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Open Day - Project Exhibition


Department of Electronics and telecommunications Guide Arvind Kumar



Address the challenge of PROJECT
accurately identifying and Collecting and preprocessing a dataset • Detect plant diseases early:
diagnosing, plant diseases of plant leaf images, splitting the to minimize further spread
based on visual symptoms on dataset into training, and validation and minimize crop losses.
the leaves and develop a sets. A Convolutional Neural Network • Improve crop yields:
machine learning model using (CNN) was designed and trained on the identifying the plant disease in
CNN that can accurately training set and then validated on the
classify plants into healthy the early stage.
validation set. The final trained CNN
and unhealthy categories • Reduce pesticide usage:
model is used to classify new plant leaf
based on leaf images. images as healthy or diseased, if With accurate predictions
diseased then the model further tries to pesticides and fungicides
predict the disease. would not be overused.
• Save time and labor costs:
for manual plant inspection
BACKGROUND and disease diagnosis.
Plant leaf disease detection •
using Convolutional Neural EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
Networks (CNNs) is a promising A CNN model was developed using the
Plant Village tomato plant dataset to CONCLUSION
approach for automated and
classify images of healthy and The prediction system using CNN has been
accurate diagnosis of plant
unhealthy leaves which has multiple developed for controlling the parameters of
diseases. CNNs are well-suited
convolutional layers. The model was hydroponic systems in real-time. The
for detecting subtle differences
trained with augmented data and Adam system can be extended by training on a
between healthy and diseased
optimizer for 20 epochs, achieving a larger dataset, leading to higher accuracy
plant leaves, and recent studies
certain accuracy and a function was and adaptability to different plant species.
have reported high accuracy
written to predict the state of a leaf This innovation has the potential to
rates in identifying various types
based on the trained model. revolutionize the way we grow plants and
of plant diseases.
applies machine learning techniques in


• The following graphs were observed on

running the model over the training and
validation datasets.
• The accuracy of the prediction model was
found to be 56.39%

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