Numerical Analysis 10th Edition Burden Test Bank Download

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Test Bank for Numerical Analysis 10th Edition Burden

Faires Burden 1305253663 9781305253667

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Test bank:
Numerical Analysis 10E Name (Print):
Chapter 06 Sample Exam

1. (10 points) Solve the linear system

0.810x1 + 0.211x2 = 1.52
−1.03x1 + 0.713x2 = −0.512

using 3 digit rounding arithmetic and Gaussian elimination.

2. (10 points) Solve the linear system

0.810x1 + 0.211x2 = 1.52
−1.03x1 + 0.713x2 = −0.512

using 3 digit chopping arithmetic and Gaussian elimination.

3. (10 points) Solve the linear system

0.211x1 + 0.811x2 = 1.52
1.71x1 − 1.06x2 = −0.512

using 3 digit rounding arithmetic and Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting.
4. (10 points) Solve the linear system
0.211x1 + 0.811x2 = 1.52
1.71x1 − 1.06x2 = −0.512

using 3 digit chopping arithmetic and Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting.
5. (10 points) Let A be an m by n matrix, B be an n by m matrix, x and y be column vectors
of dimension n, and z be a column vector of dimension m. What are the following (BE

(a) Ax (b) z t A (c) At A (d) AAt (e) y t Bx (f ) y t x (g) xy t (h) z t Ax

6. (15 points) Suppose the linear system Ax = b has S1 = 22, S2 = 17, S3 = 21 and after one
elimination step the system becomes
14x1 − 22x2 + 3x3 = 41

13x2 − 16x3 = 53
− 15x2 + 15x3 = 33
What row and/or column interchange must be done to put the next pivot element into the a22
position using
(a) (5 points) Partial Pivoting
Numerical Analysis 10E Chapter 06 Sample Exam - Page 2 of ??

(b) (5 points) Scaled Partial Pivoting

(c) (5 points) Total or Complete Pivoting
7. (10 points) Given the linear system
14x + 15y = 48
21x − 23y = −2

(a) (5 points) What is the pivot element if scaled partial pivoting is to be used to solve the
linear system?
(b) (5 points) What is the pivot element if complete or total pivoting is to be used to solve
the system?

8. (10 points) Let A = LU where

1 0 0 4 1 −1

L= 2 1 0 and U= 0 2 1

−1 −2 1 0 0 −1

(a) (5 points) Solve the linear system Ax = b where b = (0, −2, 2) using the given factorization
(b) (5 points) Using the factorization only, what is the determinant of A?
9. (10 points) Which of the properties: nonsingular, singular, symmetric, strictly diagonally dom-
inant, positive definite apply to the following matrixes. There may be more than one property
applying to a matrix.

4 2 1 2 −1 0 1 −1 0 4 −2 1

(a) 0 −4 3 (b) 0 3 −1 (c) −1 2 1 (d) −2 4 2

0 0 0 4 0 5 0 1 1 1 2 4

1 −1 2 −1

10. (15 points) Let A = −1 2 −4 and b= 4

2 −4 9 −9
(a) (5 points) Factor the matrix A using your choice of factorizations.
(b) (5 points) Using the factorization obtained in (a) solve the system Ax = b.
(c) (5 points) Using the factorization obtained in (a) compute the determinant of A.

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