Psyc273-01 Andre Fall 2022-Accessible
Psyc273-01 Andre Fall 2022-Accessible
Psyc273-01 Andre Fall 2022-Accessible
Department of Psychology
Psyc 273, Seminar in Human Factors, Section 01, Fall, 2022
Course Description
Data and theory of sensory and cognitive psychology and their application to the design of systems used by
humans. This course is designed to provide you with a survey of theory, research, and application in human
factors, as applied to the design of consumer products, software applications and complex systems. A major
focus of this course is on ways to design new technology that is easy to learn and use by incorporation of
usability principles and guidelines. The textbook and lectures will be the primary sources of information in the
course, but a good deal of understanding must also come from each student's thoughts and insights on the
everyday systems and products with which they interact. The course primarily reviews the “information
processing” approach to Human Factors—referred to in the textbook as Engineering Psychology. We cover the
human information processing system and how to apply our understanding of this system to the presentation
of information and overall user experience design of various product and systems. In addition, we will discuss
contemporary huma factors issues such as automation, IoT, virtual reality and more. Throughout the course
students will be exposed to real-world examples of universal usability principles across a variety of products
and domains.
Course Format
In Person. Students must also have access to Canvas.
Required Texts/Readings
Engineering Psychology & Human Performance, 4th Edition. [Christopher D. Wickens, Justin G. Hollands, Raja
Parasuraman, Simon Banbury].
“Success in this course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum
of 45 hours over the length of the course (normally three hours per unit per week) for instruction,
preparation/studying, or course related activities, including but not limited to internships, labs, and clinical
practica. Other course structures will have equivalent workload expectations as described in the syllabus.”
Assignments 10%
University Policies
Per University Policy S16-9 ,relevant university policy concerning all courses, such as student responsibilities,
academic integrity, accommodations, dropping and adding, consent for recording of class, etc. and available
student services (e.g. learning assistance, counseling, and other resources) are listed on Syllabus Information
Participation in class discussions, breakout rooms and exercises is very important. If you are not participating
enough in the class discussions, or asking questions, I will let you know.
Late work
• All work must be turned in on time. All assignments will be penalized 20% for every day they are late.
• There are no makeup exams, except for unplanned emergencies.
• Please inform me of any known disabilities or special needs/considerations at the start of the semester
and prior to September 1, 2021. Please don’t hesitate to discuss any form of need or accommodation
with me.
• If a special need or accommodation emerges during the semester, please inform me immediately.
(subject to modification)