This pay slip summarizes the earnings and deductions for Police Constable Mahesh Irappa Dalavi for the month of August 2021. It shows a basic pay of Rs. 23800, total earnings of Rs. 48083, total government recoveries of Rs. 8495, and a net pay of Rs. 39588. It was generated by the Deputy Commissioner of Police Armed Police in Naigaon, Mumbai on September 3, 2021.
This pay slip summarizes the earnings and deductions for Police Constable Mahesh Irappa Dalavi for the month of August 2021. It shows a basic pay of Rs. 23800, total earnings of Rs. 48083, total government recoveries of Rs. 8495, and a net pay of Rs. 39588. It was generated by the Deputy Commissioner of Police Armed Police in Naigaon, Mumbai on September 3, 2021.
This pay slip summarizes the earnings and deductions for Police Constable Mahesh Irappa Dalavi for the month of August 2021. It shows a basic pay of Rs. 23800, total earnings of Rs. 48083, total government recoveries of Rs. 8495, and a net pay of Rs. 39588. It was generated by the Deputy Commissioner of Police Armed Police in Naigaon, Mumbai on September 3, 2021.
This pay slip summarizes the earnings and deductions for Police Constable Mahesh Irappa Dalavi for the month of August 2021. It shows a basic pay of Rs. 23800, total earnings of Rs. 48083, total government recoveries of Rs. 8495, and a net pay of Rs. 39588. It was generated by the Deputy Commissioner of Police Armed Police in Naigaon, Mumbai on September 3, 2021.
DDO CODE :7101040599 NAIGAON MUMBAI Employee Name: (DGPMIDM8901) MAHESH IRAPPA DALAVI Designation:Police Constable Salary Month:August-2021 Date of Date of Birth: 15/08/1989 Date of Joining:19/09/2017 Retirement:31/08/2047 UID No: XXXXXXXX5579 Pay Commission :7th Pay Commission Level : S_7 (21700 - 69100 ) GPF/DCPS AC.No: Bank A/c No : IFSC Code: HDFC0000084 Basic Pay : 23800 17101030599MIDM8901I XXXXXXXXXX8652 Mobile No : 9518740322 Pan No : ASIPP3252B Emoluments Govt. Recoveries Non Govt. Recoveries Inst. Particulars Amount(Rs.) Particulars Amount(Rs.) Inst. No. Particulars Amount(Rs.) No. BASIC 23800 Prof. Tax. 200 H. R. A. 5712 GIS 360 DA_7PC 4046 DED_ADJUST 3899 SPL_PAY 750 STAMP_REVENUE 1 ARM A 80 DCPS 2785 S D A 20 F.A 1250 9/10 CLA (5th Pay) 300 WA 100 GROSS_ADJUST 3899 REF. Allow 1350 7th Pay DCPS/NPS 8026 Arr Total Emolument 48083 Total Govt. Recoveries 8495 Total NG Recoveries 0 Net Pay:- 39588 ( Thirty Nine Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Eight Only ) Bill No:- 992029003486 Bill Description:- 15/PC/P-223/T-24__DCPS EMP Gross Amt:- 15772131 Net Voucher No :- 776 Voucher Date :- 03/09/2021 DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF POLICE ARMED Amt:- 13632765 POLICE NAIGAON MUMBAI Note:Please confirm the personal details displayed on Payslip, if any information is wrong, contact your DDO to correct/modify it. This is a system generated payslip.Hence signature is not needed. Print Close Save