Model 482C15 Four-Channel, ICP Sensor Signal Conditioner Installation and Operating Manual

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Model 482C15

Four-Channel, ICP Sensor Signal Conditioner

Installation and Operating Manual

For assistance with the operation of this product,

contact PCB Piezotronics, Inc.

Toll-free: 800-828-8840
24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001
Fax: 716-684-0987
E-mail: [email protected]
Service, Repair, and Return
Policies and Instructions

The information contained in this document supersedes all similar information that
may be found elsewhere in this manual.

also good practice to recalibrate after

Service – Due to the sophisticated exposure to any severe temperature
nature of the sensors and associated extreme, shock, load, or other
instrumentation provided by PCB environmental influence, or prior to any
Piezotronics, user servicing or repair is critical test.
not recommended and, if attempted,
may void the factory warranty. Routine PCB Piezotronics maintains an ISO-
maintenance, such as the cleaning of 9001 certified metrology laboratory and
electrical connectors, housings, and offers calibration services, which are
mounting surfaces with solutions and accredited by A2LA to ISO/IEC 17025,
techniques that will not harm the with full traceability to SI through
physical material of construction, is N.I.S.T. In addition to the normally
acceptable. Caution should be observed supplied calibration, special testing is
to ensure that liquids are not permitted also available, such as: sensitivity at
to migrate into devices that are not elevated or cryogenic temperatures,
hermetically sealed. Such devices phase response, extended high or low
should only be wiped with a dampened frequency response, extended range,
cloth and never submerged or have leak testing, hydrostatic pressure
liquids poured upon them. testing, and others. For information on
standard recalibration services or
Repair – In the event that equipment special testing, contact your local PCB
becomes damaged or ceases to Piezotronics distributor, sales
operate, arrangements should be made representative, or factory customer
to return the equipment to PCB service representative.
Piezotronics for repair. User servicing or
repair is not recommended and, if Returning Equipment – Following
attempted, may void the factory these procedures will ensure that your
warranty. returned materials are handled in the
most expedient manner. Before
Calibration – Routine calibration of returning any equipment to PCB
sensors and associated instrumentation Piezotronics, contact your local
is recommended as this helps build distributor, sales representative, or
confidence in measurement accuracy factory customer service representative
and acquired data. Equipment to obtain a Return Warranty, Service,
calibration cycles are typically Repair, and Return Policies and
established by the users own quality Instructions Materials Authorization
regimen. When in doubt about a (RMA) Number. This RMA number
calibration cycle, a good “rule of thumb” should be clearly marked on the outside
is to recalibrate on an annual basis. It is of all package(s) and on the packing
list(s) accompanying the shipment. A complete list of distributors and offices
detailed account of the nature of the can be found at
problem(s) being experienced with the Customers within the United States may
equipment should also be included contact their local sales representative
inside the package(s) containing any or a factory customer service
returned materials. representative. A complete list of sales
representatives can be found at
A Purchase Order, included with the Toll-free telephone
returned materials, will expedite the numbers for a factory customer service
turn-around of serviced equipment. It is representative, in the division
recommended to include authorization responsible for this product, can be
on the Purchase Order for PCB to found on the title page at the front of this
proceed with any repairs, as long as manual. Our ship to address and
they do not exceed 50% of the general contact numbers are:
replacement cost of the returned
item(s). PCB will provide a price PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
quotation or replacement 3425 Walden Ave.
recommendation for any item whose Depew, NY14043 USA
repair costs would exceed 50% of Toll-free: (800) 828-8840
replacement cost, or any item that is not 24-hour SensorLineSM: (716) 684-0001
economically feasible to repair. For Website:
routine calibration services, the E-mail: [email protected]
Purchase Order should include
authorization to proceed and return at
current pricing, which can be obtained
from a factory customer service

Contact Information – International

customers should direct all inquiries to
their local distributor or sales office. A
PCB工业监视和测量设备 - 中国RoHS2公布表
PCB Industrial Monitoring and Measuring Equipment - China RoHS 2 Disclosure Table
汞 镉
部件名称 铅 (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) 六价铬 (Cr(VI)) 多溴联苯 (PBB) 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE)
住房 O O O O O O
电气连接器 O O O O O O
压电晶体 X O O O O O
环氧 O O O O O O
铁氟龙 O O O O O O
电子 O O O O O O
厚膜基板 O O X O O O
电线 O O O O O O
电缆 X O O O O O
塑料 O O O O O O
焊接 X O O O O O
铜合金/黄铜 X O O O O O
本表格依据 SJ/T 11364 的规定编制。
O: 表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求以下。
X: 表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求。
铅是欧洲RoHS指令2011/65/ EU附件三和附件四目前由于允许的豁免。


Component Name Hazardous Substances
Lead Mercury Cadmium Chromium VI Polybrominated Polybrominated
(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) Compounds Biphenyls Diphenyl
(Cr(VI)) (PBB) Ethers (PBDE)
Housing O O O O O O
PCB Board X O O O O O
Electrical O O O O O O
Piezoelectric X O O O O O
Epoxy O O O O O O
Teflon O O O O O O
Electronics O O O O O O
Thick Film O O X O O O
Wires O O O O O O
Cables X O O O O O
Plastic O O O O O O
Solder X O O O O O
Copper Alloy/Brass X O O O O O
This table is prepared in accordance with the provisions of SJ/T 11364.
O: Indicates that said hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for this part is below the limit
requirement of GB/T 26572.
X: Indicates that said hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials for this part is above
the limit requirement of GB/T 26572.
Lead is present due to allowed exemption in Annex III or Annex IV of the European RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.


ECN: 46162
Models 482C05 & 482C15


For powering ICP® sensors and in-line charge converters, this signal conditioner provides a cost
effective method for powering small numbers of sensor channels.

The 482C Series is available with many different options from PCB. This manual describes the
functions of the most economical signal conditioner with unity gain (482C05) and x1, x10, x100
jumper selectable gain (482C15), of that series.

MANUAL #: 38410
ECO: 43785

PCB PIEZOTRONICS, INC. 3425 WALDEN AVENUE DEPEW, NY 14043-2495 PHONE 716-684-0001 FAX 716-684-0987
ICP is a registered trademark of PCB Group, Inc. KS398
Table of Contents

Table of Contents i
1-1. Introduction 1
1-2. Safety Considerations 1
1-3. Equipment Rating 2
1-4. Model 482C15 System Description 2
1-5. Model 482C05 System Description 4
1-6. Installation 4
1-7. Grounding Techniques 4
1-8. Unit Power 5
1-9. Maintenance and Repair 5

Specification Sheet
Outline Drawing


1-1. Introduction
Model 482C05 is a basic ICP signal conditioner that provides an adjustable current source to drive ICP sensors.
Additionally it has open, short and overload input fault condition indicators.
Model 482C15 is an ICP signal conditioner that has all the features of the 482C05 plus jumper selectable (x1, x10, and
x100) gain options and an overload range selection. An easy to open cover, allows access to the jumper selections.

The following sections describe these devices in more detail.

1-2. Safety Considerations


The following symbols and terms may be found on the equipment described in this manual.

This symbol on the unit indicates that the user should refer to the operating instructions located in the manual.

This symbol on the unit indicates that high voltage may be present. Use standard safety precautions to avoid
personal contact with this voltage.

This symbol indicates that the test fixture, Model 482C15, must be connected to earth ground via the power cord.

The WARNING heading used in this manual explains dangers that might result in personal injury or death. Always
read the associated information very carefully before performing the indicated procedure.

The CAUTION heading used in this manual explains hazards that could damage the instrument.

WARNING 1: The power supply/signal conditioner should not be opened by anyone other than qualified service
personnel. This product is intended for service by qualified personnel who recognize shock hazards and are familiar
with the safety precautions required to avoid injury.

WARNING 2: This equipment is designed with user safety in mind; however, the protection provided by the equipment
may be impaired if the equipment is used in a manner not specified by PCB Piezotronics, Inc.

CAUTION 1: Cables can kill your equipment. High voltage ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) can damage electrical
devices. Similar to a capacitor, a cable can hold a charge caused by triboelectric transfer, such as that which occurs in
the following:
 Laying on and moving across a rug.
 Any movement through air.
 The action of rolling out a cable.
 Contact to a non-grounded person
The solution for product safety: 1) Connect the cables only with the AC power off. 2) Temporarily “short” the end of
the cable before attaching it to any signal input or output.

CAUTION 2: ESD considerations should be made prior to performing any internal adjustments on the equipment.
Any piece of electronic equipment is vulnerable to ESD when opened for adjustments. Internal adjustments should

therefore be done ONLY at an ESD-safe work area. Many products have ESD protection, but the level of protection may
be exceeded by extremely high voltage that is typically present in normal situations.

1-3. Equipment Rating

For complete specifications, please refer to the enclosed specification sheet. This equipment operates optimally at +32
to +120°F (0 to +50°C), in an environment having < 85% relative humidity. Its line power frequency range is
47 - 63 Hz.

The 482C05 and 482C15 devices require 32 - 38 VDC with approximately 200 mA to operate. In turn, they supply
26 VDC @ 2 - 20 mA excitation voltage to connected ICP sensors or in-line charge converters. The units get power
via PCB model 488B04 AC power adaptor (supplied with model), PCB model 488A11 car adapter or a 36 VDC battery
pack. All of these plug into a 5-socket DIN female connector on the rear panel. External power pin out information is
provided in section 1-8.3.

1-4. Model 482C15 System Description

Model 482C15 is a four channel signal conditioning unit designed to interface measurement signals to readout or
recording devices.

The following are features that come standard on 482C15 units:

 Input fault and overload LED’s with jumper selectable overload level of +/-5V or +/-10V
 Variable ICP source current, 0 to 20 mA
 Jumper selectable Voltage input mode
 Jumper selectable gain of x1, x10, x100 (482C15 Only)
 Lighted power indicator on the front panel
 Rear panel BNC input/output connectors
 Optional low pass plug in filters (477A series type) various 2-pole frequencies available (consult factory)

1-4.1. Model 482C15 ICP® Input/Output Mode

Model 482C15 contains a regulated 26 VDC power supply that provides constant current for up to 4 individual
channels. Both the output and input connections utilize BNC connectors and are brought out through the rear panel. The
unit is AC coupled only. The 482C series offers optional DC Coupling. Consult factory

1-4.2. Adjusting the Current Source

The current adjustment is located on the rear of the unit. Use a standard small flat screwdriver to adjust the “I ADJ”
potentiometer located on the rear panel between channel 2 and 3 inputs/outputs. Turning the adjustment slot clockwise
will increase the current, while counterclockwise will decrease the current. Do this adjustment only while a DC mA
meter or DMM set to mA is connected to any “ICP” BNC. One adjustment controls all channels. The unit is factory set
to 4 mA and can be adjusted between 0 - 20 mA.

Current adjust

1-4.3. Fault Indications

The three red LED’s on the front panel are all indicators of some type of problem. The normal operation state is when
all fault lights are off. The “OPEN” light indicates that the bias voltage is over that of most sensors and is close to an
open circuit voltage of 26 VDC. The photo on the cover is shown with the unit on, and no sensors attached, so the
“OPEN” LED is on. The “SHORT” light indicates a very low bias voltage close to 0 VDC. The “OVERLOAD” light
indicates a signal level of +/- 10 V peak has been detected and the signal may be in danger of clipping. These fault
lights are active for all channels at the same time.

1-4.4. Gain selection / Jumper definition

The 482C15 has internal jumpers that are accessed by opening the top cover. On each side of the unit are small slots,
which can be accessed with a medium size flat screwdriver. Press the blade into the slot gently, and the locking device
will be released, allowing the cover to be opened. The various jumpers are all labeled on the PC board. Each channel
can be set to your selected gain and other options. The selection of all these features with jumpers allows the 482C15 to
have the functionality of many other higher priced units at an economical cost. See the table that explains the function
and number of each jumper. “X” represents channel number.

Optional 477A Gain IC 5V or 10V (J1) Gain x100 Pin 1 Indicator (FILX00)

Gain x10 ICP mode Voltage mode selection (JX03) JX00 open 477A Enabled

Gain 1 10 100……….JX02…1 jumper per channel

Overload 5V/10V…...J1……..Controls all channels
Voltage Mode……….JX03.…2 jumpers per channel
Bypass Filter………..JX00…..Remove to install filter module
477A Filter…………FILX00...Install filter here per channel

1-5. Model 482C05 System Description

Model 482C05 is a basic four channel signal conditioning unit designed to interface measurement signals to readout or
recording devices.

The following are features that come standard on every 482C05:

 Unity gain
 Input fault and overload LED’s
 Variable ICP source current, 0 to 20 mA
 Lighted power indicator on the front panel
 Rear panel BNC input/output connectors

1-5.1. Model 482C05 ICP® Input/Output Mode

Model 482C05 contains a regulated 26 VDC power supply that provides constant current for up to 4 individual
channels. Both the output and input connections utilize BNC connectors and are brought out through the rear panel. The
unit is AC coupled only. The 482C series offers optional DC Coupling. Consult factory.

1-5.2. Adjusting the Current Source

The current adjustment is located on the rear of the unit. Use a standard small flat screwdriver to adjust the “I ADJ”
potentiometer located on the rear panel between channel 2 and 3 inputs/outputs (see section 1-4.2 for photo of current
adjust location). Turning the adjustment slot clockwise will increase the current, while counterclockwise will decrease
the current. Do this adjustment only while a DC mA meter or DMM set to mA is connected to any “ICP” BNC. One
adjustment controls all channels. The unit is factory set to 4 mA and can be adjusted between 0 - 20 mA.

1-5.3. Fault Indications

The three red LED’s on the front panel are all indicators of some type of problem. The normal operation state is when
all fault lights are off. The “OPEN” light indicates that the bias voltage is over that of most sensors and is close to an
open circuit voltage of 26 VDC. The photo on the cover is shown with the unit on, and no sensors attached, so the
“OPEN” LED is on. The “SHORT” light indicates a very low bias voltage close to 0 VDC. The “OVERLOAD” light
indicates a signal level of +/- 10 V peak has been detected and the signal may be in danger of clipping. These fault
lights are active for all channels at the same time.

1-6. Installation

Both 482C15 and 482C05 come packaged in a standard box and require very little in terms of installation. The box
should be located in such a way as to allow convenient access to the power outlet for disconnect purposes. Since these
units have low power consumption, they can be located in confined environments.

1-7. Grounding Techniques

Integrating either of these models into an application that links the outputs to other test equipment powered by line
voltages may lead to errors or loss of signal-to-noise ratio due to ground loops. The evidence of ground loops is easily
seen whenever the fundamental frequency (50 or 60 Hz) or a multiple of the fundamental frequency is present in the
system when the sensors are “at rest.” In order to maintain the operating specification of noise and reduce the effects of
line interference, proper grounding techniques should be used. The following procedure may be helpful:

1. Make sure the signal ground lines of all equipment are tied together. The signal grounds of the channels are typically
tied together via the case of the input and output BNC connectors. The individual channels of the Model 482C15 and
482C05 have their signal ground line tied together internally at the power supply.

2. Insure that the sensor does not pick up line noise from the body under test. The case of the sensor should be isolated
from the body under (ground) using an isolation pad. The isolation pad breaks the loop formed by the signal path of the
sensor to the unit and the return (ground) from the unit back to the sensor.

3. Make sure that all equipment signal grounds of the test system are tied to the Earth ground at a single point and the
connections linking the equipment ground are made using a wire that can provide a very low impedance connection.

1-8. Unit Power

1-8.1. Power: Standard AC Line adapter Model 488B04 (supplied with unit)
Plug the adapter into any 100 - 240 VAC 47 - 63 Hz power source, attach the supplied ferrite clamp on the AC cord to
ensure CE conformance, and press the “ON/OFF” button.

1-8.2. Power: Optional auto adapter Model 488A11

Plug the adapter into a 12 VDC power source, or automobile cigar lighter socket and press the “ON/OFF” button.

1-8.3. Power: Using other 36 VDC power sources, or batteries (not supplied with unit)
When using any 36 VDC power source for power, make sure to observe the correct pin out, as indicated on the rear
panel of the unit. Both models use a standard 5-socket DIN female connector. Pin information is provided below.

Pins 3 and 5 are (+)

Pins 1, 2 and 4 are (-)
Outside shell is earth/chassis ground

CAUTION 3: Refer to the rear panel for proper input voltage. Only PCB supplied power sources will
ensure noise specifications and CE ratings.

1-9. Maintenance and Repair

It is not recommended that the customer attempt repairs on 482C15 or 482C05. Should trouble occur, contact the
factory for assistance.
Manual Number: 38410
Manual Revision:
ECO Number:
Model Number Revision: J


Channels 4 4 Optional versions have identical specifications and accessories as listed for the standard model
Sensor Input Type(s) ICP®, Voltage ICP®, Voltage [2] except where noted below. More than one option may be used.
Voltage Gain(± 1 %)(at 500 Hz) x1, x10, x100 x1, x10, x100 [2]
Output Range(Maximum) ± 10 V ± 10 V
Low Frequency Response(-5 %) <0.05 Hz <0.05 Hz [5][3]
High Frequency Response(-3 dB)(x100) >50 kHz >50 kHz
High Frequency Response(-5 %)(x100) >17 kHz >17 kHz
High Frequency Response(-5 %)(x1) >100 kHz >100 kHz
High Frequency Response(-5 %)(x10) >40 kHz >40 kHz
High Frequency Response(-3 dB)(x1,x10) >100 kHz >100 kHz
Phase Response(at 1 kHz) ±1° ±1°
Cross Talk(maximum) -72 dB -72 dB
Fault/Bias Monitor/Meter(LED) Open/Short/Overload Open/Short/Overload
Temperature Range(Operating) +32 to +120 °F 0 to +50 °C
Power Required(for supplied AC power adaptor) AC Power AC Power NOTES:
Power Required(direct input to unit) DC Power DC Power [1] User adjustable, factory set at 4 mA (± 0.5 mA). One control adjusts all channels.
AC Power(47 to 63 Hz) 100 to 240 VAC 100 to 240 VAC [2] Jumper selectable on internal circuit board.
AC Power ≤ 0.7 Amps ≤ 0.7 Amps [3] Un-buffered output, read out device input impedance affects discharge time constant and low
DC Power <0.25 Amps <0.25 Amps frequency response of unit.
DC Power +32 to 38 VDC +32 to 38 VDC [4] Typical.
[5] The low frequency tolerance is accurate within ±25% of the specified frequency.
Excitation Voltage(± 1 VDC)(To Sensor) +26 VDC +26 VDC
[6] See PCB Declaration of Conformance PS024 for details.
DC Offset <20 mV <20 mV
Constant Current Excitation(To Sensor) 0 to 20 mA 0 to 20 mA [1]
Overload Threshold(± 1.0 Vpk) ± 10/5 Vpk ± 10/5 Vpk [2]
Discharge Time Constant(0 to 50 %) >7 sec >7 sec [3]
Broadband Electrical Noise(1 to 10,000 Hz)(Gain x1) 5.6 µV rms 5.6 µV rms [4]
Spectral Noise(1 Hz) 0.67 µV/√Hz 0.67 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(10 Hz) 0.10 µV/√Hz 0.10 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(100 Hz) 0.06 µV/√Hz 0.06 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(1 kHz) 0.06 µV/√Hz 0.06 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(10 kHz) 0.05 µV/√Hz 0.05 µV/√Hz [4]
Broadband Electrical Noise(1 to 10,000 Hz)(Gain x10) 21 µV/rms 21 µV/rms [4]
Spectral Noise(1 Hz) 5.10 µV/√Hz 5.10 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(10 Hz) 0.60 µV/√Hz 0.60 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(100 Hz) 0.22 µV/√Hz 0.22 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(1 kHz) 0.22 µV/√Hz 0.22 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(10 kHz) 0.19 µV/√Hz 0.19 µV/√Hz [4]
Broadband Electrical Noise(1 to 10,000 Hz)(Gain x100) 165 µV/rms 165 µV/rms [4]
Spectral Noise(1 Hz) 57 µV/√Hz 57 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(10 Hz) 5.2 µV/√Hz 5.2 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(100 Hz) 1.7 µV/√Hz 1.7 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(1 kHz) 1.8 µV/√Hz 1.8 µV/√Hz [4]
Spectral Noise(10 kHz) 1.4 µV/√Hz 1.4 µV/√Hz [4]
Electrical Connector(ICP® Sensor Input) BNC Jack BNC Jack
Electrical Connector(Output) BNC Jack BNC Jack
Model 017AXX Power Cord (1)
Electrical Connector(DC Power Input) 5-socket DIN (female) 5-socket DIN (female) Model 488B04/NC Power Convertor (1)
Size (Height x Width x Depth) 3.2 in x 8.0 in x 5.9 in 8.1 cm x 20 cm x 15 cm
Weight 1.25 lb 567 gm
Entered: LK Engineer: CPH Sales: ML Approved: ECB Spec Number:

Date: 7/18/2017 Date: 7/18/2017 Date: 7/18/2017 Date: 7/18/2017 38208

All specifications are at room temperature unless otherwise specified.
Phone: 716-684-0001
In the interest of constant product improvement, we reserve the right to change specifications without notice.
Fax: 716-684-0987
ICP® is a registered trademark of PCB Group, Inc. 3425 Walden Avenue, Depew, NY 14043 E-Mail: [email protected]

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