
have tremendous wanderlust and travel the lands to with their creator’s desires. Though the Sanguns’
learn more about the blue planet that has progressed values over strength and power conflict with those
so far without them. The few that have settled are often of Danguk’s ruling literati, it’s commonly accepted
Astrologians and sages who even lecture to members of that their existences are nevertheless tied to the land.
the Hall of Worthies of reading the stars. Despite everything, the Sangun still command the
respect of the ordinary residents of Danguk.
Orcs are among the longest lived ancestries in
Danguk alongside Humans and Dwarves. While Out of all the people of Danguk, Tieflings have the
some clans have accepted Hwanung’s rule, others most difficult time of assimilating. Natives to Danguk
have maintained their existence as nomadic tribes to trace their lineage back to souls that have escaped
the north of Danguk. Like the elves, these tribes have Jeoseung, finding new companions as Fiends while
adopted policies of neutrality with Danguk. During the hiding, or from unions between Akryung and mortals.
political instability of the Fractured Era, Orcish tribes Others end up in Danguk either by immigrating or as
renounced their neutrality and pledged allegiance with former pirates who were given a small plot of land and
the scattered kingdoms of Danguk. Scholars speculate work after being captured. In either event, Tieflings
this was done partially to reduce casualties but also in have the unfair reputation of being associated with a
the service of their own interests. They were eventually
assimilated into the kingdom of Goguryeo. That era was criminal element that they must push against to make
a time when Orcs were highest in prominence through a living.
the example set by the half-orc, half-god Jumong. Communities that get to know individual Tieflings,
Since Goguryeo’s collapse, many remained in the however, come to accept them as their own. The best of

Nine Heavens Press 11 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

people can put aside their personal prejudices in favor of divinity, the gods hold a vested interest in the affairs
mutual interest and friendship and they would protect of this land. Gods of established pantheons listen for
Tieflings as among their own. Still, tieflings have the prayers of both believers and would-be believers who
most difficult life as they disproportionately are among yearn for new paths in life. The Sandalwood Tree
the lower classes. A few have broken barriers and come bolsters the power of belief, allowing clerics to draw
into prominence as legendary performers or kisaeng. power from philosophies and ideals much like paladins.
Household and native gods, through the blessings of
the land, are also powerful enough to grant spells to
MAGIC IN their worshipers much like the gods of the heavens.

Druids of Danguk often receive their powers directly
from the central source: the Sandalwood Tree. Their
The land of Danguk is rife with spiritual and natural powers may take shape in unique ways depending
energies that empower magic of all sources. Much on the environments they dedicated their lives to.
comes from the celestial Sandalwood Tree holding aloft Conversely, should their powers come from the divine,
the Capital. Blessed with godly power, it sustains the it’s rarely ever a single deity like with a cleric. Druids
system of reincarnation in Danguk and the travel of are gifted with the blessings of all of nature and are
souls to and from the lands creates abundant magical recognized by the native gods that reside in Danguk.
energy from which all spellcasters at least indirectly
draw from. Everyone born in Danguk possesses Sorcerer
at least the potential to use magic which can grow
exponentially through catalysts such as study, faith, Sorcerers are the most common type of spellcaster in
one’s blood, nature, or an outside force entirely. Danguk though many cannot cast beyond cantrips and
basic spells. As many Dangukese people are descended
While there are exceptions, the following lists from Hwanung, they awaken to sorcerous powers
ways in which certain spellcasters may discover their gifted to those with celestial or archfey bloodlines. The
spellcasting potential: ancestors of other sorcerers may have encountered any
number of entities native to Danguk like its dragons,
Bard fey, and native gods.
The life energy that flows from the Sandalwood Tree
bolsters the creative force of artistry. A bard’s devotion Witch
awakens their latent power and allows them to channel Entities concerned with the results of the gods’
magic into their art. Schools of art in Danguk work experiment with rebirth work to subtly influence
to harness this power, but only genuine inspiration results into their favor. They contact individuals whose
serves as the necessary catalyst to awaken one’s magical hearts resonate with their interests and offer power.
potential. Realizing this inevitability, the gods of the underworld
sanctioned their messengers to sign contracts and
Champion enlist mortals to preserve the balance of life and death
When an individual forges an oath, a sacrifice of the in Danguk.
self to a greater cause, their overwhelming zeal serves
as a necessary catalyst for the divine to grace them. A Wizard
champion needn’t discover their potential in a church Though everyone possesses the spark of magic, they
or temple, but under any circumstances that inspire learn to control and cultivate it through their studies at
people to take up a cause. schools devoted to magic. In Danguk, even a small village
has at least one government-affiliated school. For those
Cleric that seek disciplines of magic these respectable schools
As a land hosting the divine experiment of cannot teach (such as the necromantic arts devoted to
determining whether swaths of mortals can achieve raising the dead, summoning fiends, or enchantments

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that crush others’ wills), there is a thriving black market Cheonmin
for contraband scrolls and spellbooks. They may also The vulgar commoners that occupy the lowest social
find tutors willing to impart knowledge of less than strata. This caste is hereditary and all people deemed as
respectable magic. social outcasts are punished with this designation. They
include Mudang, debtors, warlocks aligned with evil

SOCIETY spirits, butchers, sex workers, and public performers.

It’s rare for Cheonmin to overcome the burden of their
caste, but few exceptions exist.
Modern Danguk society is rigidly hierarchical, Baekjeong: The untouchables, this is the
following the ideals that bonds shared by fellow designation of Cheonmin that are ostracized
members of society are represented through the from society.
clear, mutual responsibilities they follow for one and Nobi: Serfs tied to the land of Yangban, they are
that this is what builds a strong country. For better or paid a pittance and given land in exchange for
worse, these meritocratic ideals are crystallized in the grueling physical labor.
country’s class system. The four classes in Dangukese
society are:

The country’s ruling class, occupied by the literati
and highest order of civil servants. They are the landed
and unlanded elites, who after passing the civil service
exams, are gifted prestige and certain privileges; such
as being exempt from taxes. Many can also afford to
cheat on said exams. Though the position, office, and
privilege they occupy are hereditary, every failure of the
family’s third generation to pass the exams results in
relinquishing their titles. Well-educated mages, bards,
scholars, and philosophers occupy this social strata.

Highly skilled workers, the middle class. Engineers,
jurists, scientists, accountants, and artists occupy this
social strata. Their privileges are observed for their
close proximity to the Yangban who employ them in
governmental and non-governmental positions. Like
the Yangban, they are exempt from taxes. Many in
this class can afford to pay tuition for their children to
someday become Yangban.

Commoners who make the backbone of Danguk
society. Their caste consists of poor workers such as
farmers, fishers, laborers, merchants, and craftsmen.
The majority of people in Danguk fall under this class.
As such, they bear the highest burden of the country’s

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COSMOLOGY Plane of Water. When orbiting the Elemental Plane of
Air, the metal oxidizes and rusts, having reached the
end of its lifespan. From its remains, a new plane is
The Dark Realm (가망나라) born to repeat the cycle.
A curious plane that existed long before Gucheon This discovery enabled monks and mages of Long
has. The Dark Realm is a plane of infinite darkness Xia and Danguk to theorize about the Five Phases of
where no light can touch. Since the universe has been elements, differing from the four classical elements
created, it has been a section among the lower planes followed by schools of magic outside the region.
that appears to have been beyond the notice of the gods. Observing the movement of demiplanes inspired
Believing it to be an empty realm, O-do Jeonryun, one artificers and alchemists to develop efficient means of
of the Narakwang of Jeoseung, decided that they would combining arcane magic with technology, inventing
dispose of all the sins gathered and cleansed from the first arcane batteries that power the countries’
mortals into the Dark Realm. infrastructures. National alchemists and wizards
organize expeditions into these demiplanes in order to
The consequences of this decision would only be
gather raw materials to use or sell. They do so at the
felt thousands of years later when it became obvious
risk of exposing themselves to the toxic atmosphere
that the Dark Realm was not empty at all. The collected
in these planes and any Metallic Elementals residing
malice and sins of mortals began to form within a
consciousness. They gathered into an intangible,
sentient network of thoughts and desires that spread
throughout the Dark Realm until it was molded into Gucheon (구천)
something unmistakably humanoid. The first monsters A palace that spans the distance of an entire world,
native to the Dark Realm were drawn to Iseung, creating Gucheon is the Realm Above the Heavens where
calamities until they were sealed away. gods and Celestials with the strongest connections to
Since then, the gods of Jeoseung and Gucheon Danguk reside. It is a Lawful Good realm that leans
worked together to forge a gate, separating the Dark more toward Lawful as though it is a paradise, this
Realm from Iseung forever. They established a divine paradise is derived from its functionality. Gucheon,
edict forbidding planar travel between the two realms meaning “Nine Heavens”, represents the highest state of
but still, a link persisted and the Dark Realm continued being one can achieve in mortal life: freedoms of clarity
to gather negative karma from Iseung. People full of and just rewards and from vexations, heat, and doubt.
hatred and despair such as the Dark Mudang pray Hwanin, the ruler of Gucheon, rules his plane
someday for the border between the two realms to through a bureaucratic system that functions like
shatter so that they can herald the Emperor of Darkness, near-clockwork. Celestial beings are rewarded through
the Dark Realm’s will, to cast the world into oblivion. systems of promotions. Of the Realms Above the
Notable Figures: Heavens, Gucheon is at the same time the closest in
proximity to Iseung. The guarantee that all good deeds
The Emperor of Darkness
are justly rewarded relative to the effort put into them
is the foundation of Gucheon.
Elemental Demiplanes of Metal Ripples and tremors from consequential actions
Naturally forming demiplanes constantly in flux that are felt there first. The difference in the passage of
can be found orbiting the four Elemental Planes (Air, time between Gucheon and Iseung is also the most
Earth, Fire, and Water), the Elemental Planes of Metal minimal out of the other planes. Other gods see it as
are recent discoveries. Each demiplane consists of an administrative zone responsible for observing the
different types of pure metals. Their form corresponds affairs of mortals.
with the elemental plane the demiplane is orbiting. For
Notable Figures:
example, when a demiplane orbits the Elemental Plane
of Earth, the ore in the plane appears in its natural form. Hwanin
It heats when orbiting the Elemental Plane of Fire and Hwanung
fully takes on molten form while orbiting the Elemental Dangun
Nine Heavens Press 14 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Iseung (이승) not to interfere with the affairs of the land. Likewise,
the crime of striking down a Yongwang is akin to
The material world is a realm rife with magic. It is killing a god by the laws of Gucheon. The dragon kings
the plane at the center of all existences and all other accepted this agreement and became allies to mortals
planes exist as reflections of it. Yet, Iseung is regarded as in eliminating Akryung numbers.
the lower realm of existence relative to the heavens, full
of flaws and blemishes. That these contradictions exist, The names of the Yongwangs are as follows:
describing the same space and individuals who have • Gwangdeok of the East
achieved divinity and beyond, is a curiosity. These same • Gwangli of the South
qualities have enamored the god Hwanung to descend • Gwangtaek of the West
and live among the mortals that have captivated him. • Gwangyeon of the North
The affairs of Iseung have been considered neutral The Yongwangs have grown proud of essentially
territory by both benevolent and malevolent gods in being regarded as lesser divinities in the world. Still,
the upper and lower planes. In order to abide by this they have their own schemes to expand their power
neutrality, gods do not interfere “directly” in the affairs and to influence the affairs of man in ways that cannot
of mortals. However, Hwanung proposed Danguk as be easily connected back to them. The dragon kings are
a land that could give rise to a higher quality of souls ultimately self-motivated creatures who simply have
that can be welcomed into the Realms Above the their reasons to promote order.
Heavens. Hwanin permitted his descent and appointed
the ministers in charge of new planes to facilitate Jeoseung (저승)
this new country, initiating what became a system of
Following Hwanung’s descent into Iseung to
reincarnation. This was done through the Sandalwood
structure the lives of mortals so that their souls can
Tree that the gods planted at the center of Danguk. Its
better reach Gucheon, Hwanin ordered the creation of
roots stretch throughout all of Danguk and absorb the
Jeoseung, meaning literally “that world”. Jeoseung is a
souls of the departed, shielding them from the pre-
plane that exists between the upper and lower planes
established order.
where all those who were born in Danguk are destined
From there, the tree delivers these souls to Jeoseung to go after the candles of their lives burn out.
to cleanse them of past sins and memories so that
Originally, Hwanin appointed ten heavenly hosts to
they may be reborn totally anew for another attempt
manage this realm called the Narakwang, or the Ten
at divinity. After this process, Jeoseung sends these
Great Kings. The Narakwang judge and administer
cleansed souls back to the Sandalwood Tree to distribute
punishments to cleanse souls of the malice they’ve
them as new lives entering Iseung. With this system
accumulated. By resetting souls in this way, they can be
of reincarnation in place, the gods’ efforts to fortify
sent back to Danguk to live out new lives.
mortal souls into sterner stuff through the challenges
and temptations of the mortal realm continue. The names of the Narakwang and their duties are
as follows:
The malevolent gods of the lower planes stayed their
hands, recognizing hubris in Hwanin and foolishness in 1. Jingwang: Distributes the dead toward their
Hwanung. Already, the transformation of people who places of judgment through the Samdo River
resist entering the reincarnation process into Akryung 2. Chogan: Punishes the violent and wrathful.
has given birth to a great number of evil creatures.
3. Songje: Punishes the avaricious.
Diametrically opposed to the gods and native to
Iseung are manifestations of primal rage and furious 4. Ogwan: Punishes traitors and oathbreakers.
instinct, the Dragons. Dangun, the first King and half 5. Yeomra: Chief divinity of the Ten Narakwang
god, signed a pact with the Yongwangs in order to that administers final judgment on all matters.
contain the number of Akryung born into Danguk. 6. Byunsung: Punishes those that lead others into
In exchange for the four dragon kings’ help, Gucheon evil.
would recognize their authority to rule over regions of
the seas. 7. Taesan: Punishes those who abuse magic.
While they rule over their seas, they must promise 8. Doshi: Supervises over the fiends and undead

Nine Heavens Press 15 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

allied with the underworld.
9. Pyungdeung: Punishes those whose crimes
threaten the divine order.
10. O-do Jeonryun: Regulates the cycle of
Yeomra represents the Narakwang and speaks on In typical settings compatible with 5e or Pathfinder,
their behalf on critical functions. Though they are the souls of recently deceased mortals travel to their
members of Gucheon’s Heavenly Host, rumors persist respective afterlives according to their actions or faith
that each king first originated as Archfiends before where they embrace their next step in the cycle. In the
siding with the upper planes. world of Iseung, the cosmic forces with vested interest
in Danguk and similar countries lock the souls within
Jeoseung and the Narakwang perform a critical
lands under their pantheon’s domain in a unique system
function for Hwanin in manufacturing the birth of
of Samsara, or endless rebirth. Only the cycle is infinite;
perfect souls.
souls do not linger in the same plane of existence
Over the course of their divine careers, the infinitely and must either descend or transcend to a
Narakwang have grown more accustomed to different layer of existence.
recognizing malice within people rather than actual
The divine Sandalwood Tree at the center of Danguk,
goodness. Having no reference for mortal lives, they
symbol of the country’s covenant with its national
made their standards impossibly high. The figure who
pantheon, maintains its young system. Other countries
would later go on to fill the role of being as a mediator
have different means of regulating it depending on their
between a mortal soul and the Narakwang would be
pantheons and histories. Through continual rebirth
Princess Bari.
and unending effort, the gods challenge mortal souls
Speaking on behalf of these souls and having the to ascend and fill a receptacle of divinity in a higher
authority to force the adamant Narakwang to listen, existence. Rulers of the lower planes tolerate such
she has put reforms into place schemes by the upper planes on the basis that they can
Notable figures: corrupt mortal souls into a stronger class of fiends.
The Narakwang The cycle of Samsara operates as follows:
the Jeoseung Saja, the Kkoktu >A soul is born in Iseung.
Notable locations: >They live their lives, performing deeds which ripple
and alter their surrounding world.
flower fields of Seocheon
>They die and their deeds in life are judged in
Jeoseung, the underworld.
>If their deeds did not promote harmonious
order one way or another, they stay briefly in
Jeoseung, and return to Iseung to be reborn anew.
>If their deeds were abhorrent, they stay in
Jeoseung for a longer period of time to right their
wrongs before returning to Iseung to try again.
>If their deeds promoted harmonious order,
they undergo a trial of divinity that ranks their
placement in Gucheon from ordinary citizen to a
demigod with a title of official.

The lifespans of beings that exist in the upper planes

like Gucheon cannot be quantified through a metric
like years. If divinities should ever experience death
akin to a mortal’s departure from the material plane,

Nine Heavens Press 16 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Clerics believe they are not exempt from rebirth into through judgment by the gods usually harbor it as part
another phase of reality. Merely ascending to a higher of their being. In the process of Samsara, malice must
plane does not exempt a creature from Samsara, a point be removed prior to a fallen soul returning to Iseung.
of concern for many who seek full liberation from Due to its highly corruptive nature, the Narakwang
being bound to any afterlife. deemed fit to seal away this malice –it can be broken
down, but never destroyed so long as mortal actions
Memories of Past Lives continue producing malice.
When ordinary spirit suffers from exposure to malice,
Memories of past lives engrave themselves deeply
it overwhelms them with the myriad resentments and
into a soul. While in life a mortal cannot remember
sufferings of the creature that produced it, corrupting
details of the previous lives they’ve lived, they
them into vengeful undead. If allowed to seep into
remember everything in death. People in Iseung
the Material Plane, it becomes an unliving curse that
consider sensations of deja vu to be a recurrence of
kills mortals and assimilates their souls. By touching a
similar experiences lived in their past lives. These
corpse, concentrated malice can give it false life, giving
realizations sometimes assist mortals to avoid making
birth to an aberrant and unliving new entity. Malice
mistakes they unconsciously regret. In extraordinary
does not possess a will of its own just as heat or air lacks
occasions when a mortal survives a brush with death,
sentience. It is, however, moved by a powerful will
they might more vividly remember moments in their
dominated by despair and hatred. The most powerful
past lives.
instance of this happening is the Emperor of Darkness,
In Jeoseung, a soul completely remembers their past a will so filled with spite towards the living that it is
existence and the sum total of memories often adds to able to clad itself in the sum total of existing malice.
their personality. Their stay in the underworld helps
them process any regrets they have and come to terms
with how they’ve affected the lives of those around them
either directly or indirectly. They’re then sent as a near-
blank slate to Iseung to try again or, if the Narakwang
deems that their deeds over life merits ascension, they
may undergo Gucheon’s trial of divinity as the sum
total of their perfect self.
When a mortal is brought back to life through
means such as the Raise Dead spell, they do not return
with full knowledge of their past lives. Resurrection
spells only bring a mortal back in a vessel with a set
identity. However, their brush with death allows them
to remember vague aspects of their experiences in both
the underworld and with remembering the people
they were in past existences. Reviving does not change
a mortal’s personality and they must remain in the
confines of the identity they have set through their
current existence. Spells such as Revivify that bring
the deceased back very shortly after death do not even
offer this much; a minute is not enough time for a soul
to reach Jeoseung, settle in, and remember.

Malice, or spiritual pollution, is a substance
generated whenever a mortal suffers an extreme burst
of negative or destructive emotions. It can be found
teeming within the lower planes, but denizens sent there
Nine Heavens Press 17 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
DIVINITIES Cheonseon, Cheongi,
Gaeyang, and Yogwang.
Cheon’gwon, Oakhyung,

Titles: Envoys of the Seven Stars, Root of

The gods that exist in Danguk can be split into Astromancy, Seven-Fold Constellation
multiple categories. Its founders, the masters of the Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Heavenly Realm of Gucheon, are the sovereign gods Divine Ability: Intelligence or Wisdom
that oversee the ones brought to life by its people’s faith. Favored Weapon: Starknife
Almost every aspect in the life of a regular inhabitant of Divine Font: harm or heal
Danguk has a god associated with it like the Household Divine Skill: Arcana
Gods. Both the faith of the people and the spiritually PF2e Domains: Fate, Knowledge, Magic
powerful land enabled the creation of all these relatively PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: object reading, 2nd:
new gods and as times and people’s material conditions glitterdust, 6th: blanket of stars
change, more will follow.
For the purpose of this Player’s Guide, however, the Dalnim (달님)
following gods listed are the major ones that people most Goddess of the moon, daughter of Hwanin, and
commonly worship in Danguk. In addition, Danguk is sister of Haemosu, Dalnim was originally a goddess
rife with smaller, localized gods that are bound to the of the earth and agriculture. Though Dalnim carried
material plane. If players would like, they can create her duties on behalf of Gucheon well, she yearned for
their own household gods (either spirits aligned with something higher. She coveted the shining pearl in the
their birthplace or ancestors) that they pray to. skies, the moon, and yearned to capture it for herself.
Her Lunarian followers pass on the legend that Dalnim

Lords of Gucheon taught a collection of terrestrial rabbits how to pound

mochi. Producing enough, they tied the dough into a
long rope to the end of an arrow which Dalnim used to
Chilseongshin (칠성신) shoot the moon with. Finding she couldn’t pull it down
to the earth, Dalnim instead climbed it along with her
rabbit friends before her servants noticed.
The Chilseongshin are seven gods that each represent Once crossing the heavens and reaching the moon,
an individual star of the Seven-Fold Constellation, the Dalnim cut the dough that connected the moon and
Big Dipper. All people have wishes and the work of the earth and established her new home there. Word
the Chilseongshin, as appointed by Hwanin, is to hear of Dalnim’s exploits spread, inspiring both adventurers
them and decide whether to approve. This is due to and the first astromancers to pursue heights beyond
their role as governors of mortals’ lifespans with the their mortal limitations. Since then, Hwanin and the
power to override decisions made even by the Judges of bureaucracy of Gucheon overlooked Dalnim’s brazen
Jeoseung. The wishes directed towards them typically escape of the earth and allowed her oversight over
concern health, especially those of children. her moon and its surrounding stars. Since, as the
In recent years, as Danguk developed a practical Dangukese pantheon came into contact with others,
form of Astromancy, the number of Chliseongshin Dalnim takes the responsibilities of all deities who live
followers have grown. The Chilseongshin have begun to on the moon and serves as representative.
communicate more with Astromancers as they observe Titles: Emissary of the Moon, Moonlight Lady,
the constellation they represent. They play an active Rebellious Daughter
role imparting new wisdom concerning arcana and Alignment: True Neutral
medicine. Both operate together to expand the scope
Divine Ability: Strength or Charisma
of their knowledge to realize the wishes of people as
Favored Weapon: Composite Longbow
proxies for their masters. In Gucheon, they’re revered
Divine Font: Harm or Heal
as sages and well-regarded administrative officials that
Divine Skill: Athletics
observe and govern the stars.
Domains: Cold, Confidence, Creation, Darkness,
The names of the seven gods are Cheonchu, Freedom, Might, Moon, Star
Nine Heavens Press 18 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Cleric Spells: 1st: animate rope, 2nd: spider climb, Cleric Spells: 1st: longstrider, 4th: fly, 7th: fiery
4th: rope trick body

Haemosu (해모수) Hallakgungi (할락궁이)

God of the sun and son of Hwanin, Haemosu earned The Igong, Gardener of the Fields of Seocheon, was
glory after slaying a monstrous crow that stole the sun. in his past life Hallakgungi, the son of a pauper who
He wields a sword that shines with the full radiant was wed to Wongang Ami, the daughter of a wealthy
intensity of the sun’s rays and rides a chariot pulled family. They married and had a child, but while
by five dragons. When Hwanung did not return to Wongang Ami was pregnant, Hwanin appointed Sara
Gucheon, Haemosu wondered what about the material Doryeong in a dream as the new Igong. The journey
plane fascinated him. He took to riding his chariot over to the realm of the dead was arduous and the two
the lands of Danguk each day and watched the affairs separated with Wongang Ami unable to continue due
of its insignificant mortals. His excursions bathed the to her pregnancy. He split apart a comb and told her to
earth with light that germinated crops, earning him give it to their new son, Hallakgungi, should he try to
worshipers. Clerics sang his praise and people prayed find him. Following that, Wongang Ami went through
in his name. While Haemosu didn’t seek worship, he merciless abuse at the hands of a wealthy man whose
reveled in it and came to enjoy his trek over the little hospitality she sought. Trapped and enslaved in the
land. The kingdom of Buyeo formed over his chariot man’s house, her son joined her lot after he was born.
trail and named him their ruler. At the age of fifteen, he presses Wongang Ami to tell
During one outing, Haemosu found Yuhwa, the him the identity of his father and escaped to seek the
goddess of willow trees, bathing with her sisters in the Flower Fields of Seocheon.
waters of Ungsim Pond. Haemosu schemed to wed them The wealthy man pursued Hallakgungi, but failing to
by luring and entrapping them inside a resplendent capture him, tortured and killed Wongang Ami. After
mansion he conjured. While he entertained them, his years, the son reunited with father, who was made into
attendants bolted the doors shut. Yuhwa’s sisters caught the Igong when he found Jeoseong. Learning about his
on and escaped, but Haemosu captured Yuhwa and mother’s fate, he returns with both the Resurrection
took off to wed her. Habaek, Yuhwa’s father and god Flowers to revive her and the Flower of Destruction
of Amnok River, fought Haemosu for this outrage in to exterminate the wealthy man and his family for
a duel of divine magic, but lost. Yuhwa soon fled on revenge. This was the first instance that the Flower
the day they were to return to the heavens. Hwanin of Destruction was brought into the world and since,
forbade Haemosu from returning to the material plane, Hallakgungi inherited the position of Igong to make
having lost patience for his interference with mortals certain such evil cannot seep into the world again.
and deities of the natural world. Outside of his father’s This is the story that followers of the Igong recreate
notice, Haemosu sent a ray of sunlight that bathed through performance through the Igong Bonpuli to
Yuhwa and impregnated her with Jumong, the future venerate him, keep the dread Flower of Destruction
archer king of Goguryeo. from blooming, and request that he does not harass the
Edicts: build twice for everything you take apart, departed children appointed by Hwanin to tend to the
be true to your whims Field of Seocheon. As god of Flowers, the Igong doesn’t
Anathema: stay in one place for too long, shirk have a large following among mortals whose livelihoods
from your duties are rarely affected by flowers. They mainly consist of
Titles: Sun Herald druids, fey, gardeners, Halflings, and Elves who give
Alignment: Neutral their all to the worship of natural beauty. Regardless,
Divine Ability: Strength or Dexterity performing the Igong Bonpuli ritual remains a critical
Favored Weapon: Lance practice to ensure peace in Seocheon and to stave
Divine Font: harm off the Flower of Destruction’s proliferation into the
Divine Skill: Acrobatics material plane.
Domains: Duty, Fire, Passion, Sun, Travel Because the Igong is an appointed position
potentially bestowed on any worthy soul, it is the title
that carries divinity, rarely its bearer. Their tasks are to
Nine Heavens Press 19 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
tend to the Field and prevent the Flower of Destruction Samgong (삼공)
from being released into the world, but the monotony
typically turns the current Igong surly. After a beggar couple gave birth to their third
daughter, Gameunjang-agi, their fortunes turned
Titles: Gardener of Paradise, The Igong around for the better. When she credited their
Alignment: Neutral newfound success to herself, her parents disowned
Divine Ability: Dexterity or Wisdom her and her sisters chased her away, bringing untold
Favored Weapon: Sickle misfortune back to their homes. Gameunjang-agi was
Divine Font: harm or heal in truth the reincarnation of the Goddess of Karma,
Divine Skill: Nature Samgong. Though people are purged of their sins prior
PF2e Domains: Destruction, Healing, Nature to reincarnation in Jeoseung, Samgong governs the
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: summon plant or fungus, concept of karma and rewards those who seek to act
2nd: entangle, 5th: cloudkill better than they have been in their previous lives and
punishes the wicked and ungrateful.
Hwanin (환인) Following this story, her followers worship her in
The Supreme Ruler of the Nine Heavenly Realms her reincarnation as Gameunjang-agi, the young girl
of Gucheon, Hwanin is the highest deity of Danguk that was abandoned by her parents, who persevered
and neighboring nations. He plays a more direct role in the world, rewarding the kindness of strangers. Her
in guiding the lives of mortals by consulting with state existence is a warning to the prideful of the fickle nature
leaders and offering his divine protection to those he of fortune and a source of hope for the down-trodden.
deems worthy. Hwanin has existed long before Danguk Samgong’s followers keep a watchful eye for this pride
has and he strives to mold the material world into a and encourage charity toward those who have nothing.
Tenth Heaven. Titles: Gameunjang-agi, Governor of Karma
Toward that end, he is a god of bureaucracy who Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
believes that all people have a place in a grand system Divine Ability: Constitution or Charisma
and they must each receive their just reward for their Favored Weapon: Dagger
work. Hwanin, in the spirit of that belief, promotes and Divine Font: harm or heal
keeps mortals and subordinates in line through highly Divine Skill: Diplomacy
lucrative positions. Most notably, he tamed fierce forces PF2e Domains: Confidence, Luck, Wealth
of nature such as the Yongwangs by accepting them PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: true strike, 4th: mirror’s
into his bureaucracy. It can be said that Hwanin strives misfortune
to be merely a figurehead of a system he aims to create

Underworld Kings
as above divinity.
Title: Supreme Heavenly Emperor
Alignment: Lawful Good
Divine Ability: Intelligence or Wisdom The Narakwang
Favored Weapon: Staff While originally they were Fiends, mostly Devils,
Divine Font: heal they found favor with Hwanin who believed their
Divine Skill: Arcana adherence to law could be used for a better purpose.
PF2e Domains: Air, Family, Glyph, Lightning, Having proved their loyalty to Hwanin, they were
Magic appointed as the Ten Judges of the Dead, the Narakwang.
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: horizon thunder sphere, Their tasks suited their brutal nature as they tenderized
3rd: lightning bolt, 4th: telepathy, 5th: etheric the collected malice out of dead souls before they were
shards, 6th: chain lightning, 7th: prismatic armor, allowed to reincarnate and start their lives anew.
8th: summon archmage
The highest among them, Yeomra, oversees the
activities and speaks at the behest of all kings. Yeomra
is often depicted as a crowned, horned fiend with a
bullish demeanor or a scowling, bearded bureaucrat

Nine Heavens Press 20 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

who sits behind a giant table. Most Clerics of the PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: pocket library, 2nd
Narakwang follow Yeomra specifically. They can be summon elemental, 4th shape stone
found in both local and national halls of justice as
ministers and barristers who favor punitive measures.
The Narakwang and their followers believe evil to be Mothers of Danguk
justified as a measure against evil. Even still, nobody
in Danguk fails to quake with terror at the mention of
their name.
As the Divine Beast who sacrificed her own wish
Titles: Judges of the Dead for mortality for her friend, Honyeo prowled the lands,
Alignment: Lawful Neutral watching over Ungnyeo and Hwanung’s children. She
Divine Ability: Strength or Charisma accepted her death when her body ossified into the
Favored Weapon: Greatclub island of Hodamguk. The Sangun were born on the
Divine Font: harm island and continue to revere Honyeo as the mother of
Divine Skill: Intimidation their people. Honyeo is regarded as a selfish, prideful
PF2e Domains: Death, Fate, Pain, Soul, Time goddess, protective of those she regards as her love and
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: spider sting, 2nd: feast of kin. Every Sangun is born having heard her edicts and
ashes, 3rd: curse of lost time, 8th: horrid wilting live to the best of their abilities in her stead. The aspect
of Honyeo is said to manifest when a thousand Sangun

The Descended gather in one place.

Edicts: regard the people of Danguk as neighbors
and protect them as your own, live according
Hwanung (환웅) to your desires, shelter the weak and mock the
The son of Hwanin lived life trying to compromise powerful
between his father’s will and his personal wishes. Anathema: bow to those weaker than you, ignore
Hwanung was the Supreme God’s carefree child who anyone in danger that you cannot protect, back
looked down on creation and yearned to be part of it, away from a fight
never wishing to be a god. His plan to move down onto Titles: Tiger Woman, The Primordial Tiger
the material plane and justify the move by fulfilling Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hwanin’s interests succeeded, leading to Danguk’s Divine Ability: Strength or Dexterity
founding and the creation of Shinchokji, the City of the Favored Weapon: Claw or spiked gauntlet
Gods. Divine Font: harm or heal
He soon proved to be an adept administrator, if only Divine Skill: Survival
so he could enjoy more free time for himself. This exact PF2e Domains: Ambition, Might, Protection, Zeal
quality of a god who only wished to be mortal endeared PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: magic fang, 2nd: animal
his followers to him. Though Hwanung had accepted form, 5th: moon frenzy
mortality and passed on, his divinity still lingers across
the lands, allowing Clerics to draw power through their Ungnyeo (웅녀)
faith in him. An aspect of his divinity lingers in Danguk Bride of Hwanung, Ungnyeo was a Divine Beast
in the form of an Archfey, residing in a mountain who accepted mortality to be closer to her love and
distant from the Capital. guide her children to a greater future. Ungnyeo has
Titles: Divinity Among Mortals, Heavenly Regent been deified as one of the matron deities of Danguk’s
Alignment: Neutral Good Mudang and Black Bear Clan. As she has offered her
Divine Ability: Intelligence or Charisma wisdom to several lines of kings, the Mudang channels
Favored Weapon: Shortsword her spirit to gain her advice and strength. Cults of
Divine Font: heal motherhood have been built around Ungnyeo among
Divine Skill: Society dwarvish clans to never forget her lasting presence in
PF2e Domains: Cities, Creation, Knowledge, founding the country. When Ungnyeo manifests, it is
Nature, Protection in the form of an imposing Dwarven Queen who wears

Nine Heavens Press 21 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

around her a living Bear hide. Some gods, mostly lawful in nature, have learned to
Edicts: live true to your love, eliminate malice tolerate Moksaka’s rise, seeing competition, but deities
and hate in yourself and around you, let your of passion and indulgence seek to defy his students at
personal success and enrichment of your every turn.
community be the same Edicts: Strive for physical and mental discipline.
Anathema: covet material goods over people, Seek understanding of one’s personal state and
harm any mother or child the surrounding world. Liberate others from
Titles: Bear Woman, Dowager Queen, Holy desire and temptation.
Mother, Mother of Dwarves, The Primordial Anathema: Refrain from taking life. Refrain from
Bear taking what is not given. Refrain from carnal
Alignment: Neutral Good pleasures. Refrain from speaking deceitfully.
Divine Ability: Constitution or Wisdom Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind.
Favored Weapon: Flail Titles: Exalted Sage, Sage of Enlightenment, the
Divine Font: harm or heal Awakened One
Divine Skill: Occultism Alignment: Neutral Good
PF2e Domains: Change, Earth, Repose, Soul Divine Ability: Constitution or Wisdom
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: soothe, 2nd: humanoid Favored Weapon: Fist
form, 3rd: meld into stone Divine Font: heal
Divine Skill: Medicine

The Ascended
PF2e Domains: Freedom, Healing, Soul, Vigil,
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: share lore, 2nd: animus
Moksaka mine, 5th: forceful hand

A mortal who had become a sage in his lifetime,

they ascended into godhood by transcending suffering
Dangun (단군)
and desire while alive. After transcending the mortal As the first mortal, Dwarvish king of a united Danguk,
coil and becoming a god, they passed on teachings the entirety of Dangun’s rule was spent ensuring the
meant to assist in achieving a state of awakening and stability of his young nation. He led a golden era where
freeing one’s self from suffering. He preaches that all people of Danguk were united as neighbors and
only by obtaining this state of awakening, can mortals countrymen, but also a period of turbulence as fear
achieve an existence free from all desire. Following the of death led to the birth of the first Akryung. Though
first years of his ascension, Moksaka disappeared from Dangun had been deified and ascended following his
the world, leaving behind residual divine power that death, his worshippers grew only after the country’s
manifests in the realm of gods. It’s believed that this fracturing. They prayed to him for his leadership in
icon bestows divine magic to his Clerics, Monks, and reuniting his people once again.
Paladins. In the present day, Dangun is a deity of both
Moksaka believes in a state of being even higher than politicians and military leaders who seek to create
those of the gods, as they are far from free of desire or or recreate an ideal kingdom of the gods. His most
suffering. Above all existing planes mortals are capable fervent followers believe him to be a single entity, an
of traversing into, a grander layer of the world, Akasha, incarnation of Hwanung and Hwanin, as governor of
exists that one can only reach when their souls have mortals and the heavens. When faith in the current
shed all attachments. Followers believe their teacher king wanes, the followers of the founder god pray that
reached this realm, leaving behind a lingering aspect of he returns to once again take the throne.
divinity. This aspect performs divine interventions on Edict: Place the needs of your country over
behalf of the original’s worshipers. yourself, defend your neighbors and village from
Clerics pray to “all things and nothing”, seeking the invaders, punish traitors, lessen the burden of
same serenity that Moksaka achieved. These efforts those that labor the hardest
provide them with their spells to assist fellow mortals.
Nine Heavens Press 22 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Anathema: Betray your fellow countrymen, Koenegitto (궤네깃또)
become or raise the undead
The demigod son of the god of hunting, Sochonguk
Titles: The Founder, Son of Heaven
(소천국), and a mortal woman, Paek Chunim
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
(백주님), Koenegitto’s temperament rocked Danguk.
Divine Ability: Intelligence or Charisma
At the age of three, he flew into a rage whenever
Favored Weapon: Woldo
someone disparaged his lowborn mother. He became
Divine Font: harm or heal like a natural disaster that razed villages and towns in
Divine Skill: Diplomacy his path. When even seasoned warriors couldn’t stop
PF2e Domains: Cities, Duty, Glyph, Toil him, Sochonguk locked him inside of a chest and threw
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: message rune, 2nd: it into the seas. Sochonguk doubted that the chest
phantom steed could hold him, but used the means to keep his son safe
where he couldn’t harm anyone else. In the meantime,
Jumong (주몽) he asked the western Yongwang to watch over the boy
The founding Orcish monarch of Goguryeo, he and raise him well.
was blessed with uncanny accuracy. Founder of a new Keonegitto, as predicted, broke free from the
Dynasty. He’s a half-god born to a union between chest. Life in the seas agreed with him as he met the
Haemosu, king of Buyeo during the Fractured Era and Yongwang’s youngest daughter. The two rivaled each
Lady Yuhwa, daughter of the god of Amnok River, other in terms of strength and Koenegitto delighted
Habaek. He was doted on and became spoiled in his to have a friend that could keep up with his abilities.
youth to the envy of his step-brothers. They plotted The two married, but the Yongwang asked Koenegitto
against him to protect their inheritance and had him to leave when his vast hunger drained the kingdom’s
exiled from court. Jumong left on a journey of self- food supplies. They returned to the surface during
discovery and realized his lineage as son of Haemosu, Dangun’s rule when the Emperor of Darkness ravaged
accepting his dream of unifying Danguk once again the lands. Koenegitto and his wife joined the battles
after the Zhu Empire’s invasion. and fought the Akryung, earning him his place as a god
He formed the country of Goguryeo after reuniting of war in the Dangukese pantheon. His divine powers,
all the scattered tribes in Buyeo into Goguryeo. embodied in a bronze gong, could summon warriors
Jumong used his rule to revolt against Zhu and with the from the past and future to battle his enemies. Though
combined armies of all tribes, conquered their regional considered a hero, Koenegitto’s temperament ensured
Commandery. Jumong’s dream of reunification he would always butt heads with other generals and
persisted through generations as rulers of all regions deities. At the end of his life, he avenged his childhood
inherited this will. This wish and his leadership deified self by scaring both his parents to death, demoting his
him as an ancestral god. father to a mountain ridge and ascending his mother
into a shrine spirit.
Edicts: Be generous in victory, honor your
siblings, strike swiftly and decisively Edicts: always finish a fight, answer the call to
Anathema: Hold grudges, act without purpose, battle, never let a score go unsettled, live to your
hoard your treasures heart’s content
Titles: The Archer King, Dongmyeong of Anathema: turn the other cheek, oppress those
Goguryeo, Holy King of the East, The Unifier weaker than you, entrap or prolong others’
Alignment: Chaotic Good misery
Divine Ability: Dexterity or Charisma Titles: Raging Wargod
Favored Weapon: Gakgung Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Divine Font: harm Divine Ability: Strength or Constitution
Divine Skill: Acrobatics Favored Weapon: Jangchang
PF2e Domains: Freedom, Perfection, Star, Truth Divine Font: harm
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: anticipate peril, 3rd: Divine Skill: Athletics
shadow projectile

Nine Heavens Press 23 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

PF2e Domains: Destruction, Freedom, Farmers further in the lands have become members
Indulgence, Might, Zeal of their cult, praying for fertility in their lands. The
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: ant haul, 2nd: feral shades Yongwangs are that of the only gods that exist in the
mortal realm, but their control over the seas and the
Princess Bari (바리공주) creatures that they have earned the title regardless.
They rule from the Ocean Palaces, the undersea realm
Princess Bari, or the Abandoned Princess, is the
of the Dragon Kings, and wage war against those that
matron deity of all Mudang in Danguk. Her role as
would spoil their waters.
governess of the departed gives her authority over the
Jeoseung Saja, the psychopomps that guide souls to the Edicts: destroy evil and those that would pollute
realm of the dead. She has a kind face representing the the seas, share in the bounties of the seas, honor
peaceful rest that comes with passing away naturally. the generosity of the Dragon Kings, punish
Princess Bari originally ascended to divinity after prideful and arrogant metallic and chromatic
saving her birth parents who had abandoned her dragons
by sneaking into Jeoseung and the Flower Fields of Anathema: dirty the waters of the seas, bow to
Seocheon, representing also filial piety and the first act another dragon, fish more than what you need
of a Mudang interceding over death to heal. All Mudang from the seas
give thanks and prayer to her when they perform a Titles: The Dragon Kings of the Seas, Rage
ritual to channel the spirits of the dead. Incarnate
Edicts: soothe others over the inevitability of Alignment: Lawful Neutral
death, purify the undead that cling to the world, Divine Ability: Constitution or Wisdom
save others who experience spiritual possession Favored Weapon: Boarding Pike
and welcome new initiates Divine Font: harm or heal
Anathema: use profane means to prolong your Divine Skill: Nature
existence, betray or abandon those you share PF2e Domains: Ambition, Earth, Nature,
bonds with, place yourself above another Protection, Water, Wyrmkin
Titles: Mother of the Mudang PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: hydraulic push, 3rd:
Alignment: Neutral Good aqueous orb, 5th: summon dragon, 6th: dragon
Divine Ability: Constitution or Charisma form
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Religion
Household Gods
PF2e Domains: Death, Decay, Family, Healing,
Repose, Soul, Vigil Ancestor Worship
PF2e Cleric Spells: 2nd: spectral hand, 3rd: The work of mortals is not finished in their current
shadow spy, 8th: spirit song life. At times, the gods have need of them in the afterlife
and elevate them into positions of higher office in the
Yongwangs beyond. Because death is merely passage from one
The Four Yongwangs, the Dragon Kings, are plane of existence to another, until a soul reenters the
sovereigns of the seas based in the four cardinal cycle of reincarnation, the people of Danguk have
directions of Danguk. Before Dangun’s birth, they were come to revere and worship deceased generations of
the strongest of the sea dragons whose territories and their family who have performed great deeds. They
followings were vast enough to function as kingdoms. hope to receive favor from their ancestors who watch
They warred with each other for supremacy, often over them to prevail over the hardships they face. By
dragging mortals into their conflicts, but they’ve since achieving fragments of divinity through filial worship,
begun cooperating upon accepting divinity. these mortal spirits gained the power to answer their
loved ones’ prayers. These prayers include granting
The people of Danguk pray to them for protection
fortune for themselves or misfortune to their rivals,
before heading into the seas, fearing their primal rage
health through times of illness, and support through
which once destroyed shoreside towns and villages.

Nine Heavens Press 24 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

more advanced rituals against adversarial spirits or Anathema: harm snakes, weasels, toads, spiders,
gods. The spirit sickness that many Mudang undergo or any beast that preys on vermin, use your
can be traced to their ancestor spirits visiting them. wealth in a way that brings harm to others
Ancestor worship has grown so popular in Danguk Titles: Goddess of Storage and Wealth, Goddess of
that every house that can manage it has a shrine Professions, Serpent Mother
built for their family. Clerics that worship their Alignment: Chaotic Good
ancestors primarily and other gods secondarily are not Divine Ability: Dexterity or Wisdom
uncommon. Favored Weapon: Rapier
Divine Font: harm
Edicts: continue accruing valor for your family
name, conduct yourself admirably in all settings Divine Skill: Nature
Anathema: act in such a way that would embarrass PF2e Domains: Family, Naga, Protection, Wealth
your lost family as if they were watching, betray PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: pet cache, 2nd: instant
any living family member armor, 4th: rope trick
Titles: Venerations of one’s ancestors
Alignment: Any Jeongrang Gakshi (정랑 각시)
Divine Ability: Constitution or Charisma Jeongrang Gakshi appears as a beautiful, young
Favored Weapon: Any woman with flowing hair as long as she is tall. Her
Divine Font: harm or heal jealous feud with the Hearthmother, Jowangshin,
Divine Skill: Society earned Hwanin’s ire and she was exiled as the goddess
PF2e Domains: Confidence, Creation, Duty, Earth, of the outhouse. For acolytes of other deities, this
Family, Glyph, Luck, Respite incident acted as a divine decree to maintain hygiene
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: object reading, 2nd: iron and promote mutual health. But Jeongrang Gakshi
gut, 3rd: cozy cabin despised the self-righteous deities for stripping her of
her authority as a former goddess of the hearth.
Variant: Local Deity
She directed her rage at children in particular. If
Clerics can worship sets of localized deities native a child falls into a toilet pit, people believe that she
to either where they grew up or their adopted homes. pulled them in and used the opportunity to curse
While these gods aren’t powerful enough to grant them to die before adulthood. Those that worship her
followers outside of their region magic, they can do so in hopes of quelling her anger or to enable her
perform the duties of any well-established deities to worst qualities. Some paladins succeed in channeling
their existing servitors. Work with your GM to create her powers and redirecting them toward retribution
a new set of edicts and anathema and make sure what against wrongdoers. For this, though Jeongrang Gakshi
works best for both your character’s backstory, the is an evil goddess, other gods still see her presence as a
setting, and what they’re comfortable with allowing. necessary evil.
Edicts: take care of your hair, create waste and
Eopshin (업신) litter frequently, take vengeance against those
The goddess of wealth and the house’s storage room, who wrong you, let no wrong go unpunished
Eopshin is among the Household Gods that protect the Anathema: use an outhouse on any day that ends
house. She’s unique in that she appears in an animal with a 6, cough three times before entering an
form, embodying an appearance that is the bane of outhouse, forgive others without recompense,
vermin. Her followers typically keep a pet snake in honor Jowangshin, tolerate another’s self-
their storage room as a sign of her presence in their righteousness
home. They pray to her for good wealth and believe Titles: Toilet Goddess, Outhouse Bride
seeing her in their dreams is an omen that they will Alignment: Neutral Evil
soon experience money problems. Divine Ability: Dexterity or Charisma
Edicts: maintain a storage room or keep your Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
wealth inside chests and baskets, keep to a frugal Divine Font: harm
lifestyle, punish thieves and crooks Divine Skill: Intimidation

Nine Heavens Press 25 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

PF2e Domains: Ambition, Darkness, Family, from entering houses. The Munshin are a union of door
Nightmares, Plague gods among the Household Gods that rule over each
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: goblin pox, 5th: flammable specific door inside a house. Whenever people entered
fumes or left a building, they would pray to the Munshin for
Jowangshin (조왕신) It’s believed that through their power, vampires
Goddess of Fire and the Hearth, Jowangshin is the cannot enter areas they are not welcomed into.
patron deity of all spouses who work in the home. She Edicts: Close the door after entering or leaving a
is the goddess of the kitchen who oversees the health building, fix any doors or locks that are broken under
of the entire home so that its residents can be in peak appropriate circumstances, keep a watchful eye for
condition to contribute to the world. Jowangshin does rogues and trespassers in your home or a building
not forbid her followers from worshipping other deities you’re welcomed into
and generally has the most lax rules concerning what
Anathema: Destroy locks or doors of someone’s
they do outside of the hearth. However, she’s known
homes, trespass without invitation
to be strict and merciless when it comes to conduct in
her hearth, being capable of rebelling against Hwanin Titles: Gods of Doorways, Lords of Architecture
or gods above her if they break her taboos. Jowangshin Alignment: Lawful Good
is otherwise a benevolent deity whose followers believe
Divine Ability: Strength or Intelligence
maintaining the cardinal rules of hospitality preserve
peace in society. Favored Weapon: Shield boss
She embodies a clay altar placed above a hearth Divine Font: harm or heal
where her followers awake every morning to pour a Divine Skill: Crafting
bowl of fresh water into.
PF2e Domains: Family, Freedom, Glyph, Protection,
Edict: Always feed someone who asks you for Travel
food, embrace and treat strangers and guests as
friends, resolve conflicts through peaceful means PF2e Cleric Spells: 2nd: knock, 4th: dimension door,
where possible 6th: collective transposition
Anathema: Do not curse while in the hearth, do
not sit on the hearth, do not place your feet on Samshin Halmoni (三神 할머니)
the hearth, maintain cleanliness in the kitchen The Samshin Halmoni is a trio of goddesses that rule
Titles: Hearthmother over childbirth and fate. All three goddesses appear
Alignment: Neutral as elderly women each with different duties: the first
Divine Ability: Constitution or Wisdom protects the pregnant mother, the second ensures that
Favored Weapon: Dagger the birth is safely performed, and the third watches over
Divine Font: harm or heal the child until they reach adolescent age. Her followers
Divine Skill: Survival typically consist of midwives, mothers, and childless
PF2e Domains: Family, Fire, Hearth, Indulgence, women, but every house in a village keeps an altar to
Repose, Secrecy the Samshin Halmoni in the form of an earthenware
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: sleep, 2nd: blistering pot, filled with rice and sealed. Festivals would be
invective, 3rd: fireball held in their honor to ensure the safety of the village’s
Munshin (문신) While they dote on children, the Samshin Halmoni
In certain areas of Danguk, the Munshin are are strict with irresponsible adults.
regarded as the highest of the Household Gods, even Edicts: Protect children and be a good influence
surpassing Seongjushin. As god of doorways, the to them, be attentive to the needs of women and
Munshin can allow or prevent the passage of various mothers, take up habits positive to your health
beings and concepts. Their followers worship the Anathema: Bring harm to women and children,
Munshin to prevent the passage of diseases and omens abandon your responsibilities to your family or
Nine Heavens Press 26 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
community, invite evil spirits in to the world on how well the residents of the house treat him, he
Titles: Three Goddess Grandmothers, Tripartite uses his authority to attract more fortune and wealth
Midwives to the home and wards against disease, adding years to
Alignment: Neutral Good their lives. Fundamentally, the Seongjushin is a god of
Divine Ability: Constitution or Wisdom luck whose power only grows alongside the rest of his
Favored Weapon: Hatchet pantheon.
Divine Font: heal More than anything else, the Seongjushin despise
Divine Skill: Medicine homes that have been abandoned. Their more powerful
PF2e Domains: Family, Healing, Luck, Passion, Clerics are ordered to house those that lack shelter
Protection, Toil in these homes or none can be found, build a home
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: endure, 3rd: threefold if possible. Empty houses drain the Seongjushin’s
aspect, 4th: stoneskin power while houses that have mortals tending to them
expands it.
Seonangshin (서낭신) Edict: House the homeless, let nothing go to
Those who wish to invoke the spirit of the waste, perform regular maintenance in buildings
Seonangshin in their village construct a stone tower, and all crafted material
tablet, or house in their name. The Seonangshin is the Anathema: Abandon a building, spurn a genuine
patron deity of an individual village. They appear mostly plea for help
as women clad in full armor and protect villages from Titles: Owner of the House, Household Guardian
disease and misfortune. Though they are the weakest Alignment: Lawful Neutral
of the Household Gods, they appear in multitudes in Divine Ability: Intelligence or Charisma
each village, serving as their personal war gods (though Favored Weapon: Light Hammer
they’re more akin to foot soldiers than generals). It’s said Divine Font: heal
travelers spit near a cairn representing the Seonanshin Divine Skill: Crafting
as they pass by because the gods feed on saliva. PF2e Domains: Creation, Family, Luck,
Edicts: Protect your neighbors and friends, always Protection, Wealth
return a favor in kind, look out for the weakest PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: shattering gem, 3rd:
among you, build a stone cairn on roads that you cozy cabin, 5th: wall of stone, 7th: magnificent
travel mansion
Anathema: Ignore someone in trouble when you
could have helped them, steal from others, use Teojushin
magic that corrupts minds The Teojushin is the patron deity of the foundation
Titles: Village Deity, Little Soldier upon which the house is built. As the house is being
Alignment: Lawful Good constructed, the Teojushin comes to life in excitement
Divine Ability: Strength or Dexterity over the fortune to gather atop the ground. Unlike the
Favored Weapon: Longspear other Household Gods, the Teojushin is known for her
Divine Font: harm avarice. Unless the house is built properly, it’s feared
Divine Skill: Athletics that Teojushin could swallow the home whole. To keep
PF2e Domains: Destruction, Family, Protection, this from happening, the people of Danguk would
Zeal fill a pot with rice cakes, peas, or red beans, cover it
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: kinetic ram, 2nd: enlarge with a cone-shaped umbrella of rice stalks, and bury
the pot into the ground. The pot itself then represents
Seongjushin the goddess’s material vessel. While the goddess
believes she has a stake to maintain in the house, she
The Seongjushin is the highest god of the house,
will protect it alongside the other Household Deities.
representing its construction and structure. As the
Where the Seongjushin fails in its duties, the Teojushin
god of the building and the deity of architecture, all
operations of the house including those of the other
gods fall under Seongjushin’s judgment. Depending Edicts: Devote your all to the prosperity of your

Nine Heavens Press 27 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

home, hoard your valuables, treat charity with Divine Skill: Nature
suspicion PF2e Domains: Air, Cold, Earth, Nature, Water
Anathema: Bury into the floor of your home, give PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: shockwave, 2nd: summon
to others more than what you would receive elemental, 4th: ice storm, 8th: earthquake
Titles: Goddess of Foundations, Avaricious Pot
Alignment: Neutral
Divine Ability: Dexterity or Charisma Philosophies
Favored Weapon: Maul
Divine Font: harm or heal Luminism
Divine Skill: Thievery
Luminism deifies the pursuit of moral governance
PF2e Domains: Earth, Family, Indulgence,
itself and believes it is best embodied in the bonds that
people share with one another: between kings and their
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: gravitational pull, 2nd: subjects, parents and children, neighbors and fellow
expeditious excavation, 3rd: gravity well neighbors. To forge and strengthen these material
bonds will elevate both the living world and the
God of Nature heavens above. Luminists put their beliefs into practice,
entering government as studied scholar-sages to guide
the world around them toward harmony. Through
Sanshin learning comes wisdom and the only type of faith that
The beauty of mountains as they reached into the matters is one that improves the lives of people.
heavens have fascinated the hearts of mortals and Schools, universities, and halls of government serve
inspired awe. That inspiration has created a vacuum of as temples for Luminists and its clergy consists of
faith that worthy spirits have filled to become Sanshin, teachers who strive to share their ethics and expertise.
Mountain Gods. These deities represent the mountains They are ambivalent towards gods that try to guide
and the spirits that inhabit them. They communicate mortals with a heavy hand, directing them against
with travelers who venture up the mountains to ethics that serve them. Other faiths view Luminism as
meditate and seek enlightenment, teaching or testing shallow, a cult of the flesh that does nothing to prepare
them depending on their mood. Their worshippers the state of one’s soul for the journey that comes after
build shrines or altars at the base of the mountains to life. In either case, Luminism is the guiding philosophy
appease the god above. of the powerful in Danguk.
In the world of nature spirits, the Sanshin serve as Titles: The Sacred Secular
lords or magistrates under Hwanin’s service. Their true Alignment: Any Lawful
role is to oversee the astral and ethereal planes bordering Divine Ability: Intelligence or Charisma
the material plane and Gucheon accessible from the Favored Weapon: Staff
peaks. To that end, they appoint and charge Clerics to Divine Font: harm or heal
investigate and deal with potential disturbances. Divine Skill: Arcana
Edicts: Meditate often, protect the astral and PF2e Domains: Cities, Creation, Duty, Magic,
ethereal planes, assist struggling travelers Perfection, Truth
wherever you meet them PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: magic missile, 2nd:
Anathema: Lose yourself over unimportant persistent servant, 7th: contingency
matters, knowingly bring pandemonium into
places of peace, pollute the lands
Titles: Gatekeeper of the Heavens, Mountain Evils of the World
Deities, Dukes of Spirits
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral The Emperor of Darkness
Divine Ability: Strength or Wisdom
When malice, the pollution of the soul, gathers
Favored Weapon: Glaive
around a powerful will exemplary in its hatred for the
Divine Font: heal
Nine Heavens Press 28 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
world, the Emperor of Darkness is born. It is a shapeless flesh must eventually confront Mara and far more have
entity of pure malice that exists as a nihilistic engine failed than succeeded.
seeking little else besides spreading unending suffering Titles: Lord of Desire
throughout the universe. Its worshippers pray for it to Alignment: Neutral Evil
curse and bring ruin to their enemies, but it possesses
Divine Ability: Dexterity or Charisma
no sentience or intelligence of its own until the soul
Favored Weapon: Scimitar
that would command it is “crowned”. The spite that its
Divine Font: harm or heal
believers already hold in their hearts draws it to them,
Divine Skill: Deception
granting them power at the cost of being consumed by
their hate. PF2e Domains: Change, Delirium, Dreams,
Indulgence, Passion
Though the Emperor of Darkness possesses power PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: charm, 2nd: touch of
of creation and destruction akin to the Supreme God idiocy, 3rd: enthrall, 4th: suggestion
Hwanin, its lack of intelligence keeps it from tapping
into its full potential. The Emperor’s followers continue
to work toward the day when a vessel accepts all of its
Sobyeolwang (소별왕)
fell power and directs it against the gods above. Sobyeolwang the Usurper is a primordial titan
that has existed before the creation of the world. He
Titles: Malice, Remnant of Chaos
was one of the few that assisted in the creation of the
Alignment: Chaotic Evil world, bringing to life the first giants. When the work
Divine Ability: Intelligence or Charisma was complete, Sobyeolwang beheld the gods’ finished
Favored Weapon: Scythe masterpiece and desired to possess it for himself. In the
Divine Font: harm days following completion, Sobyeolwang challenged
Divine Skill: Occultism the gods to a series of contests to determine control
PF2e Domains: Abomination, Darkness, Decay, over the world. Though Sobyeolwang lost the first two,
Sorrow, Undeath he rigged the third. For several years, the world plunged
PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: penumbral shroud, 4th: into a paradise exclusively for the titan, terrorizing its
phantasmal killer, 9th: unspeakable shadow creatures and shattering landscapes.
For his deception, the gods turned against
Mara Sobyeolwang regardless of the terms of their agreement
Mara, Lord of Desire, is a Demon Lord representing and sealed him away. Few remember the episode with
carnal pleasure. They have been responsible for the Seogka the Usurper except the giants who pass on
fall of countries and civilizations into decadence at the stories of the golden time the world was theirs. Quietly,
expense of mortal lives. Mara feels no greater joy beyond Sobyeolwang continues to whisper commands into the
corrupting heroes and sages to degenerate into lust. ears of his priests, eagerly awaiting the day he can take
Because their schemes are often disguised in pleasing back his beautiful world.
visages and tantalizing whispers, the consequences are Title: Demiurge, The Usurper, the Sealed God
often too late to stave off. Anyone who surrenders their Alignment: Neutral
wills to desire and depravity shows faith to Mara, even
Divine Ability: Intelligence or Charisma
without putting a name to the Demon Lord.
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword
Mara’s physical form changes to reflect the tastes Divine Font: harm
of anyone beholding them, typically humanoid. Divine Skill: Crafting
Few mortals have beheld their true form besides PF2e Domains: Change, Creation, Dust, Trickery,
the Awakened One who has abandoned their Tyranny
desires. Having ascended to divinity by rejecting his PF2e Cleric Spells: 1st: item facade, 2nd:
temptations, Mara feels particular obsession with phantasmal treasure, 4th: glibness, 5th: summon
thwarting the sage’s followers. Ironically, it’s through giant
competition with the Awakened One that gave Mara a
meaning beyond as a mere Demon Lord. Any devotee
of the divine seeking to transcend the boundaries of

Nine Heavens Press 29 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Name Alignment Title Divine Domains Skill Favored Ability
Font Weapon
Lords of Gucheon
Chilseongshin LN Envoys of the Harm or Fate, Arcana Starknife Intelligence
Seven Stars Heal Knowledge, or Wisdom
Dalnim N Emissary of Harm or Cold, Athletics Composite Strength or
the Moon, Heal Confidence, Longbow Charisma
Moonlight Creation,
Lady, Darkness,
Rebellious Freedom,
Daughter Might, Moon,
Haemosu N Sun Herald Harm Duty, Fire, Acrobatics Lance Strength or
Passion, Sun, Dexterity
Hallakgungi N Gardener of Harm or Destruction, Nature Sickle Dexterity or
Paradise Heal Healing, Wisdom
Hwanin LG Supreme Heal Air, Family, Arcana Staff Intelligence
Heavenly Glyph, or Wisdom
Emperor Lightning,
Samgong CN Governor of Harm or Confidence, Diplomacy Dagger Constitution
Karma Heal Luck, Wealth or Charisma
Underworld Kings
The LN Judges of the Harm Death, Fate, Intimidation Greatclub Strength or
Narakwang Dead Pain, Soul, Charisma
Hwanung NG Heavenly Heal Cities, Society Shortsword Intelligence
Regent Creation, or Charisma
Mothers of Danguk
Honyeo CN The Primordial Harm or Ambition, Survival Claw or Strength or
Tiger Heal Might, spiked Dexterity
Protection, gauntlet
Ungnyeo NG The Primordial Harm or Change, Occultism Flail Constitution
Bear Heal Earth, Repose, or Wisdom
Dangun LN Son of Heaven Harm or Cities, Duty, Diplomacy Woldo Intelligence
Heal Glyph, Toil or Charisma

Nine Heavens Press 30 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Name Alignment Title Divine Domains Skill Favored Ability
Font Weapon
Jumong CG The Archer Harm Freedom, Gakgung Dexterity or
King Perfection, Charisma
Star, Truth
Koengegitto CN Raging Wargod Harm Destruction, Athletics Jangchang Strength or
Freedom, Constitution
Might, Zeal
Moksaka NG Sage of Heal Freedom, Medicine Fist Constitution
Enlightenment Healing, Soul, or Wisdom
Vigil, Void
Princess NG Mother of the Harm or Death, Decay, Religion Dagger Constitution
Bari Mudang Heal Family, or Charisma
Repose, Soul,
The LN The Dragon Harm or Ambition, Nature Boarding Constitution
Yongwangs Kings of the Heal Earth, Nature, Pike or Wisdom
Seas Protection,
Household Gods
Ancestor Any Venerations of Harm or Confidence, Society Any Constitution
Worship one’s ancestors Heal Creation, or Charisma
Duty, Earth,
Family, Glyph,
Luck, Respite
Eopshin CG Serpent Mother Harm Family, Naga, Nature Rapier Dexterity or
Protection, Wisdom
Jeongrang NE Outhouse Harm Ambition, Intimidation Battleaxe Dexterity or
Gakshi Bride Darkness, Charisma
Jowangshin N Hearthmother Harm or Family, Fire, Survival Dagger Constitution
Heal Hearth, or Wisdom
Munshin LG Gods of Harm or Family, Crafting Shield Boss Strength or
Doorways Heal Freedom, Intelligence

Nine Heavens Press 31 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Name Alignment Title Divine Domains Skill Favored Ability
Font Weapon
Samshin NG Tripartite Heal Family, Medicine Hatchet Constitution
Halmoni Midwives Healing, or Wisdom
Luck, Passion,
Seonangshin LG Little Soldier Harm Destruction, Athletics Longspear Strength or
Family, Dexterity
Seongjushin LN Household Heal Creation, Crafting Light Intelligence
Guardian Family, Luck, Hammer or Charisma
Teojushin N Avaricious Pot Harm or Earth, Family, Thievery Maul Dexterity or
Heal Indulgence, Charisma
Gods of Nature
Sanshin CN Gatekeeper of Heal Air, Cold, Nature Glaive Strength or
the Heavens Earth, Nature, Wisdom
Luminism Any Lawful The Sacred Harm or Cities, Arcana Staff Intelligence
Secular Heal Creation, or Charisma
Duty, Magic,
Evils of the World
Emperor of CE Remnant of Harm Abomination, Occultism Scythe Intelligence
Darkness Chaos Darkness, or Charisma
Mara NE Lord of Desire Harm or Change, Deception Scimitar Dexterity or
Heal Delirium, Charisma
Sobyeolwang N The Usurper Harm Change, Crafting Bastard Intelligence
Creation, Sword or Charisma

Nine Heavens Press 32 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Dokkaebi (Uncommon)
If mortals never existed, neither could the first dokkaebi be born into the world. Native to the land of Danguk,
dokkaebi are fey who are given shape via the innate energies flowing through nature, with their wills and personalities
generated by the unvarnished desires of the people around them.

The lowest-ranked of the natural gods, dokkaebi are hint at their true nature, such as glowing eyes, vaguely
known for possessing a humanoid form and a true body bestial facial features, and skin that radiates with fire,
- typically a physical object that is either an abandoned, lightning, or other elemental forces. Dokkaebi always
man-made creation or something that can be found in carry objects with them that serve as vessels of their
the natural world. Dokkaebi can also inhabit random true form, and these might range from hats to staffs to
items, and many tales are told of these wily creatures nondescript household tools like brooms.
pranking passerby by suddenly popping out of tree Dokkaebi are born into adulthood and generally live
trunks, staves, and vases. for up to 1,000 years.
Dokkaebi enjoy nothing more than imbibing a good
drink, participating in a wrestling match, and throwing
raucous celebrations into the night. Villagers attribute
any strange, inexplicable phenomena to a dokkaebi A gathering of dokkaebi is called a “festival,” since
evening romp, and often tell tales of their larger-than- these rambunctious fey prefer a jovial and energetic
life personalities. But Dokkaebi are more than just atmosphere over tranquility. Since dokkaebi are
boisterous fey. They carry a strong sense of right and born from the currents of nature itself, there are no
wrong, and pay back both favors and insults tenfold. dokkaebi parents. Instead, newborn dokkaebi possess
rudimentary survival knowledge, and typically form
If you want to play a mischief maker with a will to
their own festivals or join others, navigating the world
uphold justice and the ability to transform into objects,
together as a nomadic, celebratory community.
you should play a dokkaebi.
When dokkaebi festivals do settle in one spot, it
You Might… is rarely for a long period of time, as their nocturnal
• Mock social complexities in favor of simple lifestyle and desire to throw wrestling competitions
solutions. deep into the early hours of the morning draw
• Delight in challenging strong passersby to complaints from neighbors. Dokkaebi curious about
wrestling matches. other humanoid societies might depart from their
• Travel regularly in pursuit of your next festivals and assimilate into these cultures, mimicking
source of excitement. their customs as a form of play. If they grow bored, they
Others Probably… move on.
• Are confounded by your personality, Dokkaebi usually greet each other with a firm
mistaking your jokes and whims for brazen handshake and a physical challenge to see which is
naivety. stronger. The mighty are respected, but strength alone
• Revere your connection to the natural does not give a dokkaebi authority. Falsehoods and
world. misdeeds are always remembered in dokkaebi society,
• Struggle to comprehend that your true form and rarely forgiven.
is an object.
Alignment and Religion
Physical Description
Dokkaebi lean toward Chaotic Good; while they
Dokkaebi resemble burly humans upon first glance. delight in mayhem, they abide by strict boundaries that
On closer inspection, they possess uncanny features that forbid them from taking lives. Dokkaebi also possess
Nine Heavens Press 33 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
a strong sense of independence and believe that justice should be taken Dokkaebi Mechanics
into their own hands, much like vigilantes. They rarely pay attention to the
religions and laws of Danguk, and are instead revered by most as minor
nature gods who abide by the natural order as maintained by Sanshin - the Rare
mountain gods - or Yongwang, the dragon kings. Hit Points
Dokkaebi Adventurers Size
All dokkaebi are adventurers to some extent, since their nomadic Small or Medium
tendencies see them eagerly wrestling dangers that others would shy
away from. This wandering lifestyle means that dokkaebi make excellent Speed
barbarians, rangers, and swashbucklers. Those drawing more from their 25 feet
magical talent might be druids, maguses, or witches. Ability Boosts
Dokkaebi who live in nature often have the animal whisperer, herbalist, Strength
hunter, or scout backgrounds. Those who live in communities might have
the anti-tech activist, artisan, artist, magical misfit, or musical prodigy Free
backgrounds. Many dokkaebi also become scavengers to recover lost objects, Languages
much like the ones their spirits inhabit. Common
Names Additional languages equal to
Even if they’re not necessarily related to one another, most dokkaebi carry your Intelligence modifier (if it is
the surname “Kim,” meaning “gold.” Dokkaebi generally prefer first names positive). Choose from Celestial,
derived from nature. Dwarvish, Elven, Gnomish,
Sample Names Goblin, Halfling, Sylvan, Terran,
Ah-ram, Dal, Jan-di, No-eul, Saet-byeol, Yi-seul and any other languages to
which you have access (such as
the languages prevalent to your
Other Information region).
Fairy tales about dokkaebi are commonplace in Danguk, and many Traits
revolve around their magical skills or wiley personalities.
Dokkaebi Club More magically-inclined dokkaebi sometimes carry clubs.
These are functionally the same as wands, but possess exaggerated qualities
in stories, where they are said to summon objects from afar and cause all Humanoid
manner of mischief. Dokkaebi are viewed as omens of good fortune due to Darkvision
these stories, which typically depict a club falling into the hands of a person
You can see in darkness and
without magical talent, who then uses it to emerge from a dire situation.
dim light just as well as you can see
Out-tricked Tricksters Some tales describe instances when prank-loving bright light, though your vision in
dokkaebi are fooled by common folk. One particular legend features an old darkness is in black and white.
man outsmarting a dokkaebi in a game of wits. In the tale, the dokkaebi
reveals that their greatest fear is blood, while the old man lies, claiming his
greatest fear is money. The old man then scares the dokkaebi with the sight
of blood, and the terrified fey seeks “revenge” by showing his opponent bags
of gold, which the old man gladly accepts. Despite the dokkaebi coming
out as the loser in this story, most dokkaebi take pride in widespread tales
of notoriety, even if these tales are inaccurate. After all, just as gods grow
stronger through faith, a dokkaebi’s highest dream is to become a larger-
than-life figure remembered by the world.

Nine Heavens Press 34 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Object Form Choose one cantrip from the primal tradition. You can
You can readily shift into your true body and back cast that cantrip as an innate primal spell. A cantrip
is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level
again. You gain the Object Form action.
rounded up.

Object Form Flamehair Dokkaebi

Primal | Polymorph | Transmutation Born from a ley line coursing with fire magic, your
Decide upon a Tiny, non-magical object that body burns bright. As long as you are in your humanoid
represents your true body. Once this choice is made, form, your hair illuminates your surroundings with the
it cannot be changed. You can transform into this effects of a primal light cantrip. A cantrip is heightened
object, which has the following features: to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up. You
All of your ability modifiers become +0 except for can suppress or reestablish the flames of your hair with
your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. a single Interact action with the concentrate trait.
• Your speed is halved.
• You gain temporary hit points equal to
Righteous Dokkaebi
your level. In a world of gray moralities, you possess an innate
• You gain an imprecise tremorsense of up sense of justice and a keen sense to detect liars. You
to 30 feet. gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Perception DC
You can use two Interact actions to transform back against other creatures’ Deception checks.
to your humanoid form. If you die while in humanoid
form, you immediately revert into a dead version of Waterblessed Dokkaebi
your object form until you are resurrected. You were given a cleansing blessing from water
spirits that protects you from both inebriation and
Dokkaebi Heritages toxins. You gain poison resistance equal to half your
level (minimum 1), and each of your successful saving
Dokkaebi are a diverse folk who demonstrate traits
throws against a poison affliction reduces its stage by 2.
as varied as the elements themselves. Choose one of the
Each critical success against a poison affliction reduces
following dokkaebi heritages at level 1.
its stage by 3.
Cloudhopper Dokkaebi
The air is but a field of flowers to you, perfect for
Dokkaebi Feats
frolicking. You can Stride in the air in any direction At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain
as if it were difficult terrain. You must return to solid an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at
ground at the end of your Stride, or else you’ll fall. 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a dokkaebi, you
select from among the following ancestry feats.
Earthgrasp Dokkaebi
The earth trembles at your punches and your grip
1st Level
is like locking your foes in stone. You gain the trained
proficiency rank in Athletics. If you would automatically Big Eater [FEAT 1]
become trained in Athletics (from your background Dokkaebi
or class, for example), you become trained in another Nobody exactly knows where you put it all. You can
skill of your choice. Your fist unarmed attacks gain the stow away a single object of light or negligible bulk
grapple trait. in your stomach. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus
to your Stealth checks to Conceal the Object unless
Fable Dokkaebi the searcher specifically searches your mouth and
The tricks and nature magics of dokkaebi that are stomach.
chronicled in fables come easily to you. You are trained
in primal spell DCs and primal spell attack rolls.
Nine Heavens Press 35 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Fists of the Elements [FEAT 1] Natural Prankster [FEAT 1]
Dokkaebi Dokkaebi
Prerequisites cloudhopper dokkaebi, earthgrasp You have an innate sense for pranks and are
dokkaebi, flamehair dokkaebi, or waterblessed especially good at catching people unawares.
dokkaebi heritage You become trained in Deception. If you would
Spirits have given you the power to channel automatically become trained in Deception (from
elemental energy through your hands, manifesting your background or class, for example), you become
everything from fiery strikes to blows that ring with trained in another skill of your choice. You also gain
the shockwaves of an earthquake. On a critical hit, the Lengthy Diversion skill feat.
your fist attacks deal 1d4 persistent damage of the
corresponding damage type, depending on your Skilled Wrestler [FEAT 1]
dokkaebi heritage: Dokkaebi
• Cloudhopper Electricity You can take on anyone in a wrestling match.
• Earthgrasp Sonic You become trained in Athletics. If you would
• Flamehair Fire automatically become trained in Athletics (from
• Waterblessed Acid your background or class, for example), you become
trained in another skill of your choice. You also gain
Gullible But Not Foolish [FEAT 1] the Titan Wrestler skill feat.
You’re a bit gullible, but usually still get the upper 5th Level
hand in social situations. You take a -1 circumstance
penalty to Sense Motive to detect if a creature is Inhabit Armament [FEAT 5]
lying to you. If you succeed on your Sense Motive Dokkaebi | Polymorph | Transmutation
check, you get a critical success.
Prerequisites Inhabit Object

Inhabit Object [FEAT 1] Frequency once per day

Dokkaebi | Polymorph | Transmutation You’ve grown accustomed to the intricacies of

transforming your body into an armament. You can
Frequency once per day inhabit non-magical armor, shields, or weapons.
You leap into an unattended non-magical item that Aside from the normal abilities you receive when
is not an armor, shield, or weapon. While inhabiting using Inhabit Object, you impart special bonuses
the object: depending on the armament you inhabit:
• Your physical form merges with the • Weapon You grant the weapon the
object, taking on all of its properties benefits of the magic weapon spell.
including material, hardness, and hit • Armor You grant the armor a +2
points. See the Core Rulebook for circumstance bonus to AC.
information on Material Statistics. Spells • Shield You increase the shield’s
that specifically target objects, such as Hardness and BT by 2.
heat metal, may affect you.
• Your speed becomes 0. Iron Grasp [FEAT 5]
• You can only use actions with the verbal Dokkaebi
or mental trait.
• If the object is destroyed, you are ejected Prerequisites earthgrasp dokkaebi heritage
from the object and reappear in a random Trigger You successfully Strike a target with a melee
space within 5 feet. weapon that has the grapple trait.
Nothing can escape your ironclad grasp. You
attempt an Athletics check to Grapple your target.

Nine Heavens Press 36 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Liarsbane [FEAT 5] Object Slip [FEAT 9]
Dokkaebi Dokkaebi | Polymorph | Transmutation
Prerequisites righteous dokkaebi heritage Prerequisites Inhabit Object
You are a cautionary tale against liars. Any You slide, slip, and squeeze into objects with
creature attempting to Lie to you takes a -1 relative ease. You can Inhabit Object once per hour
circumstance penalty to their Deception check. rather than once per day. If you have the Inhabit
If they fail the check, you gain a +4 circumstance Armament feat, you can do the same for armor,
bonus on any attempts to Demoralize them for the shields, or weapons.
next 10 minutes.
Storytime Magic [FEAT 9]
Prolonged Distraction [FEAT 5] Dokkaebi
Dokkaebi Prerequisites fable dokkaebi heritage
Prerequisites Natural Prankster Tales of your sparkling spells and ability to converse
Few can untangle the knotted weaves making up with wildlife entertain audiences everywhere. You
your elaborate jests. When you attempt to Create a can cast faerie fire, speak with animals, and speak
Diversion against creatures you’ve already attempted with plants as 4th-level primal innate spells. You can
to divert, they do not gain a +4 circumstance bonus cast each of these spells once per day.
to their Perception DCs.
13th Level
9th Level
Giant Stature [FEAT 13]
Just Desserts [FEAT 9] Dokkaebi | Transmutation
Dokkaebi Your deeds and experiences have emboldened
Prerequisites righteous dokkaebi heritage you, and your height grows to reflect the pride you
Frequency once per 10 minutes feel in your heart. You grow to size Large and your
reach increases by 5 feet. Your melee attacks gain
Trigger You or an ally you can see is damaged by an a +1 circumstance bonus to damage rolls against
enemy. creatures smaller than you.
Your hand swings down with fierce velocity
against those who would lay a hand on your friends. Quick Slip [FEAT 13]
Choose an alignment you have or strongly relate Dokkaebi | Polymorph | Transmutation
to (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful). Until the end of
your next turn, your Strikes deal an additional 1d4 Prerequisites Inhabit Object
alignment damage against the enemy that triggered You slip into objects faster than the eye can
this reaction. The bonus increases to 2d4 if you use comprehend. You can use Inhabit Object as two
a striking weapon or unarmed attack, and 3d4 if you actions instead of three. If you have the Inhabit
use a major striking weapon or unarmed attack. Armament feat, you can do the same for armor,
shields, or weapons.
Lance of the Elements [FEAT 9] Special You can select this feat again at 17th
Dokkaebi level to use Inhabit Object or Inhabit Armament as a
single action instead of two.
Prerequisites Fists of the Elements
Primal energies rapidly flow through you,
coalescing around your hands like elemental lances.
The size of your weapon damage dice for fist attacks
increases to a d8. Your fist attacks also gain the
reach trait.
Nine Heavens Press 37 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Storytime Wonder Advent of the Primal Spirit [FEAT 17]
Dokkaebi Dokkaebi | Polymorph
Prerequisites Storytime Magic Prerequisites cloudhopper dokkaebi, earthgrasp
Your reputation continues to grow, and listeners dokkaebi, flamehair dokkaebi, or waterblessed
delight at stories of your magical saves, illusions, dokkaebi heritage
and teleportations. During your daily preparations, Frequency once per day
choose blessing of defiance, false nature, or You have mastered the energies flowing through
passwall. You can Cast this Spell as a 5th-level primal you and can transform into an embodiment of
innate spell once that day. You become an expert in nature. You can cast elemental form as a 7th-level
primal spell DCs and primal spell attack rolls. innate primal spell. Your form corresponds to your
dokkaebi heritage:
17th Level
• Cloudhopper Air
• Earthgrasp Earth
Night Festival [FEAT 17]
• Flamehair Fire
Aura | Dokkaebi | Emotion | Mental • Waterblessed Water
Frequency once per hour
You enter a frenzy that terrifies your enemies and
sends your friends into riotous revelry. For the next
minute, a 15-foot emanation extends from you. All
allies within this emanation gain a +3 status bonus
to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.
Enemies within this emanation must make a Will
saving throw against your class DC or spellcasting
DC, whichever is higher.
Critical Success The target is unaffected
and immune to your Night Festival aura for
the next hour.
Success The target is frightened 1.
Failure The target is frightened 2.
Critical Failure As failure, but the target is
also fleeing for 1 round.

Nine Heavens Press 38 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

The gumiho is a distinct variant of kitsune native to Danguk, hence their rarity in the rest of the world. Like
kitsune, they possess multiple tails, fox-like features, and the ability to shapeshift, but instead of being naturally born
from kitsune couples, all gumiho began life as ordinary foxes. These foxes managed to live for hundreds of years by
consuming overwhelming amounts of spiritual power, attaining humanoid bodies in the process.

Gumiho possess the same penchant for mischief and spirit has lived for over 900 years - meaning that even
magic as other foxkin, but their animalistic origins drive the youngest gumiho is already older than most other
them to seek continued evolution. This desire turns creatures in the world.
into an urge to consume, which manifests differently
depending on the gumiho. For instance, some gumiho
feel the need to magically acquire esoteric secrets from
corpses, while others seek to devour the finest meats, Because gumiho are born after ordinary foxes
with liver serving as a common favorite. While some achieve wisdom and longevity, very few exist. Even
might find these proclivities morbid, gumiho ardently fewer are found in society, and most seclude themselves
believe they can only morph into their highest selves via away in the wilds of Danguk, evading any source of
consumption, and this passion makes them inspiring - danger. While gumiho settlements are a true rarity,
albeit restless - adventuring companions. elder gumiho often take it upon themselves to place
younger ones under their tutelage. At times, gumiho
If you want to play a character who strives to evolve
will also use their alternate forms to enter into human
into their utmost pinnacle, you should play a gumiho.
families, who teach them the means of surviving in
You Might… civilization.
• Struggle with a sense of incompleteness,
despite your many experiences and Alignment and Religion
The majority of gumiho are Neutral, despite tales
• Keep your distance from loved ones, fearing
that paint them as dangerous creatures who transform
that your desire to consume may hurt them.
into beautiful humans and consume the organs of
• Consider your humanoid body to be a mere
their prey. These stories are born out of ignorance
stepping stone towards a more complete
and fear, and gumiho are usually able to balance their
consumptive desires with a degree of self-discipline and
Others Probably… restraint, taking into consideration the bigger picture.
• Fear that you may be scheming to steal their
The sole deity acknowledged by most gumiho is
secrets - or even worse, their livers.
the Primordial Fox, one of the immortal beasts who
• Marvel at both your longevity and fact that
existed in the land of Danguk before the current
you were once a regular fox.
kingdom’s founding. The Primordial Fox, regarded as
• Mistake you for a typical kitsune.
the first gumiho, hunted humanoids and fed on their
fear, growing in power as a terrestrial divinity. When
Physical Description the Primordial Bear and Tiger, her equals in status
Like their kitsune peers, gumiho have vulpine at the time, rejected their own immortality, the Fox
features and bushy fur that varies in color, from bright came to understand her limits as a mere beast. When
red to snowish white. While only some magically- she was finally slain, she vowed to one day return as
inclined kitsune have more than one tail, all gumiho an unrivaled being even higher than the gods. Her
possess nine tails. Each tail was grown over a century legend has carried on across the ages, and when foxes
and symbolizes accumulated wisdom, and gumiho reawaken as gumiho, Danguk’s more superstitious folk
treasure and decorate these appendages as symbols believe them to be the Primordial Fox’s second coming.
of their ability to transcend ordinary beasthood and
achieve sentience.
A gumiho first gains its humanoid form when a fox
Nine Heavens Press 39 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Gumiho has the statistics of a 1st-level pest form. You also
gain 10 Hit Points from your ancestry instead of 8,
(Rare Kitsune Heritage) a +1 circumstance bonus to Intimidation checks to
Demoralize foes, and the Ingest Strength action.
You are a wiley fox who ascended and began a
quest to reach the next stage of evolution. You gain Ingest Strength
the gumiho trait in addition to the kitsune trait, and Gumiho | Necromancy
you can choose from gumiho feats and kitsune feats
whenever you gain an ancestry feat. Frequency once per day
Requirements You consume a liver.
You have an obsessive desire to consume either
secrets or organs. Choose between Knowledge Eater or The nutrients you draw from this liver flow
Liver Eater at 1st level.
through you, amplifying your body and soul.
For 24 hours, you gain temporary hit points
Knowledge Eater equal to the hit points of the creature that
You are obsessed with the knowledge, memories, the liver came from (determined by your
and sensations contained within humanoid bodies, and GM). As long as you have at least 1 of
hate to see this wisdom go to waste. Your alternate form these temporary hit points, once per hour
is a common Medium humanoid ancestry prevalent you can ask your GM to give you additional
where you grew up (typically human), called a tailless knowledge or context that the creature the
form. You also gain a +1 to all Recall Knowledge checks liver belonged to would have known in life.
and the Exhume Secrets action. (For instance, after ingesting a boar’s liver,
Exhume Secrets you might suddenly recall that the boar was
killed by a ravenous tiger who lurks in the
Gumiho | Necromancy
near vicinity.)
Frequency once per day
Requirements You come across a corpse Gumiho Feats
with its brain intact.
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain
an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at
You draw knowledge that would otherwise 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). You can choose from
be lost from this departed husk. Choose gumiho feats and kitsune feats whenever you gain an
any skill (determined by your GM) that the ancestry feat.
corpse was at least trained in while it was
still alive. For 24 hours, you gain a +1 status 1st Level
bonus when making a check with that skill,
and if you roll a critical failure, it becomes Gumiho Spell Familiarity [FEAT 1]
a failure instead. Whenever you make this
check, you can ask your GM to give you Gumiho
additional knowledge or context that only Your evolution has granted you a smattering of
the corpse would have known in life. (For secret magic possessed by spirits. During your daily
instance, while rolling an Athletics check to preparations, choose dancing lights, infectious
climb a cliff, you might suddenly recall that enthusiasm, or phase bolt. Until your next daily
the corpse was once an expert mountaineer preparations, you can cast this cantrip as an occult
who navigated the highest peaks with ease.) innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell
level equal to half your level rounded up.
Liver Eater
You are a hungry meat-eater who ascended as a
pariah spirit, and you become stronger with every
liver you consume. Your alternate form is a fox, which

Nine Heavens Press 40 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Lurker of Libraries [FEAT 1] Gumiho Spell Mysteries [FEAT 5]
Gumiho Gumiho
You stalk libraries and temples in search of Prerequisites Gumiho Spell Familiarity
esoteric lore that would further your evolution. You’ve honed your magic to beguile foes stronger
You gained the trained proficiency rank in Arcana than yourself. During your daily preparations, choose
and Occultism. If you would automatically become charm, illusory disguise, or schadenfreude. You can
trained in one of those skills (from your background cast this as a 1st-level occult innate spell once that
or class, for example), you instead become trained day.
in a skill of your choice. You gain a +1 circumstance
bonus when using either skill to Recall Knowledge
Hunger Pangs [FEAT 5]
about a creature you can see.
Speak With Foxes [FEAT 1] Prerequisites Liver Eater
Gumiho Frequency once per turn
Remembering your origins as a common beast, Requirements Your last action was an unsuccessful
you can ask questions of, receive answers from, Strike against a creature.
and use the Diplomacy skill with foxes. You gain a You seek the liver of your enemy, and your
+2 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks to bloodlust rises when your meal is deferred. Attempt
Make an Impression on foxes or Request something another Strike against the same target. If this is your
from foxes. second time attacking the target, your multiple attack
penalty decreases to -3 instead of -5 (or -2 instead
5th Level of -4 if your weapon has the agile trait). If this is your
third time attacking the target, your multiple attack
Adaptive Evolution [FEAT 5] penalty decreases to -8 instead of -10 (-6 instead of
Gumiho -8 if your weapon has the agile trait).
Prerequisites Knowledge Eater
9th Level
Frequency once per hour
Requirements Your last action was a successful Enfeebling Curse [FEAT 9]
Recall Knowledge check on a creature you can see. Curse | Gumiho | Necromancy
You use applied knowledge to adapt and You transmit your hunger through your weapon,
temporarily evolve, countering your foe. You gain one debilitating enemies. When you critically succeed at
of the following options until the end of your next a Strike that deals piercing or slashing damage to an
turn: enemy, they are enfeebled 1.
• You gain a +5-foot circumstance bonus to
Speed. Mind Stone [FEAT 9]
• You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your
• You gain a +1 circumstance bonus Prerequisites Star Orb
to Strike the target you used Recall Frequency once per day
Knowledge on.
Your star orb can glean the thoughts of sentient
creatures. You can cast mind reading as a 3rd-level
occult innate spell. The spell’s normal components
are replaced with a focus component (your star orb),
and a somatic component to point the orb towards
the target of the spell.

Nine Heavens Press 41 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

13th Level Greater Hunger Pangs [FEAT 13]
Carnivorous Curse [FEAT 13]
Prerequisites Hunger Pangs
Curse, Gumiho, Necromancy
Frequency once per turn
Prerequisites Enfeebling Curse
Requirements Your last action was a Strike against
Frequency once per hour a creature.
Trigger You critically succeed at a Strike that Your hunger for this foe’s liver throws you into
deals piercing or slashing damage against a living a frenzy, and your attacks become all the more
opponent. ferocious. Attempt another Strike against the same
You’ve learned to lap at the life essence of other target. If this is your second time attacking the
creatures with your attacks, stealing their energies target, your multiple attack penalty decreases to -2
for your own usage. You gain a number of temporary instead of -5 (or -1 instead of -4 if your weapon has
hit points equal to the target’s level. You lose these the agile trait). If this is your third time attacking the
temporary hit points after 1 minute. target, your multiple attack penalty decreases to -8
instead of -10 (-6 instead of -8 if your weapon has
Gumiho Spell Expertise [FEAT 13] the agile trait).
17th Level
Your tails radiate an unusual power as you
uncover more magical secrets. During your daily Aspect of the False Idol [FEAT 17]
preparations, choose chromatic armor, glibness, or
strange geometry. You can Cast this Spell as a 5th- Concentrate | Divine | Gumiho | Polymorph |
level occult innate spell once that day. You become Transmutation
an expert in occult spell DCs and occult spell attack Frequency once per day
rolls. You’ve attained a sliver of the next stage of
evolution - an agile golden form that mimics divinity,
Push Evolution [FEAT 13] shimmering with deadly beauty. When you Change
Gumiho Shape, you can instead transform into a Large
spirit battle form for 1 minute or until you shift
Prerequisites Adaptive Evolution
back, whichever comes first. You gain the following
You have stolen so much knowledge that it pushes statistics and abilities:
you to a new stage in your evolution. When you use
• An AC of 19 + your level. Ignore your
Adaptive Evolution, you gain one of the following
armor’s check penalty and Speed
benefits for 1 minute:
• You gain a +10-foot circumstance bonus • 20 temporary hit points.
to Speed. • An Acrobatics modifier of +17, unless
• You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your your own modifier is higher.
AC. • Weakness cold iron 5
• You gain a +2 circumstance bonus • Speed 40 feet; fly 10 feet
to Strike the target you used Recall • Melee [one-action] golden fist (agile,
Knowledge on. finesse, magical), Damage 3d12
bludgeoning plus your Strength or
Dexterity modifier, plus 2d8 mental

Nine Heavens Press 42 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Jangseung (Rare)
To a beleaguered traveler, the sight of an exaggerated face carved into a stone or wooden rod is a blessing. These
clusters of guardian poles, also known as jangseung, are both guides and protectors. Along roads, they stand as markers
of distance between long stretches of land, their roots radiating divine energy into the earth to stem corruption and
provide respite to those nearby. Placed in the furthest four corners of a settlement, jangseung serve as gatekeepers and
drive away evil spirits, disease, and ill fortune. In return, villagers keep jangseung clean and revere them in yearly
rituals filled with ample prayers and copious offerings of wine and food.

Most jangseung exist only as silent watchers over the Physical Description
village that created them, acting as the eyes and ears
of the deity carved into their poles. In rare, often dire Jangseung usually assume a humanoid form carved
circumstances, a deity chooses to imbue one of their from either stone or wood, with a tattooed body
jangseung with life. This process requires the creation and striking facial features. Their faces are initially
of a new celestial soul, which is merged with the wood reminiscent of the exaggerated expressions that they
or stone of the original guardian post. A mudang is wore as guardian poles, but many jangseung choose to
then called to provide and bless additional materials soften these features into something more humanoid-
that are used to form a more mobile body. like in order to better fit in with mortals. The one trait
that they cannot hide is their elongated canine teeth,
Jangseung blessed with life are intricately built and as these tusks are an innate fixture in every jangseung’s
decorated with knot-work or paper charms. Some face and were originally carved by villagers to ward off
choose to wear clothing but others forgo it, instead evil spirits.
carving prayers, artwork of their deeds, or the faces
that once donned their original clusters onto their bare Jangseung wear at least one article of clothing -
bodies. Making full use of their new limbs, jangseung usually a jacket or pants - to blend in with society, even
stride into the wide world of Danguk, protecting their if they derive no shame from nudity. Jangseung require
villages in a more direct manner. occasional maintenance and must carve out older
surfaces of their wooden or stone skin, and elders also
If you want to play a piece of nature imbued with life gather moss on their bodies, which they maintain as a
who now sees the world through an entirely new light, sign of their longevity.
you should play a jangseung.
Aging is a nebulous concept for most jangseung,
as the celestial spirit chosen to inhabit a jangseung is
You Might…
created at the moment of its awakening. While this
• Recall names and facts about people from spirit can be killed, it does not age. Spirits typically stay
ages ago, but have difficulty remembering with their guardian pole until their deity recalls them,
when faces change. with missions ranging from days to decades long. A
• Enjoy basking in the sun, reminiscing of rare few choose to stay permanently on the material
the days when you stood tall over a winding plane, petitioning their deity to indefinitely extend
road. their missions.
• Try speaking with other objects you assume
are capable of speech.
Others Probably… Jangseung see themselves as part of a collective and
• Are intimidated by your unmoving face. rarely as individuals, using the pronouns “we” and
• Seek you out for directions or offer prayers “they” to represent this. As village guardians, jangseung
in your name. identify strongly with the communities they were born
• Assume that you are an agent of a deity in, and the villagers who first depended on them for
without much free will of your own. solace will always be their friends and family.
Despite this seemingly diminished individuality,
jangseung still carry strong wants and desires formed
by their places of origin. A jangseung born into a poor
Nine Heavens Press 43 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
farming town may despise wasteful attitudes toward food, while one who Jangseung Mechanics
hails from a community of elders will be doubly protective when it comes to
both young children and old people. A community’s fears, desires, and joys
form the sum of a jangseung’s personality, and jangseung take great pride Rare
in this, boasting over their respective village’s accomplishments when in the Hit Points
presence of their peers.
Alignment and Religion
Many jangseung are Neutral, though the whims of their communities and
their deities might shift their alignments in other directions. A jangseung’s Speed
response to their village’s history and values might push their tendencies 25 feet
toward Lawful or Chaotic, for instance. A town besieged by war and Ability Boosts
governed by a strict military could easily produce a jangseung that values
order, but one whosesacred grounds have been desecrated or destroyed may Constitution
find themselves corrupted by thoughts of revenge. Free
Jangseung interested in religion usually find kinship with the gods of Languages
Gucheon, celestials that have descended into the material world in physical Common
form. Others are drawn to the household gods, particularly Seonangshin.
Additional languages equal to
your Intelligence modifier (if it is
Adventurers positive). Choose from Celestial,
Clerics and champions are especially common among jangseung, thanks Dwarvish, Elven, Iruxi, Sylvan,
to the special connection that jangseung share with their gods. Others are Terran, and any other languages
equally comfortable with magic and martial skills, protecting their villages to which you have access (such as
as fighters, monks, maguses, and wizards. the languages prevalent to your
Jangseung who keep to the villages they were born into have the acolyte, region).
farmhand, laborer, or root worker backgrounds. Others who venture into the Hallowed Guardian
world might have the courier, field medic, hermit, martial disciple, nomad, A jangseung’s presence relieves
or wandering preacher backgrounds. In times of desperation, jangseung are the fears and worries of a person
forcibly summoned through the cries of the desperate myriad calling out for in need. Any ally adjacent to you
a hero, making the wished alive background a perfect fit. who has the clumsy, enfeebled, or
frightened condition can Interact
Names with you to reduce one of these
conditions by 1. The ally is then
Jangseung are born with names bestowed upon them by their celestial
temporarily immune to Hallowed
progenitors. These names usually represent the purpose that they were born
Guardian for 1 hour.
Sample Names
Ru-da, On, Han-gyeol

Other Information
To be a jangseung is to be a soul born into an artificial body, dedicated to
a mission that may last months or span several years.
Life and Death Jangseung possess a vast capacity for knowledge and an
ability to learn that rivals that of any humanoid. But many are born with
a specific purpose in mind, and once they fulfill that purpose, they accept
their deaths and pass on from the world. A jangseung can live until their

Nine Heavens Press 44 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

stone or wooden bodies are no longer able to move, but transmutation.
their souls usually pass on long before that. • Casting the cantrip counts as the Raise a
Villageless Jangseung A jangseung’s existence Shield action, requires a hand to use, and
continues even after their village has been destroyed by gives you a +2 circumstance bonus to AC
either nature or war. Resilient jangseung might seek to until the start of your next turn.
rebuild elsewhere, devoted to any remaining survivors • You cannot use the spell’s Shield Block
who wish to restore the home they had lost. These reaction against the magic missile spell.
jangseung often become adventurers to gather funds to • A single ally adjacent to you can Take Cover
build the houses necessary, or they might also become while your shield is raised.
devotees of Seongjushin. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half
your level rounded up.
Resilient Servant
Spirit of Respite
Thanks to your ethereal nature, you don’t need to
eat, drink, or sleep, but you still need a daily period of Your presence provides rest to those who seek it. If
rest. During this period of rest, you must perform a rite a creature is fatigued, they can spend an action while
of consecration similar to sleeping for 8 hours, except adjacent to you to attempt a DC 15 flat check to remove
that you are aware of your surroundings and don’t the condition. Regardless of the result, they cannot
take penalties for being unconscious. If you go too attempt to remove their fatigued condition in this way
long without entering this standby state, you become for 1 hour.
fatigued and cannot recover until you perform the rite
of consecration. Spirit of Truth
The celestial powers that placed you in the world
Jangseung Heritages have tasked you with retrieving magical artifacts, either
lost to time or stolen by avaricious forces. You gain the
Jangseung heritages stem from the personalities of Sense the Wondrous action.
their carvers and communities, as well as the wishes
of the gods who gave them an elevated form of life. Sense the Wondrous
Choose one of the following jangseung heritages at Concentrate | Jangseung | Secret
level 1. You focus your vision on an item to determine
its magical potency. Choose one item to decipher its
Spirit of Deliverance aura, if any, and the ebbs and flows of magical power
You’ve been sent to the world to bring wisdom to in the air surrounding it. The GM rolls a single secret
guide the lost. You can cast the know direction cantrip Perception check for you, and if the creature that
as a divine innate spell. A cantrip is heightened to a owns the item does not wish for its true nature to be
spell level equal to half your level rounded up. exposed, compares the result to their Deception or
spell DC; whichever is higher. You cannot use Sense
Spirit of Justice the Wondrous on the same item more than once, unless
the situation has changed significantly. (For instance,
The voices of oppressed souls crying out for
if the item has changed owners or been significantly
deliverance have spurred the gods to send you to this
world. Your Strikes deal 1 additional good damage.
Critical Success You learn the item’s school of
Spirit of Protection magic.
Success You discern that the item is magical.
You were placed in the world as the gods’ response
Failure You cannot sense any magic from the
to the voices of the needy and vulnerable. Your body
can form into a shield or bulwark against the lashings
of foes. You gain the shield cantrip as a divine innate Critical Failure You get a false sense of the item’s
spell with the following differences: aura and its school of magic.

• Its traits are cantrip, morph, and

Nine Heavens Press 45 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Jangseung Feats Startling Appearance [FEAT 1]
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain Jangseung
an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at You’ve adapted your form to strike fear into the
5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a jangseung, you hearts of those who pray on you. You are trained in
select from among the following ancestry feats. Intimidation (or another skill of your choice, if you
were already trained in Intimidation) and gain the
1st Level Intimidating Glare skill feat as a bonus feat.

Assimilate Weapon [FEAT 1] 5th Level

Jangseung, Morph
Celestial Resistance [FEAT 5]
You can unravel your hand and assimilate the
handle or grip of any weapon you’re holding. After Jangseung
you use Assimilate Weapon, other creatures cannot Your divine soul blankets your body with a warding
Disarm you or force you to Release the weapon. To layer against energy attacks. Choose one of the
drop the weapon or return your hand to its normal following damage types: acid, cold, electricity, fire,
form, you can unassimilate with an Interact action. or sonic. You gain resistance 5 to that damage type.
You can assimilate a one-handed weapon per free
hand or a two-handed weapon with both hands. Mark the Trail [FEAT 5]
Earthen Roots [FEAT 1]
Your divine senses mark paths that have already
been taken. You can cast breadcrumbs once per day
You’re attuned to the vibrations of the earth as a 1st-level divine innate spell.
around you. You gain an imprecise tremorsense of
30 feet. Total Assimilation [FEAT 5]
Jangseung | Morph
Friend to Travelers [FEAT 1]
Prerequisites Assimilate Weapon
Your arm completely subsumes your weapon,
Your divine soul finds joy in assisting those on
letting you change its composition. Any melee
their journeys. You gain the trained proficiency rank
weapon you assimilated with Assimilate Weapon
in Religion and Survival. If you would automatically
gains the Versatile trait, and you can choose between
become trained in one of those skills (from your
Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning damage. If you
background or class, for example), you instead
unassimilate the weapon, it loses the Versatile trait.
become trained in a skill of your choice. You always
have a vague sense of direction pinpointing a
settlement nearest to you. 9th Level

Medicinal Moss [FEAT 1] Confiscate Weapon [FEAT 9]

Jangseung Jangseung

You grow natural herbs and moss on your body Trigger A hostile creature hits you with a melee
that can be used for medicine. You gain the trained weapon attack.
proficiency rank in Nature (or another skill of your You reshape your body at the moment of impact
choice, if you were already trained in Nature) and to claim your enemy’s weapon. You can attempt to
gain the Natural Medicine skill feat as a bonus feat. Disarm the weapon from their grip.
Special If you have the Assimilate Weapon feat,
you do not need a hand free to attempt to Disarm an
enemy with Confiscate Weapon.
Nine Heavens Press 46 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Wander No More [FEAT 9] 17th Level
General of Heaven [FEAT 17]
You beseech the gods to chart a path to your
destination. You can cast show the way and Concentrate | Divine | Evocation | Jangseung,
wanderer’s guide as 3rd-level divine innate spells Morph | Transmutation
each once per day. Frequency once per day
Duration 1 minute
Life Bulwark [FEAT 9]
You temporarily transcend into a general of
Jangseung heaven in service of the deity who forged you, and
Prerequisites Spirit of Protection your mortal vessel cracks as the light of your true
The overflowing life energy of your divine soul soul pours out. As a general of heaven, you appear
strengthens your shield, enabling it to ward against as a being from the celestial planes - often clad in
the forces of death. You can use Shield Block to radiant armor, draped in flowing garb, or wreathed
reduce an amount of negative damage equal to your by a heavenly raiment - and your transformation has
shield’s Hardness. the following effects:
• Your general of heaven form gains all the
13th Level features of divine vessel for a deity who
shares your alignment.
Dedicated Guardian [FEAT 13] • Each creature within 10 feet of you is
blinded for 1 round unless they succeed
at a Fortitude save against your class DC
Your experiences in the mortal world have or spell DC, whichever is higher.
tempered your soul, allowing the positive energy • While transformed, you can cast fireball,
fueling it to shine brighter than ever. Add doomed lightning bolt, and searing light once each
and drained to the conditions Hallowed Guardian as 6th-level divine innate spells.
can reduce. • When you emerge from your general of
heaven form, you become drained 3.
Wall Form [FEAT 13] Additionally, if you have the General of Heaven
Jangseung | Polymorph feat, you gain weakness 10 to evil damage even
when you are not in your general of heaven form.
Frequency once per day
You attune yourself with your surroundings and Rite of Rejuvenation [FEAT 17]
expand into a stone or oaken wall. You can shape
Aura | Divine | Healing | Necromancy|
your form into a 1-inch-thick wall that is 60 feet
long and 10 feet high. You can expand out only into
open space. While expanding, if any of your edges You utter a prayer to the heavens that refreshes
might pass through creatures or objects, Wall Form your allies in combat. Once per day, you can release
immediately ends. You gain a hardness of 14, a 30-foot emanation centered around you. Allies can
immunity to critical hits and precision damage, and Interact within this area to receive both the benefits
lose any item bonuses to your AC. You cannot move, of Hallowed Guardian and healing well as a 7th-level
make the Strike action, speak, or use any actions divine spell. After five allies have Interacted with your
with the manipulate trait while in this form. You can aura, the emanation dissipates and all allies who
Dismiss this effect. benefited from Rite of Rejuvenation are immune to
Hallowed Guardian for 1 hour.

Nine Heavens Press 47 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Lunamorph (Rare)
Travelers of the stars and denizens of the cosmos, lunamorphs are dreamers who hope to explore all corners of the
galaxy and map out the entire universe. From their crater homes on the planet’s orbiting moons, they’ve mastered
space faring before any others have even considered its existence. Inquisitive and individualistic, many lunamorphs
are artists, scientists, and travelers who prefer to be discrete in their visitations to other communities, valuing trust and
companionship as their highest virtues.

Lunamorphs have only appeared in Danguk Physical Description

recently, inspiring a mixture of caution and wonder
from people fascinated by their origins. They’re capable Lunamorphs have long ears, small eyes, and flat,
tinkerers, well-versed in celestial bodies, and have whiskered snouts, and most are around 4 feet tall. A
access to limited technology used to travel the planes lunamorph’s color varies, and if their clan is from the
of existence. Though few in number, they’ve captured dark side of the moon, they’re whiter to blend in with
the imagination of Danguk and have been deemed by colder climates. Those who are exposed to more of the
the throne to be friends and honorary ambassadors of sun can appear in a wider range of colors, including
the moon. brown, white, or pink. Lunamorphs are also capable
of mating with other ancestries, and lunamorph traits
Most lunamorphs in Danguk have tremendous tend to be dominant, manifesting in telltale attributes
wanderlust, and happily explore the land to learn more like fluffy ears, a small stature, or whiskers.
about the blue planet that has progressed so far without
them. The few that have settled are often astrologians Lunamorphs prefer dressing light, valuing mobility
and sages who share their knowledge of space with in case of any potential crisis. They keep their ears low
other like-minded souls. in times of polite company, and perk them up in more
casual settings.
If you want to play a curious character descended
from the stars with a love for exploration, you should
play a lunamorph. Society
You Might… Lunamorph society strongly values family and
community. This does not mean that lunamorphs shy
• Possess a strong desire to see the world and away from individual freedom, but rather that they
all of its wonders. place major importance upon a “home” - whether
• Have a habit of taking apart objects and extraterrestrial or otherwise - that they can always
putting them back together to see how they return to or engage with. The Lunarian Conclave, a
function. governing body composed of representatives from
• Feel nervous around new people, especially the various moons, temples to the moon gods, and
those who can’t wrap their heads around engineering unions scattered across the cosmos,
your extraterrestrial background. represents the major network that links all lunamorphs
together and provides them with this enduring sense of
Others Probably… comfort and fraternity.
• Are confused by your connection with the All lunamorphs - whether they are born on a distant
moon and think you’re a fey instead. world or within the confines of Danguk - are considered
• Ask you dozens of questions about life on citizens of the moons, and most take pride in sharing
other worlds. information about the people and places they have
• Assume that you’re flighty, thanks to your encountered with the Lunarian Conclave. People from
rabbit-like exterior. other cultures see lunamorphs as cordial, curious, and
neighborly, but rarely expect them to stay for too long in
one place. Some also wonder what sort of impressions
they might be reporting to their Conclave compatriots.
Perhaps due to their far-flung travels across the

Nine Heavens Press 48 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

galaxy, lunamorphs encourage relationships with multiple partners. Lunamorph Mechanics
Lunamorphs typically find partners within and outside of their ancestries
and genders, and those who become parents band together to raise children
as a tribe. Lunamorphs possess a protective streak, but also encourage self- Rare
sufficiency when young ones are ready to step outside and explore worlds Hit Points
on their own.
Alignment and Religion
Despite their tendency to travel, most lunamorphs value safety and
blending into crowds as much as possible, which makes them lean toward Speed
Lawful or Neutral alignments. Others who value freedom across borders 25 feet
and hate to be chained down in one place for too long possess a Chaotic Ability Boosts
streak. The means in which they achieve agency varies, but most lunamorphs
would agree to despising stagnancy. Dexterity
Moon deities from all pantheons are worshiped by lunamorphs, and in Intelligence
Danguk, the moon goddess Dalnim is a common favorite. Free
Ability Flaw(s)
Adventurers Constitution
Lunamorphs make excellent alchemists and inventors, thanks to the Languages
specialized technology that they use to travel space. Their curious nature
and tendency to collect trinkets means that thaumaturges are also common,
while those who delve into magic usually become wizards. Lunarian
Typical lunamorph backgrounds include archaeologist, clockwork Additional languages equal
researcher, emissary, mechanic, nomad, scholar, scout, and tinker. to your Intelligence modifier
Lunamorph cooks are also prevelant, and renowned for their skill at crafting (if it is positive). Choose from
cakes, glutinous puddings, and other dishes from rice. Those with a particular Aklo, Celestial, Dwarven, Elven,
affinity for studying the stars might have the astrologer or astrological augur Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling,
backgrounds, and the trailblazer and wanderlust backgrounds are perfect Shadowtongue, Undercommon,
for lunamorphs addicted to exploration. or any other languages to which
you have access (such as the
languages prevalent in your
Names region).
Lunamorphs have compound names, with the first part referring to the
earliest dream they had in life and the second named after one of the various
moon deities existing across the universe. Keen Hearing
Sample Names You were born with long ears
sensitive to the slightest changes
Ash-Sierra, Ket-Goldgleam, Milkyspring-Dal, Moonpalace-Chang,
in sounds. When you Seek, you
Greenfields-Tsu, Soaringfeather-Daj
gain a +2 circumstance bonus to
locate undetected creatures that
Other Information you can hear within 30 feet. As
Aside from their interstellar roots, lunamorphs have achieved fame in long as you’re aware of a creature
stories highlighting their cooking techniques. via sound, once per round, your
ears can help you Point Out
The Self-Cooking Lunamorph Nobody - not even the lunamorphs
the creature to all allies as a free
themselves - is entirely sure how the moons came to be called home. In one
story, the gods rewarded the lunamorphs with their heavenly lodgings after
a terrestrial brethren willingly cooked herself to feed a deity disguised as a

Nine Heavens Press 49 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

beggar. This tale is commonly referenced to show the Voyager Lunamorph
tendency that lunamorphs have towards charity and You come from a nomadic clan that braved unknown
initiative. starfields to find forgotten knowledge. You gain the
Rice Cakes Lunamorphs are herbivores renowned trained proficiency rank in Survival. Not having a
for their masterful skill at making rice cakes, and compass does not incur an item penalty when you
some say that the moon’s many craters were created by attempt to Sense Direction, and having a compass gives
lunamorphs using its surface to pound these tasty treats. you a +2 item bonus.
One popular creation tale explains that lunamorphs
were born alongside the rise of the first lunar deities,
and asked these young gods for two favors - to avoid
Lunamorph Feats
the stargazers in the world below and learn more about At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain
the wide universe. The gods granted their wishes for an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at
regular tributes of rice cakes. 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a lunamorph, you
select from among the following ancestry feats.
Lunamorph Heritages 1st Level
As expected for a space-traveling ancestry,
lunamorphs have many different characteristics Astromancer Pupil [FEAT 1]
depending on their link to the cosmic beyond. Choose
one of the following lunamorph heritages at level 1. Lunamorph
You’ve made your first advancements gleaning
Ceremony Lunamorph the mysteries of the cosmos. You can cast the
dancing lights and time sense cantrips as arcane
You have distant forebears who performed a great
innate spells. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level
sacrifice for the gods and are still remembered to this
equal to half your level rounded up. Additionally, you
day. You gain negative resistance equal to half your level
gain access to additional cantrips depending on
(minimum 1). You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus
your lunamorph heritage:
to saving throws against effects with the death trait.
• Ceremony guidance
Eclipse Lunamorph • Eclipse ray of frost
• Starwatcher detect magic
Your ancestors made their home on the dark side of
a moon, granting you cold resistance equal to half your • Terran read the air
level (minimum 1). You treat cold temperature effects • Voyager warp step
as if they were one step less (incredible cold becomes
Hop, Skip, and a Jump Away [FEAT 1]
extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).
Starwatcher Lunamorph Your small stature hides impressive jumping
Your family has passed on through generations ability. You gain the Quick Jump feat even if you are
the secrets of reading the stars. You gain the Consult not trained in Athletics.
the Stars ancestry feat, which has the lunamorph trait
for you. You also gain the trained proficiency rank in Hybrid Lunamorph [FEAT 1]
Astronomy Lore. Lineage | Lunamorph
One of your parents was a lunamorph while the
Terran Lunamorph other belonged to another ancestry. You gain the
You and your family settled on the surface of a Adopted Ancestry feat, along with any 1st-level feat
planet and gained a sensitivity to minute societal cues. from that chosen ancestry.
You gain the Read Lips feat as a bonus feat, even if you
aren’t trained in Society.

Nine Heavens Press 50 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Lunamorph Lore [FEAT 1] cosmos and gained the magical services of a being
known as a starchild. Your starchild serves as your
familiar. It has the flier ability and casts bright light in
You’ve read arcane texts in the finest institutions a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet)
on the moon. You gain the trained proficiency rank like a torch. It can use an Interact action to darken
in Arcana and Acrobatics. If you would automatically the light or glow again.
become trained in one of those skills (from your
background or class, for example), you instead 5th Level
become trained in a skill of your choice. You also
become trained in Lunamorph Lore.
Astromancer Scholar [FEAT 5]
Lunamorph Weapon Familiarity [FEAT 1] Lunamorph
Lunamorph Prerequisites Astromancer Pupil
Access You are from a lunar colony, Danguk, or You’ve advanced your training in understanding
another region with firearms. space to new heights. During your daily preparations,
choose gravitational pull, object reading, or true
You’re drawn to the technologically advanced strike. You can cast this as a 1st-level arcane innate
weapons of your people. You are trained with the spell once that day.
crossbow, hand crossbow, pantograph gauntlet,
and dagger pistol. In addition, you gain access to all
Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow [FEAT 5]
weapons of the bow or firearm group.
Moon Mixer [FEAT 1] You’ve learned to slip out of the stickiest of
Lunamorph situations. The first time you attempt to Escape on
your turn, you can do so as a free action with a +2
Prerequisites cook background circumstance bonus to your check.
You are skilled at concocting viscous mixtures,
thanks to your family’s duty of pouding sticky rice Lunamorph Weapon Ingenuity [FEAT 5]
cakes for the gods of the moon. You are trained
in Crafting. If you would automatically become
trained in Crafting (from your background or class, Prerequisites Lunamorph Weapon Familiarity
for example), you instead become trained in a skill You know how to use technologically advanced
of your choice. You also gain the Specialty Crafting weapons in effective and inventive ways. Whenever
feat. Your specialty must be Alchemy. you score a critical hit using a weapon of the bow
or firearm group, you apply the weapon’s critical
Speak With Rabbits [FEAT 1] specialization effect.
9th Level
You might not be an actual rabbit, but you still
share a distant bond with your small, furry kin.
You can ask questions of, receive answers from,
Protection of the Moon [FEAT 9]
and use the Diplomacy skill with rabbits. You gain Lunamorph
a +2 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks Your connection to the moon becomes keener,
to Make an Impression on rabbits or Request with its gentle rays protecting your mind from outside
something from rabbits. influence. You gain resistance 5 to mental damage
and a +1 circumstance bonus to all saving throws
Starchild [FEAT 1] against mental effects.
You’ve signed a pact with a personal star in the

Nine Heavens Press 51 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Wrath of the Cornered Beast [FEAT 9] 17th Level
Astromancer Sage [FEAT 17]
Prerequisites Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow
Trigger You successfully Escape.
Prerequisites Astromancer Scholar
You use the momentum of a daring escape to
lash back against your adversary. You can Strike the Frequency once per hour
creature who grabbed, immobilized, or restrained With the secrets of the cosmos in your grasp,
you. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your the night sky bends to your presence. You can cast
attack roll. blanket of stars as a 6th-level arcane innate spell.

Subliminal Starlight [FEAT 9] Guardian of the Moon [FEAT 17]

Lunamorph Lunamorph
Prerequisites Starchild Frequency once per day
Frequency once per day All the hopes and dreams of the Lunarian Conclave
Your starchild conjures a night sky that hides a flow through you as your body magically morphs into
befuddling signal within its glowing starfield. You can an aspect of the moon. You can cast cosmic form
cast hypnotic pattern as a 3rd-level arcane innate as a 7th-level arcane innate spell. You must use the
spell. The spell’s normal components are replaced moon form.
with a focus component (your starchild) and a
somatic component to point your starchild towards
the location for the spell.

13th Level

Lunamorph Weapon Expertise [FEAT 13]

Prerequisites Lunamorph Weapon Familiarity
You increase your training in technologically
advanced weapons. Whenever you gain a class
feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in
certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency rank
in all weapons you are trained in from Lunamorph
Weapon Familiarity.

Starry Insight [FEAT 13]

Prerequisites Starchild
You value the link that you share with other
lunamorphs, and your starchild taps into the
constellations above the firmament to alert them to
your chosen location. It gains the spellcasting familiar
ability, which it can use to cast guiding star as a 2nd-
level arcane spell.

Nine Heavens Press 52 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Noru (Rare)
The noru are a deer-like people who claim to have descended to the material plane alongside Hwanung, the Heavenly
Regent himself. From the perspective of other cultures, noru are often compared to elves and fey, whose appearance in
Danguk also coincided with Hwanung’s arrival.

Throughout Danguk’s history, noru have watched Noru possess humanoid upper bodies and the
over the country from their clans in the wild, lower bodies of deer, and their muscular limbs enable
maintaining neutrality with the affairs of man. Most them to sprint over fields and through forests at great
noru perceive that their duty is to observe the world, speeds. Their aquiline facial features and pointed
imparting wisdom rather than intervening, though ears are comparable to the elves, but their antlers and
a select few have been renowned for favoring certain deep brown eyes are entirely their own. These features
groups or individuals with their prophecies. Because are dwarfed by the noru’s shining golden fur, and
of this, while Danguk superstition holds that to harm many an observer has gasped in awe at the beauty of
a noru incurs the gods’ wrath, there are those who these deerfolk as they stride through the wilderness,
distrust them for a history of rumored, clandestine scintillating in the summer sun.
activities. Noru live for only up to 60 years, but they do not
Noru are admired for their radiant golden fur believe anyone who dies is ever truly gone. Noru are
and divine origins, but also misunderstood due to a considered young until they reach the age of 10.
perceived lack of emotion. This personality trait stems
from the fact that many noru can communicate with
spirits, understand portents from the great beyond,
and see this world and everything in it to a degree Noru society follows a strict hierarchy that treasures
far deeper than they can share with most. Reclusive oracles and those with greater capacity to communicate
forest-dwellers who show their hearts only partially with the gods. To ward against outside influences
lest they risk being swept into others’ designs, noru are affecting the deliverance of the gods’ words, tribes keep
nonetheless deeply intertwined with Danguk’s destiny. to secluded, forested lands, sometimes sharing spaces
with elven clans. Though elders keep to their traditions
If you want to play a quadruped who serves as a link
of self-imposed deprivation to devote their souls and
between nature, the gods, and the mortal realm, you
earthly bodies to the gods, some younger noru eschew
should play a noru.
these traditionalist practices and venture on their own
You Might… into conventional society. Former tribes rarely welcome
• Wonder whether to be a passive observer of these young noru back into their graces. Others
humanity or an active participant. stricken with wanderlust try meeting the clans halfway
• Be more at home in the wilderness than a by serving as traveling messengers that maintain their
city. tribe’s information network, delivering prophecies to
• Struggle to reveal your true emotions to all government officials and mudang or receiving them
but your closest confidants. from neighboring noru tribes.

Others Probably… Alignment and Religion

• Express frustration at your neutral outlook Most noru are Neutral or Lawful Neutral, and this
on life, demanding that you pick a side. alignment choice occasionally draws ire from more
• Ask you philosophical questions about passionate ancestries, who believe that any folk who
Hwanung himself. once walked alongside Hwanung should take a more
• Call upon you to interpret signs from ghosts active approach in Danguk’s affairs. They revere him
and other restless spirits. as the true founder of the country over the mortal
Dangun. Noru seek revelations from the Ascended,
venerating them as the greatest of Hwanung’s children.
Recognizing that the ascended heroes of Danguk still
Physical Description
Nine Heavens Press 53 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
have important roles to play in the country’s history, their worship revolves Noru Mechanics
around inscribing a living canon that would guide people in their moment
to moment lives.

Adventurers Hit Points

The noru connection with nature and the gods have resulted in many 8
becoming either clerics, druids, or rangers. Noru oracles - some who descend Size
from ancient bloodlines and claim to see the wishes of all the gods all at once Medium
- are also common.
A majority of noru serve as natural mudang, intervening in conflicts
between the material and the spiritual. Other recurring backgrounds include 25 feet
acolyte, hunter, nomad, or scout. Ability Boosts
Names Wisdom
Because noru believe themselves to be vessels of deities, they often take Free
on simple, one syllable names. While most Dangukese names have two
syllables, the noru leave out one syllable in order to leave empty space to be Ability Flaw(s)
filled by the gods. Constitution
Sample Names Languages
Bo, Dal, Hae, Jeong, Jin, Min, Nam, Seok, Sun, Won, Yoon Common
Other Information
Additional languages equal to
Spy Networks Noru tribes understand that battles can be won or lost your Intelligence modifier (if it’s
through the information each side can access. Instead of sharing the gods’ positive). Choose from Celestial,
words, some dedicated themselves to regulating the spread of magical Draconic, Dwarvish, Elven,
secrets. These noru disguise themselves to infiltrate scholarly or religious Primordial, and Sylvan and any
organizations to learn what they know. If they find information that tribe other languages to which you
elders deem a threat to Danguk, they’re ordered to purge it as necessary. have access (such as the languages
Sometimes a noru operative might live the rest of their days in deep cover prevalent in your region).
without hearing from their tribe.
Noru Atheists Despite their ability to speak with spirits and the gods, it’s
not uncommon for noru to forgo worship. They accept the gods as part of Quadruped
the universe, but feel no need to worship it just as they do not worship the air You have four legs instead of
or trees in nature. This outlook of the divine bolsters a noru oracle’s ability two. Your speed is 30 feet.
to maintain impartiality as a conduit for all gods, not just their favored one.

Noru Heritages
From carrying out secret scouting missions to interpreting esoteric
messages, noru clans possess a far-reaching range of skills. Choose one of
the following noru heritages at level 1.

Cavalier Noru
Your clan served as warriors, and you are unafraid of rushing into battle
headfirst with your antlers stretched outwards. You gain a gore unarmed
attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your gore attack is in the brawling
group and has the agile and unarmed trait.
Nine Heavens Press 54 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Messenger Noru such as height. When transforming into this form,
you lose your antlers, appear to have two legs, and
Your ancestors honed their ability to travel far in
your skin still glimmers with gold. You also lose any
short periods of time and were renowned for delivering
unarmed strikes you gained from a noru heritage
critical messages. You can cast the message cantrip as a
or ancestry feat. You can remain in your bipedal
divine innate spell. In addition, when you use the Hustle
form indefinitely, and you can shift back to your true
exploration action, you can hustle for an additional 10
noru form by using this action again. If you want to
minutes, and your group can use your Constitution
Impersonate someone, using Bipedal Form counts
modifier to determine how fast they hustle together.
as creating a disguise.
Operative Noru
Clan Acolyte [FEAT 1]
Wary of history and legends where divine knowledge
has been misused to satisfy the greed of mortals, your Noru
clan has devoted itself to regulating information. You You’ve attuned to a fragment of the spiritual world
gain the Keeper of Secrets ancestry feat and a +1 status through long hours of training. Choose one cantrip
bonus on all Gather Information checks, which you with the divination trait from the divine spell list. You
cannot critically fail. can cast this cantrip as a divine innate spell at will.
A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half
Scout Noru your level rounded up.
You come from a line of hunters and warriors who’ve
learned to predict incoming danger from cues in the Divining the Departed [FEAT 1]
natural world. You gain an imprecise tremorsense Noru
with a range of 30 feet, allowing you to detect other The lingering threads of life left behind in
creatures standing on your same surface. You also gain graveyards and other places of rest sing to you, and
a +1 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls. sometimes you can hear whispers of vital information
from spirits. You can use your Religion skill instead
Shaman Noru of Diplomacy to Gather Information in graveyards or
You’ve inherited the ability to intuit the will of spirits other places where many people have died.
and act as an interpreter for those who have passed on. Critical Success The information fills your
You gain the Divining the Departed ancestry feat and head instantly, without you needing to spend
negative resistance equal to half your level, rounded time gathering it.
down (minimum 1). Success You gather the information, but
need to spend a period of time in deep
Noru Feats concentration. This period is determined by
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain the GM (typically an hour, but sometimes
an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at more).
5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a noru, you select Critical Failure The spirits turn on you for
from among the following ancestry feats. disturbing their rest. You take 1d6 negative
damage from the spectral backlash.
1st Level If you fail your check to Gather Information, you
can still subsequently attempt to Gather Information
Bipedal Form [FEAT 1] normally.

Concentrate | Divine | Noru | Polymorph |

Golden Allure [FEAT 1]
Noru | Visual
You’ve learned to blend in outside of your clan by
transforming into a specific elven form. This elven You’ve honed your body language and make
form is the same age and body type as your noru use of your golden exterior to subtly manipulate
form, and has roughly analogous physical traits, conversations.You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to
Nine Heavens Press 55 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
your Deception, Diplomacy, or Performance checks 5th Level
on any target that can see you. Whatever the result,
immediately after your check the target becomes Charging Joust [FEAT 5]
immune to this effect for 1 day.
Hide Scent [FEAT 1] Trigger You Stride.
Noru You gallop forwards and lash out with your weapon
in one swift motion. You can make a Strike with a
A life in the wilds has taught you to mask your
weapon that has the jousting trait.
aroma to stay hidden from predators. You gain a +2
circumstance bonus to Hide or Sneak from creatures
who rely on scent.
Clan Priest [FEAT 5]
Concentrate | Divination | Divine | Noru
Keeper of Secrets [FEAT 1] Prerequisite Clan Acolyte
Noru You attune to the voice of the gods, increasing
Your clan has learned to limit the flow of information your mastery over their magical gifts. Choose a
imparted by the gods until the time to reveal such common 1st-level spell with the divination trait in
secrets is right. You are trained in Deception. If you the divine spell list. You can cast that spell once per
would automatically become trained in Deception day as an innate divine spell.
(from your background or class, for example), you
instead become trained in a skill of your choice. Morning Fortune [FEAT 5]
You also gain the Secret Speech feat for any secret Divination | Noru
society of your choice. This feat can also be used to
impart coded messages to other noru. Frequency once per day
You mentally commune with deities on a daily
Noru Lore [FEAT 1] basis, imparting the luck they give you onto your
companions. During your daily preparations, you can
perform a simple ritual that grants up to five willing
You’ve delved into the history of how your people Small or Medium humanoids a +2 circumstance
walk a fine line of neutrality in Danguk. You gain the bonus to their next initiative roll.
trained proficiency rank in Diplomacy and Religion.
If you would automatically become trained in one Noru Weapon Stratagem [FEAT 5]
of those skills (from your background or class, for
example), you instead become trained in a skill of Noru
your choice. You also become trained in Noru Lore. Prerequisite Noru Weapon Familiarity
You’ve learned to use your weapons with superior
Noru Weapon Familiarity [FEAT 1] maneuvering. Whenever you critically hit using one
Noru of the weapons listed in Noru Weapon Familiarity or
a weapon with reach, you apply the weapon’s critical
You’re accustomed to weapons that take
specialization effect.
advantage of your quadrupedal build. You are trained
with the bo staff, composite shortbow, glaive, lance,
shortbow, and war lance. You also gain access to all 9th Level
weapons with the reach trait.
Clan Hierophant [FEAT 9]
Prerequisite Clan Priest
Your attunement to the profound becomes keener.
Choose a common 3rd-level spell with the divination

Nine Heavens Press 56 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

trait in the divine spell list. You can cast that spell Failure The target takes 3d8 mental
once per day as an innate divine spell. damage and is doomed 1
Critical Failure As failure, but the target
Sharpened Antlers [FEAT 9] becomes doomed 2.
Noru Weapon Expertise [FEAT 13]
Prerequisites cavalier noru heritage
You’ve sharpened the appendages extending from
You increase your training in the weapons of your
your head to razor points and practiced using them
people. Whenever you gain a class feature that
as effective combat tools. Your gore attack deals 2d6
grants you expert or greater proficiency in certain
piercing damage and gains the deadly d8 and shove
weapons, you also gain that proficiency rank in
all weapons you are trained in from Noru Weapon
Thousand-Li Dash [FEAT 9]
Noru Seal Knowledge [FEAT 13]
Prerequisites messenger noru heritage Divine | Divination | Mental | Noru
Frequency once per minute Prerequisites Keeper of Secrets
You’ve learned a supersonic dash comparable to Frequency once per day
the cheonma of legends, and your sudden speed
You harness your divine magic to erase or lock
toys with the perception of your foes. You Stride
away specific, harmful information from the mind
up to a number of feet equal to two times your
of someone who would misuse it. Target a creature
normal speed. While striding, you are immune to
within 30 feet to cause it to forget a specific piece
any actions that might target you, such as Attack
of knowledge. This creature must attempt a Will
of Opportunity. After you Stride, you can attempt to
save against your class DC or spell DC (whichever
Create a Diversion or Hide from your enemies. You
is higher).
cannot use Thousand-Li Dash if you have another
creature Grabbed. Critical Success The target is unaffected
and realizes you tried to alter its mind.
13th Level Success The target is stupefied 1 for 1
minute and remembers the specified piece
Channel Death [FEAT 13] of knowledge you sealed away after the
condition ends.
Curse | Mental | Noru
Failure The target is stupefied 2 for 1
Frequency once per hour minute and forgets the specified piece of
Trigger A creature succeeds on a critical hit against knowledge. It can try to Recall Knowledge to
you or inflicts you with the doomed condition. remember.
Your divine gifts instinctively lash out against your Critical Failure As failure, but the target
enemy, returning death with death. The creature that gains a permanent -4 circumstance penalty
targeted you must attempt a Will save against your on the appropriate skill to Recall Knowledge.
class DC or spell DC (whichever is higher) or become
doomed. This condition value can’t be reduced
Spirit Whisperer [FEAT 13]
below 1 while you can see the target. Regardless of Divine | Divination | Noru
the outcome, the target is then temporarily immune Prerequisite Divining the Departed
to Channel Death for 1 minute.
You imbue the dead with the power of speech,
Critical Success The target is unaffected. gaining answers that were long thought lost. Once
Success The target takes 2d8 mental per hour, you can cast the talking corpse spell as a
damage. divine innate spell.

Nine Heavens Press 57 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

17th Level

Arbiter of Retribution [FEAT 17]

You’ve learned to draw forth the disastrous
consequences of people’s actions, forcing them to
submit to their ultimate fates. Once per day, you
can cast suspended retribution as a 7th-level divine
innate spell. Your version of this spell can target up
to two creatures.

Beyond the Mortal Veil [FEAT 17]

Piercing the veil of this world is child’s play when
one can temporarily borrow the vision of the gods.
Once per day, you can summon the invisible eye of
a deity by casting prying eye as a 7th-level divine
innate spell. Your version of this spell benefits from
true seeing and is immune to all damage except for
force or negative damage. If the eye is destroyed,
it passes the effects of true seeing onto you for 10

Divine Medium [FEAT 17]

Divine | Noru | Polymorph | Transmutation
You invoke into your body a divine host and take
on a form powered by sheer retribution. Once per
day, you can cast divine vessel as a 7th-level divine
innate spell. Your version of this spell lasts for 5
minutes and ignores restrictions on deities, either
appearing as a servitor of Hwanung or a deity that
you worship, if you have one.

Nine Heavens Press 58 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

The sangun, or the Lords of the Mountain, are a catfolk heritage who can trace their bloodlines back to Honyeo
the Primordial Tiger, a figure in Danguk’s founding venerated as a legendary divine beast. This connection is proven
through the energy that transforms some sangun into a living avatar of their convictions, giving them wondrous
aspects reminiscent of Honyeo herself. In their normal state, sangun are tiger-shaped humanoids who stand tall and

Undisputed masters of the frigid country of stretch up to 250 years. Sangun mature at the same rate
Hodamguk, the so-called Land of Tiger Tales, sangun as humans, but are considered young until they reach
are a territorial folk who see themselves as guardians the age of 30.
of the weak, feeling that most outsiders require their
protection until proven otherwise. Sangun possess an
unmatched cunning, striking only when victories are
certain, and adhere to a deeply spiritual philosophy Sangun base their lives around the wishes of Honyeo,
which states that the Primordial Tiger had a grand plan who tasked her tiger-shaped creations to watch over
for the world, and all individuals within it are part of the children of Ungnyeo, the Primordial Bear who
this eternally-unfolding project. embraced mortality. To serve as effective protectors,
sangun place great importance on achieving strength
If you want to play a strong-willed tiger with a
via discipline and an unyielding sense of responsibility,
reverent link to a divine ancestor, you should play a
and the various clans of Hodamguk are all structured on
adhering to the will of the strongest. Sangun also believe
that all people are shards of a collective consciousness,
You Might… and regularly tell stories about how the experiences of
one individual are merely a small speck in the grand
• Train ceaselessly to achieve new levels of
tapestry woven by their divine mother. This belief fuels
the sangun way of life, explaining why these dedicated
• Possess an unyielding sense of conviction
tigerfolk feel such a strong urge to safeguard those who
that sometimes gets you in trouble with
cannot safeguard themselves.
authority figures.
• Feel a strong need to guard your Assimilating into wider Danguk has always been
companions from harm. difficult for the sangun, who find that few outsiders fully
comprehend their values and veneration of Honyeo.
In general, sangun command the respect of ordinary
Others Probably… citizens, but often fall into conflict with Danguk’s ruling
• Look up to you, assuming that you are literati, bristling at unjust laws and other offences that
unintimidated by all opponents. they cannot ignore.
• Struggle to understand the depth of your
connection to Honyeo.
• Back away from your transformed states in
Alignment and Religion
fear or awe. Most sangun are Lawful and tend towards Neutral,
but Chaotic sangun exist and are known for their fiery
Physical Description temperaments and tendency to hold grudges.
Compared to other catfolk, sangun have larger, Sangun revere Honyeo as both the mother of their
bulkier frames, with most standing 6 or 7 feet tall and people and the creator of their land, believing that her
weighing between 250 to 320 pounds. Sangun all bear body ossified into the island of Hodamguk. Just as
tiger stripes and can range in color from orange to a Honyeo was regarded as a prideful goddess protective
pale white. of those she regarded as her loves and kin, sangun
shelter the weak and mock the powerful. Rumor has
Sangun lifespans greatly surpass the 60 to 70 years it that an aspect of Honyeo is said to manifest when a
that most of their catfolk peers experience, and typically thousand sangun gather in one place.
Nine Heavens Press 59 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Sangun 1st Level
(Uncommon Catfolk Heritage) Camouflaging Stripes [FEAT 1]
You are one of Honyeo’s children and take pride in Sangun
your bold heritage, never backing down in the face of
You’ve learned to use your stripes to blend
danger. You gain the sangun trait in addition to the
in with your natural environment. You gain a +1
catfolk trait, and you can choose from sangun feats and
circumstance bonus to Stealth checks when you try
catfolk feats whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
to Hide or Sneak in natural terrain.
You are empowered by a specific aspect of Honyeo.
Choose between Lord Guardian, Lord of Beasts and Gift of the Tiger Mother [FEAT 1]
Lord of War at 1st level.

Lord Guardian You’ve looked inward to discover great power gifted

to you by Honyeo. During your daily preparations,
You embody the divine will of the Primordial Tiger choose gouging claw, produce flame, or warp step.
to protect your kin and loved ones. Whenever you Until your next daily preparations, you can cast this
Raise a Shield or cast the shield spell, you also gain a cantrip as an occult innate spell at will. A cantrip is
+1 circumstance bonus on all Fortitude saving throws heightened to a spell level equal to half your level
until you lower your shield or the spell ends. rounded up.

Lord of Beasts Sangun Lore [FEAT 1]

You embody the authority of the Primordial Tiger to Sangun
serve as a leader among the creatures of the wild. You You collect the tales of your people and the
can cast tame as an occult innate cantrip heightened goddess who mothered them. You gain the trained
to half your level, rounded up, and the spell works on proficiency rank in Performance and Occultism. If you
both non-hostile animals and beasts, instead of only on would automatically become trained in one of those
domesticated animals. You also gain a +1 circumstance skills (from your background or class, for example),
bonus to Nature checks to Recall Knowledge about you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.
animals and beasts. You also become trained in Sangun Lore.

Lord of War When Tigers Once Smoked [FEAT 1]

You embody the ambition of the Primordial Sangun | Fortune
Tiger to lead your comrades to victory. You gain Requirements You have used the Performance skill
the Intimidating Glare skill feat. If you roll a critical within the last hour.
success to Demoralize a target, that target’s frightened
condition cannot become lower than 1 as long as they Trigger You fail a Recall Knowledge check.
end their turn within 5 feet of you. Your connection with the collective consciousness
of this world allows you to recount ancient narratives
Sangun Feats that occasionally reveal insight into the present.
Reroll the triggering check and use the second
At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain result.
an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at
5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). You can choose from
sangun feats and catfolk feats whenever you gain an
ancestry feat.

Nine Heavens Press 60 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

5th Level Reflex save against your class DC. At 11th level and
every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by
Blessing of the Tiger Mother [FEAT 5] 1d6.
Will of the Protector [FEAT 9]
Prerequisite Gift of the Tiger Mother
Aura | Sangun
Repeated prayers to the Primordial Tiger have
Prerequisites Lord Guardian
only made your magical potential increase. During
your daily preparations, choose ant haul, command, Frequency once per day
or gust of wind. You can Cast this Spell as a 1st-level You transform your physique into golden fur and
occult innate spell once that day. shining stripes, turning your convictions into the
power to protect others. For 10 minutes, you gain
Tiger’s Grasp [FEAT 5] 10 temporary hit points and emanate a 5-foot aura,
Sangun establishing a temporary link between you and any
ally of your choice. As long as the ally remains within
Prerequisites claw unarmed attack
the aura, they take half damage from all effects that
Your razor-sharp claws dig into your prey. Your deal hit point damage, and you take the remaining
claw Strikes deal an additional 1d8 persistent bleed half. When you take damage through this link, you
damage on a critical hit. don’t apply any resistances, weaknesses, or other
abilities you have to that damage; you simply take
9th Level that amount of damage.

Will of the Conqueror [FEAT 9] 13th Level

Sangun | Emotion | Fear | Mental
Form of the Beast [FEAT 13]
Prerequisites Lord of War
Sangun | Transmutation
Frequency once per day
Prerequisites Will of the Primordial
You let out a mighty roar, gathering the spirits of
fallen warriors into your body to exact your collective Your blazing primordial body knows no limits. You
dreams for victory. Attempt a single Intimidation can use Will of the Primordial twice per day. While
check to Demoralize every enemy within 30 feet. The transformed, you gain the effects of a 4th-level
DC for this check is the lowest Will DC among all the enlarge spell and fire resistance equal to half your
targeted enemies. This Demoralize attempt doesn’t level.
take any penalty for not sharing a language. As long
as a target is frightened by Will of the Conqueror, Grave Marshall [FEAT 13]
they cannot use reactions. Sangun
Prerequisites Will of the Conqueror
Will of the Primordial [FEAT 9]
You fight in tandem with the spirits of the
Sangun | Transmutation
deceased. You can use Will of the Conqueror twice
Prerequisites Lord of Beasts per day. For the next 10 minutes after using Will of
Frequency once per day the Conqueror, your Strikes deal an additional 1d6
negative damage.
You surrender yourself to primordial instincts, with
your physical features changing to match that of your
divine beast ancestor. You gain the effects of a 2nd-
level enlarge spell for 10 minutes. As you transform,
your body bursts into a pillar of fire, dealing 5d6 fire
damage to all creatures within 10 feet, with a basic

Nine Heavens Press 61 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Warden’s Devotion
[FEAT 13]
Prerequisites Will of the Protector
Allies have nothing to fear as long as you remain Barbarian:
near. You can use Will of the Protector twice per day.
While transformed, you and all allies in your aura
gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all saving throws.
Unbound Instinct
In the history of mortals, the strong have shackled
the weak and forced them to do their bidding. When
Might of the Tiger Mother [FEAT 13]
they take everything from you, all you know is anger.
Sangun The collective agonies of the oppressed gather into
Prerequisites Blessing of the Tiger Mother a single vessel that carries their pain and rage: the
Unbound Barbarian. The arrogance of the mighty boils
Honyeo’s blood flows through you, and you
your blood and you temper the pain of their whip into
receive one final fragment of her lingering magic.
an unstoppable blade of rebellion. Your rage will not
During your daily preparations, choose healing well,
stop until all people are free.
moon frenzy, and warding aggression. You can Cast
this Spell as a 5th-level occult innate spell once that
day. You become an expert in divine spell DCs and
divine spell attack rolls. Willingly be held down or refusing to free an
innocent from their bonds.
17th Level
Revolutionary Spirit [Instinct Ability]
Laughing at Death’s Door [FEAT 17] You push beyond all limits of your mortal body to
Sangun muster greater strength. Increase your rage damage
from 2 to 4. In addition, when you go into a rage, your
Frequency once per 10 minutes current and maximum Hit Points increase by your
Trigger You remain conscious after taking a critical level.
hit or critically failing a saving throw.
You’ve learned to take death in stride, sneer at Specialization Ability [7th]
the strongest enemies, and enact divine vengeance When you go into a rage, you increase the
in the name of Honyeo. You gain a +3 circumstance additional damage from Rage from 4 to 8. If you have
bonus to the attack roll of your next Strike. As long greater weapon specialization, instead increase the
as the Strike hits, it is a critical hit. damage from rage from 8 to 12. In addition, you gain
a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against the
paralyzed condition, all attempts to Escape, and your
Reflex DC against attempts to grapple you.

Raging Resistance [9th]

You resist mental and slashing damage.


Barbarian | Rage
Prerequisites unbound instinct
No chain or bondage can hold you for long. You
attempt to escape as part of this Action and if you
succeed, you can Strike the creature imposing the

Nine Heavens Press 62 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

grabbed, immobilized, or restrained condition on ANIMATE INKPIECE [FOCUS 1]
Uncommon | Bard | Conjuration
GALVANIZED EMANCIPATION [FEAT 10] Cast [three-actions] material, somatic, verbal
Barbarian | Rage Range 30 feet
Prerequisites unbound instinct Duration 1 minute
The example you set gives others courage to With a final brushstroke, you imbue your ink piece
press forward beyond their limits. Each ally within with sentience as a Small Ooze. You determine the
30 feet ignores difficult terrain and gains a +2 Inkpiece’s appearance: it can assume the shape of
circumstance bonus on checks, saving throws, and any Small creature or object. It is friendly to you and
Reflex DCs against effects that would forcefully move your companions and obeys your commands. The
them or restrict their movement. On a success, they Inkpiece’s statistics are detailed below:
can make a Strike action as part of their Escape
action against the creature imposing the grabbed, Living Inkpiece
immobilized, or restrained condition on them. Small | Minion | Ooze
Perception 4 + your level
Languages understands the languages you speak
Barbarian | Rage
Amorphous The ink piece can move through a space
Prerequisites unbound instinct, Battle Cry as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Trigger You successfully demoralize an enemy. Hyperrealistic The Inkpiece depicts its subject
You bellow out a cry that inspires you and your with great accuracy. Whenever a creature makes a
companions into sharing your fight for a freer world. Perception check to try and discern its true nature,
When you use Battle Cry, any ally that can hear you it must beat your spell DC. On a success, it can see
gains a +5-foot circumstance bonus to their speed its true nature as an Ooze.
and a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your
AC: 14 + your level Fort 2 + your level,
Ref 2 + your level Will 4 + your level

Bard: Ink Muse

Hit Points: 10 * this spell’s level
Immunities acid, grabbed, mental, prone, restrained
If the spoken word contains power, then the written Speed 25 feet
word is its crystallization. Your muse is an ink to elevate Melee Ink Slam (2 + your level to hit), Damage
the science of inscribing arcane power into parchment 1d8 + this spell’s level plus Grab
to an art. You can breathe life into your brushstrokes
so that they may rise up from their pages. You gain the Heightened (3rd) Increase the damage of Ink Slam
Animate Inkpiece feat and add synchronize to your to 2d8.
repertoire. Heightened (4th) Increase the HP to 15 * this
spell’s level.
ANIMATE INKPIECE [FEAT 1] Heightened (6th) Increase the damage of Ink Slam
Bard to 3d8, increase the bonus to hit to 4 + your level
and increase AC to 16 + your level.
Prerequisites ink muse
With a broad brushstroke, you create a living Heightened (7th) Increase the AC to 4 + your level.
inkpiece. You gain the animate inkpiece composition Heightened (9th) Increase the damage of Ink Slam
spell. Increase the number of focus points in your to 4d8.
Focus Points.

Nine Heavens Press 63 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Bard Bard
Prerequisites ink muse Prerequisites ink muse
You create a special inkbrush to summon in When you start your daily preparations, you can
combat. The Inkbrush is a tiny item that produces inscribe a rune on a parchment to store in it a spell
ink in your choice of color. You can use it to inscribe you know up to 5th level. You do not expend the spell
brushstrokes against the air, not just flat, physical slot to inscribe it. The rune is usable only by you and
surfaces. As a manipulate action, the Inkbrush you must use the specified casting time of the spell
can grow or shrink up to one size category up to in order to cast it. Only a single spell rune you create
Small. The brush deals 1d4 bludgeoning, piercing can exist at a time. The rune deteriorates at the start
or slashing damage (your choice) and has the agile, of your next daily preparations.
finesse, and thrown 20 feet traits. This is in the
knife weapon group. You can inscribe runes to your
Inkbrush as if it were any other weapon. Champion Cause:
[FEAT 6]
[Chaotic Good]
Prerequisites ink muse In the world the gods created, they’ve left to mortals
You can sacrifice some of your own magical Arcana, a means of understanding and manipulating
power to restore the image of your Inkpiece. You can the code in which the laws of creation were written.
expend a focus point and restore hit points equal to Paladins who follow the Oath of the Mystics swear to
your level plus your Charisma modifier. protect arcane knowledge and oversee the applications
of magic against its abuse. While they understand that
INK SPELL [FEAT 8] the arcane arts can ease and elevate the lives of the
common man, the selfishness of sorcerer kings and lich
lords of the past have resulted in untold casualties.
Prerequisites ink muse
The warriors that answer this calling are usually
You can cast a spell through your Inkpiece as if it had studious guardians that hone both their bodies and
cast the spell. You can ignore the verbal components of minds to understand and protect themselves against the
the spell and have the Inkpiece perform the somatic wicked mages they make their quarries. Such paladins
components as an extension of yourself. can often be found in service of deities of magic or
as warriors under the employ of arcane universities,
INK SHIELD [FEAT 10] charged with protecting their libraries and forbidden
Bard vaults. Many swear allegiance to good-aligned dragons
to protect their troves full of lost secrets that could
Prerequisites ink muse devastate swaths of people in fell hands.
Trigger Your next action is to cast animate inkpiece Add the following tenets after the tenets of good:
When you create your Living Inkpiece, you can • Appreciate the nigh-infinite vastness of the
create it with half its original Hit Points (rounded realms and be voracious in learning new
up) while a protective layer of ink surrounds you, information.
giving you temporary hit points equal to its current • Never withhold information from people
Hit Points. If an adjacent creature makes a melee that cannot be used to harm others or
Strike against you while you still have temporary hit themselves. Be generous with sharing what
points in this way, they take acid damage equal to you’ve learned from your experiences with
your Charisma modifier. people.
• Do not tolerate the destruction or the
abuse of information. All knowledge must
Nine Heavens Press 64 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
be preserved and any efforts to destroy or next turn.
exploit them against the lives of people
must be subdued. AURA OF SPELL TURNING [FEAT 6]
• Steel yourself against the mellifluous voices
of wicked creatures that tempt you with
power. Might attained by simple means Your understanding of magical arts hones your
must be paid with an impossible debt. aura to dilute harmful spells. Whenever you succeed
or critically succeed a saving throw against a magical
CHAMPION’S REACTION effect, you grant all allies within 15 feet of you a +1
circumstance bonus to their saving throw (+2 if you
critically succeeded).
Trigger An ally takes damage from a creature under Uncommon | Champion | Conjuration |
the effects of a spell or takes damage from a spell Manipulate | Teleportation
and that ally is within 15 feet of you.
Your control over magic allows you to cleave
You attempt to sever the flow of magic augmenting through space, opening a temporary rift in
the wicked. The ally gains resistance against the dimensions. You teleport up to half your Speed to an
triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. The foe unoccupied space you can see.
that targeted your ally must make a Will saving throw.
Critical Success The target is unaffected. GOVERNOR OF MAGIC [FEAT 20]
Success The target is stupefied 1 until the Champion | Polymorph | Transmutation
end of its next turn.
Failure The target is stupefied 2 and clumsy Frequency once per 10 minutes
1 until the end of its next turn. You wield the authority befitting the ultimate
Critical Failure The target is stupefied 2 arbitrator of magical power. You gain the following
and clumsy 2 until the end of its next turn. benefits for 1 minute:
• You gain resistance equal to your level
DIVINE SMITE [9th] against all damage from magical effects.
Your spellsundering leaves a lasting effect. A foe • Your weapon channels magical energy
that is stupefied from your reaction takes persistent that adds an extra damage die on a
mental damage equal to your Charisma modifier. successful hit.
• If you successfully damage a creature
EXALT [11th] with a melee Strike and that creature
You not only protect your ally but any ally that is is sustaining a magical effect, you can
affected by magic. Any ally within 15 feet of you can make a Counteracting attempt using
use their reaction to repeat a saving throw against your class DC -10 for your counteracting
the DC of an ongoing magical effect afflicting them. modifier.


Prerequisites mystics cause
You gain a glimpse of knowledge when you
punish a creature for using magic around you.
When you use the Spellsunder reaction, you gain
a +2 circumstance bonus to all Arcana, Nature,
Occultism, or Religion checks until the end of your

Nine Heavens Press 65 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Cleric: Treat Disease or Poison: If the result of the
check was a critical success, the diseased

Hearth Domain
or poisoned creature is cured of their
Deities: Adanye, Dwarven Pantheon, Erastil, Treat Wounds: If the result of the check
Falayna, Folgrit, Grundinnar, Hearth and was a critical success, the target heals for
Harvest, Jowangshin, Keepers of the Hearth, double the result of the dice rolled for the
Mazludeh, The Offering Plate, Thisamet listed effect.
Domain Spell: Law of Hospitality,
Advanced Domain Spell: Soothe the Wounded
Heart Uncommon | Cleric
You govern the ironclad laws of hospitality. Your culinary abilities bring divine inspiration.
You can spend 10 minutes preparing a meal for up
LAW OF HOSPITALITY [FOCUS 1] to six creatures. If you use a spell, ritual, or activity
Uncommon | Abjuration | Cleric | Emotion | that creates food such as create food and water or
Mental the heroes’ feast ritual, each creature that partakes
in your meal gains additional temporary Hit Points
Domain hearth
equal to half your level + your Wisdom modifier.
Cast [Three-Actions] material, somatic

Jeoseung Saja Patron

Area 10-foot emanation
Duration 10 minutes
A warm sphere glowing with dim light that inspires
gentle memories appears around you. While in Theme
this sphere, each creature gains +2 status to Rare
ability checks involving Making an Impression and Your patron is a Jeoseung Saja, a herald that
Performance. If a creature leaves the spell’s area or represents the bureaucracy governing the cycle
uses a hostile action, they no longer benefit from its between life and death. They answer to Princess Bari,
effects. the Goddess of Passing, who ordered those under her
A foe attempting to attack a creature in the charge to bring peaceful passage to those whose lives
emanation suffers a backlash from the hearth, concluded. They rarely compromise and pursue to the
taking 1d6 positive damage. The target must ends of the world without rest those marked for death.
attempt a basic Reflex save and the spell ends. You may have had a brush with death that put you
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6. into contact with a Jeoseung Saja. Though your time
hadn’t come, your experience with death enabled both
SOOTHE THE WOUNDED HEART of you to sign a contract that puts you under their
charge in the underworld bureaucracy. You may have
experienced the terror of the undead and decided you
Uncommon | Cleric | Divination | Mental wanted to make a difference preserving the natural
Cast material, somatic; Trigger You or an ally flow of the world.
within range attempts a Medicine check. Gifted with the Regalia of the Death God, you have
Range 30 feet; Targets the triggering creature the power to mark those destined for death and protect
yourself against necrotic energies.
You guide the administering of aid with gentle
providence. When a target treats a creature using a Spell List divine
Medicine check, they gain a status bonus equal to Patron Skill Religion
this spell’s level. In addition, they gain the following
Hex Cantrip regalia of the death god
benefits depending on the action:
Granted Spell bane
Nine Heavens Press 66 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Rare | Cantrip | Hex | Negative | Polymorph | You take on the benefits of Princess Bari. You
Transmutation | Witch gain the following benefits:
Cast somatic • +1 circumstance bonus on all recovery
Targets self
• Any Strike you make against a creature
Duration sustained up to 1 minute that has the slowed condition or has a
You wear the uniform of the Jeoseung Saja for speed penalty gains a +1 circumstance
1 minute. Your shadow wraps around you and your bonus to your Strike.
body no longer emits warmth, but the chilling mist of • You become incorporeal. You can move
the graveyard. You gain the following benefits: through other creatures and objects as if
they were Difficult Terrain. You take 2d10
• Your AC is 13 + your level.
force damage if you end your turn inside
• You gain resistance to negative damage
a creature or object and are forced out
equal to this cantrip’s level.
into an adjacent square.
• Once during your turn, you can spend a
Major Lesson
Manipulate action to force a creature to
make a Will saving throw, taking a -5-foot Lesson of the Reaper You gain the reaper’s
status penalty to their Speed or reduced judgment hex and your familiar learns rip the spirit.
to 0 on a critical failure until the end of
their next turn. REAPER’S JUDGMENT [FOCUS 5]
Basic Lesson Enchantment | Fortune | Hex | Witch
Lesson of Spirits Cast somatic, verbal
You gain the underworldly vision hex, and your Target 1 creature
familiar learns spirit link.
Duration until the end of your turn
UNDERWORLDLY VISION [Focus 1] The pain your weapons inflict is amplified by the
weight of your target’s sins. When rolling damage
Divination Hex Witch
due to a Strike or a spell, you can roll twice for the
Cast somatic damage, taking the better result.
Target self
Duration 1 minute
You perceive the shapes of mortality among the
living. You gain life sense (imprecise) 30 feet and
if the creature is within sight of you this becomes
Greater Lesson
Lesson of the Abandoned Princess
You gain the princess bari’s blessing hex, and
your familiar learns locate.


Rare | Hex | Polymorph | Transmutation |
Cast somatic, verbal

Nine Heavens Press 67 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Monk: Element: Cold

Way of the Dosa Strengthens: Fire
Is Strengthened By: Water
The Five Agents flow in two eternal cycles, one of
generation and one of strife. A spiritual monk finds Overcomes: Wood
their balance in these flows, then steps into the stream Is Overcome By: Metal
where they will to make themselves a part of it. With Skill: Medicine, Nature
greater skill comes deeper steps and greater strengths, Element: Poison
but also a greater commitment to the flow.
Each of the five elements strengthens one element
and is strengthened by another; each is overcome by
one element and overcomes another. Each has an
associated skill or skills and an associated element. As
the Dosa flows in harmony from one element to the
next, each elements strengthens and weakens the Dosa
in various ways depending on the monk’s level.


Strengthens: Earth
Is Strengthened By: Wood
Overcomes: Metal
Is Overcome By: Water
Skill: Intimidation, Performance
Element: Fire
Is Strengthened By: Fire [FEAT 1]
Overcomes: Water
Is Overcome By: Wood Monk Stance
Skill: Athletics Requirements You are unarmored.
Element: Bludgeoning You find balance in the harmony of elements and
take your first steps in the generative flow. Choose
Metal an element. You can use skill actions associated
Strengthens: Water with that skill even if you are not trained in the skill
Is Strengthened By: Earth already. This does not qualify you for prerequisites
Overcomes: Wood such as skill feats. You can use the Aid action using
Is Overcome By: Fire the skill. If you are already trained in the associated
Skill: Persuasion, Insight skill, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Aid. This
Element: Slashing, piercing increases to +2 if you are an expert, +3 if you’re a
master, and +4 if you’re legendary.
At the beginning of your next turn, you must
Strengthens: Wood shift your element to the element that your current
Is Strengthened By: Metal element strengthens. For example, if you chose
Overcomes: Fire Wood, you must then shift your element to Fire.
Is Overcome By: Earth
Skill: Acrobatics The only Strikes you can make in this stance are

Nine Heavens Press 68 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

energy generation attacks. These deal 1d8 damage Your ally can only gain this benefit until the start of
of the appropriate element type associated with your your next turn.
current element. The Strike gains the appropriate • Fire +2 circumstance bonus to Reflex
trait and has the finesse trait. These Strikes are in saves.
the brawling weapon group. • Earth Can treat all falls as if they were 15
feet lower.
FIRST STEPS INTO THE OVERCOMING • Metal +2 circumstance bonus to AC
FLOW [FEAT 6] against ranged Strikes.
Monk • Water +2 circumstance bonus to Will
Prerequisites Flow of Generation Stance
• Wood +2 circumstance bonus to
Requirements You are in Flow of Generation Stance Fortitude saves against afflictions,
You begin dabbling in the more dangerous and diseases, and poisons.
more destructive overcoming flow. Until the start of
your next turn, you gain resistance to the associated SUBSUMED IN THE FLOW [FEAT 16]
with the element your current element overcomes Monk
equal to your level. In addition, when you make an Prerequisites Flow of Generation Stance
energy generation attack, you deal 1 additional
damage of the associated element you are in. This Requirements You are in the Flow of Generation
increases to 2 if you’re an expert in unarmed strikes, Stance
3 if you’re a master, or 4 if you’re legendary. Your mastery of the elemental cycles is as natural
to you as breathing. You gain the following benefits
TO MOVE WITH IT IS TO MOVE IT based on your element:
[FEAT 10] • Fire Fly Speed equal to your Speed.
Monk • Earth Burrow Speed equal to your Speed.
• Metal +10-foot circumstance bonus to
Prerequisites Flow of Generation Stance
your Speed.
Requirements You are in the Flow of Generation • Water Swim Speed equal to your Speed;
Stance in addition, you can breathe underwater.
Trigger You begin your turn • Wood Climb Speed equal to your Speed.
You speed or slow the progression of the cycle.
You can remain in your current element or switch to
another element of your choice until the start of your
next turn.


Prerequisites Flow of Generation Stance
Requirements You are in the Flow of Generation
Your mastery of the flow increases. While you
are in the Flow of Generation Stance, you gain
resistance to the element that strengthens your
current element equal to your level. In addition,
when you take damage of your current element, as
a reaction, you can grant a bonus to one ally that
you can see that depends on your current element.
Nine Heavens Press 69 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Ranger: Duration 1 minute or until you ask all 3 questions
You imbue a plant with limited sentience, giving

Emissary of Paradise them the ability to communicate with you. You can ask
up to three questions which they answer according
As a ranger, you’ve perhaps had a near death to their limited knowledge of their surroundings. The
experience that transported you to the magnificent flowers answer you to the best of their abilities.
Flower Fields of Seocheon. Or perhaps, you’ve been
gifted with visions of distant planes where flora of PHOTOSYNTHESIS [FEAT 6]
unrivaled beauty blooms far across the horizons. Either Ranger
way, this fateful occurrence gifted you with the natural
magic of the celestial planes which you’ve dedicated Your link with paradise bolsters, granting you
to use to share the paradise you’ve witnessed with the the aspects of the flowers blooming in the celestial
material plane. Channeling the magic of these divine gardens. You gain resistance to fire damage equal
blossoms, you return life to the wastes and shame the to half your level and a +2 circumstance bonus on
ugliness of your foes’ actions. saving throws against being blinded or dazzled until
the start of your next turn. If you are in dim light, you
and any ally within 10 feet gains 1d4 temporary hit
points. This increases to 1d8 while in bright light.
Prerequisites warden spells ETERNAL GARDENS [FEAT 10]
You channel the life energy of divine flowers. You Ranger
gain the blessed harvest warden spell. Increase the Prerequisites Blessed Harvest
number of focus points in your focus pool by 1.
You spread the spectral roots of the celestial
flower fields. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to
all primary checks to perform the plant growth ritual
Uncommon | Evocation | Positive | Ranger and don’t need a secondary caster. In addition, the
Cast somatic cast time is reduced to 12 hours. If you succeed
or critically succeed and have the Photosynthesis
Duration 1 minute
ranger feat, double the temporary Hit Point bonus
You channel the life energy of the divine flowers from the Photosynthesis feat while in this area.
of paradise into your attacks. On your first weapon
Strike each round, you deal 2 additional positive GATES OF PARADISE [FEAT 14]
Heightened (+1) Increase the amount of additional
damage by 2. Prerequisites warden spells
You are gifted by the celestial planes with a
LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS [FEAT 2] key to your personal paradise. You gain the gates
of paradise warden spell. Increase the number of
focus spells in your focus pool by 1.
You can cast prestidigitation as an innate primal
cantrip. In addition, you gain the language of flowers GATES OF PARADISE [FOCUS 7]
warden spell. Increase the number of focus points in
your focus pool by 1. Uncommon | Conjuration | Incapacitation |
Ranger | Teleportation
LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS [FOCUS 1] Cast somatic; Requirement Your last action
was a successful Strike against a creature.
Uncommon Divination Druid Plant
Duration varies
Cast somatic, verbal
You banish your foe to your celestial demiplane.
Range 15 feet; Targets 1 plant
Nine Heavens Press 70 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
The foe must make a Will saving throw. UNDERWORLD ARBITER [FEAT 2]
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Rogue
Success The target is teleported to your Prerequisites Naraka Prosecutor Racket
celestial demiplane until the start of your
next turn. The target is incapcacitated while The number of creatures you’ve prosecuted has
in your celestial demiplane. They reappear earned the attention of the Ten Narakwang. You’re
gifted with resistance to negative damage equal to
in the space they left or in the nearest
half your level.
unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
Failure As success but the duration is 1 In addition, when you Ready, you can choose
minute. The target can repeat the Will a creature within 30 feet that you can see. That
saving throw at the end of each of their creature must succeed a Will saving throw, becoming
turns. frightened 1 on a failure or frightened 2 on a critical
Critical Failure As failure but the target failure.
cannot repeat their saving throw.
[FEAT 10]
Rogue: Rogue

Naraka Prosecutor Prerequisites naraka prosecutor racket, Debilitating


Racket You’ve perfected techniques inspired by the

punishments doled out by the task masters of the
Death comes for all beings without distinction, but underworld to deliver preemptive, debilitating strikes
malcontents who wish to subvert the natural order against foes. Add the following debilitations to the
exploit this even-handed system. When ordinary list you can choose from when you use Debilitating
psychopomps fail to capture these fugitives, the Strike.
Narakwangs call in those outside the boundaries of • Debilitation The creature gains
the law to uphold order. As agents of the Underworld, Stupefied 1.
these rogues hound those that defy the call of death • Debilitation The creature takes a -2
to deliver them with their summons to their divine circumstance penalty to their next attack
punishment. roll.
To accomplish this feat, the Narakwangs unlocked
in them the ability to see the ebbs and flows of karmas. CHTHONIC JUSTICE [FEAT 16]
They’re able to instinctively move alongside the ripples Rogue
of intent emanating from outlaws and strike first. Being
The merciless path you’ve walked transforms you
sensitive to the slightest changes in people’s wills paves
into King Yeomra’s living avatar, granting you
the road toward suspicion for ordinary mortals.
authority to dole out punishment to any sin. When
However you attained this power, you have dedicated
you Ready, it takes 1 action instead of 2.
your life to prosecuting and executing those that would
cheat death no matter the cost.
When you Ready or Delay, the first creature you
Strike is flat-footed against the Strike.
You’re trained in Intimidation and Society. You can
choose Charisma as your key ability score.

Nine Heavens Press 71 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Uncommon | Necromancy | Sorcerer
[FEAT 12]

Nine-Tailed Soul Prerequisites you have a fox marble

Your Fox Marble captures your soul. While your
In another lifetime, you or an ancestor crossed paths
with a Gumiho, a shapeshifting, nine-tailed fox whose soul inhabits the Marble, you are aware of your
long life is owed to countless years of accumulating surroundings as if you were in its space. You may
energy in their tails by eating the hearts and magic project your soul up to 100 ft as an incorporeal
of mortals. This energy is gathered into and wielded shadow. You cannot physically interact with other
through a magical item they craft called the Fox Marble. creatures or objects, though you’re able to perceive
Though they are often wicked tricksters, a mortal may each other. You may move through objects or
get the best of them by claiming the marble, their source creatures.
of magic, for themselves. The rare Gumiho who seeks You gain a new body in a day, regaining all of your
to renounce their destructive hunger may be fortunate Hit Points. Your new body appears within 5 ft of your
to meet a sympathetic partner. Fox Marble. If your Fox Marble is destroyed before
Remnants of the reservoir of magical power they’ve your new body rejuvenates, your soul is released
stockpiled manifest again within you as a sorcerer. and you pass on into the afterlife.
This power can curse the Nine-Tailed Soul with an
unceasing hunger for magical energy, but if tamed, the FOXY FORM [FOCUS 1]
guile and bestial might of the trickster fox will be at Uncommon | Polymorph | Sorcerer |
your disposal. Transmutation
Spell List Occult Cast somatic, verbal
Bloodline Skills Deception, Occultism Duration 1 minute (or longer)
Granted Spells cantrip: message, 1st: charm, 2nd: You siphon power from your fox marble, turning
charitable urge, 3rd: bottomless stomach, 4th: you into a tiny fox. You can polymorph into a fox
bestial curse, 5th: subconscious suggestion, 6th: only with the effects of pest form which lasts for 10
vampiric exsanguination, 7th: prismatic spray, 8th: minutes. While transformed this way, you gain a jaws
prismatic wall, 9th: prismatic sphere unarmed attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage,
Bloodline Spells initial: foxy form, advanced: nine- have the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits, and are
pronged sword, greater: beast of calamity in the brawling weapon group. You use your own
attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the
Blood Magic The spherical stone you have granted form’s default attack modifier and gain a +2 status
parts of your essence starts to leak magic, granting bonus to your attack rolls. All fox marble forms last
you a +2 status bonus to Deception checks. This for 1 minute. Forms you can transform into are
stone is called a Fox Marble, has an AC of 15, a automatically heightened to foxy form’s level.
hardness of 5 and 5 hit points.
Heightened (2nd) You can gain the effects of the
STEAL MAGIC [FEAT 6] canine from animal form.

Uncommon | Sorcerer NINE-PRONGED SWORD [FOCUS 3]

Prerequisites counterspell or dispel magic is in your Uncommon | Evocation | Force | Sorcerer
Bloodline nine-tailed soul
You gain vitality from stealing magic from others.
When you successfully counteract a spell, you regain Cast somatic, verbal
1 Focus Point. Range touch; Targets 1 creature
Nine spectral tails surging with magical energy
appear around you and wrap around each other,
forming a shimmering blade. Make a melee spell
Nine Heavens Press 72 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 force
damage. Wizard:
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6.
School of Astromancy
Uncommon | Sorcerer | Polymorph | Astromancy
The Heavens have long captured the imaginations of
Cast somatic, verbal mages and laymen alike, but the School of Astromancy
Duration 1 minute recognizes wisdom and power in the birth, collapse,
and movement of the stars. Considered an offshoot
You transform into the shape of the Gumiho whose
of the school of Divination, Astromancers are adept
blood runs through your veins. This is a Medium
at reading destiny in stars more ancient than the
battle form. You gain the following statistics:
planet, but it is more than that. Wizards draw from the
• AC = 18 + your level ambient energies found in near-eternal supply beyond
• 10 temporary Hit Points this planet and the planes layered within it to power
• Scent (Imprecise) 60 feet their spells beyond ordinary boundaries.
• Your attack modifier is +18, and your
To become an Astromancer requires years of study
damage bonus is +8. These attacks are
in not just the arcane arts, but also Astrology. Rigorous
Strength based (for the purpose of the
study must be paired with an iron discipline to identify
enfeebled condition, for example). If your
and appreciate the magic of the cosmos, but also to
unarmed attack bonus is higher, you can
resist the deceitful whispers of the entities that exist
use it instead.
• Athletics modifier of +18, unless your
own modifier is higher. Typically, wizards of the astromancy school carry
• +5 foot circumstance bonus to your a Tiny spyglass to show their initiation into the
Speed astromancy school. You can use this as your item for
• You can cast any spell with the range of the purposes of the drain bonded magic item class
touch while in Beast of Calamity form. feature. You add one 1st-level divination spell (such as
• Melee fox tail, Damage 2d8 nudge the odds) to your spellbook. You learn the nova
bludgeoning casting school spell.
Heightened (6th) Your battle form is Large and your
attacks have 10-foot reach. You must have space NOVA CASTING [FOCUS 1]
to expand or the spell is lost. You instead gain AC = Uncommon | Evocation | Metamagic |
21+your level, 15 temporary HP, an attack modifier Positive | Wizard
of +23, a damage bonus of +12, and Acrobatics or
Athletics +21. Cast somatic; Requirements Your next action
is to cast a spell that deals energy damage.
Heightened (7th) Your battle form is Huge and your
attacks have 15-foot reach. You must have enough You imbue your spells with celestial power.
space to expand into or the spell is lost. You instead You can substitute the damage type with positive
gain 20 temporary HP, AC = 18 + your level, attack damage instead of the listed damage type. The spell
modifier +18, damage bonus +7 and double the gains the positive trait instead of the appropriate
number of damage dice, and Athletics +23. energy trait.


Uncommon | Metamagic | Wizard
Frequency once per day
Requirements Your next action is to cast a spell

Nine Heavens Press 73 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

that corresponds to your metamagic feat’s school to 2 or lower than your highest level spell
of magic. slot, you gain temporary hit points equal
You align the stars in the heavens and bind to 2 times the spell level.
a fraction of their power to your spellcasting • Transmutation When you cast a
aptitude. Select a magical school. The effects of this Transmutation with a spell level equal to
metamagic feat applies to a spell you cast of the 2 or lower than your highest level spell
corresponding school: slot and requires you to sustain the spell,
you become quickened. You can use this
• Abjuration When you cast an Abjuration quickened action to sustain this spell.
spell with a spell level equal to 2 or lower Special You can select this feat multiple times. Each
than your highest spell slot, your target time, choose a different school of magic and
gains temporary hit points equal to half
your level. While these temporary hit
points are still active, any enemy that
attacks the abjured creature takes force Uncommon | Wizard
damage equal to half your level. Prerequisites astromancy school
• Conjuration When you cast a Conjuration
You summon a bright star upon your enemies.
spell with a spell level equal to 2 or lower
You gain the supernova school spell. Increase the
than your highest spell slot to summon a
number of focus points in your focus pool by 1.
creature with the minion trait, they gain
a +1 status bonus to their AC and attack
• Divination When you cast a Divination Uncommon | Evocation | Fire | Light | Positive
spell with a spell level equal to 2 or lower | Wizard
than your highest spell slot, you may Cast somatic, verbal
choose to treat your level of success
as one degree higher. This effect is Range 150 feet; Area 20-foot burst
expended if you do not use it within 1 Saving Throw Reflex
minute. You summon a star and cause it to explode upon
• Enchantment When you cast an impact. Each creature in the area must make a
Enchantment spell with a spell level basic Reflex saving throw taking 4d10 fire damage
equal to 2 or lower than your highest plus 4d10 additional positive damage to undead
spell slot against a creature you’re in creatures. Each creature in the area must attempt
combat with, they cannot benefit from a Reflex save.
any circumstance bonuses to their saving
throw. Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
• Evocation When you roll damage from an Success The creature takes half damage.
Evocation spell with a spell level equal Failure The creature takes full damage and
to 2 or lower than your highest spell slot, is dazzled until the end of their next turn.
you may reroll any 1’s, taking the new Critical Failure The creature takes full
result.This is a fortune effect. damage and is blinded for 1 minute.
• Illusion When you cast an Illusion spell If the globe overlaps with an area of magical
with a spell level equal to 2 or lower darkness, sunburst attempts to counteract the
than your highest spell slot, you can turn darkness effect.
yourself invisible. You can use an action Heightened (+1) Increase the number of damage
to sustain this effect. Casting another die by 1d10.
spell or making an attack roll ends both
• Necromancy When you cast a
Necromancy spell with a spell level equal

Nine Heavens Press 74 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

HAWKEYE Prerequisites hawkeye dedication
You fire a bolt or an arrow through two or more
Though many archers have gotten clever with firing creatures. Make a ranged Strike against a creature.
magical or trick arrows, a hawkeye relies on no such If any creatures are in the line of fire when you make
gimmicks. They’re snipers for whom aim is everything. this Strike, they must make a basic Reflex saving
While they may not hit their mark’s vitals every time, throw or take half the damage die plus your weapon
they have a working knowledge of creatures’ biological specialization in damage.
functions to make sure all of their shots debilitate them.
Additional Feats 10th: Called Shot (guns and gears) DEFENSIVE SHOT [FEAT 14]
Prerequisites hawkeye dedication
Archetype | Dedication
Trigger Your marked creature makes a Strike against
Prerequisites archer dedication an ally and the marked creature is within the first
You are a sniper for whom aim is everything. You range increment of your ranged weapon
gain the Hawkeye Action. You attempt to Strike the creature before it has
Special You cannot gain another the chance to harm an ally. Make a ranged Strike
dedication feat until you have gained 2 against the creature. On a critical success, the
other feats from the hawkeye archetype. target takes a -2 circumstance penalty to their Strike
Hawkeye archetype feats count as archer against the ally.
feats for the purposes of gaining feats
and the special requirement of the archer JUMONG’S GAMBIT [Feat 18]
dedication. Archetype
Hawkeye Prerequisites hawkeye dedication
Make a Seek action. If you successfully Seek a The god of archery blesses your aim. Make a
creature, that creature is marked. While you have ranged Strike with a -4 circumstance penalty. On a
maked this creature, you can treat the flat check successful Strike, you can treat your level of success
DC to target the hidden or concealed creature as 2 as if it was a critical success. On a critical success,
lower when targeting them with a ranged Strike. If you can roll 2 extra damage die with the Strike on
the marked creature takes cover, you can treat their top of the normal benefits of a critical success.
level of cover as one lower when targeting them with
a ranged Strike. You can only have one creature
marked at a time.


Prerequisites hawkeye dedication
Your range as an archer expands to cover great
distances. Increase the range increments of all
ranged weapons you use by 40 feet when targeting
your marked creature. This is only 20 feet when
targeting any other creature that is not your marked



Nine Heavens Press 75 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Tactician CLASSES
A natural commander on the battlefield, you advance your forces and issue orders from atop a powerful mount.
The nuances and timing of your daring gambits can overcome the fiercest of foes, and the sight of you riding through
the tide of combat inspires awe. Outside of battle, your keen intuition and education garner respect, and those who
adventure by your side feel thankful for your leadership.


Charisma 8 plus your Constitution Modifier At 1st level, you gain the
At 1st level, your class gives you an You increase your maximum number listed proficiency ranks in
ability boost to Charisma. of HP by this number at 1st level and the following statistics. You
every level thereafter. are untrained in anything not
listed unless you gain a better
DURING COMBAT ENCOUNTERS… proficiency rank in some
other way.
You issue orders from your mount and utilize strategies far beyond those of
an average combatant. Depending on your military art, you might specialize PERCEPTION
at either charging into the fray, elevating morale with magic, or discerning Expert in Perception
the best way to bring a monster to its knees.
Your knowledge of the art of war extends to debates, negotiations, and Trained in Reflex
other social situations, and you exude a presence that either inspires others Expert in Will
or intimidates them.
WHILE EXPLORING… Trained in Nature or Society
You stay alert, always conscious of incoming ambushes or traps. Your can Trained in a number of
discern subtle signs of warfare in the environment that most would miss, and additional skills equal to
you never fail to relay this information to your comrades. 3 plus your Intelligence
You hone your skillset by practicing fighting techniques, researching
Trained in simple weapons
military history, or delving into obscure creature lore. When not training,
Trained in martial weapons
you might spend time bonding with your mount, ensuring that it remains
Trained in unarmed attacks
your most loyal companion.
YOU MIGHT… Trained in light armor
• Regularly be called upon by rulers to lead their newest campaigns. Trained in medium armor
• Readily quote the events of dozens of bygone wars, almost as if you served
in these conflicts personally. CLASS DC
• Deeply value the lives of your friends, knowing that sudden death can Trained in tactician class DC
strike from anywhere in the chaos of the front lines.

• Defer to you when formulating a plan of attack.
• Eagerly follow your orders or challenge your authority, depending on
their relationship with you.
• Assume that you only see people as soldiers and the world as one big
Nine Heavens Press 76 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Key Terms Design A Gambit
You’ll see the following key terms in many Traits Tactician, Concentrate, Mental
tactician class features. Requirements You aren’t fatigued or designing a
Flourish: Actions with this trait are special
Your mind goes into overdrive, carrying out
techniques that require too much exertion for
the calculations necessary to turn the tides of
you to perform frequently. You can use only 1
battle to your advantage. This intense, near-
action with the flourish trait per turn.
supernatural mental state lasts for 1 minute,
Gambit: You must first Design A Gambit to use
until you stop it, or until you fall unconscious,
abilities with the gambit trait. These abilities
whichever comes first. While designing a
end automatically if you stop designing a
• You can use actions with the gambit trait.
Stance: A stance is a general combat strategy
• You can’t use other actions with the
that you enter by using an action with the
concentrate trait unless they also have the
stance trait, and that you remain in for some
gambit trait. You can Seek while designing a
time. A stance lasts until you get knocked out,
until its requirements (if any) are violated,
You can stop designing a gambit at any time as a
until the encounter ends, or until you enter
free action. After doing so, you can’t use Design A
a new stance, whichever comes first. After
Gambit again for 1 minute.
you take an action that has the stance trait,
you can’t take another one for 1 round. You TRUSTED MOUNT
can enter or be in a stance only in encounter
mode. At 1st level, you have a trusted mount. This creature
is considered a young animal companion, but it has
capabilities far beyond those of typical steeds. Full rules
for animal companions and mounted combat can be
found in the Core Rulebook.
Class Features
You can ride your trusted mount using the Mount
You gain these abilities as a tactician. Abilities gained
action even if it is not one size larger than you. You can
at higher levels list the level at which you gain them
only have one trusted mount at a time. If your mount
next to the features’ names.
dies in combat, you can revive it in the same manner as
a player character or gain a new mount by spending 8
ANCESTRY AND BACKGROUND hours bonding with another creature that isn’t hostile
In addition to the abilities provided by your class at to you.
1st level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry Choose from the following trusted mount ancestries.
and background.
Your trusted mount is descended from a behemoth
At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that bloodline, and boasts an intimidating frame with
represent your basic training. These proficiencies are deadly tusks.
noted at the start of this class.
Size Medium or Large
DESIGN A GAMBIT Melee tusk, Damage 1d8 piercing
As a tactician, you develop cunning plans by Str +2, Dex +0, Con +1, Int -3, Wis +0, Cha -3
analyzing every conceivable angle of a situation. You Hit Points 14
become trained in Military Lore. You also gain the
Design A Gambit action. Skill Intimidation
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise 30 ft)
Speed 40 feet, climb 30 feet
Nine Heavens Press 77 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Special mount a specialized sacred serpent). Your sacred
Support Benefit Your behemoth-kin serpent can’t use their Breath Weapon again
supplements your blows by stamping the for the next 1d4 rounds.
ground, potentially knocking foes down.
Until the start of your next turn, you gain a WINGED CELESTIAL
+1 circumstance bonus to Trip any creature Your trusted mount is a flying celestial creature,
within your behemoth-kin’s reach that you such as a scintillating avian from the heavens.
have damaged with a Strike. Size Medium or Large
Advanced Maneuver Goring Charge Melee wings (finesse),
Goring Charge Your behemoth-kin Strides Damage 1d6 slashing
up to its Speed and Strikes a target, dealing Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1
an extra 3d8 piercing damage and 1d8
Hit Points 10
persistent bleed damage (4d8 piercing
damage and 2d8 persistent bleed damage Skill Stealth
for a specialized behemoth-kin). The target Senses low-light vision
must succeed on a Fortitude save against
Speed 40 feet, fly 20 feet
your tactician class DC. On a failure, they are
knocked prone. Special mount
Support Benefit Your winged celestial’s
SACRED SERPENT weaving movements make you difficult to
Your trusted mount is a serpent who channels the target. Until the start of your next turn, if you
fury of its distant dragon ancestors into every attack. are within your winged celestial’s reach, you
have lesser cover.
Size Medium or Large
Advanced Maneuver Thousand Ri Rush
Melee tail, Damage 1d8 bludgeoning
Thousand Ri Rush Your winged celestial
Str +2, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +2
moves farther and faster than any foe.
Hit Points 12 It Strides two times (three times for a
Skill Survival specialized winged celestial). If a creature
makes a Strike against you or your winged
Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise 30 ft)
celestial using the Attack of Opportunity
Speed 40 feet, swim 30 feet reaction during these Strides, it automatically
Special mount misses.
Support Benefit Your sacred serpent can
constrain enemies in your wake. Select a MILITARY ART
creature within your sacred serpent’s reach You are trained in a specific type of military art that
that you have damaged. This creature must dictates your approach in battles. Choose one of the
succeed on a Fortitude save against your following arts.
tactician class DC. On a failure, they are
grabbed by your sacred serpent. ART OF THE GENERAL
Advanced Maneuver Breath Weapon You prefer to take the fight to your opponents directly,
Breath Weapon Your sacred serpent charging your mount into skirmishes alongside or
exhales acidic gas in a 15 foot cone. Each even ahead of your comrades. You gain proficiency in
creature in that area must make a basic heavy armor. In addition, you gain the Mobile Fortress
Fortitude save against your class DC. On a tactician feat.
failure, they take 4d6 acid damage (5d6 for

Nine Heavens Press 78 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Sensitive to the mortal toll of warfare, you channel Your connection with your trusted mount has
your passion through poetry, inspiring and empowering deepened. It becomes a mature animal companion and
allies with bardic magic. You gain Bard Dedication as gains additional capabilities. See the animal companions
a bonus feat, even if you don’t meet the prerequisites, rules for more information. During an encounter, even
and you can choose feats from the bard archetype as if you don’t use the Command an Animal action, your
you gain levels. You also gain the warrior muse, which animal companion can still use 1 action that round on
gives you the Martial Performance feat. Full rules for your turn to Stride toward or Strike your prey.
the bard archetype can be found in the Core Rulebook,
and a full description of the warrior muse can be found ABILITY BOOSTS [5th]
in the Advanced Player’s Guide. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you
boost four different ability scores. You can use these
ART OF THE MONSTER SLAYER ability boosts to increase your ability scores above 18.
You possess an encyclopedic knowledge of monsters Boosting an ability score increases it by 1 if it’s already
that you use to prepare for encounters long before 18 or above, or by 2 if it starts out below 18.
weapons are drawn. You gain the Slayer’s Prep tactician
feat. ANCESTRY FEATS [5th]
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with,
TACTICIAN FEATS you gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels
At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a thereafter.
Tactician class feat.
SKILL FEATS [2nd] Your tactical prowess lets you discern strengths
At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you and weaknesses at a glance. Select a target you can see
gain a skill feat. You must be trained or better in the within 60 feet of you. If you spend 1 minute observing
corresponding skill to select a skill feat. them, you automatically succeed at a Recall Knowledge
check. You learn the target’s creature type, whether its
hit points are higher than yours, and its resistances,
weaknesses, and immunities.
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a
general feat. WEAPON EXPERTISE [5th]
You’ve dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies
of your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks
a skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase to expert. You gain access to the critical
increase your proficiency rank to trained in one skill specialization effects of all weapons for which you have
you’re untrained in, or to increase your proficiency expert proficiency.
rank in one skill in which you’re already trained to
At 7th level, you can use skill increases to increase Your reflexes are lightning fast. Your proficiency
your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which rank for Reflex saves increases to expert.
you’re already an expert, and at 15th level, you can use
them to increase your proficiency rank to legendary in VIGILANT SENSES [7th]
a skill in which you’re already a master.
Through your adventures, you’ve developed keen
awareness and attention to detail. Your proficiency
rank for Perception increases to master.

Nine Heavens Press 79 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

WEAPON SPECIALIZATION [7th] Art of the General Once per day, when you use
You’ve learned how to inflict greater injuries with the an action with the gambit trait, you can lower the
weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional damage amount of actions it takes by 1 (to a minimum
with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are of 1).
an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you’re a master Art of the Hwarang Once per day, when you
and 4 if you’re legendary. Cast a Spell, you can lower the amount of actions
it takes by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
INCREDIBLE MOUNT [9th] Art of the Monster Slayer Once per day, when
you are in combat against a creature type
Your trusted mount continues to grow. It becomes chosen from the Slayer’s Prep, Extended Prep, or
a nimble or savage animal companion (your choice) Advanced Prep tactician feats, you can lower the
and gains additional capabilities. Replace your trusted amount of actions it takes to use an action with
mount’s support benefit with the following evolved the gambit trait by 1 (to an minimum of 1).
Behemoth-Kin You’ve learned to defend yourself better against
Support Benefit Your behemoth-kin’s stomps attacks. Your proficiency ranks for light armor, medium
send foes scattering. Until the start of your armor, and unarmored defense increases to expert.
next turn, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus
to Trip any creature within your behemoth- WEAPON MASTERY [13th]
kin’s reach that you have damaged with a You fully understand your weapons. Your proficiency
Strike. If you successfully Trip the creature, ranks for simple and martial weapons and unarmed
your behemoth-kin Shoves it up to 10 feet in attacks increase to master.
the direction of your choice.
Winged Celestial You notice things that are almost impossible for an
Support Benefit Your winged celestial hovers ordinary person to detect. Your proficiency rank for
over you like a levitating shield. Until the start Perception increases to legendary.
of your next turn, if you are within your winged
celestial’s reach, you have standard cover. SPECIALIZED MOUNT [13th]
Your trusted mount has become cunning enough
Sacred Serpent to become specialized. It becomes a specialized animal
Support Benefit Your sacred serpent’s companion, and gains one specialization of your choice.
constraining coils grow in size. Select up to
two creatures within your sacred serpent’s INDOMITABLE WILL [15th]
reach that you have damaged. These Your tactics leave your mind with an undefeatable
creatures must succeed on a Fortitude save sense of purpose. Your proficiency rank for Will saves
against your tactician class DC. On a failure, increases to master. When you roll a success on a Will
they are grabbed by your sacred serpent. save, you get a critical success instead.


Experience has enabled you to hone and adapt [15th]
your strategies at a moment’s notice. You can apply the Your damage from weapon specialization increases
following benefit, depending on your military art: to 4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re
an expert, 6 if you’re a master, and 8 if you’re legendary.

Nine Heavens Press 80 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

JUGGERNAUT [15th] and are Shoved to an adjacent square
Your body is accustomed to physical hardship and within 5 ft.
resistant to a wide range of ailments. Your proficiency
rank for Fortitude saves increases to master. When ARMOR MASTERY [19th]
you roll a success on a Fortitude save, you get a critical Your skill with armor improves, helping you avoid
success instead. more blows. Your proficiency ranks for light, medium,
and heavy armor, as well as for unarmored defense,
LEGENDARY MOUNT [17th] increase to master.
Your shared exploits push your mount to its fullest
potential, making it the stuff of legend. Your mount UNPARALLELED STRATEGIST [19th]
gains an additional advanced maneuver: Your sharpened instincts allow you to analyze
threats with unparalleled speed for prolonged periods
Behemoth-Kin of time. Whenever you roll initiative, you automatically
Design A Gambit as a free action, and this mental state
Advanced Maneuver Trampler
lasts for 10 minutes instead of 1 minute.
Trampler Your behemoth-kin rampages
through the battlefield in a frenzy. It Strides
up to its speed and can Tumble Through the Tactician Feats
spaces of any creatures in its path. These
creatures must make a basic Reflex saving 1ST LEVEL
throw against your tactician class DC. On a
failure, they take 10d8 bludgeoning damage DEFENSIVE RIDING STANCE [FEAT 1]
and fall prone. Stance | Tactician
Requirements You are mounted on your trusted
Sacred Serpent mount.
Advanced Maneuver Frightening Aura You sharpen your senses and prepare yourself
Frightening Aura Your sacred serpent for sudden ambushes on your trusted mount. While
takes on the terrifying aspects of a true in Defensive Riding Stance, you can replace your
dragon. Each enemy that can see your sacred mount’s AC with your AC when an enemy attacks
serpent must make a basic Will saving throw. them. You can also redirect any damage taken by
your trusted mount to yourself.
Success The target is immune to
Frightening Aura for 1 minute.
Failure The target is frightened 2 for 1
minute. Flourish | Gambit | Tactician
Critical Failure The target is frightened 3 for Prerequisites Art of the General
1 minute. Trigger An ally adjacent to you takes damage from
Winged Celestial a Strike or fails their saving throw against an effect
targeting them.
Advanced Maneuver DImension Rush
You throw yourself in harm’s way, sacrificing your
Dimension Rush Your winged celestial body to protect your ally. You take the damage or
moves at a speed that enables it to warp suffer the effect of the failed saving throw instead.
through space. It teleports up to 200 feet.
If it arrives in a space already occupied by a INSPIRING GAMBIT [FEAT 1]
creature, that creature must make a basic
Flourish | Gambit | Tactician
Fortitude save against your tactician class DC.
On a failure, they take 10d6 force damage Prerequisites Art of the Hwarang
Requirements Your last action was Cast A Spell.
Nine Heavens Press 81 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
You pepper your spellcasting with an inspirational both increase to +2 at level 6 and +3 at
cheer that swells the confidence of a companion. level 8.
Choose a creature that can see or hear you within • Plant You consume a cocktail of
60 feet. That creature gains temporary Hit Points antidotes and prepare yourself for moving
equal to your level for one minute. In addition, the through underbrush. You gain resistance
creature gains a +1 circumstance bonus against to poison damage inflicted by plants.
fear effects until the start of your next turn. This resistance is equal to half your level
(minimum 1). You are also unaffected
SLAYER’S PREP [FEAT 1] by difficult terrain with plants in its
immediate vicinity, like a jungle path.
Concentrate | Tactician
Additionally, plants attempting to Grab
Prerequisites Art of the Monster Slayer you must first make an Athletics check
You are always prepared, and carry bestiaries, against your tactician class DC.
religious texts, antidotes, metals, and magic seals • Undead You cover yourself with seals
wherever you go. During your daily preparations, and holy symbols to ward off the undead.
you can ward yourself against one of the following You gain resistance to negative damage
creature types, receiving certain benefits for the inflicted by undead. This resistance is
next 24 hours or until you choose a new creature equal to half your level (minimum 1). You
type. Prepping for a specific threat is taxing, and you also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Will
must rest for at least 8 hours before choosing a new saves against possession. Additionally, if
creature type. you die while these benefits are active,
your body cannot be used to create an
• Animal You read up on staunching
wounds and stopping natural venoms. undead creature.
You can choose between gaining VIGOR BOOST [FEAT 1]
resistance to either bleed or poison
damage inflicted by animals. This Flourish | Gambit | Tactician
resistance is equal to half your level Requirements Your last action had the gambit trait.
(minimum 1). You also gain a +1
After witnessing your gambit go into action,
circumstance bonus on Command An
a sudden burst of vigor energizes you. You gain
Animal checks.
temporary hit points equal to your level. You lose
• Beast You educate yourself on the subtle these temporary Hit Points at the start of your next
art of reasoning and communicating turn.
with beasts. You can always Make an
Impression on beasts, even if they are
hostile to you or if you do not share
a common language. You gain a +1
circumstance bonus to this check and
cannot critically fail. This circumstance Flourish | Gambit | Tactician
bonus increases to +2 at level 6 and +3 Frequency once per minute
at level 8.
You urge your troops to form a bulwark stemming
• Humanoid You practice reading faces
from a single companion. Choose an ally within 60
and body language to easily interact
feet of you. This ally and other adjacent allies gain
with people and root out falsehoods. You
resistance to all physical damage equal to half your
have a +1 circumstance bonus to Sense
Motive to determine if a creature is lying. level (minimum 1) until the end of your next turn.
Additionally, you gain a +1 circumstance
bonus to Make an Impression with
humanoids. These circumstance bonuses

Nine Heavens Press 82 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Flourish | Gambit | Tactician Auditory | Concentrate | Emotion | Flourish
You create an opening that leaves a foe exposed Linguistic | Mental | Gambit | Tactician |
to attacks. Select an enemy within 60 feet of you. Visual
That target must make a Will saving throw against Frequency once per 10 minutes
your tactician class DC.
You sow false thoughts to create confusion
Critical Success The target is unaffected. in the midst of the battlefield. Select up to three
Success All creatures that successfully creatures within 60 feet of you that can hear you and
Strike the target until the start of your next understand your language. Make a Deception check
turn can add half of your Charisma modifier against each creature’s Will DC. On a success, the
to their damage (minimum 1). creature is confused until the end of your next turn,
Failure As success, but the bonus to after which it is immune to Disinformation for the
damage is equal to your Charisma modifier. next 24 hours.
Critical Failure As success, but the bonus to
damage is equal to your Charisma modifier EXPANDED PREP [FEAT 2]
and the duration of this effect lasts for 1 Concentrate | Tactician
Prerequisites Slayer’s Prep
DEESCALATE [FEAT 2] Your knowledge of combating the world’s
Auditory | Concentrate | Emotion | monsters expands. During your daily preparations,
Flourish | Linguistic | Mental | Gambit | you can ward yourself against one of the following
Tactician | Visual creature types in addition to the types already
available to you via Slayer’s Prep.
Frequency once per 10 minutes
• Fey You study obtuse fey traditions and
You negotiate for an end to conflict. All enemies learn loopholes to make yourself immune
within 60 feet with an intelligence modifier of -2 or to their wiles. You cannot be charmed by
higher must make a Will saving throw against either a fey. You also gain a +1 circumstance
your Deception or Diplomacy class DC, depending bonus to Will saves against all other
on your style of negotiation. These enemies gain a mental effects used on you by fey. This
+2 circumstance bonus to their saving throw if they circumstance bonus increases to +2 at
are engaged in combat with you or your allies. level 6 and +3 at level 8.
Success The enemy is unaffected and • Fungus You imbibe a variety of potions
immune to Deescalate for the next 24 to protect yourself from the psychedelic
hours. effects of fungal creatures. You gain
Failure The enemy’s attitude changes to resistance to poison damage inflicted by
Indifferent toward you. This effect ends if fungi. This resistance is equal to half your
the enemy is attacked or harmed by a spell. level (minimum 1). You also gain a +1
Critical Failure The enemy’s attitude circumstance bonus to all saving throws
becomes friendly toward you and your allies. against fungus attacks that involve
The enemy can’t use hostile actions against spores.
you. This effect ends if the creature is • Giant You pad the inside of your armor
attacked or harmed by a spell. and practice rolling with the punches
from opponents larger than you. Choose
one of the following damage types to gain
resistance to: bludgeoning, piercing, or
slashing. This resistance is equal to half
your level (minimum 1) and only applies
when you are attacked by a giant.
Nine Heavens Press 83 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
• Elemental You insulate your clothing with the truth fail. Additionally, you gain
thick rubber lining to protect yourself from resistance to good damage inflicted by
elemental wear and tear. Choose one of celestials. This resistance is equal to half
the following attack traits: air, cold, earth, your level (minimum 1).
electricity, fire or water. You gain a +1 • Construct You pore over blueprints and
circumstance bonus when making saving schematics, allowing you to strike at the
throws to attacks with this trait, but only weak points of automatons. You ignore
if you are attacked by an elemental. This Construct Armor when dealing damage
circumstance bonus increases to +2 at against constructs. Additionally, any
level 6 and +3 at level 8. constructs attempting to Grab you must
• Ooze You memorize the intricacies of first make an Athletics check against your
ooze biology and smear alkaline paste all tactician class DC.
over yourself to neutralize acidic attacks. • Dragon You decorate your shield,
You gain resistance to acid damage weapon, or bracers with arcane symbols
inflicted by oozes. This resistance is equal used by the dragonslayers of old. You gain
to half your level (minimum 1). You also resistance to all types of damage inflicted
gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Reflex by dragon breath weapons. This damage
saves to avoid being engulfed by oozes. is equal to half your level (minimum 1).
Additionally, you cannot critically fail • Fiend You wear a divine sigil that
Athletics checks to escape an ooze that obfuscates the fiendish magic of
has already engulfed you. denizens of the lower planes. Your
alignment cannot be detected by fiends.
4TH LEVEL Any magical attempts by a fiend to
discern your true form (such as true
ADVANCED PREP [FEAT 4] seeing) or whether you are telling the
Concentrate | Tactician truth fail. Additionally, you gain resistance
to evil damage inflicted by fiends. This
Prerequisites Expanded Prep
resistance is equal to half your level
Experience has evolved your monster slaying (minimum 1).
skillset once again, letting you take on truly dangerous
adversaries. During your daily preparations, you can FORMATION STEP [FEAT 4]
ward yourself against one of the following creature Auditory | Emotion | Gambit | Linguistic
types in addition to the types already available to |Mental | Tactician | Visual
you via Slayer’s Prep and Expanded Prep.
You initiate a battle formation, commanding
• Aberration You line your helm with your troops to move swiftly. Select up to three allies
lead to block the mental intrusions of within 60 feet. These allies can use their reactions
aberrant entities. Your mind cannot be to Stride. They each gain a +2 circumstance bonus
read by aberrations. You also gain a +1 to their AC until the end of their movement.
circumstance bonus to Will saves against
all other mental effects used on you by
aberrations. This circumstance bonus
increases to +2 at level 6 and +3 at level Tactician
8. You’ve trained with your shield to defend both
• Celestial You hide in a secret pocket yourself and your trusted mount. When you Raise a
a token imbued with dark magic that Shield while mounted, both you and your mount gain
beguiles the forces of good. Your the shield’s circumstance bonus to AC. If you have
alignment cannot be detected by the Shield Block reaction, you can use it in response
celestials. Any magical attempts by a to your mount taking damage, as long as you’re
celestial to discern your true form (such riding your mount. If you do, the shield prevents your
as true seeing) or whether you are telling
Nine Heavens Press 84 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
mount from taking damage instead of preventing SPELLSONG CRESCENDO [FEAT 6]
you from taking damage, following the normal rules
for Shield Block. Auditory | Concentrate | Flourish | Linguistic
Gambit | Tactician
RIDER’S RUSH [FEAT 4] Prerequisites Art of the Hwarang
Flourish | Tactician Frequency once per hour
Frequency once per 10 minutes Trigger You or an ally within 60 feet Casts a Spell
Requirements You are riding your trusted mount. that uses at least a 1st level spell slot and heals or
damages creatures.
Your trusted mount exerts itself, lunging into
the fray to turn a conflict to your advantage. You You chant a magical hymn, enhancing the power
Command An Animal, giving your trusted mount the in your party’s spellcasting. Roll 1d6 and add it to the
quickened condition for 1 round. Your trusted mount total amount of healing or damage. This increases to
can only use this extra action to Stride or Strike. 1d8 at 10th level and 1d10 at 18th level.


Gambit | Tactician Gambit | Tactician
You assign one companion to temporarily take Prerequisites Art of the General
the fall for your party. All enemies within 60 feet of You’ve studied an opponent’s movements and
you must make a Will saving throw. know just how to lash out. Make two Strikes against
Success The target is unaffected. a creature, each using your current multiple attack
Failure The target takes a -1 circumstance penalty. If both attacks hit, combine their damage,
and then add any other applicable effects from your
penalty to attack rolls against all creatures
weapon. Both attacks gain the gambit trait.
except an ally of your choosing. This ally
gains temporary hit points equal to your
level. Both of these conditions last until the VIGILANT GAMBITEER STANCE
end of your next turn. [FEAT 6]
Critical Failure As failure, but the Concentrate | Stance | Tactician
circumstance penalty is -2. Requirements Your last action was Design A Gambit.
6TH LEVEL Even while engaged in the intense mental
calculations necessary for gambits, you stay vigilant
REAP THE BENEFITS [FEAT 6] against immediate threats. You get a +2 status bonus
to AC. This stance ends when Design A Gambit ends.
Gambit | Tactician
Prerequisites Slayer’s Prep 8TH LEVEL
You’ve ensured that your troops are as well-
protected as you when it comes to fighting varied FLEXIBLE PREP [FEAT 8]
opponents. Extend any benefits you have gained Gambit | Tactician
against your chosen creature type to all allies within
60 feet until the start of your next turn. You can also Prerequisites Slayer’s Prep
use Reap the Benefits with creature types you have It pays to be able to change your plans if they don’t
chosen from the Extended Prep or Advanced Prep pan out. You can spend 10 minutes as a downtime
feats. activity to switch the creature type you selected
from Slayer’s Prep. You can also use Flexible Prep
to switch creature types you have chosen from the
Extended Prep or Advanced Prep feats.

Nine Heavens Press 85 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

IMPREGNABLE DEFENSE [FEAT 2] Make a melee Strike against a mounted creature’s
mount. If your attack hits, attempt an Athletics
Gambit | Tactician check against the target’s Fortitute DC with a +1
Prerequisites Absolute Defense circumstance bonus.
Frequency once per minute Critical Success Both the rider and their
The bulwark formed by your troops is tighter and mount topple from the force of your blow
more adaptible than ever. As Absolute Defense, and must make Reflex saving throws against
but you can now choose an ally within 80 feet, and your tactician class DC. On a success, they
the resistance to all physical damage is equal to land prone in two spaces of your choice
your level. Additionally, your chosen ally and other adjacent to you. On a failure, the mount
adjacent allies gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws lands atop its rider in a space of your choice
until the end of your next turn. adjacent to you, with the rider taking 4d6
bludgeoning damage.
SPEEDY DUO [FEAT 8] Success The rider topples from its mount
and lands prone into a space of your choice
Flourish | Tactician
adjacent to its mount.
Prerequisites You are able to Design A Gambit.
You and your trusted mount move in the blink of EMERGENCY CANTRIP [FEAT 10]
an eye, instantly kicking off battle plans. You can Concentrate | Gambit | Metamagic | Tactician
perform up to all of the following actions in any order: Prerequisites Art of the Hwarang
• You Mount your trusted mount if you are
Frequency once per day
not already on it.
• You Design A Gambit. You’ve learned how to speedily cast cantrips
• You Command an Animal to issue your to keep up with the demands of high pressure
mount an order of your choice. situations. You can cast a cantrip as a free action.


Gambit | Flourish | Tactician Gambit | Tactician
Prerequisites Art of the General Prerequisites Reap The Benefits
Frequency Once per minute Requirements Your last action was to give an ally a
Trigger You or your trusted mount take damage from benefit from Reap The Benefits.
a creature within both of your reach. You spend a few extra seconds to ensure the
No matter how many scars you and your trusted protection you’ve granted your allies will stick. Any
mount suffer, the two of you still prefer fighting benefits you have given your allies from Reap The
enemies up close and personal. You and your mount Benefits last for 1 minute.
both make a Strike against the attacking creature.
If either of you successfully deals damage, that STEADY AS WE GO [FEAT 10]
creature is flat-footed until the end of your next turn. Gambit | Tactician
Your unerring sense of caution lets you protect
10TH LEVEL yourself and your troops from hidden dangers that
others would easily miss. You and all allies with 60
DISRUPT STEED [FEAT 10] feet gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception
Flourish | Tactician checks to find traps and hazards, to AC against their
Prerequisites Art of the General attacks, and to saves against their effects. You and
these allies can find hazards that would normally
You actively spar against other tacticians, and require you to Search even if you aren’t Searching.
know how to use an opponent’s mount against them.
Nine Heavens Press 86 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest


Tactician Gambit | Tactician
Prerequisites Art of the General Prerequisites Art of the Monster Slayer
Frequency once per hour Experienced Monster Slayers build up a cache
You’ve become adept at initiating gambits right of jury-rigged magic items, unidentifiable eldritch
after attacking. If you successfully make a Strike on artifacts, and occasionally even some limited
your first turn of combat, you are quickened until the spellcasting skill of their own. You can cast
end of your next turn. You can only use this extra contingency once per day as an innate 7th level
action for another action with the gambit trait. primal spell. You can use any spell of 4th level or
lower from the primal tradition.
Flourish | Gambit | Tactician
Prerequisites Art of the Hwarang
Prerequisites Mobile Fortress
Frequency once per hour
Trigger You take damage for an ally or suffer the
You’ve learned to weave hidden messages and effect of their failed saving throw.
movements into spell components that kickstart
your gambits. If you Cast A Spell on your first turn of You use the momentum from shielding your
combat, you are quickened until the end of your next companion to launch a counterattack. Make a Strike
turn. You can only use this extra action for another against the creature that targeted your ally if it is
action with the gambit trait. within reach.
Critical Success Add your Charisma
SIDE BY SIDE [FEAT 12] modifier to your Strike’s damage.
Tactician Success As critical success, but you add
half of your Charisma modifier to your
You and your trusted mount fight in tandem, Strike’s damage.
distracting your foes and keeping them off balance.
Whenever you and your trusted mound are adjacent REVERBERATING LEGACY [FEAT 14]
to the same foe, you are both flanking that foe with
Aura | Gambit | Tactician
each other, regardless of your actual positions.
Prerequisites Art of the Hwarang
TARGET ACQUIRED [FEAT 12] Your spells leave behind reverberations in the
Tactician air that subconsciously propel listeners to their
maximum potential. You gain a 30-foot aura until the
Prerequisites Art of the Monster Slayer end of your next turn. While in this aura, all creatures
Frequency once per hour gain a +2 circumstance bonus on their next saving
Requirements You are engaged in combat with your throw against the fascinated, frightened, paralyzed,
chosen creature type from Slayer’s Prep, Expanded and stunned conditions.
Prep, or Advanced Prep.
You’ve prepared well, and now your enemies
quiver in the face of your tactics. At the start of your
first turn of combat, you are quickened until the end
of your next turn. You can only use this extra action
for another action with the gambit trait.

Nine Heavens Press 87 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

16TH LEVEL Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is stunned 1.
REARING RADIANCE [FEAT 16] Failure The target is stunned 2.
Critical Failure The target is stunned 3.
Flourish | Gambit | Tactician
Requirements You are mounted on your trusted WE NEVER DIE
mount and your last action had the gambit trait. Fortune | Tactician
Your trusted mount rears upwards after your plan Prerequisites We Never Fall
goes into action, elevating you above all others on
the battlefield in truly dramatic fashion. All enemies Requirements You are designing a gambit.
within 60 feet are fascinated and flat-footed to you Even when hope is lost, your battle plans resonate
until the end of your next turn. within the souls of your troops. As We Never Fall, but
allies within 80 feet are affected. Additionally, the
UNITED STAND STANCE [FEAT 16] first time an ally is dying and rolls a recovery check,
they receive a +3 circumstance bonus to the check.
Gambit | Stance | Tactician
If they fail this recovery check, they can reroll with no
Requirements You are adjacent to an ally. bonus and take the second result.
You and your troops stand your ground in a truly
durable fashion. You get a +3 status bonus to AC. 20TH LEVEL
When you enter this stance, any allies adjacent to
you can also enter it at the start of their next turn as RIDER’S ONSLAUGHT [FEAT 20]
a free action. This stance ends early for you and all
Flourish | Tactician
allies if you move to a square that is not adjacent to
at least one ally. Prerequisites Rider’s Rush
Requirement You are mounted on your trusted
WE NEVER FALL [FEAT 16] mount.
Tactician Your trusted mount surpasses all limitations.
Requirements You are designing a gambit. When you Command An Animal, your trusted mount
is quickened. Your trusted mount can only use this
Your troops know they can always fall back on extra action to Stride or Strike
your gambits, and a boost of adrenaline keeps them
standing even when the situation is bleak. The first
time an ally within 60 feet of you is reduced to 0
Hit Points, they avoid being knocked out and remain Tactician
at 1 Hit Point instead. Their wounded condition Frequency once per day
increases by 1.
Nothing stands in the way of your superior instincts
and intellect, and devising gambits is child’s play to
18TH LEVEL you. You can use any action with the gambit trait as
a free action.
Flourish | Tactician
Trigger Your trusted mount uses an advanced
Foes who witness your trusted mount’s special
attacks are stricken senseless. All enemies adjacent
to your trusted mount must make a Will saving throw
against your tactician class DC.

Nine Heavens Press 88 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Baekjeong pits you against even people with great influence
who abuse their positions for ill gain, but your
Rare goddess made her will clear: those that undermine
Region Danguk her ancient friend, the Primordial Bear, must pay by
Because you were born in the bottom rung blood.
in Danguk society, you’ve been burdened with Choose two ability boosts. One must be to
responsibilities considered unclean for members of Strength or Charisma, and one is a free ability
polite society. Your hands are stained with the blood boost.
of your own labor, but your heart still beats with a You’re trained in the Intimidation skill and the
yearning for something more. Honyeo Lore skill. You gain the Intimidating Glare
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to skill feat.
Strength or Constitution, and one is a free ability
boost. Mudang
You’re trained in the Athletics skill, and the Labor
Lore skill. You gain the Hefty Hauler skill feat.
Region Danguk
Lunarian Expedition Scholar Whether through dedication or birthright, your
existence stands between the material and spiritual
Rare realms. Through the guidance of shaman elders,
Region the Lunarian Conclave you’ve opened your consciousness to the gods who
Whether for personal edification or as part of a you commune with on behalf of those that seek your
project by your local union, you’ve been sent to the skills.
terrestrial world to uncover new and exciting data Choose two ability boosts. One must be to
to send back to the conclave. Conversely, if you are Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability
a member born outside of the Lunarian Conclave, boost.
you’ve been selected for an exciting space-faring You’re trained in the Occultism skill and the Spirit
mission as a project of friendship between your Lore skill. You gain the Root Magic skill feat.
homeworld and the Lunamorph government. To
prepare for your expedition across the stars, you’ve
undergone both rigorous academic and physical Royal Inspector
training. Rare
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Region Danguk
Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free
You’re a covert operative under the Saheonbu, an
ability boost.
office charged with inspecting government officials
You’re trained in Arcana, and the Space Travel for charges of corruption. Powerful nobles fear you
Lore skill. You gain the Arcane Sense skill feat. for your power to discredit and even dismiss them
from office and will do anything to silence you.
Hodamguk Pact-Keeper Though you operate in a clandestine manner, above
all officials in the realm, you embody the true ethos
Rare that nobody is above the law.
Region Hodamguk Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Wisdom
To enforce the Primordial Tiger’s vow made since or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
death, you’ve taken it upon yourself to travel to You’re trained in the Deception skill and the Legal
Danguk and judge those that threaten its peace. This Lore skill. You gain the Lie to Me skill feat.
Nine Heavens Press 89 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest
Sex Worker
Despite your upbringing in society’s underclass,
you’ve been trained as a courtesan, educated in fine
arts and poetry to impress your high society patrons.
You know the ins and outs of the gentry, local laws
and hierarchies, and are sought after by nobles for
your talents.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to
Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free ability
You’re trained in the Performance skill and Art
Lore skill. You gain the Virtuosic Performer skill feat.

Region Danguk
Unlike nobles of other lands, you’ve justified
your position through rigorous study and by passing
Danguk’s civil service exams, whether by fair means
or foul. As an aristocrat, your privilege comes with
the duties as a government officer and a moral
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to
Charisma or Intelligence, and one is a free ability
You’ve trained in the Performance skill and
the Government Lore. You gain the Impressive
Performance skill feat.

Nine Heavens Press 90 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Melee Weapons
Martial Price Damage Bulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Bonguk geom* 1 gp 1d8 S 1 1 Sword Versatile P
Dangpa* 1 gp 1d8 P 1 1 Spear Thrown 20 ft.
Jangchang 1 gp 1d10 P 2 2 Spear Reach
Jukjangchang 2 gp 1d8 P 2 2 Spear Fatal d10, reach, sweep

Kee chang 8 sp 1d8 P 2 2 Spear Parry, reach, sweep

Langxian 2 gp 1d8 P 2 2 Spear Deadly d8, parry, reach,
Pyeongon 1 gp 1d6 B 2 2 Club Backswing, forceful, reach,
Unggeom 8 sp 1d6 S L 1 Sword Two-hand d8, versatile P
Woldo 2 gp 1d12 S 2 2 Sword Deadly d12, reach, sweep

Ranged Weapons
Martial Weapons Price Damage Reload Bulk Hands Group Weapon Traits
Gakgun 14 gp 1d6 P 0 L 2 Bow Deadly d10,

Nine Heavens Press 91 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

MAGIC ITEMS Dokkaebi Club
Price 2700 gp

Arcane Singijeon ITEM 8 This club is a +2 greater striking club. You can
cast thoughtful gift as a 5th-level spell.
Uncommon | Fire | Magical
Price 450 gp Dragon King’s Angler ITEM 5
Bulk 2 Fear Emotion Illusion Magical
Base Weapon Heavy Crossbow Price 155 gp
This hand-carried weapon (considered a +1 heavy Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
crossbow) launches explosive rockets at tremendous
distances. Ammunition must be specially crafted Base Weapon Combat Lure
for it. This +1 striking combat lure’s rod bears the mark
of the four ruling Yongwang of Danguk. You can
Activate Command, Interact; Frequency three
use the Dragon King’s Angler as a fishing tackle
times per day; Effect You cast a 5th-level fireball
spell from the arcane singijeon using your class DC
as the saving throw DC. Activate Interact; Frequency once per hour;
Effect You swing the tether in the air toward a foe
Singijeon Ammunition AMMUNITION 3 in range and an image of a dragon overlaps with it,
snapping at them. The target must attempt a DC 21
Uncommon | Alchemical | Fire
Will save against the effects of a fear spell.
Price 5 sp
Ammunition bolt Dokkaebi Lantern (도깨비 등불)
Only an arcane singijeon can fire this special (Lesser) ITEM 6+
ammunition, using its magic to light the alchemical Evocation | Magical | Light
propellant and send the tube of powder flying. When
Price 230 gp
the singijeon ammunition hits a target, it deals 1d12
piercing damage, 1d12 fire damage, 1 persistent Usage held in one hand; Bulk L
damage, and 2 fire splash damage. This curious lantern emits a pale blue light. Its
wick is lit by the sealed souls of dozens of Dokkaebi.
Dokkaebi Club ITEM 5+ It can be used as a normal hooded lantern, but
Rare | Conjuration | Magical | Teleportation prolonged use instills the user with a sense of being
jeered at and mocked by inaudible voices.
Price 145 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1 Activate Interact (evocation, visual); Frequency
Base Weapon Club once per day; Effect You raise the lantern and
A Dokkaebi will never be seen without carrying release a number of Dokkaebi that imbue the light
these +1 striking clubs imbued with fey magic. with fey magic. The lantern’s light gains the effects
of faerie fire for 1 minute.
Activate Cast a Spell; Interact; Frequency once per
hour; Effect You wave the Dokkaebi Club in the air
and cast the thoughtful gift spell. Command Interact (evocation); Requirement
the Dokkaebi Lantern must be activated; Effect You
Dokkaebi Club ITEM 9 order the Dokkaebi to make mischief by possessing
unattended objects in the area and pelt your enemies
Price 650 gp in a storm. Each enemy in this area is dealt 1d10
This club is a +2 striking club. You can cast bludgeoning damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save).
thoughtful gift as a 3rd-level spell.

Nine Heavens Press 92 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Dokkaebi Lantern (도깨비 등불) Activate command, envision; Frequency once
(Moderate) ITEM 10 per day; Requirements The blade has an energy
Price 850 gp rune from the first activation; Effect You call upon
the energy stored in the blade to explode outward.
Bulk L You can cast blazing fissure, control water, quench,
This lantern casts faerie fire and 2d10 damage. or wall of wind as 5th-level spells (DC 30).
DC 27 basic Reflex save.
Feather of Seeing ITEM 5
Dokkaebi Lantern (도깨비 등불) Uncommon | Consumable | Detection |
(Greater) ITEM 14 Divination | Magical | Talisman
Price 3,700 gp Price 30 gp
Bulk L Usage affixed to armor
This lantern casts faerie fire and deals 3d10 Activate Requirements You’re an expert in
damage. DC 31 basic reflex save. Perception.
This feather emanates a wisps of divine light while
Fan of Elemental Command ITEM 5+ affixed. When activated, the talisman casts detect
Evocation | Magical alignment as a 2nd-level spell centered on you.
Price 150 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Gate Bujeok ITEM 17+
Rare | Bujeok | Conjuration | Consumable |
Base Weapon fighting fan
Fulu | Magical | Talisman | Teleportation
If waved in the air, this +1 fighting fan parts the
elements. After casting a listed spell, on its next Price 3000 gp
successful strike, this weapon deals 1d6 additional Usage affixed to two different portals anywhere on
damage corresponding with the spell’s element: 1 the planet
- burning hands - fire, 2 - gust of wind - lightning, This talisman is purchased or crafted in pairs and
3 - hydraulic push - acid, 4 - pummeling rubble - must be affixed to the edge of a doorway or any kind
bludgeoning. of portal that is no more than 10-foot in diameter.
A second is then affixed to a doorway or portal of a
Activate command, envision; Frequency once similar size within 1000 miles of the first talisman.
While both talismans are affixed, the paired portals
per day; Requirements The blade has an energy
connect so that any creature that can fit through it
rune from the first activation; Effect You call upon
can travel from one to the other. If one talisman is
the energy stored in the blade to explode outward.
removed, the other deactivates.
You can cast burning hands, gust of wind, hydraulic
push, or pummeling rubble (DC 19).
Guardian Steed Saddles ITEM 3
Fan of Elemental Command Conjuration | Magical
(Greater) ITEM 13 Price 50 gp
Price 2,900 gp Usage worn saddle; Bulk 2
This +2 greater striking fighting fan grants a This saddle emits a ghostly blue light.
greater mastery over the elements. After casting
Activate Interact; Effect The saddle summons
a listed spell, for the remainder of the day, this
the magical, equine creature that it is bound to,
weapon gains a rune corresponding with the spell’s
automatically wrapping around it as it manifests.
element: 1 - blazing fissure - flaming, 2 - control water
This creature has the effects of the one that is
- corrosive, 3 - quench - frost, 4 - wall of wind - shock.
summoned by phantom steed. If the steed is

Nine Heavens Press 93 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

destroyed, it disappears and this saddle falls on the the end of the day, you gain the Master proficiency in
ground, inert. It can’t be activated for 1 week. You any skill or weapon.
can end the summoning by using an interact action. Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per week;
Effect You can use the Mirror of Past Lives to cast
Guardian Steed Saddles a legend lore ritual without any secondary casters.
(Moderate) ITEM 7
Price 330 gp Monster Lock ITEM 7+
You cast 4th-level phantom steed. Abjuration Magical
Price 350 gp
Guardian Steed Saddles
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 1
(Greater) ITEM 9
This fanged, mean-looking lock has the properties
Price 620 gp of an average lock. When a creature fails a Thievery
You cast 5th-level phantom steed. check against the Monster Lock, it benefits from the
effects of the ravenous portal spell and transforms
Guardian Steed Saddles into a mimic. You can designate in advance yourself
(Greater) ITEM 11 and ten creatures of your choice that do not trigger
this ward when you lock a door or item with this lock.
Price 1250 gp
You cast 6th-level phantom steed. Monster Lock ITEM 10
Price 1000 gp
This lock has the properties of a good lock.
Mirror of Past Lives ITEM 15
Rare Artifact Divination Magical Scrying Monster Lock ITEM 18
Usage mounted in frame; Bulk 3 Price 20000 gp
This mirror is used by the Narakwang during their This lock has the properties of a superior lock.
trials to determine the gravity of the defendant’s
crimes in life. When a creature peers into the mirror, Narakwang Gavel ITEM 12
they can recall specific moments from their current
life or the ones their soul has already lived through Rare Enchantment Magical
prior to reincarnating. What the mirror shows is not Price 1,800 gp
bound by the creature’s memories. They will show Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
the unvarnished truth that even the seer may have
forgotten. Base Weapon Maul
This +2 greater striking maul has been imbued
with the authority of Narakwang to judge the sins
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency three times per and guilt of those it strikes. The gavel also deals 1d6
day; Effect You can use the Mirror of Past Lives to additional mental damage.
cast mind reading, heightened to 7th-level. You can
target creatures that you are scrying on even if they Activate command, envision; Frequency
are out of range. once per day; Trigger A creature performs an act
anathema to your deity.; Effect You cast judgment
Activate 10 minutes (envision); Frequency three on a creature’s sins. You cast anathematic reprisal.
times per day; Effect You gain the effects of scrying, The DC is 29.
heightened to 7th-level.
Activate 1 hour (envision); Frequency once per day;
Effect Peering into the Mirror of Past Lives awakens
memories thought to be long lost in your soul. Until

Nine Heavens Press 94 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Reanimation Bujeok ITEM 1+ Reanimation Bujeok (7th-Level) ITEM 13
Uncommon | Bujeok | Consumable | Fulu | Price 600 gp
Necromancy | Magical | Talisman This bujeok casts animate dead as a 7th-level
Price 4 gp spell. The animated undead gains +1 to its AC,
attack rolls, and saving throws.
Usage affixed to armor
These innocuous black slips of paper with red Reanimation Bujeok (8th-Level) ITEM 15
writing channels necrotic energy that temporarily
animates the corpse that it is affixed to. It burns Price 1300 gp
away in blue flames after the animation ends. This bujeok casts animate dead as a 8th-level
Activate Cast a Spell; Effect The Reanimation spell. The animated undead gains +1 to its AC,
Bujeok casts the animate dead spell. The animated attack rolls, and saving throws.
undead gains +1 to its AC, attack rolls, and saving
throws. Reanimation Bujeok (9th-Level) ITEM 17
Price 3000 gp
Reanimation Bujeok (2nd-Level) ITEM 3 This bujeok casts animate dead as a 9th-level
Price 12 gp spell. The animated undead gains +1 to its AC,
This bujeok casts animate dead as a 2nd-level attack rolls, and saving throws.
spell. The animated undead gains +1 to its AC,
attack rolls, and saving throws. Reanimation Bujeok (10th-Level) ITEM 19
Price 8000 gp
Reanimation Bujeok (3rd-Level) ITEM 5 This bujeok casts animate dead as a 10th-level
Price 30 gp spell. The animated undead gains +1 to its AC,
This bujeok casts animate dead as a 3rd-level attack rolls, and saving throws.
spell. The animated undead gains +1 to its AC,
attack rolls, and saving throws. Staff of Service
Conjuration | Magical | Staff
Reanimation Bujeok (4th-Level) ITEM 7 Usage held in 1 hand
Price 70 gp This well-polished, yet simple staff sports a
This bujeok casts animate dead as a 4th-level handle to support a comfortable grip. While wielding
spell. The animated undead gains +1 to its AC, this staff, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Aid
attack rolls, and saving throws. an ally.
Activate Cast a Spell; Effect You expend a number
Reanimation Bujeok (5th-Level) ITEM 9 of charges from the staff to cast a spell from its list.
Price 150 gp Craft Requirements Supply one casting of all listed
This bujeok casts animate dead as a 5th-level levels of all listed spells.
spell. The animated undead gains +1 to its AC,
attack rolls, and saving throws. Staff of Service ITEM 3
Price 60 gp
Reanimation Bujeok (6th-Level) ITEM 11
Bulk 1
Price 300 gp
• Cantrip tanglefoot
This bujeok casts animate dead as a 6th-level • 1st unseen servant
spell. The animated undead gains +1 to its AC,
attack rolls, and saving throws.

Nine Heavens Press 95 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Staff of Service (Greater) ITEM 8 Troop Summoning Gong ITEM 13
Price 450 gp Price 3000 gp
Bulk 1 You can summon a Level 9 or lower creature with
the troop trait.
• 2nd persistent servant, summon
• 3rd rouse skeletons, summon construct Troop Summoning Gong ITEM 17
Price 15000 gp
Staff of Service (Major) ITEM 12
You can summon a Level 13 or lower creature
Price 1800 gp with the troop trait.
Bulk 1
• 4th ravenous portal, summon construct
Troop Summoning Gong ITEM 19
• 5th invoke spirits, secret chest, summon Price 40000 gp
construct You can summon a Level 15 or lower creature
with the troop trait.
Swarm-Smiting Needle ITEM 4
Conjuration | Magical
Price 90 gp Turtle Ship Vehicle 10
Bulk L Rare | Gargantuan
Base Weapon Dagger Price 3250 gp
When thrown, this +1 returning dagger can
duplicate itself and hit a wider range of foes. On a
Space 120 feet long, 20 feet wide, 20 feet high
hit, the primary target of the attack takes the listed
damage, and the target and all other creatures Crew 1 pilot, 80 rowers; Passengers 6
within the listed radius around it take 2 points of Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 27), Diplomacy (DC
splash damage per weapon damage die. 29), or Intimidation (DC 29)
AC 25; Fort +19
Hardness 15,
Troop Summoning Gong ITEM 9+
HP 170 (BT 85);
Uncommon | Conjuration | Magical
Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision
Price 1400 gp
Usage held in two hands; Bulk 1
Weaknesses 15 fire until broken
This divine gong bears the symbol of the
Dangukese deity of war, Koengitto. While it is a
replica of the true divine gong, it is able to summon Speed swim 35 feet (rowed, wind)
the spirits of warriors from the past and future in Collision 7d10 (DC 27)
bodies best representing their will and service.

Flame Jet (fire) Two crew members each

Activate Interact; Frequency once per day; perform a 3-action activity on their turn to produce a
Effect Banging the gong summons a Level 5 or lower gout of flames that erupts at the end of the second
creature with the troop trait. They gain the minion character’s turn from ship’s draconic masthead. The
trait and you can command them to fight for you. flames deal 5d8 fire damage to each creature in a
30-foot cone (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The flame jet
stops working if the turtle ship is broken.

Nine Heavens Press 96 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Maneuverable With a full complement of skilled
rowers, a rowed galley can turn swiftly, turn in place,
and even row backwards. Each 90-degree turn made
in less than a vehicle length costs 5 extra feet of
movement. It can row backwards no faster than half
its speed, and it can’t turn while rowing backwards.

Spiked Deck The deck is covered in spikes. A

creature that moves on the ground through the area
takes 3 piercing damage for every square of that
area it moves into.

Wand of Deception ITEM 10

Uncommon | Enchantment | Mental
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day, plus
overcharge; Effect You cast glibness. When you
critically succeed on lying to a creature, they are
under the effects of the suggestion spell as if they
had failed it.

Nine Heavens Press 97 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Creatures: Tier 1 Play
Choon’giyeosuh (충기여서)
The Choon’giyeosuh, no larger than the blowball of a dandelion, exudes from its body a psychedelic pollen
that alters the minds of creatures that breathe it. They’re not native to the Material Plane, but they appear there to
propagate by spreading its pollen. If a creature either breathes or strikes a Choon’giyeosuh, it releases its gas that
can drive people into hysteria. During their mating seasons, they gather in swarms and allow the wind to carry
them across the land. Though individually weak, an entire swarm can drive settlements of people into madness
without their awareness.

Perception +8; darkvision Perception +8; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +6, Stealth +6 Skills Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8
Str -5 Dex +3 Con +1 Str -5 Dex +4 Con +2
Int -4 Wis +1 Cha +1 Int -4 Wis +1 Cha +1
Wind Rider (Air) When using an action with the Wind Rider (Air) (Air) When using an action with the
Move trait to travel in the direction the wind is Move trait to travel in the direction the wind is
blowing, the Choon’giyeosuh doubles its fly speed. blowing, the Swarm of Choon’giyeosuh doubles its
fly speed.
AC: 15 Fort +3
Ref +8 Will +3 AC: 18 Fort +3
Ref +11 Will +3
Hit Points: 6
Immunities prone Hit Points: 23
Resistances poison 2, mental 2 Immunities prone, precision, swarm mind, slashing,
Speed 5 feet, fly 30 feet Resistances poison 2, mental 2
Psychedelic Form (Mental) A creature that touches Weaknesses area damage 5, splash damage 5
or succeeds on a melee Strike against a
Choon’giyeosuh must roll a DC 12 Will save or Speed 5 feet, fly 30 feet
suffer the effects of its Bad Trip. Psychedelic Form (Mental) A creature that touches
or succeeds on a melee Strike against a Swarm of
Melee inflict high +6 (mental, agile), Damage 1 Choon’giyeosuh must roll a DC 18 Will save or
plus bad trip suffer the effects of its Bad Trip.
Bad Trip (Mental) A creature struck by a
Choon’giyeosuh's Inflict High attack rolls 1d10, then Inflict High The Swarm of Choon’giyeosuh
apply a condition based on the result: inflicts Bad Trip on each creature in its space.
1 - blinded; 2 - clumsy 1; 3 - dazzled; 4 - deafened; Bad Trip (Mental) A creature struck by a Swarm of
5 - enfeebled 1; 6 - fascinated; 7 - frightened 1; 8 - Choon’giyeosuh's Inflict High attack rolls 1d10, then
immobilized; 9 - sickened 1; 10 - stupefied 1. At the apply a condition based on the result:
end of that creature's turn, the condition ends. The 1 - blinded; 2 - clumsy 1; 3 - dazzled; 4 - deafened;
creature must then make a DC 17 Will saving throw. 5 - enfeebled 1; 6 - fascinated; 7 - frightened 1; 8 -
On a success, the condition ends; otherwise, roll immobilized; 9 - sickened 1; 10 - stupefied 1. At the
1d10 and apply a new condition. end of that creature's turn, the condition ends. The
creature must then make a DC 18 Will saving throw.
On a success, the condition ends; otherwise, roll
1d10 and apply a new condition.

Nine Heavens Press 98 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Geuseunsae (그슨새)
In Danguk, when a murderer is put to death, the deceased murderer’s soul clings to life and becomes a
Geuseunsae. They’re unliving shadows in the shape of birds that wear straw umbrellas to hide from the sun or rain.
This allows them to wander during the day without exposing themselves to sunlight. The Geuseunsae continues its
vile deeds in life by catching people unaware by stretching its shadowy limbs out longer than its size. It strangles
its victims and escapes into the dark. When serial killings go unsolved in Dangukese communities, people suspect
the Geuseunsae’s involvement.

̍‫ ۗݚ‬
Perception +6; darkvision
Skills Intimidation +9 , Stealth +9
Str +1 Dex +3 Con +3
Int +3 Wis +3 Cha +4
Sunlight Powerlessness A geuseunsae caught in
sunlight is stunned 2 and clumsy 2.
Straw Umbrella While wearing its straw umbrella,
the Geuseunsae is not affected by Sunlight
Powerlessness. The hat breaks and this ability
ceases to function when the Geuseunsae is
reduced to half its HP or less.

AC: 18 Fort +9
Ref +9 Will +9
Hit Points: 56 (negative healing)
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed,
poison, precision
Resistances all 5 (except force, ghost touch, or
positive; double resistance vs. non-magical);
Weaknesses positive 5

Speed 25 feet
Melee shadow claw +10 (agile, finesse, reach),
Damage 1d6+5 slashing plus Shadow Grip
Shadow Grip If the geuseunsae successfully Strikes
a creature with shadow claw, it grabs their shadow
as if strangling it. While adjacent to the
geuseunsae, the creature is Immobilized, has
difficulty speaking, and must spend an extra action
to perform any action with the verbal trait. The
creature can attempt to escape by succeeding
against a DC 20 Fortitude save.
Constrict Requirements Creature must be
under the effect of Shadow Grip; 3d6+5, DC 20

Nine Heavens Press 99 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Jangjamari (장자마리)
Travelers might be fortunate during summer to happen upon Jangjamari heralding the speedy growth of young
plant life. Representing the natural process of blooming, they appear typically in wetlands, forested areas with lakes,
and in some saltwater bodies of water. The sonic reverberations of their komun’go spurs instinctive responses in
people into dancing and celebration. Some young bards seek them out to teach them the ways of music, only to be
pushed to the brink in mustering all their soul into the praise of new life. They’re all too happy to dance and play
with travelers, sharing the joy they feel in life reaching their fullest potential.

Perception +13; low-light vision
Languages Aquan, Common, Sylvan; can’t speak
any language
Skills Acrobatics +9, Crafting +7, Performance +12,
Nature +9, Stealth +9
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +3
Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +4
Items komun’go

AC: 17 Fort +9
Ref +10 Will +8
Hit Points: 50
Resistances fire 3
Weaknesses cold iron 5
Language of Music While the jangjamari plays its
komun’go, it can communicate with creatures that
have the ability to understand language. In addition,
it can use Performance when making a primary
check for the Plant Growth ritual.

Speed 25 feet, swim 25 feet; water walk

Ranged komun’go strum (auditory, magical,
manipulate, ranged 30 feet) +12 [+7/+2], Damage
1d6+6 sonic damage
Primal Innate Spells DC 17, spell attack +12; 2nd
entangle, obscuring mist, summon elemental; 1st
charm (x2), hydraulic push; Cantrips (2nd) dancing
lights, guidance, spout, stabilize
Rituals DC 23, 4th Plant Growth
Inspire the Valiant (emotion, enchantment,
mental) The Jangjamari and all creatures of its
choice within a 30-foot emanation gain a +1 status
bonus to AC and saving throws, and resistance 2 to
physical damage, for one round.

Nine Heavens Press 100 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Lesser Dokkaebi (도깨비)
Lesser Dokkaebi are primal spirits, minor gods even, that possess inanimate objects and are enthralled with
the ways and customs of the mortal world. They take material form by possessing abandoned, inanimate objects.
Though mischievous with a love of drink, food, and games involving physical strength, they are ultimately
benevolent beings that support and protect the virtuous. Their Dokkaebi Club represents their divinity as they
use it as a focus for miracles to summon objects from afar, sometimes at the annoyance of anyone who finds their
possessions missing. Their behavior is guided by a strong moral compass and are incapable of intentional acts of
evil such as murder.

Perception +3; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +9, Deception +3,
Thievery +5
Str +3 Dex +2 Con +1
Int -1 Wis +0 Cha +0
Items club

AC: 15 Fort +7
Ref +6 Will +4
Hit Points: 18
Weaknesses cold iron 2
Form Collapse (primal, concentrate, polymorph,
transmutation); Trigger The dokkaebi is reduced to
0 Hit Points; Effect The Dokkaebi regains 1 Hit
Point and transforms into object form. It can’t
transform back into its fey form for 24 hours

Speed 25 feet
Melee Dokkaebi Club +7 [+2/-3] (magical),
Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning
Melee Fist +7 [+3/-2] (agile, finesse), Damage
1d4+3 bludgeoning plus Grab
Ranged Dokkaebi Club +6 [+1/-4] (magical,
returning, thrown 10 feet),
Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning
Object Form [one-action] (primal, concentrate,
polymorph, transmutation); The dokkaebi takes the
form of an object with a Light bulk. While in this
form, it retains its senses, but cannot use
the Strike action.

Nine Heavens Press 101 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Ma Myeong-jo (마명조)
Native to Danguk, the Ma Myeong-jo is a bird whose third eye can pierce through magical veils and see into
the world beyond mortals. Their tail feathers are twice as long as their bodies are and have the power to change
colors. They use this quality to camouflage their presence and avoid prey to compensate for their slow flight speed.
Military officers tamed these birds to use their tail feathers to give off signals to their soldiers in the middle of

Perception +7
Skills Acrobatics +3, Athletics +4, Stealth +6,
Thievery +6
Str +1 Dex +1 Con +2
Int -2 Wis +2 Cha +3
Metachrosis The ma myeong-jo can change the
coloration of its feathers to match its surroundings.
It doesn't need cover to attempt to Hide with a
Stealth check.

AC: 14 Fort +7
Ref +6 Will +7
Hit Points: 14

Speed 25 ft, fly 10 ft.

Melee beak +6 [+1/-4], Damage 1d4 piercing
Melee tail +6 [+2/-2] (agile, disarm, reach 10
feet), Damage 1d4 slashing
Subliminal Patterns (enchantment, mental, primal,
visual) The ma myeong-jo’s feathers flash a series
of visually scintillating colors. Each creature within
15 feet that can see the ma myeong-jo must
attempt a DC 16 Will save.
Success The target is unaffected.
Failure The creature is fascinated for 1d4 rounds. It
can make a saving throw at the end of its next turns
to end the effect early. If it succeeds, it's no longer
fascinated and is temporarily immune for 1 hour. If
the target is subject to a hostile act, or if another
creature succeeds at a Diplomacy or Intimidation
check against it, the fascination ends immediately.
Critical Failure As failure, but the target can’t make
their saving throw.

Nine Heavens Press 102 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Taktak Gwishin (탁탁귀신)
The last thoughts of a soldier’s life in the battlefield are of regret and fear serve as an animating spark for the
Taktak Gwishin. Its teeth chatter constantly in memory of the fear they felt with their life ended at the spear of
an enemy soldier. In unlife, the Gwishin marches perpetually through the battlefield and into the streets to seek
out and fight its enemy even after its battle had been lost. While the chattering alerts people of its presence, it
subliminally conveys the fear it felt into the minds of those who hear it.
At sites of profound carnage, swaths of soldiers reanimate as Taktak Gwishin. They band together as a brigade
and continue their endless march to complete their orders in life. These undead brigades trample over towns and
spark widespread panic. Though non-sentient, they respond to displays of fearlessness. Being fearful creatures,
they become wary in the presence of unfearing warriors willing to stand in the way of their march. Loud, explosive
noises also scare them away.


Perception +9; darkvision
Languages Common, Necril; understands, but
doesn’t speak
Skills Athletics +13, Intimidation +13
Str +4 Dex +1 Con +3
Int -2 Wis +2 Cha +2
Chattering Wraith (audible, aura, divine, emotion,
enchantment, fear, mental) 15 feet. The unsettling
chattering of the taktak gwishin unnerves those
around them. Creatures are frightened 1 while in
the taktak gwishin’s aura. They can't naturally
recover from this fear while in the area but recover
instantly once they leave the aura.

AC: 19 Fort +12

Ref +8 Will +9
Hit Points: 42
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed,
poison, unconscious
Weaknesses sonic 5

Speed 25 ft
Melee longspear +12 [+7/+2] (reach)
1d8+7 piercing

Nine Heavens Press 103 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Creatures: Tier 2 Play
Arboreal Lion (목우사자)
The Arboreal Lion is a tree imbued with the souls of beasts. It takes the form of what resembles a wooden statue
of a lion. Heavily resistant against arrows and knives, Druids have sought the creation of these lions to defend
nature. Conversely, necromancers and transmuters have also sought to force the creation of an Arboreal Lion to
tame it and have it serve as a powerful attack beast.

ֹࡆ‫ ࢒ۉ‬
Perception +15; low-light vision, scent (imprecise)
30 feet
Languages Understands Arboreal, Common,
Sylvan, but cannot speak
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +13, Stealth +12
Str +5 Dex +4 Con +3
Int -2 Wis +3 Cha -1

AC: 23 Fort +15

Ref +14 Will +9
Hit Points: 120
Resistances bludgeoning 5, piercing 5
Weaknesses axe vulnerability, fire 10
Axe Vulnerability A lion takes 5 additional damage
from axes.

Speed 30 feet
Melee jaws +15 [+10/+5], Damage 2d8+7
piercing plus Grab
Melee claw +15 [+11/+7] (agile), Damage
2d6+7 slashing
Pack Attack The lion deals 1d6 extra damage to
any creature that's within reach of at least two of
the lion's allies.
Pounce The lion Strides and makes a Strike at
the end of that movement. If the lion began this
action hidden, it remains hidden until after this
ability's Strike.
Sneak Attack The lion deals 1d6 extra precision
damage to flat-footed creatures.

Nine Heavens Press 104 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Bulgasari (불가사리)
A product of mad alchemy and desperation, the BULGASARI (ٖɹ‫ۉ‬ն)
Bulgasari is an artificial monster whose name literally RARE CN LARGE CONSTRUCT CREATURE 10
means “impossible to kill”. The creature only appears Perception +20; metal sense (imprecise)
in times of strife and crisis either in response to the Languages Common, but can’t speak
calls of the persecuted for a defender or as a blade Skills Athletics +23, Intimidation +21
of terrible vengeance. Once the Bulgasari’s rampage Str +7 Dex +4 Con +6
begins, nothing can quell its rage until its surroundings Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +3
fall into total ruin. Metal Sense The bulgasari can smell the location
The first Bulgasari raged through the region when of distinct crafted steel within a 30 ft range.
a wicked Dangukese king ordered the arrest of monks
AC: 30 Fort +22
and Mudang whose prophecies questioned his rule.
Ref +18 Will +16
A monk with incredible latent spiritual power caught
in the middle of the crackdowns molded a grotesque Hit Points: 285
shape using rice grains and fed it needles. Growing Immunities bleed, death effects, disease, doomed,
into a figure representing his grudge, the Bulgasari, the drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal
attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious
monster clad in metal, raged against the king’s armies,
Resistances acid 10, all non-magical damage 10,
eating them whole, weapons, armor, and all. In the lightning 10
end, the king’s forces only stopped it after they melted Vulnerabilities fire 13
it down in a blaze that burned the city surrounding it.
Or so the fable goes. In the modern day, to utter the Speed 35 feet
Bulgasari’s name is akin to a curse against those that Flame Body Trigger The bulgasari takes fire
flagrantly abuse their power. As an artificial creature damage; Effect Flames coat the bulgasari and
whose existence must fulfill specific conditions, its immolates it whole. Until the end of its next turn, it
existence is extremely rare, but the destruction it left in is no longer weak to fire and gains weakness 5 to
cold and to water. Any creature that touches or
its wake still remains in the consciousness of everyone
damages the bulgasari with an unarmed attack or
who lives in Danguk. non-reach melee weapon takes 2d6 fire damage. In
addition, its strikes deal an additional 2d6 fire

Melee jaws +23 [+18/+13] (magical),

Damage 2d10+13 slashing plus eat metal
Melee maul +23 [+18/+13] (reach, shove),
Damage 2d12+13 bludgeoning
Avenger’s Charge The bulgasari Strides twice
and then Strikes. If it moved at least 20 feet away
from its starting position, it gains a +1 circumstance
bonus to its attack roll.
Eat Metal The bulgasari’s jaws cleanly bite
through metal. If it succeeds at a jaws Strike, it
deals 2d6 damage (doubled on a critical hit) to a
metal item the target is wearing or holding, ignoring
its Hardness, in addition to the damage it deals to
the target with her claws. If it hits an unattended
metal item, the item takes 2d6 damage
automatically. If a creature uses the Shield Block
reaction with a metal shield against the Bulgasari’s
jaws attack, the shield is automatically broken, but
no other item is affected on that attack.

Nine Heavens Press 105 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Changgwi (창귀)
A traveler walks a lonely road at night against the urgings of their elders and those around them. Though they
hasten their pace to seek shelter at a nearby town, a tiger catches, mauls, and eats them. Their resentment and self-
pity for their fate anchors them to the tiger and possesses it as a symbiotic creature, the Changgwi. The Akryung
born from the unfortunate traveler envies the living people for their happiness while they wallow in their misery.
They act on their hatred by luring new victims for the tiger to eat. More vengeful souls then bind to the tiger.
Dangukese Mudang warn people to beware not the tiger, but the malice that motivates these miserable souls to
betray and hate their fellow man.

ॴ̃ Consume Soul (death, divine, manipulate,
UNCOMMON CE LARGE CREATURE 7 necromancy) Requirements The changgwi is
BEAST UNDEAD adjacent to a dying creature; Effect The changgwi
Perception +17; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft attempts to devour the dying creature's soul. The
Languages Common, Necril creature must attempt a DC 25 Will save. A creature
Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +17, Religion +17, that dies as a result of Consume Soul can't be
Stealth +15 restored to life except by a spell or ritual of 8th level
Str +6 Dex +4 Con +3 or higher. If the Changgwi that used Consume Soul
on a creature is slain within 100 feet of that
Int -3 Wis +3 Cha +2 creature's corpse and the creature has been dead
no longer than 1 minute, the creature's soul returns
AC: 25 Fort +13 to its body and is restored to life, leaving the
Ref +17 Will +13 creature unconscious and dying 1 but no longer
Hit Points: 140 (negative healing) doomed.
Immunities Immunities death effects, disease, Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
paralyzed, poison, unconscious Success The creature becomes doomed 1, or
Weaknesses positive 10 increases its doomed value by 1 if it was already
Assimilate Requirements The Changgwi doomed.
succeeds in draining a dying creature’s soul; Effect Failure As success, but doomed 2.
The Changgwi regains a use of Animate Dead. Critical Failure As success, but doomed 3.
Legion of the Dead (divine, necromancy)
Speed 30 feet Requirements The changgwi must have cast
Melee jaws +18 [+13/+8] (finesse), animate dead this turn. Effect The changgwi can
Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus 1d6 negative sustain two Animate Dead spells at the same time
Melee claw +18 [+14/+10] (agile, finesse), as a free action.
Damage 2d6+8 slashing
Divine Innate Spells DC 25; 4th animate dead (x2),
harm; 3rd animate dead (x2), harm; 2nd animate
dead, harm

Nine Heavens Press 106 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Chwisaeng (취생)
The Chwisaeng is a fiend conjured into the Material Plane in gaseous form. It reeks of weeks old dead fish and
other foul odors poisonous to breathe. After inflicting its victim with poison, the Chwisaeng takes physical form.
Its claws crackle with necrotic energy and amplify the poison in its victim’s body to ravage it. These acts give the
Chwisaeng sadistic glee and even in death, when its body explodes from a burst of collected gas, it takes pleasure
in one last laugh.

CHWISAENG (ঽ۟) Divine Innate Spells DC 26; 5th abyssal plague,

CE LARGE DEMON FIEND CREATURE 8 dimension door; 4th dimension door (at will),
Perception +19; darkvision sanguine mist (x2)
Languages Abyssal, Infernal; telepathy 100 feet Rituals DC 26; 1st abyssal pact
Skills Acrobatics +15, Deception +14, Diplomacy
Chwisaeng Toxin (poison) This toxin muddles the
+14, Intimidation +14, Occultism +15, Stealth +18
mind of anyone who breathes it in. While a creature
Str +1 Dex +5 Con +6 is affected by this poison, it is drained 1; Saving
Int +3 Wis +3 Cha +2 Throw DC 26; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage
Toxic Form A chwisaeng's body is composed of a 1 2d6 poison damage and stupefied 2 (1 round);
semisolid green mist similar in consistency to thick Stage 2 3d6 poison damage and stupefied 2 (1
foam. This enables a chwisaeng to move through round); Stage 3 4d6 poison damage and stupefied
spaces as narrow as 1 inch in diameter with no 3 (1 round)
reduction to its Speed. However, a chwisaeng can't Intensify Poison If a creature is affected by a
wear or interact with objects. poison, they take damage equal to damage stated
Wind Vulnerability If a chwisaeng fails its save in the following stage.
against a spell or effect with the Air trait, the effects Suffocate (divine, incapacitation) The
of its Toxic Form deactivates for 1d4 rounds. It loses chwisaeng’s form seeps into the lungs of a creature
its Resistance to physical damage and immunity to inside its space. The target must attempt a DC 26
precision damage in this state. Fortitude save. This action is only usable when the
chwisaeng’s Toxic Form is active.
AC: 27 Fort +19 Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Ref +16 Will +13 Success The target coughs out remaining gas
+1 status to all saves vs. magic and is drained 1.
Failure The chwisaeng gains full cover while it
Hit Points: 120
enters into the target’s lungs and the target must
Immunities poison, precision, sonic
hold its breath. While it does so, it’s drained 1.
Resistances physical 8
The only action it can take is to attempt another
Weaknesses cold iron 5, good 5
Fortitude save to cough out the gas, which is a
single action. On a success, the chwisaeng
Speed fly 30 feet
appears again in a space adjacent to the target.
Melee fog slam +20 [+15/+10] (poison, Critical Failure The target falls unconscious and
magical), Damage 2d10+9 poison plus 1d6 evil begins suffocating. If the target succeeds at its
and Chwisaeng Toxin Fortitude save while suffocating, it coughs up the
Melee cull +19 [+15/+10] (agile, evil, finesse, gas and can breathe again and the chwisaeng
poison), Damage 2d6+9 bludgeoning plus 1d6 evil appears again in a space adjacent to the target.
and Intensify Poison

Nine Heavens Press 107 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Daegugwi (대구귀)
It’s been said that there was once a human whose DAEGUGWI
visage was so repulsive, he was thought to be a beast UNCOMMON N MEDIUM CREATURE 8
or fiend. His looks kept him ostracized from his UNDEAD
communities until, having had enough, he ran away Perception +17; darkvision
and made his living as a sideshow performer. During Languages Common, Necril; plus any one language
one of his stops, truly mistaken for an aberration, he spoken in life
was beaten and killed. The first Daegugwi, a spirit Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +20,
Intimidation +20
conjured in the form of a giant, disembodied head
typically haunting areas with high population density Str +6 Dex +2 Con +4
of humanoids, was born from that man’s anger. Int +0 Wis +0 Cha +4
The Daegugwi isn’t regarded as a threat alone. The AC: 26 Fort +19
focus of their hatred is usually focused on themselves Ref +15 Will +15
and they rarely assault or try to kill people they meet.
Hit Points: 150 (negative healing)
They would always stare at them with their paralytic
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed,
sight, egging others on to mock and jeer at them. Their poison, unconscious
narcissistic mutterings criticizing their own appearance Weaknesses positive 5
and fate have a potent, magical power that drags others Litany of Self-Loathing (audible, aura, divine,
into their despair. In their unlife, they only find hope in emotion, enchantment, mental) 15 ft. The daegugwi
sharing their agony with others, for they know they are constantly murmurs words of self-loathing that
existences undeserving of happiness. depress others who hear it. Living creatures are
slowed 1 while in the daegugwi’s aura. They can't
naturally recover from this fear while in the area but
recover instantly once they leave the aura.

Speed 10 feet, fly 30 feet

Melee jaws +19 [+14/+9], Damage 2d12+7
piercing plus 1d4 negative and grab
Paralyzing Gaze (curse, emotion, fear, mental,
visual) The daegugwi’s gaze fills a creature with
utmost shock. Each creature within 30 feet that can
see the daegugwi must attempt a DC 26 Will save.
The creature is then temporarily immune
for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is stunned 1.
Failure The creature is paralyzed for 1 round.
Critical Failure The creature is paralyzed for 4
rounds. At the end of each of its turns, it can
attempt a new Will save to reduce the remaining
duration by 1 round, or end it entirely on a
critical success.

Nine Heavens Press 108 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Dokakgwi (독각귀)
A victim of war and brutal violence, the Dokakgwi is DOKAKGWI (Ѥɺ̃)
an undead sorcerer animated through the innate magic NE MEDIUM UNDEAD CREATURE 8
coursing in their blood. It hops on one leg and their eyes Perception +17; darkvision
burn with the fires of their innate magic. The trauma Languages Common, Necril; but doesn’t speak
inflicted onto them twisted its psyche, motivating them Skills Acrobatics +18, Arcana +16, Athletics +18
to pursue their obsession of seeing a world consumed by (+21 to leap), Stealth +18
fire. While the Undead possess near-infinite longevity Str +3 Dex +4 Con +2
from their unnatural immortality, the time Dokakgwi Int -2 Wis +2 Cha +6
has left in the world is finite. Its rotting bodies can no
longer sustain their spellcasting powers and with each AC: 26 Fort +14
spell cast, they deteriorate further. Even so, it pushes Ref +17 Will +15
its body to its limit to wreak maximum destruction. Hit Points: 100 (negative healing)
Necromancers send Dokakgwi ahead of their skeleton Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed,
and zombie legions to take their targets and themselves poison, sleep
in their indiscriminate blaze. Weaknesses positive 5

Speed 20 ft.
Ranged fire ray +19 [+14/+9] (fire, magic,
range 60 ft.), Damage 2d10+9 fire
Innate Arcane Spells DC 26, 4th dimension door,
fireball; 1st fear, jump (at-will), ray of enfeeblement
Leaping Embers When the dokakgwi casts the
jump spell, it can also make a single fire ray Strike
as part of the same action. Multiple attack penalty
applies to any consecutive attack.

Nine Heavens Press 109 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

High Dokkaebi
When a spirit of the sea or mountain gathers a DOKKAEBI, HIGH
tremendous amount of energy from grass, trees, soil, and CG MEDIUM DOKKAEBI FEY CREATURE 5
rocks, they can express their will in the world through Perception +12; darkvision
the form of a High Dokkaebi. Among Dokkaebi, they’re Languages Common, Goblin, Sylvan
considered seniors whose examples are to be modeled Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +13 (+15 when
after and revered. They take lead on night festivities and grappling), Deception +3, Thievery +5
are drawn to areas with concentrated human desires. Str +5 Dex +3 Con +3
Mortals look to them as gods on earth and idols who Int +1 Wis +0 Cha +2
have both physical power and the freedom to live out
their greatest wishes. In turn, High Dokkaebi punish AC: 20 Fort +14
Ref +12 Will +11
human evil and bring positive resolutions to their
problems, as they would define it. Hit Points: 73
Weaknesses cold iron 5
Attack of Opportunity
Form Collapse; Trigger The dokkaebi is reduced to
0 Hit Points. Effect The dokkaebi regains 1 Hit Point
and transforms into object form. It can’t transform
back into its fey form for 24 hours.

Speed 25 ft
Melee dokkaebi club [one-action] +15 [+10/+5]
(magical), Damage 2d8+7 bludgeoning
Melee fist +15 [+11/+7] (agile, finesse),
Damage 1d10+7 bludgeoning plus Improved Grab
Ranged dokkaebi club [one-action] +13 [+8/+3]
(magical, returning, thrown 10 feet), Damage
2d8+3 bludgeoning
Object Form (primal, concentrate, polymorph,
transmutation); The dokkaebi takes the form of an
object with a Light bulk. While in this form, it retains
its senses, but cannot use the Strike action.
Suplex Requirements You have a creature
grabbed or restrained; Effect The dokkaebi makes
a single Strike against the creature it grabbed. On a
success, the target lands prone and on a critical
success, the target lands prone and takes an
additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Regardless of
whether the Strike is successful, it immediately
releases its hold on the target.

Nine Heavens Press 110 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Duseng’ilgak (두생일각)
In farms that do not maintain proper hygiene, a Duseng’ilgak might be born from an ordinary egg in a chicken
coop. Thought to be a living curse created by the Jeongrang Gakshi, the Duseng’ilgak’s birth is a harbinger of
continued plague to exacerbate already unhygienic conditions. Ironically, the Duseng’ilgak’s horn is valuable
among doctors who seek to use it to manipulate and ward off diseases. By the time a Duseng’ilgak is discovered,
though, illness has already ravaged the afflicted community.

Perception +12; Darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +13
Str -1 Dex +4 Con +5
Int -3 Wis +2 Cha +2

AC: 21 Fort +13

Ref +12 Will +10
Hit Points: 75
Immunities Disease
Filth Aura (aura, disease) 15 feet; The duseng’ilgak
produces a constant supply of infectious diseases.
All creatures within 15 feet of the duseng’ilgak take
a -1 status penalty to saves against disease effects.
If a creature within range contracts or progresses a
disease, all adjacent creatures are exposed to the
same disease, at the same DC.

Speed 20 feet, fly 30 feet (must land on a flat

surface or fall)
Melee beak +15 [+10/+5] (finesse, magical),
Damage 2d8+7 plus duseng pox
Duseng Pox (disease) Saving Throw DC 22
Fortitude; Stage 1 sickened 1 (1 day); Stage 2
sickened 2 and fatigued 1 (1 day); Stage 3 drained
1 and fatigued 2 (1 day); Stage 4 drained 2 and
stupefied 1 (1 day); Stage 5 as stage 4 (1 week);
Stage 6 Death

Nine Heavens Press 111 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Geogugwi (거구귀)
The Geogugwi is a primal force of nature born from a violent collision of all five elements. It is a behemoth
created not by the gods, but as an expression of untamed chaos roaming the world. Its hide resists all known forms
of energy and converts it into power.
Each step it takes creates tremors and shakes the earth beneath it. Its hunger knows no bounds as it greedily
consumes all types of matter and energy in the material world. The one exception is radiant energy which is a
product of the divine. If one appears in the world, it’s considered a harbinger of an apocalypse brought about by
natural forces: a sign that the gods’ grip over the material world they sought to bring order to has grown tenuous.
Though it has no will of its own, only following its instinct and hunger, it acknowledges forces stronger than it.

Perception +21
Skills Athletics +22, Intimidation +20, Nature +20,
Survival +18
Str +7 Dex +0 Con +6
Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +4
Element Eater If the geogugwi succeeds on its
saving throw against a spell that deals damage it is
immune to, it regains half the number of hit points
equal to the damage dealt. The Geogugwi then
loses the immunity to the triggering type for 24

AC: 30 Fort +22

Ref +17 Will +17
Hit Points: 175
Immunities acid, cold, fire, force, lightning,
poison, sonic
Channel Energy Requirements The geogugwi
is targeted with an effect that deals acid, cold, fire,
force, lightning, poison, or sonic damage;
Effect The geogugwi gains resistance 10 against
the triggering damage type and its jaws attack deals
an additional 2d6 of that damage type until the end
of its next turn.

Speed 20 feet, burrow 30 feet

Melee jaws +23 [+18/+13] (magical, reach 10
feet), Damage 2d12+13 piercing
Rituals DC 30; 8th control weather
Energy Radiation (evocation) The geogugwi
releases a burst of pure energy from its body. Each
creature in a 20-foot emanation takes 6d6 damage
of a damage type it is either resistant or immune to
(DC 29 basic Reflex save). It takes the same
damage as if it had succeeded against the save.

Nine Heavens Press 112 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Janghwahwunyo (장화훤요)
An unsettling tree that appears in forests with dead trees, the Janghwawunyo’s bark is warped into the shape of
people and animals whose souls it traps. Its inside is lit with a cold flame that shines as brightly as a torch. Druids
speculate that the Janghwahwunyo come about when a tree possesses its forest’s resentment at withering away or
when a hag secretly plants it.
People share ghost stories after hearing its unsettling whistling out in their woods and the inexplicable light
shining from within. Those that chase after it leave become susceptible to its madness-inducing influence as it
whispers thoughts and shows images inside their minds that drive them to harm. People that have had enough
of the tree try to chop it down, but it can transmit into people’s minds its pain. Rangers urge people to avoid the
Janghwawunyo and to not heed its whispers.

࢝୕୵࠾ Speed 15 feet
NE HUGE PLANT CREATURE 9 Melee branch +22 [+17/+12] (reach 15 feet),
Perception +20 Damage 2d12+17 bludgeoning
Languages Arboreal, Common, Sylvan; Melee root +22 [+17/+12] (trip),
speak with plants Damage 2d8+17 bludgeoning
Skills Athletics +17, Deception +20,
Primal Innate Spells DC 28; 6th hallucination; 5th
Intimidation +20, Nature +15
ash cloud (x2), fireball, 4th hallucinatory terrain,
Str +7 Dex +0 Con +6 1st lose the path (x2) Constant (5th)
Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +2 speak with plants
Cantrips (5th) dancing lights, electric arc, ghost
AC: 30 Fort +21 sound, message, produce flame
Ref +12 Will +15
Beguiling Whistle (auditory, illusion, mental)
Hit Points: 190 Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 28
Resistance bludgeoning 10, fire 8, piercing 10 Will saving throw or lose their hearing. While a
Weakness axe vulnerability, cold 10 target is deafened in this way, the Janghwahwunyo
Accursed Reprisal (curse, necromancy) Trigger can communicate with them telepathically at any
the Janghwahwunyo takes piercing, slashing, or distance on the same plane.
persistent bleed damage from a creature; Effect Critical Success The target is unaffected.
The target takes 5d6 persistent bleed damage and Success The target is deafened for 1 round.
must attempt a DC 28 Will save. Failure The target is deafened for 10 minutes.
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Critical Failure Same as failure, but the
Success The target takes half the persistent Janghwahwunyo can implant false sounds of the
bleed damage. creature’s surroundings. The Janghwahwunyo
Failure The target takes the full persistent bleed must roll a Deception check to mimic any
damage. specific creature
Critical Failure As failure, but the target takes
double the persistent bleed damage.
Axe Vulnerability The janghwahwunyo takes 10
additional damage from axes.
Burning Tree The janghwahwunyo emits a 20 foot
radius of bright light (and dim light for the next

Nine Heavens Press 113 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Jesengnoma (제생요마)
The Jesengnoma is an undead animated from the corpse of a fallen soldier. Though they only have one leg
and they move by hopping, their strength enables them to leap higher than physically possible. Necromancers
use Jesengnoma as zombified assassins. Fiercely loyal to those that raised them, drawing on memories of their
commanding officers, the Jesengnoma carries out its orders without rest. It slays its victims by leaping into the
air and using the momentum of its fall to stab them with a mortal blow. Animating a Jesengnoma requires great
finesse to maintain the body’s flexibility against rigor mortis setting in, but necromancers covet them as precise
warriors to eliminate their enemies.

JESENGNOMA (ࢼ۟࠾վ) Speed 30 feet

LE MEDIUM UNDEAD CREATURE 7 Melee shortsword +18 (agile, finesse, versatile
ZOMBIE S) Damage 2d6+7 piercing plus leaping fever
Perception +15; darkvision Otherworldly Leap The jesengnoma can take a
Languages Common, Necril strike action at the end of a leap as part of this
Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +16 (+20 to leap), action. On a successful leap, the target is flat-footed
Deception +13, Intimidation +15, Stealth +17, and on a critical success, the target takes an
Thievery +17, Underworld Lore +15 additional 2d6 precision damage on a successful
Str +3 Dex +6 Con +3 strike.
Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +0 Sneak Attack The Jesengnoma deals an extra 2d6
precision damage to flat-footed creatures.
AC: 25 Fort +14 Leaping Fever (disease); Stage 1 clumsy 1 (1 day);
Ref +18 Will +13 Stage 2 clumsy 2 and flat-footed (1 day); Stage 3
Hit Points: 134 (negative healing) clumsy 2 and the target’s movement speed is
Resistance bludgeoning 10, fire 8, piercing 10 reduced by 10 feet (1 day); Stage 4 clumsy 3 and
Weakness axe vulnerability, cold 10 taking the stride action deals 1d6 persistent bleed
damage (1 day); Stage 5 as stage 4 (1 day); Stage
Deny Advantage The jesengnoma isn't flat-footed to
6 death, the body spasms and the joints holding
creatures of 8th level or lower that are hidden,
target’s remaining limbs atrophies, throwing their
undetected, flanking, or using surprise attack.
legs and arms into the air.

Nine Heavens Press 114 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Jigwi (지귀)
In the Kingdom of Silla, a monk fell infatuated with the beauty of Queen Seondeok. He could only see glimpses
of her as she would ride in her procession through the public. Bound to the temple by oath, he could never meet
her and he would always tell worshippers to give his regards. This obsession grew to the point he refused to eat,
drink, and sleep, consumed with thoughts of the Queen’s beauty. Stories of the monk who loved the Queen spread
and reached the ears of the Queen herself. Feeling pity for the man, she announced she would visit the temple to
offer her prayers.
News inspired such in the monk and relief that years of exhaustion finally caught up to him. As he waited
diligently, he soon fell asleep underneath the temple’s pagoda. After waking up, he found next to him a bracelet
and another monk told him that for all their efforts, he couldn’t be stirred awake. The Queen came and departed,
leaving behind her bracelet for him as a memento. His heart burned learning that he missed his chance and
consumed him with flames, killing him, and soon engulfed the rest of the temple. Rumors spread that lived on as
a Gwishin named Jigwi, a burning specter whose unrequited love manifests as flames that threaten to burn the
world around them.
Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) When the jigwi
ऌ̃ is destroyed, it re-forms after 2d4 days within the
UNCOMMON CN MEDIUM CREATURE 10 location it’s bound to, fully healed. The jigwi can be
FIRE INCORPOREAL UNDEAD permanently destroyed only if someone determines
Perception +17; darkvision the reason for its existence and sets right whatever
Languages common, necril prevents the spirit from resting. Completing the
Skills Athletics +22, Intimidation +22, Stealth +19 jigwi’s project allows it to move on to the afterlife.
Str -5 Dex +6 Con +0
Speed fly 25 feet
Int +3 Wis +3 Cha +6
Melee ghostly hand +21 [+17/+13] (agile,
Fires of Passion The jigwi is immune to spells with finesse, fire, magical), Damage 2d8+12 negative
the enchantment trait. If a target targets the jigwi plus 2d6 persistent fire and desperate embrace
with a spell with the enchantment trait, it
Ranged hurl flame +21 [+17/+13] (agile, fire,
automatically is aware of the caster and gains a +1
ranged 60 feet, magical), Damage 2d6+12 fire plus
circumstance bonus to attack rolls against them
2d6 persistent fire
until the end of its next turn.
Blazing Howl (evocation, fire, occult) The jigwi
Site Bound A typical ghost can stray only a short
screams in agony, causing creatures in a 15-foot
distance from where it was killed or the place it
emanation to burst into flame. Targets must make a
haunts. A typical limit is 120 feet. Some ghosts are
DC 29 Reflex save. After using it, the jigwi can't use
instead bound to a room, building, item, or creature
Blazing Howl for 1d4 rounds.
that was special to it rather than a location.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target takes 6d6 fire damage.
AC: 29 Fort +16
Failure The target takes 12d6 fire damage.
Ref +22 Will +19
Critical Failure As above, but the creature is also
Hit Points: 171 (negative healing, rejuvenation) Frightened 2.
Immunities death effects, disease, fire, paralyzed, Desperate Embrace Requirements The target
poison, precision, unconscious is taking persistent fire damage; Effect The jigwi is
Resistance all damage 10 (except cold, force, ghost able to touch any creature taking persistent fire
touch, positive, or water; double resistance vs. damage despite being incorporeal. The jigwi
non-magical) automatically grabs the target. While grabbed, the
Weakness cold 10, water 10 creature must roll twice on their flat check to
recover from persistent damage and take the lower
result. This is a misfortune effect. When it no longer
takes persistent fire damage, the target also cannot
be grabbed by the jigwi.

Nine Heavens Press 115 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Jomagu (조마구)
A Jomagu is a chimera of nearly every loathed, verminous creature, given life and shape through people’s fears
and hatred. It invades homes and steals their food, but it is most terrifying when struck back. Capable of growing
into titanic sizes in response to pain and inhospitality, the Jomagu uses its new, titanic height to slash up and
eat those who wronged it. The Mudang believe it to be a living curse brought to existence by innocent, though
annoying vermin in their hunger who found their ways into people’s kitchens. Though not terribly intelligent, they
possess a cruel streak and the cunning to make the most of it.

JOMAGU (࣌վˮ)
Perception +12
Skills Athletics +13 , Stealth +12
Str +5 Dex +4 Con +5
Int +2 Wis +4 Cha +5
Vengeful Growth (polymorph, transmutation)
Whenever the Jomagu takes damage, if it is not
Huge size, it increases by one size category,
increases its clumsy value by 1, gains a stacking +2
status bonus to damage, and its reach increases by
5 feet. If at the beginning of its turn the Jomagu has
not taken damage since the beginning of its last
turn, if it is not Tiny size, it decreases by one size
category, decreases its clumsy value by 1,
decreases its stacking status bonus to damage by
2, and decreases its reach by 5 feet.

AC: 22 Fort +15

Ref +12 Will +12
Hit Points: 94
Immunities death effects, disease, fire, paralyzed,
poison, precision, unconscious
Resistance all damage 10 (except cold, force, ghost
touch, positive, or water; double resistance vs.
Weakness cold 10, water 10
Speed fly 25 feet
Melee scythe +11 (deadly d10, trip),
Damage 2d12+7

Nine Heavens Press 116 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Juidoryung (쥐도령)
Though the Juidoryung appears at first as a shorter than average ratfolk, they possess unrivaled shape shifting
abilities. To shapeshift, they must eat a small part of their prey; a toenail, a lock of hair, or blood will do. Transforming
this way imbues them with the memories of whoever they transformed into, even those forgotten. This quality
enabled many Juidoryung to steal the lives of their prey even after being discovered. They linger in places with high
population density to better escape into when an identity runs its course.
Few Juidoryung use their abilities for feats of organized crime, but most are cowards at heart content to nibble
on scraps they find. Their rodent instincts compel them to flee from cats and to seek out cheese.

Perception +14
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Skills Acrobatics +13, Deception +13,
Diplomacy +12, Stealth +13
Str +1 Dex +5 Con +2
Int +3 Wis +3 Cha +4
Ingrained Terror When the juidoryung begins its
turn within 30 feet of a cat, catfolk, or another
creature that resembles a cat, it is frightened 1 until
the creature is out of range.

AC: 20 Fort +9
Ref +14 Will +12
Hit Points: 59
Weakness cold iron 5

Speed 30 feet
Melee jaws +14 [+10/+6] (finesse),
Damage 2d4+6 piercing plus Jui Shapechange
Hit and Run The juidoryung can make a single
jaws Strike against a creature and take a Stride
action, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to the
attack. This movement does not incur any
Jui Shapechange (concentrate, polymorph,
primal, transmutation) The juidoryung takes on the
appearance of the creature that it struck. It gains
the creature’s speed and immunities, resistances,
and weaknesses in place of its own, but lacks the
creature’s special abilities. Its strikes deal the
target’s normal damage, but without added effects.
It gains all the creature’s memories while in this
form and forgets them after returning to its original
shape. When recalling knowledge while in the
creature’s form, it can use the creature’s skills in
place of its own with a +2 circumstance bonus.

Nine Heavens Press 117 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Kkumoksari (꺼먹살이)
A fear of being watched in the dark has allowed certain spirits to take shape as a Kkumoksari. These are
mischievous fey who lurk in dark spaces, roads, and streets, preferring to single out cowardly individuals. They
stalk and follow them, making sounds of footsteps and fooling with their senses to build tension, before revealing
themselves, reveling in the fright they inflict. If the person isn’t frightened, they quickly lose interest and depart.
Very few deaths in Danguk are caused by the Kkumoksari who find joy primarily in the reactions people have to
their antics. Regardless, they follow their own sense of honor, where they believe that mortals should continue to
fear the darkness, lest they run into creatures far more dangerous than they ever could be. In their own way, they
believe their actions amount to a public service, but they find more joy scaring the daylights out of people than
from any noble purpose.

Perception +12; darkvision (can see through even
magical darkness)
Languages Sylvan, Undercommon
Skills Acrobatics +13, Occultism +12, Stealth +13
Str -1 Dex +4 Con +2
Int +1 Wis +2 Cha +3
Child of Darkness While in darkness, the
kkomoksari has concealment even against
creatures with darkvision.

AC: 22 Fort +10

Ref +15 Will +12
+1 status bonus to Reflex saves while in darkness
Hit Points: 55
Immunities paralyzed, precision, unconscious;
Resistances all 5 (except force, ghost touch, or
positive; double resistance against non-magical);
Weakness light vulnerability

Speed 30 ft
Melee shadow hand +15 [+10/+5] (finesse,
magical), Damage 2d6+6 negative
Ranged shadow orb +15 [+10/+5] (magical,
range 30 ft.), Damage 2d4+6 negative
Primal Innate Spells DC 19, 4th darkness (at will);
2nd entangle, 1st negate aroma

Nine Heavens Press 118 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Mimic Progenitor
Scholars that study monsters theorized that the Mimic Progenitor is a distant ancestor of modern day Mimics.
Two rivaling schools of thought about the Mimic’s origins posit that they are either shrunken progenitors that
learned to adapt above water or Mimics evolved from a Mimic Progenitor’s severed tentacle. Each of the Mimic
Progenitor’s tentacles possesses a brain that analyzes the thoughts of prey observed through the telepathic main
body and shapeshifts into a desirable object or creature. When the tentacle detects that its prey is close, it constricts
them for its main body to consume with its razor sharp jaws. Desperate sailors have died, steering their ships
toward the Mimic Progenitor disguised as stranded treasure ships or tropical islands offering shade and food.
Though the Mimic Progenitor’s intellect rivals those of the Kraken and the Aboleth, it possesses a sociable
streak stemming from its fondness for playing with its food. They enjoy the fun of sinking dumb, arrogant sailors
and the thrill of locking wits against perceptive seamen. Lacking the same hatred for the world that its brethren
of the depths have, the Mimic Progenitor is a creature of the present rather than of past resentments or future
schemes. They do, however, employ priests of deception to poke holes into the fabric of reality to inspire regional

MIMIC PROGENITOR Mimic Object The mimic assumes the shape of

UNCOMMON CN HUGE CREATURE 9 any Huge object. This doesn't change the mimic's
ABERRATION AMPHIBIOUS texture or overall size but can alter its coloration
Perception +21; darkvision and visual appearance. It has an automatic result
Languages Aklo, Aquan, Common, Undercommon of 33 on Deception checks and DCs to pass as the
Skills Athletics +18, Deception +21, Intimidation object that it's mimicking.
+21, Lore +18 (any one subcategory) Occultism +21 Tentacular Impersonation (concentrate,
Str +5 Dex +1 Con +5 polymorph) Each of the Mimic’s eight tentacles can
Int +5 Wis +2 Cha +6 assume the shape of any Large or smaller object.
This doesn't change the mimic's texture or overall
AC: 28 Fort +21 size but can alter its coloration and visual
Ref +18 Will +20 appearance. It has an automatic result of 33 on
Deception checks and DCs to pass as the object
Hit Points: 165 that it's mimicking.
Uncanny Mirage Frequency once per day;
Speed 5 feet, swim 50 feet Requirements The mimic casts an illusion spell that
Melee beak +21 [+16/+11], it can sustain; Effect The mimic can cast a second
Damage 2d12+11 piercing illusion spell and sustain both spells with a single
Melee tentacle +21 [+17/+13] (agile, reach 15 action to Sustain the Spell. This benefit ends until
feet), Damage 2d8+11 bludgeoning plus either effect ends.
Improved Grab
Constrict 1d10+11 bludgeoning, DC 24
Occult Innate Spells DC 28; 8th illusory scene (at
will); 7th project image (at will); 6th vibrant pattern
(x3), mislead (at will); 5th cloak of colors;
hallucination (at will), strange geometry (at will); 4th
hallucinatory terrain (at will), ocular overload; 3rd
hypnotic pattern (at will)

Nine Heavens Press 119 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Myodusa (묘두사)
Native to Danguk, the Myodusa is a giant, serpentine creature with the head of a cat. Its body emits a blue smoke
that has curative properties to anyone that breathes it in. Extremely rare, the Myodusa is a saint among monsters
whose medicinal properties are like a true panacea. They hide away in their nests, wary of engaging too much with
the mortal world for fear of being taken advantage of. Still, they are trusting and amicable to strangers with an
appetite for affection. It’s said that there is a legend where one took advantage of their powers and commanded a
cult that worshiped it like a god, only to be slain. Myodusas are creatures of legend that even kings have searched
for in the hopes of curing the most severe of curses and ailments affecting their loved ones.

Cry for Help (aura, emotion, enchantment,

‫׌‬Ѽ‫ ۉ‬ incapacitation, mental) The myodusa cries crocodile
RARE NG LARGE BEAST CREATURE 8 tears, releasing a 20 feet emanation using its mist
Perception +18; darkvision and shining scales to imprint a subtle mental
Languages Celestial, Common, Sylvan suggestion into a creature’s mind. The emanation
Skills Athletics +19, Crafting +20 (+22 to make lasts for 1 minute. Any creature that ends its turn
alchemical elixirs), Medicine +21, Religion +17, within the emanation must attempt a DC 26 Will
Stealth +15 saving throw. No matter the result, it's then
Str +5 Dex +1 Con +2 temporarily immune for 24 hours. The effect lasts
until the spell ends, even after the creature leaves
Int +3 Wis +4 Cha +7
the aura.
Aura of Healing (aura, healing, necromancy) Living Critical Success The creature is unaffected and
creatures within 30 feet regain 2d4 Hit Points at the is aware of the aura.
end of their turn. Success The creature's attitude toward the
myodusa improves by one step. If that improves
AC: 26 Fort +16 its attitude to at least indifferent, it can't take
Ref +17 Will +19 hostile actions against the myodusa, though the
Hit Points: 135 effect ends as soon as the myodusa takes a
hostile action against the creature or its allies.
Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet, swim 30 feet Failure The creature's attitude toward you
improves by two steps. It can't take hostile actions
Melee +19 [+14/+9] (reach 10 feet), Damage against you, though the effect ends as soon as
2d10+5 piercing plus 1d6 positive you take a hostile action against the creature or
Melee +19 [+15/+8] (agile, reach 15 feet), its allies.
Damage 2d8+5 bludgeoning plus Push 5 feet Critical Failure The creature's attitude becomes
Divine Innate Spells DC 26, spell attack +17; 4th helpful to the myodusa, though the effect ends as
heal (x7), globe of invulnerability, remove curse, soon as it takes a hostile action against the
soothing spring; 3rd heroism, remove disease (x2); creature or its allies. While the creature is helpful,
2nd remove paralysis (x2); Cantrips (4th) stabilize it can't take hostile actions against you.


The Myodusa’s Venom restores a creature for
6d8+48 Hit Points and all afflictions of 11th level or
lower affecting you are removed.

Nine Heavens Press 120 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Painting Akryung (그림악령)
When either a painter or their muse leaves the world, unsatisfied at their craft, their spirit warps into a Painting
Akryung. Painting Akryungs possess paintings they hold powerful sentimental value for. Their spiritual power
enables them to blend their form within the art. They jealously guard these pieces, terrifying their new owners and
collectors, or stealing their lives to improve their painting. Only a fellow artistic soul can reach out to a Painting
Akryung and convince them to pass on willingly.

PAINTING AKRYUNG (̍պ߃Գ) Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) When

CE MEDIUM UNDEAD CREATURE 7 destroyed, the akryung reforms after 2d4 days fully
GHOST INCORPOREAL healed at whatever location they were at when last
Perception +12; darkvision destroyed. It is only permanently destroyed when a
Languages Common, Necril mudang performs a ritual to send its spirit to the
Skills Deception +15, Diplomacy +15, Stealth +17 afterlife or if it accepts passage of its own free will.
(+20 while hiding in a painting)
Str -5 Dex +6 Con +2 Speed 25 feet
Int +2 Wis +3 Cha +5 Melee ghostly touch +18 [+14/+8] (agile,
Backdrop When a creature attempts to Strike the finesse, magical), Damage 2d10+6 negative plus
akryung while it is adjacent to a surface and painting curse
critically misses, the attacker hits the surface (a Painting Curse (curse, divine, transmutation)
canvas, wall, or so on) behind the Painting Akryung. Requirement The akryung hits a living creature with
This might damage the surface or the attacker's a ghostly touch Strike on its previous action; Effect
weapon, at the GM's discretion. The akryung attempts to melt the target into a
Painting Bound The akryung is bound to a piece of paint-like ooze. The target takes 4d6 persistent acid
art that it is inordinately attached to and can only damage and must attempt a DC 25 Fortitude save.
stray 120 feet away from it. Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target takes half the persistent acid
AC: 25 Fort +12 damage.
Ref +18 Will +14 Failure The target takes the full persistent acid
damage. Until the persistent acid damage stops,
Hit Points: 90 (negative healing, rejuvenation) they gain clumsy 1.
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, Critical Failure The target takes double
poison, precision, unconscious persistent acid damage and gains clumsy 2.
Resistances all damage 5 (except force, ghost
Unliving Art The akryung can use the Hide action or
touch, or positive; double resistance vs.
end its sneak within a painting or illustration on any
Paint Explosion (curse, divine, necromancy) When
the akryung is reduced to 0 HP, all creatures in a 15
foot cone originating from the target are splashed
with corrosive paint and takes 7d6 acid damage
(basic Fortitude save).

Nine Heavens Press 121 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Shinyuyukmyeon (신유육면)
Known as the Living Blight, its name refers to the six faces on its body. An extremely rare monster that appears
in the seas, its advent is considered to be an unsightly omen. It is lured to the smell of widespread death and brings
with it storms and calamities to cull the weak, drag them into the waters, and consume them whole. The Yongwang
of Danguk do not tolerate the Shinyuyukmyeon’s existence, recognizing it as an abomination. If it is allowed to
swim in the seas of the dragons, it is because the order of nature is in disarray. It lets out a grating song in the
language of the aberrant and its laughter heralds the destruction of the seas.

‫ ֱࡨࡧݣ‬
Perception +20
Languages Aklo
Skills Athletics +22 (+25 to swim), Intimidation +20,
Performance +21
Str +8 Dex +3 Con +6
Int -2 Wis +3 Cha +5

AC: 31 Fort +23

Ref +17 Will +19
Hit Points: 210
Resistances sonic 10
Six-Faced Intoner (aura, sonic) 15 feet. A creature
that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC
26 Fortitude save or be pushed back 5 feet and
become deafened until the end of their next turn.

Speed swim 40 feet

Melee body +24 [+19/+14] (reach 20 feet),
Damage 2d8+12 bludgeoning
Melee jaws +24 [+19/+14] (reach 15 feet),
Damage 2d10+12 bludgeoning plus Improved Grab
Ranged laugh +22 [+17/+12] (magical, range
increment 60 feet)), Damage 2d10+10 sonic
Occult Innate Spells DC 25; 5th control water,
painful vibrations, sound burst; 4th painful
vibrations, shatter
Ritual DC 30; 9th control weather
Swallow Whole Large, 2d6+8 bludgeoning,
Rupture 21

Nine Heavens Press 122 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Soul Colony
Souls resentful of their lot in Jeoseung sometimes learn to cluster together and form shells to protect themselves.
They cooperate as a hivemind and their individual souls take on the forms of furious wasps. A soul with a powerful
will overpowers the others and their anger takes over as the hivemind’s dominant personality. The rulers of Jeoseung
charged the gardeners of the Flower Fields of Seocheon and the Jeoseung Saja to destroy these Colonies and end
these souls’ rebellion.

UNCOMMON N LARGE CREATURE 9 Speed fly 20 feet (hover)
CONSTRUCT Attack Order The soul colony commands a wasp
swarm within 30 feet to use their reaction to Strike
Perception +18; blindsight 60 ft
a specified creature.
Skills Intimidation +20
Summon Swarm (conjuration, occult) The soul
Str +3 Dex +4 Con +6
colony summons a mass amount of wasps. The soul
Int -4 Wis +3 Cha +7 colony can choose 5 unoccupied spaces within 30
feet. Creatures that pass through one of these
AC: 25 Fort +21 spaces must attempt a basic Reflex save DC 24 or
Ref +18 Will +15 take 2d8+8 piercing damage. A creature that
Hit Points: 115 critically fails takes 1d8 persistent poison damage.
Immunities bleed, death effects, diseased, doomed, The soul colony can use an action on its turn to
drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal move all of these swarms to another space within
attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious 30 feet. The soul colony can only do this once per
Resistances cold 5, fire 5, negative 5, physical from turn and can only have a maximum of 5 swarms
non-magical attacks 10 active at a time. The soul colony cannot use this
Spite of the Swarm Trigger The soul colony is ability again for 1d4 rounds.
damages by a creature within 60 feet it can see; Summoned Swarm A wasp swarm summoned by a
Effect The soul colony makes a deserate attack soul colony has the following statistics. The swarm
against their aggressor. The triggering creature must has the incorporeal trait. AC 18; HP 30 (Immunities
attempt a DC 24 basic Reflex saving throw taking precision, mental; Weakness area damage 5,
3d10 piercing damage. splash damage 5; Resistances all damage 3
Carrier If a wasp swarm the soul colony summoned (except for Strikes with the ghost touch property));
enters the soul colony's space, it can destroy the Saving Throw Same as soul colony.
swarm and gain the remaining HP the swarm had as
temporary hit points.

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Soul Eater Owl
An apex predator born in the Underworld, the Soul Eater Owl developed a taste for mortal souls. The Ten
Narakwang regard them as vermin and order their officers to locate and destroy their nests. The owls hide in the
Flower Fields of Seocheon, eating flowers of innocent souls, finding them to be sweeter meals than those tortured
in Jeoseung. They sneak into Danguk during periods of high necromantic activity to prey on wayward souls.
Clerics regard its appearance in the world of the living as a symptom of terrible dysfunction in the natural cycle of
life and death.

SOUL EATER OWL Speed 20 feet, fly 40 feet

UNCOMMON NE MEDIUM CREATURE 9 Melee beak +21 [+16/+11],
Damage 2d10+12 plus gulp soul
Melee talon +21 [+15/+12] (agile), Damage
Perception +15; darkvision
2d8+12 plus gulp soul
Languages Necril, Sylvan
Skills Acrobatics +20, Athletics +18, Stealth +23, Flying Strafe The owl flies up to its Speed and
Survival +17 makes two talon Strikes at any point during that
movement. Each Strike must target a different
Str +4 Dex +7 Con +2
creature. Each attack takes the normal multiple
Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +1 attack penalty.
Ghost Eater The owl’s attacks ignore the Gulp Soul (death, divine, necromancy) Trigger
resistances and immunities of any incorporeal The owl kills a creature. Effect A creature slain by
creature. the owl has its soul eaten. While its soul is trapped,
a creature can't be resurrected except by powerful
AC: 24 Fort +12 magic such as a wish spell or destroying the owl.
Ref +16 Will +14 The soul eater owl can hold up to 5 souls with each
Hit Points: 170 giving it 10 temporary hp.
Weakness cold iron 5 Shadow Glide (teleportation) Requirement The
owl is adjacent to a creature.; Effect The owl glides
into the creature’s shadow and appears in another
creature’s within 60 feet

Nine Heavens Press 124 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest


Childlike Innocence The taejagwi has a -1 penalty

੐࢒̃ to its Perception DC against Deception and
RARE LG MEDIUM CREATURE 9 Intimidation checks, but its results on Will saves
INCORPOREAL SPIRIT UNDEAD against emotional or mental effects are one
Perception +16; darkvision, true seeing level higher.
Languages Celestial, Common, Necril;
telepathy 100 ft Speed fly 25 feet
Skills Diplomacy +12, Nature +14, Religion +14
Melee ghostly slap +15 [+10/+5] (finesse,
Str -5 Dex +4 Con +0 magical), Damage 3d6+2 positive
Int +2 Wis +6 Cha +5 Divine Innate Spells DC 22; 9th foresight; 5th
Ghost Eater The owl’s attacks ignore the locate; 3rd focusing hum, show the way; 2nd
resistances and immunities of any incorporeal augury, comprehend languages; 1st detect
creature. alignment, detect poison; Cantrips (3rd) detect
magic, divine lance, guidance, haunting hymn, wash
AC: 22 Fort +13 your luck; Constant (6th) true seeing
Ref +12 Will +10 Divine Fortune (divine, fortune, misfortune);
Hit Points: 60 Frequency three times per day; Trigger A creature
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, within 30 feet makes an attack roll, skill check, or
poison, precision, unconscious saving throw, but before the result is known; Effect
Resistances all 5 (except force, ghost touch, or The result of the creature’s roll becomes one level
positive; double resistance against non-magical) higher or lower.

Nine Heavens Press 125 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Uduksushin (어둑시니)
The Dangukese regard the Uduksushin as a god of darkness. Its true identity is an Akryung that learned to feed
on the fear of mortals. It lurks in the darkest of areas that hapless travelers wander into such as mountain roads
or beneath forest thickets. In its weakest, most unassuming form, it appears as a small child that haunts and pulls
pranks on these travelers. As it frightens mortals, the Uduksushin grows into a terrible behemoth large enough to
eat them whole. They are the evil lurking in the dark that travelers learn to fear. The Uduksushin can’t comprehend
and flee from mortals who conquered their fears.

Perception +20; darkvision
Languages Common, Sylvan, Necril
Skills Acrobatics +20, Deception +20, Intimidation
+22 (+24 while benefiting from Fear Embodiment),
Stealth +22, Thievery +22
Str +2 Dex +7 Con +4
Int +4 Wis +5 Cha +7
Fear Embodiment For each creature that is at least
frightened 1 by the uduksushin, the uduksushin
gains a +1 circumstance bonus to damage
(maximum +10) and gains the benefits of the
enlarge spell at 4th level.

AC: 30 Fort +16

Ref +22 Will +18
+1 status to all saves vs. magic
Hit Points: 135
Immunities paralyzed, poison, precision
Resistances all 13 (except force, ghost touch, or
positive; double resistance against non-magical)
Weaknesses light vulnerability
Light Vulnerability An object shedding magical light
(such as from the light spell) is treated as magical
when used to attack the uduksushin.

Speed fly 30 feet

Melee [one-action] shadow hand +23 [+18/+13]
(finesse, magical), Damage 2d12+10 negative
Occult Innate Spells DC 29; 5th shadow blast; fear
(x2) 4th darkness (at will), umbral graft (x2)
Shadow Stride [one-action] The uduksushin steps
into the shadow of one creature within 60 feet and
emerges from a second creature within 60 feet of
the first creature, appearing in an unoccupied space
within 5 feet of the second creature. Both creatures
must be Medium or larger. If the uduksushin’s next
action is to Hide, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus
to its attempt.

Nine Heavens Press 126 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Water Akryung (물악령)

‫߃ז‬Գ Speed fly 25 feet
Melee ghostly touch +17 [+13/+9] (agile,
finesse, magical), Damage 2d8+4 negative plus
Perception +12; darkvision sunken invitation
Languages Common, Necril
Covet Warmth (divine, necromancy, negative)
Skills Deception +15, Intimidation +15, Ghost Lore
The akryung kisses an adjacent creature that is
+19, Religion +16
holding its breath. If the target is a living creature, it
Str -5 Dex +6 Con +0 takes damage from the akryung’s ghostly touch
Int +5 Wis +4 Cha +5 with a DC 24 Fortitude save.
Water Bound The Water Akryung can stray only a Critical Success The target's life energy
short distance from where it was killed or the place overpowers the Akryung. The Akryung takes 5
it haunts. A typical limit is 120 feet. positive damage, and the target is unaffected.
Success The target takes half damage.
AC: 23 Fort +12 Failure The target takes full damage and is
Ref +18 Will +14 drained 1 for 1 minute and the target loses 1
round of air.
Hit Points: 60 (negative healing, rejuvenation) Critical Failure The target takes double damage,
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, is drained 2 for 1 minute, and loses 2 rounds
poison, precision, unconscious of air.
Resistances all damage 5 (except force, ghost
Sunken Invitation (curse, water) If the target is
touch, or positive; double resistance vs.
a living creature in water, it must succeed on a DC
24 Will save. On a failure, it becomes immobilized
Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) When destroyed,
by a spectral force and must hold its breath or
Water Akryung reform after 2d4 days fully healed at
begin suffocating (unless it can breathe
whatever location they were at when last destroyed.
underwater). On their turn, they can use an Escape
They're only permanently destroyed when a Mudang
action to repeat the saving throw.
performs a ritual to send their spirit to the afterlife
or accept their passage of their own free will.

Nine Heavens Press 127 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Creatures: Tier 3 Play
Arboreal Wisdom (궁중괴수)
The Arboreal Wisdom appears as a tree whose branches and leaves fold to appear like a glowing, pulsating
brain. People unaware of the Arboreal Wisdom that stumble upon it sometimes confuse it for an evil omen. It
produces sounds occasionally that resemble a human wailing, but in truth, it is a sacred tree willing to share its
collected wisdom. Thought by Mudang to have been given a great responsibility by the gods, the roots of the
Arboreal Wisdom stores the collected memories of all things the earth that its roots touch remembers. This burden
provides great happiness and profound sorrow for the tree that sympathizes and feels the pain of the beasts that
return to the soil and the plants that grow upon it. Wherever an Arboreal Wisdom grows, it is venerated as the sage
of the woods and protected as a supreme elder.

ARBOREAL WISDOM (˹ࣵˡܶ) Speed 10 feet

Melee root +29 [+24/+19] (reach 30 feet, versatile
Perception +32; low-light vision, tremorsense 120ft P), Damage 3d12+13 bludgeoning plus Improved
Languages All; speak with plants Knockdown
Skills Athletics +28, Diplomacy +27, Forest Lore
Primal Innate Spells DC 36, attack +28; 8th all is
+30 (applies to the arboreal wisdom’s territory),
one, one is all (at will; cannot be used to gain more
Nature +30
hit points); 7th duplicate foe (at will); 6th tangling
Str +9 Dex -3 Con +6 creepers; 3rd earthbind (at will); 2nd entangle;
Int +6 Wis +9 Cha +4 Constant (4th) speak with plants
Rituals DC 34; 4th plant growth
AC: 37 Fort +27
Wail of One Thousand Years (auditory, emotion,
Ref +19 Will +32
incapacitation, mental, primal) The arboreal wisdom
Hit Points: 340 bellows a roar that carries millennia-old despair.
Resistances bludgeoning 10, piercing 10 This deals 8d10 mental damage to hostile
Weaknesses axe vulnerability, fire 15 creatures within 60 feet, who must attempt a DC 34
Axe Vulnerability An arboreal wisdom takes 10 Will save.
additional damage from axes. Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Forest Sage’s Blessing The soil that plants thrive Success The target takes half damage and is
on in the arboreal wisdom’s lair teems with nutrients fatigued.
imbued with its primal blessings. Each creature with Failure The target takes full damage and is
the Plant trait that starts its day within 5 miles of the drained 1 (or its drained value increases by 1, to
arboreal wisdom gains 10 temporary hit points. The a maximum of drained 3).
arboreal wisdom can cast plant growth without Critical Failure The takes double damage and is
secondary casters. drained 2.
Improved Knockdown

Nine Heavens Press 128 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Fox Spirit
Members of the accursed Fox Clan, fox spirits, live native to the material plane. People regard them as wily
tricksters whose mischief brings misfortune to many. Over the course of history, they possessed members of
royalty and the aristocracy to sow chaos from within. They pride themselves in their bestial nature, believing that
the strong hold the right to consume the weak. To that end, they hold special ire for Humanoids who compensate
for their weakness in vast numbers, technology, and powers eked out from unnatural sources. Fox Spirits feast on
their livers to send a message that they cannot escape the natural order through civilization.
Like how extraplanar denizens can only die when killed in their native plains, when a fox spirit dies in the
material plane, its soul scatters back into nature. Mudang speculate that the will to dominate amalgamates into
energy found in the natural world and takes form as a fox spirit.

FOX SPIRIT Speed fly 30 ft.

Melee phantom bite +24 [+20/+16] (agile,
finesse, force, magical),
Perception +22; darkvision Damage 2d10+11 force
Languages Sylvan
Occult Innate Spells DC 34, attack +26; 9th
Skills Acrobatics +22, Deception +24, Gumiho Lore
shapechange, 7th possession (at-will), 6th dispel
+20, Nature +20, Stealth +24, Thievery +24
magic, mislead, spellwrack, Cantrips (6th) daze,
Str -5 Dex +7 Con +4 telekinetic projectile
Int +2 Wis +2 Cha +7 Change Shape (concentrate, polymorph, occult,
transmutation) The fox spirit changes into
AC: 30 Fort +22 humanoid or fox shape. Their humanoid shape has
Ref +25 Will +22 a specific, persistent appearance but their true form
+1 to all saves vs. magic is their fox shape. In humanoid shape, the fox spirit
Hit Points: 230 uses their original size, loses their jaws strike but
Immunities charm, death effects, disease, retains their claws strike, and their Speed is
paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious reduced to 25 feet. A fox spirit is never able to
Resistances all damage 10 (except force or ghost completely conceal one of their nine tails through
touch; double resistance vs. non-magical) this transformation.
Exorcism Vulnerability If a fox spirit attempts to
possess a creature and the creature rolls a critical
success on its saving throw to resist possession, or
if an fox spirit’s possession of a creature is ended
prematurely, such as via a successful dispel magic,
the fox spirit takes 6d6 mental damage and cannot
cast possession for 24 hours.

Nine Heavens Press 129 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Geumdwaeji (금돼지)
The Geumdwaeji is avarice incarnate. Born of the malice inside the hearts of people, it’s compelled to accumulate
its hoard. It sees all things and creatures in terms of their weight in gold, possessing the power to trap foes and
petrify them into solid gold. It takes no pleasure in the tormenting living creatures. It considers itself to be the only
living entity and all others to be things to bargain. More cunning Geumdwaeji disguise their operations as debt
collectors, offering gold made from the bodies of others to lure more victims into its vault.

Detect Wealth The daemon knows the location of

̓ѳऌ platinum, gold, silver, and copper metal present
UNCOMMON NE LARGE CREATURE 15 within 100 ft. In addition, the daemon can instantly
DAEMON FIEND estimate the amount and value of coinage in a
Perception +28; darkvision; detect wealth (precise) group it sees with precise accuracy.
Languages Common, Daemonic, Draconic,
Dwarvish; telepathy 100 ft. AC: 37 Fort +30
Skills Arcana +27, Athletics +30, Crafting +27 (+30 Ref +24 Will +26
to artistry involving gold), Deception +28, +1 status to all saves vs. magic
Intimidation +28, Mining Lore +30, Religion +28
Hit Points: 279
Str +8 Dex +3 Con +8 Immunities death effects, disease, petrified
Int +6 Wis +5 Cha +6 Weaknesses good 15

Belly Vault The daemon can store its possessions Speed 30 ft.
into the vault in its belly. The vault leads into an Melee fist +29 [+25/+20] (agile, evil, grapple,
extradimensional room that can hold up to 200 magical), Damage 3d8+14 bludgeoning plus 1d6
bulk. It can be opened with an Interact action and a evil and improved grab
creature as large as Medium can enter the vault. Melee jaw +29 [+24/+19] (evil, magical),
The vault is locked from inside and creatures can Damage 3d12+14 piercing plus 1d6 evil
attempt a DC 36 check to break through the door or
Divine Innate Spells DC 35; 8th hallucination,
Pick a Lock. While inside the extradimensional
summon deific herald; 7th inexhaustible cynicism
space, they begin to turn to solid gold and must
(x2); 6th hallucination; 5th dimension door; 4th
attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save at the beginning of
dimension door (at will); 2nd phantasmal treasure
their turn.
(at will), 1st detect alignment (at will; good only)
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is slowed 1 for 1 round. Mortal Smelting (conjuration, divine,
Failure The target is slowed 1 and must attempt a extradimensional, manipulate) Requirement The
Fortitude save at the end of each of its turns; this target is grabbed by the Geumdwaeji. Effect The
ongoing save has the incapacitation trait. On a geumdwaeji opens its belly vault and attempts to
failed save, the slowed condition increases by 1 drag a target it grabbed into it. It must attempt an
(or 2 on a critical failure). A successful save Athletics check against the target’s Reflex DC.
reduces the slowed condition by 1. When a Critical Success The target is pulled into the
creature is unable to act due to the slowed belly vault.
condition from mortal smelting, the creature is Success The target resists and is only Grabbed.
permanently non-magically petrified. The spell Failure The target breaks free.
ends if the creature is petrified or the slowed Critical Failure The target breaks free and can
either grab the daemon as if they had succeeded
condition is removed.
on a grapple or force them to fall and land prone.
Critical Failure As failure, but the target is initially
slowed 2.

Nine Heavens Press 130 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Gray Ancient
In eras rife with greed and corruption, the wailing of the powerless who’ve had their daily bread snatched from
their hands would awaken these peculiar wraiths. Gray Ancients are Akryung drawn to judge leaders who grow
fat off of the suffering of their people and curse them with their deadly gaze. Their natural invisibility makes them
known only to their victims who rarely survive witnessing these wraiths more than once. What follows isn’t of
concern to the Gray Ancient; they are only spirits of punishment. Though they’re often mistaken for Jeoseung Saja,
the latter does not tolerate their selective interference in the affairs of mortals.

RARE LE MEDIUM CREATURE 13 Divine Innate Spells DC 33; Constant (6th) detect
alignment (chaos only), true seeing
Drain Life (divine, necromancy) When the gray
Perception +23; darkvision, true seeing
ancient damages a living creature with its spectral
Languages Common, Necril
hand Strike, the ancient gains 12 temporary Hit
Skills Intimidation +25, Legal Lore +28, Stealth +28
Points and the target must succeed at a DC 33
Str -5 Dex +5 Con +3 Fortitude save or become drained 1. Further
Int +5 Wis +8 Cha +5 damage dealt by the gray ancient increases the
Invisible to the Innocent The gray ancient is drained condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a
invisible to all creatures that aren't cursed by it. It is maximum of drained 4.
still invisible even after taking a hostile action. Judgment (curse, mental, necromancy) The
gray ancient curses a sinful creature set to be held
AC: 34 Fort +21 on trial. The target must make a Will saving throw.
Ref +24 Will +27 Critical Success The ancient is no longer
+1 status to all saves vs. positive concealed from the target.
Success As critical success, but the creature is
Hit Points: 235 (negative healing) frightened 1.
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, Failure The ancient is no longer concealed and
poison, precision, unconscious the creature is frightened 2. Until it can no longer
Resistances all 12 (except force, ghost touch, or see the ancient, its frightened value can’t
positive; double resistance vs. non-magical) decrease below frightened 1.
Sentencing Gaze (aura, divine, emotion, Critical Failure As failure, but the target is
enchantment, incapacitation, mental, visual) 20 ft. A frightened 3
creature that ends its turn in the aura must attempt
a DC 33 Will save. If it fails, it becomes doomed 1.

Speed fly 60 ft.

Melee spectral hand +27 [+22/+17] (finesse,
reach 10 ft.), Damage 3d10+14 negative plus drain

Nine Heavens Press 131 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Guchinyuh (거치녀)
Dangukese historians discovered that prior to war breaking out, military officers reported having seen a tall,
emaciated woman carrying a longbow. Her fiery claws’ heat drove their soldiers into violent madness. Gathering
violent sentiment in the material plane opens a portal that allows the Guchinyuh to appear. It stokes more hatred
and feeds off of it. The living embodiment of violence perpetuating further violence, the Guchinyuh exists to stoke
the flames of war and ensure the material plane can never escape its vicious cycle.

Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.

Melee claw +32 [+28/+23] (agile, evil, magical,
reach 10 ft.), Damage 3d6+15 slashing plus 1d6
Perception +30; darkvision, lifesense 30 feet,
evil and 1d6 fire
true seeing
Languages Common, Daemonic; telepathy 100 feet Ranged composite longbow +32 [+27/+22]
Skills Acrobatics +28, Intimidation +33, Religion (deadly d10, evil, magical, propulsive, volley 30 ft.),
+26, Stealth +28, Survival +26 Damage 3d8+18 piercing plus 1d6 evil and 2d6
Str +6 Dex +8 Con +5
Bloodlust (enchantment, incapacitation,
Int +2 Wis +4 Cha +7
mental) The guchinyuh stokes the flame of
bloodlust within the heart of a creature. A target
AC: 39 Fort +26 within 60 ft. must attempt a DC 37 Will saving
Ref +31 Will +28 throw.
+1 status to all saves vs. magic Critical Success The target is unaffected and
Hit Points: 290 immune for the next 24 hours.
Immunities death effects, fire Success The target is enfeebled 1 and immune
Resistances piercing 15 for the next hour.
Weaknesses good 15 Failure The target becomes confused and gains
an additional 1d6 fire damage on its strikes.
Opportunistic Shot Trigger A creature within
Critical Failure As failure, but the target must
your reach uses a manipulate action or a move
attack an ally.
action. Effect The guchinyuh uses her supernatural
reflexes to fire an arrow at a foe that leaves an Divine Innate Spells DC 37; 8th flame strike (x2);
opening. It makes a ranged Strike against the 7th blade barrier, plane shift (x2); 5th dimension
triggering creature. If its attack is a critical hit and door (at will); 1st detect alignment (at will; good
the trigger was a manipulate action, it disrupts that only); Constant (6th) true seeing
action. This Strike doesn’t count toward its multiple
attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty
doesn’t apply to this Strike.

Nine Heavens Press 132 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Jaesungdaegook (제성대곡)
The Jaesungdaegook’s name refers to “sounds made when everyone cries together”. Ghosts are creatures of
lingering regrets and they sometimes gather together. At the center of the Jaesungdaegook is the ghost of a bard or
composer who leads the rest in song to vent their frustrations. In this orchestra, they become a creature of singular
mind and will. In their deep sorrow, they seek to add others to their ranks by inflicting despair into their hearts
before separating their soul from body. They usually appear in cities or palaces where large numbers of people can
gather at any given time.

Speed fly 25 feet, troop movement
GHOST INCORPOREAL TROOP UNDEAD Clutching Hands to (divine, necromancy)
Frequency once per round; Effect The troop
Perception +21; darkvision
attacks enemies within 5 feet (DC 30 basic Reflex
Languages Common, Necril
save), with damage depending on the number of
Skills Acrobatics +16, Local Lore +14, Stealth +16
Str -5 Dex +5 Con +4 2d6+5 negative damage
Int +0 Wis +5 Cha +5 4d6+10 negative damage
Site Bound A jaesungdaegook can stray only a 5d6+15 negative damage
moderate distance from where its members were Occult Innate Spells DC 30; 6th feeblemind,
killed or the place it haunts. A typical limit is 240 ft. poltergeist’s fury, spirit blast; 5th rip the spirit;
4th phantasmal killer; 3rd fear (x3)
AC: 30 Fort +20 Bard Composition Spells, 3 Focus Points; 6th
Ref +19 Will +23 counter performance, lingering composition;
+1 status to all saves vs. positive Cantrips (6th) dirge of doom
Hit Points: 140 (negative healing, rejuvenation) Form Up
Thresholds 95 (12 squares), 50 (8 squares) Catastrophic Elegy (auditory, divine,
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) The
poison, precision, sleep jaesungdaegook howls in anguish, forcing each
Resistances all damage 14 (except force, ghost living creature in a 30-foot emanation to attempt
touch, or positive; double resistance vs. a DC 25 Will save or become frightened 2
non-magical); (frightened 3 on a critical failure). If a creature
Weaknesses area damage 15, splash damage 10 with frightened 3 fails their save, they
Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) When a automatically die. This effect has the death trait.
jaesungdaegook is destroyed, it re-forms after 2d4 Troop Movement Whenever the jaesungdaegook
days, fully healed. A jaesungdaegook can be Strides, it first Forms Up as a free action to
permanently destroyed only if someone determines condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus
the reason for its existence and sets right whatever any missing squares), and then moves. This works
prevents the troop from resting. just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for
Troop Defenses instance, if any of the jaesungdaegook's squares
enter difficult terrain, the extra movement cost
applies to the whole group.

Nine Heavens Press 133 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Jihaguk Daejeok (지하국대적)
Before the gods of the Realm Above the Nine Heavens established Jeoseung as an Underworld and a place of
judgment for the souls of Danguk, the plane was a prison to these nine-headed titans. They rebelled against the
gods’ encroachment and died with their souls transmuting into the forms of the Flowers of Destruction in the
Flower Fields of Seocheon. Their will lives on as the Flowers proliferate reincarnations of these titans to rid the
multiverse of life. Having hidden themselves away in a plane of reality thought unappealing for gods to settle their
domain in, they lived brooding over being separated from the primordial chaos the universe once was.
Though they’re sentient and have independent wills, a deep compulsion within commands them to take actions
that result in the unraveling of the gods’ order. The Ten Narakwang wished to use them as torturers and taskmasters,
but they rebelled, sneaking their way into the material plane, eating people and kidnapping fair maidens and
young gentlemen to wed. Terrifying engines of destruction, a sure-fire way of destroying them is to cut off all of
their heads, but the regenerative blessings of the Flower of Destruction allows them to grow back if one remains.

Nine Heavens Press 134 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Regeneration The jihaguk daejeok has
JIHAGUK DAEJEOK (ऌଙ˯лࢳ) regeneration equal to 3 x the number of heads it
RARE NE HUGE FIEND GIANT CREATURE 13 has. If a jihaguk daejeok’s body is missing any
Perception +26; greater darkvision, true seeing heads and the remaining stumps have not been
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Jotun, cauterized, the jihaguk daejeok attempts a DC 34
Primordial; telepathy 100 feet Fortitude save after it regains Hit Points from
Skills Athletics +26, Intimidation +24, Jeoseung regeneration. On a success, one uncauterized
Lore +24, Occultism +22, Religion +24 stump regrows two heads; on a critical success, two
Str +7 Dex +3 Con +5 uncauterized stumps regrow into two heads each.
Int +4 Wis +5 Cha +6 The jihaguk daejeok can never grow more than the
number of heads it ordinarily has. The jihaguk
daejeok’s regeneration only fully deactivates if all
AC: 34 Fort +24
its heads are severed and all stumps are
Ref +23 Will +26
cauterized, at which point it dies.
+1 status to all saves vs. magic
Hit Points: 239 ((body), regeneration) Speed 35 feet
Hit Points: 45 ((head), head regrowth) Melee jaws +29 [+24/+19] (magical, negative,
Immunities death effects poison, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+13 piercing
Weaknesses poison 10, positive 10 plus 1d6 negative and 1d6 poison
Items: +1 crushing (greater) maul Melee maul +29 [+24/+19] (magical, negative,
Attack of Opportunity reach 10 feet, shove), Damage 3d12+13
bludgeoning plus 1d6 negative
Head Regrowth A jihaguk daejeok ordinarily has
nine heads. A creature can attempt to sever one of Ranged chthonic ray +28 [+23/+18] (curse,
the jihaguk daejeok’s heads by specifically targeting magical, range 40 feet), Damage 6d8 negative plus
it and dealing damage equal to the head’s Hit curse of primordial hell
Points. A head that is not completely severed returns Occult Innate Spells DC 33; 7th duplicate foe,
to full Hit Points at the end of any creature’s turn. tempest of shades; 6th implement of destruction,
A jihaguk daejeok can regrow a severed head using phantasmal calamity, spirit blast; 5th invoke spirits;
Regeneration. A creature can prevent this regrowth 4th dimension door (at will); 1st detect alignment
by dealing acid or fire damage to the stump, (lawful only; at will); Constant (7th) true seeing
cauterizing it. Single-target acid or fire effects need Curse of Primordial Hell [free action] (curse, death,
to be targeted at a specific stump, but effects that occult) A creature hit by the Jihaguk Daejeok’s
deal splash damage or affect areas covering the chthonic ray must attempt a DC 32 Will save or be
jihaguk daejeok’s whole space cauterize all stumps drained 1 and gain weakness to negative 5 for 1d4
if they deal acid or fire damage. If the attack that rounds.
severs a head deals any acid or fire damage, the
Drunken Stupor Requirement Usable only
stump is cauterized instantly. If all nine heads are
when sickened or taking persistent poison damage;
cauterized, the jihaguk daejeok dies.
Effect the Jihaguk Daejeok strides and takes a
Multiple Opportunities A jihaguk daejeok gains an Strike action against any creature it moves through.
extra reaction per round for each of its heads The sickened condition and persistent damage end
beyond the first, which it can use only to make after.
Attacks of Opportunity with its jaws attack. It can’t
use more than 1 reaction on the same triggering
action, even if a creature leaves several squares
within its reach, and the jihaguk daejeok must use a
different head for each Attack of Opportunity it
makes. Whenever one of the jihaguk daejeok’s
heads is severed, the jihaguk daejeok loses 1 of its
extra reactions per round.

Nine Heavens Press 135 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Lightning Shinjang (벼락신장)
A Celestial general that answers directly to none except Hwanin, the ruler of the realm above the heavens, the
Lightning Shinjang wields the power of storms to punish the sinful. They are called upon when the gods choose
to punish the earthly realm for its transgressions. As the earliest mortals in the world looked up to the skies, they
grasped a measure of the gods’ power as the first cracks of lightning shot down at the ground. The Shinjang, fearless
leader of the heavens’ forces, embodies this power and wields it mercilessly against the enemies of order. They’re
known to be temperamental and intolerant of any vice and so are rarely seen in the material plane lest panic break
loose. The highest order of Mudang learn to channel these Celestials into their bodies to direct divine punishment
against the wicked; however, the Shinjang punishes any Mudang who frivolously calls them.

Speed 30 feet, fly 30 feet

‫ر‬Ԁ‫ ࢝ݣ‬
Melee shocking morningstar +30 [+25/+20]
(electricity, magical, versatile P), Damage 3d10+14
Perception +30; darkvision
bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 lightning
Languages Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan; tongues
Skills Athletics +30, Diplomacy +27, Gucheon Lore Divine Innate Spells DC 36; attack +32; 8th divine
+30, Intimidation +28, Nature +27, Religion +30 armageddon, lightning bolt, draw the lightning; 7th
lightning storm (x2), plane shift, sunburst; 6th
Str +8 Dex +4 Con +6
flame strike, lightning bolt (x2); 5th banishment,
Int +4 Wis +6 Cha +6 blink strike, death ward; 3rd fear (x2); Cantrips
Items +2 striking morningstar (8th) electric arc, produce flame; Constant (5th)
Purification by Lightning Any electricity spell that detect alignment (chaos only), tongues
the shinjang casts is infused with divinity. Creatures Raging God’s Punishment All of the shinjang’s
targeted by the electricity spells it casts only apply weapon strikes are treated as if they have the shock
half their usual electricity resistance. Creatures that rune. In addition, the casting time for electric arc
are immune to electricity, instead of gaining the and produce flame are reduced from 2 actions to 1.
usual benefit of immunity, treat the results of their Thunderclap (evocation, sonic) The shinjang
saving throws as one degree of success better. claps, sending sonic waves seeping into the air and
earth within a 30-foot emanation. Each creature in
AC: 37 Fort +27 the emanation must make a DC 36 Fortitude save.
Ref +23 Will +28 Critical Success The target is unaffected.
+1 status to all saves vs. magic Success The target is clumsy 1 and flat-footed
until they are no longer clumsy.
Hit Points: 300
Failure The target is clumsy 2 and flat-footed until
Resistances fire 15, lightning 15
they are no longer clumsy.
Weaknesses chaos 15
Critical Failure The target is clumsy 3, flat-footed
Items: +1 crushing (greater) maul until they are no longer clumsy, and stunned 2.
Attack of Opportunity
Authority of Fire and Lightning [reaction]
(abjuration, divine) Trigger A creature casts an
electricity or fire spell; Effect The shinjang attempts
to counteract the spell (counteract modifier +32,
counteract level 8th). If the spell is counteracted, it
gains a temporary spell slot to cast the spell as a
divine innate spell.

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Sammokgu (삼목구)
The Sammokgu guards the gates to Jeoseong from interplanar trespassers and forces of the lower plane. It
appears as a tall, bipedal dog with a third eye on its forehead. While in this form, the Sammokgu appears as a priest
or a learned person happy to share advice and wisdom. Fierce and unfalteringly loyal, the Ten Narakwang treat the
Sammokgu favorably through their absolute trust.
If angered, the Sammokgu takes a quadrupedal stance and transforms into the form of a true hellhound. Its
howl summons dire wolves under its command to rip apart foes as the last line of gate’s defense. The Sammokgu
becomes an engine of zeal, willing to commit acts of brutality and barbarism to fulfill its duties. Afterward, the
Sammokgu always returns to prayer to repent for giving into its bestial aspect.

Nine Heavens Press 137 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Divine Innate Spells DC 38, attack +31; 5th
banishment; Constant (5th) tongues, speak with
Perception +30; darkvision, lifesense 60 ft.
Spirit Touch A sammokgu’s Strikes affect
Languages Celestial, Infernal, Necril, Requian;
incorporeal creatures as though etched with a ghost
speak with animals, tongues
touch property rune and deal 2d6 negative damage
Skills Athletics +32, Intimidation +30, Religion +32,
to living creatures or 2d6 positive damage to
Medicine +30, Society +32, Stealth +29
Str +9 Dex +6 Con +5
Change Shape (concentration, divine,
Int +6 Wis +9 Cha +6 polymorph, transmutation) A sammokgu can take
Lifesense (divination, divine) A psychopomp senses the appearance of any Small or Medium animal or
the vital essence of living and undead creatures humanoid. This doesn’t change their Speed or their
within the listed range. attack and damage modifiers with their Strikes, but
Items +1 called flaming unggeom it might change the damage type their Strikes deal.
Pack Attack The sammokgu’s Strikes deal 2d6
AC: 40 Fort +28 extra damage to creatures within reach of at least
Ref +27 Will +30 two of the sammokgu’s allies.
+1 status to all saves vs. magic Wolven Patrol (conjuration, divine) The
sammokgu summons a dire wolf, wolf, or wolf
Hit Points: 231 (fast healing 16)
skeleton. These wolves have the summoned trait
Immunities death effects, disease
and remain for 10 minutes or until reduced to 0 Hit
Resistances fire 15, negative 15
Points, whichever comes first. The sammokgu does
Weakness silver 15
not need to Sustain the Spell to direct these
summoned creatures, and can have any number of
Speed 40 ft.
summoned wolves in existence at once. The
Melee claw +32 [+27/+22] (agile), sammokgu can see through the eyes of any of their
Damage 3d6+15 slashing and spirit touch summoned wolves at any time.
Melee flaming unggeom +33 [+28/+23]
(magical, versatile P),
Damage 3d8+15 slashing, 1d6
Melee jaws +32 [+27/+22] (magical),
Damage 3d10+15 piercing plus knockdown and
spirit touch
Divine Spontaneous Spells DC 38, attack +31; 8th
divine aura, heal, summon axiom (4 slots); 7th
spiritual guardian, sunburst, tempest of shades (4
slots); 6th blade barrier, searing light, spirit blast (4
slots), 5th death ward, locate, spiritual guardian (4
slots); 4th dimensional anchor, freedom of
movement, spell immunity (4 slots); 3rd sanctified
ground, searing light, show the way (4 slots); 2nd
augury, gentle repose, silence (4 slots); 1st bane,
bless, lock (4 slots); Cantrips (8th) chill touch,
detect magic, disrupt undead, protect companion,

Nine Heavens Press 138 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Shigingwi (식인귀)
In times of strife, rumors spread like wildfire of an Akryung like the Shigingwi that take advantage of discontent
people have against one another to assault and eat them. Shigingwi are Akryung addicted to the taste of bone
marrow and brains of humanoids. Though with their towering builds and strength they can easily overpower
most people, they’re scavengers that seek out cadavers to eat their brains. They’re gluttons that prioritize feasting
on swaths of people than being picky about their next meal. The Shigingwi shares similarities with Ghouls, but
whereas Ghouls come into existence through an individual’s hunger, they’re fueled by the malice and hunger that
comes from collective strife and target communities.

Devour Brain Requirements The shigingwi’s

SHIGINGWI (‫)̃ࢆݢ‬ last action was a successful strike with extract and
UNCOMMON CE LARGE CREATURE 11 the target’s hit points have been reduced to 0;
GHOUL UNDEAD Effect The shigingwi extracts the target’s brain,
Perception +21; darkvision; scent (imprecise) 30 ft instantly killing that target and regains 6d8+48 hit
Languages Common, Necril points. This ability is useless against constructs,
Skills Acrobatics, +22, Athletics +23, Intimidation elementals, oozes, plants, and undead. It is not
+22, Religion +20 instantly fatal to foes with multiple heads, such as
Str +6 Dex +5 Con +6 ettins and hydras.
Int -1 Wis +5 Cha +3 Ghoul Fever (disease) Saving Throw DC 29
Fortitude; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day);
Stage 2 4d8 negative damage and regains half as
AC: 30 Fort +23
many Hit Points from all healing (1 day); Stage 3 as
Ref +20 Will +21
stage 2 (1 day); Stage 4 4d8 negative damage and
Hit Points: 195 (negative healing) gains no benefit from healing (1 day); Stage 5 as
Immunities cold, death effects, disease, paralyzed, stage 4 (1 day); Stage 6 dead, and rises as a ghoul
poison, unconscious the next sunset
Weakness cold iron 10 Paralysis (incapacitation, occult, necromancy) Any
living creature hit by the shigingwi’s attack must
Speed 30 feet, burrow 30 feet, climb 30 feet succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or become
Melee jaw +24 [+20/+16] (finesse), Damage paralyzed. It can attempt a new save at the end of
2d10+12 piercing plus ghoul fever and paralysis each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively
Melee claw +24 [+20/+16] (agile, finesse), decreases by 1 on each such save. If the paralyzed
Damage 2d8+12 slashing plus improved grab and creature critically fails its new save at the end of its
paralysis turn, it dies. This is a death effect.
Melee extract +24 [+19/+14] Requirements The
creature must be grappled by the shigingwi.
Damage 2d10+12 piercing plus devour brain

Nine Heavens Press 139 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Taktak Brigade (탁탁여단)

Form Up
UNDEAD Spearheaded Charge The brigade Forms Up,
then Strides twice with a +10-foot circumstance
Perception +21
bonus to its Speed. If it moves at least 10 feet, the
Languages Common, Necril; understands, but
brigade deals 4d8+16 piercing damage (DC 30
doesn’t speak
basic Reflex save) to each enemy within 10 feet of
Skills Athletics +23, Intimidation +23
the brigade at the end of its movement.
Str +7 Dex +2 Con +5
Undead Assault to Frequency once per
Int -2 Wis +2 Cha +4 round; Effect The brigade engages in a coordinated
Chattering Wraith (audible, aura, divine, emotion, melee attack against each enemy within 10 feet
enchantment, fear, mental) 15 feet. The unsettling (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on
chattering of the taktak gwishin unnerves those the number of actions.
around them. Creatures are frightened 1 while in the 2d8 piercing damage
taktak gwishin’s aura. They can't naturally recover
2d8+13 piercing damage
from this fear while in the area but recover instantly
once they leave the aura. 3d8+16 piercing damage
March of the Dead While moving on land, the Troop Movement Whenever the cavalry brigade
brigade ignores the effects of non-magical difficult Strides, the brigade first Forms Up as a free action
terrain. to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus
any missing squares), then moves. This works just
like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if
AC: 31 Fort +23
any square of the brigade enters difficult terrain,
Ref +18 Will +20
the extra movement cost applies to the whole
Hit Points: 195 brigade.
Thresholds 130 (12 squares), 65 (8 squares)
Resistances mental 5, slashing 5
Weakness area damage 10, splash damage 5
Troop Defenses

Speed 40 feet; troop movement

Deafening Chatter (audible, emotion,
enchantment, fear, mental, sonic) The brigade
synchronizes its chattering into a 40-foot cone that
deals 6d10 sonic damage (DC 27 basic Constitution
save). When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer
squares, this area decreases to a 20-foot cone. In
addition, they must attempt a DC 30 Will save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is frightened 1.
Failure The target is frightened 2.
Critical Failure The target is frightened 3 and
fleeing for 1 round.

Nine Heavens Press 140 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Creatures: Tier 4 Play
Dueoksini (두억시니)
If the elemental forces that lead to the birth of a Dokkaebi culminate around a vessel filled with malice or essence
from the lower planes, a Dueoksini may be born. The Dueoksini is a fiend found wretched even by the denizens of
the lower planes. They’re creatures of pure violence and brutality, yet they also work in mysterious ways that enable
them to go unnoticed. Taking on forms loathed and feared by other beings, they use their considerable physical
and spiritual powers to shatter people’s minds.
They draw fear as a cudgel to break people physically and mentally. Out of all the spirits whose origins can
be tied to events in the country of Danguk, the Dueoksini is the most feared. They take joy in the violence they
affect and revel as their covert brutality creates paranoia and fear that can spread like wildfire. Even diabolical
summoners know better than to summon these fiends whose ranks are known to destroy armies and kingdoms
from within.

DUEOKSINI (Ѽ߫‫ݡ‬П) Speed 35 feet

Melee crushing slam +35 [+31/+27] (magical,
DOKKAEBI FEY reach 10 feet), Damage 4d6+18 bludgeoning plus
Perception +33; darkvision 2d6 mental
Languages Aklo, Common, Sylvan; telepathy 100 ft.
Occult Innate Spells DC 40, +32 to attacks, 10th
Skills Acrobatics +31, Athletics +35, Intimidation
fabricated truth; 9th bilocation, unspeakable
+35 (+38 to demoralize), Nature +35, Occultism
shadow; 8th hypnopompic terrors; 6th dominate,
+31, Stealth +31
feeblemind; 3rd mind reading; Constant (3rd)
Str +9 Dex +7 Con +9 nondetection
Int +6 Wis +8 Cha +9 Mind Killer (mental) Requirement The dueoksini
successfully hit a frightened creature that is still
AC: 42 Fort +33 alive. Effect The target must attempt a DC 40 Will
Ref +30 Will +30 save.
+1 to all saves vs. magic Critical Success The target survives and is then
Hit Points: 400 temporarily immune for 24 hours.
Immunities mental Success The target is stunned 1 and takes 40
Weaknesses cold iron 15 mental damage and is then temporarily immune
Incomprehensible (abjuration) The dueoksini is for 24 hours.
difficult to comprehend with the naked eye. It is Failure The target is stunned 3 and takes 80
considered concealed against any creature that mental damage. The target is then temporarily
doesn’t have truesight. immune for 24 hours.
All in the Mind (conjuration, occult, Critical Failure The target dies.
teleportation) Trigger A hostile creature fails its flat
check against the Dueoksini’s concealment; Effect
The Dueoksini teleports 60 ft. away.

Nine Heavens Press 141 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Haetae (해태)
At the construction of Danguk’s capital, the gods of Gucheon bestowed upon the mortals a pack of guardian
Haetae. Designed in the shape of a celestial beast, they’re built and programmed in divine forges to safeguard the
subjects of those under the care of a ruler recognized with the heavenly mandate. They spring to life only when
the nation faces a dire catastrophe whether natural, extraplanar, or man-made. Their sole mission is to safeguard
the nation and continue the gods’ experiment in developing a means to see swaths of mortals ascend into divinity.
Neither evil or good, they exist to protect the gods’ interests.
Regardless, they are revered as idols in the Kingdom of Danguk for their ability to predict and eat misfortune.
They have control over the weather to ward off natural disasters that may destroy the nation. When earthquakes
are near, they spring to life and alert the country’s mages with their barks to set up proper defenses. The people of
Danguk rest easy knowing that even in the worst case scenario, the powerful Haetae will defend them from ruin.

Reconstitution (divine, necromancy) When the

ଢ੐ haetae reaches 0 Hit Points, its spirit dissipates. If
RARE NG HUGE CELESTIAL CREATURE 18 its bonded vessel is intact, the haetae re-forms in
Perception +31; darkvision this vessel after 2d4 days, fully healed. If the vessel
Languages Celestial, Common; telepathy 60 feet is broken, it must first be Repaired, after which the
Skills Athletics +35, Intimidation +30, Meteorology stone lion reforms in 3d4 days.
Lore +31, Religion +35
Str +8 Dex +6 Con +6 Speed fly 40 feet
Int +4 Wis +8 Cha +4 Divine Innate Spells DC 39; 10th revival; 9th
Anchored Soul The haetae is mystically bonded to foresight, heal; 8th divine decree, moment of
its bonded vessel and must remain within 1 mile of renewal; 7th quench, remove curse; 6th repulsion,
it. Some might be further restricted to the location it true seeing; 3rd dream message; 1st detect
guards. alignment (at will; evil only)
Ferocious Roar (auditory, emotion, fear, mental,
AC: 43 Fort +31 sonic) The haetae makes a terrifying roar that deals
Ref +28 Will +33 3d12 sonic damage (DC 39 basic Fortitude save) to
+1 status to all saves vs. evil each creature in a 40-foot cone. Creatures that fail
this save become frightened 2.
Hit Points: 325
Inhabit Vessel (manipulate) The haetae touches
Immunities disease, paralyzed, petrified, poison
and melds with its bonded vessel, bringing the
Bonded Vessel The condition of a haetae’s vessel statue to life. It can cease Inhabiting its Vessel by
dictates the haetae’s maximum Hit Point value. spending a single action, which has the concentrate
Undamaged, the vessel is an object with 325 Hit trait. While Inhabiting the Vessel, it loses its fly
Points (BT 162). When the haetae is in spirit form, Speed and gains Immunities healing, nonlethal;
damaging it doesn't hurt the vessel, but damaging Resistances physical 5 (except bludgeoning);
the vessel deals an equal amount of damage to the Speed 30 feet; and the following Strikes.
stone lion. When the haetae Inhabits its Vessel,
• Melee jaws +34, Damage 3d10+18
they're a single target, and damage reduces the Hit
bludgeoning plus Grab
Points of both the stone lion and the vessel. If the
vessel is broken, the stone lion can still fight • Melee horn +34, Damage 3d12+18
normally while inhabiting it and suffers no ill effect, piercing plus Knockdown
but if the vessel is ever destroyed, the stone lion is • Ranged stone ball +32 (range increment
instantly slain and can't reconstitute. 120 feet), Damage 3d6+17 bludgeoning
Spirit Body When not Inhabiting its Vessel, the
haetae is incorporeal and gains resistance 18 to all
damage (except force damage and damage from
Strikes with the ghost touch property rune; double
resistance against non-magical).

Nine Heavens Press 142 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Primal Dokkaebi
Few Primal Dokkaebis exist in Danguk, but all of them have lived at least long enough to see the country’s
founding by Hwanung. A Dokkaebi that has absorbed tremendous elemental energy can grow into sizes that rival
those of mountains and take the shapes of houses, buildings, or temples. People of recent days have rediscovered
these structures and not knowing that they are the vessels for a powerful nature spirit, repopulate them. These
Dokkaebi have no issue with this and enjoy being closer to people, bringing them fortunes in return for good
treatment. It’s rumored that they are a household god, but Primal Dokkaebis are venerable and calm nature spirits
who enjoy their coexistence with mortals. Primal Dokkaebi that have cast aside humanity do exist and they’ve
been known to wrestle mountains and rule territory like rambunctious warlords.

RARE CN GARGANTUAN CREATURE 21 Ranged dokkaebi club +40 [+35/+30] (magical,
returning, thrown 50 feet), Damage 4d10+19
Perception +38; darkvision, genius loci
Languages Common, Dokkaebi, Sylvan Primal Innate Spells DC 42, attack +36; 10th
Skills Architecture Lore +34, Athletics +40, remake; 9th meteor swarm; 8th punishing winds,
Deception +35, Intimidation +38, Nature +35 whirlwind; 7th plane shift; Cantrips (10th) light,
message, scatter screen
Str +10 Dex +7 Con +9
Building Form (primal, concentrate, polymorph,
Int +2 Wis +9 Cha +8 transmutation); The dokkaebi takes the form of a
Genius Loci The dokkaebi can see and hear any mansion and gains the building and residential
creature inside its body while it is in building form. traits. While in this form, it retains its senses, but
cannot use the Strike action.
AC: 47 Fort +38 Bury Alive Requirements The creature must be
Ref +32 Will +34 standing on ground; Effect If a creature is struck by
Hit Points: 470 the dokkaebi’s foot, the dokkaebi can make an
Weaknesses cold iron 15 Athletics check against the creature’s Reflex DC. On
a success, the target is buried into the earth and
Attack of Opportunity
Immobilized. While Immobilized in this way, the
Enormous The dokkaebi is a massive creature and target must hold their breath and can spend an
takes up a space of 10 squares by 10 squares (50 action to attempt a DC 44 Fortitude save to dig
feet by 50 feet). themselves out and escape. Creatures with a
Form Collapse (primal, concentrate, polymorph, burrow speed are immune from being Immobilized
transmutation); Trigger The dokkaebi is reduced to 0 in this way.
Hit Points. Effect The dokkaebi regains 1 Hit Point Trample (attack) Huge or smaller, foot, DC 44
and transforms into building form. It can’t transform
back into its fey form for 24 hours.

Speed 35 feet
Melee dokkaebi club +40 [+35/+30] (reach 30
feet, magical), Damage 4d10+19 bludgeoning
Melee foot +40 [+36/+32] (agile, reach 20
feet), Damage 4d8+19 bludgeoning plus bury

Nine Heavens Press 143 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Samdugumi (삼두구미)
Related to the infamous Gumiho, Samdugumi are considered a rare, more primal version of the legendary nine-
tailed fox. By the grace of the Awakened One, it’s said even a Gumiho may ascend someday by abstaining from evil,
but the Samdugumi has utterly forsaken any such possibilities. Having given themselves fully to their beastly urges,
a Samdugumi has evolved in such a way that enables it to more efficiently hunt and kill their prey. They wield the
power of curses, produced inside of their corrupted bodies like bile, to bring their enemies into submission.
The Samdugumi has traded away its Fox Marble, the essence of its soul, for a blighted immortality. They can
survive being sliced and slashed into pieces and can reproduce their bodies even should a limb be torn apart. No
longer possessing the remotest spark of their former miniscule divinity, the Samdugumi has devoted itself to being
a blight upon mortals and devote itself entirely to supplanting them as the material plane’s dominant organism.
The Samdugumi’s sole purpose is as a beast that eats, sleeps, and breeds, whose every action is to spite mortals.

‫ۑ‬Ѽˮ‫ ײ‬
Speed 40 ft.
ABERRATION BEAST Melee claw +34 [+30/+26] (agile), Damage
Perception +32; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 ft 4d8+14 slashing plus 2d6 negative
Languages Aklo, Sylvan Melee jaws +34 [+29/+24],
Skills Acrobatics +32, Athletics +35, Intimidation Damage 4d10+15 piercing plus 2d6 fire
+35, Occultism +35, Stealth +32, Survival +32 Occult Innate Spells DC 40, attack +32; 10th
Str +9 Dex +6 Con +6 shadow army; 9th bilocation, voracious gestalt; 8th
Int +6 Wis +5 Cha +7 seal fate, spiritual epidemic; 6th slow
Cannibalize (necromancy) The samdugumi eats
AC: 43 Fort +30 an adjacent duplicate created using Gruesome
Ref +31 Will +33 Separation and regains the number of Hit Points
+1 to all saves vs. magic the duplicate possessed.
Curse Breath (curse, evocation, occult) The
Hit Points: 335, regeneration 33 (deactivated by samdugumi breathes a deluge of tar-like curses in a
positive damage or damage from a silvered weapon) 60 ft. cone, dealing 15d6 negative damage (DC 40
Immunities fire, mental basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also
Resistances negative 20, slashing 20 gain Weakness 20 to fire damage until the end of
Weaknesses silver 20 the Samdugumi’s next turn. It can’t use its Breath
Gruesome Separation (necromancy) Whenever Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.
the samdugumi is hit by an attack or effect that Three-Headed Bite Requirement The
would deal slashing or piercing damage while the samdugumi hits a target with one bite attack. Effect
samdugumi’s regeneration is still active, a duplicate The target becomes flat-footed and the samdugumi
forms out of the wound and appears in an adjacent takes two Strikes with its jaws against them. The
unoccupied space. If no adjacent space is multiple attack penalty only applies once for both
unoccupied, it automatically pushes creatures and attacks.
objects out of the way to fill a space (the GM
decides if an object or creature is too big or sturdy to
push). This has the effect of the duplicate foe spell
with the samdugumi as the target except the
amount of Hit Points is equal to the damage

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Yeongno (영노)
For committing a slight against the gods, a Yeongno is cast from the heavens, forbidden to return until they
consume one hundred wicked yangbans. Or so the tales go. On behalf of the gods, they are typically agents that
scour the worlds of dangerous, magical items by eating them. Few are found guilty of coveting these treasures
inside their stomachs and are exiled for that reason. The ones that appear in the material plane are almost always
exiles and seek return by continuing their work of pruning the planes of evil. Tales of the Yeongno despite their
rarity have become popular among the lower castes that hope for a better tomorrow and dream of retribution
against those that exploit them.

Melee tail +31 [+26/+21] (magical, reach 15

YEONGNO (ࠏϝ) ft.), Damage 3d12+17 bludgeoning plus rebuke the
Divine Innate Spells DC 38, attack +30; 9th deity’s
Perception +36; darkvision, true seeing strike; 8th divine decree, moment of renewal; 7th
Languages Celestial, Draconic; tongues plane shift; 6th spellwrack (x2); 2nd charitable urge
Skills Arcana +38, Crafting +30, Deception +35, (at will), Constant (7th) tongues, true seeing
Diplomacy +37, Intimidation +35, Medicine +34,
Nature +34, Nirvana Lore +36, Religion +36, Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation, force) The
Society +32, Survival +32 yeongno breathes a blast of matter-tearing energy
and deals 17d6 force damage in a 100 ft line (DC
Str +9 Dex +4 Con +7 38 basic Reflex save). Unattended objects hit by
Int +7 Wis +7 Cha +9 this beam are destroyed (no save), regardless of
Eater of the Wondrous The Yeongno can eat and Hardness, unless it’s an artifact or similarly hard to
store items in its stomach like it was a Bag of destroy. It can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4
Holding (Type III). rounds.
Rebuke the Wondrous (abjuration)
AC: 40 Fort +30 Requirements The yeongno’s last action was a
Ref +27 Will +34 successful strike with its tail against a creature.
+1 status to all saves vs. magic Effect The yeongno attempts to counteract any
magical effect, item, or equipment on the target. Its
Hit Points: 311, regeneration 20 counteract modifier is +30.
(deactivated by chaos)
Resistances fire 15 Rusting Touch A yeongno’s touch causes metal to
Weaknesses chaos 15 rapidly rust and corrode. If the yeongno succeeds at
a Strike with its claw, it deals 3d6 damage (doubled
Speed 30 feet, fly 50 feet on a critical hit) to a metal item the target is wearing
or holding, ignoring its Hardness. If the yeongno hits
Melee jaws +33 [+28/+23] (lawful, magical, an unattended metal item, the item takes this
reach 15 ft), Damage 3d12+17 piercing plus 1d6 damage automatically. If a creature uses the Shield
lawful and 2d6 force Block reaction with a metal shield against the
Melee claw +33 [+29/+25] (agile, lawful, yeongno's claw attack, the shield is automatically
magical, reach 10 ft), Damage 3d8+17 slashing broken, but no other item is rusted on that attack.
plus 1d6 lawful plus rusting touch Objects made of skymetal, such as adamantine and
orichalcum, are immune to rusting touch.

Nine Heavens Press 145 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

Standing at the pinnacle of the draconic hierarchy, Yongwangs are the closest things to gods living in the mortal
world. They possess a serpentine form that can circle around the base of a mountain. They’re heavily involved in
the affairs of man, seeing the realms the gods charged them to protect akin to their horde.

The four Yongwangs of Danguk representing the four cardinal directions were blessed with the status of demi-
gods. This divinity manifests through their authorities which they use to command the primal forces of nature
including Beasts and Elementals in their region. They can bestow divine spells to followers and manipulate the
flow of magic.

Rulers of Danguk seek to uphold their pacts with the Yongwangs in order to stave off their wrath. As represen-
tatives of the Realms Above the Heavens, this pact serves as a covenant that recognizes a ruler’s mandate. Still,
a Yongwang might have ambitions that extend beyond those of the gods they serve. To them, the gods are little
beyond supervisors whose decisions they might disagree with.

Both chromatic and metallic dragons disdain the superiority the Yongwang claim over them all. Nevertheless,
the Yongwang’s authority also gives them power to issue imperatives to dragons and keep their ambitions in
check while in their realm. Only four Yongwangs can exist at a time and the gods consider any more as anoma-
lies that they must expunge. When one Yongwang dies, their powers and throne become up for grabs in order of
succession. If the Yongwang doesn’t determine their next heir, this triggers a bloody ritual where dragons war to
prove most worthy of unifying their species.

Nine Heavens Press 146 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

YONGWANG Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph,
transmutation) The dragon changes into humanoid
RARE LN GARGANTUAN CHALLENGE 21 shape. Their humanoid shape has a specific,
AMPHIBIOUS DRAGON LIGHT WATER persistent appearance. In humanoid shape, the
Perception +38; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 ft gumiho uses their original size, loses their jaws
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Celestial, Common, strike but retains their claws strike, and their Speed
Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan is reduced to 25 feet.
Skills Acrobatics +33, Arcana +33, Athletics +40, Coiling Frenzy The dragon makes one claw
Deception +39, Diplomacy +43, Intimidation +39, Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each
Nature +36, Religion +26, Society +33, Stealth +33 against the same target. If either Strike hits, the
Str +10 Dex +5 Con +7 dragon automatically Grabs the target.
Int +5 Wis +9 Cha +9 Draconic Momentum The dragon recharges their
Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit
AC: 48 Fort +37 with a Strike.
Ref +33 Will +38 Greater Constrict 5d8+15 bludgeoning, DC 45
+1 status to all saves vs. magic Sea King’s Wrath (primal, manipulate,
Hit Points: 450 transmutation, water) Frequency once per 10
Immunities paralyzed, sleep minutes; Effect The dragon’s body liquefies and
Resistances negative 20 becomes a rushing stream of water. The Yongwang
Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) strides up to its movement speed and deals 14d12
90 feet, DC 43 bludgeoning damage against each creature it
Items dragon marble moves through without needing to tumble through
their space. Each creature must make a DC 45
Speed 60 feet, fly 180 feet, swim 180 feet Reflex save. Structures and unattended objects in
the area take the full amount of damage with no
Melee jaws +40 [+35/+30] (magical, reach 20 saving throw. The dragon remains in this state until
feet), Damage 4d8+20 piercing plus 3d6 lawful the start of their next turn and gains resistance 30
Melee claw +40 [+36/+32] (agile, magical, reach to fire and to all physical damage.
15 feet), Damage 4d8+20 slashing plus Grab Critical Success The creature takes no damage
Melee tail +38 [+33/+28] (magical, reach 30 but is pushed 30 feet from the dragon.
feet), Damage 4d8+20 bludgeoning plus Grab Success The creature takes half damage and is
Divine Innate Spells DC 45; 10th miracle; 9th pushed 60 feet from the dragon.
foresight, heal, weapon of judgment; 8th blade Failure The creature takes full damage, is pushed
barrier, summon deific herald, 6th true seeing 120 feet from the dragon, and falls prone.
Primal Innate Spells DC 45; 8th deluge, summon Critical Failure As failure, but double damage.
elemental; 7th quench (at will); 5th control water (at
will); 3rd wall of water (at will)
Rituals DC 45; 9th geas (doesn’t require secondary
Breath Weapon (evocation, mental, occult) The
dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic
energy, dealing 23d6 lawful damage in a 50-foot
cone (DC 45 basic Will save). The dragon can't use
Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.

Nine Heavens Press 147 Undying Corruption PF2e Playtest

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