Artificial Assignment

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AT stands Asdi kieial inte lligence. Th sbens to dhe

sinulation hummon Lintelligenee
HOchines. invD/ves the
Ldeuelopnend ot algouithmt that ena ble
lcomhudoss do dasks dlaat
danguage undenstanding atd deciion making dyhicaly utequine

AT Can be cotegouized inte do tai

daigned and
dained fot a specibic task
ell dlebincd tok bed il lacks
anal oogailive 01ce QHistanta
Gungle Auistant. o ell o oe co miendlalion
sewice oial anlihetelaulent
Sdaong A1: This tehesy to AT 3ytornn cthat passo
humanaual indaligste ad can undessBoond lean, ootd abb
theosedicol concet and
ban ochiened Jknouladge ut ot
ldate ebdombon 2021
lAT dechnaogis include aniackine
paoceing Combuton uicion
delect patteod. oake pedictim . oid inhzoye thein
Ihasgh eaperince
Date :
Page: 2

A] haiabhlication
aplication in kiolds, ch a
Ginance, dnassontation, outoin ment_education. Qonolhealthcan..
Tt has thethe padendial to oteuolutionize inalust sies
audamating aka onhacirg decisian malkirg and oealint by
isbhasdntis Ummovation HoJeLLAI alho
eHicad cuad &ooietad eoncea ns. uch os
bin in algoaübms. pivo isAes Ond jab diplanCemid
he potential miyue
advancecd AT dachsolagi.

Wha is the littexence be useen moAJO AT antd gomal A1

Naow A1 CAntiticil danoe inteligomeeltoad Gyehunal Alan
hodslibicial Gnesnal intellignce ) brepesendbe diltkenent daela
ok anihicio cababiliesi
1 Nato AT ueak AT): Narou AT Gcbers to AI Syter thci
desiancd and oained ba a specibic well-dekined tosk

Thig genonal
Aacday aud inclade akblication ile Voice

Sostuae Heeonmendationyatenlud
chanactoislics ok Nanso AT include:

Sgeoinlize and dak- specike.

imited dn a prsede kinad set ak achutiet:
Camnth aoobt do toks heyond ih psagc«aamned

ebe tn an octancea sortm ok AT tht

hunan lie cagitine abi lilisa ad be cabable oudak p0 42048
Date :
Page: 4

Thia hya.the tico fom at AT LoOld haue he ability to eason

salve mablen, Hhink abatacly . and oehibid tzeahaty Gasual

1 add osenialy be oble to penkus inde lectual
dase tot a huoman being
key chanacteriatics ot Gaemersal AJ imeude:

foseeA human- lusel indellignee aid cogoutiwe capabilitia

Caon uaderdtaud oud deasn fron expeniente da uanios damaind
Exhibi Camon semse eaAOMiMy and ada ptabidit
Can ponkom Qcoide hange ok dosk4 ai hout spacia lized gamming
omd conscigwnos (theoe ical)

Lwhad QLe some

neal- wald abpication ok AT ind usties
Jtke healt hcane, inomee and
tnaspontaion ?
AT has made signikicant imxogc in uaniaus incl uaties. incudg
healhcane. kinaxnce. and tanahokdation by dbt eriag imaoNaling
saludios dabiing ebsicieucy Here ane Some
these indusdie:
kHeolh coe
L Medical Inasing Aasoly: AT algosithd Can anayze medical
innages uch o x0 MRI3 and en scavs ) do asist
adlialagiska in dalec ig dienss lika deolikying
Iaioalia ad paouiding easlg dingosi
Drug iCAV AThelþ in omalyzing uat dlaBoset da paedict
potendiol daug camdidaBes Simulate naleculan intenactioga
lond aecelonote the datouegpaacet
3. onalized Tseatment: AT- chiveo sytom analyze pationd data
ta coteote pontornalized dieatnaou plard, ieclict potient outcomed.
clata ccammend aptimal intenMeAlioNd
A:Electonic Health Retorda (EMR) managernent: A can aut in
ntginizing ond glanaging dectaani hlh eata, imbrouicg

6. ommote fatiznt Manitating AI- pouezuud ueanable deuices aud

sensoHd can manitah poliemuital siapk oad alkerd onedical
prsDhesaons in Cae. ok bnoomaliti.
A.Audondmau, spisk 4.Catomtn. 3-CaediB *.Einance
Lond in
enhandng baning
senobd. oua
Mamagernend Sruice Stonieng bahasiou4
sakt Alelhic ne
chotbats: A1 to
ad inm awd
: A1 paserd male
Qnd A1 binaniol ÁT
oWeMeS oClBMtion:
aitiag enabdod A1- autbmoded
lgoithnka quriel algo.oiHemic
pountd adel
scaitdit daansationl
salh d and analyzed A1
cinirg medicth chat detect
guide bati analaze
masigade. do
Caedi Ua
cas,and kinancia culoman
indenuby decisen
histonisa mankat
peuonalza paten aptiuzin
datuck ibe thaough pokcntid dada
realme Shot by Déêpk Kümär
2023.08.13 17:05

2. aakiec moggement: AT odimized taatsic klau educeA

ahe dict dnabtic pottezng
ndiclie modelk

3Suppy Chain Optimization: AT inae Lagistie and sutply

Chain mamagenent by optinizing -pnedlieting
od nhancins inuenta mangemenh.
6 4 seelictive maintenance : AT analyzes daBa finam dnansportation
event bseak dooni

6. Dide- shaning and Ndavigalion A ouensd nauigalion aps ard

ride shain4g platkos ne aptiize sodes and paouide veal lime
tostotion to wcd:

Whal ole. do0s

does KT play im auutonomous vechicles and
colk oeiuing cas!
A1 pa a cuio nd cenal osle in dhe dewelpnnt onol
operalion ot outnamous vehicles Orno selk-civirg cans: Thsc
vehiches ouly on
ox odwamced A1
A1. dechnologies do peccine thein
ewionn okc decions, onol mawigote. 3abely Hoc's ho
oudo uomous ve hicles

Perceplino and Semsors fusian: Automomos vehles equippel
Souc enotL , Lo coþlu ULeal- line dlata about
hein swomdig
algorilar's poces cnd kusc thÀ hewsOHL data do cYeatea comprehe
muive d occunote
oepresenoon ot the vehices emiton mnd Thid
rnokles dhe vebicles do dslat oc idetiby
tbjeds, pedestiars, nod
e2 objed Totection ard
aolzed ono dada toToocking: A1 pouAed eorpuden
dolet ond driack oject in theon aloaidh s
uidny Tkia includes idandibjing ovd olasilyiM olhen vehicla
ogclite, obitnels, and pite nia hozaids vebiclu , pedeatziand
Locoizotion andmotping: A1 -diMen matping d
Lthe yehicle's poidin on locolizofion
on tthe
te onsad
tsade Siuiloneouy
roo one utd do
onhornce iraulbnanuy
pobidianing highdoinilisn
detoiled uncesitandi ot dhe accuwnact ano. paovide a

Maling: AI algosithnà on ceK date.

4hh Aamning and Dekion - yslemm to onale weal limt decisiors
penceplion and mabig
Saom enuinommantThis invale
ahouldmawigate sit
about how he uehicle predictig he behawio ok
plam a 3ake. and oksiciand ath,
othen. Land scasr ond antaking choices
dabic silualion

6CantaoBatony : A1 boxd condad ysten dhanslate he deision

Onade by e planmi aud deciiDn - abiry maclaes into precio
Command kos uehiclat aduato_ uch asQs stecning, accelksation
systems that the vehical
Lond baaking Thac Condo
maneuNehA nccunadely ond sabey
Gnachime Lonning andl Moch aaaming i Machine Jeasiry ad
A1 maels hat can

Luxal 0Hld diing esperitnces ad iscpave dhsin peubrniance

au sai- abe omechaniim kat enywe Hte satety ob autonmous
yobhicles leye amechosin dlolect ansaliw , omolhumetian, DH sabe.
boaditians aud aiges ahþsapoiat susfoses ko porescnt accideata.
8:Humom- Machine Tateuaction: A1.-odziven inten toces od Commnication
gstema llas autonannaus wehicles to iatenact wuith pakengexs ancl other
gac inalirg indenion to pelextxians Qmcl huUn -dainen vehicle


I has dte padential do utomate cendain doyes ad jobs that imuole

viouine nepelidive bud wule bescd acivilis . LS eould ead do

Ha eplacad by A1 especinlly host.

Loud dhat can be eoaily conclitied end automaled
Houseuen, Af ut a unilsam kosite dhat ill indiseaiminaty
ubeace all hunan job:

Jab Displacement and Taamnskoramaian: while AT moy Jead

lto the dispJace meni ok cendain jabait an also deac the
daamatuzmalian amcl Ceation oles

a Tool kox Human woskes: AT iA otten

that enbances hian caþobiJitis ouataen. than axepacemer

Emexgence ok nlew Imdusdniu: Te leveloprment deploment

Land naintenance ak A1 system Cxeate en job oppstumiti
kiclds uch os AT eAlanch data gcienace , achie leaanig

4: Tob Cadegoaies Lex ikely fa be Replacedi Job hat inualue

eanpeadeikion-oakigceote tinling
to be
inke tligzace
SReskiling and Uoakilling Te chogiry oh ladsa_e
amighoizes de jnpeloat

imblaatioa. domabon
7 duslamed d
TIL relocrskaurd to mades en johs willShot
ogpanduni iu

a balanaf

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