Is 6313 Part2 2022 Anti Termite
Is 6313 Part2 2022 Anti Termite
Is 6313 Part2 2022 Anti Termite
Indian Standard
भवनों म दीमक-अवरोधक
उपचार — रीति◌
स◌ं ति◌ि◌◌ा
भाग 2 तनम◌ाम◌ाण स◌े प◌ू वमा रासायतनक
( चौथा पनरी ण )
Anti-termite Measures
in Buildings — Code of Practice
Part 2 Pre-Constructional
Chemical Treatment Measures
( Fourth Revision )
ICS 91.120.99
© BIS 2022
This Indian Standard (Part 2) (Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Building Construction Practices Sectional Committee, had been approved by the Civil Engineering
Division Council.
Termite control in buildings is very important as the damage likely to be caused by the termites is huge. Wood
is one of the cellulosic material which is damaged by termites whose basic nutrient is cellulose. Termites also
damage materials of organic origin with a cellulosic base, household articles like furniture, furnishings, clothing,
stationery, etc. Termites are also known to damage non-cellulosic substances in their search for food. Rubber,
leather, plastics, neoprene as well as lead coating used for covering of underground cables are damaged by
termites. The widespread damage by termites and high constructional cost of buildings have necessitated evolving
suitable measures for preventing access of termites to buildings.
On the basis of their habitat, termites are divided into two types, namely
(a) subterranean or ground nesting termites, and
(b) non-subterranean or wood nesting termites having no contact with soil (see Annex B).
The subterranean termites are most destructive and are mainly responsible for the damage caused in buildings.
Typically, they form nests or colonies underground in the soil, near ground level in a stump or in other suitable
piece of timber, and some species may construct a conical or dome shaped mound. These colonies may persist for
many years and, as they mature, contain a population running into millions. All attacks by subterranean termites
originate from the nest but timber either lying on or buried in the ground may be reached by means of shelter tubes
constructed within, or over such materials or else by the erection of an independent, free standing mud structure.
Chemical barriers which prevent the termites from reaching the super-structure of the building will protect the
building and its contents. Treating the soil beneath the building and around the foundations with a soil insecticide
is a good preventing measure. The purpose of this treatment is to create a chemical barrier between the ground
from where the termites come and the woodwork, cellulosic materials and other contents of the buildings which
may form food for the termites. Timber which is seasoned and is naturally durable in heartwood or such species
of timber which can be adequately treated to the desired retention of preservative for durability, may be used in
the building structure. However, non-durable timbers and sapwood of all timbers should be treated for durability
to withstand the attack of dry wood termites [see IS 401 : 2001 ‘Preservation of timber — Code of practice
(fourth revision)’ and IS 1141 :1993 ‘Seasoning of timber — Code of practice (second revision)’].
This standard (Part 2) was first published in 1971 and subsequently revised in 1981, 2001 and 2013.
This Indian Standard is published in three parts. The other parts in this series are:
Part 1 Constructional measures
Part 3 Treatment for existing buildings
In the 2013 revision, the chemical lindane was removed and imidacloprid was introduced; use of watering cans
for chemical disposal was dispensed with; and treatment to simple RCC basement buildings was included, apart
from some other modifications.
In view of the developments since the last revision and based on the further knowledge that has become available,
the committee responsible for formulation of this standard decided to take up its revision.
In this fourth revision, the following significant modifications have been incorporated:
a) Bifenthrin has been added to the existing chemicals namely chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid
recommending its use for anti-termite treatment.
b) An informative annex on typical calculation of amount of chemical solution required for treatment
for foundations, including masonry, RCC, pile and raft foundations has been included as Annex C.
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision )
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
4.1.4 Removal of Concrete Formwork and Other mound. For a mound volume of about 1 m3, 4 litres of
Materials water based chemical shall be used.
All concrete formwork, levelling pegs, timber off-cuts 5.3 Chemical Solution
and other builder’s debris should be removed from the
area to be treated. 5.3.1 Chemicals to be Used for Soil Treatment
Treating the soil beneath the building and around the
foundations with a soil insecticide is a preventive
5.1 Basic Principle measure. The purpose of the treatment is to create a
continuous chemical barrier between the ground from
Chemicals toxic to subterranean termites may be used where termites come and woodwork or other cellulosic
effectively to check termite infestation in the soil. materials in the buildings.
These are useful in the treatment of new building sites
and may also be used to eradicate existing infestation in The chemicals given in Table 1 conforming to relevant
buildings and to prevent reinfestation. The effectiveness available Indian Standards, in water emulsion are
and/or residual activity depend upon the choice of the effective when applied uniformly over the area to be
chemicals, the dosages adopted and the thoroughness treated.
of application. The chemical solutions or emulsions are Necessary precautions as in the Material Safety Data
required to be dispersed uniformly in the soil and of the Sheets (MSDS) supplied by manufacturers shall be
required strength so as to form an effective chemical ensured including when applying the termiticides in the
barrier which is lethal and repellent to termites. exterior of a building where pisciculture/aquaculture
is practiced, near water bodies and during foraging
5.2 Mound Treatment period of honey bees as some termiticides are toxic to
If termite mounds are found within the plinth area of honeybees and fishes.
the buildings, these should be destroyed by means
of insecticides in the form of water suspension or 5.3.2 Water to be Used for Preparing Chemical Solution
emulsion which should be poured into the mounds at Quality of water used to prepare chemical solution
several places (within the mound) after breaking open shall conform to IS 456. Potable water from municipal
the earthen structure and making holes with crowbars. supply is considered suitable for the purpose.
The quantity to be used will depend upon the size of
1 The above mentioned chemicals are registerd (as on date) chemicals with the Central Insecticides Board – Registration Committee
(CIB RC). Efforts will be made to update (add/delete) the list of chemicals (termiticides) as obtained time to time from the CIB RC
for incorporation in the above table appropriately. However, the chemicals from the above table as available in the CIB RC’s approved
list at any point of time, shall only be used.
2 The chemicals described in this standard are insecticides with a persistent action and are regarded highly poisonous. These chemical
can have an adverse effect upon health when absorbed through the skin, inhaled as vapours or spray mist or swallowed. Detailed
precautions for the safe handling of these chemicals are given in Annex A. Persons carrying out chemical soil treatment in accordance
with this standard should familiarize themselves for these precautions and exercise due care when handling the chemical whether
in concentrate or in diluted form. The use of the chemical should be avoided where there is any risk of wells or other water supplies
becoming contaminated.
3 IS 15936 provides specification for bifenthrin - technical for pesticide purposes, which needs to be suitably referred until a separate
Indian Standard on emulsifiable concentrate of bifenthrin is formulated.
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
7.2.2 Treatment to Vertical Backfilled Soil Along barrier vertically at the junctions of wall and floor from the last
Masonry Foundation/Retaining Wall treatment described in 7.2.2.
After the masonry foundations and the retaining wall 7.2.5 Treatment of Soil Along External Perimeter of
of the basements come up, the backfill in immediate Building
contact with the foundation structure shall be treated
at the rate of 7.5 l/m2 of the vertical surface of the sub- After the building is complete, the earth along the
structure for each side. If water is used for ramming external perimeter of the builiding should be rodded at
the earth fill, the chemical treatment shallbe carried intervals of 150 mm and to a depth of 300 mm. The rods
out after the ramming operation is done by rodding should be moved backward and forward parallel to the
the earth at 150 mm centres close to parallel to the wall to break up the earth and chemical poured along the
wall surface and spraying the chemical at the above wall at the rate of 7.5 l/m2 of the vertical surface. After
mention dosage. After the treatment, the soil should be the treatment, the earth should be tamped back into
tamped in place. If the filled earth has been well place. Should the earth outside the building be graded
rammed and the surface does not allow the emulsion on completion of building, this treatment shall be carried
to seep through, holes upto 50 mm to 75 mm deep at out on completion of such grading. Such holes shall be
150 mm centres both ways may be made with made as near as possible to the wall, column and footing
12 mm diameter mild steel rod on the surface to but without damaging them so that required protection is
facilitate saturation of the soil with the chemical. achieved.
The earth is usually returned in layers and the treatment In the event of filling being more than 300 mm,
shall be carried out in similar stages. The chemical the external perimeter treatment shall extend to the full
shall be directed towards the masonry surfaces so that depth of filling up to the ground level so as to ensure
the earth in contact with these surfaces is well treated continuity of the chemical barrier.
with the chemical (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).
7.2.6 Treatment of the Soil Below Apron
7.2.3 Treatment of Top Surface of Plinth Filling After construction of a new building, and where there is
The top surface of the consolidated earth within plinth a provision of apron around building, separate treatment
walls shall be treated with chemical at the rate of is recommended for the soil below such apron. This
5 l/m2 of the surface before the sand bed or sub-grade treatment shall be carried out similar to the treatment
is laid. This treatment shall also be carried out on mentioned in 7.2.3, that is, treatment for top surface
DPC provided on plinth wall. If the filled earth has of plinth filling. Wherever aprons are provided around
been well rammed and the surface does not allow the a building, treatment below the apron is required for a
emulsion to seep through, holes up to 50 mm to 75 mm distance maximum 1 m of the apron from face of the
deep at 150 mm centres both ways may be made with building even if the apron extends more from face of the
12 mm dimeter mild steel rod on the surface to facilitate building.
saturation of the soil with the chemical.
7.3 Treatment for RCC Foundations (Buildings
7.2.4 Treatment at Junction of Wall and Floor without Basements)
Special care shall be taken to establish continuity of 7.3.1 In the case of reinforced cement concrete (RCC)
the vertical chemical barrier on inner wall surface from foundations, the treatment shall start at a depth of
ground level (where it had stopped with the treatment 500 mm below the ground level except when such ground
described in 7.2.2) up to level of the filled earth surface. level is raised or lowered by filling or cutting after the
To achieve this, a small channel 30 mm × 30 mm shall foundations have been cast. In such cases, the depth of
be made at all the junction of wall and columns with 500 mm shall be determined from the new soil level
the floor (before laying the subgrade) and the rod holes resulting from the filling or cutting mentioned above,
made within the channel up to the ground level 150 mm and soil in immediate contact with the vertical surfaces
apart and the iron rod moved backward and forward to of RCC. Foundations shall be treated at the rate of
break up the earth and chemical poured along the wall 7.5 l/m2 (see Fig. 4).
at the rate of 7.5 l/m2 of vertical wall or column surface
so as to soak the soil right to the bottom. The soil 7.3.2 Treatment of Top Surface of Plinth Filling
should be tamped back into place after the operation. The top surface of the consolidated earth within plinth
NOTE — The above procedure generally addresses those walls shall be treated with chemical at the rate of 5 l/m2
cases where the depth of plinth is less than 1 m. However, in of the surface before the sand bed or subgrade is laid.
cases where the depth of plinth is beyond 1 m, to enable the
If the filled earth has been well rammed and the surface
chemicals reach such depths, the total height shall have to be
considered for the calculation of chemical volume while using does not allow the emulsion to seep through, holes up to
the rate of chemical (7.5 l/m2). Also, in such cases care should 50 mm to 75 mm deep at 150 mm centres both ways may
be taken so that the chemicals slowly percolate down along be made with 12 mm dimeter mild steel rod on the surface
the wall surface. This would ensure an uninterrupted chemical to faciliatate saturation of the soil with the chemical.
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
Stages of Treatment:
A — bottom and sides of trenches (see 7.2.1)
B — backfill in immediate contact with foundation walls (see 7.2.2)
C — junction of wall and floor (see 7.2.4)
D — top surface of plinth filling (see 7.2.3)
E — external perimeter of building (see 7.2.5)
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
Stages of Treatment:
A — bottom and sides of trenches (see 7.2.1)
B — backfill in immediate contact with foundation walls (see 7.2.2)
C — junction of wall and floor (see 7.2.4)
D — top surface of plinth filling (see 7.2.3)
E — external perimeter of building (see 7.2.5)
F — soil below apron (see 7.2.6)
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
Stages of Treatment:
A — backfill in immediate contact with foundation walls (see 7.2.2)
B — junction of wall and floor (see 7.3.3)
C — top surface of plinth filling (see 7.3.2)
D — external perimeter of building (see 7.3.4)
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
7.3.3 Treatment at Junction of Wall and Floor these joints should receive special attention when the
Special care shall be taken to establish continuity of treatment under 7.3.2 is carried out. This treatment
the vertical chemical barrier on inner wall surface from should be supplemented by treating through the
ground level (where it had stopped with the treatment expansion joints after sub-grade has been laid, at the
described in 7.3.1) up to level of the filled earth surface. rate of 2 litre per linear metre.
To achieve this, a small channel 30 mm × 30 mm shall 7.4 Treatment to RCC Basement Buildings
be made at all the junction of wall and columns with
the floor (before laying the sub-grade) and the rod holes The treatment starts after the excavation for basement
made within the channel up to the ground level 150 mm is complete and before laying soling and Plain Cement
apart and the iron rod moved backward and forward to Concrete (PCC). The treatment shall be carried out in
break up the earth and chemical poured along the wall the following stages (see Fig. 5).
at the rate of 7.5 l/m2 of vertical wall or column surface 7.4.1 Treatment to Soil Below Raft
so as to soak the soil right to the bottom. The soil should
be tamped back into place after the operation. Before laying the rubble soling and PCC, the compacted
and levelled soil shall be treated at 5 l/m 2.
7.3.4 Treatment of Soil Along External Perimeter of NOTE — In case of soils/sand filled above the raft, the
Building treatment at 5 l/m2 shall be carried out on the top surface of
After the building is complete, the earth along the filled soil/sand. In such case, treatment to soil/sand below raft
may not be necessary.
external perimeter of the builiding should be rodded at
intervals of 150 mm and to a depth of 300 mm. The 7.4.2 Treatment to Soil Along the Retaining Wall
rods should be moved backward and forward parallel The soil retained by the walls (soil coming in contact
to the wall to break up the earth and chemical poured with retaining wall) shall be treated at the rate of
along the wall at the rate of 7.5 l/m2 of the vertical 7.5 l/m2 of the vertical surface so as to effect a
surface. After the treatment, the earth should be tamped continuous outer chemical barrier, in continuation
back into place. Should the earth outside the building with that of the one formed under 7.4.1. The treatment
be graded on completion of building, this treatment shall follow the backfilling in stages of 300 mm.
shall be carried out on completion of such grading. However rodding may be carried out to facilitate the
Such holes shall be made as near as possible to the wall, treatment.
column and footing but without damaging them so that
required protection is achieved. 7.4.3 Treatment of Soil Along External Perimeter of
Building In the event of filling being more than 300 mm,
the external perimeter treatment shall extend to the full After the building is complete, the earth along the
depth of filling up to the ground level so as to ensure external perimeter of the builiding should be rodded at
continuity of the chemical barrier. intervals of 150 mm and to a depth of 300 mm. The
rods should be moved backward and forward parallel
NOTE — Wherever, making manual holes beyond 300 mm
and up to say 500 mm is not possible due to prevailing site to the wall to break up the earth and chemical poured
conditions, in order to penetrate the total expected chemical, along the wall at the rate of 7.5 l/m2 of the vertical
the entire depth shall have to be considered so as to evaluate surface. After the treatment, the earth should be tamped
the probable total consumption required and slow penetration back into place. Should the earth outside the building
of the same be ensured which would create the barrier upto the be graded on completion of building, this treatment
prescribed depth. shall be carried out on completion of such grading.
7.3.5 Treatment of Soil Surrounding Pipes, Wastes and Such holes shall be made as near as possible to the wall,
Conduits column and footing but without damaging them so that
required protection is achieved.
When pipes, wastes and conduits enter the soil inside
area of the foundations, soil surrounding the point of 7.4.4 Treatment of Soil Surrounding Pipes, Wastes and
entry shall be loosened around each such pipe, waste Conduits
or conduit for a distance of 150 mm and to a depth of
When pipes, wastes and conduits enter the soil, the
75 mm before treatment is commenced. When they
inside area of the foundations, soil surrounding the
enter the soil external to the foundation, they shall be
point of entry shall be loosened around each such pipe,
similarly treated at a distance of over 300 mm unless
waste or conduit for a distance of 150 mm and to a
they stand clear of the walls of the building by about
depth of 75 mm before treatment is commenced. When
75 mm.
they enter the soil external to the foundation, they shall
7.3.6 Treatment for Expansion Joints be similarly treated at a distance of over 300 mm unless
they stand clear of the walls of the building by about
Expansion joints at ground floor level are one of the
75 mm.
biggest hazards for termite infestation. The soil beneath
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
Stages of Treatment:
A — below raft (see 7.4.1)
B — along the retaining wall (see 7.4.2)
C — external perimeter of building (see 7.4.3)
7.4.5 Typical details of treatment to the RCC basement 2 After creating a vertical chemical barrier around the columns/
buildings with backfill within the basement walls footings, the entire horizontal surface of the compacted filled
soil within the plinth before the soling/flooring/PCC/tremix
above the raft, is given in Fig. 6. In this case, it may
shall be treated with the solution at the rate of 5 l/m2.
not be necessary to treat the excavated areas below the
foundation/PCC/raft. 7.4.6 Typical details of treatment to RCC basement
NOTES buildings with pile foundation is given for deeper
1 In the case of backfill of soil around columns/footings within basements in Fig. 7 and for shallower basements in
the basement but above raft, the treatment shall start at a depth Fig. 8; in which it is not necessary to treat the excavated
of 500 mm below the compacted filled soil or new soil level areas below the foundation/PCC/raft.
and soil in immediate contact with the vertical surfaces of
RCC. Foundations shall be treated at the rate of 7.5 l/m2.
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
( Table 1 )
A-1 PRECAUTIONS FOR HEALTH HAZARDS water. If chemicals splash into the eyes they shall be
AND SAFETY MEASURES flushed with plenty of soap and water and immediate
medical attention should be sought.
A-1.1 All the chemicals mentioned in 5.3.1 are
poisonous and hazardous to health. These chemical A-1.4 The concentrates are oil solutions and present
can have an adverse effect upon health when absorbed a fire hazard owing to the use of petroleum solvents.
through the skin, inhaled as vapours or spray mist or Flames should not be allowed during mixing.
swallowed. Persons handling or using these chemical
A-1.5 Care should be taken in the application of soil
should be warned of these dangers and advised that
toxicants to see that they are not allowed to contaminate
absoroption through the skin is the most likly sources
wells or springs which serve as sources of drinking
of accidental poisoning. They should be cautioned to
observe carefully the safety precautions given in A-1.2
to A-1.6 particularly when handling these chemicals in A-1.6 The person/operator who uses the chemicals
the form of concentrates. shall wear Personal Protective Equipments (PPE), like
hand gloves, eye goggles, face masks, safety shoes, ear
A-1.2 These chemicals are brought to the site in the form
muffler and cap.
of emulsifiable concentrate/suspension concentrate.
The container should be clearly labelled and should be A-1.7 In case of poisoning, suitable measures shall be
stored carefully so that children and pets cannot get at taken for protection in accordance with IS 4015.
them. They should be kept securely closed.
A-1.8 The application of anti-termite treatment should
A-1.3 Particular care should be taken to prevent skin be carried out by a professional agency which is trained
contact with concentrates. Prolonged exposure to dilute and possess a valid licence issued by the respective
emulsions should also be avoided. Workers should state/central government department of agriculture as
wear clean clothing and should wash thoroughly with required under the Insecticides Act, 1968 and the Rules
soap and water specially before eating and smoking. framed thereunder.
In the event of severe contamination, clothing should
be removed at once and the skin washed with soap and
( Informative )
( Foreword )
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
seen of these termite operations that sometimes the removed and ingested. This habit plays an important role
structural member attacked is found to be merely a shell in the poisoning of termites for control operations. If
with the inside completely riddled and eaten away. finely powdered toxic material is introduced into termite
runways, particles of the powder will adhere to the body
B-1.4 The drywood termites on the contrary are able of the termite and will kill any termite that subsequently
to live even in fairly dry wood and without contact grooms the dusted one.
with ground. These frequently construct nests within
the roofs and other parts of houses, which they destroy, B-2 DEVELOPMENT OF TERMITE COLONY
if not speedily exterminated. However, they are not as
prevalent and common as subterranean termites, and At certain periods of the year, particularly after a few
are generally confined to coastal regions. warm days followed by rain, emergence of winged
adults or colonising flights, frequently occurs. This
B-1.5 A subterranean termite colony consists of a pair of swarming, also called the nuptial flight, may take place
reproductives, the so-called king and queen and a large any time during the monsoon or the post monsoon
number of sterile workers and soldiers. If however, period. The flight is short and most of the adults perish
the queen is lost or destroyed, her place is taken by due to one reason or another. The surviving termites
number of supplementary reproductives, thus even by soon find their mates, shed their wings and establish a
removing the queen, the colony will not be destroyed. colony if circumstances are favourable. The female of
All the work of the colony is carried out by the workers. the pair or queen produces a few eggs in the first year.
Guarding the colony is the work of the soldiers. The The first batch of the brood comprises only of workers.
adult workers and soldiers are wingless. The workers The rate of reproduction, however, increases rapidly
are gernerally greyish white in colour. The soldiers are after 2-3 years. Although a colony may increase in size
generally darker than the workers and have a large head comparatively rapidly very little damage may occur
and longer mandibles. There are, however, other types in a period less than 8-10 years. Any serious damage
of soldiers whose mandibles are small, degenerated that may occur in a short time is perhaps due to heavy
and functionless; instead, the frontal part of the head is infestation in the initial stage due to large population
prolonged to form a long nasus; they dispel the enemy of termites existing in the soil before the building is
by squirting out of white poisonous fluid through the constructed.
nasus. The reprodutives, that is, the flying adults,
have brown or black bodies and are provided with B-3 RECOGNIZING THE PRESENCE OF
two pairs of long wings of equal size in contrast to the TERMITE INFESTATION IN BUILDINGS
reproductives of ants which have two pairs of wings of
unequal size. B-3.1 Swarms of winged reproductives flying from the
soil or wood are the first indication of termite infestation
B-1.6 The food of the termite is cellulosic material in a building. Often the actual flight may not be observed
like timber, grass, stumps of dead trees, droppings of but the persence of wings discarded by them will be a
herbivorous animals, paper, etc. Once termites have positive indication of a well established termite colony
found a suitable foothold in or near a building, they nearby. Termite damage is not evident from the exterior
start spreading slowly from a central nest through in the case of subterranean termites, since they do not
underground and overground galleries in the case of reduce wood to a powdery mass or push particles like
subterranean termites and galleries within the structural some of the wood borers or drywood termites. These
member, once they get direct access to them, in the termites are also recognised by the presence of earth-like
case of drywood termites. In their search for wood they shelter tubes which afford them the runways between
bypass any obstacle like concrete or resistant timber to soil and their food.
get a suitable food many meters away.
B-3.2 Drywood termites on the contrary may be
B-1.7 In subterranean termite colony, the workers feed recognised by their pellets of excreta. Non-subterranean
the reproductives, soldiers, winged adults and young termites excrete pellets of partly digested wood. These
nymphs. One of the habits of the termites which is of may be found in tunnels or on the floor underneath the
interest is the grooming of their own bodies and the member which they have attacked. These termites may
bodies of their nest mates by licking. This grooming further be noticed by blisters on wood surfaces due to
habit is associated with their eagerness to obtain the their forming chambers close to the surface by eating
glandular secretions that are extruded over the body away the wood and leaving only a thin film of wood on
surface. During the course of grooming, any dust the surface. Also the hollow sound on tapping structural
particle that may be adhering to the body surface are timber will indicate their destructive activity inside.
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
( Informative )
( Foreword )
C-1 MASONRY FOUNDATION excavation that is, 200 m2 × 5 litres per m2 = 1 000 litre
total consumption of solution.
C-1.1 Calculation for a Building of Size 50 m × 20 m
For sides of trench- average peripheral length of trench
at Plinth Level
(that is, 140 m) × 0.3 m × 2 (for both sides) × 5 litres
a) Area of plinth is 50 m × 20 m, that is, 1 000 m2; per m2 = 420 litre total consumption of solution.
b) Approximately 20 percent of the plinth area is
C-1.3.2 Second Treatment ‒ Backfill in Immediate
covered by the excavation for masonry foundation
Contact with Foundation Walls
that is, 200 m2;
c) Total peripheral length of external walls will be Average peripheral length of masonry foundation (that
140 m; and is, 140 m) × 0.5 m approximately (take actual depth of
treatment area of backfill in immediate contact with
d) To calculate the area of junctions of wall and floor, foundation wall) × 7.5 litres per m2 × 2 (for both sides) =
the total depth of plinth needs to be considered. 1 050 litres total consumption of solution.
Here, the depth of plinth is assumed as 1.5 m.
NOTE — Sample calculations given in this annex are C-1.3.3 Third Treatment ‒ Junction of Wall and Floor
informative in nature. While calculating required total
consumption of the chemical for any site, actual area as per the
For building area 50 m × 20 m , average peripheral length
recommendations given in this standard shall be taken. that is, 140 running metre × 1.5 m approximately (depth
of walls below the plinth level is considered on average)
C-1.2 The dosage/concentration ratio of respective × 7.5 litres per m2 = 1 575 litres total consumption of
termiticides are as follows: solution.
a) Chlorpyrifos 20 percent EC — 50 ml chemical
C-1.3.4 Fourth Treatment ‒ Top Surface of Plinth Filling
per 1 litre of water
b) Imidachloprid 30.5 percent SC — 2.1 ml chemical Total area of plinth (that is, 1 000 m2) 5 litres
per 1 litre of water per m2 = 5 000 litres total consumption of solution.
c) Bifenthrin 2.5 percent EC — 20 ml chemical C-1.3.5 Fifth Treatment ‒ External Periphery
per 1 litre of water For 50 m × 20 m plinth area, average peripheral length,
that is, total 140 running metre, 140 × 0.3 (depth) ×
C-1.3 The consumption of solution (chemical diluted
7.5 litres per m2 = 315 litres.
with water) as well as the concentrated termiticides
(recommended) will be as under: NOTE — Where there is a provision of apron around building,
separate treatment is recommended for the soil below such
C-1.3.1 First Treatment ‒ Bottom and Sides of Trenches apron and accordingly total consumption of solution for this
treatment shall also be calculated.
For bottom surface of trench - For 50 m × 20 m of
plinth size, 20 percent of the total plinth is covered by C-1.4 In line with the calculations in C-1.3, a summary
of calculations with different chemicals is given below:
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
C-2 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE C-2.3.1 First Treatment ‒ Backfill in Immediate Contact
FOUNDATION with Foundation
1.4 m (peripheral length of each column) × 0.5 m
C-2.1 Calculation for a Building of Size 50 m × 20 m
(depth of treatment area from ground level) × 150
at Plinth Level
(no. of columns) × 7.5 litres per m2 = 787.5 litres total
a) Area of plinth is 50 m × 20 m, that is, 1 000 m2; consumption of solution.
b) Approximately 15 percent of the plinth area is NOTE — In case of masonry filling between the columns, the
covered by R.C.C. foundation; and same may also be treated.
c) Assume total numbers of columns are 150 and the C-2.3.2 Second Treatment ‒ Junction of Wall and Floor
average size of R.C.C. column is approximately
For plinth area 50 m × 20 m, average peripheral length
0.5 m × 0.2 m.
that is, 140 running metre × 1.5 m approximately (depth
C-2.2 The dosage/concentration ratio of respective of walls below the plinth level is considered on average)
termiticides are as follows: × 7.5 litres per m2 = 1 575 litres total consumption of
a) Chlorpyrifos 20 percent EC — 50 ml chemical per solution.
1 litre of water C-2.3.3 Third Treatment ‒ Top Surface of Plinth Filling
b) Imidachloprid 30.5 percent SC — 2.1 ml chemical Total area of plinth (that is, 1 000 m2) × 5 litres
per 1 litre of water per m2 = 5 000 litres total consumption of solution.
c) Bifenthrin 2.5 percent EC — 20 ml chemical per
1 litre of water C-2.3.4 Fourth Treatment ‒ External Periphery
For 50 m × 20 m plinth area, average peripheral length,
C-2.3 The consumption of solution (chemical diluted
with water) as well as the concentrated termiticides that is, total 140 running metre, 140 × 0.3 (depth)
(recommended) will be as under: × 7.5 litres per m2 = 315 litres.
C-2.4 In line with the calculations in C-2.3, a summary
of calculations with different chemicals is given below:
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
C-4.3.3 Third treatment ‒ Treatment for External 140 m × 0.3 m (vertical 300 mm depth of basement
Periphery shall be considered) × 7.5 litres per m2 = 315.0 litres.
For 50 m × 20 m plinth area, average peripheral length, C-4.4 In line with the calculations in C-4.3, a summary
that is, total 140 running metre. of calculations with different chemicals is given below:
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
( Informative )
( Foreword )
1 The above is purely a general comparison of the three termiticides to serve only as a preliminary guide.
2 Users are suggested to examine the respective Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of the termiticides from manufacturers for
detailed information/comparison thereof, so as to make an informed choice for their project based on its location, size, soil type,
amount of infestation, type of building, etc.
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
( Foreword )
Building Construction Practices Sectional Committee, CED 13
Organization Representative(s)
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
Organization Representative(s)
Larsen and Toubro Limited, ECC Division, Chennai SHRI RAJAN VENKATESwARAN
Military Engineering Services, Engineer-in- Chief’s MS M ALA M OHAN
Branch, Integrated HQ of Ministry of Defence SHRIMATI SHOBHANA V. (Alternate)
(Army), New Delhi
NBCC (India) Ltd, New Delhi SHRI D. D. S. SRIVASTAVA
NTPC Ltd, New Delhi SHRI R. L. DAS
SHRI AnIL KAPOOR (Alternate)
Rentokil Pest Control (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI SHANKAR M. GHUgE
Public Works Department, Govt of Gujarat, SHRI S. K. PATEL
Public Works Department, Govt of NCT of Delhi, SHRI A. K. SINHA
New Delhi SHRI PUNEET KUMAR VATS (Alternate)
Research Designs and Standards Organization, DIRECTOR (WORKS)
Ministry of Railways, Lucknow ADE/WORKS (Alternate)
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi PROF AnIL DEwAN
The All India Glass Manufacturers’ Federation, SHRI SOURABH KANKAR
New Delhi SHRI RUPINDER SHELLY (Alternate)
The Indian Institute of Architects, Mumbai SHRI VIJAY GARg
The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata SHRI P. K. AdLAKHA
The Energy Resources Institute, New Delhi SHRI SANJAY SETH
MS MEgHA BEHAL (Alternate)
In Personal Capacity [Pratap Nursery Lane SHRI K. S. PRUTHI
(Near Gurudwara), Panditwari, Dehradun
Member Secretaries
IS 6313 (Part 2) : 2022
Organization Representative(s)
(Continued from second cover)
c) An informative annex on comparative statement of termiticides with respect to their properties has
been included as Annex D.
d) References to Indian Standards have been updated.
The provisions of this standard are without prejudice to the various Acts, Rules and Regulations including the
Insectides Act, 1968 and the Rules framed thereunder.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex E.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 13 (15756).