Sls Cadet Handbook 2023-2024

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2023- 2024

Cadet Handbook
Standard Operation Procedures

Junior Reserve Officer Training


Table of Contents (2023-2024 Cadet Handbook)
Chapter Title Page
Purpose 3
Pledge of Allegiance and Cadet Creed 4

1 General Information
History of JROTC at Saint Louis School 5
Enrollment Opportunities 5
Program of Instruction 5
Attendance Policy, Discipline, and Rules 7
School / Community Service 9
Cadet Leadership Camp 9

2 Organization and Cadet Leadership Responsibilities

Battalion Organization 10 Cadet
Leadership Responsibilities 10

3 Grades
Grading System 17
Student Status 19

4 Promotion and Demotion System

Rank Structure and Promotion Criteria 21
Demotion of Cadets 23

5 Awards and Decorations

Unit and Individual Awards 25
Award Recommendation and Approval Procedures 26
Ribbon and Awards Criteria 26
Shoulder Cords, ARCs, and Other Awards 28

6 Cadet Uniforms
Requirements and Responsibilities 30
Uniform Issue and Turn-In Procedures 32
Lost Uniform 33

ANNEX A: Plan for Student Success

B-1: SGT/SSG/SFC/MSG Promotion Board
B-2: 2LT/1LT/CPT/SGM Promotion Board
C-1: Battalion Staff Position Application
C-2: Battalion Staff Position Selection Board Evaluation Sheet
C-3: Battalion Staff Position Board Questions
D: Award Recommendation Form
E: Supply Sergeant Form
F: Cadet Leadership Evaluation Form
G: Promotion Study Guide


This Handbook is applicable to students enrolled in the Saint Louis School JROTC program. It specifies the
procedures and policies that you will follow while enrolled in this program. This Handbook will remain in
effect until revised or rescinded by the Senior Army Instructor (SAI).

This Handbook is yours to keep. Know your Handbook. You will be expected to understand and comply
with its provisions. Bring your Handbook to class each day for ready reference. The Cadet Handbook is a
curriculum topic. This will be your first block of instruction and test.

Cadets and Parents/Guardians will be required to sign a copy of ANNEX A (Plan for Student Success)
acknowledging your responsibility to comply with the rules and expectations of this program.

If you have any questions regarding the contents of this Cadet Handbook, contact your Instructor.

MAJ, USA (Ret)
Senior Army Instructor
[email protected]

Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the
Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with
Liberty and Justice for all.

Cadet Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet.
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country,
school, and the Corps of Cadets.
I am loyal and patriotic.
I am the future of the United States of America.
I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be accountable for my actions
and deeds.
I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.
I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.
I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the
Constitution and the American way of life.
May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.

Chapter 1. General Information

1-1. History of JROTC at Saint Louis School.

A. The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) was organized under the provisions of
the National Defense Act of 1916. It was amended by the ROTC Vitalization Act of 1964.

B. The Saint Louis School JROTC unit was established in 1946 and has been designated as the
Crusader Battalion.

1-2. Enrollment Opportunities

A. The JROTC program is for Middle/High School students in grades 8 through 12. Students
will receive high school elective credit toward graduation while learning the importance of values,
discipline, team-work, and leadership skills.

B. Students must be:

a. Enrolled as a student at Saint Louis School on an approved feeder school.

b. Willingly accept and commit to the mission of: our institution, USACC, and the
Crusader Battalion.

c. Demonstrating good moral character and behavior

d. Willing to wear a JROTC uniform all day, once per week.

e. Physically capable of participating in Army JROTC program. A statement to this

effect must be signed by a parent/guardian and on file in the JROTC Department. Cadets
with physical limitations are encouraged to work in conjunction with JROTC instructors
in order to develop a training plan that fits their individual need.

1-3. Program of Instruction.

A. The mission of JROTC is, “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” JROTC is
designed to instill in Cadets the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal

responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. JROTC has proven to stimulate students to excel
in high school and in life. Students, are committed, maintain a positive attitude, who want to be
leaders, will gain the most from this experience.

B. The Saint Louis School program offers five years of JROTC training. The US Army Cadet
Command (USACC) developed the Program of Instruction. It is revised or updated as required.
The lessons are designed to provide the maximum growth opportunity for each Cadet. Cadets
receive military style training and discipline fostering leadership and teamwork. Training is
organized into four levels designated Leadership, Education and Training (LET) Levels 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 4 Staff. Each succeeding year introduces a Cadet to more leadership opportunities.

C. JROTC consists of the sub-courses listed below:

a. Academic Training:
i. Citizenship in Action
ii. Leadership Theory and
iii. Foundations for Success
iv. Wellness, Fitness and First Aid
v. Citizenship in American History
vi. Methods of Instruction
vii. Service Learning
viii. Military History

b. Physical Activity and Leader Assessment:

i. Leadership Applications
ii. Cadet Challenge
iii. Service Learning and
Community Service Projects
iv. Administration
v. Skills Testing
vi. Uniform Inspections
Vii. Drill and Ceremony
Viii. Staff work

c. Additional subjects may be taught at the option of the instructors. This may include:
Guest Speakers, Field Trips, Marksmanship, Current Events, Customs of the Service,

Financial Planning, Drill and Ceremony, Communication skills, Survival, outdoor
recreation skills, Geography, Map Reading and Government.

d. We also offer extra-curricular teams that compete both nationally and statewide
amongst other JROTC programs. These teams are the Color Guard, Robotics, Sports
Teams-i.e. SLS JROTC Flag Football, Basketball, Volleyball Teams, Leadership and
Academic Challenge Teams, Orienteering, and Adventure “RANGER” Team.

e. Many of our cadets extend their commitment to the school and community by
participating and even leading various athletic teams, clubs, and activities.

D. Materials Required: All text books for this course are provided in the classroom, no books are
issued. Instructional material can be sent home with Cadet on a case by case basis.

E. Practical Applications: Student leaders use the knowledge from the classroom to help conduct
training in Drill, Physical Fitness, First Aid and Land Navigation. Cadets also plan, organize, and
supervise extra-curricular events such as:

a. Annual JROTC Projects aimed at Improving/Sustaining the Crusader Battalion

b. Annual Service Learning Projects aimed at improving our community

c. School support activities during assemblies, ceremonies, open house, sports events,

d. Formal Dinners, Picnics, or Parties, such as GODA-Gallery of Distinguished


e. Ranger training (Skills Competitions or Training)

f. Parades-Kaimuki Xmas, and all other Parades to include the Governor’s Review.

1-4. Attendance Policy. Regular attendance in JROTC is critical to success in the program. A
large portion of your grade is based on your presence--performance skills, uniform inspections and
attitude; none of which can be graded if you are absent. Cadets are expected to set a positive example
for other students at Saint Louis School. Therefore, if a student cannot make it to class, it is expected
for the student to actively communicate with their instructor, as to why they were not present. Repeat
offenders who receive unexcused absences and tardiness will be reflected in your grade.

1-5. Discipline. All Cadets are expected to display proper military bearing and courtesy on
and off campus. This includes not only the JROTC classroom, but other classes as well. In addition,
Cadets must maintain proper discipline while travelling to and from school and JROTC activities.

A. JROTC exists to help make you a better citizen. Therefore, we will do everything within our
power to guide you toward making good choices. On those occasions that you make bad choices
you will face a variety of consequences. Generally, you will be individually counseled to correct
the problem. In most cases this is all we will do. However, if this doesn’t work, we may take
direct additional corrective training, such as:

a. Physical Training (Pushups) or additional homework

b. Verbal or formal written counseling from Cadet leaders or instructors

c. Loss of Cadet privileges

d. Reduction in rank

e. Removal from Cadet leadership positions

f. Referral to the Dean of Students, which could lead to various forms of corrective
training such as: detention, suspension, or reduce privileges.

g. Being placed in a “Student” versus “Cadet” status

h. Removal from the JROTC program

B. Classroom Rules.

a. Cadets will treat our classroom with the utmost respect and professionalism. It's’
our house, so do your part to care for it. At the start of the school year, our instructors will
go over all of their classroom rules

b. Do not sit on tables or place feet on chairs and tables

c. Do not wear headgear in the classroom

d. So long as it does not affect class participation mobile devices such as your phones
may be used during class time when Instructors authorize usage. (each instructor may
have different rules regarding mobile usage)

e. Do not talk without permission

f. Follow the school dress code

C. Battalion Area Rules.

a. Do not wear beret in buildings or covered hallways. However, cadets must have
their beret’s on them at all times and wear them outdoors.

b. Saluting. Cadets will not salute actual military officers while on campus. However,
cadets will greet officers they meet in the halls or outdoors with the greeting of the day.

c. Clean up after yourself & make on-the-spot-corrections of others

d. Only authorized personnel may be in the supply room, battalion refrigerator, and
Staff operations area

e. Demonstrate respect for each other and others by communicating tactfully and
displaying the care and accountability needed to maintain standards.

D. Reporting Procedures. Use proper reporting procedures (NOT preceded by the phrase “um”)
when wishing to enter the instructor classrooms.

a. Be mindful of work already being done by the instructors

B. Knock 3 times

c. Enter when permission is granted

e. Report to the Instructor, center yourself in front of his desk and render the proper
military customs and courtesy. Stand at “ATTENTION” when addressing officers and
“PARADE REST” for Sergeants.

1-6. School / Community Service. Cadets will perform a number of service projects for the
school and community.

A. As a way of “giving back” to your school, you will perform occasional school service projects
mostly during school hours. These may include activities such as Set Up and Clean Up for school
events, performing Color Guard, serving as escort to guests.

B. You will also perform service learning. This aspect of demonstrating good citizenship
represents a JROTC core value.

C. You will conduct at least one major Service Learning Project each year that is Mandatory.
The Cadet Chain of Command will select the specific project.

1-7. JROTC Cadet Leadership Camp (JCLC).

A. This activity is a 4-day/3- night event held after the last week of school.

B. Cadets must earn the right to go. The criteria are:

a. Have an excellent record with your instructor. Your achievement and attitude in
JROTC must be well above average.

b. Must pass all your classes.

c. Must be physically, mentality, and emotionally fit to undergo the training.

d. Must dedicate the entire week to JCLC related activity.

e. Other criteria as determined by the Instructors

C. JCLC Leadership Camp Events include various followership & leadership opportunities, by
using the following activities as basis:

a. Swimming and Drown Proofing

b. Obstacle Course

c. Military Career Demonstrations

d. Survival Training

e. Land Navigation

f. Road Marches

g. Rappel Training

h. Leadership Reaction Course

i. STEM initiative

Chapter 2. Organization and Cadet Leadership Responsibilities

2-1. Battalion Organization.

2-2. Cadet Leadership Responsibilities. Every leadership and staff position is important to the overall
operation of the Battalion. It is important that Cadets learn their respective job and perform it well. A job
well done is a demonstration of devotion to duty and individual responsibility. The most mature and capable
Cadets are selected for promotion and positions of increased responsibility.

A. Authority. Authority to exercise command and control at each unit level is vested in the
Cadet Leaders who are solely responsible for establishing and upholding the standards and
performance of their respective units.

B. Cadet Officers and Noncommissioned Officer (NCO).

a. Selected because cadets have clearly demonstrated competence and leadership ability
as Leaders in the battalion and school. In addition to command and staff abilities, they
must be qualified to assist the SAI/AI and to act as an instructor in any military duty or
class activity. Promotion to Cadet Officer/NCO will not be given solely as a reward for

b. Cadets of lower rank are required to receive and obey all lawful orders from Cadet
Officers/NCOs unless they are illegal, unethical, or immoral. Cadets leaders will ensure
their authority and influence is not used in an abusive or disrespectful manner.

c. Cadet Officers/NCOs who consistently fail to comply with regulations, or who

passively allow other Cadets to violate rules and regulations, may be reduced in rank as
determined by the appropriate review board.

d. Cadet Officers/NCOs who fail to discharge their duties and responsibilities may be
reduced in rank and/or responsibility. Cadet leaders must understand they are entrusted to
carry out their duties, furthermore, there are consequences when those duties are not
consistently met.

C. Other Responsibilities of All Cadets.

a. Normally, the responsibilities of Cadets stop at the end of the school day. However,
their responsibilities as student role models extend beyond the school campus. In
addition, Cadets should always represent the values of the Army and JROTC, especially
while in uniform.

b. Cadets must correct uniform violations regardless if they are in class or not. Cadets
should not be fearful or worried of retribution to correct of senior or higher ranking cadets.

c. Cadet leaders are responsible for the appearance, discipline, efficiency, and welfare of
their units at all times.

d. Cadet leaders are expected to set the example. Cadets should help maintain a positive
learning environment at all times.

e. All Cadets in leadership and staff positions are expected to lead their respective
units by participating in the maximum number of events and activities as possible. Cadets
leaders need to prioritize their time and effort wisely given the multiple roles they fulfilled
for SLS.

f. Cadets are expected to wear their uniform with pride and be well-groomed. Leaders
who fail to lead by example may be removed from their leadership position.

G. Cadets selected to serve as battalion assistants are being groomed for increased
responsibility, and also serve as the continuity in the absence of the primary staff officer.
Assistants are expected to provide initiative and support to their staff officer, as required;
and participate in the weekly staff meeting.

2-3. Cadet Command and Staff duties and responsibilities.

A. Battalion Commander.

a. Responsible for the efficient operation of the Battalion and what the Battalion does or
fails to do.

b. Responsible for advance coordination with the SAI/AI on all matters pertaining to
Battalion policies and procedures.

c. Provide guidance to Company Commanders and Staff

B. Battalion Executive Officer.

a. In the absence of the Battalion Commander, assume command and be responsible for
the efficient operation of the battalion.

b. Coordinate and supervise other cadets to ensure the orders and policies of the Battalion
Commander are carried out effectively.

c. Keep the Battalion Commander informed of problem areas within the Battalion in
general, and of action taken or recommended to correct such problems.

d. Directly supervise the Battalion Staff. Responsible for the proper coordination of all
staff actions related to personnel, security, logistics, public relations, and records keeping.

e. Maintain an accurate accounting of JROTC student funds.

C. Battalion Command Sergeant Major.

a. Senior NCO Cadet who advises the Battalion Commander on personnel issues
concerning the cadets.

b. Make recommendations concerning promotions, reductions, awards and advises the

Battalion Commander of problem areas within the Battalion, and of action taken or
recommended to correct such problems.

c. Responsible for the cleanliness and neatness of JROTC classrooms and Battalion

d. Provide guidance to the 1SGs, schedule a weekly company clean up roster for BN.

e. Maintain control of the National and State Flags, and the JROTC Battalion Colors.

D. Battalion S-1. Battalion Personnel Administration Officer.

a. Responsible for all matters relating to Personnel and Administration.

b. Prepare administrative orders and announcements as directed by the Battalion

Commander/Executive Officer and in coordination with the SAI/AI.

c. Maintain the Cadet Record database, the Junior ROTC Unit Management System
(JUMS), on issues relating to personnel records.

d. Coordinate with Company Commanders, 1SGs and Company Clerks to facilitate

timely personnel updates.

e. Maintain accountability of all ranks, badges, and ribbons. Maintain an adequate
supply to ensure they are presented to cadets in a timely manner.

E. Battalion S-2. Physical Security/Risk Management/Intelligence

a. Responsible for the physical security and accountability of JROTC unit equipment.

b. Keep the commander informed of severe risk and measure to reduce the risk in any
cadet activity.

c. Provide an in-depth understanding to the commander on weather impact and any

adverse activity/impact that could prevent the mission from being accomplished.

F. Battalion S-3. Operations and Training Officer.

a. Responsible for matters pertaining to training and operations.

b. Prepare and publish weekly training schedules.

c. Prepare and publish Operation Orders for all Battalion operations.

d. Plan and coordinate all Battalion’s training activities.

e. Ensure the classroom and field training areas are properly prepared prior to training.

f. In the absence of the Battalion Commander and Executive Officer, the S-3 will assume
command of the battalion.

g. Responsible for the Battalion Safety Program.

G. Battalion S-4. Logistics Officer.

a. Responsible for all matters relating to logistics.

b. Responsible for the storage and maintenance of accurate supply records, to include
clothing records, hand receipts, up to date inventories of battalion equipment.

c. Responsible for the storage, maintenance, issue and turn-in of all supplies.

d. Maintain accurate supply records in JUMS.

e. Coordinate with Company Commanders, 1SGs and Company Supply Sergeants to

facilitate timely supply updates.

H. Battalion S-5. Continuous Improvement Program (CIP) Officer.

a. Responsible for all matters relating to annual CIP.

b. Create a deliberate plan of action for leaders to implement.

c. Prepare and publish the CIP OPORD.

d. Coordinate the execution of the OPORD

e. Conduct after action review of CIP to ensure lessons learned are captured.

I. Battalion S-6. Special Teams Officer

a. Serve as the primary coordinator for all special teams

b. Coordinate with cadets to fulfill special team requirements.

c. Inform the commander and SAI on progress of requirements being met.

J. Company Commander.

a. Responsible for the effective training, discipline, morale, appearance and performance
of the company.

b. Be familiar with all members of the company to make recommendations for

promotions, reductions, and awards.

c. Publish and maintain the company's rating scheme.

d. Coordinate with the Battalion staff to accomplish company missions.

e. Maintain accountability of all Cadets in the company.

K. First Sergeant.

a. Assist the Commander in the training, discipline, morale, appearance and performance
of the company.

b. Be familiar with all members of the company to make recommendations for

promotions, reductions, and awards.

c. Coordinate with the Command Sergeant Major to accomplish company missions.

d. Maintain accountability of all Cadets in the company.

e. Ensure the classroom remains neat and orderly during the training day.

L. Squad Leader.

a. Responsible for the effective training, discipline, morale, appearance and performance
of the squad.

b. Be familiar with all members of the squad to make recommendations for promotion,
reductions, and awards.

c. Maintain accountability of all Cadets in the squad.

d. Execute the task directed by the company 1SG / CDR.

M. Company Supply Sergeant

a. Assist the Company Commander with all supply-related issues.

b. Coordinate with the Battalion S-4 as needed.

c. Identify the supply needs of the company and resolve them accordingly.

N. Company Clerk

a. Assist the Company Commander with all personnel-related issues.

b. Coordinate with the Battalion S-1 as needed.

c. Maintain control of the company guidon.

D. Collect, process, and disseminate the awards recommendation form for the company.

Chapter 3. Grading System

3-1. JROTC grades are not based only on classroom academics. Each Cadet is also rated on how well
he/she performs during inspections, extracurricular activities, school/community service, and on leadership
and followership duties.

A. Academic Grade. Performance on academic assessments will make up 50% of the overall

1) Any subject taught in JROTC is considered testable and potentially graded.

2) Missed assignments and tests are the Student’s responsibility to make up.
a) A missed assignment, event, or test is due on the NEXT DAY a student returns
to class following an EXCUSED absence.
b) No makeup is allowed for an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE and the student will
receive a “0” for that assignment.


4) In order for a Student to be eligible to turn in an extra credit assignment, any missed
work must first be turned in.
B. Leadership Grade. Leadership and Followership ability are an extremely important
component of JROTC. The Leadership grade will make up 25% of the overall grade. Wearing your
uniform correctly is a way to demonstrate your leadership ability.

1) Cadets will properly wear their uniform at least one day per week, normally on
Monday or Tuesday.

2) It is the Cadet’s responsibility to ensure their uniform is clean and ready for

3) Cadets will wear all ribbons and awards in accordance with Cadet Command

4) If a Cadet has an excused absence on uniform day, they MUST wear their uniform on
another day during the week to obtain credit. Failure to wear the uniform during the week
will result in a “0” for that portion of their grade.

5) While wearing the uniform, Cadets must comply with all provisions of Cadet
Command Uniform Regulations to receive credit. Simply wearing the uniform is not enough.

6) Wear the uniform for the WHOLE DAY, not just the JROTC class period.

7) Cadets in leadership positions (Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, Company

Commander, and Battalion Staff) will be rated on how well they perform their leadership

8) Command and Staff Leadership Meetings

a) Battalion Staff Call. SLS JROTC Staff will attend regularly scheduled
Command and Staff meetings. These are held normally once per week after
b) Commanders Huddle: Battalion Commander, Command Sergeant Major,
Company Commanders and 1SGs will regularly participate in monthly
Command Huddles on the last staff meeting of the month.
c) Additional coordination meetings may be required based on the needs of the
d) These meetings will be a portion of the leadership grade for those cadets
required to participate in these meetings, as well as performance in action.
Their grade will be based on their effort and preparedness.

9) Demonstrating Required Leadership and Followership Traits.

a) Cadets are expected to set a positive example for other students in the school.

b) Cadets must follow orders from other Cadet leaders.

c) Cadets must also follow the Saint Louis Dress Code.

d) Cadets are expected to display proper military courtesy. Cadets practice the
same military courtesy rules that come from the customs and traditions of the
United States Army. Cadets are expected to:
a. Conduct yourself in a courteous and military manner at all times.

b. Address the SAI as “Sir” or “Major” and the AI as “Sergeant”. All
Cadet Officers and NCOs will be addressed in the same manner during
formal events.
c. Enter the Instructors classrooms only after requesting permission.

C. Participation Grade. Participation in training events is an extremely important component of

JROTC. The Participation grade will make up 25% of the overall grade

1. Cadets are expected to attend every class and required training event.
2. Unexcused absences and tardiness will result in a lower grade.
3. Regular attendance in JROTC is critical to success in the program. Demonstrating your
responsibility by attending training on time is a key concept in your development in JROTC.
4. Some training events occur outside of the normal class schedule. Some of these events are
mandatory. Cadets must make arrangements to attend all required events. These are
academic requirements and they take precedence over extra-curricular events should a conflict
occur. The table below lists some of the events; others may be added by the Cadet Leadership
and SAI.

Event Anticipated Date Mandatory/Volunt


Battalion One Day each Semester Mandatory

Formations (After school, TBD )

Kaimuki XMAS, December (first Mandatory

Veterans Parade Thursday of the month)

HMSU Military First Saturday of Voluntary

Ball December (Mandatory for E-7
and above)

Governor’s Review April Mandatory for

Battalion Leadership

Battalion Awards April or May Mandatory


Service Learning TBD Mandatory


Others TBD TBD

D. Honors credit will be awarded to worthy cadets determined by the SAI.

3-2. Student Status. To be in “Cadet” status, a cadet must maintain a high standard of conduct by showing:
- Self-discipline and respect for authority through observance of laws, rules and regulations
- Effort and interest in leadership training
- Prompt, regular attendance at instruction
- Positive personal behavior.

In some cases, if a cadet does not meet the requirements to be in a “Cadet” status, he/she will be moved to
“Student” status in accordance with Cadet Command Regulation 145-2.

1) The “Student” will continue to participate in JROTC classes.

2) However, they must turn in their uniform and will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular
JROTC activities.

3) Because the JROTC grading system places considerable weight on leadership and participation.
Cadets in a “Student” status will not pass JROTC.

4) “Student” statuses are under constant review. If substantial progress is made toward responsible and
respectful behavior, an upgrade to “Cadet” status may occur.

5) Notification of Student Status.

a. When a Cadet is placed in Student status, they will be informed of the reasons why and
what is required to regain “Cadet” status.

b. A copy of the notification will be sent to the Student’s parent/guardian so they are aware
of the student’s decisions and the impact that is having on their success.

c. The cadet’s counselor will also be notified so they are aware the student is not on track
to pass this course.

Chapter 4. Promotion and Demotion System

4-1. Ideal Rank Structure

Position Number Rank

Battalion Commander 1 per BN LTC

Battalion Executive Officer 1 per BN CPT - MAJ

Command Sergeant Major 1 per BN CSM

S-1 Personnel Officer 1 per BN 2LT - CPT

S-2 Intelligence/Physical Security 1 per BN 2LT - CPT


S-3 Operations and Training Officer 1 per BN CPT - CPT

Assistant S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 1 per BN SFC to MSG

S-4 Logistics Officer 1 per BN 2LT - CPT

S-5 Continuous Improvement Program 1 per BN 2LT - CPT

(CIP) Officer

S-6 Special Teams Coordinator 1 per BN 2LT-CPT

Company Commander 1 per Company 2LT - CPT

First Sergeant 1 per Company SFC- 1SG

Squad Leader 2 per Company CPL – SSG

Company Clerk 1 per Company CPL – SGT

Supply Sergeant 1 per Company CPL – SFC

4-2. Promotion Criteria.

A. Cadets will be considered for promotion once every two months. Promotion Boards will fall
on or around the following dates (4OCT, 13DEC, 13MAR, 24APR)

B. Promotions are based upon your academic and leadership achievement, recommendation by
your chain of command, and approval by the cadre. Cadre: both army instructors (SAI/AI) and
student chain of command

C. Your rank is also related to your duty position.

a. Normally, when you are promoted, you will be assigned to a position of higher rank
requirement. If a position is not available, your promotion may be held until a position
becomes available.
b. If you are assigned to a senior leadership position which requires a higher rank, you
may be temporarily promoted to that rank. This is called being “frocked” to that rank. You
will only hold this rank while in this particular leadership position.

D. Cadets must have a “C” or higher in JROTC and be passing all other classes to be eligible for

E. Promotion procedures.

a. Each Cadet will be evaluated by a Cadet Rater (immediate supervisor) and Cadet
Senior Rater every two months recommend (Quarterly). Part of this rating will indicate how
well you performed during this period and whether or not you should be promoted.
Performing well on this rating is the first step in getting promoted.

b. Certain Promotions may require a written test, performance test, and/or appearance by
board. You must receive a 70% on any test or board score to be considered promotable. The
Promotion Study Guide is located in ANNEX G. It is your responsibility to prepare for
promotion tests. In addition to qualifying you for promotion, they are also graded.

c. The Table below lists all promotion criteria to the applicable rank:

Rank Test Performance Test / Board Other Requirement

CPL Written Test Recite the Cadet Creed/Army Values none

SGT Written Test Lead Squad at Drill and Ceremony none

SSG Written Test Appearance Board by held by CSM Prior service as a SGT

SFC Written Test Appearance Board by held by CSM Prior Service as a SSG

MSG Written Test Appearance Board by held by CSM Prior Service as a SFC

1SG None Appointed by CSM/Approved by AI Position must be available

SGM Written Test Present a Leadership Brief and Prior service as a MSG
Appearance Board held by BN CDR

CSM None Appointed by CSM/Approved by AI None

2LT Written Test Present a Leadership Brief and Prior service as an

Appearance Board held by BN CDR enlisted cadet

1LT Written Test Present a Leadership Brief and Prior service as a 2LT and
Appearance Board held by BN CDR LET 2 or above

CPT Written Test Present a Leadership Brief and Prior service as a 1 LT

Appearance Board held by BN CDR

MAJ Written Test Appointed by BC/Approved by SAI Prior service as a Staff


LTC None Appointed by BC/Approved by SAI None

d. The Company Commander will review and approve/disapprove the promotion list.

e. The Company Clerk will forward the promotion list to the BN S-1.

f. The BN CDR, CSM and SAI will review all promotion lists and approve/disapprove

g. The BN S-1 will publish the promotion orders.

h. Cadets will be promoted in an appropriate ceremony during the next Uniform Day or
special activity.

F. Promotion to CPL to SGT. The Company Commander and 1SGs will test all cadets
considered for promotion to CPL to SGT. They must ensure the cadet is able to meet the
performance required in the table above.

G. Promotion to SSG, SFC and MSG. The BN CSM will conduct a Promotion Board for any
Cadet eligible to be promoted to SSG, SFC or MSG. Company First Sergeants will normally sit on
the board with the CSM.

H. Promotion to 2LT, 1LT, CPT, and SGM. The Battalion Commander will conduct the
Promotion Board for Cadets eligible to be promoted to Cadet Officer and SGM. Company
Commanders and BN Staff may sit on the board with the BC. As part of this Promotion Board,
Cadets must present a brief on the following information:

a. Yourself and your Leadership Background.

b. Duties and Responsibilities of a Cadet Officer

I. Promotion Boards. Cadets appearing before a Promotion Board should wear their Class A. A
cadet must score at least 70% on the promotion board to be considered for promotion.

J. Promotion Board Checklists are located in ANNEX B.

K. Battalion Staff positions are selected each year by the BC and AI/SAI. Cadets who want to be
on the Battalion Staff must complete the application and prepare for a selection board interview. See
ANNEX C (page 52-56) for application and board information.

4-3. Demotion of Cadets.

A. Cadets will be demoted at least one rank for the following reasons:

a. Cheating on any assignment to include whether in JROTC or not

b. Suspended by the school for any reason

c. Failing to wear your Uniform 3 times during a quarter.

d. Other reasons recommended by the Cadet Chain of Command and approved by the

B. Company Commanders and 1SGs will monitor the performance of their Cadets and ensure
they uphold the standard.

C. Company Commanders will forward requests for demotion through the Cadet Chain of
Command to the SAI for decision.

D. If a Cadet is removed from a leadership position and assigned a position that does not require
a higher rank, that cadet may be demoted to a rank associated with that position.

E. Second Semester Senior Cadets. These cadets will usually be removed from their leadership
positions, but they may retain their current rank. However, they are expected to serve as a mentor
and positive role model for younger cadets.

4-4. Cadet Leadership Evaluation. A successful leader must be able to effectively

communicate with people they supervise. To learn this extremely important skill, Cadets will learn
how to evaluate those they supervise.

A. Each Cadet will be formally evaluated by a Cadet Rater (immediate supervisor) and Cadet
Senior Rater (supervisor 2 levels up) each month.

B. This rating system will provide all Cadets with timely and honest evaluation of their
performance. The Cadet Chain of Command will use this information to improve leadership and
followership throughout the battalion.

C. An AI or the SAI will review all Cadet Leadership Evaluations to coach and mentor Cadet
Leaders on how to effectively counsel their subordinates. The SAI will consider the Cadet
Leadership Evaluation in determining the portion of the leadership grade.

D. The Cadet Leadership Evaluation Form is located in ANNEX F (page 64).

E. Rating Chain.

Rated Cadet Rater Senior Rater

Squad Member Squad Leader First Sergeant

Squad Leader First Sergeant Company


Company Clerk First Sergeant Company


Supply Sergeant First Sergeant Company


First Sergeant Company Commander Battalion


Company Battalion Commander SAI


Battalion AI SAI

CSM Battalion Commander AI

Executive Officer Battalion Commander AI/SAI

S1, S2, S4, S5, S6 Battalion Executive Battalion

Officer Commander

S3 Battalion Commander AI/SAI

Assistant S1, S2, Primary Staff Officers Battalion Executive

S3, S4, S5, S6 (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6) Officer

Chapter 5. Awards

5-1. Unit Awards.

A. Honor Unit with Distinction, Honor Unit, and Merit Unit are announced following the Army
Formal Inspection or unit visit. These are unit awards.

B. Company Streamers. Companies will earn streamers to hang from their Guidon. These show
everyone what Company is the best.

a. TOP GUN Company. Awarded after the Marksmanship completion for the company
with the highest score. Tallied at the end of each testing period (prone, kneeling, standing).

b. TOP DRILL Company. Awarded to the winning company in Battalion Drill


c. TOP INSPECTION Company. Awarded at the end of the semester to the company
with the highest uniform inspection grades.

d. HONOR Company. Awarded each month to the company performing the best overall
in variety of announced categories. (academic, physical fitness, inspection, etc.)

e. Others TBD.

5-2. Individual Awards. Individual awards and ribbons reflect achievements by individual Cadets and will
be presented on Uniform Day or other suitable occasion.

5-3. Award Recommendation and Approval Procedures

A. Cadets who feel they qualify for an award will request the ribbon through their chain of
command using an Award Recommendation Form, see ANNEX D (page 61).

B. A member of a Cadet’s Chain of Command can also submit a Cadet for an award using the
same Award Recommendation Form.

C. The Company Clerk will verify the Cadet is eligible for the award and forward the form to the
Company Commander.

D. If the award is for a sport or activity, the cadet must get their coach to sign the Award
Recommendation Form.

E. The Company Commander will approve/disapprove, initial, and then forward the form to the
BN S-1.

F. The BN Commander will approve/disapprove, initial, and forward their recommendations to

the AI or SAI for decision.

G. If approved, the BN S-1 will prepare the award order and obtain the ribbon. Once complete,
the BN S-1 will notify the Company Commander.

H. The Company Commander will then present the award on the next Uniform Day or other
suitable opportunity.

I. If the Request for Award is denied at any level, it will be returned to the Cadet initiating the

5-4. JROTC Ribbons and Required Criteria. These individual awards will be presented as described on the
table below. ARCs will be presented at the first Uniform Day after criteria are met. Awards are listed in
order of precedence below:

JROTC Ribbon Awards

Award Name Criteria Period

Highest GPA for any Senior Cadet (LET III or Semester

N-1-1 Distinguished Cadet IV) (JAN/AUG)

Highest GPA for each LET Level (w/except to

N-1-2 Academic Excellence LET III/IV) Annual

Cadets with A in JROTC and B in all other

N-1-3 Academic Achievement classes Semester

N-1-4 Perfect Attendance No unexcused absence during semester Semester

Elected to a Student Government Officer

position (Executive Student Council or
N-1-5 Student Government Division / Class Leader) Immediately

N-1-6 LET Service Completing first year of each LET Level Annual

N-1-7 National Honor Society Cadet who has been inducted into the NHS Immediately

Significant Performance / Improvement /

N-1-8 Cadet Success Success Immediately

N-1-9 Cadet Instructor Teach 2 blocks of Instruction Annual

60 hours of either school service or community

N-1-10 Community Service service Semester

1 Cadet per LET Level for high degree of
N-3-1 Instructor Leadership leadership Semester

Present an outstanding appearance (one per

N-3-2 Personal Appearance LET Level) Annual

N-3-3 Proficiency Superior leadership, academics, and duty Annual

Drill Team ARC (Serves as an active Drill

N-3-4 Drill Team Team member) Immediately


Orienteering Team members

N-3-5 Orienteering (Pass the LAND NAV Test)


Color Guard (1 event or competition per year)

Color Guard ARC (2 event or competition per
Color Guard Cord (3 events or competitions
per year)
Honor Guard ARC (2 or more events or
Honor Guard Cord(4 or more events or
N-3-6 Color / Honor Guard competitions)

Rifle Team Ribbon (Member of the JV or V
Rifle Team ARC (2 competitions per year)
N-3-7 Rifle Team Rifle Team Cord (3 competitions per year)

Ranger Team Ribbon (compete during a
Ranger Team ARC (2 competitions per year)
Ranger Team Cord (achieve Ranger PT
N-3-8 Adventure Training Standards)

JLAB Member (1 competition per year)
JLAB ARC (Compete in the 2 Round of
N-3-9 JLAB competition) Immediately

Outstanding conduct in school (No detention &

N-3-10 Good Conduct consistent behavior) Annual

Leadership / JCLC Ribbon & ARC (complete
N-3-11 Leadership / JCLC JCLC or other leadership camp)

“Company of the Month” (COM) Ribbon
(awarded COM the most frequently during the Immediately
school year
N-3-12 Best Company Company Streamer (once a month)

Ribbon given to any cadet awarded 1 place
N-3-13 Champion (individual or team) in any JROTC competition

Cadet recognized for outstanding service to
N-3-14 Selfless Service others

Cadet recognized for outstanding decision or
N-3-15 Character action

N-2-1 Varsity Athletics Cadets competing on a Varsity Sport team Seasonal

N-2-2 JROTC Physical Fitness 85th percentile in all 5 cadet challenge events Semester

N-2-3 JROTC Athletics 50th percentile in all 5 cadet challenge events Semester

Company with the highest marksmanship

N-2-4 One shot, one kill average Immediately

Cadets on a JV/Freshman Sport team or
N-2-5 JV/Freshman Sports Activity Seasonal

N-4-1 Parade Participate in a formal parade

N-4-2 Recruiting Recruit a student who completes a semester

Participate in a community service project (10

N-4-3 Community Support hours) Annual

Best Cadet per Company for Uniform

N-4-4 Monthly Inspection Inspection Monthly

N-4-5 Cadet of the Month Top Cadet of the Month for each Company Monthly

N-4-6 Service Learning Participate in Service Learning Project Annual

Excellent Staff Given to the cadet who exemplifies themselves Quarterly

N-4-7 Performance in their duties on Staff

5-5. JROTC Shoulder Cords and Required Criteria. Shoulder cords will be presented on the first Uniform
Day after criteria are met. They will be recovered at the end of the school year.

A. Only one cord may be worn on a shoulder at one time. The left shoulder will have

B. Cords are listed in order of precedence below:

Cord Name Criteria

Current member of the Varsity Color Guard or meets

White Color Guard criteria for Color Guard Cord

Current Captain of a Varsity Unarmed or Armed Drill

Red Drill Team Team

Senior ranking Cadet on the Varsity Rifle
Tan Marksmanship Marksmanship Team

Gold National Honor Society Current member of the NHS

Dark Green Varsity Sport Current captain of a Varsity Sport

Current member of the SLS Ranger Team who achieves

Black / Tan Ranger Team Ranger Standards

5-6. JROTC ARCs and Badges and Required Criteria. These awards will be presented at the first Uniform
Day after criteria are met.

A. Once awarded, Cadets retain the ARC or Badge even if no longer on the team or activity that
initially qualified them for wear. The ARC/Badge is only awarded once.

B. ARCs/Badges are listed below:

ARC Criteria

Member of the Color Guard

Color Guard (conducting at least 2 Color Guard events or 2 competitions)

Member of any Varsity Drill team

Drill Team (competing in at least 4 competitions)

Member of Varsity Marksmanship Team

Rifle (competing in at least 10 competitions)

Member of the JLAB Leadership or Academic team

JLAB (competing in Level 2 during the same year)

Completing 2 years service on the BN staff

Staff (S1, S3, AS3, S4, S5, CSM, XO, BC)

JCLC Completing JCLC or other Leadership Camp

Perfect Attendance Having NO UNEXCUSED ABSENCES or TARDIES during the year

Ranger Ranger team members who compete in 2 or more competitions

Marksman Badge 110-129 score in standing and prone position

Sharpshooter Badge 130-200 score in standing and prone position

Expert Badge 230-300 in standing, prone, and kneeling position

5-7. Academic Wreaths and Criteria. These awards will be presented at the first Uniform Day after criteria
are met. These awards are only issued for the semester. If a cadet fails to qualify the following semester,
they will be returned.

Award Criteria Period

Having a “A” in JROTC and a “B” in all other

Academic Achievement Wreath subjects Semester

Academic Achievement Wreath

Red Pad - 2nd Award Semester

Academic Achievement Wreath

Silver Pad - 3rd Award Semester

Academic Achievement Wreath

Gold Pad - 4th Award Semester

5-8. Awards from other service organizations. Awards are listed in order of precedence.

Award Criteria

Medal of Heroism Dept of the Army award for outstanding act of heroism

Superior Cadet Most outstanding Cadet in each LET level

Sons of American Revolution Outstanding Leadership

Military Order of the World Wars

(MOWW) Overall improvement in military and scholastic studies

American Legion General scholastic excellence

American Legion General military excellence

National Sojourners Award Cadet who contributed most to Americanism

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry For scholastic excellence/Americanism

US Army Recruiting Command

(USAREC) For outstanding contribution to JROTC

Association of the United States

Army (AUSA) Outstanding leadership and academic achievement

Military Officers Association of

America (MOAA) For exceptional potential for military service

Reserve Officers Association For outstanding achievement and leadership

Military Order of the Purple Heart Demonstrates leadership ability

American Veterans (AMVET) For outstanding leadership, involvement, academics

Daedalian JROTC Medal Patriotism and desire to pursue a military career

Celebrate Freedom Ribbon Positive Attitude and Outstanding Personal Appearance

Daughters of the American Colonists Outstanding ability and achievement

Special Forces Association Outstanding Leadership

Others TBD TBD

Chapter 6. Cadet Uniforms

6-1. General Information. The uniform of the United States Army is a symbol of honor, tradition and the
Corps of Cadets. Proper wear is an indication of self-respect, pride, and responsibility. Cadets are constantly
observed by teachers, adults, and veterans who care deeply about the military service and what the uniform
represents. In addition, a major part of your JROTC grade and homework is preparing your uniform for wear
or inspection. Being in the proper uniform is an exercise in discipline and will be emphasized throughout the

6-2. Uniform Wear. Cadets will properly wear the uniform on Monday or Tuesday.

A. Uniform.

a. Cadets will normally wear the Class B uniform (the Blue Army Service Uniform). The
class B uniform consist of beret, grey shirt, white t-shirt, blue trousers, nametag,
individual awards, and corefram shoes issued to you by the JROTC Program.

b. Cadets will occasionally wear the Class A uniform (which is the Army Service
Uniform [ASU] or Class B Uniform with Jacket).

B. Uniform Inspections.

a. The Crusader Battalion leadership will conduct a formal uniform inspection on

uniform days.

b. Squad Leaders, First Sergeants/Company Commanders and Instructors will conduct

uniform inspections.

C. Cadets will wear the uniform for the entire school day, not just in JROTC class.

a. If a Cadet has a class such as Art, Weight Training, Ceramics etc, they may wear
suitable clothes, but then change into the uniform when that class is not is session.

b. If the Cadet has a part time job, they will NOT wear the uniform to work.

c. After 3 Uniform Day absences or failure to wear the correct uniform 3 times during a
quarter, the cadet may be placed in “Student” status and turn in their uniform.

D. Uniform on Physical Training or Special Event days.

a. On PT days (usually Thursdays and Fridays), Cadets are required to wear the issued
Army shorts, Brown issued shirt and shoes. They may change-out prior to and after class.

b. Periodically we may conduct special events which may require an alternate or specific
uniform. Cadets will be informed in advance when there is a special uniform requirement.

E. Proper Wear of the Uniform. The following are some DOs and DONT’s regarding proper
wear of the uniform:

a. Do not wear civilian clothes with a portion of the uniform. Exceptions may be granted
by the SAI/AI if there is a need for a coat, jacket, etc.

b. Keep the shirt tucked in at all times.

c. Female Cadets may wear one gold, silver, or pearl post earring (up to ¼ inch) in
each ear. Cadets will not wear nose rings, or tongue rings of any type with the uniform.

d. Male Cadets cannot wear facial jewelry in uniform.

e. Saint Louis School buildings are considered a “No Hat” area. However, saluting to
officers is expected to from all cadets.

f. All other provisions of Cadet Command Regulation 145-2 apply.

6-3. Uniform Responsibilities and Maintenance.

A. Failure to return the uniform when directed will result in a debt, payable to Saint Louis

B. Check your uniform and equipment before signing the clothing record. Signatures verify the
Cadet is in full responsibility of the uniform.

C. Cleaning and normal maintenance of the uniform is the Cadet’s responsibility.

D. Uniforms will not be altered for any reason without the permission of the AI/SAI.

E. Worn, frayed, or faded through normal wear and tear items will be exchanged in the unit
supply room, as well as items that do not fit.

F. Do not wait until uniform or inspection day to exchange any part of the uniform. Do this
before. This will demonstrate your leadership/followership ability and will be evaluated.

G. If a Cadet has lost or forgotten an item of the uniform, the best course of action is to wear the
uniform without the item and notify your chain of command. This is more acceptable than not
wearing the uniform at all.

6-3. Uniform Issue and Turn-In.

A. The Company Supply Sergeant and Battalion S-4 will issue/accept uniforms to and from
Cadets as required. The BN S-4 will keep a clothing record for each Cadet. All Cadets will sign for
their uniform. Each Cadet is responsible to make sure their clothing record is correct before signing.

B. Issue Procedures.

a. Each Cadet and the Cadet’s Squad Leader will coordinate with the Company Supply
Sergeant to request a uniform item. The Company Supply Sergeant may have to measure the
Cadet for correct size and determine if needed uniform items are in stock in the supply room.

b. The Company Supply Sergeant will issue the Cadet the required item and use the Supply
Sergeant Form (DA FORM 3645-1) to create an accountability record and proof of issue.

c. The BN S-4 will collect the completed individual clothing record and enter the
information into the Clothing Record in JUMS.

d. The BN S-4 will then print an updated copy of the clothing record and return it to the
Company Supply Sergeant who will obtain the Cadet’s and parent(s) signature.

e. After the cadet and cadet’s parent/guardian signs the updated Clothing record, the
Supply Sergeant will return the signed Clothing Record to the S4. C. Turn-In Procedures
are similar to the issue procedures.

a. When a Cadet turns-in an item to the Supply Sergeant, the Supply Sergeant gives the
Cadet a signed Supply Sergeant Form indicating the item was turned in.

b. The Supply Sergeant returns the item to the supply room and informs the BN S-4.

c. The BN S-4 then updates the Cadet’s clothing record in the JUMS Database, prints the
updated Clothing Record, and gives it to the Supply Sergeant.

d. The Supply Sergeant obtains the Cadet’s signature and parent/guardian signature on the
updated Clothing Record and returns it to the BN S-4 which completes the transaction.

6-4. Lost/Damaged Uniform Items. If a Cadet loses or damages a uniform item, the Cadet must: 1) Conduct
an immediate search within 24 hours for the lost item. 2) Report his or her finding in a memo (describe what
happened). 3) Provide a copy of the memo to the BN S4. 4) The BN S-4 will review the memo, and provide
the SAI a summary of the issue. 5) The SAI will decide how best to handle the situation. 6) If directed by
the SAI, the BN S4 will issue a replacement. It is the Cadet’s responsibility to properly care for their
clothing. The responsible cadet may be found liable for the damaged or lost item. Ensure you follow all
washing instructions in the labels of you uniform.

A. Parents or Guardians of Cadets are required to assume responsibility for returning all uniform
items or pay for the loss.

B. The JROTC department will forward a Notice of Obligation Due Form to your
Parent/Guardian. The Cadet must turn in or pay for the uniform before they will be allowed to
receive a grade, forward transcripts to your new school, or graduate.

C. Uniform Cost List. Uniform item costs can change without notice based on directives from the
United States Army.

ANNEX A. Plan for Student Success (Continued on next Page)
Plan for Student Success, School Year 2023-2024

Saint Louis School JROTC Department

3142 Waialae Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816-1579

Course Outline and Expectations

Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AJROTC) Leadership
Education and Training (LET) Course
LET Levels I through IV

Instructors: MAJ (Ret) Jeffrey Santos – Sr. Army Instructor (SAI)

SFC (Ret) Diamond Kaaihue – Army Instructor (AI)

Bertram Hall Classroom 7 (AI, 739-4810), Classroom 9 (SAI, 739-4803)

Email: [email protected] (Best Method)

I. Course Scope – The primary mission of JROTC is “To Motivate Young People to Be Better Citizens.”
JROTC is a service to our nation, in that it provides Cadets the motivation and skills to improve physical
fitness; remain drug free; think critically and creatively; communicate effectively; work as a team member;
graduate from high school; pursue meaningful careers especially in the areas of science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM); and become successful citizens. JROTC works to instill the values of
citizenship, service to the community and the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of
accomplishment. It incorporates 21st Century learning, supportive of school-wide expectations for learning
results promotes healthy lifestyles, develops leadership, strengthens positive self-motivation and enhances
global awareness to include providing a historical perspective of military service.

II. Core Abilities – the foundation of every lesson or activity with the JROTC program is driven from the
six JROTC Core Abilities. JROTC Core Abilities refines a cadet’s knowledge equipping them with a
variety of life-long skills that will enhance their chances of success. Listed below are the six JROTC Core

● Build your capacity for life-long learning.

● Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques.

● Take responsibility for your actions and choices.
● Treat self and others with respect.
● Apply critical thinking techniques.
● Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, and the nation.

III. Instructional Approach - JROTC classes are held indoors as well as outdoors and is taught
through a combination of lectures, group discussions, practical exercises, demonstrations, hands-
on/performance oriented training, physical training, stationary and marching drills. Mondays are
mandatory uniform days (unless specified otherwise) and are used to conduct uniform inspections and
drills. Tuesdays, Wednesdays are reserved for classroom instructional days, while every week
Thursdays and Fridays are dedicated to physical training (PT) and selected sports related activities.
Senior cadets assist the SAI and AI in the daily operation of the SLS battalion.

VI. Program Outcomes- This program intends to teach cadets to:

● Act with integrity and personal accountability as they lead others to succeed in a diverse and global
● Engage civic and social concerns in the community, government, and society.
● To graduate and be prepared to excel in post-secondary options and career pathways.
● Make decisions that promote positive social, emotional, and physical health.
● Value the role of the military and other service organizations.

With successful completion of at least two years of Army JROTC, Cadets may qualify for promotion
or advanced placement in ROTC, active-duty military service, National Guard, Air National Guard,
or in the Reserve Components of the Armed Forces.

A. DISCIPLINE – SLS School rules, JROTC published guidance, and classroom rules provide the
framework for our learning environment. SLS Cadets are expected to accept and uphold these rules
and become leaders/ role models in our family, school, and community.

B. ATTENDANCE – Make up excused absences work per Standard School Policy.


● LET I & II Cadets will receive education and training designed to enhance skills, knowledge, and
abilities of Cadets and reinforce instruction in leadership theory.
● LET III Cadets will learn instructional techniques and more advanced styles of leadership.
● LET IV Cadets, acting on guidance from the SAI/AI, will plan, prepare, execute training and prepare
for assigned tasks to conduct training for younger Cadets.

ALL SLS JROTC Cadets will:

● Be prepared and on time for all JROTC activities.

● Willing to excel both mentally and physically under various conditions.
● Actively participate in school and community events.
● Aware of current local and world events.
● Able to demonstrate acceptable level of curriculum knowledge.
● Able to demonstrate “followership", teamwork, and self-discipline.
● Remain flexible and adaptive to change.
● Cadets are required to maintain uniforms in a clean and serviceable condition and are responsible for
the cost of replacing any item if lost or damaged.
● Cadets are required to wear their issued uniforms on designated days at a minimum of once per week,
typically on Monday or Tuesday, or as directed by the instructors.
● Cadets are also required to conduct and participate in physical fitness activities (i.e. push-ups, sit-
ups, pull ups, running, weight training and other similar type events. Cadet with illness must disclose
this information to their instructor prior to the conduct of physical fitness activities.
● Cadets with permanent disabilities will be cared for according to individual capabilities, and not be
marginalized based on limitations.
● Participation in extracurricular activities such as Honor Guard, Color Guard, Robotics, Drill, Rifle
Team, Ranger Platoon, Saber Team and leadership camps are highly encouraged and recommended.
These programs help enhance esprit de corps and develop sense of comradery amongst the cadets.
Commitment to these special units will provide more opportunities for those who volunteer to excel
in furthering their leadership skills and learning the true value of team work.

D. Textbooks – Are provided in hard copy or PDF format for downloading. All cadet textbooks are
provided by the JROTC department free of charge.

E. Cadet Supplies – Cadets are expected to maintain the following equipment/supplies all school
a. Cadet Portfolio (which includes cadet information, recent examples of work)
b. Military Uniform (issued by the JROTC department). Corefram shoes are not authorized wear for
SLS uniform. Students must purchase civilian dress shoes for SLS attire.
c. All cadets are required to wear the issued .
d. Uniforms are issued dry-cleaned/new, cadets are required to return the issued items
professionally dry-cleaned at the end of the school year. No grade will be issued until all issued
items are returned in a clean/serviceable condition. Failure to do so will result in an “incomplete”
remark noted which will result in a grade of “F” and the cadet will not receive credit for attendance in
the program for that school year.
e. Homework - The bulk of JROTC work will be done in class, however, there may be times the
cadets will be required to take unfinished work home in order to complete a given exercise.

F. GRADING – Student grading is broken down in the following categories:

a. Citizenship (character/attitude/behavior)…20%

b. Followership/Leadership (Chain of command based)…….…25%
c. Participation: Drill, PT, Uniform Inspection………..25%
d. Examination (Test/quizzes)………………….…30%

● Sub course examinations, unannounced tests, essays, workbooks will be utilized as a means to assess
cadet performance.
● Uniform inspections will be documented as tests.
● Instructors will use a “merit/demerit” policy in order to provide a means for cadets to improve or
detract from their overall grade.

● The wearing of the Class B uniform is mandatory for all cadets and is worn Every
Monday or Tuesday. The wearing of the Class A uniform will be Every Last Monday or
Tuesday of the month unless instructed otherwise Any cadet who falls to wear the
designated uniform without proper authorization must make it up on the next JROTC day or receive a
“0” for that day’s grade.
● Mandatory Forms: All cadets must complete four mandatory forms to participate in JROTC, which
are: Acknowledgement of Course Expectations, Privacy Act statement, Parent Basic Rifle
Marksmanship Permission form, and the individual clothing issue form.
● Parades: All cadets are required to march in the Kaimuki Christmas which is held on the first
Thursday of each December. This parade and all other parades are mandatory for all cadets and
counts as two uniform inspections grades.
● Awards Night: Attendance at the Annual Awards Night in April (TBD) is also mandatory. Cadets
who fail to attend this event without proper authorization will receive a “0” for that day’s grade.

A. RANK - Promotion is not “automatic” to the next higher grade. All promotions will be earned thru
demonstrated consistency and leadership performance in assigned position. Cadets may be reduced in
rank for both in-school and out of school problems. Military rank constitutes authority and
responsibility within the Corps of Cadets. Movement upward in a rank is considered a promotion.
Cadets who are selected for promotion can also be selected for a leadership position within the
company or at the battalion level. Attendances at Leadership Camps are encouraged to perpetuate this
achievement and show commitment to the battalion.

I. Community Activities:
Fundraisers: Throughout the year cadets will be asked to participate in various fundraising activities.
Saint Louis School and the JROTC program relies on fundraising events as a means to help offset the
operational cost.
Cadet Military Ball: Cadets that are in good standing are invited to attend the annual Military
Christmas Ball held prior to Christmas Break in December (First Saturday of December) which is held
at the Hawaii Convention Center. Participation is voluntary for most cadets, however, the Battalion

Chain of Command and all cadet leaders in the position of platoon sergeants (E-7) and higher are
required to attend.
Community Activities: The purpose of being involved in community activities is to foster good
relations between the JROTC Corps of Cadets and the community at large by giving back. Cadets will
be advised when help is required by the community. Cadets who participate in any of these volunteer
activities will receive special recognition.
Awards and Decorations: Cadets that distinguish themselves during the participation of scheduled
activities, academic achievement, school, and community service programs will be recognized for their
Service Hours: Earned community, and school service hours must be turned into the JROTC
department for credit and documentation purposes.

J. MISCELLANEOUS - To be considered for returning to JROTC the next school year, all Cadets
must maintain an acceptable standard of conduct. Those in leadership positions are expected to
demonstrate high personal standards to set the example. All Cadets should be honest and self-relient;
they should have a sense of personal and social responsibility in performing unit and other academic
assignments. They must exhibit self-discipline and respect for constituted authority, through
observance of laws, rules, and regulations; by prompt and regular attendance at instruction and in their
general demeanor. Cadets must attend all mandatory activities as well as participate in various
school/community service projects. Cadets who fail to meet standards will be removed from leadership
positions. All Cadets will be screened at the end of each school year and will only be readmitted to
JROTC with the approval of the SAI.

VI. JROTC CREDIT – Effective SY23-24 and beyond, SLS now require students to complete one
year of leadership study, this JROTC program met this requirement. Two consecutive years of JROTC
can be used to satisfy the two Physical Education (PE) elective credits required for graduation.

VII. CONTACTS - Questions may be addressed to the JROTC Department at 739-4803/4810 or Email
at [email protected].

Diamond Kaaihue Jeffrey J. Santos

Sergeant First Class, USA (Ret) MAJ, USA (Ret)
Army Instructor Senior Army Instructor

Cadet’s Name [Last, First] Cadet’s Signature

_________________________________ ________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature

________________________________ ___________________________

Home Phone Work/Cell Phone

___________________________ _________________________

Parent/Guardian Email address:

________________________________ (relationship)

JROTC Plan for Student Success

Please fill out and sign this page in ink and have your student return it as soon as possible.

ANNEX B-1. SGT/SSG/SFC/MSG Promotion Board Evaluation Sheet (continued on next page)

SGT/SSG/SFC/MSG Promotion Board Evaluation Sheet

Cadet Name: Rank:

Section 1: Evaluation Points

Item Point Range (high is good) Points

Duty Position Squad Member 1


Squad Leader 5

Company Clerk 5

Supply SGT 5

Platoon Sergeant 10

LET Level LET 1 1


LET 2 3

LET 3 4

LET 4 5

Team Participation 1 team 5 points

2 teams 10

3 teams 15

TOTAL Evaluation Points 30 Points Possible

Section 2: Board Evaluation

Item Point Range (high is good) Points

Uniform Appearance 1 – 10 points

Drill Movements 1 – 10 points

Confidence 1 – 10 points

Question 1 1 – 10 points

Question 2 1 – 10 points

Question 3 1 – 10 points

Question 4 1 – 10 points

BOARD TOTAL 70 Points Possible

OVERALL TOTAL 100 Points Possible

ANNEX B-2. 2LT/1LT/CPT and SGM Promotion Board (continued on next page)

2LT/1LT/CPT and SGM Promotion Board Score Sheet

Cadet Name: Rank:

Grade: GPA:

LET Level:

SECTION 1: Leadership Brief

Item Point Range (high is Points


Brief to the Board

Yourself and Your Leadership 1 – 25 points


Duties and Responsibilities of an 1 – 25 points

Officer or Senior NCO

TOTAL Brief Points 50 possible

SECTION 2: Board Interview

Item Point Range (high is Points

Professional Appearance 1 – 5 Points

Confidence 1 – 5 Points

Question 1 1 – 10

Question 2 1 – 10

Question 3 1 – 10

Question 4 1 – 10

TOTAL Interview Points 50 possible


ANNEX C-1. Battalion Staff Position Application (continued on next page)

Battalion Staff Position Application



LET Level:

1. Position

2. Position

3. Position

List your prior leadership positions: (include any class, club, sport, or activity (in or out of school)):
1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

Why do want this position? (Continue on additional paper if needed):

Why are you most qualified for this position? (Continue on additional paper if needed):

ANNEX C-2. Battalion Staff Position Selection Board Score (continued on next page)

Battalion Staff Position Selection Board Score

Cadet Name:

SECTION 1: Application
Item Point Range (high is good) Points

Application Neatness and Complete 1 - 10 points

LET Level LET 1 1 Point

LET 2 3
LET 3 5

Grade Level 9th Grade 1 Point

10th Grade 3
11th Grade 5

Quality Answer for Essay Question 1 1 – 10 points

Quality Answer for Essay Question 2 1 – 10 points


SECTION 2: Personal Appearance

Item Point Range (high is good) Points

Professional Appearance and 10 Points possible


SECTION 3: Interview
Item Point Range (high is good) Points

Question 1 (BN Leadership Staff 1 - 10


Question 2 (Staff Position Knowledge) 1 - 10

Question 3 (BN Staff Position 1 - 10


Question 4 (Plan for Section 1 - 10


Question 5 (Leadership Challenge) 1 - 10

TOTAL Interview 50 possible

GRAND TOTAL from all Sections 100 possible

ANNEX C-3. Battalion Staff Position Board Questions (continued on next page)

Battalion Staff Position Board Questions

Cadet Name:

1. What are the Crusader Battalion Staff and Leadership positions?

Battalion Commander
Battalion Executive Officer
Battalion Command Sergeant Major
S1 (Personnel / Admin)
S2 (Intelligence/Security)
S3 (Operations and Training)
Assistant S3 (JUMS Training Management)
S4 (Supply and Logistics)
S5 (CIP)
S6 (Special Teams Coordinator)

2. What staff position is your first choice: ________________________________________.

What are the duties and responsibilities of that position?

3. If you are not selected for that position, what is your second choice: _________________.
What are the duties and responsibilities of that position?

4. If selected, what is your plan to improve your staff section?

5. Describe a leadership challenge you have encountered, and what you did to motivate others to
accomplish their mission?

ANNEX D. Award Recommendation Form (continued on next page)
Award Recommendation Form
Cadet Name: Rank:
Company: Date:
Recommender Name: Initial:

Justification for award:

Coach Signature: Sport: Company

Clerk: Verify Cadet is eligible for award: YES: NO:
CO CDR: approve/disapprove Initial: BN CDR: approve/disapprove Initial:
SAI/AI: approve/disapprove Initial:
AWARD Requested (circle award):
Award ARC Award

N-1-1 N-3-1 Rifle Marksman Badge

N-1-2 N-3-2 Color Guard Sharpshooter Badge

N-1-3 N-3-3 Drill Team Expert Badge

N-1-4 N-3-4 Orienteering

N-1-5 N-3-5 Adventure/Ranger RECONDO Badge

N-1-6 N-3-6 Staff

N-1-7 N-3-7 JLAB Academic Achievement Wreath

Red Pad
N-1-8 N-3-8 JCLC

Silver Pad
N-1-9 N-3-9 Perfect Attendance

Gold Pad
N-1-10 N-3-10

N-3-11 Cord

N-2-1 N-3-12 Dark Green Other (write in below)

N-2-2 N-3-13 White

N-2-3 N-3-14 Red

N-2-4 N-3-15 Black

N-2-5 Tan

N-4-1 Gold







ANNEX E. Supply Sergeant Form (continued on next page)

Supply Sergeant Form
Purpose (Circle One): Issue / Turn In / Turn In for Alterations/ Lost/ Damaged
Cadet Name: Company:

Item Size Action Taken

I = Issued to Cadet TI – Turned In to Supply
A = Turned in for Alterations O = Need to Order
LD= Lost or damaged

Blue trousers

Gray Shirt

ASU Jacket (Blue)

Belt, Buckle

Belt, Black

Name plate (tag)


Black Socks

White T-Shirt


Battalion crest

Unit Star

Tie / Neck Tab NA


ACU Shirt

ACU Pants

Belt, ACU

Patrol Cap, ACU


Tan T-Shirt

Green Socks

Uniform Issue Date: Cadet Signature:

Uniform Return Date: Supply SGT Signature:

SLS Crusader Battalion
Cadet Leadership Evaluation Form (version 2.0)

Rated Position: Company:


Rater: Position: From:


Senior Position: To:

Rater: (mon/

Rater Portion

Take Responsibility for 1 Exceeds Standards 2 Meets Standards 3 Doesn't meet

your actions and standards
choices. (highlight one
of three responses)


Communicate using 1 Exceeds Standards 2 Meets Standards 3 Doesn't meet

verbal, non-verbal, standards
visual, and written
techniques. (highlight
one of three responses)


Building your capacity 1 Exceeds Standards 2 Meets Standards 3 Doesn't meet

for life-long learning. standards
(highlight one of three


Apply critical thinking 1 Exceeds Standards 2 Meets Standards 3 Doesn't meet

techniques. (highlight standards
one of three responses)


Treat yourself & others 1 Exceeds Standards 2 Meets Standards 3 Doesn't meet
with respect. (highlight standards
one of three responses)


Do your share as a good 1 Exceeds Standards 2 Meets Standards 3 Doesn't meet

citizen in your school, standards
community, and the
nation. (highlight one of
three responses)


Senior Rater Portion

Values / Ethics / Skills Comments: Amongst Fully Marginal

(highlight one of three the best Capable

Promotes Positivity / Good Comments: Amongst Fully Marginal

Habits / Independence / the best Capable
Consistency (highlight one
of three responses)

Overall Performance Comments: Amongst Fully Marginal

(highlight one of three the best Capable


promotion? (highlight yes or

Cadet Signature: Date:

Rater Signature: Date:

Senior Rater Signature: Date:

ANNEX G. Promotion Test Study Guide (Continued on next page)

Promotion Study Guide

1. CPL Promotion Test Study Guide

2. SGT Promotion Test Study Guide
3. NCO Promotion Test Study Guide
4. Officer Promotion Test Study Guide

Corporal (CPL) Promotion Test Study Guide

1. What does JROTC stand for?

a. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

1. What is a mission?
a. A job given to a person or group to accomplish

1. What is a cadet?
a. A high school or college student enrolled in JROTC

1. What is the mission of JROTC?

a. To motivate young people to become better citizens

1. What does it mean to motivate?

a. Provide a purpose or need which causes a person to want to do something

1. When did JROTC begin?

a. JROTC began in 1916

2. Desired goals from leadership education and training.

a. Graduate from High School
b. Be good citizens by knowing and exercising the rights, responsibilities, privileges, and
freedoms of good citizenship
c. Gain leadership potential and the ability to live and work cooperatively with others;
demonstrate leadership in situations involving conflict resolutions.
d. Achieve positive self-esteem and winning behavioral concepts in a culturally diverse society.
e. Learn the ability to think logically and to communicate effectively, with emphasis on effective
oral communications.
f. Learn the importance of diet and of physical fitness in maintaining good health and
g. Gain an understanding of the history, purpose, and structure of Army JROTC.

h. Acquire proficiency in basic military skills (such as drill and ceremonies, first aid, and map
reading) that are necessary for working effectively as a member of a team.
i. Learn the importance of citizenship through American history as it relates to America’s
culture and future from the Revolutionary period to the present.
j. Learn about the dangers of substance abuse and the importance of mental management,
including goal setting and positive self-talk.

1. What is a battalion
a. Military unit made up of two or more companies or batteries and a headquarters that is
normally commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel. A battalion has a staff and is administratively
self sufficient.

2. What is a Subordinate
a. A person lower in rank or grade

1. What does NCO stand for?

a. Noncommissioned Officer

1. What is the lowest rank of an enlisted cadet?

a. Cadet

1. What is the highest rank of an enlisted cadet?

a. Cadet Command Sergeant Major

1. What is a company
a. A subordinate of military battalion normally commanded by a captain, made up of at least two

1. What is the lowest rank of an officer cadet?

a. Cadet Second Lieutenant

1. What is the highest rank of an officer cadet?
a. Cadet Colonel

1. What rank is represented by one chevron?

a. Cadet Private

1. What rank is represented by one chevron and one rocker?

a. Cadet Private First Class

1. What rank is represented by 2 chevrons?

a. Cadet Corporal

1. What rank is represented by 3 chevrons?

a. Cadet Sergeant

1. What rank is represented by 3 chevrons and 1 rocker?

a. Cadet Staff Sergeant

1. What rank is represented by three chevrons and two rockers?

a. Cadet Sergeant First Class

1. What rank is represented by three chevrons and three rockers?

a. Cadet Master Sergeant

1. What rank is represented by three chevrons, three rockers and a diamond?

a. Cadet First Sergeant

1. What rank is represented by 3 chevrons, 3 rockers, and a star?
a. Cadet Sergeant Major

1. What rank is represented by three chevrons, three rockers and a star with wreaths?
a. Cadet Command Sergeant Major

1. What rank is represented by 1 disc?

a. Cadet Second Lieutenant

1. What rank is represented by 2 discs?

a. Cadet First Lieutenant

1. What rank is represented by 3 discs?

a. Cadet Captain

1. What rank is represented by 1 diamond?

a. Cadet Major

1. What rank is represented by 2 diamonds?

a. Cadet Lieutenant Colonel

1. What rank is represented by three diamonds?

a. Cadet Colonel

1. What is the normal rank of the Battalion Commander?

a. Cadet Lieutenant Colonel

1. What is the normal rank of company commanders?
a. Cadet Captains

2. What is the normal rank of platoon sergeants?

a. Cadet Sergeant First Class

Sergeant (SGT) Promotion Test Study Guide

Everything in the PVT Promotion Test plus the following:

1. What does the acronym SAI stand for?

a. Senior Army Instructor

1. What does the acronym AI stand for?

a. Army Instructor

1. When marching, what is the normal length of a step?

a. 30 inches

2. If you are missing a piece of your uniform, which staff member would you see?
a. Supply Sergeant and/or the S-4

1. What does the gold star represent?

a. Honor Unit with Distinction

1. What are the types of uniforms issued in JROTC?

a. Class A, Class B, and ACU

1. When do you salute a senior officer?

a. When you see a senior officer outside, and are within 6 paces of each other.

1. How is the United States flag raised to half-staff?

a. It is raised to the peak then lowered to half-staff

1. Where is the United States flag posted when next to another flag?
a. The United States flag is posted to the right, in front of, or higher than other flags

1. When is the United States flag flown at half-staff?

a. When directed by the President of the United States

1. Why is the United States flag posted to the right or in front of other flags?
a. It is the side of honor

1. Who wrote the national anthem?

a. Francis Scott Key

1. When was the national anthem written?

a. During the battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812

1. What is the name of the national anthem of the United States?

a. The Star Spangled Banner

1. When did Hawaii become a state?

a. Hawaii officially became the fiftieth state on August 21, 1959

2. What is the nickname of the island of Oahu?

a. The Gathering Place

1. What is the reasoning for the British flag on the State flag?
a. To honor England’s alliance with Hawaii

1. What is the Hawaii state nickname?
a. The Aloha State

1. What do the eight stripes on the Hawaii state flag represent?

a. The eight main islands of Hawaii

2. What do the colors of the United States flag represent?

a. Red- Hardiness, Valor
b. White –Hope, innocence, Purity
c. Blue- color of reference of God, Justice, Perseverance, Vigilance

1. What is the gig line?

a. An imaginary line that traces down the shirt opening, in line with the buckle and the trouser

1. Who is the Commander-in-Chief?

a. The President of the United States

1. What is the Capital of Hawaii?

a. Honolulu

2. How many stars show on a properly folded U.S. Flag?

a. Four

3. When can an all-weather U.S. Flag be displayed?

a. At all times when properly lit at night

4. What are the duties of the Command Sergeant Major?

a. Provides advice to the Battalion Commander regarding enlisted issues

1. What does the acronym M.A.T stand for?

a. Muzzle, Action, Trigger

1. When the command “Forward March” is given, which foot moves first?
a. Left foot

1. What is the preparatory command?

a. The preparatory command states the movement to be carried out and mentally prepares the
cadet for its execution

1. What is the command of execution?

a. The command of execution tells when the movement is to be carried out

1. Are the medals and ribbons of the same award allowed to be worn at the same time?
a. No, only the ribbon or the medal are allowed to be worn at a time

2. What are the seven Army Values?

a. Loyalty
b. Duty
c. Respect
d. Selfless service
e. Honor
f. Integrity
g. Personal courage

3. What is loyalty?
a. To bear true faith and allegiance

1. What is duty?
a. To fulfill your obligations

1. What is respect?
a. To treat people how they should be treated

1. What is selfless service?
a. To look out for the welfare of others before your own

1. What is honor?
a. To live up to all values

1. What is integrity?
a. To do what is right, legally and morally

1. What is personal courage?

a. To face fear, danger, or adversity

2. How many platoons are normally found in one company?

a. 3 to 5

1. How many companies are normally found in the Crusader battalion?

a. 6

1. How many squads are normally in a platoon?

a. 3 to 5

NCO Promotion Test Study Guide

Everything in the PVT and PFC Promotion Test plus the following:

1. What is an insignia?

a. An emblem badge or other distinguishing marks of office, honor, or position.

1. What is the Class A uniform?

a. A service uniform that consist of an army green coat, trousers or slacks, a short or long sleeve
shirt a black four-in-hand tie or neck tabs.

1. What is a formal inspection

a. An official examination of JROTC units that takes place on a prescribed schedule.

1. What is the Class B uniform

a. A service uniform same as the class A uniform expect the coat is not worn.

1. What are shoulder marks?

a. A pair of broad pieces of stiffened cloth worn on the shoulders of the class A or B uniform to
display the grade of the cadet.

1. How do you wear the name plate (for boys)?

a. Centered on the right pocket between the top pocket seam and the top of the pocket button

1. How do you wear the honor unit insignia (for boys)?

a. Center the honor unit star one-quarter of an inch above the top seam of the right pocket.

1. Ribbons are to be worn on which side of the uniform (for boys)?

a. Ribbons are to be worn centered one-eighth of an inch above the left pocket seam.

1. In what order are the ribbons placed on the uniform?

a. Ribbons are placed in precedence from top to bottom, left to right.

1. How is the unit crest worn on the uniform?
a. The unit crest can be worn however the unit decides to wear it; the 8th battalion wears the unit
crest one-fourth of an inch above the honor unit insignia.

1. Which types of hangers should you use to hang a coat?

a. A hanger that is wide enough to keep the shoulders of the coat in shape, preferably not a wire

1. What is the best way to prevent wrinkling of the uniform shirt?

a. By keeping it on a hanger

1. How should you care for the uniform shoes?

a. Clean and shine the shoes regularly with water and a soft cloth.

1. How should you clean the coat, slacks or trousers of the uniform?
a. Dry clean only

1. How must male cadet’s hair be when in uniform?

a. Hair neatly trimmed with sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear opening.

1. How must female cadet’s hair be when in uniform?

a. Hair must be styled so that it does not fall below the bottom of the collar of the uniform and
the cap can be worn easily.

1. Must cadets maintain good personal appendence?

a. Yes, cadets should maintain a decent appearance in and out of uniform. By cleaning their
teeth, hair, and maintaining decent care of your clothes.

1. What can a sloppy or poor salute mean?
a. Possible disrespect for a person who deserves the honor.

2. What is leadership?
a. The ability to influence and guide others to accomplish a mission

1. Define conflict resolution

a. Solutions utilized by society to settle disputes in a cohesive manner

1. Define culturally diverse

a. The presence of multiple and different cultural groups within an organization

2. What is span of control

a. Number of subordinates a leader can effectively control

3. What are the ABCs of First Aid?

a. A- check Airway, B-Breathing, C-check Circulation

1. What are the 3 types of bleeding?

a. Arterial, Venous, Capillary

1. What does the acronym RICE stand for?

a. R- Rest, I- Ice, C- Compression, E- Elevation

1. What are the three types of heat injuries?

a. Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke
2. What are the first ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution called?
a. The Bill of Rights

1. What are the S-1’s duties?

a. Performing administrative duties

2. What are the S-3’s duties?

a. Assists the battalion commander in the preparation, conduct, and the supervision of all
training activates

3. What are the S-4’s duties?

a. Responsible for maintenance, security, record keeping, issues and turn in of all U.S.
Government Property

1. What are the S-5’s duties?

a. In charge of public affairs and unit history

Officer Promotion Test Study Guide
2LT, 1LT, CPT, MAJ and LTC

Everything in the PVT, PFC, and NCO Promotion Test plus the following:

1. What are the parts of a Mission Statement?

a. Who, What, Where, When, Why

1. What are the five paragraphs of an Operation Order?

a. Situation
b. Mission
c. Execution
d. Service Support
e. Command and Signal

1. What are the sub-paragraphs of the Situation?

a. General Situation
b. Enemy Forces
c. Friendly Forces
d. Attachments/Detachments
e. Weather and Terrain

1. What are the sub-paragraphs of the Execution?

a. Concept of the Operation
b. Tasks to Subordinate Units
c. Coordination Instructions
d. Timelines

1. What is the correct procedure to report to an instructor’s office?

a. Assume position of attention, knock 3 times, sound off with your name and rank, request
permission to enter and state the reason why, enter when permission is granted, and report to
the instructor and salute.

2. What are the eleven principles of leadership?

a. Know yourself and seek self-improvement
a. Be technically proficient
b. Seek and take responsibilities for your actions
c. Make sound and timely decisions
d. Set the example
e. Know your personal and look out for their welfare
f. Keep your followers informed
g. Develop a sense of responsibility in your followers
h. Ensure each task is understood, supervised, and accomplished
i. Build a team
j. Employ your team in accordance with its capabilities

1. What does it mean to Know Yourself and Seek Self Improvement?

a. Develop a plan to keep your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.

1. What does it mean to Be Technically Proficient?

a. Being able to accomplish tasks or jobs as a well-trained team

1. What does it mean to Seek Responsibility and Take Responsibility for Your Actions?
a. Take the initiative to accomplish your mission

1. What does it mean to Make Sound and Timely Decisions?

a. Leaders must be able to react promptly to any situation

1. What does it mean to Set the Example?

a. You are the role model and must set high but attainable standards

1. What does it mean to Know Your Personnel and Look Out for Their Well Being?

a. Understanding the individual. There values, morals, and attitudes.

1. What does it mean to keep your followers informed?

a. Explain reasons behind decisions to maintain a higher level of understanding

1. What does it mean to develop a sense of responsibility in your followers?

a. To give a sense of pride and responsibility when they successfully accomplish a new task

1. What does it mean to ensure each task is understood, supervised, and accomplished?
a. Team members must know the standard and how to accomplish it. Supervising ensures that
the team knows the leader cares about the mission.

1. What does it mean to Build a Team?

a. Develop a team spirit that motivates team members to work with confidence and competence.

1. What does it mean to Employ Your Team In Accordance With Its Capabilities?
a. Use sound judgment when employing the team. Failure is not an option. By employing the
team properly, we insure mission accomplishment.

2. Be prepared to answer any questions involving current events or recent material covered during class.


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