May Band Day Camp '23 OOTD - Sheet1

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May Band Day Camp '23 OOTD (29th-31st May 2023)

Time Events Location ICs Remarks

Day 1 (29th May 2023)
0850 - 0900 Attendance Broom Secretary
0900 - 1000 Briefing - Camp Expectations - Rules and Regulations Goal Setting Broom Trinity Goal setting with regards to MUSE '23, J2s stepping down and J1s taking over
1030 - 1300 Full Band I Broom Mr Shaun + SLs
1300 - 1400 Lunch Voiddeck Welfare + SLs
1400 - 1600 Full Band II Broom Mr Shaun + SLs
1600 - 1730 Sectionals II Broom & Classrooms Secretary + SLs Classrooms to be opened
1730 - 1930 Full Band III Broom Mr Shaun + SLs
1930 - 2000 Debrief and Dismissal Broom Mr Shaun + SLs

Day 2 (30th May 2023)

0850 - 0900 Attendance and briefing Broom Secretary
0900 - 1000 Morning PT Field Trinity Probably a sports game + Inclusive of time to freshen up
1000 - 1130 Full Band IV Broom Mr Shaun + SLs
1130 - 1300 Sectionals III Broom & Classrooms Secretary + SLs Classrooms to be opened
1300 - 1400 Lunch Voiddeck Welfare + SLs
1400 - 1600 Full Band V Broom Mr Shaun + SLs
1600 - 1615 Teabreak Voiddeck Welfare + SLs
1615 - 1800 Games I Respective Venues Welfare
1800 - 1900 Dinner Voiddeck Welfare + SLs
1900 - 2100 Full Band VI Broom Mr Shaun + SLs Bandroom should be locked + Band members should be packed
2100 - 2145 Past MUSE Video Screening Hub B or LT Trinity Might need the teachers to prep the venue for a video screening
(audio + video)
2145 - 2200 Debrief and Dismissal Hub B or LT Trinity

Day 3 (31st May 2023)

0850 - 0900 Attendance and briefing Broom Secretary
0900 - 1000 Morning PT Field Trinity Probably a sports game + Inclusive of time to freshen up
1000 - 1300 Full Band VII Broom Mr Shaun + SLs
1300 - 1400 Lunch Voiddeck Welfare + SLs
1400 - 1700 Full Band VIII/Full Run through of MUSE '23 Broom Mr Shaun + SLs
1700 - 1730 Tea break Voiddeck Welfare + SLs
1730 - 1830 Debrief + Post camp reflections Broom Trinity
Mr Shaun
1830 - 1900 Dismissal Trinity

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