1 s2.0 S1464343X15300789 Main
1 s2.0 S1464343X15300789 Main
1 s2.0 S1464343X15300789 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The interpretation of high-resolution airborne geophysical data integrated with field structural and
Received 20 January 2015 lithological observations were employed in the creation of a litho-structural framework for the Gaoua
Received in revised form region, Burkina Faso. The granite-greenstone domain of Paleoproterozoic age was affected by multiple
5 October 2015
deformation and mineralization events. The early tectonic phase is characterized by the emplacement of
Accepted 5 October 2015
Available online 22 October 2015
voluminous tholeiitic and calc-alkaline lavas, probably in a volcanic arc setting. The copper minerali-
zation in Gongondy, Dienemera and Mt Biri is concentrated in a diorite/andesite breccia, and is inter-
preted as porphyry-copper style formed at an early stage of the evolution of the area. Evidence for the
West African Craton
first deformation event D1Ga corresponding to NeS shortening was only found in the EeW trending
Burkina Faso mafic unit bordering the Gaoua batholith to the south. A second deformation phase D2Ga occurred under
Paleoproterozoic greenschist facies conditions and lead to a development of more or less penetrative metamorphic foli-
Tectonics ation and its subsequent folding under overall EeW compression. At later stages, the D2Ga switched to a
Porphyry copper deposit transcurrent regime characterized by intense NeS to NW-trending steeply dipping shear zones. The first
Orogenic gold deposit significant gold mineralization event is related to this transcurrent tectonic phase. During subsequent
D3Ga, intense network of brittle to brittleeductile NW and NE faults developed. Economic gold con-
centrations are attributed to the D3Ga event and are associated with the remobilization of early
disseminated low grade gold concentrations. Significant deposits in the area are Nassara, Gomblora, Batie
West and Kampti. The last deformation event D4Ga resulted in EeW trending thrust faults and crenu-
lation cleavage planes, under overall NeS compression. No mineralization events related to this stage
have been seen.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction 2011; Milesi et al., 1989; Mumin et al., 1994; Mumin and Fleet,
1995; Mumin et al., 1996; Oberthür et al., 1997, 1998;
Precambrian granite-greenstone domains of West African Tshibubudze and Hein, 2013; Yao and Robb, 2000) only limited
Craton host many gold and base metal deposits (Mile si et al., 1989, information is available for copper deposits in West Africa
1992). While gold deposits have been extensively studied in the (Amireault, 2006; Bouladon et al., 1973; Lajoinie and Fonteilles,
past (e.g., Allibone et al., 2002a, b; 2004; Bamba et al., 1997; Be ziat 1968; Marcelin, 1971; Mile si and Feybesse, 1993; Ouedraogo,
et al., 2008; Bourges et al., 1998; Hammond et al., 2011; Kadio et al., 1991; Schwartz, 2008; Sillitoe, 1979; Zeegers et al., 1981). Unrav-
2010; Klemd and Ott, 1997; Klemd et al., 1997; McFarlane et al., eling the structural context of a deposit is a key to understanding
the whole mineral system, in particular for deposits affected by
multiple deformation and hydrothermal events (e.g., Blewett et al.,
* Corresponding author. Laboratoire GET, University of Toulouse, IRD, CNRS UMR 2010; Miller et al., 2010; Niroomand et al., 2011; Tshibubudze and
5563, Observatoire Midi-Pyrene
es, 14 Ave. Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France.
Hein, 2013; Velasquez et al., 2014).
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Baratoux).
1464-343X/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
420 L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439
The Gaoua region in south-west Burkina Faso is a multi- Na-rich tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite-granite composition to
commodity copper and gold deposit, which was formed during a K-rich granites were emplaced during discrete magmatic pulses
polyphase tectonic history during the Eburnean Orogeny (ca from ca. 2250 to 2060 Ma (Agyei Duodu et al., 2009; Castaing et al.,
2.15e2.0 Ga; Baratoux et al., 2011; Block et al., 2015; Bonhomme, 2003; de Kock et al., 2011; Doumbia et al., 1998; Gasquet et al.,
1962; Feybesse et al., 2006). The major copper and gold miner- 2003; Gueye et al., 2007; Hirdes et al., 1996; Leube et al., 1990;
alized body is located between the Mt Biri, Dienemera and Gon- Naba et al., 2004; Pons et al., 1995; Siegfried et al., 2009; Thomas
gondy villages; however, several gold-only deposits have been et al., 2009; Tshibubudze et al., 2013). The Eburnean basement is
found in the same area (Nassara, Gomblora, Batie West, and unconformably covered by the Neoproterozoic sedimentary suc-
Kampti) leading to the question as to whether the copper and gold cession of the Taoudeni, Volta and Iullemeden basins. At least six
mineralization was contemporaneous and which structures and generations of doleritic dykes crosscut the consolidated Archean,
deformation events they are related to. A description and analysis Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic basement (Jessell et al.,
of the mineral paragenesis of the copper and gold deposits as well 2015b).
as ReeOs dating of the copper mineralization is given in Le Mignot
(2014). 2.2. Regional tectonic and metamorphic evolution
In this paper, we present a new 1:50,000 litho-structural map of
the Gaoua region, based on interpretation of high resolution The Paleoproterozoic granite-greenstone domains were
airborne magnetic and radiometric data and ground gravity data deformed by the polyphase Eburnean orogeny (Bonhomme, 1962),
integrated with field observations. Newly recognised structures are which was active between ~2150 Ma and1980 Ma (Baratoux et al.,
placed in the context of the polyphase tectonic evolution, partially 2011; Block et al., 2015; Feybesse et al., 2006; Jessell et al., 2012).
based on that of Baratoux et al. (2011) and Block et al. (2015). We According to different authors, the Eburnean orogeny may be
focus on the timing of the major copper and gold mineralization divided from two up to six deformation phases (Allibone et al.,
events in the framework of this tectonic scenario. 2002a,b; Baratoux et al., 2011; Block et al., 2015; de Kock et al.,
2012; Feybesse, 1990; Feybesse et al., 2006; Hein, 2010; Hirdes
2. Geological setting et al., 1996; Ledru et al., 1991; Lemoine, 1985, 1990; Mile si et al.,
1989; Mile si et al., 1992; Vidal et al., 1996; Pouclet et al., 2006;
2.1. Regional geological framework Tempier, 1986; Tshibubudze et al., 2009; Vidal et al., 2009). The
first phase, the Eo-Eburnean (Block et al., 2015; de Kock et al., 2011;
The Baoule -Mossi Paleoproterozoic domain is situated east and Perrouty et al., 2012), or alternatively named Tangaean, (Hein,
north-east of the Archean nucleus of the southern West African 2010; Tshibubudze et al., 2009; Tshibubudze and Hein, 2013) was
Craton (sWAC) (also called Leo-Man shield: Bessoles, 1977). The a collisional event and caused major crustal thickening. This event
Paleoproterozoic domain is built of greenstone-granitoid assem- occurred between ~2170 Ma (or slightly earlier) and ~2140 Ma. An
blages, which consist of volcanic, volcano-sedimentary, and sedi- extensional deformation phase associated with exhumation of high
mentary sequences (Birimian Supergroup; Bessoles, 1977, Feybesse grade lower crustal rocks and deposition of the Kumasi Group
et al., 2006; Junner, 1940; Kitson, 1928; Leube et al., 1990) separated sediments has been reported from northern and southern Ghana
either by extensive tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite and gran- (Block et al., 2015; Perrouty et al., 2012), respectively. The second
itoid provinces or by slightly younger sedimentary basins (Baratoux shortening phase, observed across the sWAC, also lead to major
et al., 2011; Milesi et al., 1989) (Fig. 1). The greenstone belt strati- crustal thickening during EeW compression between ~2130 Ma
graphic sequences comprise a basal mafic tholeiitic volcanic suc- and ~2110 Ma. Subsequent transpressional deformation resulted in
cessions, which are overlain by calc-alkaline mafic to acid the formation of steeply dipping NeS to NE- and locally NW-
volcanism interstratified with volcano-sedimentary and sedimen- trending shear zones across the sWAC. This deformation event
tary rocks at the top of the Birimian stratigraphy (Baratoux et al., occurred after 2100 Ma and may be as young as 2070 Ma (Delor
2011; Bessoles, 1977; Davis et al., 1994; Hirdes et al., 1996; Hirdes et al., 1992; Hirdes et al., 1992; Jessell et al., 2012).
and Davis, 1998; Leube et al., 1990; Oberthür et al., 1998; Pouclet Most of the volcanic and volcano-sedimentary rocks underwent
et al., 1996; Tagini, 1971, 1972; Vidal and Alric, 1994). The tholei- lower to upper greenschist facies metamorphism (Be ziat et al.,
itic and calc-alkaline volcanic series are interpreted to have formed 2000; Feybesse et al., 2006; Ganne et al., 2012; Kríbek et al.,
in the context of oceanic plateaus (Abouchami et al., 1990; Arndt 2008). Blueschist facies metamorphism has been documented in
et al., 1997; Boher et al., 1992; Lompo, 2009; Pouclet et al., 1996) eastern Burkina Faso (Ganne et al., 2012). Amphibolite and upper
and/or volcanic island arcs (Ama Salah et al., 1996; Baratoux et al., amphibolite facies conditions are found either at the local scale,
2011; Be ziat et al., 2000; Condie, 2005a; Dampare et al., 2008; related to granitoid intrusions (Debat et al., 2003) or at the regional
Dia, 1988; de Kock et al., 2012; Lüdtke et al., 1999; Martin, 1994; scale, associated with the major collisional phase of Eburnean
Martin et al., 2005; Moyen et al., 2003; Schwartz and Melcher, orogeny (Block et al., 2015; Galipp et al., 2003; John et al., 1999).
2003; Soumaila et al., 2004; Sylvester and Attoh, 1992; Zonou,
1987). Radiometric dating of the volcanic units places the main 2.3. Mineralization
peak of the Birimian volcanism at around 2190e2160 Ma (UePb on
zircon; Davis et al., 1994; Loh and Hirdes, 1996; Lüdtke et al., 1999), Paleoproterozoic volcanic rocks are host to several base metal
while detrital zircons from the Birimian sedimentary basins yield deposits and occurrences, such as Zn at Perkoa and Tie be
ages as young as 2130 Ma (Lüdtke et al., 1999) or 2107 Ma (Doumbia Faso), Cu ± Pb ± Mo at Dienemera-Gongondy zone, Wayen, and
et al., 1998). Tarkwaian-type detrital sediments, otherwise called Goren (Burkina Faso), at Monogaga, Ze itouo, and Ity (Ivory Coast),
late basins, yield maximum ages of deposition of 2124 ± 9 Ma and Fale me
(Senegal), Pb-Zn-Mo in the Kuorki area (Niger), Pb at
(Hounde belt, Burkina, Faso; Bossie re et al., 1996) and ~2107 Ma Gan (Burkina Faso), Fe-Ti-V in Tin Edia (Burkina Faso), Fe in
(Ashanti belt, Ghana; Pigois et al., 2003). Tarkwaian deposition is Simandou (Guinea) and Mn in Tambao (Burkina Faso) (Markwitz
also constrained by intrusions of metagabbro sills within the si et al., 1989, 1992; Ouedraogo, 1991; Schwartz,
et al., 2015; Mile
Tarkwaian series at 2102 ± 13 Ma (Adadey et al., 2009) and by 2008; Wenmenga and Affaton, 2003).
granitoids at 2097 ± 2 Ma (Oberthür et al., 1998). In West Africa, world-class gold deposits are well known in the
Several generations of granitoids ranging in composition from Ashanti area (Obuasi, Wassa) in Ghana (e.g. Allibone et al., 2002a,b;
L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439 421
Fig. 1. (a) Simplified geological map of the sWAC (modified after the BRGM SIGAfrique map, Mile si et al., 2004). Paleoproterozoic greenstones are divided into: light gray e in-
termediate to acid volcaniclastics and volcano-sediments, dark gray e mafic to intermediate lavas and volcanic products. (b) Simplified litho-structural map of SW Burkina Faso
(Metelka et al., 2011) with the study area indicated.
White et al., 2015). West Africa hosts many other gold deposits, 2.4. The Boromo belt and Gaoua region
located in Ghana (Chirano, Bogoso, Prestea, Ayanfuri, Konongo,
Julie, Bepkong), Burkina Faso (Essakane, Mana, Youga, Taparko, The Boromo belt, the location of the Gaoua deposit, hosts several
Kalsaka, Inata), Mali (Syama, Morila, Loulo, Sadiola), Senegal (Sab- metal occurrences including Zn at Perkoa (Napon, 1988; Schwartz
odala), Guinea (Siguiri), Ivory Coast (Ity, Aboisso region) and Niger and Melcher, 2003) and Au at Poura e Larafella area (Bamba
(Samira) (cf. Milesi et al., 1992; see also Amponsah et al., 2015a,b; ziat et al., 2008; Lompo, 1991; Mile
et al., 1997; Be si et al., 1992;
Beziat et al., 2008; Hammond and Tabata, 1997; Lawrence et al., Sanogo and Prost, 1993) and Batie west (http://www.ampella.
2013; Markwitz et al., 2015; McFarlane et al., 2011). com.au).
si et al. (1992) distinguished three major types of gold
Mile The NeS trending Boromo greenstone belt is composed of mafic
mineralization in West Africa: 1) “Pre-orogenic deposits” linked to and intermediate volcanics at the flanks and intermediate volcano-
early extensional zones, 2) “Syn-orogenic deposits” represented by sedimentary and sedimentary units in the central zone. The study
disseminated gold-sulfide mineralization and paleoplacers and 3) area is located at the western margin of the Boromo belt, at the
“Late-orogenic deposits”, which evolve from a “disseminated gold- southern extremity of the Gaoua batholith. The stratigraphic
bearing arsenopyrite and Au-quartz lode” type to a “quartz-vein” sequence of the study area is similar to that of “Boromo West” in
type with native gold, and represent the highest gold reserve of the Baratoux et al. (2011). The basal package comprises 4e6 km thick
West African Craton. In addition, an early gold mineralization event sequence of tholeiitic mafic rocks overlain by intermediate calc-
associated with the first D1 (Eoeburnean) deformation event was alkaline intrusive, effusive and eruptive members such as diorites,
recently reported by Perrouty et al. (2012), with more detail given andesites, dacites, rhyolites and a large range of pyroclastic flows,
in Perrouty et al. (2015). For a synthesis on base metal and gold tuffs, and interstratified volcano-sedimentary rocks (Naba, 2010;
mineralization in the West African Craton see Schwartz (2008), Wenmenga and Affaton, 2003) (Fig. 2). The uppermost unit con-
Markwitz et al. (2015), and Be ziat et al. (2008), the latter specific sists of volcano-sedimentary and fine grained sedimentary rocks.
to Burkina Faso. All volcanic rocks in the Boromo belt underwent regional
422 L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439
Fig. 3. (a) Reduced to the pole (RTP) residual magnetic intensity (RMI) grid; (b) analytical signal of the RTP corrected RMI grid overlain by interpreted structures; (c) Tilt derivative
of the RTP corrected RMI grid; the black rectangle represents the inset shown in (g) and (h); (d) Horizontal tilt derivative of the RTP corrected RMI grid overlain by interpreted
structures; the black rectangle represents the inset shown in (i) and (j); (e) Gamma-ray ternary grid e corrected absolute concentrations displayed as RGB underlain by the SRTM
digital elevation model shaded from NW; (f) Bouguer anomaly gravimetric grid with an overlay of interpreted structures; (g) and (h) Inset of the tilt derivative image with the faults
and fractures indicated; (i) and (j) Inset of the horizontal tilt derivative image with the faults and fractures indicated.
(Dickson and Scott, 1997; Wilford et al., 1997), and creating color eTh, and eU as well the ternary RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color
composites (Jaques et al., 1997). The eTh/K ratio allowed us to composite (Fig. 3e) were also utilized.
distinguish regolith landforms in the area. The original bands K, Examining the gravity anomalies gives a picture of those deep
424 L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439
Fig. 3. (continued).
L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439 425
regional-scale structures and lithological boundaries that correlate Our measurements of petrophysical properties (magnetic sus-
with density contrasts within the crustal rocks. Edge detection ceptibility and density) are in accordance with the regional sample
techniques employed in the analysis of the magnetic data (Blakely measurements published for the purposes of the 1:500,000 scale
and Simpson, 1986) can also be applied to map major breaks and map of south-west Burkina Faso (Metelka et al., 2011). We therefore
boundaries. The gravity data in the study area have a maximum consider the values published by Metelka et al. (2011) as statisti-
spacing of 4000 m between sampling points along traverses and cally representative for the studied region of Gaoua.
were mainly acquired along major roads. Station locations were In order to complete the suite of structural observations, the
determined from topographic maps and elevations by barometric technique of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility was applied to
leveling. The reported accuracy of the measurements is about rocks with weak or absent fabric at outcrop scale, such as basalts
0.5 mGal and the positioning error is estimated to be less than 5 m and andesites (Bouchez, 1997; Borradaile and Henry, 1997; Hrouda,
in the vertical and about 200 m in the horizontal direction (Albouy 1982). At least two oriented cores (2.5 cm for the diameter and
et al., 1992). Free air and Bouguer corrections were applied to the around 10 cm for the high) were collected at 37 outcrops and
data using 2.67 g/cm3 as the reduction density. The data were prepared in the laboratory in order to get a standard specimen size
gridded at 3000 m spatial resolution to produce a Bouguer anomaly for measurements (2.5 cm for the diameter and 2.2 cm for the high).
map (Fig. 3f) showing the deep crustal architecture of the region. At least four standard specimens per station were obtained after
this preparation. Each sample have been measured on three
3.2. Geological outcrop data orthogonal axes using the Kappabridge MFK1-FA susceptometer
(Agico, Brno) operating at variable magnetic fields (field range from
The database of outcrop observations acquired during extensive 2 A/m to 700 A/m, peak values). The MFK1-FA is capable to mea-
field work was the basis for all of the geophysical interpretation. sure, besides at the basic frequency of 976 Hz, also at two additional
Unpublished geological maps provided by Volta Resources Inc. and frequencies of 3904 Hz and 15,616 Hz. The orientations and
the 1:200,000 geological map of Marcelin (1971) were used as magnitudes along these three axis correspond to the principal
auxiliary data sources. The spatial distribution of the outcrop data is axes of the magnetic anisotropy ellipsoid (K1 K2 K3). This
shown in Fig. 4. The primary outcrop database in this study in- allowed us to calculate the scalar data such as bulk susceptibility
cludes over 5000 lithological data and ~400 detailed structural (Km ¼ (K1 þ K2 þ K3)/3), anisotropy percentage (P% ¼ [(K1/
observations. Unfortunately, tectonic breccias are only rarely K3) 1] 100), the shape factor of Jelinek, 1978 (T ¼ [2 (Ln K2 Ln
distinguished from the volcanic breccia (pyroclastic flows) in the K3)/(Ln K1 Ln K3)]1). The directional data (magnetic lineations
database. and magnetic foliations) are also calculated using relation between
Fig. 4. Combined map of outcrop database provided by Volta Resources Inc. (B2Gold) and collected by the authors of this study.
426 L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439
the core orientation and the geographical north. The declinations intruded by massive calc-alkaline volcanic successions comprising
and inclinations of K1 and K3 correspond to magnetic lineation and andesite, and diorite. Andesites occur in the entire study area and
the pole of magnetic foliation, respectively. The same samples have are associated with basalt and intercalated with volcano-clastic and
been used to measure the natural remanent magnetization (NRM volcano-sedimentary rocks. A large zone of alternating diorite,
or Jr) using the JR5 (Agico, Brno), which allows for measuring in andesite and basalt occurs between the villages of Dienemera and
zero magnetic field. Gongondy, forming a NeS elongated body of 3 15 km.
Diorites and andesites in the Dienemera - Gongondy zone are
3.3. Digital data integration locally affected by hydrothermal brecciation. The breccia fragments
are cemented together by chalcopyrite and pyrite, while the host
We have used the workflow described in Metelka et al. (2011) rocks are composed of variable amounts of amphibole, chlorite,
to build a lithostructural framework of the studied region. The epidote, quartz, and sodic feldspar. Hydrothermal muscovite and
extent of regolith in the mapped area, and difficult access to chlorite are often associated with late quartz veins. The mafic and
certain regions implied the use of the high-resolution magnetic intermediate lithologies are intruded by relatively small
data to extend the information obtained in the field. Steep gra- (100 me1 km) bodies of lamprophyres, which can only be delin-
dients as well as high and low magnetic anomalies were obtained eated by field observations.
from the analysis of the vertical and horizontal derivates, the tilt In the aeromagnetic data, diorite and andesite have a similar
derivative and the analytical signal. The edges and minima/max- response to basalt and gabbro, but can be differentiated from each
ima were assigned to lithological contacts or faults, according to other in radiometric data because the diorite and andesite are
the field observations and the character of anomalies observed in relatively potassium enriched. We used mainly the dense outcrop
the data (e.g. change in magnetic texture correlates with change in and drill core database of Volta Resources Inc. to assign the lithol-
observed lithologies, orientation of structural measurements ogies in this zone. Diorite and andesite breccias are frequently
correlates with orientation of interpreted edges). The resolution found in this unit; however, the fragmented zones are too small to
of the magnetic data allowed for very detailed mapping of be plotted as individual units on the map, nor can they be distin-
structures, which would have been missed in the interpretation of guished in geophysical data. The Dienemera e Gongondy zone sits
a regional magnetic data set (Fig. 3gej). The digitized contacts and on the maximum in the Bouguer anomaly image. This gravity high
faults formed the basis of lithological polygons with different extends to the south where pyroclastic flows and volcano-
magnetic signatures constrained by correlating the outcropping sediments occur, which suggests a southward continuation of the
lithologies and their magnetic response. In areas with thinner diorite/andesite unit at depth.
regolith cover, the gamma-ray spectrometry data served as
another constraint in the mapping process. The detailed digital 4.1.3. Intermediate and felsic effusive volcanics
elevation model, which stemmed from the airborne geophysical Pyroclastic flows with angular fragments and tuffs of interme-
data, and especially the derivatives of it such as shaded relief and diate to felsic composition are interstratified with volcano-
slope helped us in assessing the associations between the gamma- sedimentary and less common sedimentary rocks. These rocks
ray spectrometry data and regolith. form the central part of the Boromo belt (eastern border of the
study area) and also occur south of Nassara (Fig. 4). The mineral
4. Litho-structural characteristics assemblage consists of chlorite, actinolite, quartz and albite. Pyro-
clastic flows, tuffs and volcano-sediments have typically low
4.1. Main lithologies and stratigraphy magnetic susceptibility and appear as large magnetically uniform
domains with a smooth texture. Breccias preferentially weather
4.1.1. Basalts and gabbros and are often covered by thick laterites. The gamma-ray ternary
The lowermost unit is composed of a 4e6 km thick sequence of image suggest a high K content. In the Bouguer anomaly image,
fine-grained microlithic and megacrystic basalts with occasional pyroclastic flows and tuffs should have medium values given their
pillow structures, intruded by tholeiitic and calc-alkaline gabbros densities (Baratoux et al., 2011) but they show quite variable
(Fig. 2) (Naba, 2010; Wenmenga and Affaton, 2003). Mineral as- responses.
semblages principally consist of hornblende, actinolite, chlorite, Rhyolites and dacites are emplaced in mafic and intermediate
epidote, quartz, sodic feldspar, and rare relict clinopyroxene phe- rocks as small bodies (100 me1 km). They are characterized by low
nocrysts of augite composition. Basalts and andesites are found magnetic susceptibility and high contents of all three radio-
south and east/north-east of Gaoua, forming the western margin of elements. Chert layers are frequently associated with effusive
the Boromo belt. In the new litho-structural map (Fig. 5) they rocks, in particular in the zone of Nassara.
appear as elongate bands intercalated with andesites and gabbros.
This repetition is either due to isoclinal folding or alternating 4.1.4. Granitoids
sequence of volcanic events, or a combination of both. In airborne We distinguish three types of granitoids in the study area:
magnetic data, most of basalts and gabbros are highly magnetic
with stippled to oriented texture; however, they may also appear 1) A strongly deformed NeS elongated granitoid body, the Iridiaka
weakly magnetic (Figs. 3 and 6). Megacrystic and pillowed units can suite (G1), composed of several intrusions varying in composi-
only be distinguished using outcrop data. Overall concentrations of tion from granodiorites to granites. This suite separates two
radioactive elements in mafic rocks are very low and result in dark domains of mafic volcanites east of Gaoua (Fig. 5). The Iridiaka
areas in the gamma-ray ternary image. Gabbros may contain low suite yields a UePb zircon date of 2168 ± 10 Ma (tonalite HO629)
amounts of K, appearing slightly reddish in the ternary image. and 2149 ± 12 Ma (granodiorite HO631A) (Parra-Avila, 2015).
Although these units are dense, they coincide with a regional low in The granodiorite contains a high temperature foliation crosscut
the Bouguer anomaly map. We suggest that the Gaoua batholith by fine-grained massive aplite dykes which has a UePb date of
occurs beneath mafic rocks at shallow depth. 2134 ± 9 Ma (HO631B) (Parra-Avila, 2015). This granitoid type
belongs to the ME1 magmatic episode of Baratoux et al. (2011)
4.1.2. Andesites and diorites and corresponds to G1 in northern Ghana (Block et al., 2015).
The basal tholeiitic basalt and gabbro are overlain and/or The plutons appear magnetically weak with uniform texture
L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439 427
Fig. 5. Litho-structural map with the position of four cross-sections (Fig. 9) and the Cu and Au deposits indicated.
(Figs. 3 and 6). In the gamma-ray ternary image, at least two 3) Small granite and granodiorite plutons of unknown age (G3)
NeS sub-domains can be distinguished: a western rich in K and intrude the Boromo belt across the whole study area. They share
eastern one, which has lower content of all radioactive elements the same magnetic characteristics with the G1 granitoids and
(Fig. 3e). are generally rich in all three radioactive elements. In the Bou-
2) A large coarse-grained undeformed granite, called the Gaoua guer anomaly image, these granitoid bodies do not show any
batholith (G2), which bounds the Boromo belt to the west. This distinctive characteristics, probably due to their relatively small
batholith is not dated; however, its elliptical shape and large size size.
(around 70 km from N to S) suggests that it belongs to the ME2
magmatic pulse (G4 in northern Ghana; Block et al., 2015). This
granite has also very weak magnetic response and uniform 4.1.5. Doleritic dykes
texture. It is almost entirely covered by lateritic duricrust, so that Doleritic dykes are easily traceable in the magnetic data as high
the expression in the gamma-ray data is unknown. In the Bou- intensity linear features (Fig. 3a,b). The dykes are not visible in the
guer anomaly map, the Gaoua batholith is characterized by a gamma-ray spectrometry grids nor in the gravity data. Only one
marked negative anomaly (Fig. 3f). generation of doleritic dykes oriented N135 was found in the study
area. The high-resolution magnetic data allowed us to trace dykes
428 L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439
Fig. 6. Apparent magnetization of lithological units resulting from the interpretation of the high resolution airborne magnetic data.
which were not previously detected in the regional scale data duricrusts display light turquoise colors while the soft pediment
(Metelka et al., 2011). soils appear as more potassium rich in shades of red and violet.
Fig. 7. Representative field and drill core photographs of the relationship between the mineralization and deformation. (a) NeS ductile fabrics crosscut by NEeSW shear-fractures
rich in chlorite and quartz, (b) NeS directed shear-zone marked by mylonitic fabrics associated to strong carbonation and sericitization, (c) brecciated diorite with triangular cavities
composed of chalcopyrite, quartz, anhydrite and carbonate, (d) crushed triangular mineralized pockets inferring intense cataclastic deformation, (e) oblique shear-fractures rich in
chlorite, sometimes carbonate and quartz.
wrap around the Gaoua batholith in the magnetic data (Fig. 3); highly anisotropic and mechanically weak volcano-sedimentary
however, they are truncated by NeS and NW-trending steeply- rocks the F2Ga folds are tight or isoclinal, the open fold shape in
dipping shear zones, which do not affect the granite, suggesting the gabbros and basalts may be explained by their rheological
that the tilting of the EeW units and the NeS and NWeSE struc- strength.
tures predate the granite. An outcrop of volcanoclastic rock NeS oriented steeply dipping shear zones are typical for the
(HO298) belonging to the oldest unit with S0 stratification dipping later stages of the D2Ga (Fig. 7a, b). They may be locally oriented NW
to the north at very shallow angles is located 25 km north of Batie (Nassara) or NE (N of Dienemera). These S2Ga shear zones, defining
(beyond the extent of the study area). The North dip of the strati- the structural grain of the study area, are very well visible in
fication is compatible with the D1Ga NeS compressional regime. magnetic data. They are magnetised or demagnetised but are most
The second deformation phase D2Ga resulted in penetrative often defined by sharp and rather long contacts between litholog-
metamorphic fabric of variable intensity and overall NeS orienta- ical units. The mafic and intermediate rocks of the Mt Biri e
tion (Fig. 8). A penetrative metamorphic foliation S2Ga defined by Dienemera e Gongondy area are affected by a large-scale CeC0
chlorite and actinolite is best developed in fine-grained tuffs and sigmoidal shear band defined by NeS sinistral and NE-dextral shear
volcano-sediments. The NeS strongly elongate form of units of zones. The shear zones at this locality are also traceable in topo-
alternating magnetic and non-magnetic basalts, gabbros and an- graphic data (Fig. 3e). Andesite/diorite breccia bearing the copper
desites at the western margin of Boromo belt suggests the presence mineralization (Fig. 7c) are affected by the S2Ga shear zones
of rootless isoclinal folds. At few places (e.g. east of Gaoua) the fold (Fig. 7d), which implies that hydrothermal brecciation occurred
hinges seem to be preserved (Fig. 5, Table 1). The curved shape of before the onset of D2Ga. South of the Gaoua batholith, the domain
the EeW oriented mafic units south of Gaoua batholith is inter- with EeW oriented structural pattern is bounded by NW- and NeS
preted as an open fold related to the D2Ga deformation. While in trending S2Ga shear zones from the west and east, respectively. The
430 L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439
Fig. 8. (a) Structural map showing field and ASM measurements. For lithology color legend see Fig. 5. (b) Lower hemisphere equal area stereoplots of field structural measurements.
ASM measurements are plotted for the D1Ga as there is only one field measurement corresponding to this deformation phase.
L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439 431
Table 1
Summary table of the lithologies; their mineralogical, petrophysical characteristics, and expression in the airborne geophysical data. DTM e digital terrain model, qtz e quartz,
pl e plagioclase, cpx e clinopyroxene, hbl e hornblende, act e actinolite, chl e chlorite, ep e epidote, bt e biotite, kfs e K-feldspar, kln e kaolinite, czo e clinozoisite, carb e
carbonate, hem e hematite, gt e goethite. The lithologies concerned are shown in color and the structures in red.
Lithology or Mineralogy Density and Geological map Airborne magnetic Magnetic image Airborne Radiometric þ shaded
structure mag. view response Analytical signal radiometric DTM image
susceptibility (*) Horizontal tilt response
Basalt, Gabbro pl, cpx, act/ High 2.90 High to low intensity, K, eTh, eU poor
hbl, chl, ep/ e3.11 g/cm3 variable NeS to NEeSW Gabbros relatively
czo, qtz 0.1 oriented magnetic fabric enriched in K
e150 103 SI
Andesite, diorite pl, ep/czo, chl, Medium to Moderate to low intensity Medium to high K,
(breccia) act, qtz high 2.73 poor eTh and eU
e3.07 g/cm3
e30 103 SI
Rhyolite qtz, ab, ep, chl NA Low, small bodies not recognizable High K, moderate
0,01 to
e0.12 103 high eTh and eU
Pyroclastic flow pl, ep/czo, chl, Medium to Moderate to low intensity Medium to high K,
act, qtz high 2.73 poor eTh and eU
e3.07 g/cm3
e30 103 SI
Tuff, pl, ep/czo, chl, Medium to Moderate to low intensity, smooth Medium to high K,
volcanosediment act, qtz high 2.73 texture, andesitic layers add moderate eTh and
e3.07 g/cm3 magnetic fabric eU
e30 103 SI
Tonalite, pl, kfs, qtz, bt, Medium to low Low to medium Moderate to high
Granodiorite, hbl 2.64e2.80 g/ intensity, no magnetic K, moderate eTh
Granite (Iridiaka cm3 fabric and eU
suite) 0.1e34 103
Granite, pl, kfs, qtz, bt, Medium to low Low to medium Moderate to high
Granodiorite (hbl) 2.63e2.73 g/ intensity, no magnetic K,
(Gaoua cm3 fabric mod. eTh and eU,
batholith) 0.1e37 103 strongly affected
SI by regolith
Granite, pl, kfs, qtz, bt, Medium to low Low to medium High K, eTh, eU,
granodiorite (hbl) 2.63e2.73 g/ intensity, no magnetic affected by regolith
(small plutons) cm3 fabric
>0.4 103
Fe-rich duricrust hem, gt, kln, NA Stippled textures in Low K, high eTh
qtz NA HD TDR, thick lareritic and eU
plateaus up to medium
intensity in AS image
(continued on next page)
432 L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439
Table 1 (continued )
Lithology or Mineralogy Density and Geological map Airborne magnetic Magnetic image Airborne Radiometric þ shaded
structure mag. view response Analytical signal radiometric DTM image
susceptibility (*) Horizontal tilt response
limiting shear zones cause abrupt truncations in magnetic data. oriented features are visible in magnetic data, in particular in tilt
The third deformation D3Ga marks a transition from ductile to derivative images (Fig. 3c, d, gej). Their distinct linear character and
brittle deformation. NW and NE-trending normal faults and frac- clear offsetting of the S2Ga shear zones suggests that they post-date
tures, affecting the pre-existing fabrics, are abundant particularly in the D2Ga structures. In many cases, the offset of previously devel-
the eastern part of the study area (Fig. 7a, e). Brittle faults in the oped structural fabric cannot be discerned. This suggests that the
zone south of Gaoua have more variable orientation due to spatial potential apparent displacement is smaller than 20 m or non-
accommodation related to folding of the mafic units at the southern existent. These structures, which may thus be either small faults
limit of the Gaoua batholith. In contrast to the regional magnetic or fractures, are all classified in the map as fractures.
data (Metelka et al., 2011), these structures can be clearly seen as The last deformation event D4Ga is characterized by an EeW
linear features in the high resolution data. Many NW- and NE- trending S4Ga spaced cleavage, crenulation cleavage, and chevron
or kink folds. The cleavage and fold axial planes are in general pyrites and remobilization of first-generation of disseminated
steeply dipping and cross-cut the S2Ga and S3Ga fabrics at a high gold. This mineralization event is the richest of the Gaoua deposit.
angle. They are too small to be seen in geophysical data. Reverse Similar gold mineralization occurs in the nearby Nassara deposit.
faults with relatively small offsets dipping to the north and south
are observed mostly in highly anisotropic lithologies. Being 6. Discussion
shallow, near-surface faults, they are best discernible in the tilt
derivative images (Fig. 3c, d). These faults affect all the previous 6.1. Strengths and weaknesses of different datasets
High resolution airborne geophysical data (New Resolution
5. Mineralization events within the structural framework Geophysics, 2008, data owned by Volta Resources/B2Gold) and a
remarkably dense outcrop database of B2Gold (ex-Volta Resources
5.1. Copper mineralization Inc.) were used for the creation of a new 1:50,000 litho-structural
map of the mineralized zone around Gaoua. Compared to the
The copper mineralization in Gongondy, Dienemera and Mt Biri existing geological map 1:200,000 (Marcelin, 1971) and 1:500,000
is contained in sub-volcanic magmatic rocks of dioritic to andesitic (Metelka et al., 2011), the new map provides a much more detailed
affinity, commonly displaying a porphyritic texture. Whole-rock litho-structural framework, which is necessary for a better under-
geochemical data for these rocks indicate an enrichment in LILE standing of the mineralization processes. Shear zones and faults are
and depletion in Pb and Nb-Ta, a characteristic feature of magma- virtually non-existent in the 1:200,000 map, while the airborne
tism in an arc tectonic setting, and confirmed by a plot of the Zr/ magnetic data and locally also the DTM proved to be an efficient
NbeNb/Th ratios on the discriminant diagram of Condie (2005b) tool in tracing a network of up to four generations of structures. For
(cf., Le Mignot, 2014). Mineralization occurs in disseminated form, comparison, only three deformation events were distinguished
as infill of breccia cavities (Fig. 7), and in stockwork-like veins (Fig using the regional scale airborne geophysical data (SYSMIN e
7c). Copper is found as chalcopyrite plus, less commonly, bornite. System for Mineral Products airborne geophysics campaign
Pyrite, anhydrite, carbonate and quartz, accompany these sul- 1998e1999, data owned by Bureau des Mines et de la Ge ologie du
phides; they coat the walls of breccia cavities or fill the veins. The Burkina Faso; Baratoux et al., 2011; Metelka et al., 2011). The stra-
mineralized rocks are affected by a pervasive alteration character- tigraphy of otherwise homogeneous units (basalts, andesites) could
ized by pyrite, minor sericite ± carbonates, and, mostly in the vein be refined thanks to the magnetic and radiometric data. Gravity
selvages, biotite, K-feldspar and magnetite. These assemblages are data show significant lows situated south of Gaoua and along the
suggestive of sericitic and potassic alteration episodes, respectively. western margin of the Boromo belt, corresponding at both places to
However, the alteration is overprinted by the regional greenschist- mafic rocks at the surface, which would be expected to be char-
facies metamorphic assemblage, dominated by chlorite and acterized by gravity highs based on their density. The extended
epidote. A preliminary study of fluid inclusions in quartz associated gravity lows suggest that the mafic rocks located at the margin of
with the copper mineralization indicate that an orthomagmatic the Boromo greenstone belt are underlain by the Gaoua batholith.
brine saturated in Na, K, and metals (the inclusions contain chal- This interpretation implies that the Gaoua batholith post-dates the
copyrite and hematite daughter minerals), circulating at tempera- S1Ga EeW trending structures (S of Gaoua) and the S2Ga steeply
tures above 450 C (Le Mignot, 2014), carried and deposited the ore. dipping NeS shear zones (western margin of the Boromo belt).
The Cu mineralization was dated using the Re-Os technique on Otherwise, the gravity lows would be limited by the major S2Ga
pyrite, which indicated an isochron age of 2161 ± 23 Ma (le Mignot shear zones delineating the Boromo belt from the west. Gravity
et al., 2014; Reisberg et al., 2015). highs related to mafic and intermediate volcanism between Dien-
At Gaoua, the relationship between the D1Ga and Cu minerali- emera and Gongondy villages extends to the south where pyro-
zation could not be constrained and is discussed in Section 6.2. clastic flows and volcano-sediments are found at the surface,
However, formation of breccia and accompanying mineralization is supporting an interpretation of underlying mineralized mafic/in-
interpreted to be contemporaneous with, or to shortly follow, termediate units at depth.
emplacement of the diorite/andesite, and to precede the D2Ga Some drawbacks of the data integration method we used
deformation phase. During the latter, NeS oriented S2Ga shear (Metelka et al., 2011) need to be nevertheless highlighted. The
zones affected these rocks and caused further crushing of the airborne geophysical data (Figs. 3 and 6) show that one lithology
breccia, leaching of anhydrite and carbonate and closure of all open (e.g. basalt) may display a whole range of magnetic susceptibilities.
space (Fig. 7c). Local enrichments of pyrite and carbonate occur in We can overcome this ambiguity in the areas with outcrop
the vicinity of these shears and form a zone known as the “pyrite coverage, but in the zones where only geophysical data are avail-
front”, which contains gold mineralization. able there is a strong uncertainty in lithology discrimination. At
these places, we used a logic based on the presumed continuity of
5.2. Gold mineralization units, which is often of limited help in areas strongly affected by
ductile deformation. Another shortcoming is identification of
Gold is associated with NeS and locally NE- and NW-oriented structural features in weakly magnetic units such as tuffs and
steeply-dipping S2Ga shear zones. In the field, these structures are volcano-sediments. It seems likely that these mechanically weak
characterized by strong carbonation, chloritization and sericitiza- lithologies must be amongst the most deformed rocks in the study
tion, accompanied by intense quartz veining (Fig. 7b, e). Gold oc- area. However, they are mostly covered by thick lateritic plateaus
curs as disseminated grains in these shear-zones, associated with and magnetic data are too quiet in these zones to show any
second-generation pyrite. The gold-bearing second-generation structures. Moreover, the lateritic plateaus are slightly magnetic
pyrite could not have been dated by Re-Os method (for more detail due to the presence of maghemite, in which case they may over-
see Le Mignot, 2014). shadow the bedrock weak magnetic signal (Table 1). This is
The last generation of gold occurs in an intense network of particularly visible in horizontal tilt derivatives of magnetic image
brittle to brittleeductile NW and NE steeply-dipping faults related (Fig. 3d).
to D3Ga, which are rich in chlorite and locally carbonate and quartz As shown by Beard (2000), NeS trending structures (provided
(Fig. 7e). This deformation event caused crushing of pre-existing they are magnetically inhomogeneous or deformed) generate
434 L. Baratoux et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 419e439
(Fig. 10). These NW and NE oriented faults, easily visible in the field, places. This suggests that the two mineralization events are not
are also clearly traceable in the high resolution airborne magnetic related to each other. Based on the relative chronology it can be
data, while in the regional-scale magnetic images we only see very interpreted that the first gold mineralization occurs around or after
few of them. This is in part due to the small (maximum tens to ~2150 Ma, which is the youngest age of the Iridiaka suite granitoids
hundreds of meters) displacement on these faults. The fractures do affected by the D2Ga deformation (Parra-Avila, 2015).
not prove any displacement but the NW and NE pattern clearly Remobilization and economic concentration of gold is associ-
stands out in the magnetic data, probably due to demagnetization ated with the D3Ga deformation event of brittle to brittleeductile
along fractures. Absolute ages of D3Ga could not be established in character. The last phases of NE dextral shearing (equivalent of
the studied area. The dextral NE shear zones in the Sefwi/Comoe D2Ga) were interpreted as young as 2081 ± 1 Ma in Ivory Coast
belt, which may be compared to the late D2Ga structures, are as (UePb on zircon; Delor et al., 1992) and 2088 ± 1 Ma in Ghana
young as ~2081 Ma (Delor et al., 1992; Hirdes et al., 1992; Jessell (UePb on zircon; Hirdes et al., 1992; Jessell et al., 2012). The D3Ga
et al., 2012) and D3Ga would be therefore even younger than that. deformation phase must be therefore younger than that. No
The last deformation event D4Ga can be correlated with the mineralization is associated to the D4Ga event. These findings
regional D3 deformation (Baratoux et al., 2011). The timing of the suggest that zones of intense D2Ga deformation transectected by
last deformation event D4Ga could not be established and is either D3Ga structures are potentially interesting for further exploration.
late-Eburnean or Pan-African. Orogenic gold related to the late shear zones is very common in
ziat et al., 2008;
West Africa (e.g., Allibone et al., 2002a, b; 2004; Be
6.3. Implications for mineralization events of the sWAC Bourges et al., 1998; Klemd and Ott, 1997; Mile si et al., 1992;
Oberthür et al., 1997).
Two types of mineralization are to be considered: 1) an early
stage dominated by copper mineralization (it cannot be excluded 6.4. Regional tectonic implications
that some gold precipitated at this stage) concentrated in breccia
and veins within andesites and diorites in the NeS trending zone Tectonic setting and calc-alkaline character of the andesites and
around Mt Biri e Dienemera e Gongondy; 2) orogenic gold diorites hosting the porphyry copper deposit (Wenmenga and
mineralization which is either superimposed on the copper Affaton, 2003; Naba, 2010) suggest that the early-stage minerali-
mineralization or occurs at places with no previous copper depo- zation took place in a volcanic arc environment. Voluminous
sition, such as Nassara or Gomblora (Fig. 10). tholeiitic mafic units of the Boromo belt are consistent with a back-
The fact that the most of the copper mineralization is contained arc setting (Beziat et al., 2000). The ZneAg deposit at Perkoa, in the
in intrusive or sub-volcanic rocks of arc affinity, together with the north of the Boromo greenstone belt, is interpreted as a volcanic
style of mineralization, the mineralogical and alteration features massive sulfide deposit (VMS) (Napon, 1988; Schwartz and
that accompany the ore, and the fluid inclusion characteristics, are Melcher, 2003; Schwartz, 2008), which also represents a mineral-
all evidences suggesting that the Cu mineralization at Gaoua is ization type typical of a volcanic arc setting. The occurrence of these
genetically related to a porphyry complex (e.g., Seedorff et al., two base-metal deposits in the same belt, a unique case in the
2005); a similar conclusion was also reached by Sillitoe (2007). context of the West African Craton geology, suggests a particular
Some of the features of the mineralization could suggest an alter- geodynamic setting of the Boromo belt in terms of formation but
native model of formation, such as being affiliated to iron oxide also in terms of preservation of the deposits.
copper-gold (IOCG) or volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) de- The Boromo belt sits on the western side of a contact zone of
posit types. However, these hypotheses are improbable, given the two crustal-scale domains, which show distinctive characteristics:
overall features of the mineralization, such as its size, the close 1) an early D1 NeS to NEeSW shortening phase is well developed
spatial association with intrusive rocks, absence of albitization, low in the eastern domain (Block et al., 2015; Hein, 2010; Perrouty et al.,
REE contents, etc. (e.g., Galley et al., 2007; Williams et al., 2005). 2012; Tshibubudze and Hein, 2013) while this phase is, apart from
The porphyry copper mineralization is associated with intense the debated mafic unit south of the Gaoua pluton, absent in the
brecciation, which occurred either synchronously with the diorite/ western domain (Baratoux et al., 2011); 2) high grade metamorphic
andesite and gabbro emplacement or shortly after (between rocks (regional upper amphibolite to migmatite facies) crop out
2185.3 ± 12 Ma and 2171.6 ± 9.3 Ma (Brownscombe, 2009) or abundantly in the eastern domain (Block et al., 2015) while
2161 ± 23 Ma (Le Mignot et al., 2014; Reisberg et al., 2015). While greenschist facies with amphibolite facies restricted to pluton au-
the relationship between the Cu mineralization and D1Ga could not reoles are predominant in the western domain (Baratoux et al.,
be established, it is apparent that the brecciated zones were 2011); 3) the overall orientation of the greenstone belts is NeE in
deformed by the D2Ga and D3Ga deformation events, which oper- the eastern domain, while it is NeS in the western domain,
ated after ~2150 Ma (UePb on zircon; Parra-Avila, 2015). including the Boromo belt; 4) first order NeS structure interpreted
The structural patterns show that most of the lithological units as a domain boundary transecting Burkina Faso and NW Ghana was
were affected by ductile deformation in the regime of EeW identified in various crustal-scale geophysical datasets (Jessell et al.,
shortening. Consequently, the rock units are no longer in their 2015a). All these characteristics suggest that the eastern and
original structural position, which must be kept in mind when western crustal blocks were assembled during Eburnean orogeny in
establishing the geometrical configuration of the porphyry copper a collisional setting.
deposit. The bottom and lateral sides today might represent a In contrast to the base-metal mineralization, the gold mineral-
completely overturned porphyry deposit. Deformation and meta- ization events in the Boromo belt are similar to other structurally
morphism typically obscure the primary features in most of the controlled orogenic gold deposits cratonwide (e.g., Allibone et al.,
Precambrian porphyry copper deposits (Laznicka, 2006). Tectonic 2002a, b; 2004; Bamba et al., 1997; Be ziat et al., 2008; Bourges
burial also contributed to the preservation of the copper deposit, a et al., 1998; Kadio et al., 2010; McFarlane et al., 2011; Mile si et al.,
rare occurrence in the context of Paleoproterozoic geology. 1989; Oberthür et al., 1997; Tshibubudze and Hein, 2013).
Gold was essentially transported by hydrothermal fluids under
greenschist facies conditions during D2Ga transcurrent ductile 7. Conclusion
deformation. Disseminated low-grade gold concentrations are
discordant with the copper-rich zones, transecting them at several We propose a new 1:50,000 litho-structural map of the Gaoua
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