1 Lmis: C 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 Anders Helmersson, ISY, May 18, 2011
1 Lmis: C 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 Anders Helmersson, ISY, May 18, 2011
1 Lmis: C 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 Anders Helmersson, ISY, May 18, 2011
1 LMIs
A linear matrix inequality (LMI) is an affine matrix-valued function,
F (x) = F0 + xi Fi 0 (1)
where x ∈ Rm are called the decision variables and Fi = FiT ∈ Rn×n are
symmetric matrices.
A very important aspect of the LMI is that it defines a convex set. To see
this, let x1 and x2 be two solutions to an LMI problem, i.e. F (x1 ) 0 and
F (x2 ) 0. Then also any convex combination x = (1 − λ)x1 + λx2 , with
λ ∈ [0, 1] solves the LMI:
Efficient numerical methods have been developed to solve these kind of problems.
Some of thesemost efficient algorithms for solving LMI problems are based on
interior point methods. These methods are iterative and each iteration includes
a least squares minimization problem.
Example 1.1 Most LMIs are not formulated in the standard form (1) but
they can be rewritten as is shown in this example. Let us consider the following
Lyapunov problem: (
P = PT 0
AT P + P A ≺ 0.
Note that P enters linearly in both inequalities. To show how to rewrite this
into the standard LMI form, we assume that P ∈ R2×2 . Parametrize P as a
linear function in x:
1 0 0 1 0 0
P (x) = x1 + x2 + x3 = x 1 P1 + x 2 P 2 + x 3 P3 .
0 0 1 0 0 1
Then F (x) = diag P (x), −AT P (x) − P (x)A , or
P1 0 P2 0
F (x) = x1 + x 2
0 −AT P1 − P1 A 0 −AT P2 − P2 A
P3 0
+ x3 ,
0 −AT P3 − P3 A
which is in the form (1) with F0 = 0. In this case three decision variables are
needed. In general we need n(n + 1)/2 decision variables for symmetric matrices
and n2 for full square matrices of size n × n. 2
LMIP: The LMI problem is to find a feasible x such that F (x) 0 or to
determine if the LMI is infeasible.
As an example of an LMIP we take the problem in example 1.1 of finding
a Lyapunov matrix P = P T 0 such that
AT P + P A ≺ 0. (3)
P A + AT P P B C T
BT P −γI DT ≺ 0.
C D −γI
for which a feasible point, (λ, x), can be easily found for any initial x by
choosing λ sufficiently large.
GEVP: The generalized eigenvalue problem is to minimize the maximum gen-
eralized eigenvalue of a pair of matrices that depend affinely on a variable,
subject to an LMI constraint. The general form of a GEVP is
where A(x), B(x) and C(x) are symmetric matrices that depend affinely
(linearly) on x ∈ Rm .
As an example of a GEVP we take the problem of finding the upper
bound ν of the complex µ value of a matrix M . This problem is solved by
minimizing ν > 0 (or equivalently ν 2 ) with respect to P 0 subject to
M ∗ P M ≺ ν 2 P.
1.2 Interior Point Methods
1.2.1 Analytic Center of an Affine Matrix Inequality
We will here consider a general affine matrix inequality F (x) 0, where
F (x) = F0 + x i Fi
and Fi = FiT ∈ Rn×n . Without loss of generality, assume that the matrices
F1 , . . . , Fm are linearly independent. Denote the feasible set by X :
X = {x ∈ Rm : F (x) 0} (8)
The function
log det F −1 (x) x ∈ X
φ(x) =
∞ x∈6 X
is finite if and only if x ∈ X , and becomes infinite as x approaches the boundary
of X ; φ is called a barrier function for X . There are other barrier functions, but
this one enjoys many special properties including that it is analytic and strictly
convex when x ∈ X .
Suppose now that X is nonempty and bounded. Denote the unique mini-
mizer with
x? = arg min φ(x). (9)
We refer to x as the analytic center of the affine matrix inequality F (x)
0. Equivalently, F (x? ) has maximum determinant among all positive definite
matrices of the form F (x). Note that the analytic center x? is a property of
F (x) and not of X . Two F s may define the same X but may have different x? .
Newton’s method, with appropriate step length selection, can be used effi-
ciently to compute x? , given an initial point in X . Note that a feasible point
can be found by first solving an auxiliary problem defined by λI + F (x) 0,
where λ is chosen sufficiently large. Then λ is minimized until it becomes less
than zero.
We consider the algorithm:
x(k+1) = x(k) − α(k) H(x(k) )−1 g(x(k) )
where α(k) is the damping factor of the kth iteration, g(x) and H(x) are the
gradient and the Hessian respectively:
gi (x) = − tr F (x)−1 Fi
= − tr F (x)−1/2 Fi F (x)−1/2
Nesterov and Nemirovsky [10] give a simple step length rule appropriate for a
general class of so called self-concordant barrier functions. Their damping factor
depends on a quantity that they call the Newton decrement of φ at x:
δ(x) =
H(x)−1/2 g(x)
The Nesterov-Nemirovsky damping factor is
δ(x(k) ) ≤ 1/4
(k) 1
α =
1/(1 + δ(x )) δ(x(k) ) > 1/4.
Nesterov and Nemirovsky show that this step length always results in x(k+1) ∈
X . Moreover, for δ(x(k) ) < 1/4, we have δ(x(k+1) ) ≤ 2δ(x(k) )2 . Thus, the
algorithm converges quadratically once we start taking undamped Newton steps.
A better step length can be obtained by exact line-search, i.e.
where k.kF denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix. The Frobenius norm is the
square root of the sum of squares of all elements of the matrix, or equivalently
kF k2F = tr F T F .
is feasible. Assuming that (10) has a bounded feasible set the analytic center
exists, which is denoted by x? (λ). The curve defined by x? (λ) for λ > λopt is
called the path of centers for the EVP/PDP. It is analytic and has a limit as
λ → λopt , which is the optimal solution.
The algorithm is initialized with λ(0) and x(0) with λ(0) B(x(0) ) − A(x(0) ) 0
and C(x(0) ) 0, and proceeds as follows:
where 0 < θ < 1, λmax is the maximum generalized eigenvalue and x? (λ) de-
notes the analytic center of diag[λB(x) − A(x), C(x)]. Simple proofs of the
convergence of this algorithm are given in [1, 2]. Among interior-point meth-
ods, the method of centers is not the most efficient. The most efficient methods
today appear to be primal-dual methods and projective methods [10].
1.2.5 Duality
Consider the EVP/PDP
( m
∗ T
p = inf c x : F (x) = F0 + xi Fi 0 . (11)
Associated with this, the so called primal problem, there is a dual problem
defined by
d∗ = sup {− tr F0 Z : tr Fi Z = ci } . (12)
Z=Z T ≥0
Then (13) is feasible if p∗ < 0. The dual problem is given by (12). We first
solve Z with respect to tr F̃1 Z = 0 and tr F̃2 Z = 1. Then
n o −2ζ ζ
d∗ = sup − tr F̃0 Z(ζ) = −2 − 6ζ , with Z(ζ) = ≥ 0.
Z(ζ)≥0 ζ 1 + 2ζ
Since any ζ ∈ [−0.4, 0] satisfies Z ≥ 0, we obtain d∗ = 0.4 and infer that (13) is
not feasible (p∗ ≥ 0.4). Note that only one Z is needed to show the infeasibility
of (13). 2
1.3 Complexity
The best methods available for solving LMIs are efficient, even if they are more
complex than most matrix manipulations, such as matrix inversions and solving
Riccati equations. The LMI solvers based on interior point methods are iterative
and solve a least squares problem in each iteration. Rather surprisingly, the
number of iterations is practically almost independent of the size of the LMI
problem. Typically, 5 to 50 iterations are needed. An upper bound on the
number of iterations needed can be found but the typical performance is better
than that bound. To improve efficiency further, the structure of the LMI can
be exploited for reducing the computational effort to solve the least squares
The primal-dual interior point method presented in [12] has a proved the
worst-case complexity in terms of arithmetic operations of O(m2.75 L1.5 ), where
m is the number of decision variables and L is the number of constraints. This
result applies to a set of L Lyapunov inequalities. Typical performance is much
better, for which a complexity of O(m2.1 L1.2 ) is reported.
−γI F T (x)
min γ: ≤0 , (15)
x∈Rm F (x) −γI
which are LMIs in (x, β) and (x, γ) respectively. The equivalences follow by
observing that the eigenvalues of F (x)T F (x) are equal to the square of the
singular values of F (x). Specifically, σ̄(F (x)) ≤ γ is equivalent to F (x)T F (x) ≤
γ 2 I. We then use the Schur complement formula followed by a diagonal pre and
post scalings by diag[γ −1/2 I, γ 1/2 I], to obtain (15).
If F (x) is a vector then the maximum singular value is equal to the Euclidian
norm, that is the square root of the sum of squares. Thus, least squares problems
can be combined LMI constraints.
1.5.2 Minimizing Condition Number
When solving LMIs it is important to consider the numerical aspects of the
problem in order to get a reliable solution. The problem we are focusing on
here is generally of the type F (P ) 0 where F is a function of a matrix P .
In order to find a reliable solution we can try to keep the condition number of
P as low as possible [2]. The condition number is defined as the ratio of the
largest and the smallest singular value. If we assume that P is a symmetric and
positive definite matrix the singular values and the eigenvalues coincide. Thus
the condition number of P is less than γ if and only if there exists a µ, such
µI ≺ P ≺ γµI.
Suppose that
X m
F (x) = F0 + xi Fi , P (x) = P0 + x i Pi .
i=1 i=1
2 Performance Bounds
Consider a dynamic system described by a differential equation
ẋ = f (x, w) (18)
and a performance criterion, Jw ∈ Rn → R:
Jw (x(t)) = g(x(τ ), w(τ ))dτ (19)
3 Matrix Inequalities
3.1 Continuous Time
We will here study linear, stable systems subject to nonlinear uncertainties:
ẋ = Ax + Bw
z = Cx + Dw,
where w is the disturbance input and z is the performance output.
The aim of this section is to give criteria for assuring upper bounds of the
H∞ or L2 -induced norm from w to z for LTI system, i.e. to show that
or equivalently
kzk2 − γ 2 kwk2 = z T (t)z(t) − γ 2 wT (t)w(t)dt < 0.
V (x) = xT P x. (23)
H = V̇ + g(x, w)
= ẋT P x + xT P ẋ + z T z − wT w
= xT P (Ax + Bw) + (Ax + Bw)T P x + (Cx + Dw)T (Cx + Dw) − γ 2 wT w.
In order to assure that kzk2 < γkwk2 then H < 0 must hold for all x and w.
H = xT AT P + P A + (B T P + DT C)T R−1 (B T P + DT C) + C T C x
− w − R−1 (B T P + DT C)x R w − R−1 (B T P + DT C)x
≤ xT AT P + P A + (B T P + DT C)T R−1 (B T P + DT C) + C T C x.
which shall hold for all nonzero x, w. This implies that
P A + AT P + C T C P B + C T D
≺0 (27)
B T P + DT C DT D − γ 2 I
which is a linear matrix inequality (LMI) in P , for given (A, B, C, D). This
implies that the set of P satisfying the LMI is convex, which substantially
simplifies the search for P .
By scaling P we can rewrite this into
P A + AT P P B C T
BT P −γI DT ≺ 0. (33)
C D −γI
P A + AT P + C T C P B + C T D
(ii) ≺ 0;
B T P + DT C DT D − γ 2 I
P A + AT P P B C T
(iii) BT P −γI DT ≺ 0.
C D −γI
All but the first one of these inequalities are linear in P if (A, B, C, D) are kept
fixed. The last one of these inequalities (iii) is linear in (A, B, C, D) for a given
P , from which we conclude that the set of system matrices satisfying the Riccati
inequality or equivalently the LMI is convex. The bounded real lemma states
an extension of these results.
Lemma 2 (Bounded Real Lemma [11, 5]). The following statements are equiv-
(i) kGk∞ < γ and A stable with G(s) = D + C(sI − A)−1 B;
P A + AT P P B C T
BT P −γI DT ≺ 0. (34)
C D −γI
Proof. We have already shown that (ii) ⇒ (i). By using the Kalman-Yakubovich-
Popov lemma, the opposite direction can proved.
Lemma 3. Let Q, U and V be given matrices. Then
Q + U KV T + V K T U T ≺ 0, (35)
K̃23 K̃24 T
U KV T T3 T4
= T2 T3 (37)
K̃43 K̃44
can be chosen freely.
We first consider the the sub-matrix of Q̃ that comprises the first three rows
and columns. Eliminating the first row and column by Schur complement yields
Q̃11 ≺ 0 and
−1 −1
Q̃22 − Q̃T Q̃23 − Q̃T
12 Q̃11 Q̃12 12 Q̃11 Q̃13 + K̃23
−1 −1 ≺0 (38)
23 − Q̃13 Q̃11 Q̃12 + K̃23 Q̃33 − Q̃T13 Q̃11 Q̃13
−1 −1
We can choose K̃23 = −Q̃23 + Q̃T T
12 Q̃11 Q̃13 , which yields Q̃22 − Q̃12 Q̃11 Q̃12 ≺ 0
T −1
and Q̃33 − Q̃13 Q̃11 Q̃13 ≺ 0 as remaining conditions together with Q̃11 ≺ 0.
These are equivalent to
Q̃11 Q̃12 Q̃11 Q̃13
≺ 0 and ≺0 (39)
12 Q̃22 Q̃T
13 Q̃33
which in turn is equivalent to condition (i) and (ii), respectively. Finally, includ-
ing the fourth row and column of (36), we can always find a constant K̃44 = −σI
provided conditions (i) and (ii) hold, by choosing σ large enough.
5 H∞ Synthesis using LMIs
The problem addressed here is the following. Suppose we are given a linear
time-invariant (LTI) plant, G, with state-space realization
ẋ = Ax + B1 w + B2 u
z = C1 x + D11 w + D12 u (40)
y = C2 x + D21 w + D22 u
where A ∈ Rn×n , D11 ∈ Rp1 ×m1 and D22 ∈ Rp2 ×m2 define the problem dimen-
From now on we assume that D22 is zero. If this is not the case we can find a
controller, K̄, for a modified G in which D22 is set to zero. Then the controller
for D22 6= 0 is K = K̄(I + D22 K̄)−1 . Hence there is now loss of generality in
assuming D22 = 0. See also [14, Section 17.2, page 454].
The output-feedback control problem consists of finding a dynamic controller
with state-space equations
ẋK = KA x + KB y (41)
u = KC x + KD y
where AK ∈ R(n+r)×(n+r) . The closed loop system is internally stable and has
an H∞ norm of γ if there exists a symmetric P = P T 0 such that Lemma 2
holds or, equivalently,
0 0 0 P 0
A K B K I 0 0
= 0 −γI 0 + 0 0 + ≺0 (43)
CK DK 0 I 0
0 0 −γI 0 I
where N, M ∈ Rn×r yields
N TA 0 N T B1 0
B1 X B1 N −γI D11
C1 0 D11 −γI
C2 0 D21 0
+ 0
+ ≺0 (45)
0 KB KA 0 I 0 0
D12 0
Using Lemma 3, the existence of K = is equivalent to
NX 0 T NX 0
B1T X −γI D11 ≺0 (46)
0 I 0 I
C1 D11 −γI
AY + Y AT Y C1T B1
NY 0 Y C1 −γI D11 NY 0 ≺ 0
0 I T T
0 I
B1 D11 −γI
where NX and NY designate any bases of the null spaces of C2 D21 and
B2T D12T
, respectively.
For showing (47) we have used
⊥ ⊥
XB2 N B2 0 −1
T Y M 0 0
N T B2 L NY 0
= 0 I P 0
= 0 0 0 I
0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I
0 0 I 0
D12 0 D12 0
Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii): Factor X −Y −1 = N N T , where N ∈ Rn×r and let M = −Y N
and L = I. Then
X N Y −Y N
P = = 0 (51)
NT I −N T Y I + N T Y N
(ii) ⇒ (i): Using the Schur formulas for matrix inversion gives that Y −1 =
X −N L−1 N T . Hence, X −Y −1 = N L−1 N T ≥ 0, and indeed, rank (X −Y −1 ) =
rank (N L−1 N T ) ≤ r.
We conclude by stating the following theorem:
Theorem 2. The following statements are equivalent.
(i) There exists an controller of the system (40) or order r that achieves
closed-loop stability with H∞ norm of γ.
(ii) There exists X = X T , Y = Y T ∈ Rn×n , such that (46), (47) and (49)
One way to try to reduce the rank is to minimize tr X + tr Y , even if this does
not guarantee to find the minimum order controller for a given γ.
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