Fifth Age - Nanobot Rules

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Deploy Nanobots (Action)

Deploys a single swarm of the current type of nanobots to a spot within 10 feet of
you. If not in the range of target, moves 10 feet every round towards the target.
You may only have as many swarms as your nanostructure allows.

If you are a nanobot handler, this is determined by your level, giving you 2
swarms to start out with, 3 swarms at 4th level, 4 swarms at 8th level, and 5
swarms at 12th level.

In addition to this, you may raise the max amount of swarms you have by using
10 Nanobot Vials to restructure your nanostructure, but regarding the high price
of said vials, it may come at a high cost.

Change Nanobots (Bonus Action)

Reprogram the type of Nanobots currently equipped. This does not change the
Nanobots currently deployed.

Recall Nanobots (Free Action)

Recall the nanobots back to deploying point. You may recall as many swarms as
you want, but you must be within 30 feet of the swarm to recall them.

Types of Nanobots

Attack Bots
These bots attack creatures indiscriminately, starting with the ones they are
deployed on. If requested, the bots may do any specific type of damage (except
radiation, as that is one of the few types that kill nanobots). In this form, the bots
do a solid 10 damage to the target every round, stopping when they become

If desired, these bots may be tailored to a specific species, using a DC 18

Biology Check for organics, or a DC 18 Engineering Check for synths. If failed,
these bots resume normal attack functions. These bots will only hurt the specific
species they have been tailored to, but because of this, know exactly what to do
to hurt them badly. Blocked Arteries, Specific Weaknesses, all exploited to hurt
this type of being. In this form, the bots do a solid 20 damage every round.

Healing Bots
Similar to the Attack bots, these bots heal creatures indiscriminately, choosing
the right course of action depending on the creature. When the target is fully
healed, the bots seek out the nearest creature. In this form, they heal 8 points
per round.

Just as the attack bots, you may tailor the bots to only heal a specific species,
only successful with a DC 18 Biology Skill for organics, or a DC 18 Engineering
Skill for synths. They pump the target with stimulating painkillers while they clear
arteries, fix deep cuts, and oxygenate the blood. In this form, the bots heal 16
points per round.

Defense Bots
This type of bot is used in defensive purposes, reacting to the damage inflicted
on the target, and reflecting it of the target. Unlike previous bots, this swarm
protects a specific target, only leaving when the deployer recalls them. When
deployed on a target, these bots grant a +4 boost to AC per swarm, maxing the
AC at 20.

These bots have a hard time protecting from Radiation damage, so be careful
using them around this type.

Ability Bots
A hard to explain bot, these enhance one of the Target’s Ability Scores until
recalled. The type of Ability Score is chosen by the deployer, granting a +2 boost
per swarm, maxing the score at 20.

Distraction Bots
These bots specialize in debuffing others, making them much easier to subdue.
Chosen by the deployer, these bots can temporarily Blind or Deafen the target
until recalled.

If the deployer so chooses, they can make the bots even more effective, but a
greater understanding of the target is required for this type of action. This
understanding takes the form of a DC 18 Biology Check for Organics, or a DC
18 Engineering Check for Synths. These specialized bots can temporarily
Paralyze the target.

Custom Bots
You may program your bots to do any action or set of actions, but it will require a
skill check determined by the DM to see if you can properly program them. You
may also add a trigger action to the bots, but this makes the DC 5 points higher.
If you fail this check, the bots may go rogue, which is detailed below. It is a risky
move to use custom bots, but it can be very beneficial.

Action Type Difficulty Examples

Simple Command DC 5 ⦁ Cause harmless tremors in
the ground
⦁ Light Small Fires
⦁ (Basically Prestidigitation or
Thaumaturgy from 5e)
Intermediate Command DC 10 ⦁ Break a Door Lock
Simple Command with a Trigger ⦁ Play a sound to a specific
Action person when they pass
Set of Actions 2 Rounds Long
Complex Command DC 15 ⦁ Rewire a device from the
Set of Actions 4 Rounds Long inside
Very Detailed Command DC 20 ⦁ Brain Surgery
Set of Actions 6 Rounds Long
Extreme Detail-Oriented Command DC 25 ⦁ Infuse A Creature with a
Set of Actions Longer Than 6 Plot Device
Rounds ⦁ Petrify a Character, Then
Be Able to Unpetrify them

Rouge Bots
These bots are unpredictable, and may do actions never programmed in by the
user, even performing corrupted versions of the original command. It is difficult
to recall these bots, and requires a DC 14 Computer Use Check per rouge

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