FAFO Zacapulco v1
FAFO Zacapulco v1
FAFO Zacapulco v1
Scene Challenge: Tunnels Scene Challenge: Turbine Shaft Scene Challenge: The Lab
The characters inally ind their way to the access The security door opens onto a cavernous, cylindrical The sound of groaning and shuf ling feet prompt the
tunnel that leads to the power generation center, but shaft where a massive turbine that lies dormant and group to make their way through a series of doors
not even employees have been past this point. They dark. Rickety catwalks lead from the door in both and blood-smeared corridors and into what looks
look down a long, industrial hallway that recedes into directions. Down some stairs to the left, you see like a facility housing scores of scienti ic laboratories.
darkness. Flickering luorescent bulbs make visibility windows and doors, suggesting a control center of Large, metal cylinders with broken glass panels
erratic, and the entire tunnel is plunged into some sort. Also, the catwalk continues up and to the dribble a viscous, green liquid on the loor that mixes
darkness for ten to twenty seconds at a time. As they right from here, towards the surface. with the blood from slain scientists in a thick slurry.
enter and the door closes behind them (locked, of Hundreds of security cells line either side of long
course!), they see in the distance a silhouette of a Conditional Objective, Di iculty 5 corridors, their thick metal doors hanging open
igure shambling towards them... Restart the Turbine ineffectually.
To the left, zombies are scarce, but there are still a If the players did not restart the turbine, this scene is
Objective, Di iculty 5 few. Once in a while, you hear the screams of a all in shadowy darkness. If they did, everything is lit
Reach the Power Generator surviving worker, or see someone plummet down the up with garish luorescent lights.
Zombies lurk in the darkness of the tunnel. Long shaft from above. To restart the turbine, players will The careless tap of a test tube causes the eerie silence
stretches of shadowy darkness hide lurking horrors have to reach the control panel and ind a surviving to be suddenly broken, and a chorus of groans and
as stragglers feast slowly on the remains of workmen technician to explain how to restart it. Players gurgling rises as more and more and more of the
who were caught in the chaos. Anything that searching side rooms and talking to survivors can zombies come shambling out of the cells! There's
advances the party down the tunnel can score a score successes. If they start up the turbine, the nothing to do now but run for your life.
success, but each time a success is scored, all players power comes on, and the egress at the top of the
suffer +1 FO for entering a new dark area (but see the stairs closes; they'll have to make their way out Objective, Di iculty 5
Caution and Awareness objective, below). through the lab. Reduce the dif iculty of the Escape the Horde
Zombie lurches out of the shadows: -1 Strike objectives in The Lab by one each.
Zombies, everywhere! Players who hold zombies at
Two zombies are feasting, but they see you: -1 FA The tech is too afraid to go out there: -1 FA bay with scienti ic equipment, ind a map or diagram,
Zombie almost knocks you off catwalk: -1 Strike use surveillance cameras to plot a route, or just
SideQuest Objective, Di iculty 2
Caution and Awareness Conditional Objective, Di iculty 5 frantically try different directions to run may score
Climb up to the Surface successes. Running through the halls without a plan,
It's dangerous to advance down this hallway. There's
however, is dangerous. Doing so will add +1 FO.
nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and anything could To the right, the stairs get more and more rickety.
be lurking in the darkness. If a player make a light There was obviously a ight here, zombie clamber Terrifying horde of the shambling dead: -1 FO
source (or managed to get one in a previous scene over piles of bodies where desperate technicians Zombies reach you, clawing and biting: -1 Strike
challenge) or come up with some other way to lush tried to make their way to the surface. Halfway up, Surprise SideQuest Objective, Di iculty 3
out dangers from the dark areas, they may advance the catwalk has detached from the wall and hangs Learn the Secret
this objective. When completed, scoring successes on precariously out over the turbine. An impaled zombie
Reach the Power Generator no longer increases FO. on it reaches helplessly for the survivors as they Players who try to investigate and see what caused
consider how to cross over it. Characters making the outbreak or what the scientists were doing here
Side access crawlways can still hide threats: +1 FO can score successes. If they complete it, they ind
Flushing out too many dangers at once: +1 FO progress upwards may score successes. If they
manage to climb to the top and escape, they'll emerge documentation about the research being done here,
You missed a zombie behind us: -1 Strike
through a door and ind themselves in the lab. complete with correspondence that can be used with
(Players will end up in the lab no matter which way a congressional committee to nail the conspirators to
SideQuest Objective, Di iculty 2 they go; it's a multi-story installation with more area the wall...provided the characters escape with their
Locked Door than they could hope to cover during a zombie lives. Otherwise, the players may escape, but
At the end of the hallway is a locked door. Players outbreak!) eventually, the world will fall to the zombie horde...
who try to open it may score successes. If they have I almost fell: -1 Strike Locked iling cabinet: -1 FA
the key card, they can pass this for free. Precarious, unstable catwalks: +1 FO How to use these state-of-the-art tape drives? +1 FO
The catwalk is coming apart: Add a D1 objective to ix. Zombies get closer as we do this: +1 dif iculty
Hurry, something's coming! +1 FO