W138a05 - 0023
W138a05 - 0023
W138a05 - 0023
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The information contained in this document supersedes all similar information that
may be found elsewhere in this manual.
Series 138 Standard Length, with Lead Wire Hole for Attaching Weights
1.0 INTRODUCTION Series 138 are used by the military for underwater
explosive testing, commercial use in gasoline tanks
PCB Series 138 are voltage mode tourmaline sensors and transformer shock wave applications. The
designed for operation underwater or in liquids sensors are ideal for monitoring dynamic pressures
compatible with tygon and nylon. (See specification because they exhibit near non-resonant response.
sheet in the back of the manual for range and
sensitivity). The charge generated by deflection of the
piezoelectric element when subjected to shock waves
Series 138 feature built-in ICP® amplifiers which creates a voltage on the input capacitance at the gate
convert the high-impedance voltage from the crystals of the amplifier. The amplifier, in conjunction with
into a low-impedance output voltage of less than 100 the source element, transforms this input into a low-
ohms. Power to operate the IC amplifier and the impedance signal of equal amplitude. The DC bias
output signal are conducted over a single conductor that exists on the signal lead is blocked from the
coaxial cable with a shield serving as signal return. output by a coupling capacitor in the PCB signal
Special low-noise cables are not required. conditioners.
Some models of the Series 138 feature a tygon tube PCB Model 070A03 adaptor can be used to adapt the
closed at one end with conical-shaped delrin plug. 10-32 micro jack on the 138 to a BNC jack. A
The plug features a small hole for attachment of a heavier coaxial cable (eg. RG-58/U) can now be used
weight. Other models feature a one-piece molded in place of the micro cable. Because of the large
closed tube. mass of the 070A03 compared to the 10-32 jack, this
connection should be sealed and protected from
2.0 INSTALLATION, CABLE shock and turbulence. Putting a two to three inch
ATTACHMENT, AND SEALING diameter of duct seal, wrapped with a waterproof
tape, will seal the connection and provide shock
THE CABLE/CONNECTOR protection at the cable/connector/ amplifier assembly.
PCB Model 070A09 Solder Connector Adaptor can
Various methods are used to mount the 138 sensors also be used to attach a short length (~two to three
for use in liquids. Care should be taken to prevent inches) of ribbon cable to a 138. The ribbon cable
conductive liquids from entering the cable or can then be soldered to an extension cable. The
connector assemblies, where they could cause ribbon cable and both solder connections should be
corrosion, short circuiting or degradation of sealed with a suitable waterproofing material.
insulation resistance. Various types of sealing materials such as
polyethylene and flexane have been shown to be
For low-pressure (<500psi) dynamic measurements, a effective for sealing cables, connectors, etc.
standard low-noise coaxial cable with an extruded
teflon jacket and a 10-32 connector can be used. 2.1 MOUNTING OR SUSPENDING
Heat shrink tubing, RTV silicon rubber or sometimes
silicone grease can make an adequate seal in an
environment with low static pressure.
After the cable/connector assembly is sealed, the
For high static pressures due to deep submersion or sensor can be suspended in the liquid where the
use in a pressure vessel, alternate methods of sealing measurement is to take place. For low dynamic
the cable/connector may be required. A method of pressure measurements (less than 500 psi), models
waterproofing the cable/connector assembly of a 138 featuring a small hole in the conical end piece of the
which also provides protection to the cable is to put a tube allow attachment of a light weight (~two lb.) to
flexible tube (plastic, tygon, etc.) around the cable suspend the sensor in a vertical position.
and cable/connector assembly. Tie the tube at the
metal housing with monofilament or fine steel wire. The line should be of light material (monofilament,
The opposite end of the tube must be above the level 15 lb. test) to enable it to break easily. This way, the
of the liquid or sealed around the cable to prevent sensor does not pull apart in the turbulence caused by
liquid from entering the protective tubing. Filling the the collapse of gas bubbles resulting from a shock
protective tube with a non-conducting liquid such as wave.
Dow Coming silicone oil can be done to prevent the
tube from collapsing. This will also equalize pressure For higher pressure dynamic measurements, alternate
inside and outside the tubing, helping to prevent a methods of suspending the sensor should be used to
conductive liquid (such as water) from entering. minimize damage from turbulence. Taping or
attaching (with cable ties) the sensor amplifier
In some blast applications, when using a standard 10- housing to a braided steel wire is a method that is
32 micro cable/connector, the high shock can flex the suited for use in higher dynamic pressure
cable/connector joint enough to move the center pin measurements.
of the 10-32 cable connector. This can cause noise
on the output signal. Protecting the connection from
shock may be required.
The steel wire can have a weight attached to it to If indicator is in green section of indicator panel, the
submerge the entire assembly. Tape or attach the IC amplifier is producing proper bias (+8 to 14
coaxial cable loosely to the steel wire at ~one foot VDC), cable connections are normal and the system
intervals. Attach a monofilament line (~50 lb. test) to is ready to operate.
the end of a steel wire braid, and let it hang down past
the end of the sensor. If the needle moves to the red area of the fault
monitor meter, output is zero and a short is indicated.
Attach a three to five lb. weight to the end of the Short could be located in amplifier, cable connectors,
monofilament and tape the sensor to the or power unit.
If the pointer moves into the yellow area of the fault
Another method of mounting the sensor is to tape the monitor meter, an open circuit is indicated with full
sensor to the surface of a structure. (The pressure power supply voltage. An open circuit could be the
measured when mounted to the surface of a structure result of a faulty amplifier, an open cable or open
will be twice the free field pressure since the pressure connectors.
wave reflected off the surface adds to the pressure
wave initially striking the sensor.) Allow the sensor to stabilize for about one minute. A
signal drift may occur when cable is connected to the
For applications in which the 138 is immersed only a readout instrument.
few feet into a liquid, and the blast may be in very
close proximity to the sensor, a steel pipe can be This drift occurs during charging of the coupling
placed around the cable and sensor so that only the capacitor in the power unit. The signal will stabilize
tourmaline sensing element is exposed to the blast. in several minutes.
Since the static pressure is not high, a standard micro 4.0 CALIBRATION
cable with 10-32 coax connector can be used with
heat shrink tubing to seal the cable/connector. Series 138 are calibrated dynamically using a drop
weight tester. For best accuracy, use the calibration
3.0 OPERATION certificate supplied. Factory recalibration is available
for a nominal charge.
It is necessary only to supply the sensor with a 2 to 20
mA constant current at +20 to +30 VDC through a 5.0 POLARITY
current-regulating diode or equivalent circuit. See
Guide G-0001B for powering and signal utilization This sensor series produces a positive-going output
information pertaining to all ICP® instrumentation. voltage for increasing pressure input. See the
specification sheet for polarity of the sensor.
Most PCB signal conditioners have an adjustable
current feature allowing a choice of input currents 6.0 LOW-FREQUENCY RESPONSE
from 2 to 20 mA.
The low-frequency response of an ICP® system is
In general, for best resolution, choose the lower determined by:
current ranges, and for driving long cables (to several
thousand feet) use the higher current, up to 20 mA l.) The discharge time constant of the sensors.
maximum. Line-impedance matching may be
necessary to produce flat-frequency response over 2.) If AC-coupled at the power unit, the
long (hundreds or thousands of feet) cables. coupling time constant.
Switch power on and observe reading of bias Consult Section 7 in General Guide G-0001B for a
monitoring voltmeter on front panel of the signal detailed explanation of low-frequency characteristics
conditioner. of ICP® instruments.
Observe the following precautions when using the
Phone: 716-684-0001
All specifications are at room temperature unless otherwise specified.
In the interest of constant product improvement, we reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Fax: 716-684-0987
ICP is a registered trademark of PCB Group, Inc. 3425 Walden Avenue, Depew, NY 14043 E-Mail: [email protected]