JPSP 2022 017
JPSP 2022 017
JPSP 2022 017
2022, Vol. 6, No. 5, 193 – 201
Research Scholar, Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Jalandhar, [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Jalandhar
A country’s economy largely depends on crops. Crops are the most important factor in food
production. Healthy plants lead to healthy crops. If the plants are infected, this can adversely affect
the food production. Plant diseases are mainly caused by viral or bacterial organisms. Disease on a
plant can be identified by a change in colour of the leaf or even shape. It becomes very important to
detect plant diseases as early as possible so that food production doesn’t get affected. Detecting plant
diseases via technology is a significant step in this direction. Using Deep Learning methods for this
task can help us to identify diseases in plants. In this study, we use the VGGNet-19 model that is pre-
trained using the weights of the ‘ImageNet’ dataset. By freezing the top layers and using transfer
learning, we add a few layers to the model to try and improve the performance and accuracy of the
model. This results in the accuracy of 97.52per cent for apple leaves and 95.75 per cent for grape
leaves after running the model for 20 epochs.
To Distinguish a plant diseases accurately
when it initially appears is crucial stage for
efficient disease management. Detecting
diseases in plants has become increasingly
significant in order to protect the crops. Early
detection of diseases on plants is necessary so
as not to infect the total crop and also to boost
the quality of agricultural products.
Most of the symptoms of plant disease can be
seen on the leaves and spotted. Different types
of plant disease exist, but the majority of these
diseases can be categorized into the three
different categories which are bacterial disease,
viral disease and fungal disease. Apple trees are Fig. 1. Apple leaves in Plant Village dataset
vulnerable to numerous diseases. Diseases such Manual identification of diseases in plants is a
as apple scab, black rot canker, powdery time consuming and inefficient process.
mildew can affect apple trees in various ways. Therefore, using Deep Learning helps in
Grape trees are also affected by diseases such reducing the effort required to identify plants
as black rot, leaf blight and esca, black measle with diseases.
Sukhwinder Kaur 194
detect diseases in plants. The experiment was network(CNN) as a feature extractor and
conducted using disease and pest images from Support Vector Machine (SVM) as a classifier
Turkey. Deep feature extraction and and identified the disease with 91.37%
SVM/ELM classifications produced better accuracy.
results as compared to transfer learning.
Brahimi et al. [16] proposed a deep models
Wallelign et al. [12] designed a model using method to create a classifier for detection of
CNN classifier to classify Soybean plant disease. They used a large dataset containing
diseases by taking leaf images of four classes 14828 images and nine diseases of tomato.
from the PlantVillage database. Their model They also showed that Deep Models with pre-
obtained 99.32% accuracy which shows that training improves accuracy than those without
important features can be extracted and plant pre-training. Ferentinos [17] applied deep
diseases classified using CNN . learning classification technique for recognition
of diseases in crops by using an open database
Park et al. [13] used deep learning to diagnose
of 87848 images of 25 different plants in a set
the disease of strawberry leaf image and with
of 58 distinct classes of plant disease
method based on convolution neural networks
combination and achieved with accuracy
to classify the disease of strawberry plants into
healthy and diseased strawberry images and
obtained 92% accuracy for classification .
Pooja et al. [14] proposed a disease detection 3. Research Methodology
and classification technique with the help of
machine learning mechanisms and image VGGNet is a convolutional neural network
processing tools. To begin with, they captured Architecture proposed by Karen Simonyan and
Andrew Zisserman from the Visual Geometry
the infected area of the leaf and then
Group of Oxford University in 2014[18].
performed image processing. The Support
Vector Machine (SVM) classifier was used for It consists of 16 or more convolution, pooling
classification and it was able to provide better and fully-connected layers , as shown in Fig. 3.
results than previously used techniques. The VGGNet includes two typical models such
Shrivastava et al. [15] used transfer learning of as the VGGNet-16 and VGGNet-19, which are
available as the pretrained models with the 16
deep CNN for classification of rice disease.
and 19 wt layers trained on the ImageNet
Images of rice plant disease belonging to the
four classes Rice Blast (RB), Bacterial Leaf dataset. 19 layers of VGGNet19 consist of 16
Blight (BLB) and Sheath Blight (SB) were convolutional layers, 3 fully connected layers
taken along with healthy (HL) images.They and 5 pooling layers as shown in Fig.
3.VGGnet19 consists of the following layers:
used pre-trained deep convolution neural
Fully Connected (4096)
Conv3x3 (256)
Conv3x3 (256)
Conv3x3 (256)
Conv3x3 (256)
Conv3x3 (512)
Conv3x3 (512)
Conv3x3 (512)
Conv3x3 (512)
Conv3x3 (512)
Conv3x3 (512)
Conv3x3 (512)
Conv3x3 (512)
Conv3x3 (64)
4. Results
Training the model for 20 epochs gives an
accuracy of around 97 percent. Using Google
Colab Pro GPU took an average of 34 seconds
for each epoch. The experiment was performed
Sukhwinder Kaur 198
on the apple leaves with 3 classes: Apple Scab, Apple black rot and healthy apple leaves.
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(20 epochs) ( 20 epochs)
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platforms. In Evolutionary Computing and
Grape 95.75% 0.1133 Mobile Sustainable Networks (pp. 875-
885). Springer, Singapore.
[6] Chen, J., Zhang, D., Sun, Y.,
5. Conclusion and Future Scope &Nanehkaran, Y. A. (2020). Using deep
transfer learning for image-based plant
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parameters can significantly increase the Plant disease detection using deep
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and adding a few layers can provide better recognition and classification of maize leaf
results for classifying and detecting diseases in diseases out of healthy leaves using
convolutional neural networks.
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