8-4 IPD Objectives For CEng v5
8-4 IPD Objectives For CEng v5
8-4 IPD Objectives For CEng v5
These IPD Objectives are based on the Engineering Council generic competencies and set out the related skills and knowledge of the discipline
of fire engineering.
You are not expected to be fully competent in all of these objectives. You must, however, have broad based experience and responsibility in one
or more aspects of fire engineering as well as some knowledge of related aspects.
A Use a combination of A.1 Maintain and extend a sound • Formal training related to your role
general and specialist fire theoretical to enable you to • Learning and developing new fire engineering knowledge in a different industry or role
engineering knowledge and develop your particular role. • Understanding the current and emerging technology and technical best practice in your
understanding to optimise area of expertise
the application of advanced • Developing a broader and deeper knowledge base through research and
and complex systems. experimentation
• Learning and developing new fire engineering theories and techniques in the workplace
A.2 Develop technological solutions • Carrying out technical research and development
to unusual or challenging • Developing new designs, processes or systems based on new or evolving technology
problems, using your knowledge • Carrying out complex and/or non-standard technical analyses
and understanding and/or • Developing solutions involving complex or multidisciplinary technology
dealing with complex technical • Developing and evaluating continuous improvement systems
issues or situations with • Developing solutions in safety-critical industries or applications
significant levels of risk.
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B Apply appropriate B.1 Take an active role in the • Identifying projects or technical improvements to products, processes or systems
theoretical and practical identification and definition of • Preparing specifications, taking account of functional and other requirements
methods to the analysis project requirements, problems • Establishing user requirements
and solution of fire and opportunities. • Reviewing specifications and tenders to identify technical issues and potential
engineering problems improvements
• Carrying out technical risk analysis and identifying mitigation measures
• Considering and implementing new and emerging technologies
B.2 Can identify the appropriate • Identifying and agreeing appropriate research methodologies
investigations and research • Investigating a technical issue, identifying potential solutions and determining the factors
needed to undertake the needed to compare them
design, development and • Identifying and carrying out physical tests or trials and analysing and evaluating the
analysis required to complete results
an engineering task and • Carrying out technical simulations or analysis
conduct these activities • Preparing, presenting and agreeing design recommendations, with appropriate analysis
effective. of risk, and taking account of cost, quality, safety, reliability, accessibility, appearance,
fitness for purpose, security (including cyber security), intellectual property constraints
and opportunities, and environmental impact
B.3 Implement engineering tasks • Ensuring that the application of the design results in the appropriate practical outcome
and evaluate the effectiveness • Implementing design solutions, taking account of critical constraints, including due
of engineering solutions. concern for safety, sustainability and disposal or decommissioning
• Identifying and implementing lessons learned
• Evaluating existing designs or processes and identifying faults or potential improvements
including risk, safety and life cycle considerations
• Actively learning from feedback on results to improve future design solutions and build
best practice
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C Demonstrate technical and C.1 Plan the work and resources • Preparing budgets and associated work programmes for projects or tasks
commercial leadership needed to enable effective • Systematically reviewing the factors affecting the project implementation including safety,
implementation of a sustainability and disposal or decommissioning considerations
significant task or project • Carrying out a task or project risk assessment and identifying mitigation measures
• Leading on preparing and agreeing implementation plans and method statements
• Negotiating and agreeing arrangements with customers, colleagues, contractors and other
stakeholders, including regulatory bodies
• Ensuring that information flow is appropriate and effective
C.2 Manage (organise, direct and • Operating or defining appropriate management systems including risk registers and
control), programme or contingency systems
schedule, budget and • Managing the balance between quality, cost and time
resource elements of a • Monitoring progress and associated costs and cost forecasts, taking appropriate actions
significant engineering task or when required
project • Establishing and maintaining appropriate quality standards within legal and statutory
• Interfacing effectively with customers, contractors and other stakeholders
C.3 Lead teams or technical • Agreeing objectives and work plans with teams and individuals
specialisms and assist others • Reinforcing team commitment to professional standards
to meet changing technical • Leading and supporting team and individual development
and managerial needs • Assessing team and individual performance, and providing feedback
• Seeking input from other teams or specialists where needed and managing the relationship
• Providing specialist knowledge, guidance and input in your specialism to engineering
teams, engineers, customers, management and relevant stakeholders
• Developing and delivering a teaching module at Masters level, or leading a University
research programme
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C.4 Bring about continuous quality • Promoting quality throughout the organisation as well as its customer and supplier networks
improvement and promote • Developing and maintaining operations to meet quality standards eg ISO 9000, EQFM
best practice. • Supporting or directing project evaluation and proposing recommendations for
• Implementing and sharing the results of lessons learned
D Demonstrate effective D.1 Communicate effectively in • Preparing reports, drawings, specifications and other documentation on complex matters
communication and English with others at all levels. • Leading, chairing, contributing to and recording meetings and discussions
interpersonal skills • Exchanging information and providing advice to technical and non-technical colleagues
• Engaging or interacting with professional networks
D.2 Clearly present and discuss • Contributing to scientific papers or articles as an author
proposals, justifications and • Preparing and delivering presentations on strategic matters
conclusions. • Preparing bids, proposals or studies
• Identifying, agreeing and leading work towards collective goals
D.3 Demonstrate personal and • Knowing and managing own emotions, strengths and weaknesses
social skills and awareness of • Being confident and flexible in dealing with new and changing interpersonal situations
diversity and inclusion issues. • Identifying, agreeing and working towards collective goals
• Creating, maintaining and enhancing productive working relationships, and resolving
• Being supportive of the needs and concerns of others, especially where this relates to
diversity and inclusion
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E Demonstrate a personal E.1 Understand and comply with • Comply with rules of professional conduct of the IFE
commitment to relevant codes of conduct • Apply professional skill in the interests of the employer and client for whom you act in
professional standards, professional matters.
recognising obligations to • Give evidence, express opinions or make statements in an objective manner and on the
society, the profession and basis of adequate knowledge.
the environment • Work constructively within all relevant legislation and regulatory frameworks, including
social and employment legislation
E.2 Manage and apply safe • Identifying and taking responsibility for your own obligations and ensuring that others
systems of work assume similar responsibility for health, safety and welfare issues
• Ensuring that systems satisfy health, safety and welfare requirements
• Developing and implementing appropriate hazard identification and risk management
systems and culture
• Managing, evaluating and improving these systems
• Applying a sound knowledge of health and safety legislation, for example: HASAW 1974, CDM
regulations, ISO 45001 and company safety policies
E.3 Understand the principles of • Operating and acting responsibly, taking account of the need to progress environmental,
sustainable development and social and economic outcomes simultaneously
apply them in your work • Providing products and services which maintain and enhance the quality of the
environment and community, and meet financial objectives
• Recognising how sustainability principles, as described in the Guidance on Sustainability,
can be applied in your day-to-day work
• Understanding and securing stakeholder involvement in sustainable development
• Using resources efficiently and effectively in all activities
• Taking action to minimise environmental impact in your area of responsibility
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E.4 Carry out and record • Undertaking reviews of your own development needs
Continuing Professional • Planning how to meet personal and organisational objectives
Development necessary to • Carrying out planned and unplanned CPD activities
maintain and enhance • Maintaining evidence of competence development
competence in own areas of • Evaluating CPD outcomes against any plans made
practice • Assisting others with their own CPD
E5 Understand the ethical issues • Understanding the ethical issues that you may encounter in your role
that may arise in your role • Giving an example of where you have applied ethical principles as described in the
and carry out responsibilities Statement of Ethical Principles
in an ethical manner. • Giving an example of where you have applied or upheld ethical principles as defined by
your organisation or company
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